Is it true that the 90s/00s were better times for gamers?

Is it true that the 90s/00s were better times for gamers?

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  1. 11 months ago

    It was better times for everyone

    • 11 months ago

      also this
      everything was better in the 90s and 00s

      honestly the big shift was occupy wall street in 2011
      the elite got scared and made up everything sjws and feminist rage about these days
      they realized that the internet is dangerous if left uncontrolled and so they stepped up their media control, shilling and made up issues to get the fools to fight amongst each other leading to increased tribalism
      the eventual goal destroying nationalism and community
      to make you feel alone and scared and to rely on the government who takes care of you and listen to the media like a good boy because the media knows what's best for you

      tldr people almost woke up to the elite's schemes but instead we got a dystopia

      • 11 months ago

        >>>the elite


        nationalism and community


        Your either moronic or have way too much trust on """the elite""" competance , internet ruined people because people are moronic and social media algorithm rewarded moronation.

        And why would any elite that want to control society want to destroy sense of nationalism/community when nationalism is literally a tool to control society. Well albeit no control but a really good thing to stroke when any power is in some deep shit because its used a lot in my country.

        Stop being a dumb amerishart , your culture and media is just too insular and moronic so i understand why youd feel that way but dont become a moron as well.

        • 11 months ago

          >internet ruined people because people are moronic and social media algorithm rewarded moronation.
          who do you think created that environment? internet was fine in the early 00s before normies were introduced to it

          nationalism isn't suitable for control when the elite doesn't share much with the natives and when the agenda is to push immigration to introduce cheap labor and drive down living standards so there's more poor slave people to get abused by corporations providing minimum wage jobs

          I'm not american

        • 11 months ago

          I normally don't post on Ganker cause I want to keep my autism in the containment board, but the topic came up so I'm not derailing things too much. 'Elites" don't like nationalism because native populations typically demand a higher standard of living from their leadership and ruling class. Corporations colluding with the government to pass free trade policies and mass immigration are able to exploit cheap labor from vulnerable immigrants and 3rd world countries.
          Why pay the local native population a living wage, benefits, and 401k, when you can just outsource your labor to a 3rd world country?
          They don't want people with strong convictions and loyalties to traditional ideas and institutions. They want a population of purposeless, debased, consumerist, alienated, widgets so they can socioeconomically exploit and manipulate their beliefs like the blank slates they are. Nationalism shouldn't be about a social contract to a flag or State, it should be a loyalty and conviction for your fellow blood and soil. A civilization and legacy your forefathers worked tirelessly to pass down to the next generation. Why do you think there's a constant battle to strip people (esp the European majority) from their traditional ethnic, racial, national, religious, and gender, identities? The oligarchy want a faceless, rootless widget low trust society they can easily exploit and manipulate; Not a homogeneous convicted population who can operate as a collective to challenge the ruling class establishment.

      • 11 months ago

        You are moronic. People like you unironically need communism

      • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        The elites introduced the “progressive stack” to make the plebs fight amongst themselves for who is the biggest victim.

        • 11 months ago

          Occupy wall street was just bored rich kids LARPing as Bolsheviks. No different than some gay like Hassan or Vaush wearing an "Eat The Rich" t-shirt. The progressive push began around 2006-2007 when they were anointing Obams as the new king.

        • 11 months ago

          >The elites introduced the “progressive stack”
          I like this term

          Occupy wall street was just bored rich kids LARPing as Bolsheviks. No different than some gay like Hassan or Vaush wearing an "Eat The Rich" t-shirt. The progressive push began around 2006-2007 when they were anointing Obams as the new king.

          a lot of the terms and concepts were made up after occupy wall street
          it and epstein were two of these "oh frick" moments when they realized they gotta tune control up to 11 if they wanna avoid getting eaten alive by the cattle

          • 11 months ago

            A lot of occupy was just recycled from the Anti-Bush protests a few years earlier.

        • 11 months ago

          The progressive stack was designed to scuttle OWS and gay neo-liberals bought it hook line and sinker because they're gay and moronic

          OWS protestors literally couldn't hold meetings because the gay black moronic trans POC in a wheelchair got to speak first and moved to the front of the line in the OWS HQ meetings

        • 11 months ago

          Occupy wall street was just bored rich kids LARPing as Bolsheviks. No different than some gay like Hassan or Vaush wearing an "Eat The Rich" t-shirt. The progressive push began around 2006-2007 when they were anointing Obams as the new king.

          >The elites introduced the “progressive stack”
          I like this term

          a lot of the terms and concepts were made up after occupy wall street
          it and epstein were two of these "oh frick" moments when they realized they gotta tune control up to 11 if they wanna avoid getting eaten alive by the cattle

          Its worth mentioning that the vast majority of Occupy and the other protest movements at the time didn't deal with that shit, but its no surprise that the narrative makes it seem that way. Its the exact same like "interview the redditoid antiwork kid on fox news and that's now the narrative for anyone who doesn't like working elevently billion hours a week sucking Bezos off". Most Occupy and other protest movements didn't use "progressive stack" at all, but it was a useful tool to frame one stupid sub meeting of one headless leaderless chapter of a headless leaderless movement as the whole thing. I don't doubt that the whole racial hyper focus to divide and conquer is sadly effective though until enough people wise up.

          The Trump movement is just a natural evolution if the Tea Party movement and Afghanistan is still a significant part of foreign policy discourse.
          The pandemic has already been swept under the rug and the Valve stuff feels negligible in the grand scheme to say it defines the Era.

          The development of the Tea Party itself is worth speaking of not to mention the change from its original boring Grover Norquist paleocon taxes are theft corporate wealth type, to what would happen when Bannon and the rest started wrapping the social issues around and Trump's arrival. Afghanistan is in a very different place from when it was then for many reasons, the pandemic being swept under the rug now is its own problem and is hugely contrasting with how things used to be, and Valve stuff was just a vidya specific example but a pretty big change - if you would have told anons around 2013 even much less earlier that JP developers would be releasing JRPGs and other very-console-focused titles concurrently on PC, including supporting multiplayer, it would have been surprising and was a long road (though its not done ie Atlus and Vanillaware still need to be prodded into doing the right thing).

          The issue is that there have been big changes over those years, not that all concerns entirely disappeared from one to another, but culturally, how different groups felt about them, the rise and fall etc.. all varied significantly.

    • 11 months ago

      People were less fricking autistic about shit, there was less malice and people could be edgy or be progressive without it causing anyone consternation except a bunch of fricking nobodies who were promptly ridiculed and ignored.
      These days buttholes take everything so moronly seriously not to mention edgy trolls actually lean into the acclaim of people agreeing instead of ridiculing them for falling for the bit.

    • 11 months ago

      Tech booming, racism unironically dying, world largely at peace, entertainment at its best, fashion was fun, Satan wasn’t openly active on the earth.
      I miss the 90s

      • 11 months ago
        90s were the peak

        I believe atheism is not believing in yourself.
        God and Satan is what you project onto the world

        I do miss it too

        • 11 months ago
          90s were the peak
          • 11 months ago
            90s were the peak
            • 11 months ago
              90s were the peak
              • 11 months ago
                90s were the peak
              • 11 months ago
                90s were the peak
              • 11 months ago
                90s were the peak


              • 11 months ago
                90s were the peak


              • 11 months ago
                90s were the peak
      • 11 months ago

        i was an infant during the 90's so i don't remember it

      • 11 months ago

        >racism unironically dying
        lol, at least we know you were a kid in the 90s

  2. 11 months ago

    Fixed it.

    • 11 months ago

      >where are the long skirts?

      You need to go back to the 80s.

      >the 90s were the peak loose age for girls

      Was this only in Japan, or the universal trend of the time?

      • 11 months ago

        Early 00s in my country with low cut jeans and visible thongs pulled up their butt cracks. Girls were super thirsty back then and you didn't have to compete with the chads on tinder so even an average guy like me had girls chasing after me.

        • 11 months ago

          I didn't know how good we had it until it was gone.

        • 11 months ago

          Frick all of you fricking buttholes for not raising your daughters right and fricking the next generation that is mine to this thirst-hell.

          You had it so fricking easy and chose to frick off with your parenthood. Totally unfair.

      • 11 months ago

        >Was this only in Japan, or the universal trend of the time?

        Britney Spears dude
        >She was 16 when she made Hit Me Baby One More Time

    • 11 months ago

      >text is backwards
      holy frick you didn't fix shit you motherfricker go roll down a hill c**t i can't read that fricking shit

      • 11 months ago

        >he can't read backwards

        • 11 months ago

          yeah cuz i'm not japanese go seethe more eurocuck

  3. 11 months ago

    >90s chan is a milf now

    • 11 months ago

      No she's a depressed woman in he mid 30s with no family and 4 cats.

      • 11 months ago

        I can still fix her.

        • 11 months ago

          You can't fix her rotten womb though. Don't waste your time on old women. They wasted their own lives avoiding the one thing they should've done. They're not worth saving.

      • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        Why is this so accurate? I know a woman who is just like this. But she's 33 and still lives with her mom.

        • 11 months ago

          Everyone who's single after 30 is depressed and lonely, not just women. Just check the weekly 30+ y/o gamers threads.
          Yes I know there's some ascended hermits posting here who made peace with being alone and actually enjoy themselves, but they're the exception not the rule, for every 1 of them there's 10 crying tfwnofg. Although it's true that it's more likely for them to be men than women, probably because men are more autistic and less people oriented than women.

          • 11 months ago

            I wouldn't say I've ascended or happy about it. More like I'm just the type of person that's better off living alone. I can't imagine sharing my living space with someone at this point. It gets lonely at times but I've made the mistake of trusting women in the past and that's not gonna happen again. Luckily getting laid is easy enough.

