Is it just me or was this the game that gave us a noticeable shift into the wrong direction?

Is it just me or was this the game that gave us a noticeable ‘shift’ into the wrong direction?

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

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Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    Yeah, it had a noticeable shift in the wrong direction of not mindlessly copying Kanto, having good writing, and having more difficulty. We need to to back to having low effort Kanto reskins like BW.

    • 10 months ago

      >of not mindlessly copying Kanto
      Did we play the same game?

      • 10 months ago

        You missed the Charizard and Chameleon books

      • 10 months ago

        The protagonist is from Kanto, of course his room reflects that.
        Then you go outside and everything is extremely different.

        • 10 months ago

          >The protagonist is from Kanto, of course his room reflects that.
          It appears you haven’t played Hoenn.
          >Then you go outside and
          Are subjected to hours of torture in the form of Kanto worship.

          • 10 months ago

            >brand new forms where the entire point is specifically that they aren’t in Kanto

            if you want to actually be subjected to “hours of kanto worship” then go play DPPt where literally half the gameplay is fighting Geodude/Machop/Ponyta/Zubat/Tentacool/Psyduck encounters

          • 10 months ago

            >It appears you haven’t played Hoenn
            I have, you have an empty soulless room in that region.
            The Alola room is a huge improvement.
            >Are subjected to hours of torture in the form of Kanto worship
            By finding those Pokemon variants that don't exist in Kanto?

            • 10 months ago

              >I have, you have an empty soulless room in that region.
              Are you sure? It appears you don’t know you can customize your room in those games.
              >The protagonist is from Kanto, of course his room reflects that
              So much for that. It appears this only applies to Alola where they worship Kanto like a god.
              >Pokemon variants
              Despite being a new gimmick introduced in Alola, Kantomons make up 100% of Alolan form Pokémon. Likewise the only mons to get unique Z-moves, besides Alolan mons, are Kantomons.
              At least Kalos gave other regions representation with its gimmick.

              • 10 months ago

                >you can customize your room in those games
                Right, I forgot about that. Still, all the decorations in the Alola room are from your country of origin, whereas the ones in Hoenn are bought in Hoenn.
                They make thematic sense in both games.
                >So much for that. It appears this only applies to Alola where they worship Kanto like a god
                You're not a foreigner in most other games.
                In Galar Kanto Pokemon are openly idolized, in Alola the Tapu are worshipped.
                >Despite being a new gimmick introduced in Alola, Kantomons make up 100% of Alolan form Pokémon
                Back then regional variants were a new mechanic so they showcased it on the most recognizable Pokemon.
                In SM you're a Japanese kid who moves to a distant tropical island, so the idea of familiar things being different is one of the main themes.

              • 10 months ago

                You’re trying so hard to defend Alola but failing. Hoenn’s PC also isn’t from the region of the game, yet his room doesn’t engage in flagrant worship of a different region.
                >a new mechanic
                So was megas.

              • 10 months ago

                >So was megas.
                Almost all of the Mega Evolutions were from Kanto or Hoenn (the other region they were shilling hard that generation).

              • 10 months ago

                Kanto (28%), Johto (13%), Hoenn (44%), Sinnoh (11%), Unova (2%), Kalos (2%)

                >Alolan forms:
                Kanto (100%)
                Kanto (35%), Alola (65%)

                It’s not comparable. Stop coping. There’s no fanbase worse than Alola shills.

              • 10 months ago

                Even more than I thought

              • 10 months ago

                >28% > 100% and 35%
                This is your mind on shilling the games that killed Pokemon.

              • 10 months ago

                Your stats prove

                >Hoenn’s PC also isn’t from the region of the game, yet his room doesn’t engage in flagrant worship of a different region.
                Because their original region is not specified.
                >So was megas
                Which is why a massive portion of mega evolutions was given to gen 1 mons.


              • 10 months ago

                Your cope doesn’t refute 28% with sizable representation given to every other region as well is not equivalent to only Kanto being represented in Alola.

              • 10 months ago

                All regions are represented in Alola.

              • 10 months ago

                Where can I get a Johto, Hoenn, Unova, or Kalos mon with a unique Z-move or special Alolan form?

              • 10 months ago

                Disingenuous post. You're including the ORAS megas, which aren't available in XY. Also, you can use Z moves on any Pokemon you want, so it didn't give any Pokemon an explicit advantage just by being from a shill region.

                There's no excuse for the regional variants though, I'll give you that.

