Is it just nostalgia or was there something truly magical about release era World of Warcraft?

Is it just nostalgia or was there something truly magical about release era World of Warcraft?

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  1. 1 year ago

    It was magical because I was 10

    • 1 year ago

      i played WoW for the first time when i was like 19-20 during WoD and I still found the early questing a magical experience. i actually have nostalgia for the time i played in places like teldrassil. Theres just something about questing in the early zones. And yes I know Cata changed a lot but a lot of the early zones are relatively unchanged

    • 1 year ago

      It's not really Nostalgia. The diversity of biomes and size of the world would put even most of today's games to shame. How they were able to create so many different zones each with their own unique atmosphere is still beyond me.

      Too bad no xpac after vanilla managed to surpass the old world.

      • 1 year ago

        Back then they had people who cared. Today's Blizzard is a husk. They also focused on variety and aesthetic, rather then scale and visual fidelity

    • 1 year ago

      I played nost for the first time when I was 20 and I liked it more than any other version of wow

  2. 1 year ago

    Of this picture, I will never forget them

    1. Changing Goldshire Inn music in Cataclysm into some kind of a modern abortion instead of keeping vanilla music

    2. Setting entire Ashenvale ablaze, comfy area turned into a fricking ash pit

    • 1 year ago

      Cata was the perfect time to quit WOW. Lich King was finished, and they basically destroyed the game after that.

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah, made it really easy to leave when your favorite area got buttfricked and the replacement wasn't even good.

  3. 1 year ago

    Nah. The music and the art are top notch. It's too bad it was a rushed release. Would have been great to see the horde questing and the post lvl 30 questing fleshed out a lot more

  4. 1 year ago

    WoW was amazing at first because they put so much effort into making the world feel alive and making you feel like an important person in it with the quests. Other MMOs at the time had worlds that were very static and you were let loose among hundred of other players to make your own fun. In retrospect WoW wasn't really anything special because it sets up this facade to make you feel special when you really weren't and other MMOs has a lot more freedom to make your own fun.

    • 1 year ago

      It's not really Nostalgia. The diversity of biomes and size of the world would put even most of today's games to shame. How they were able to create so many different zones each with their own unique atmosphere is still beyond me.

      Too bad no xpac after vanilla managed to surpass the old world.

      So much this. Despite MMOs being lauded as "fetch me 5 boar asses", vanilla had storylines spanning multiple zones (for example setting up defias as bad guys in elwynn, then tracking and defeating them over Redridge/Westfall, with some quests reaching alll the way to Duskwood). The world wasnt just a collection of isolated theme areas, most zones existed in relation to nearby zones. And to top it all off, the dungeon variety was stellar, from tropical caverns to underground dwarf cities to remnants of burning Alliance cities. It was just such a fine and caring tribute to Warcraft series, without political messaging or "interaction-increasing" focus-grouping.

  5. 1 year ago

    Missed the original release but got to try it during the classic launch a few years ago and It was a great experience.
    Started to sour on it when I was near scarlet monastery, world started to empty out and people were hanging outside of dungeons for efficient exp groups.
    I liked it when the hubs like barrens were packed and people were rushing off in all directions doing shit.

  6. 1 year ago

    For me, a big part of my nostalgia was because of the music used. Its the kind of music that sticks in your head and instantly makes you think of those areas when you hear it.

  7. 1 year ago

    Yes but part of the magic was no streaming culture, no smartphones, no twitter or tiktok. WoW Classic didn't have the magic.

  8. 1 year ago

    no, WoW has always been a stinky turdy piece
    everyone who played it is a loser
    it isn't suddenly bad through updates
    the veneer of bullshit that has always been this shit just became clear to you, a moron

  9. 1 year ago

    it was fun at the start because you did lots of exploration. really cool quests started by just picking up a note or some innocuous conversation with an npc opened up a massive chain where you traveled all over the continents. then tbc came out and all the quests were just run a circle around the the town, kill some stuff and move on. thrall's big quest in nagrand where he meets his gramdmother was about the only really neat one.

  10. 1 year ago

    You don't realize this nowadays but most of us had played Warcraft 3 and the lord of the rings trilogy had just come out.
    So we were really into elves and stuff.
    Plus there was the older generation of nerds with DnD culture

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