          • 11 months ago


          • 11 months ago

            >men are encouraged to be less people person
            Especially these days

          • 11 months ago

            Also, Men, despite having similar health complications for the children by doing it late, can have kids at a later age than woman. There was a man who did not fap until he was 75 and had a dozen children in his 80s, that takes a little pressure off. Only a little though.

          • 11 months ago

            Yeah that seems accurate. I'm a fricking idiot who blew every opportunity I had to be relatively well adjusted. I didn't know what I had until it was gone, and now I'm 28 and looking like I'll be a wizard in a year and a half. I guess this is my punishement for wasting my chances.

          • 11 months ago

            [bota mochito] Gakeppuchi Koiuta (Shikoyakanaru Toki mo Hameru Toki mo) [English]

      • 11 months ago

        most woman have a partner at that point, most men end up like that instead, with figurines instead of cats

      • 11 months ago

        >No she's a depressed woman in he mid 30s
        you mean 40s. if she was a JK in the 90s that would put her from 38-52, depending on what year we're talking about.

  4. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      what went so fricking WRONG?

      • 11 months ago
        Britain keeps getting banned from 4chan

        The goverment found out girls are too erotic

        >video games were better
        >movies were better
        >music was better
        >fashion was better
        >the internet was better
        >the economy was better
        Is there any hope left for the world?

        Commit arson?
        Maybe ask people to stop fricking?
        More people means more demands for anything

        • 11 months ago

          leave glowie

      • 11 months ago

        Japan decide to copy China style. Lol

        Basically they want to reduce "puppy love" by making ugly school clothes.

    • 11 months ago

      Right is better

  5. 11 months ago

    weren't those a thing in the early 20th century?

  6. 11 months ago

    The 90s and early 00s were just better times in general.

  7. 11 months ago

    Where are the long skirts?
    I like long skirts.
    Thry are beautiful and long dresses are pretty comfortable and nice to wear. Feels pretty free like moving in a more loose bathrobe
    Did some maid cosplay on one anime convention in my late teens with some girls, was fun times and I talked with a deep voice to be funny. Someone gave me a fake beard too and I gave good laugh to people
    Got laid too

    • 11 months ago

      >where are the long skirts?

      You need to go back to the 80s.

      • 11 months ago

        Is it true that the 90s/00s were better times for gamers?

        10s girls are so souless, I'm glad we are past them

      • 11 months ago

        Short hair for dukes and transgirls

      • 11 months ago

        why were the 90's so damn loose? Not just in japan but everywhere.

        • 11 months ago

          End of history you know, "let's party till the sun explode!" and then 9/11 snap backed everyone to reality

          • 11 months ago

            more like it was the start of larps and corporations rising and brainwashing people into the mindless consoomers they are now

        • 11 months ago

          Japanese economic bubble popping in 1992 which led to poor growing conditions for children until the 00s, so basically
          >greater sense of rebellion among kids
          Also fashion trends in the 90s were basically centered around miniskirts. If anything, it's surprising the female delinquent era of the 70s-80s didn't have that, but I guess dressing like a bawd before the 90s was too much even for bad girls back then?

          • 11 months ago

            >but I guess dressing like a bawd before the 90s was too much even for bad girls back then?
            That necessary wasn't seen as rebellious back then. More about self-control and deciding for yourself as a girl in very conservative Japan. Maybe it was just seen as being eye candy for guys if you dressed loose and showed skin. Then when even sillier traditional conservative beliefs of "women shouldn't show skin, and they should be chaste" became a thing, then wearing short skirts and saying "I dress as I fricking please" became a thing. Which funnily enough angered conservatives and right in general.
            It is funny to think, but it has always been about choosing yourself for what you do when it comes to rebellion. If you want to dress in pretty dresses, go ahead. If you wanna show frickton of skin, why not.
            You should be allowed to dress as you wish, rather than having to follow some clothing codes.

          • 11 months ago

            >If anything, it's surprising the female delinquent era of the 70s-80s didn't have that, but I guess dressing like a bawd before the 90s was too much even for bad girls back then?
            miniskirts took off in japan earlier than in the west, to the point where delinquent girls wore long skirts specifically to rebel against the idea of being a bawd

        • 11 months ago

          Ehh I'd say our current culture is way more focused on sex, porn and skimping in a bad way.

          • 11 months ago

            Think that as far as modern JKs go, the thought process is
            >cute on the streets, bawd in the sheets

        • 11 months ago

          Unprotected sex in the early 90s led to the AIDS epidemic and rampant teenage pregnancy

          Most of those people are dead now, or wishing they were

          • 11 months ago

            >Unprotected sex in the early 90s led to the AIDS epidemic
            AIDS was the 80s you moron, by the 90s they were covering up AIDS stats to push the gay acceptance agenda

          • 11 months ago

            >Unprotected sex in the early 90s led to the AIDS epidemic
            Gay guys fricking each other to death in bathhouses and refusing to stop or change their behavior in any way caused the AIDS crisis which, by the way, did not affect straight people whatsoever. The media worked overtime to convince straights that AIDS was scary and they needed to avoid it, but really it was a gigantic waste of time because the transmission rates of AIDS for veganal sex is incredibly fricking low. It's even low for anal sex between gays, but they just frick so much that they keep spinning the wheel til infection occurs.

      • 11 months ago

        where do i find an 80s-chan gf?

      • 11 months ago


        Why did Jks suddenly start looking modern in the 90?

      • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        2020 looks like a gigantic bawd in the sack but will socially or literally shank you the moment you have self-respect and the awareness you're bordering simp status.
        My friend's gf is like that in discord, I weep everytime.

      • 11 months ago
        • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago

          chat has fricked all those girls in the ass. i think he does it to mark them. girls don't let normal guys do anal too much, but chad just pushes it straight in and they dont say no.

        • 11 months ago

          Isn't far right just Junko?

        • 11 months ago

          2000s is full on clown

      • 11 months ago

        Give me 80's, but with a face mask, a jacket, and a face full of bad attitude. Maybe a baseball bat too.

        • 11 months ago

          A man culture, I see.

          • 11 months ago
      • 11 months ago

        >that huge visal gap between the 80s and the 90s

        So what brought the change?
        It looks like the girls suddenly went on total corruption from good old-school high schoolers

        • 11 months ago

          >So what brought the change?
          Fashion reflects the state of the economy. loose = Good times.

      • 11 months ago

        Frick.... the 1970s one does it for me, I was born too late, my ideal of female beauty no longer exists

      • 11 months ago

        >all with giant round eyes
        japs are ashamed of their own eyes

        • 11 months ago

          Japanese people can have round eyes.

          • 11 months ago

            yeah after having surgery. fake gay shit.

            • 11 months ago

              >round-eyed japs are made by surgery

              that's a meme.

              • 11 months ago

                nice try, weeb. here's what your waifus looked like before surgery.

              • 11 months ago

                >Even cherrypicking 3 people doesn't consistently prove his point

              • 11 months ago

                look up yayoi, jomon, and ainu

              • 11 months ago

                no thanks im not a moronic weeb.

              • 11 months ago

                4 is the cutest
                someone please post that one pic

    • 11 months ago

      In Japan long skirts are considered a sign of rebellion and bad behavior, if you want to be a good girl you need to wear short skirts and be molested by older men

      • 11 months ago

        >In Japan long skirts are considered a sign of rebellion and bad behavior
        How did that happen btw? Why are long skirts mostly attributed to delinquents, at least in media?

        • 11 months ago

          Delinquent girls used long skirts to hide weapons.

    • 11 months ago

      You're not allowed to like long skirts on Ganker.
      Some homosexual will screech about censorship or something.

      • 11 months ago

        Tired of getting BTFO in the Skullgirls thread, eh gaslighting censortroon?

    • 11 months ago

      When I lived in Sasebo, all the girls wore long black skirts in the winter. I think it really depends on what region you go to.

    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        I was her maid for the night. Fun times
        Dated her for a while but in the end stuff didn't work out and she had to move away after work. Still in contact with her and we chat from time to time. Cool gal, his bf is pretty cool guy too.
        At first he was insecure for her being still in contact with me(which she brought up) but I sat him down and talked things through with him. Was nice to see him mature up, almost went towards insecure weeb->incel pipeline so was nice to help him with that and now he has stable job and they are gonna have a babbeh.

        • 11 months ago

          help me get laid too bre

    • 11 months ago

      >got laid wearing a fricking maid cosplay
      Greentext, now. I don't believe you

      • 11 months ago

        Dunno what there is to greentext
        >Knew girl for over a year
        >Been into anime etc.
        >Likes cd, me too
        >We did group cosplay stuff
        >After that at her place we did naughties
        There you go

    • 11 months ago

      You trannies just cannot resist blogging about your boring lives everywhere, can you?

    • 11 months ago

      I was her maid for the night. Fun times
      Dated her for a while but in the end stuff didn't work out and she had to move away after work. Still in contact with her and we chat from time to time. Cool gal, his bf is pretty cool guy too.
      At first he was insecure for her being still in contact with me(which she brought up) but I sat him down and talked things through with him. Was nice to see him mature up, almost went towards insecure weeb->incel pipeline so was nice to help him with that and now he has stable job and they are gonna have a babbeh.

      blow your brains out

  8. 11 months ago

    4 > 2 > 3 > 5 > 1 > 6

  9. 11 months ago

    If the past is so great, why don't nostalgiagays live there?

    • 11 months ago

      i live there every time i log in to wow

      • 11 months ago

        WoW is nothing like it was when it launched though.