              • 10 months ago

                >Also, you can use Z moves on any Pokemon you want, so it didn't give any Pokemon an explicit advantage just by being from a shill region.
                except for the crystals exclusive to one mon, given only to mons from alola or kanto

              • 10 months ago

                You keep on bringing them up but who the frick used those things besides the Eevee one? They were a novelty at best.

              • 10 months ago

                they exist whether you used them or not

              • 10 months ago

                And? The pokemon specific crystals weren't exactly an advantage over the normal Z moves. If anything, most of the time, they were worse because they were tied to very specific moves and tied on quite shitty pokemon while normal Z moves were flexible enough to be used by anyone. Can't say the same about Mega evolution though. Giving Charizard and Mewtwo 2 different megas while barely any Unova or Kalos pokemon got it? Now that is actual disadvantage

              • 10 months ago

                >Hoenn’s PC also isn’t from the region of the game, yet his room doesn’t engage in flagrant worship of a different region.
                Because their original region is not specified.
                >So was megas
                Which is why a massive portion of mega evolutions was given to gen 1 mons.

              • 10 months ago

                hoenn pc is from johto. both mom mentions this, and an npc in petalburg, while talking about norman

              • 10 months ago

                Wow you literally helped disprove your own argument. Of course the room of the child who just moved from Kanto will have stuff from Kanto. This is completely organic. While what the bottom picture shows is very artificially pushed and so the both are in no way comparable

    • 10 months ago

      > sun moon
      > having good writing
      >having more difficulty.
      1/10 bait

      • 10 months ago

        Mostly the totems in USUM.

    • 10 months ago

      GO BACK

  2. 10 months ago

    it gave us a bombardment of
    >fade to black
    >stupid 2 second cutscene
    >40 minutes of dialogue boxes if you spam A
    >2 second cutscene
    >fade to black
    and then repeat the whole process in <100 steps.
    Somehow the only feature to return in future games is vapid exposition dumps and time wasting cutscenes.

    • 10 months ago

      So Black and White then?

      • 10 months ago

        Yes but without the good gameplay or map design or anything that made Black and White phenomenal games.
        Sun and Moon were the worst case scenario of the way the series could have gone after Gen 6. Taking absolutely nothing good from it and instead all of the bad.

        • 10 months ago

          They were also, one of the few genuine attempts by the devs to do something new or interesting with the series after XY tired out the old formula of gyms to death. SM is quite revolutionary when you think about how it added so many new features into a series that had gotten very dead and lifeless by the time of XY. Kind of like how BW attempted to reboot the series. I won't say the attempt always worked, but it's something. Trials and totems were a hell lot more engaging than the bland and piss easy gym leader battles of XY with it's grating techno music. Regional forms were a cool way to spice up pokemon geographic biology, which admittedly has gotten out of hand at this point but still were cool new concepts when they were first introduced. A lot of SM is genuinely made with thought and care, even if the execution is lacking in many spots. It makes an honest effort to celebrate the franchise as best as it can.

          • 10 months ago

            >SM removed gyms
            >LGPE removed catching
            Why do people defend Gen 7 again?

            • 10 months ago

              Probably because both of those features had gotten incredibly stale in the franchise. It's pretty telling that Gen 8 brought both of them back and we know how that turned out

          • 10 months ago

            >They were also, one of the few genuine attempts by the devs to do something new or interesting with the series after XY tired out the old formula of gyms to death.
            By doing the same thing and just reskinning them at the last minute like they did because they didn't want to make unique assets.
            >SM is quite revolutionary when you think about
            Yeah it sure is revolutionary to make Gen 6 look GOOD by comparison of how shit SM were and the mass of features they scrapped from the series never to be seen again.

            • 10 months ago

              >By doing the same thing and just reskinning them at the last minute like they did because they didn't want to make unique assets.
              I guess it's ironic then, how little it took to breathe new life into the series if trials are "just reskins" according to you. It only makes XY look worse in hindsight that they couldn't bother giving nearly as much thought or time to the gym leaders or E4 or champion of Kalos like they could with Alola. It's truly a shame too because XY has some nice designs but honest to god some of the blandest characterization and plot in the series, as well as a difficulty that is astonishingly brainless even for the franchise. Which all results in the gyms in Kalos feeling like an obligation rather than an actual part of the region like they felt in Unova. Which is another point I'd like to bring, just like how Unova's gym leaders were fleshed out, Alola also fleshed out it's cast very well.

              • 10 months ago

                >how little it took to breathe new life into the series if trials are "just reskins"
                Literally yes. Because they cut the gyms at the last minute and morons praise how "fresh" it is in spite of how it was a cost-cutting tactic to avoid making new assets so late in development.

