Is it gonna be good?

Is it gonna be good?

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  1. 9 months ago

    Why did they misspell it?

    • 9 months ago

      After the whole special military operation devs rightfully went full sperg and spelled it the ukrainian way. As for the game, I fear it won't hold up to the original, but there's nothing I'd like more than being wrong in this instance.

      • 9 months ago

        I thought Ukrainians were having that language autism long before Russia invaded them.

        • 9 months ago

          They did, on the state level, but nobody gave two shits about it.
          But now that secret police takes you away if you aren't using their forced meme dialect during a traffic stop, everyone's doing it.

          • 9 months ago

            Not even on the state level.
            Ukrainian Rada meetings were conducted in Russian even in 2015 and Zelenskyiv couldn't even speak Ukrainian when he got elected. He could speak Yiddish though 🙂

      • 9 months ago

        >rightfully went full sperg and spelled it the ukrainian way
        Can you give me one reason why we should speak Ukrainian way instead of the English?

        • 9 months ago

          That is the English way now.

          • 9 months ago

            Should we then say "ukraїna" instead of "ukraine"?

    • 9 months ago

      They moved it to a new place.

  2. 9 months ago


  3. 9 months ago

    >chang engine
    >content locked behind preorders
    the only redeeming quality about it is day one GOG release which means it's easy to pirate

    • 9 months ago

      This. It looks like it plays like CoD.

      • 9 months ago

        Not really.

        • 9 months ago

          Now show the shooting.

  4. 9 months ago

    It will be a masterpiece.

    • 9 months ago

      I would really love to know what the hell the context of this image even was when it was taken.

      • 9 months ago

        Just an average stalker player on his way to enjoy some good ass video games.

      • 9 months ago

        Wow, zoomers have no imagination.

  5. 9 months ago

    Not a chance.

  6. 9 months ago

    Its also made for Xbox consoles, that pretty much means that its going to be shite.

  7. 9 months ago

    of course not

  8. 9 months ago

    >not PC exclusive
    >xbox sponsored
    of course not

  9. 9 months ago

    > Stalker's development cycle was so shit it gave us Xenus, Metro 2033, Survarium and Escape from Tarkov (partially)
    the splinters are gonna be good, I guess

    • 9 months ago

      >Metro 2033
      extremely shit
      >Escape from Tarkov
      The splinters suck ass

      • 9 months ago

        >Metro 2033

        • 9 months ago

          Metro is shit, consolized crap with AIs holding your hand and ruining the atmosphere
          t.30 year old

          • 9 months ago

            >30 years old
            Why even admit that, even online

          • 9 months ago

            why lie about your age on an indonesian slave trading forum, ur underage

        • 9 months ago

          >he didn't play the game I played when I was 2 years old! must be a younggay
          You halo xbox fricking homosexual COD morons have been underaged from my point of view since 2009, and you will continue to be fricking children in my eyes forever.
          Metro 2033 is just another flavor of linear worthless console poopoo peepee shooter, get fricked.

          • 9 months ago

            >cat poster is also underage

    • 9 months ago

      >in russia, even actors look like homeless drunks

  10. 9 months ago

    Yes it will be great, the reception for the playable demo was great, everyone is excited. Nevermind the schizophrenic slav constantly screeching about it.

    • 9 months ago

      I think it will be like bg3 where you're not allowed to talk about it here because of a few buttholes and it will just blow up after release.

      • 9 months ago

        It will be exactly like bg3 and all these stupid underage vatBlack folk will be screeching about how praise for it went from 0 to 110% overnight because they think they can just shut down discussion.

        • 9 months ago

          >It will be sloppy slop

    • 9 months ago

      Autumn Aurora Chad

      • 9 months ago

        nta but hell yeah, autumn aurora is my favorite way to replay SoC. i feel like it never comes up in mod discussions and is super underrated

        • 9 months ago

          What? AMK Autumn edition is one of the most popular mods for good reason, its the best

          • 9 months ago

            I made the webm. SoC with ZRP still remains my favorie. AA has some weird quirks that hold it back, for example the changes to foilage can result in completely obscuring mutants, doubled with the changes to the AI this becomes a big problem because if you shoot them they'll run away. Good luck completing a mission to kill mutant dogs when you shoot one and the rest of the pack runs 400 yards away in all different directions while being completely invisible. Did I mention having too many uncompleted missions fatally softlocks the mod? It does however have lots of good things too, which is why I use it on replays sometimes.

            Gamma is good too btw, pretty much the ultimate stalker experience.