      • 11 months ago

        It's hilarious that classic wowgays think the game is some kind of higher level than retail when there is almost no genuinely complex or difficult content in the entire game. 99% of encounters are tank n spank and don't tell me they aren't because I played through all of it over 15 years ago

      • 11 months ago

        It's hilarious that classic wowgays think the game is some kind of higher level than retail when there is almost no genuinely complex or difficult content in the entire game. 99% of encounters are tank n spank and don't tell me they aren't because I played through all of it over 15 years ago

        Protip: WoW was always trash from the very beginning, it was only carried because Warcraft 3 was a big hit and the wait and hype leading up to WoW (that lasted for years) was out of this world, everyone was talking about it. When I played it however I quickly realized it was absolute gutter trash for braindead normalgays and incomparable to even RO, DAoC or Everquest.

        I have not bought a Blizzshart game ever since that day. To me their last good game was WC3: Frozen Throne.

        • 11 months ago

          WoW was good, but not because of the game itself. It was just a great virtual hangout where you could screw around with friends. That aspect died when the old internet did. Everyone's heard a horror story about a friend group or guild being destroyed from within because a real girl joined. That kind of thing brings real life shit (in this case, a bunch of guys simping for one girl) into the virtual hangout and demolishes the carefree attitudes everybody had before that.
          The normie takeover of the internet was the exact same, on a far grander scale. A bunch of people came into our carefree world dragging their IRL baggage alongside them, unable to let it go for a moment and just enjoy themselves.

          • 11 months ago

            >The normie takeover of the internet was the exact same, on a far grander scale. A bunch of people came into our carefree world dragging their IRL baggage alongside them, unable to let it go for a moment and just enjoy themselves.
            This is accurate.

            We had this local proto social media website in the mid 00s before Facebook and it took off to the level where pretty much every teen had an account if they had a PC at home (which was common even back then in my country). The whole gimmick was people posting their own pictures on their profile and anyone being able to comment. Of course many people just used it to communicate with their friends but since it was open to all you'd often get randoms commenting and I genuinely made friends and gfs that way. It had this thing where you could join groups based on your interests, like say you liked a band so you'd join that group and then you could post a comment in the group the same way you'd comment on someone's picture. The groups you were part of were listed on your profile so at a quick glance someone could see if you were into the same shit they were. Made for a great community experience.

            Then arrived facebook, that website died and everyone stuck to their small circle jerks and making pointless updates about shit nobody cared about but pretended to.

            • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago

                Never heard of that. If IG means anything to do you before people used it to refer to instagram then you know. If you don't you don't.

      • 11 months ago

        classic has proven you all for frauds that just suck at video games

        • 11 months ago

          player skill requirement doesn't have much relevance to if an mmorpg is good or not

          pretty much all the old good ones were low skill games that required high time investment because the goal never was to provide high skill requiring gameplay but an adventure and community experience

  10. 11 months ago

    It's called baby duck syndrome

  11. 11 months ago

    Male suicides in the US troughed around the lifetime of the PS2 so, objectively, yes.

    • 11 months ago

      Men attempt to commit suicide less than women.

  12. 11 months ago

    While I disliked the 90s for plenty of shit, it was probably the best decade for games. Not to say it wasn't filled with shovelware, but start listing what would be considered AAA titles each decade, and you'll see there's a substantial difference in quality.

  13. 11 months ago

    not vidya

    Wrong board

  14. 11 months ago

    >Zoomers grew up without JKs in miniskirts
    Those poor bastards. I remember one girl who wore a jumper all the time and her skirt was so tiny it looked like she wasn't even wearing one.

  15. 11 months ago

    There's a bit of an enshittification divide on account of Sony and then Microsoft entering the market.
    Sony specifically was just attempting to parasitize any gaming company, Microsoft was looking to Embrace, Extend, Extinguish the whole market, and both of them half-succeeded and gained a foothold.
    So in a sense the 90s and 00s were a better time, largely because the enshittification had not completely set in yet and because the early stages of enshittification usually involve a lucrative incentive to get the user to involve themselves with the product.
    By contrast with those early stages, we are currently somewhere in the middle or late stages, wherein the company is either acquiring value for their investors or acquiring all value for themselves respectively. We are luckily seeing a bit of a dropoff of this kind of thing, simply due to how much easier it theoretically is to get an indie game to the masses, but it is still universal in the dead "AAA" space and quite prevalent in the AA space as well.

  16. 11 months ago

    All of the clothes above are still used. It depends on the school, not the era.

  17. 11 months ago

    >late gen X
    is this not supposed to be birth year, because that shit would be a decade late

    • 11 months ago

      i assume it's when that gen was in high school, hence the high school girl attire

    • 11 months ago

      Being born in 1980 makes a perfect 90s Kogyaru who spent 1996-1999 as a JK.

  18. 11 months ago

    >video games were better
    >movies were better
    >music was better
    >fashion was better
    >the internet was better
    >the economy was better
    Is there any hope left for the world?

    • 11 months ago

      watch old movies, play old games

      I don't see an issue with new products not being interesting to you. I've been in this mindset for nearly 20 years. Everyone's preferences seem to lock in when they're a teenager and then new media leaves them behind.

  19. 11 months ago

    >no face mask

  20. 11 months ago

    I love the slouchy sock paired with loafers look from the 90s

  21. 11 months ago

    Anytime is a great time for gamers. Each generation has something someone can sink their teeth into and enjoy.

  22. 11 months ago

    I just miss the themes and mood back in the 90/00s, they resonate with me a lot harder.
    >Rise of the Corporatiob
    Especially identity, before the theme was "I'm fricked up, but that's okay I'm striving to be better." now it's "IM FRICKED UP AND PEOPLE BETTER ACCEPT ME WHETHER THEY LIKE IT OR NOT"

    • 11 months ago

      Alright go frick yourself Ganker

      • 11 months ago

        >crying because you don't get validation from anonymous strangers

    • 11 months ago

      me as a kid making my gundam figure fight a toy tank and how i made sense of it

  23. 11 months ago

    She gets stinkier and bawdtier as you go further and further right

  24. 11 months ago

    yes. it was better back then. you knew way less about stuff and so every drop of information was so exciting. now nobody really gives a shit about anything, you just get those dumb dirt lip bald guys who cry when zelda comes out or whatever. the magic is gone.

  25. 11 months ago

    This feels like a natural evolution. Went from silly cumbersome clothing and accessories to comfy and sensible.

  26. 11 months ago

    Gaming was inaccessible and jank as frick
    People just think fondly of it cause overcoming adversity is rewarding

  27. 11 months ago

    00s > 10s > 20s > 90s

  28. 11 months ago
  29. 11 months ago

    All are equally deserving and in need of sex.

  30. 11 months ago
  31. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      >high cut leotard with those hip bones

      • 11 months ago
  32. 11 months ago
  33. 11 months ago
  34. 11 months ago

    >Cowards drawing gyaru
    include the makeup you fricking homosexuals.

    • 11 months ago

      Kogal > gyaru >>>>>>> ganguro (which is what your pic is)
      have a nice day

    • 11 months ago

      The late 90s and early 2000s were just crazy, and not in Japan. Lots of weird fashion trends in the West too.

      • 11 months ago

        god look at those little bawds
        you just know they frick adult men for pocket money

  35. 11 months ago
  36. 11 months ago
  37. 11 months ago

    >mfw the japanese were bri'ish before the bri'ish

  38. 11 months ago

    90s = Golden Age of gaming
    00s = shit falls down the cliff

    And the industry still hasn't fully recovered. In time they will.

  39. 11 months ago

    I just wanted to say back then it was socially acceptable for anyone to be playing a gameboy in public. now, if you bring your switch or 3DS out, there has to be social stigma for some reason - for playing a HANDHELD in public, y'know the thing the device is designed for???

    I'm not a "manchild" for doing so. that kind of cynical worldview is what makes people unable to enjoy anything. I just want to sit on a park bench and play some games. EVERYONE played the gameboy, but now playing handhelds is a child activity, that shit doesn't sit right with me.

    I WILL play my switch/steam deck/3ds in public, and you won't stop me.

    • 11 months ago

      Handhelds were hip and new back then, now they're common place and mostly played by children. You can still play your handheld in public and no one will care, that is... unless you're American.

      • 11 months ago

        I think handhelds are bigger than ever. switch and Steam Deck are huge. the stigma against people playing outside needs to end.

    • 11 months ago

      Handhelds were hip and new back then, now they're common place and mostly played by children. You can still play your handheld in public and no one will care, that is... unless you're American.

      I think handhelds are bigger than ever. switch and Steam Deck are huge. the stigma against people playing outside needs to end.

      The difference is that Japan is a country with public transit where people spend a lot of time waiting to reach their destination, that's why handhelds became so prominent.
      In america the only people who would ever have a use for handhelds were children playing in the back of their parents car. See what I'm getting at?

      The people who play handhelds as adults can't complain about the stigma because there's absolutely no reason you should be playing a handheld outside. What's the point of going outside just top play video games by yourself? Why are you sitting on the dirty floor and taking up seats.
      Japanese people don't go outside just to play their handhelds, they do it on trains because tha'ts smart. if you're american taking his SteamDeck out at your college campus you're a dickwad that needs to get a fricking grip

      • 11 months ago

        >Japanese people don't go outside just to play their handhelds, they do it on trains because tha'ts smart.
        The handheld popularity did spawn a bunch of local coop multiplayer games so gathering up with friends to play coop was kind of a thing. Monster Hunter being the big one.

      • 11 months ago

        >What's the point of going outside just top play video games by yourself?
        I see people sitting on park benches staring at their phone all the time. There's literally no difference except that this has been socially accepted.

    • 11 months ago

      I think handhelds are bigger than ever. switch and Steam Deck are huge. the stigma against people playing outside needs to end.