              • 10 months ago

                See, that only strengthens my point even more. If all it took was a simple cost cutting tactic to make SM feel less uninteresting than XY, why couldn't the devs do the same with XY itself? I mean arguably SM brought more to the table than XY with the aforementioned trials, totems, ultra beasts, regionals but it still managed. What was holding XY back from even just trying to be a decent unique game instead of just a watered down version of BW which backtracked on every single principle that made those games so good in the first place? I mean the thing that defines both BW and SM are their more thoughtful narratives, attempts at branching the series out and more darker and (at least relatively) harder gameplay. Why couldn't XY manage something similar?

              • 10 months ago

                It was a decent unique game. It put a lot of effort into developing its 3D models, introduced customization and greatly improved its online and competitive aspects in the form of the PSS and breeding changes. The narrative is grossly overhated by the community and does a good job of conveying its theme of bonds through Lysandre and AZ. The only sin that you mention that applies is a lack of difficulty which was and still is a normal ebb and flow through out the series. This also ignores the moments where you can genuinely get caught off guard in the game in its trainer battles with Furfrou Double Battle, Hawlucha trainer, Wobbuffet in Reflection Cave, or Sky Battles in general. There was an attempt somewhere in regards to the difficulty and its more thoughtful to consider the mistakes that could have lead not executing it the best way it can, rather than just assuming they did not care at all.

              • 10 months ago

                >It put a lot of effort into developing its 3D models
                While I recognise that, and I do not truly hate XY, I still think that it could've done so much more with the new technology. Things that it mostly spent on some of the most underwhelming stuff in reality
                >introduced customization and greatly improved its online and competitive aspects in the form of the PSS and breeding changes.
                These are appreciated, but ultimately they do little to change the actual quality of the game. Adding garnishing to a shitty soup won't make it better.
                >The narrative is grossly overhated by the community and does a good job of conveying its theme of bonds through Lysandre and AZ.
                The narrative is perhaps the biggest sin of XY. Never has there been such a profoundly uninteresting and recycled plot in the series, at least before SWSH. The way the game is paced essentially makes most players completely disregard or forget about most of the characters or the plot, which is another big issue. This is especially bad after the 2nd gym and also around the climax of the game's plot.
                >The only sin that you mention that applies is a lack of difficulty which was and still is a normal ebb and flow through out the series. This also ignores the moments where you can genuinely get caught off guard in the game in its trainer battles with Furfrou Double Battle, Hawlucha trainer, Wobbuffet in Reflection Cave, or Sky Battles in general. There was an attempt somewhere in regards to the difficulty and its more thoughtful to consider the mistakes that could have lead not executing it the best way it can, rather than just assuming they did not care at all.
                The difficulty was deliberately dumbed down even further than BW, which has already done it's part in giving Gym leaders and E4 only 3/4 Pokemon. But now XY made it so that they don't even have full movesets, and most important trainers, including the Champion herself end up being cakewalks.

              • 10 months ago

                >The narrative is perhaps the biggest sin of XY. Never has there been such a profoundly uninteresting and recycled plot in the series, at least before SWSH. The way the game is paced essentially makes most players completely disregard or forget about most of the characters or the plot, which is another big issue. This is especially bad after the 2nd gym and also around the climax of the game's plot.
                While I think mega evolution could have been better implemented in the plot, and characters like Sinia and Dexio felt out of place, I thought the narrative was executed quite well. The intention was to show how the bonds and connections you make with others are important, and highlights that with AZ's fall and reunion with Floette and also with Lysandre who rejects these ends up dying because of it. Likewise, the Looker Mission stories are even better and feature the most character development in the shortest amount of time in the series up to this point. I get the complaints with the friend characters and the pacing, I just don't like the idea of saying it's not a thoughtful narrative because it has a lot more thought and passion (KISEKI) than people give it credit for.
                >The difficulty was deliberately dumbed down even further than BW, which has already done it's part in giving Gym leaders and E4 only 3/4 Pokemon. But now XY made it so that they don't even have full movesets, and most important trainers, including the Champion herself end up being cakewalks.
                I agree in general, but I want to say that a lack of moves is generally a sign of better designed fights. Wulfric's Avalugg is criticized for its lack of a moveset, but if you compare it to its equivalent in Drayden, his Haxorus has two filler moves in Slash and Assurance. Even though it has a full moveset, it has a 50% chance of choosing something that it would be worse off doing. You can see this in BDSP too where some Pokemon only have a single move.