    • 9 months ago

      >it will be great
      >posts old stalker footage

    • 9 months ago

      >modded stalker
      nothing comes close

  11. 9 months ago

    Obviously not.

  12. 9 months ago

    Being actual war veterans will help the devs make the engagements in the game more realistic.
    No more getting sniped by a makarov pistol half a field away through tall grass.

    • 9 months ago

      There would need to be an actual war for them to be actual war veterans. This shit going on between Russia and Ukraine is just propaganda and posturing. Neither side is actually trying to kill the other.

      • 9 months ago

        lol you haven't watched any footage from the frontlines.

  13. 9 months ago

    all the original stalker devs left
    and considering what happened in ukrane
    they are now dead and their wives are in germany fricking hoards of brown men
    i dont want to think about the animated corpse that is STALKER 2
    frick you OP

  14. 9 months ago

    is this going to be the stalker version of witcher/monster hunter/baldur's gate where it releases and it's extremely more popular than any of the other games then the community turns to shite shortly after?

    • 9 months ago

      There hasn't been a single game that was developed on both the Xbox and PC that has been good so i wouldn't worry about that

    • 9 months ago

      The community has already turned to shit due to all the swarm of TarkovBlack folk killing the modding scene with their 5 billion different meds, the Europe's totaly GDP needed to repair a handgun and 3 hour long reload animations.

      Death to Anomaly and death to Grok.

      • 9 months ago

        anomaly was fricked bro, i had to tweak it so much so i wasn't spending a ton of time shipping weapons around for cheaper repairs
        that being said
        >stormy night, almost sleep time
        >turn on the radio
        >trava u doma
        >finally decide to break down all the guns and trade with nearby trader for tools
        >rain, music, and the gunfire in the distance from rookies and bandits fighting each other, slightly worried it's gonna bleed into camp
        >finish up by hanging out at a campfire, eating/drinking and listening to random words of a language i don't understand next to a crackling fire
        >someone pulls out a harmonica as i go to sleep
        that being said I no longer want to play anomaly, was just shooting mercs and monolith so much compared to other stuff

      • 9 months ago

        >i-it's too hard! why are things expensive?! why is repairing so involved?! b-b-bing bing wahoo! 🙁

        • 9 months ago

          It's not hard, just moronicly time consuming.
          Oh damn, I spent 50 hours scavenging with my knife to afford an AK at half HP and a full magazine, and I have to manually click to fill the mags, it's like a real operator.

          Because that's what Stalker is about, it's not about the atmosphere, and the surrealism of the setting, it's about working your way up until you have a completely black XM8 with 5 different sights, the most tacticool and pouch-filled outfit ever and taking on some homosexual mercenaries that look like they geared up based on the advice of a 13 year old COD player.

          • 9 months ago

            well, either dont play it or disable/customize those options. The point of those mods and their integrations is partially at least, immersion, if you would go into the zone you would also have to deal with the same shit, finding better scope for you to use would improve survival chance, having better weapon for cqc while storming brainschorcher undergrounds would be no brainer, they do go too far with some shit, but then again dont complain that sandbox feels like sandbox.

      • 9 months ago

        I recently started playing STALKER again because 2 isn't far off and there's a lot of buzz around GAMMA but holy frick I hate it.

        I honestly thought I'd love it, but stupid shit like bandaging, using a med kit then having to take painkillers to fully heal has totally turned me off of it. I was fighting a bandit a few days ago and had to swap weapons 3 times because nothing was killing the dude, I guess because I wasn't using the right ammo or something. Rifle to shotgun to pistol just to kill one dude, with multiple shots from each, shit's moronic.

        • 9 months ago

          sorry I replied to this thread before realising it had devolved into another politics shitfling, how embarrassing

        • 9 months ago

          >had to swap weapons 3 times because nothing was killing the dude, I guess because I wasn't using the right ammo or something
          you need to repair your weapons. you can start the game with a .45 hydro handgun or slug sawed off shotty and that'll kill everything in the first half of the game in 1-2 body shots. if you pick up a gun with a broken barrel its only doing like 5% damage, the tool tip

    • 9 months ago

      The community is already pretty shit and stalker 2 will be more popular than the other series since its new, the number 2 indicates a sequel that normie morons instantly get their neurons activated upon hearing it, its made by poor innocent war victims which will cater reddit and indoctrinated americans and the new title gets dowgranded to be able to run in c*nsoles to cater the subhumans

  15. 9 months ago

    >console sequel to pc games
    It's gonna be... amazing. A game for decades of playing. Masterpiece. #Hyped #JoinTheSTALKERS

  16. 9 months ago

    Real stalker homies await this

    • 9 months ago

      Weird looking doggie

    • 9 months ago

      Stalker hatred

  17. 9 months ago

    Nah. It might have some comfy areas but I don't see a timeline where it feels like an immersive, HC survival tactical shooter and not like Metro Exodus 2.0

    • 9 months ago

      They already showed off the gunplay, looks like stalker and not call of metro.