      The difference is that Japan is a country with public transit where people spend a lot of time waiting to reach their destination, that's why handhelds became so prominent.
      In america the only people who would ever have a use for handhelds were children playing in the back of their parents car. See what I'm getting at?

      The people who play handhelds as adults can't complain about the stigma because there's absolutely no reason you should be playing a handheld outside. What's the point of going outside just top play video games by yourself? Why are you sitting on the dirty floor and taking up seats.
      Japanese people don't go outside just to play their handhelds, they do it on trains because tha'ts smart. if you're american taking his SteamDeck out at your college campus you're a dickwad that needs to get a fricking grip

      It's just smartphone stealth marketing. Since they're all predatory handheld dopamine farms, the companies pushing smartphones naturally do not like others muscling in on what is now firmly their territory.
      It was fine back then to play in public because mobile phones could take calls, take low-res pictures on limited memory and maybe play snake before smartphones started to take off.
      There's also a bit of responsibility with the public since smartphones started steadily raising the attenuation for easily acquired dopamine, it became less possible to provide a game on handheld that wasn't just as much of a dopaminefarm as phoneshit.

      >What's the point of going outside just top play video games by yourself?
      I see people sitting on park benches staring at their phone all the time. There's literally no difference except that this has been socially accepted.

      Precisely this.

  40. 11 months ago

    Pre-smartphones/social media was a better time for humanity, period, let alone games.

    • 11 months ago

      People were more genuine, down to earth, interacted with one another more, lived life more, were outside more. Yeah it wasn't always easy or pretty even back then, but life was enjoyable before we all got addicted to screens and the israelite demoralization and divide and conquer (

      also this
      everything was better in the 90s and 00s

      honestly the big shift was occupy wall street in 2011
      the elite got scared and made up everything sjws and feminist rage about these days
      they realized that the internet is dangerous if left uncontrolled and so they stepped up their media control, shilling and made up issues to get the fools to fight amongst each other leading to increased tribalism
      the eventual goal destroying nationalism and community
      to make you feel alone and scared and to rely on the government who takes care of you and listen to the media like a good boy because the media knows what's best for you

      tldr people almost woke up to the elite's schemes but instead we got a dystopia

      ) started hitting critical mass.

      Akiba is dying and just becoming an overexpensive tourist trap.

  41. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      low effort rollchart
      should've been something like
      >both rows 1-9
      >top row if second to last digit is even
      >bottom row if second to last digit is odd
      >dubs free pick

    • 11 months ago

      3, 5, 7, 13, 15, 18.

    • 11 months ago

      here, save this one instead

      • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago



      • 11 months ago

        theyre all good just gimmie

      • 11 months ago

        23-27 I FRICKING BEG YOU

      • 11 months ago

        Better luck

      • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      shit pic

      here, save this one instead


    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      here, save this one instead

      >girl that's not very pretty but emits her own attractiveness

      We need this more.

    • 11 months ago

      here, save this one instead

      All were fantastic.
      God I want to go back.

    • 11 months ago

      Give me 5 or give me death

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Das ist mane

  42. 11 months ago

    I was going to put out a rant like a stupid boomer but I think there's a good number of people who realize how things have changed, when and specifically why.

  43. 11 months ago

    Better movies with the rise of action films and psychological horrors, better games from RPGs to FPSes, better music from old-school Rap to Alternative Rock, better MMOs to timesink from Everquest to Dark Age of Camelot, better anime that are staples today like Trigun to Cowboy Bebop, better entertainment overall.

    Unfortunately too much good of everything leads to the predicament we have today where we have a slew of manchildren and NEET shitstains in their 30s.

    • 11 months ago

      >Unfortunately too much good of everything leads to the predicament we have today where we have a slew of manchildren and NEET shitstains in their 30s.
      if you believe the 30 year old neets are the issue your a moron

    • 11 months ago
      • 11 months ago

        normies ruin everything
        because they're stupid and easily controlled

  44. 11 months ago

    Yes. IRL sucked total ass, but at least you could enjoy some good vidya at the end of the day.
    These days IRL has toned down from outright antagonizing us to just being passively shit, but that shittyness has spread into every single aspect of life, including vidya, so there's no real escape from it.

    • 11 months ago

      IRL got way worse though

      we didn't really see nigs in the 90s over where I'm from

      • 11 months ago

        I was talking more in terms of life as it pertains to gaming in particular. Otherwise, yeah, shit's just much worse all around, an no amount of ultra-realistic graphics in games or big titty AI porn can dull the pain.

    • 11 months ago

      >These days IRL has toned down from outright antagonizing us to just being passively shit
      Hard disagree. COVID and the aftermath openly fricked with me and now as I try to become an adult everything is fricking breaking and I'm losing my youthful patience as I get older.

  45. 11 months ago

    Honestly, here's what I would like:
    Instead of this stupid shit where people are so eager to get into indie game development the modern way, just basically study how it was done back then. It seems to me like there's a general lack of creativity. It might be helpful if people study the process by which creative minds of the past came up with all these concepts for games and applied them properly, instead of "hey look, remember Tomba? well, I made Tomba but with a different graphics style!" that is so apparent today. It is pointless and unproductive to b***h about AAA because there's nothing you can do these days to persuade a corporation to change their ways as long as they have an army of homosexuals willing to buy anything they can from them. But with indie games it's different. I call for those indie devs that think that old good, new bad, to actually fricking try and put out something new so that this stops being some self fulfilling prophecy type of shit. What made some 90s games masterpieces wasn't that they were trying to mimic games released 2 to 3 decades before.

    • 11 months ago

      >totally ignore the fact that not only were games a relatively new thing, in the 90s we had huge steps toward 3d gaming which meant a bunch of new types of games were suddenly getting made
      It is way more difficult to make something original today compared to how it was in the 90s. Sure the game development part has gotten easier but the innovation has gotten way way harder because so many things have already been done. On top of that many genres and their controls have established themselves to the point that if you were to try to do something different it might be received poorly simply for being different or just get ignored.

      However I think indie devs have innovated quite a bit. The innovation is just less the category of something brand new and more in the category of putting a new spin on something old. Roguelites for one. Like them or hate them, that type of game pretty much didn't use to exist not that long ago.

      • 11 months ago

        >Sure the game development part has gotten easier but the innovation has gotten way way harder because so many things have already been done.
        We're talking about game concepts, not places to explore on earth. It's not like there's a set number out there of concepts that can be tried in this medium. I do not believe at all that is a good excuse to stop being creative and instead just remix what has already been done, unnecessarily in quite a few cases. Do you think the basic concept of a platformer was very simple to come up with before it was done? Like someone got dibs on that because it was already thought of by many before the technology part was there to be able to materialize it?
        >Many genres and their controls have established themselves to the point that if you were to try to do something different it might be received poorly simply for being different or just get ignored.
        So stagnation it is? Think about this. You take no risks, instead you focus on whether it might sell or not. People heavily dislike corporations for doing precisely that. But not indie developers with the same kind of insecurity? Let's leave the innovation to the risk takers, I'm all for the profit here. Do you think this is a good thing?
        >The innovation is just less the category of something brand new and more in the category of putting a new spin on something old.
        Don't get me wrong, sometimes it's putting a spin on something old in a fairly clever way. But even that by itself spawns like 180 other titles that never go out of that narrow comfort zone, if it becomes popular enough.

        • 11 months ago

          >Do you think the basic concept of a platformer was very simple to come up with before it was done?
          So we started with like Pong. 2 players, paddle each and ball go bounce. Then you got your Pacman. Topdown, yellow orb gathers dots and avoids ghosts. I'm not sure what was the first platformer but for 2d graphics it's a pretty natural evolution. Instead of being topdown change the perspective to the side and to go up you jump. It's "realistic". Once we moved onto 3d a lot of genres were adapted into the third dimension. In 3d platformers you now have 360 degrees of movement. It did lead to new discoveries like proper first person games as those were incredibly clunky to do in 2d. Making a discovery like Wolfenstein or Doom in current year is practically impossible. The base ground has been mostly covered. There's limits to what sort of new gameplay you can invent with the constraints of computers, game consoles and input devices. Even VR and AR mostly boil down to rehashing the old to fit into those new spaces.

          >It's not like there's a set number out there of concepts that can be tried in this medium.
          But there sorta is. It is easy to break down games in terms of their visual representation, or how their camera works. Let's say you're looking at a third person action game. You got a "player" that moves around in a 3d world. There's limits to how many different types of movement you can do. What type of movement you choose largely dictates what sort of other mechanics you can implement. There's only so many different ways you can make a third person action game before it starts resembling some other game. That's why genres formed. Those are the basic building blocks of games. It is very hard to make up an entire new genre. The closest we've gotten were roguelites which were more like a modifier you slap onto an existing genre to mix it up and get a new thing.

          At this point truly new things in games are smaller and smaller parts of the whole experience.

          • 11 months ago

            I feel like you're putting the cart before the horse. Wolfenstein was derided as a pretty technical accomplishment but a backwards step for gameplay. Because it was. It was a hyper-optimised version of what other dungeon crawlers had done, removing complex D&D themed gameplay and putting more emphasis on high framerate full(ish) screen "3D." As technology progressed and we got better at 3D we started putting the gameplay back in, but somewhere along the way we've lost our way again. Games became dirt simple, homogenised and cookie cutter because no one wanted to take any risks. There was plenty of risk to take but no one wanted to take it. That's why Baldur's Gate 3 is being so well received, it's a relatively modern looking game and yet it's got all the stuff we discarded decades ago and that was a fricking risk in 202x, but they took it and it's paying off.
            tl;dr, technology enables games, but it doesn't drive them. In fact it hinders them for a time until it becomes commodity.