              • 10 months ago

                >Which is another point I'd like to bring, just like how Unova's gym leaders were fleshed out, Alola also fleshed out it's cast very well.
                That's an insult to Unova, which actually took the time to make the characters feel alive and breathing in the world where the Alola cast is all as one-note and samey as possible to they point they can't stop hitting you over the head with their boring tropes rather than getting any actual character development like Unova and all past regions had.

              • 10 months ago

                The Alola cast is perhaps one of the franchise's most well fleshed out bunch besides the aforementioned Unova cast. Every single character exists for a grander narrative or lore purpose. They do not just exist as bland carboard cutouts meant to fill in the type quota as they do in XY, where most fans struggle to even name or remember most of the characters. Like all the trial captains have backstory that you can interact with, you can get to know them better and visit their houses and get to know about their life. All the Kahunas similarly also have a presence in the game. The villainous teams are both very unique and interesting. Team Skull serves a great purpose to not only break the monotony of past evil teams but also to have light hearted but also genuinely touching look at the lives of delinquents and outcasts in society. Aether Foundation explore the side of a well meaning foundation that gets corrupted and evil. I can go on. Of all the things to shit on SM for, the characters are not it. Nether design wise nor character wise

          • 10 months ago

            I mean just take a look at the thought put behind the region's lore, culture, geography and pokemon. Alola is one of the few regions where you can be sure about it's own distinct identity with the revered Tapus, and the coming of age trials and Kahuna battles, the Z move dances etc. The pokemon also correspond to Hawaiian history and culture quite beautifully, as do the locations.

  3. 10 months ago

    If by "wrong direction" you mean actual effort and intent to create something more than the copy-paste Gameboy formula of 8 gyms to the elite 4, then absolutely

  4. 10 months ago

    I feel like that was XY. SM took the turn in the right direction but still relatively bad compared to the other mainline games. Any gen after thag took a nosedive yet again.

    • 10 months ago

      XY didn’t do anything different from any of the previous games.

      • 10 months ago

        I feel like that's the problem isn't it? It felt like they relied too much on the hype of moving to 3D to carry the game instead of innovating or creating a memorable game experience. Instead leaning hard on nostalgia to the point where the region lacks its own identity. Relying on the Kanto starters and legendaries, having parts of the map 1:1 copies of Kanto areas, having the main overpowered gimmick be accessible to only nostalgia mons that just get bigger and spikier.

        • 10 months ago

          >Instead leaning hard on nostalgia to the point where the region lacks its own identity
          Alola doesn’t fair any better in that regard.

          • 10 months ago

            which is why they're both shit

            • 10 months ago

              Instead of improving on the previous gen, it doubles down on all the worst aspects.

            • 10 months ago

              XY’s homages to Gen 1 are fine if they were never intending to remake Kanto, as they call back to the first game but now in a 3D setting. SM/USM’s pandering is mind-numbing and serves no purpose other than Kanto worship every other second.

              • 10 months ago

                XY's homages are worse because they have literally no reason to include them at all, other than because they can. SM has the excuse of being anniversary games. Gen 7's entire gimmick was it all comes together. That's why practically every region is referenced in SMUSUM, old forgotten characters are brought back etc. Sure the focus was heavily on Kanto, but that's justifiably because they were anniversary games meant to commemorate 20 years of Red and Green. Tell me why exactly we needed to have Pidgey as your forced first encounter, Viridian Forest copy pasted, Snorlax event copy pasted, Free Lapras ride, not one but two mega evolutions for two Kanto pokemon only, free Kanto starters less than two hours into the game etc in XY? It wasn't even the 15th anniversary. How then can you say that Sam's pandering was worse? At least the Alola games also make an effort to reference and celebrate other generations as well while Kalos lacks it's own identity as it dicksucks Kanto for absolutely n reason

              • 10 months ago

                So you're just going to ignore all the other regions that got attention in XY then.

              • 10 months ago

                Such as? When can you get the Johto or Sinnoh starters in XY? When can you catch legendaries from outside Kanto in XY? When can we meet characters from Hoenn or Sinnoh in XY?

              • 10 months ago

                I wasn't aware that there was only three criteria a game could be judged for in regards to homages. We'll just ignore all the references, megas and statues of older pokemon and rideable ones like Mamoswine

              • 10 months ago

                >SM has the excuse of being anniversary games
                Out of all the copes this has to be the worst one.