  18. 9 months ago

    Didn't they burn their own office recently to delay the game again?

  19. 9 months ago

    It'll be at least very decent on release and amazing with mods over time. And at the very least x-ray engine will be forever finished and something will replace anomaly and gamma homosexualry forever

  20. 9 months ago

    I dunno, but I'm gonna play it anyway and hope for the best. What else is coming that fills the role of STALKER? nothing with any sizeable budget. Maybe Road to Vostok? still not STALKER enough nor will it be completed in a reasonable timeframe.

  21. 9 months ago

    UE4 as engine was wrong choice
    This is not Overwatch

    • 9 months ago

      >UE4 as engine was wrong choice
      Why? what's the bias against UE4? anything can be made on it with competent developers, it's entirely down to the professional level on who can make UE4 work out for their game. Although we're dealing with developers who made a janky game on their own engine in the past, so there's high chance for disaster on this one as well, maybe to the point of where modding is much more limited and unable to rectify issues. I wouldn't exactly say GSC are the most competent developer.

      • 9 months ago

        You can't mod unreal engine games

        • 9 months ago

          >You can't mod unreal engine games
          Yes, you can. That's entirely down to what tools the developer provides with their game. Usually there's a UE4 type game exclusive development kit if the developer decides to add mod support.

          • 9 months ago

            Name one game that had a good modding community built around a Unreal Engine 4 game

            • 9 months ago

              Pavlov. My most played shooter in VR and in general. Great modding community, it's down to the developer. What you should be worrying about is whether GSC is focusing on dumbing down the game for consoles instead of being PC focused.

          • 9 months ago

            Name just one game with mod support and im not talking about texture injector mods.

      • 9 months ago

        the problem with unreal, isnt you cant do stuff with it, the problem is you can make a AAA looking game in 15minutes then list it for preorder on steam. the question devs then have to ask themselves, do we really need to hire a bunch of programmer to get in the guts of the systems to make an immersive and cohrent game universe, or just hire some cheap artists and shove a bunch assets in the unreal box. the former is 1000x harder and riskier.

    • 9 months ago

      Only Tripwire can make real shooters on that engine and nobody else.

  22. 9 months ago


  23. 9 months ago

    For most stalker fans I think not, but Im looking foward it. Abonded soviet architecture exploration is enough for me to enjoy it.
    I wish war would end so I could go across ukraine.

  24. 9 months ago

    why does it look like a Far Cry game? don't get me wrong, I like Far Cry, but I couldn't help but notice some similarities like the detection meter, there's an animation for when you get knocked down and there's also healing animations

    • 9 months ago

      The first Stalker game had a detection meter too

      • 9 months ago

        yes I remember, but it was more like a visibility meter, the one in the trailer shows you the direction in which you're being spotted just like the one in Far Cry 3

  25. 9 months ago

    Died in an anomaly. Shot by Loners. Found with a stone around his neck. Thrown off a cliff. Torn apart by dogs. Made with Unreal Engine 4.

  26. 9 months ago

    I hope it's nothing like their trailer.
    My level of expectations fell after seeing it.

  27. 9 months ago

    >Is it gonna be good?
    It's gonna be Unreal Engine 5 slop that takes none of the things that made the original good and instead focus on what modders did to the original (overblown autistic animations, unnecessarily complex weapons upgrades, anti game mechanics like sleeping bags, etc). I hope it never gets released.

    • 9 months ago

      Damn that sounds great, I loved CoP MISERY.

    • 9 months ago

      The frick are you talking about, the gun customization is the same as before, just adding attachments.
      The only thing they took was the item using animations, and they are fast instead of the 30 minute long shit from Anomaly and GAMMA.

      • 9 months ago

        >The frick are you talking about, the gun customization is the same as before, just adding attachments.
        Oh boy here comes the GSC ballwashers to gaslight everyone. I gurantee they'll take the dogshit system from CoP and extend it further. It's going to SUCK.

        • 9 months ago

          Dude, there's a beta you can just download and play yourself.