      • 11 months ago

        >they could innovate cause history
        >suddenly can't innovate cause reasons

        • 11 months ago

          It was easy to innovate because it was a new thing full of unexplored possibilities.

          Try and discover a new piece of land in current year.

          • 11 months ago

            No, you've just got nostalgia googles on. Plenty of room to innovate, just no one is bothering because they don't believe the pay off is worth it unless it's making business tier constant cash and not just artist tier pay offs. Well plus constant IP bullshit.
            An butthole got rich writing a game with stolen assets that has one button to control without being a shitty skinner box of mtx. So it doesn't even have to be complicated.

            • 11 months ago

              If you think it is so easy why aren't you making an innovative new type of game?

              • 11 months ago

                No idea how, get me a programmer, art designer and I'll write and direct it. Though most of you could probably do the same if you put your mind to it.
                >first game jank
                Keep at it till it's not, if everything is jank, try from a different perspective. Look at the best stuff, figure out how they did it and build on that.

              • 11 months ago

                >I dunno how to do it but I know I could do it if I just keep trying
                You don't even need to make it. You claim it's easy to come up with innovative ideas so come up with one. I would've assumed you had some in mind since you were so opinionated on the topic.

                In the gamedev circles we have this thing that we say; "Ideas have no value". It's an exaggeration but it gets the point across. Just about anyone who's ever even thought about dabbling in gamedev has ideas. Most of those ideas are shit. Even most of the ideas that get as far as to be made into games are shit. That's because it is extremely hard to come up with an idea that's truly good. That doesn't even mean it's necessarily innovative. Often you can copy a came fairly closely and just do it better and you have a good game on your hands. Hard part is doing it so well that the end result is in fact a good game.

              • 11 months ago

                >everyone has ideas
                I sort of referenced that.
                >no one has good ideas to innovate
                I disagree, look back on most innovators and it wasn't just cause they had some idea, they pursued it relentlessly. But it's easier to just refine something existing, so most do.
                But if most of those shit ideas actually got chased all the way to their conclusion they would at least throw up something of use. I think your issue is perfectionism. Unless it's some perfect complete idea that you can fit into nice schedules with a nice 9-5, you're not interested.
                But i think there honestly needs to be more mass scientist types not just fielding the ideas, but actually birthing that shit with all the blood and piss and screaming innovation actually requires to bring to life.
                That's not to say there are no shit ideas. But for the most part that dies before that gets to programmers and engineers or gets added in after the meat or it is brought into existence.

              • 11 months ago

                >and it wasn't just cause they had some idea, they pursued it relentlessly
                When it comes to game development you often find out mid pursuit why that idea was unfeasible. Sometimes you're held back by the tech of the era but more often you discover that the idea just wasn't fun. There are also plenty of cases where the idea just isn't doable with your budget and it would never get funded or picked up by a large studio. Game development is after all a business. It's rare to have no financial pressure and all the free time to work on your game. It's easy for you to tell developers to spend years of their live to work on weird innovative game ideas which is extremely risky from a business point of view.

              • 11 months ago

                Not him, but I don't really get the concept that ideas aren't valuable. You can't look at the current gaming environment and say that. Almost every popular game these days is popular because it has a particular idea that worms itself into peoples' brains. People see that it has potential.

                Human brains are designed to release the most dopamine or serotonin or whatever at the ANTICIPATION of a payoff, not at the actual payoff. It's actively bad for business if you make a good game. You have to instead make a game where the player is constantly anticipating something good, but never reaching it. I feel like you just have to look at games like Hades, Factorio, Path of Exile, everywhere you look, there's a game promising that, 20 hours of play time down the line, things will be awesome. Baldur's Gate 3 just came out, and you can tell by the moment-to-moment gameplay that it's a dull game. But there's a promise there that gets into the player's head and makes them start pumping out the dopamine.

                The idea is everything. Players don't care about the actual game. You just need the right idea to stick in their brain. Wonderful 101 is my favourite game. It's incredibly good. And it'll always fail, because the idea that people get when they look at it is bad. They don't anticipate greatness when they look at it. They see the game and think they've figured it all out, and that's the death knell to hype, even when there are infinite, unexplored depths. Ideas are the only thing that matters. Everything else is just to maintain the illusion.

            • 11 months ago

              honestly, you dont even need to innovate with new ideas, just look at games from the past that had interesting ideas with poor execution and try better them
              like god hand, as an example, which, while fun with the story and moment to moment fighting, has multiple issues that poke holes in it (30fps in a snappy reactions game, moves that are just "x but better", levels that start becoming annoying instead of fun, along with bosses getting worse around 3rd Elvis)
              so many games with cool ideas and poor reception exist, might as well go and try to see if they'd work given enough devtime

              • 11 months ago

                The only problem with that is moronic ip laws and the companies that take advantage of them.

              • 11 months ago

                yeah some those are stupid
                does sega still have the copyright on the Crazy Taxi arrow idea? I remember hearing something about that and how it buttfricked a PS2 simpsons game that tried to copy CT
                But for many other older games, i dont think that would be much of a problem? sure you cant just 1-to-1 rip it off, but looking at them for general gameplay ideas should be fine, right?

    • 11 months ago

      All the low hanging fruit have been picked.

    • 11 months ago

      I agree with you but there are some practical limitations.
      Crowdfunding is the go-to for a lot of modern indie devs. You get the most money with the most consistency by preying on nostalgia and ideas people are already familiar with.
      If the dev is not crowdfunding and just doing it as a passion project, a lot of them are seeking to emulate the games that influenced them. Unsurprisingly, many of them end up regurgitating other games because it's what they know. It's kind of hard to fault them on this. If you really want more old-school Zelda to the point of making it yourself, I guess go for it champ.
      There's probably something to be said about modern investors and indie devs trying to find funding there. I dont know enough about it to make an actual assessment.

      • 11 months ago

        >There's probably something to be said about modern investors and indie devs trying to find funding there.
        Not really a thing unless it's some industry veterans going "indie".

        • 11 months ago

          Gotcha. I wasn't sure how to categorize games from publishers like Devolver or New Blood. Since the developers are normally small teams or individuals with an idea supported by a larger team of veterans. Wasn't sure if I should consider them double A or indie or what. Even then, I do not know if Devolver or whoever is reliant upon investors for development.

          • 11 months ago

            Publishers are a weird mixed bag. If you look at what Devolver has published recently there's a huge variety of quality and success. They're not at a level where simply being published by Devolver guarantees something but at the same time it seems like the guys running Devolver aren't afraid to take chances on smaller games though I'm not sure what the publisher-developer relationship is like with them and how much it varies depending on the project. I can't imagine McPixel 3 got the same level of attention and resources as Return to Monkey Island did.

            That might play into it yeah. In a way, people kind of pay for "demos" in early access as a pre-order bonus.
            Demos probably hurt sales that are reliant upon hype, binge culture, or impulse buys. It is probably hard to convince investors that the team needs to spend time making a demo when their stats show it'll reduce how many copies they sell. Dunno man

            >Demos probably hurt sales that are reliant upon hype, binge culture, or impulse buys.
            > It is probably hard to convince investors that the team needs to spend time making a demo when their stats show it'll reduce how many copies they sell.
            god what a gay timeline we're in for videogames
            imagine the demo discs we could have had if shit wasnt so bad

            Making a good demo is hard but it helps if you got a game that's complex enough that people want more after playing the demo. It's a fine line. You can't give them too much or they'll feel like they don't need to buy the game.

            Steam fests seem to be doing a good job at bringing demos back.

            I feel like you're putting the cart before the horse. Wolfenstein was derided as a pretty technical accomplishment but a backwards step for gameplay. Because it was. It was a hyper-optimised version of what other dungeon crawlers had done, removing complex D&D themed gameplay and putting more emphasis on high framerate full(ish) screen "3D." As technology progressed and we got better at 3D we started putting the gameplay back in, but somewhere along the way we've lost our way again. Games became dirt simple, homogenised and cookie cutter because no one wanted to take any risks. There was plenty of risk to take but no one wanted to take it. That's why Baldur's Gate 3 is being so well received, it's a relatively modern looking game and yet it's got all the stuff we discarded decades ago and that was a fricking risk in 202x, but they took it and it's paying off.
            tl;dr, technology enables games, but it doesn't drive them. In fact it hinders them for a time until it becomes commodity.

            >As technology progressed and we got better at 3D we started putting the gameplay back in, but somewhere along the way we've lost our way again. Games became dirt simple, homogenised and cookie cutter because no one wanted to take any risks.
            Oh there are plenty of people taking risks but you usually don't hear about all the failures. But you have a good point there. As the game industry started trying to appeal more to normies the games got dumbed down. However I do believe indies are keeping the complex games alive to an extent.

            Baldur's Gate 3 is an unorganic success. It didn't get big due to its own merits as a game. It was the result of massive marketing and shilling campaigns. There's a bunch of CRPGs released in recent years that didn't do anywhere near as well yet had all the complexity or more. CRPGs are an extremely niche genre and it makes no fricking sense for one suddenly to 10x the concurrent players of the next most popular CRPG on Steam which happens to be the previous title from the same company. It's not the sort of thing that happens just by making a good game.

    • 11 months ago

      Well if people want the 1990s style of games back, they need to unironically take the Ganker pill and see what books and historical works inspired the games of the 1990s.

  46. 11 months ago

    I do this literally every year:
    1. Lookup top metacritic games in the current year
    2. Lookup top metacriitic games in the current year - 20
    3. Cry

    Am I getting old?

    • 11 months ago

      No, its just a phase of consolidation and trying to pour more and more budget into fewer games.
      Which lead to penny pincher wanting to do it safer, thereby less experimental games.

      Hollywood has been trough this cycle like 3 times already. The same will happen to the game industry. At the least we can still buy indies, even if that means their scope is more limited.