              • 10 months ago

                How is that a cope? The devs have come out and said that this was their goal. Sure the lion's share of it is KAAANNNNTOOOO but it at least had the decency to include other regions.

              • 10 months ago

                Kalos: First 3D game, references the first 2D game

                Alola: idk muh imaginary anniversary

                Galar: …

                >SM quite literally and justifiably being marketed as the 20th anniversary games is somehow "imaginary" and "cope"
                >XY having absolutely no reason to pander to Kanto and yet doing so is somehow is completely justified though because of completely arbitrary reasons
                If XY being the first 3D games justifies the Kanto shilling, then I guess you can justify the Kanto shilling in Galar by saying SwSh were the first mainline pokemon games on a home console

              • 10 months ago

                >At least the Alola games also make an effort to reference and celebrate other generations
                By having only Kantomons get Alolan forms and special Z-moves.

              • 10 months ago

                No, by having forgotten or old characters from older gens like Anabel, Cynthia, Grimsley, Colress, Dexio, Sina or the leaders of villainous teams etc appear in the game and giving them a spotlight. By including numerous references and easter eggs to older regions in the game itself, the best example being the Photo club in USUM which gives you a unique background for every region and not just Kanto. Meanwhile what did Kalos do other than dickride Kantoo to the extreme to the point where it lacked it's own identity? For frick sake, people used and remembered the Kanto starters in XY more than they used the region's own starters

              • 10 months ago

                Create a region with its own identity, unlike the Kanto vacation islands. Go back to discord.

              • 10 months ago

                You lost

              • 10 months ago

                >with its own identity
                Ah yes, the region where the first encounter is forced set to be something not from the region itself, but from Kanto

              • 10 months ago

                A region where not a pokemon from the region itself, but a pokemon from Kanto is the roadblock, in the exact same way as it was in the original Kanto games

                A region where the only pokemon to receive an overworld surfing sprite and is straight out handed to you is from Kanto

                oof. discord kiddies aren't gonna like this.

              • 10 months ago

                A region where not a pokemon from the region itself, but a pokemon from Kanto is the roadblock, in the exact same way as it was in the original Kanto games

              • 10 months ago

                A region where the only pokemon to receive an overworld surfing sprite and is straight out handed to you is from Kanto

              • 10 months ago

                Are you sure this is the angle you want to attack Kalos?

              • 10 months ago

                Muh anniversary so it’s okay, but it’s bad when the first 3D game celebrates 2D by re-envisions it as 3D.

              • 10 months ago

                Yes? If you want to talk about Pokerides, they also had representation for other gens with Sharpedo, Stoutland and Mudsdale.

              • 10 months ago

                >ignores how half of them are gen 1

              • 10 months ago

                >half of them
                So just as Kalos?

              • 10 months ago

                A region where...oh wait this is straight up just Kanto. Like they didn't even bother doing anything they just called it a day and said "designing a unique map for our new region? Nah we'll just copy paste from Kanto"

              • 10 months ago

                A region where starters from Kanto are given spotlight and are forced upon you less than an hour into the game while leaving it's own starters to rot away in irrelevance

              • 10 months ago

                A region where the starter form Kanto gets, not one, but two different gimmick forms over any of the region's own starters themselves

              • 10 months ago

                A region where the legendary from Kanto gets two different unique gimmick forms while it's own legendaries get...uhmm.....

              • 10 months ago

                A region where Kanto legendaries are the only ones catchable in game and have a whole quest dedicated to catching them while legendaries from the other regions get...

              • 10 months ago

                And look at the OVA that was released to promote XY! Look at how it celebrates the rich culture, identity and pokemon of Kalos. So unlike Alola, hmph

          • 10 months ago

            whose that ninja chick, this image is just enough potato where i cant read her name on the dialoge box

            • 10 months ago

              Then stop using your phone, go on your computer, and click the filename to see the full-size version.

              • 10 months ago

                i am using computer, your image is just shit quality

        • 10 months ago

          That's a disingenuous way to look at XY. Why don't you mention the addition of a new type that had only happened once before. Why not talk about the level of customization that the game offered that the previous games didn't (and had no excuse to). Actually having multiple animations for your Pokemon in battle + more animations in a new mode where you can play with them in Amie. And in general, higher quality online modes + Wonder Trade and actually improving enjoyment of breeding as a game mechanic. These are the sort of things that actually define the game, rather than just nitpicking Kanto pokemon showing up.