          Is it that hard to say "lie"? Why would you use Twitter Newspeak?

          • 9 months ago

            Is the VSS in the debug version anon? If so do you mind posting a screenshot of it?

            • 9 months ago

              It is but I'm not sure if I took any screenshots of it.
              Gonna see if I have any, have one of the Gauss rifle.

          • 9 months ago

            >Twitter Newspeak
            Anon you're stupid.

            • 9 months ago

              Yes, and don't even go with the
              >BUT 100 YEARS AGO PEOPLE USED IT
              because we all know that shit was never used 10 years ago and you only use it because your fellow Twitter trannies use it.

              • 9 months ago

                I merely pointed out that this game is going to be slop and your first reaction is to start sealioning? Do you work at neoGSC?

              • 9 months ago

                I don't use the word because it sounds stupid. I'm just saying that you're stupid because for you everything is Twitter.

          • 9 months ago

            >there's a beta
            also is there a way to play it without downloading a 200gb torrent off of rutracker?

            • 9 months ago

              Nope, that's the full thing, it's that big because there's no file compression whatsoever.

              • 9 months ago

                I've seen some leaked gameplay screenshots and vids (including the ones you posted) and the game oozes atmosphere. I'm really looking forward to it.
                Also is it true that the story is fully playable, from beginning to end? I've seen the placeholder cutscenes dubbed in russian and they're really intriguing Nimble and Strider make an appearance, and both seem to frick Skif over. Only guy that's somewhat fair to Skif is Scar

              • 9 months ago

                Not at all, at least not in the beta, there's not a single quest or reference to the plot.
                It's just an unfinished version of the full map.

                There are some unfinished cutscenes, but they are just completely lacking in context.

              • 9 months ago

                >Not at all, at least not in the beta, there's not a single quest or reference to the plot.
                I swear I've seen the full intro to the game where some very interesting plot points are revealed. Can post a link if you'd like. BTW how is performance? What kind of hw do you have?

              • 9 months ago

                There is a part of the intro but it's just very clunky and unfinished.
                I avoided them mostly to avoid spoilers myself, but from what others have said there's just not much at all in there, just that you play as Strelok.

                >BTW how is performance? What kind of hw do you have?
                Garbage, no optimization whatsoever.

              • 9 months ago

                >but from what others have said there's just not much at all in there, just that you play as Strelok.
                You don't play as Strelok. Skif is another character entirely.
                >garbage performance
                how bad are we talking? sub 30fps bad or just "stuttery mess" bad?

    • 9 months ago

      Sounds amazing. Thanks for convincing me to bite the bullet and preorder, anon!

  28. 9 months ago

    i just hope there is some openness to it so i can still hunt for artifacts and loot bandits...
    i also hope blowouts will be dynamic and not ONLY scripted events pertaining to the story(wouldn't want normies to get upset they couldn't find cover)
    i'm expecting it to be run and gun slop

  29. 9 months ago

    >no xray engine
    d r o p p e d

  30. 9 months ago

    itll suck, but itll mean the wait is finallly over and i can put the series to rest in my mind

  31. 9 months ago

    If it's good this place is going to fricking implode, this is another game ala Doom Eternal that Ganker wants to seethe about for reasons unrelated to the game itself.
    If it's bad, Ganker will just shit on it for a few weeks and move on.
    But if it's good and sells this place will spend years having daily schizophrenic threads trying to convince anyone that it's bad and that everyone totally actually hates it.

  32. 9 months ago

    6/10 game that's gonna get its score balooned by ukraine pity.

  33. 9 months ago

    Russia will lose the war in Ukraine

  34. 9 months ago

    I hope we can hide that hideous skyrim compass

  35. 9 months ago


    >And where do you think the modern trend of saying "gaslight" came from if it isn't from Twitter?
    It didn't come from Gotham by Gaslight?
    I don't know maybe people just want to say fancy words. Just because for you everything is Twitter doesn't mean is also for me.

  36. 9 months ago

    No. Downgrades = shit game.

  37. 9 months ago

    Drones have caused me to hate both Russians and Ukrainians. They have ruined war. It is now soi. Nukes should be launched, followed by full scale exterminations.

  38. 9 months ago

    yeah but it'll be slavjank and that'll filter most people

  39. 9 months ago

    >you cant talk about that weird videogame you found when you were 14 on the otherside of the world anymore because of /misc/

  40. 9 months ago

    Why don't the white people blow up the yellow people's weapons factories etc?
    That is how you win war. Not digging a trench so you can get bombed. I am smart.