  47. 11 months ago

    all of those appeal to me be

  48. 11 months ago

    The marketing was at least much more palatable in the 2000s. Otherwise I honestly feel like there's never been a better time to play video games. They're easy to get for free or on sale, there are entire decades worth of classics to play and a lot of new games that are worth playing are still being released. This year has honestly been one of my favorites in recent memory as far as new releases are concerned.

    • 11 months ago

      what the frick even came out this year? I can't think of anything good off the top of my head

      • 11 months ago

        I've been waiting for Pizza Tower and Baldur's Gate 3 since they were both first announced and was very pleasantly surprised by Street Fighter 6 after having practically given up on expecting the sequel to 5 to be any good. I'm pretty excited for Armored Core 6 too.

    • 11 months ago

      Marketing was great back then and had SOUL.

      • 11 months ago

        If you ask me why, it's because it was humans trying to sell stuff they like to humans. Now it's algorithms and psychologists working to exploit every mechanism in the brain to squeeze as much money and attention from you as possible for a product they don't care about.

      • 11 months ago

        He's dead

      • 11 months ago

        i cant remember the last time i saw a fun AAA game commercial
        it all just tries being "le epic" and grandiose

  49. 11 months ago

    I'm really excited about the prospect of dating in my thirties for some reason. I've spent the last few years of my twenties single after having gotten oneitis a couple times in a row during some long relationships in my teens and twenties and am excited at the prospect of meeting someone in my thirties who also took a while to get their shit together. Video games.

  50. 11 months ago

    You can definitely have fun with games today but it's almost impossible to have more fun than a kid playing games on a CRT. Saying so is the opposite of jaded, I can't imagine a more cynical sentiment than "games are better than ever." You basically need to reprogram your mind to shut the whole modern world out to get yourself in the headspace that used to be the norm.

    • 11 months ago

      >but it's almost impossible to have more fun than a kid playing games on a CRT
      I got snapped out of coping that maybe I was getting old when I got a PS2 emulator working and played Katamari for the first time in a decade. Holy shit I let my standards for games fall over time, they really were just better outside of a few issues.

    • 11 months ago

      >it's almost impossible to have more fun than a kid playing games on a CRT

      • 11 months ago

        what game is he playing?

  51. 11 months ago

    What happened in 2004 that suicide rates dropped so much in the years after? And what happened in 2009 that they started growing so much?

    • 11 months ago

      UT 2004

    • 11 months ago

      didnt the horse armor dlc come out around that year

    • 11 months ago

      Unironically the collapse of the USSR, creating exceptional global opportunities for young US citizens.
      Economy stagnates again due outsourcing and real wage collapse

      • 11 months ago

        I think when I look back to then and now, what really changed was the family unit, and this might just be my personal experience, but has anyone else's families grown apart after like 2010 or so? We've lost close family ties and get togethers, we've lost family trips and family dinners, we've lost family summers and eating ice cream late at night while watching the stars. Families were destroyed, not just close families but most western countries demographics have been destroyed through the importation of the turd world so that when an American looks at another American today... they have likely little in common, one dude is white, one is indian, one poor, one is extremely rich, one listens to meidocore while the other listens to mumble rap. Community and shared beliefs and culture are no longer existent: only the lonely, fragile human remains at the mercy of the powers that be.

        Thanks for reading my blogspot.

        Also the 2008 financial crisis (and EU debt crisis) that still many have never recovered from to this day. Probably one the largest transfers of money from the poor to the rich ever.

        • 11 months ago

          This obviously has a ton of implications for how video games are developed and enjoyed.

        • 11 months ago

          yeah i get you anon, even as a non-american i felt things just started to get worse around that point
          video games too

        • 11 months ago

          >and EU debt crisis
          Will Spain ever recover from the lost generation? US might rebound to try and stay the Top Dog of the global economy, but I rather doubt Spain and similar countries will never. The same might be true of oil nations like UAE or Norway as well, even if they can hide the disparity via indirect subsidiaries

        • 11 months ago

          This, families in America have been absolutely destroyed, from divorce rates and open marriages and pushing "gender nonconformity" and encouraging cutting off family members for having "toxic" viewpoints. You can see that most of the top people in the game industry have huge family issues and this shows in the products they put out (same goes with games journalism and the articles they write). Also why they seem to hate anything resembling a normal straight relationship nowadays.

        • 11 months ago

          Tl;dr Im a homosexual with a keyboard.
          We're already off-topic so much at this point that who cares.
          I agree with you, to a point. Maybe "right for the wrong reasons". Anecdotally, within my family, it feels like we're all living together yet hearing a totally different narrative. It's easy to point the finger at social media and technology, but it's so omnipresent at social gatherings anymore that it undoubtedly has changed how people interact, especially when it comes to families. My parents and relatives have also become much more politically-focused since 2016, unsurprisingly. The middle class has been shrinking. Buncha shit.
          Kind of a related thought I had, but I have to wonder if we were never meant to know this many people. As in, if your average Joe was never meant to try and account for interacting with so many different cultures. By being so interconnected through the internet, we have to account for so many different kinds of etiquette, cultural mores, and re-define what is considered "common knowledge". In the earlier days of the internet, this was less of an issue, as the internet had its own distinct culture it built on its own. As usual, blame the normies for coming in and trying to make others bend to their own preferences.

        • 11 months ago

          My family has not fallen apart, but everyone is way more insular and entrenched against outsiders now. Most of the youngest are struggling with less opportunities. The last few years I've been encouraging the family to tie their ideas together as we are all going to fall or rise together at this point, individualism's time has run out.

        • 11 months ago

          sounds like you aren't a child anymore, so it falls on you to organize stuff like this instead of relying only on your familiy members to do this.
          when was the last time you called your parents and iniated a visit or a get-together?

    • 11 months ago

      PlayStation released
      People realized PS3 has no gaems

  52. 11 months ago

    Why are the skirts getting longer again? Make it stop!

    • 11 months ago

      Cause fear became profitable and men aren't taught to defend themselves from the social slander.

  53. 11 months ago

    My Jap labmate literally has the same hair style as the ‘20s chick wtf

  54. 11 months ago

    You could say Black person all you want and no one would care.

  55. 11 months ago

    Pick a year between 90-99. Check what games came out and you decide.

  56. 11 months ago

    For me it's Sukeban girls

    • 11 months ago

      Damn delinquent girls, I'd let them gang rape me.

    • 11 months ago

      Where are the long skirts?
      I like long skirts.
      Thry are beautiful and long dresses are pretty comfortable and nice to wear. Feels pretty free like moving in a more loose bathrobe
      Did some maid cosplay on one anime convention in my late teens with some girls, was fun times and I talked with a deep voice to be funny. Someone gave me a fake beard too and I gave good laugh to people
      Got laid too

      Ironically, long skirts were used as a form of protest by Sukeban girls at a time when shorter ones (or even shortening them more/as much as they could get away with during or after school) was the style.

  57. 11 months ago

    All this talk about innovation, here's an idea nobody has done:
    >Time/resource management game centered around dividing and conquering with 2 characters
    >Game is co-op compatible but can also be played single-player by simultaneously controlling both characters
    >Left stick, X and Y, and L and ZL control one, Right stick, A and B, and R and ZR control the other
    >Split screen or dynamically zooming camera, your choice

  58. 11 months ago

    Everything was better when you were young.

    • 11 months ago

      >zoom zoom thinks he's smart
      Gaming gets a diamond in the rough these days, but it use to be a gold mine. A shame you weren't around for it.

  59. 11 months ago
    90s were the peak

    This thread is gay alternative spread to Japan as was a major influence it was the last culture to take over a generation

    • 11 months ago
      90s were the peak
      • 11 months ago
        90s were the peak


        • 11 months ago
          90s were the peak
          • 11 months ago
            90s were the peak


            • 11 months ago
              90s were the peak
              • 11 months ago
                90s were the peak


              • 11 months ago
                90s were the peak
              • 11 months ago
                90s were the peak
              • 11 months ago
                90s were the peak

                Manson korn slipknot

              • 11 months ago
                90s were the peak
              • 11 months ago
                90s were the peak


              • 11 months ago
                90s were the peak
              • 11 months ago
                90s were the peak
              • 11 months ago
                90s were the peak
              • 11 months ago
                90s were the peak

                There it's called Jet Set Radio (Future).

                Gotta couple pictures but where is the thrift girls and dudes that look like hippies goths nu metal limp bizkit Frickers punks baggy clothing and people who don't give a frick what they are wearing

                I demand a 2023 90s culture only japan game

              • 11 months ago
                90s were the peak


              • 11 months ago
                90s were the peak
        • 11 months ago

          There it's called Jet Set Radio (Future).

  60. 11 months ago

    why are they suddenly wearing autism shoes

  61. 11 months ago

    no, it's not. it's a garbage era were people had too much time to waste on video games.

    all the games back in the day were convulted, slow, grindy, and needed alot of focus to play. these games are still played now by middle aged gays purely from nostalgia.

    • 11 months ago
      90s were the peak

      More complex more focus = better games.

      Every game is boring after 30 minutes or is a grade school point a do task go to point b babysitting adventure

      • 11 months ago
        90s were the peak
  62. 11 months ago

    On topic, some things were different and better others were not. If you want to stay awhile and listen to tales of oldhomosexualry from an elder millennial, then ask your questions. Its a lot to cover for me to just start rattling off differences but for instances, if you think that hardware is stupidly expensive since 2020 (it is, particularly during the GPU crypto mining boom ), back in the late 90s and circa Y2K you could pay a frickload for PC hardware and literally be unable to play next year's games and/or not be able to play them well. A "solid gaming" PC was $3000 in the Pentium 4 era or prior. This is not to say consoles were necessarily cheap - only cheap ER than PCs. Remember that a NES was $300+ in late 80s money, and the whole "Playstation BTFOs Saturn by simply saying the price and leaving stage on US release announcement) thing happened; to say nothing for the costs of something like the Jaguar, 3DO etc and of course the NeoGeo (which was the gaming equivalent of owning a private jet during its heyday)

    ....also I remember the "loose socks" phase in japan.