          • 10 months ago

            all of that is cosmetic, except for fairy type, which was a mistake

            • 10 months ago

              The PSS and Breeding changes / Super Training are not cosmetic

              • 10 months ago

                breeding was and still is gay

              • 10 months ago

                Breeding is by definition heterosexual.

              • 10 months ago

                stop breeding pokemon and start breeding some b***hes

              • 10 months ago

                I'm working hard to give your mom a better son.

              • 10 months ago

                i'm working hard to give your mom ligma

    • 10 months ago

      XY didn’t do anything different from any of the previous games.

      XY, SM, and SS all dropped the ball in their own way and their combined failures sunk pokemon into an endless sea of refuse

      • 10 months ago

        XY still didn't have any fundamental difference in gameplay or content compared to other first versions. A lack of a Z release has no bearing on the original game's quality.

        • 10 months ago

          >A lack of a Z release has no bearing on the original game's quality.
          GS is blatantly unfinished, RS is barren, DP is a disaster on every level, and BW are just okay. that is the level of quality XY is on.

          • 10 months ago

            >GS is blatantly unfinished, RS is barren, BW are just okay
            None of these are true.

            • 10 months ago

              I'll give you BW because other people seem to like it more than I do, but the other two are absolutely true.

        • 10 months ago

          Sure it does. Truly linear, fully tutorialized. Completely broken from a balancing perspective with default settings, casualized to the point of no return. Megas at the third Gym.
          A lot of these issue can be seen in Gen 5, to be sure, but it's XY where they go all in with this.
          There's also plenty of other issues with XY, of course.

          • 10 months ago

            >Truly linear
            Gen 5.
            >fully tutorialized
            Gens 3 and 4.
            >Completely broken from a balancing perspective with default settings
            Gen 1.
            >casualized to the point of no return.
            Gen 2.

          • 10 months ago

            >Truly linear
            The same amount of linearity in BW
            >fully tutorialized
            XY has a lower amount of tutorials compared to BW/BW2 and the games that came after it
            >Completely broken from a balancing perspective with default settings
            Not a fundamental part of the game. Most people restrict themselves in earlier games to make it harder as well
            >casualized to the point of no return.
            Arbitrary. Railroading started in Platinum and Linearity in BW

            • 10 months ago

              Somehow SM is worse. It’s like they stopped caring.

      • 10 months ago

        XY didn’t do anything different from any of the previous games.

        >of not mindlessly copying Kanto
        Did we play the same game?

        Keeping continuity != mindlessly copying Kanto

        • 10 months ago

          okay how about the Nugget Bridge, Kantonian Gym, every single Alolan form being a Kanto mon, half the ride mons being Kanto

    • 10 months ago

      >SM took the turn in the right direction
      It really didn’t. It was the first games in the franchise that made me go “this isn’t for me anymore”.

  5. 10 months ago

    the endgame was the worst in pokemon and thats saying something since gen1&2 only had the pokedex

    • 10 months ago

      Absolute moron.

      • 10 months ago

        Ok moron, you're the one entertained by kindergarten questions

  6. 10 months ago

    frick off discordies
    XY will never be good

  7. 10 months ago

    No, the shift happened in X/Y, we just didn't realize it until we were already playing the games. Sun/Moon was just the first time you could feel that we were on the wrong path before the games even released.

    • 10 months ago

      > No, the shift happened in X/Y
      what shift

  8. 10 months ago

    No, it continued the shift started in XY and continued in ORAS.

    • 10 months ago

      XY is closer to gens 1-5 than SM is to XY. Alola is uniquely terrible and caused irreparable damage that culminated into the travesty that was Gen 8.

      • 10 months ago

        Alola is family, Galar is glorified soccer matches.

      • 10 months ago

        This is a straight up discordgay meme that has been pushed hard for the past 2 years. XY is not at all close to Gen 1-5 and is in fact responsible for killing everything good done by those previous gems and resulting in the death of the series. Stop trying to make this happen, it's embarrassing for you and for your fellow Kalosperms.

  9. 10 months ago

    I liked all the side quests USUM had, it’s a shame they were never really brought back and marketed as “ULTRA CHANGES” though.

  10. 10 months ago

    It was so obviously Black and White when things started to go wrong.
    You would know that if you weren't a zoomoid raised on nugen slop

    • 10 months ago

      Black and White has the worst writing in the entire franchise by far, and that's saying something. And I'm tired of pretending it doesn't.

    • 10 months ago

      except gen 5 was good, unlike everything that came after it

      • 10 months ago

        Why do you think nugennergays can’t shut up about it? Unova was nothing special but it was the last set of conplete, feature-rich games with no moronic front and center gimmicks. This makes kalosBlack folk and alolagays seethe. But we can all come together and spit on switchBlack folk, they’re the worst.