  41. 9 months ago


    Mutts won a war agaimst a couple billion muslims in a month.

  42. 9 months ago


    Enemy surrender = you win.
    Learn 2 war.

    • 9 months ago

      They surrendered by harrasing you with mortar, sniper and ATGM fire and IED's?
      The US failed to put down the insurgency and fricked off, they failed to achieve their objective, they lost.

  43. 9 months ago

    Feels like Metro Exodus

  44. 9 months ago


    US conquered it easily enough. Afghans turned out to be cowards.

    • 9 months ago

      >it's actually the locals fault for not accepting defeat and building us a puppet state
      I don't think I've seen this level of cope in a long time.

  45. 9 months ago

    There's no way. The first 3 were lovably jank and now they'll go Triple-A and miss all of the charm. Guaran-fricking-teed.

  46. 9 months ago


    Americans literally don't care. They stopped caring after it stopped being a war and became an occupation. They don't want durkas. Even as slaves. Don't want the land. They killed the bad guys and won. It was over. When it's not exciting anymore it's time to move on.

  47. 9 months ago

    no it will be Fallout 4 slavjank edition mark my words

  48. 9 months ago

    Inb4 Transexual stalkers. Black folk. israelites etc.

  49. 9 months ago

    It'll probably be fine. The gameplay trailers I've seen have been hard to judge, Stalker isn't the kind of game you can show off in short clips, you can only really get a feel for it with long bouts of gameplay.
    Again, it'll probably be fine. But I won't be surprised if I end up continuing to revisit SoC while Stalker 2 gets played once and that's it.

  50. 9 months ago


    I think you dumb homosexuals like to win so much you never fight. And that's basically why you're always losers.

  51. 9 months ago

    >"it's gonna be COD of STALKER le consolized BS!" "it's gonna be anomaly autism!" despite their being a leaked beta and gameplay at gamescon
    >ukraine war shitflinging for no reason
    >trannies mentioned
    yup, typical moron shit Ganker thread

    • 9 months ago

      its consolized crap based on that leak, anon

      • 9 months ago

        STALKER was never complicated before mods, nothing about it besides its engine not being able to run on old consoles needed it to run on PC, you can adapt the entire control scheme easily.

        • 9 months ago

          so we went from its not, to, well it is, "but"

          cool, cool

        • 9 months ago

          >STALKER was never complicated before mods
          The ballistic system, the A Life system, the lighting/weather system, the ammunition and artifact system were all pretty deep and took tons of effort to make.

          Modern audiences can't appreciate and thus the game will be simplified garbage for morons.

    • 9 months ago

      >It's going to be COD
      I wish.
      >Like Anomaly (invalid psychology term mentioned)
      Sounds good.
      >Ukraine war
      It's made by Ukrainians, a dev was killed by Russians
      Trannies = Bad game

      Typical Ganker thread these days is Jap/animu spam. Stalker is beloved on Ganker. Atamosphere is good. Can it survive in Ungood engine? No. But we still want to talk about it. All games are shit now. Talking about how they are bad almost conjures up games that should exist.
      If you don't want to complain about games you are in the wrong tube of the internet.

    • 9 months ago

      >It's going to be good because the fake gameplay video made it look good

  52. 9 months ago


    People forget Russia ruined Africa. All uni students are communist and stay that way their whole lives. Pretending to be workers as they parasite themselves. Russia is leftism's base and origin.

  53. 9 months ago


  54. 9 months ago


    >None of the native americans are shitting

  55. 9 months ago

    >game is also going to be on console
    literally all you need to know to realize this game will suck dick compared to the originals.

  56. 9 months ago

    >Game gets delayed a shit ton of times
    Not a single game has actually been good after this happens.

  57. 9 months ago

    most of you are lucky im not a mod, fricking poltard schizos ruin everything

  58. 9 months ago


    You do know that Russians are forced to attend marches organized by the kremlin, or they could face jail/fines?

  59. 9 months ago

    The original GSC has imploded a decade ago, now it's just random dudes collected by one guy who's barely connected with the original
    So no, it won't be good

  60. 9 months ago


  61. 9 months ago

    >+12 million people
    >10 times less casualties
    this is somehow a terrible loss for Russia according to nafosisters

    • 9 months ago

      sorry, 100 thousands km2

  62. 9 months ago


    >(insert statement that's real in my head)
    I read it on an CNN/RT tho?

  63. 9 months ago

    It will probably never come out

    • 9 months ago

      If only, it will be a simplified broken mess maybe salvaged 5 years later if the mod tools come out and are powerful enough to make total conversions.
      That is, if Microsoft or some other company doesn't buy GSC outright.