    • 11 months ago

      Thought of one worth starting off and just coming out with it -


      You bought games. You bought expansions to games. You sometimes got content patches along with updates. For the few consistent server online titles like MMOs, you payed your Subscription per month and you got ALL THE FRICKING CONTENT INCLUDING THE COSMETICS, until a one off expansion came out every couple of years and you bought that and kept paying your subscription. That was the beauty of it - you could pay your sub and you'd have full access to the sandbox/theme park of the game world as you wished including all the cosmetics. It would take years of brainwashing a new generation to accept this nonsense and its so infuriating that more people don't rebuke this kind of behavior. "Cancel culture" can be weaponized online to get some guy who made a problematic tweet years ago fired, but can't organize a campaign against exploitative shitty monetization?

    • 11 months ago

      True and don't forget the lack of coverage surrounding many games meant you'd pay the equivalent of $70 for some shitty shovelware.
      Provided, renting and demo discs were a thing so you often had the opportunity to try before you buy.
      Maybe the modern perception is that you got more value for your dollar in 90s/00s gaming? For one, you had the actual physical game, complete with a box and usually a manual and inserts and shit. Expansion packs existed but nothing like modern DLC. I know the DLC conversation has been done to death but I had to at least mention it.

      • 11 months ago

        man i miss demos
        the only recent demo that comes to mind is the dmc 5 one
        are companies so afraid people will think their game sucks from the demo that they wont buy it?

        • 11 months ago

          That might play into it yeah. In a way, people kind of pay for "demos" in early access as a pre-order bonus.
          Demos probably hurt sales that are reliant upon hype, binge culture, or impulse buys. It is probably hard to convince investors that the team needs to spend time making a demo when their stats show it'll reduce how many copies they sell. Dunno man

          • 11 months ago

            >Demos probably hurt sales that are reliant upon hype, binge culture, or impulse buys.
            > It is probably hard to convince investors that the team needs to spend time making a demo when their stats show it'll reduce how many copies they sell.
            god what a gay timeline we're in for videogames
            imagine the demo discs we could have had if shit wasnt so bad

      • 11 months ago

        As you mention, there were shovelware games but renting (and to a lesser extent demo discs once the CD era came to be. I think all of us from that era remember playing the Final Fantasy VII demo disc and it was a mind blowing graphical step up to see the opening and the whole Midgar Reactor mission) was the big counter to shovelware. You got a chance to play a FULL game for just a couple of bucks and they often had the latest games available for the latest systems, as well as a bunch of lower profile titles to try out too. Sometimes you could rent a game and beat it before you had to take it back, usually 2-3 days later; I can remember asking my dad to re-rent some JRPG because I didn't want to risk losing my save file when the next player rented it etc.

        Especially during the cartridge age but even after it, the "value" proposition was actually often worse than it was for many other games in some cases, but its harder to actually assess such things with all in context. For instance owning the physical game was sort of a necessity, but had we had the Famicom Disk System (which as some may not know, allowed JP players to basically go back and write a new game to an existing disk than buying a whole new one. It was still proprietary disk formats but yeah Nintendo gonna Nintendo) I think a lot of people would have liked it. The main thing is that definitely by the Wii/X360/PS3 era games weren't just played from an unchanging disc/disc/cart anymore, it was basically hard drive time, even if you installed from media.

        As far as DLC, I think the issue is the amount of content and price. There are sometimes "expansion style" DLCs, or smaller ones with lesser content but the real issue is paying a lot for either "micro but not" transaction shit, stuff that was cut from the game, or other limited junk. Its industry greed extracting what they can for max price and normalizing it, not the concept itself.

        • 11 months ago

          >Nintendo gonna Nintendo
          The more things change, the more they stay the same hehe. Thanks for the insight OLD MAN

          • 11 months ago

            Yeah, even for Japanese companies, Nintendo has been primarily for locking stuff down. Hell, go read about how they tried to make it illegal to rent games in the US but couldn't because we had Doctrine of First Sale, but in Japan game rental was actually illegal more or less as I recall.

    • 11 months ago

      in term of content frick yes, but in other aspects it was just like this anon said, gaming on PC was a nightmare but today PC is by far the best platform. playing through chrono cross right now on duckstation and games from back then just hit differently.

  63. 11 months ago

    >be born in 93
    >too young to properly enjoy the 90s
    >not quite old enough to really enjoy the 00s
    >just old enough to watch it all go away and be replaced by something worse
    sucks being zoomlennial

    • 11 months ago

      We're called zillennials.

    • 11 months ago

      same bro, same. i wish i was born either a few yews later or earlier

  64. 11 months ago

    >Video games are for nerds!
    >You play video games? Loser!
    >Yeah I play Halo with my mates every week.
    >You don't play Fortnite? What are you doing with your life, loser?

    • 11 months ago
      90s were the peak

      My mom grandma dad uncle grandpa sister were all playing nes in the 80s. Gaming wasn't nerdy.

      Nerds were computer gaming and niche games probably mostly rpgs. That changed in the 90s mmos became nerdy

      • 11 months ago
        90s were the peak
        • 11 months ago
          90s were the peak
          • 11 months ago
            90s were the peak
            • 11 months ago
              90s were the peak

              Emo is trash tier -5/10

              • 11 months ago
                90s were the peak
              • 11 months ago
                90s were the peak
              • 11 months ago
                90s were the peak

                Need a wife that dresses like this mixed with goth

              • 11 months ago
                90s were the peak
              • 11 months ago
                90s were the peak
              • 11 months ago
                90s were the peak
              • 11 months ago
                90s were the peak
              • 11 months ago
                90s were the peak
              • 11 months ago
                90s were the peak
              • 11 months ago
                90s were the peak
              • 11 months ago
                90s were the peak
              • 11 months ago

                He is wearing a tshirt from the band The 1975, this photo is max 2015

              • 11 months ago
                90s were the peak

                Find me a picture of the shirt. I doubt anyone dresses like this in Japan now.

                I am pretty sure there was a 1975 levi jeans year catch phrase dumb shit in the late 90s that I remember

      • 11 months ago

        Anon, your family was a bunch of nerds, and it shows in you growing up to dump a bunch of photos depicting weird Japanese subcultures on a Georgian dart-throwing forum.

  65. 11 months ago

    For games? Yes absolutely. To devs, putting easter eggs, to unlockables, to cheats, to multiple endings, to creative use of tutorials, actual art style in mind and not muh realism, I can go on and on, and I don't even have to mention easy targets like always online, gacha slot machine mechanics and e-sports.

  66. 11 months ago
  67. 11 months ago

    >Gyaru JK

    Those don't really sound match each other to me.

    Isn't the generation represented with stuff like 80s big hair or neon color style?

    • 11 months ago

      The point here is when they would have been in school. Also I don't think "late gen X" really fits by most conventional definitions, but that aside an old millennial born in the early or mid 80s would have grown up and been in the right ages, teens etc...during the 90s and circa 2000s. The 80s big hair stuff youth culture was from those born in the 70s or 60s. Those born in the 80s didn't have the Revenge of the Nerds, War Games, Ferris Bueller , Karate Kid experience, they were too young.

  68. 11 months ago

    >Is it true that the 90s/00s were better times for gamers?
    No always online
    No Denuvo
    No microtransactions
    No cash shops
    No lootboxes
    No metadata farming
    No account linking
    No social media
    No Day 1 patch requirements
    Yes, things were better.

  69. 11 months ago

    Not really because you can still play all those games now along with everything else that's been released since then and pirating has never been faster or easier.

    • 11 months ago

      >Not really because you can still play all those games now
      You are literally a child and have zero understanding how progress works.

      • 11 months ago

        >It was better to experience them back then because... just, because!

  70. 11 months ago
    90s were the peak

    I have 1 more picture from the greatest era in the modern world where freedom of expression was not challenged or censored

    Frick emo
    Frick all metal after 2004
    Frick all mumble rap
    Frick all the anime fans of the 90s that don't know this culture
    Frick all the memes marketing
    Frick all the vapid social media
    Frick the easy ass games
    Frick all bots shilling propaganda like 1930s that don't have to enter captcha
    Frick vaporwave or anything with the word core in it
    Frick it all

    • 11 months ago

      Thank you for your contributions sir (;_;)7

    • 11 months ago
      90s were the peak

      Also frick anyone on Ganker corporate shilling place
      Frick everyone who doesn't respect the 90s culture or doesn't appreciate how beautiful and unique of an era this was for being yourself

      • 11 months ago

        i read that as "frick sharting" and was very confused on what messeg was trying to be said

      • 11 months ago

        >being yourself
        >buying into a ready made "anti-authoritarian" agenda cooked up by a room full of marketing execs
        Why is Gen X so pathetic? Their entire legacy is being giant gays and consoomers.

      • 11 months ago

        >soul patch
        >"Real men lick pussy"
        Why would you be proud of such a time?

  71. 11 months ago

    I didn't grow up a Japanese schoolgirl so these fashion delineations mean nothing to me.

  72. 11 months ago

    >20's and 10's are almost exactly the same
    Everything since 2007 has just been one big gray mass, hasn't it? Nothing since then has felt like it was part of a distinct Era like in the 80's and 90's.

    • 11 months ago

      2009-2012 was definitely a distinct cultural era. It was the last gasps of millennial culture.