        • 10 months ago

          This. BW/2 are all-around merely decent but they’re still the last good Pokemon games. Sprites are simply better, even when they’re low-res tweened garbage.

    • 10 months ago

      Actually it was DP, but they were still trying back then so BW ended up slightly better.

    • 10 months ago

      this. 7 is everything wrong with shitnova but somehow worse

  11. 10 months ago

    You right.

  12. 10 months ago

    It's not just you, but newbies will strawman trying to prove otherwise.

  13. 10 months ago

    That would be XY, yes.

  14. 10 months ago

    Went in the right direction if anything.

  15. 10 months ago

    If XY was the "right" direction, then wrong is better

    • 10 months ago

      >trannies see innocuous dialogue and somehow make it about themselves
      Brought to you by the same deranged people who can’t look at the colors blue, pink, and white without seeing a made up troony flag.

      • 10 months ago

        >MEDICAL SCIENCE leading to a SEX CHANGE
        >somehow this has nothing to do with trannies

        • 10 months ago

          Only a troony can interpret a woman no longer being into physical activities as a troony. Your kind searches everywhere for validation: you WISH you were normal.

  16. 10 months ago

    It was definitely a different kind of game form the rest but it was not the one responsible for the shift. Its success definitely influenced SV though.

  17. 10 months ago

    BW was. It started a bunch of weird trends that future games would adopt and make worse, such as heavy story focus, frequent cutscenes, pointless content removal, etc. Most of this stuff was excusable back then because it was new, and there was a ton of content. Even the cutscenes were quick and didn't have to load. XY was a 3d copypaste with all of these problems being made worse due to Game Freak's inexperience with 3d. The issues are made more apparent with each new game, with new issues introduced each gen. ORAS didn't have Emerald content and casualized an already easy game. SM ran at <30 fps on normal 3ds models, with some battles dipping down to the single digits. USUM didn't fix any of SM's problems and made some of them worse, and didn't add any notable content. LGPE was Pokemon's first HD game and it did absolutely nothing new, just a copy paste of Yellow to the point where it had the same gameplay and pacing issues as the 25 year old games they were remakes of. SS cut Pokemon out of the game and the story is possibly the worst in the series, and SV was so slow and glitchy that I didn't even finish it. This franchise is a mess.
    I have no idea where I wanted to go with this post, I'm mostly pulling shit out of my ass. I don't really remember much of these games because I only played them once each. Legends is the only 3d game I've enjoyed, but that too has its own stupid problems.

    • 10 months ago

      >and didn't add any notable content
      move tutors aren't notable content? a new mini game for farming BP isn't notable content, especially for people who like non-battling content? adding a new battle facility isn't notable content? adding trainers more rooms to mount lanakila isn't notable content? the rainbow rocket castle dungeon isn't notable content? adding a new totem fight isn't notable content

      i feel like the hate for USUM is so biased especially when you take into account just how many people worship Emerald and Platinum which make similar changes to their base games. i'm not saying this to be a contrarian or whatever, i hate the shitty modern pokemon just as much as the next guy, but USUM for me are exceptions. as far as adding new content to SM goes they didn't do a bad job

      • 10 months ago

        for the casual player (me) those are all worthless except the totem fight. people liked emerald and platinum because they improved immensely on the original games and added a bunch of new content on top of it. usum is only a slight upgrade

  18. 10 months ago

    Kalos: First 3D game, references the first 2D game

    Alola: idk muh imaginary anniversary

    Galar: …

  19. 10 months ago

    Gen 7 (USUM) was the first gen that solidified people will buy it anyway.

    • 10 months ago

      ultra changes… I can’t believe those homosexuals got away with it. No wonder nugenners defended dexit, and bought it anyway.

  20. 10 months ago

    Calling XY bad doesn’t make SM any better or prove its own pandering is less egregious.

    • 10 months ago

      I don't think anyone here is calling XY bad or SM good. It's really only to show that the claim being made about SM starting the excessive Kanto pandering is demonstrably false. And so is the entire premise of this thread and OP

  21. 10 months ago

    is this the unholy trinity of shitty games that killed the series?

    • 10 months ago

      discord post

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      DPP, BW, and XY

  22. 10 months ago

    Black and White is when they started adding black people

  23. 10 months ago

    Look at that Kanto in the background of this picture

  24. 10 months ago


  25. 10 months ago

    >He's STILL trying this fricking hard
    It's just sad at this point.