  64. 9 months ago


    ...youll get upsomethings for supporting russia on reddit or myspace or whatever you guys use now?

  65. 9 months ago


    anon your window shopping for coffins age. Your not 22 anymore. That was a decade ago

  66. 9 months ago

    >Metro is shit, consolized crap with AIs holding your hand and ruining the atmosphere
    t.30 year old

  67. 9 months ago

    at least it looks like they absolutely ignored any moronic miseryshit suggestions and it plays like normal stalker

  68. 9 months ago


    meanwhile russia was complaining about the us sending DU ammo and the us replied "if your worried about being hit with DU ammo, maybe pull your tanks away from DU ammo range"

  69. 9 months ago


    please tell me more about these "updoots". Im not aware of russian culture

  70. 9 months ago


    CNN is a private owned business and there for more immune against propaganda compared to news stations like RT who are state-controlled and there for are prone to propaganda.

    • 9 months ago

      CNN and RT are both owned by the ruling class, moron.

      • 9 months ago

        >CNN and RT are both owned by (insert statement that's real in my head)

        • 9 months ago


          • 9 months ago

            >(insert statement that's real in my head)

            • 9 months ago

              refer to


    • 9 months ago

      cnn is owned by warner bros

      known for such hits like tom and jerry, scooby doo and the flintstones

      • 9 months ago

        This is not video game related, anon.

        • 9 months ago

          i didnt bring up cnn, anon

          • 9 months ago

            i didnt bring up warner bros, tom and jerry, scooby doo and the flintstones, anon.

            • 9 months ago

              no, the specific claim was that cnn was privately owned

              which its not. Its owned by warner bros. Known for such hits like tom and jerry, scooby doo, and the flintstones

              • 9 months ago

                Is the warner bros owned by the government?
                I don't really get your point?

  71. 9 months ago


    cope more, russBlack person. the prominant actor for russian war propaganda is a gay porn actor homosexual

  72. 9 months ago

    No, globohomosexual has sunk it's claws into it. I can feel it

  73. 9 months ago

    slav game will attract slavs into fighting each other for a millionth time

  74. 9 months ago

    A modern videogame? What do you think?

  75. 9 months ago

    i am of the belief they should've made a sequel with the same exact graphics and artstyle as call of pripyat.

    the mood of the game is what sells it, and i don't think any modern game engine can replicate it.

  76. 9 months ago


  77. 9 months ago


    well then, enable weapons/armors on traders, buy top scar with grenade launcher, buy best armor, and stomp 80% of the game in first 5 hours, without looking at single corpse for loot..

    • 9 months ago

      nta, but you are so fricking moronic, it hurts reading this

  78. 9 months ago

    Bold of you to assume it's coming out. Grigorovich will set the office ablaze to cover up his failures.

  79. 9 months ago

    not on xray - so no.

  80. 9 months ago
    Menace II Society

    THIS shit thread turned into a battle between troonie Ukrainian homosexuals and polish Black folk vs mutt Russian orcs.

  81. 9 months ago


    Alexander allowed local 'ethnarchs' he respected to rule over their homelands. Most famously Atropates who ruled over the area called 'Atropatene' on that map (bellow Armenia) and Porus who ruled over the far East (labelled 'Kdm. of Poros' in India) - Porus being famously defeated by Alexander at the Battle of the Hydaspes.

    The other Satrapies were given to varyingly loyal Macedonian officers who fought countless wars among themselves after he died.

    The first great schism was between the faction who favored waiting to know the gender of the child that Roxanna of Bactria was carrying, the others who did not wish to wait to know the child's gender and favored Alexander's half-brother Arrhidaeus, who all ancient sources agree had some sort of mental moronation. The Macedonian officer Kassander ended Alexander's bloodline by having Roxanna, her child Alexander the IV and his mother executed. Arrhidaeus was himself executed by Alexander's mother due to seeing him as a threat to her due to being a widow and no longer a Queen Mother.

    In the end the Seleucids - descendants of Seleucus the Victor who ruled intially over Babylon - and the Ptolemies - descendants of Ptolemy who ruled initially over Egypt who famously stole Alexander's sarcophagus from its funeral procession - were the sole remnants.