      • 11 months ago

        Name something that defines it as an era.

        • 11 months ago


          • 11 months ago

            They're still around, if anything their influence has grown.

      • 11 months ago

        I feel like smartphones and social media started the homogenization process around 2007-2008 or so while Obama's first term revived 90s political correctness into contemporary sjw culture but the process wasn't finished until 2012 and now we're stuck in a rut until the next world war.

        • 11 months ago

          >smartphones and social media
          That started in 2009. No one had an iPhone in 2007-2008 and Myspace was still the dominant social media website until Twitter and Facebook started becoming popular in 2009.

          • 11 months ago

            >The first-generation iPhone was announced by then-Apple CEO Steve Jobs on January 9, 2007
            And I distinctly remember getting on Facebook with all my friends in my Freshman year in 2006.

            • 11 months ago

              No one had an iPhone in 2007 because they were too expensive for most people.

            • 11 months ago

              >The first-generation iPhone was announced by then-Apple CEO Steve Jobs on January 9, 2007

              And then, what, they just appeared in everyone's pockets the next day for free?

              Expensive new toys take time to catch on and proliferate

              • 11 months ago

                This. It's annoying when zoomers who were in diapers at the time push this "2007 bad" meme just because iPhones technically started existing. iPhones started being something you actually saw people use around late 2009 and 2013 was when they became ubiquitous.

              • 11 months ago

                I remember seeing a part of the Pokemon XY anime in 2013 where Ash is falling from a tower and in the background some npc is nonchalantly recording it with a phone, and 12 year old me thought "lol they're making fun of stupid teenage girls and their toy cell phones".

                I didn't know...

              • 11 months ago

                This. It's annoying when zoomers who were in diapers at the time push this "2007 bad" meme just because iPhones technically started existing. iPhones started being something you actually saw people use around late 2009 and 2013 was when they became ubiquitous.

                Not a zoomer, but I remember that was when mobile market and mobile design started being a predominant concern. And it was also when they started pushing Obama as the Black person messiah and going overboard with progressive politics.

              • 11 months ago

                >that was when mobile market and mobile design started being a predominant concern
                It wasn't. Websites on the Internet were designed with desktop computers and laptops in mind because again, smartphones were a novelty at best. You can look at what Youtube used to look like and compare it to what it is today to see how different 2007 was from now.

                >they started pushing Obama as the Black person messiah
                I should have guessed you were a /misc/ack.

              • 11 months ago

                Before the iPhone the popularity of Blackberry had already paved the way for mobile domination
                And I'm not going to pretend Obama wasn't the catalyst for this age of globohomosexual Black person sludge.

              • 11 months ago

                Yes and Blackberries were very different from iPhones. For that matter they were already a thing back in the 90s, so if you want to go back to the beginning, smartphones started in the 90s. iPhones are what revolutionized mobile phones, but it took a few years for their influence to really start, which makes sense because it always takes a few years for technology to catch on.

              • 11 months ago

                I don't think you remember how big blackberry was 2005-2007. If anything Apple was chasing the trend.

              • 11 months ago

                blackberries were only popular with the same morons who wore pagers to feel important. They were nowhere near normalgay status

            • 11 months ago

              Facebook was for college kids until around 2008 when it opened up to everyone, and its real heyday was 2009-2013.

              • 11 months ago

                I remember my brother in High School using it in 2006, but it was one of many social networks that were a a big factor in normalgayging the internet. Don't act like MySpace wasn't full of roasties and others.

    • 11 months ago

      There are a number of reasons for that mostly coming back to late stage capitalism , but there were distinct cultural elements that changed during those times. There are reasons that things are different than previous generations but some of it may also be (You) are older and viewing them from outside. Even with that in mind things are different and for varying reasons, but its something to keep in mind.

      2009-2012 was definitely a distinct cultural era. It was the last gasps of millennial culture.

      Name something that defines it as an era.

      I wouldn't consider it "millennial" culture as even that was VASTLY split between the "old" millennials and the younger ones, it should almost be two different generations for varying reasons from a cultural standpoint.

      However that period of time had some very unique elements
      >Worldwide financial collapse and developed nation/US bailouts. A major reason things are shitty andor didn't correct their shitty position was because of this
      >Reaction to the above Wall Street corruption became a political awakening , Occupy Wall Street, Arab Spring, and other movements, combined with a decade of post 9/11 fear and war profiteering that shit was going to hell and people were rightly angry
      >Social Media arrived much to the chagrin of everyone who was online before it.
      >iPhone debut meant a lot more online/computing normalhomosexualry than previous
      >The above two were major factors moving toward the end of the "old Net/web" , along with concentrated corporate effort for data mining, surveillance capitalism and everything else termed "enshittification".
      >Hipsterism would soon be replaced by something more obnoxious. I can't believe I'm actually typing these words.

      There's more, but that'sa start.

      • 11 months ago

        >but there were distinct cultural elements that changed during those times.
        I'm not saying their aren't, but none of them feel significant enough to say that they aggregate into demarcating one Era from another.
        2023 and 2013 are near identical while 2013 and 2003 felt like different eras. I'll grant that this is mostly subjective, but I can't help but notice that culture has stagnated.

        • 11 months ago

          While I don't doubt that there's stagnation (mostly because of shit I mentioned previously, enshittification etc) its still far different between 2023 and 2013. Hell, many advocate for calling 2020 and the Pandemic on its own new era compared to those before it because it was such a change for so many, but even aside from that you can cut up what happened culturally from 2013 to 2023

          • 11 months ago

            I will agree with him that if you were to go back to 2013, it would feel less different than going back to 2003 from 2013. 2023 feels like the same reality as 2013, whereas 2013 feels like another universe from even 2008.

            • 11 months ago

              >whereas 2013 feels like another universe from even 2008.
              I'd argue that even they feel too much alike.

              • 11 months ago

                I disagree. You could go through the entire year of 2008 without seeing a single iPhone. That would be literally impossible in 2013.

              • 11 months ago

                There were still smartphones and social media, and the narratives were the same even if the actors weren't.

              • 11 months ago

                Yes, but the smartphones and social media of 2008 were more primitive and much less visible.

              • 11 months ago

                Twitter and Facebook were more or less the same

              • 11 months ago

                Facebook, sure. Twitter started becoming popular in 2009.

            • 11 months ago

              >2023 in the same reality as 2013
              I think a lot will disagree. Even if you put the Pandemic aside, if you went back to 2013, Bin Laden had only been killed a few years ago and we were still in Afghanistan and Iraq in a major way , the ideas of a Trump presidency seems moronic among the degree of open and hostile cultural divergence going on. Even the online "enshittification" was nowhere near as bad though still a problem obviously. I mean, aside from technology changing and whatnot going back to 2003 was certainly a different era, but definitely the past decade or so has its own delineations.

              It took a month for everyone to forget the pandemic happened and go back to acting like it's 2016.

              Eh, I think that' varies a lot. Studies have shown that in lots of places kids basically lost years of educational progress during the Pandemic because they this is not a country that gave a shit about remote learning beforehand at the best of times to say nothing of other elements of schooling, but its a significant effect. Tons of normalgays lost their mind being told they couldn't do what they normally would and that's to say nothing of those who decided to make, even from the worst of it, their ideology to be "I will do what want frick everyone else its a israeli chinese hoax" and whined about wearing a mask.. Some morons always were hostile to the very idea of the pandemic from the start and never stopped acting like it was 2016 except when forced, crrying about it the whole time. Others its more of something they don't want to think about and would fall over themselves to believe everything is fine, but it doesn't mean it didn't affect them during or after - we have the numbers to prove it in many metrics.

              >still far different between 2023 and 2013
              Can you be more specific? I honestly can't think of anything that drastic.

              Seriously? Even besides the Pandemic which I described above, just look at the culture war bullshit run up to /misc/ election tourism on this site alone etc. For something gaming related, look at the differences in how Japanese developers have come to the PC over the past decade thanks mostly to Valve. Out of room

              • 11 months ago

                The Trump movement is just a natural evolution if the Tea Party movement and Afghanistan is still a significant part of foreign policy discourse.
                The pandemic has already been swept under the rug and the Valve stuff feels negligible in the grand scheme to say it defines the Era.

          • 11 months ago

            It took a month for everyone to forget the pandemic happened and go back to acting like it's 2016.

          • 11 months ago

            >still far different between 2023 and 2013
            Can you be more specific? I honestly can't think of anything that drastic.

    • 11 months ago

      2012-2013 was a big inflection point
      2020+ has turned into a bizarre parody

  73. 11 months ago

    Japanese Gen X here. You are all nostalgic for places and times that never existed, but I don't blame you for it. Time only moves forward, so try to make what good memories you can.

  74. 11 months ago

    I don't care much for these 90's fashion pics you're sharing.

    • 11 months ago

      For what its worth, that's not "90s fashion" as average, some of it is particular "Japanese Street Fashion", which has evolved over the years and isn't representative of average youth fashion either, but rather was a way to find friends into the same shit as you and also one of the few ways that young Japanese could express themselves and there were tons of different sub-styles and categories

  75. 11 months ago

    God I hate asians

    • 11 months ago

      More for me.

  76. 11 months ago

    The generational divide keeps shifting, I'm now a gen xer

  77. 11 months ago

    why are the skirts getting longer? WHY?

  78. 11 months ago

    10s-chan cute

  79. 11 months ago

    No. All the 90s/00s games are still there, but now I can play them for free on whatever I want, even my cellphone. Plus, there are some good recent indie games.

  80. 11 months ago

    Not just better. Peak.

  81. 11 months ago

    Depends on what you like. For the most part, and the same is true for today as well as back then and in days of yore, 90% of games were shit with a few gems sprinkled in here and there.

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