    • 10 months ago

      It's called a slam dunk

    • 10 months ago

      It's more pathetic that this genwarring discordhomosexual has been going on for two years at this point trying to stir shit up with either Unova or Alola while defending Kalos

      • 10 months ago

        You mean the people who love Alola and all started raiding this place during the Ultra Changes disaster?

        • 10 months ago

          No I mean the discordhomosexuals who have been raiding the board and trying to stir shit up by either shitting on Unova or Alola while trying to praise Kalos. I mean this thread itself is the best example but the archives have a lot to show as well.

          • 10 months ago

            i don't see the discord shitting on alola. it's always unova or sinnoh.

            • 10 months ago

              They used to obsessively shit on Alola and make threads targeting it with the same shitty infographic style pictures that they used against Unova, and you can recognise that they're the same people doing the two because they have the exact same writing styles and images. They even use the word "-bort" to derogatorily refer to fans of both gens. They've mostly calmed down against Alola for the past few months but I assume something motivated them to start shitting up again

            • 10 months ago

              No alola is the victim of discord attacks even though discord loves alola.

    • 10 months ago

      Alola was the starting point for many nugenners. He’s just defending his childhood, cut him some slack.

  26. 10 months ago

    Look at all these Kanto characters!

  27. 10 months ago

    Why do people get mad at Kanto references? Kanto was better than whatever shit game the Kanto stuff is in.

    • 10 months ago

      Nu genners aka fans of Gen 6 onwards are just jealous of the original games so they constantly whine and b***h about it

  28. 10 months ago
  29. 10 months ago

    its just you

  30. 10 months ago

    This thread got a lot more interesting since the last time I looked at it. Will the discordgays finally kill each other?

  31. 10 months ago

    they are the worst games in the series so yes

  32. 10 months ago

    Did Pokemon Refresh really make you people seethe this much? I know that Affection was kinda moronic but this whole mechanic began in Kalos.

    I don't dislike it, of course but it's kinda overbearing and fricks with the difficulty a little. Still, let's not forget that USUM were the last truly difficult pokemon games with or without full-affection pokemon, the same will never be said of Kalos. Alola was the last game to truly tampar with the formula and people still complained about it, make up your minds.

  33. 10 months ago

    Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon are the games in the series with the most freedom for you to do whatever in-game:
    >Tired of grinding your pokemon like in previous entries?
    Just use Poké Pelago
    >Want to grind manually instead?
    S.O.S. Battles at your leisure, at any part of the map, with any pokemon and Adrenaline Orbs up the ass.
    >Want a shiny on your team for your first run at maingame story and hall of fame?
    Have a series' first casually easy accessible Ditto and return of the Egg Nursery, have fun.
    >Want an optimal team during maingame?
    Refer to the above.
    >Want to use your favorite mons during the story or just complete the Pokédex more easily?
    Island Scan, Wonder Trade and Festival Plaza trading all readily available at the very first pokemon center you encounter.
    >Want more story?
    Rainbow Episode and Battle Tree.
    >Want more gameplay?
    Again, Rainbow Episode and Battle Tree.
    >Minigames? Side Quests?
    Mantine Surfing, Battle Royal, Poké Pelago management plus all the side stories and quests you can possibly find with actual physical rewards like prize money, items or straight up lore.

    It's like how people regard the DS era as the best one in the series' history but then a 3DS game comes along and becomes the culmination of both of these eras as the true end of pokemon as a portable console franchise, with the most possible player freedom yet and people still found a way to complain.

    Yes, the story and characters are moronic but it's pokemon, things here have always been tardy, this shouldn't be a main complaint, you deserved the trash you get nowadays just for shitting on B2W2 and USUM, we had it fricking good once upon a time.

    • 10 months ago

      >Yes, the story and characters are moronic but it's pokemon, things here have always been tardy
      other games don't shove their tardy story in your face to the extent gen 7 does

      • 10 months ago

        Gens II, IV and V barred you from entire sections of the map before doing certain specific story prerequisites. By contrast, the only place you would not have yet visited yet in Hoenn before facing Maxie/Archie and the legendary pokemon is Evergrande City, which is literally not an actual city but just the Victory Road and the League.

        • 10 months ago

          And let's not delude ourselves, acting like Kanto isn't fondly remembered by Pokemania-era fans precisely because Red & Green were power fantasy games with a story about a self-insert kid protagonist battling in a cool world with cool characters, including the pokemon themselves.

  34. 10 months ago


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