    The defeat of the Seleucids by the Romans at the battle of Magnesia in 189BC ended the Hellenistic period - the greek hegemony over the mediterrenean world - their empire then being gradually conquered by the nascent Parthians out of modern day Iran shortly afterward

    The Ptolemaic Empire was handed over to the Roman Senate peacefully in the last will&testament of the last Pharaoh - Maximus Daia being the last Emperor crowned as Pharaoh in the traditional Egyptian coronation as far as is currently known.

    autism mode: off

    • 9 months ago

      I always forget them... the indo greek kingdom existed until 10AD, too. king Menander according to legend converting to Buddhism upon losing a debate with a monk. countless hybrid indo-greek coins and statues have been found in the area - they were conquered by the Yuezhi nomads.

  82. 9 months ago

    Plebbit and discord shitskins seething about Russians and Ukrainians lol and the other gay things Islam is a race lol

  83. 9 months ago

    The whole Russia/Ukraine thing proves one thing, America is invincible.

  84. 9 months ago


    the shitters in australian are sikhs, i feel like thats a bit different

  85. 9 months ago

    Any anons ITT make it to the Stalker 2 Gamescom booth this year?
    they were giving out some pretty sick merch but I missed it cause it sure as hell wasn't worth standing 5 hours in line for

  86. 9 months ago

    I myself only managed to get some merch off ebay. The dogtag (pic related) is pretty neat..

  87. 9 months ago

    oh yeah this was a stalker thread, i forgot
    couldnt even remember what the thread was about when scrolling down

  88. 9 months ago

    Stalker is my favourite game but i have 0 hopes for 2, there's just to many redflag
    >not pc exclusive
    >Content locked behind pre order
    >Shitty attempt to introduce nft
    >Gunplay looks cod like
    >Unrealistic release day
    Such a shame we probably never going to get any stalker game after this
    On positive side though new metro game is in making and may be good since exodus was such a cool singleplayer game

  89. 9 months ago


    It depends on the place.
    Rostok for example is finished, but there's a lot of missing vegetation in the more natural areas.
    Red Forest for example only has a few trees that are more or less surrounding the area where trees need to be added, and other places like the interior of the CNPP are just a bunch of grey, flat textures.

    • 9 months ago

      This is Reactor 4, and this place has to be visited considering there's a switch to teleport to what's probably the underground tunnels you go through in SoC.

  90. 9 months ago


    >buying a scam is caring about gaming
    Zoomer detected.

  91. 9 months ago

    >le both sides
    >wouldn't have happened without NATO
    ivan you must be getting a really nice knife skin for these posts.

  92. 9 months ago

    Why are ziggers allowed on Ganker? Ban all indians and thirdies from posting here. It should only be allowed if you're NA, european or japanese.

  93. 9 months ago

    Take a look at recent game releases. Especially those that are powered by MS and then ask yourself: Is it really gonna be good?

  94. 9 months ago

    400k dead ziggers

  95. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      We don't discuss video games here. It's jaks, but made by underpaid Black folk and ziggers and gpt3 with brain damage.

  96. 9 months ago


    yes that was the joke. Sorry fogot i was dealing with...your kind

  97. 9 months ago

    Play STALKER Anomaly and be happy suka blyat.

  98. 9 months ago

    And people ask why /misc/ shouldn't be nuked.

    It fails as a containment board because if you let shit fester long enough it will eventually spread.

    • 9 months ago

      by that logic /mlp/ and /trash/ should be nuked too

      • 9 months ago


        • 9 months ago

          imagine Ganker full of furry and pony porn

  99. 9 months ago

    The* Ukraine

  100. 9 months ago


    Is Nigeria also currently at war, and not receiving any support from the rest of the world?

  101. 9 months ago

    >nafobot acivated
    20 abrams have been deposited into your ukraine account.

  102. 9 months ago



  103. 9 months ago
    in the

    >Scams your customers
    >Scams your publisher
    >Fake delays
    >Failed attempt to implement crypto shit
    >Instaed of working on the game spent thir time DMC'ing litryally-who belarussain YouTuberers in VK and RuTube talking about leaks.
    >Even Todd fricking Howard says "the game kinda buggy tho"

    Yep this game is fricking doa. Shame that GSC turned into Ukranian poltard shills.

