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  1. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Why? I liked ES2

      • 1 year ago

        Because it's unironically soulless.
        Amplitude has always been sorta mediocre gameplay backed up by an awesome setting, but Humankind is just set on not-Earth, like Civ.

      • 1 year ago

        It's nothing like ES2, for the reasons already stated by the other anon: it has all the issues of typical Amplitude game, while not having a single strength.
        In fact, I'd like to point out the biggest issue is how everything is not just bland, but mechanically identical. It really doesn't matter who you pick, because the main game loop is the same regardless of choice and playstyle.

        give me 5 actual reasons its bad that isn't /misc/ screeching or im going to buy it and shill it here every day

        Incredibly badly balanced game, where picking War culture makes you WORSE at warring and Trade might as well not exist
        Science is broken on so many levels (even for a poorly-made 4X), not picking it only happens in eras where the "current" Science culture is shit
        Badly implemented resources, where they exists for bloat sake, rather than any useful effects
        Population is useless, it does frick all, it's a tile-placement game, with no need for population
        AI can't play this game for shit, since it just doesn't understand how various mechanics work
        If that wasn't bad already, it sucks 10 times worse in combat, so unless you are auto-resolving, AI just stands no chance, period

        On top of that, the release state of this game was atrocious. They've postponed the premiere, listened fully to complains from a closed beta, implemented those (genuine kudos for that)... and yet the release state was a bug-ridden mess that was so unstable, you were lucky if it didn't crash for 2 hours. Which obviously factored heavily to reception of the game as a whole.
        And other than that, what I've said to other anon - it's just dull and samey. There are barely no choices to be made in it or special gameplay, it's just drab Civ clone in pastel tones.

  2. 1 year ago

    It's a ton of fun and has some of the best war mechanics of any 4x game. I actually enjoy the way culture is done

  3. 1 year ago

    pretty shit

  4. 1 year ago

    >Historical Low: $13.44
    Not yet.

  5. 1 year ago

    give me 5 actual reasons its bad that isn't /misc/ screeching or im going to buy it and shill it here every day

    • 1 year ago

      The roleplaying sucks because every player only has a color instead of a permanent or log-term identity. Does it make a difference to (You), Mr. or Ms. Human Player, that you were playing as Olmecs last turn, and you're playing as Ottomans this turn? No, because in your mind you were just Team Blue with X Bonus last turn, and this turn you're Team Blue with Y Bonus. And your neighbors in the south? You can't even remember what they were or what they are, you just know that they are Team Orange. Frick Team Orange. Frick Humankind. Frick everything.

      I will not bother with any other reasons.

      • 1 year ago

        Worse, aome choices are clearly better than others in ceetain eras, so if you are going for a win you are practically railroaded into them.

    • 1 year ago

      i found myself checking if the devs have a schizophrenic disorder halfway in cuz the leaders in the game make civ AI look like sane human beings
      the culture change thing is cool on paper but is done so badly that it ruins the game
      the resources are an absolute frick, at a certain point there was only 2 oil wells in my world and i needed 3 to build something
      it is just really barebones and needed a ton more work before release
      for reference, i never cared for /misc/ stuff

    • 1 year ago

      The choosing of cuulture per era sounds like an interesting contrast to picking a historical faction w/permanent bonuses/rules.

      The idea being you build your own blended civ rather than cosplay an existing one. Issue is that it results in a somewhat disjointed, but overall very bland and damey feel. You never truly feel like each different game is different civ to the last, just the same civ just choosing different upgrades. No identity.

      My two cents though. Its good to have some new ideas in the genre. Just look at the effect of Endless Legend, now Civ is all about districts.

      • 1 year ago

        Districts kinda just ends with the map getting covered in districts though.

        • 1 year ago

          I didn't mean to imply whether they were good or not, just to highlight new 4X games that are NOT Civ have ideas that impact the genre.

          I can imagine a Civ 7 adopting a similar era choice for culture development, but without abandoning choosing a starting Civ.

      • 1 year ago

        >You never truly feel like each different game is different civ to the last
        >Implying there is any other path than Babylon-Greece-Khmer-Joseon-French/Persians-Japanese
        Even if this game wanted to, the way how it operates makes sure you WILL be picking the exact same things over and over again. Literally the only deviation is if you want more science or more industry in Industrial era.

    • 1 year ago

      It just isn't fun.
      If you want to buy an unfun game and shill it just to spite le /misc/ face all the more power to you, but I'd spend that money on something like a meal from a nearby restaurant or something.

  6. 1 year ago

    Is Old World a good game? I heard it's Humankind rival but good.

    • 1 year ago

      No. It also came out before HK, failed to make a splash and has latched on to a kind of anti-HK spin in desperation. This isn't to say HK is good either, but Old World is not good.

    • 1 year ago

      Frick no. It's actually amazing by itself how bad it is and how hard it failed at just about everything it was trying to pull.
      Ever played Civ: Revolutions? Imagine it having gimmick characters a la CK series. That's pretty much Old World for you.

    • 1 year ago

      In fact, OW was so bad, most of the money it ever earned came from being Epic exclusive for a year. Which by itself was a red flag for pretty much everyone, but as already mentioned, Steam release happened kinda around the same time as Humankind and people latched to it in dire attempt to have at least one "Civ killer".
      And what they've got were two mediocre Civ clones. At least Humankind has few good nuggets (the way how nukes work, outposts, nomadic tribe stage of the game, this sort of stuff) in the sea of shit, OW only has Soren's name to itself.

  7. 1 year ago

    I will pick the shit up when it's $1.99. Maybe check the prices in Turkroach currency.

  8. 1 year ago

    i never played humankind but heard opinions that Endless Legend with HK combat and QoL improvements would be best game ever, thoughts?

    • 1 year ago

      Endless Legend is the "love it or hate it" game.
      Either you will enjoy the lore and play for it, or you will be completely thrown off by the gameplay loop.

      • 1 year ago

        >Endless Legend is the "love it or hate it" game.
        Really? For me it just feels very 6/10. All the mechanics work at what they were designed to do, they just don't have a lot of depth and don't synergize well with each other, after 3 runs it felt like every game played the same and I had no desire to continue playing. Still got like 50 hours out of it.

        • 1 year ago

          For me it's 2/10. It's a mechanical mess, nothing makes sense, and the whole draw is "muh lore" and "muh atmosphere". b***h, I'm playing a 4X, not a P&C adventure game.

  9. 1 year ago

    I couldn't even start the game. crashed when I was customizing a head

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