  104. 9 months ago


    Caucus people are literally white stop crying fricking American shitskin

  105. 9 months ago

    Is this poo Muslim shitskin still seething because a Russian woman rejected him lol u will never get a Muslim Chechen wife

  106. 9 months ago

    no and frick your meme wars

  107. 9 months ago

    >stalker thread
    >less /k/ trannies than usual
    Counteroffensive going well i see

  108. 9 months ago

    >console stalker

  109. 9 months ago


    Half of those people have been in Russia for a long time since they were apart of the ussr also central Asians are hapa so why does that matter

  110. 9 months ago


    Ugly fake little blond goblin in a skit why would I care is it your sister or something

  111. 9 months ago

    >stalker thread
    >"Is it just gonna be /misc/troons screech right ?"
    >enter thread
    >i am correct
    posting on /misc/ should automatically give a temporary ban on all blue boards, i do not have high expectations of stalker 2 tbh

  112. 9 months ago

    cool stalker thread

  113. 9 months ago

    >misery 2
    >last day
    >dead air
    >call of the zone
    these are all the same dayz/tarkov transitioning slop, if you expect stalker 2 to be like this you are gonna get filtered by the first bandit camp again

    • 9 months ago
      • 9 months ago

        I'm pretty sure anyone who plays gamma can rip through any stalker game lol, go back to coping on /vg/ shitter

        yous will need the copium when stalker 2 plays as it should and not like your misery variant analmeme stimulator

        • 9 months ago

          You're gunna poop your pants when you can't slam the medkit hotkey while standing out in the open auto firing.

        • 9 months ago

          It's funny because I agree with you and you misunderstood me.

    • 9 months ago

      I'm pretty sure anyone who plays gamma can rip through any stalker game lol, go back to coping on /vg/ shitter

      • 9 months ago

        post that one zoomer streamer who eventually stopped their playthrough because they couldnt understand the headshot meta of stalker and you needed to get close to counter the low accuracy of weapons. the person in that webm already understands stalker

    • 9 months ago

      STALKER 2 isn't going to filter anyone, anon. Even if it IS super difficult, the kind of autists that enjoy Misery/Gamma aren't going to have any trouble.

  114. 9 months ago

    probably not

    i know Ganker seethes about anomaly for some reason but i think leaning into a sandbox would be more interesting, a big map with various factions and you can do whatever you want like mount and blade, set up a faction or join one and take over, or just do stalker shit.

    • 9 months ago

      >i know Ganker seethes
      It's not Ganker.
      1537 results.

      • 9 months ago

        I'm more partial to the term "Trannomaly"/

      • 9 months ago

        /vg/ really needs to be deleted.

        • 9 months ago

          But think of /gsg/, what would they do then?

          • 9 months ago

            >over a decade old general about "grand strategy"
            >they still haven't figured out how to play anything other than paradox games because its such an awful hugbox
            /vg/ REALLY needs to be deleted.

            • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        probably not

        i know Ganker seethes about anomaly for some reason but i think leaning into a sandbox would be more interesting, a big map with various factions and you can do whatever you want like mount and blade, set up a faction or join one and take over, or just do stalker shit.

        I'm more partial to the term "Trannomaly"/

        its the brutal doom of stalker mods

        • 9 months ago

          No it really isn't, its more like the ancient aliens of stalker mods, an entirely new super popular game among fans that only the most moronic of

          • 9 months ago

            *contrarians dislike.

          • 9 months ago

            it was hated because it was the #1 stalker mod on moddb

  115. 9 months ago

    Hopefully with all this slava ukraine autism the facial animation is ukrainian.

  116. 9 months ago

    however stalker 2 ends up i hope it doesnt have that fricking annoying thing in stalker where if you're running and run into any slight bump in the ground you'll completely stop

    i tried gamma a while ago and got so put off by it, no idea how i havent noticed it before

  117. 9 months ago

    it's on unreal, what do you think?

  118. 9 months ago

    i've learnt to keep my expectations low. you can't be disappointed if you never have expectations to begin with.
    i suspect it will have a lot antirussian, proukranian, proNato symbolism. to disassociate it from anything that could possible be interpreted as soviet glorification

  119. 9 months ago

    Now that the originals are open-source they can't be topped, they will be improving ad infinitum

  120. 9 months ago

    Third worlder thread

    • 9 months ago

      Black person

  121. 9 months ago

    Maybe. I hear the leak is based as frick but the game might release full of NAFO warmonger shit.

  122. 9 months ago


  123. 9 months ago

    Havent you guys seen the most recent gameplay? It looks like a ps3/360 game. Also journalists that got to play it say its incredibly unfinished like its borderline a proof of concept and 75% of the assets were missing including reload animations

    I knew since they moment the showed that pre rendered shit that it was fake as shit

    • 9 months ago

      >Also journalists that got to play it say its incredibly unfinished like its borderline a proof of concept and 75% of the assets were missing including reload animations
      no they didn't, they said it was good lol

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