Is No Man's Sky actually worth playing now? I like space games and visiting different planets.

Is No Man's Sky actually worth playing now? I like space games and visiting different planets.

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago


  2. 2 years ago

    frick no. it's now a single player mmo. you don't need to mine much but the grind is even worse. still no actual campaign, only a long tutorial.

  3. 2 years ago

    wide but shallow, fun but not really that fun

    • 2 years ago

      for the first 3 hours until you realize everything else is just copy pasted and there's nothing more to explore

      Sort of, the devs aversion to combat make the game sort of bland.
      Still better than the average space autism simulators.

      >Still better than the average space autism simulators.
      frick off, NMS is autistic as frick

      • 2 years ago

        >for the first 3 hours until you realize everything else is just copy pasted and there's nothing more to explore
        you can still squeeze a little bit of fun for like few more hours
        i have like 50 hours in nms

  4. 2 years ago
  5. 2 years ago

    FRICK no

  6. 2 years ago

    Sort of, the devs aversion to combat make the game sort of bland.
    Still better than the average space autism simulators.

    • 2 years ago

      define average space autism simulator, it surely isnt better than elite, x4 or starsector

      • 2 years ago

        Elite, where you spend half your play time sitting waiting to get to your destination, and where the mission difficulty is misleading.

    • 2 years ago

      Best reply in the whole thread. It perfectly sums up the whole NMS experience and direction.

      Is No Man's Sky actually worth playing now? I like space games and visiting different planets.

      My take: the game is worth it for a discount. Which is what is currently going on rn and thus I'm guessing the reason for the thread.

      • 2 years ago

        The game goes on sale for $30 all the time. I thought it was a good price but $30 should be the base price.

  7. 2 years ago

    I enjoyed it while it lasted but after a few 1000 planets you start to get really tired of the game

    • 2 years ago

      >but after a few 1000 planets you start to get really tired of the game
      make that 10 planets

      define average space autism simulator, it surely isnt better than elite, x4 or starsector

      that tard probably didn't play any other space game

  8. 2 years ago

    It'll keep you entertained for a while. Just going to the places the story tells you to go is good enough you don't need to explore and spend too much on planets that still are just different colors of the same places.

  9. 2 years ago

    it didn't manage to make itself stand out or show me a gameplay mechanic i really liked within the first 2 hours so i gave it a nice old refund
    it sort of proved to me that 'gamers' are cattle and are meant to be prodded and abused, you can get away with lying about nearly every detail of your game, and then 'fix' it (do the absolute bare minimum) and suddenly everyone thinks you aren't a total piece of shit anti-consumer scumbag anymore

    • 2 years ago

      the first 2h are the only fun part

      It'll keep you entertained for a while. Just going to the places the story tells you to go is good enough you don't need to explore and spend too much on planets that still are just different colors of the same places.

      the story sucks ass

      • 2 years ago

        >the story sucks ass

        It's not great, but it moves things forward and gives you a reason to go to different places because otherwise there's no point because everything looks pretty much the same after a while.

  10. 2 years ago

    there is absolutely no reason to actually explore and travel to multiple planets

  11. 2 years ago

    I'm waiting for the War tag to mean more than a difference in the stock market. Other than that its one of the space games I like to rotate in and out.

  12. 2 years ago

    The highest it can aspire to is a polished turd because the foundation design is terrible. Procgen exploration is about as inherently interesting as trying to find perfect squares in a random number generator. That's ontop of the fact that the devs being swindling liars. Arguably they're trying to make up for it by delivering on some of their promises, but it was the least they could do to try to earn back their tanked credibility because the alternative was to exit the industry for good.

  13. 2 years ago

    >add base building
    >you need to tediously grind to unlock base parts
    whole game is just grind, nothing more. even the shitty story mode is just grind.

  14. 2 years ago

    probably the worst UI I've ever seen in a game

  15. 2 years ago

    Don't listen to the no-fun brigade, No Man's Sky is worth a play now. They really went out of their way to fix it.
    It does have copy-paste problems but honestly that doesn't become super noticeable until you're hundreds of hours into the game anyway.

    • 2 years ago

      Depends. Yes , there are worlds to explore but they are shallow. There are story missions to do but they dont add much to the experience, imo. Youll basically look to upgrade your gear and drift through space. Youll need mods to improve exploration and qol things.


      • 2 years ago

        No, I just played it for a couple of hundred hours and enjoyed my time with it.

        I played about ten hours and I was seeing everything looking the same everywhere.

        Dude, there are multiple planetary biomes, there's no way you saw them all in just ten hours.

        • 2 years ago

          >multiple biomes
          They're basically all the same but different color

        • 2 years ago

          Ive played a couple hundred myself and cant recommend it. Whats worse is the constant praise this game gets for shallow its updates.

    • 2 years ago

      I played about ten hours and I was seeing everything looking the same everywhere.

    • 2 years ago

      you are a moron

      No, I just played it for a couple of hundred hours and enjoyed my time with it.

      Dude, there are multiple planetary biomes, there's no way you saw them all in just ten hours.

      stop lying you moronic piece of shit

    • 2 years ago

      >It does have copy-paste problems but honestly that doesn't become super noticeable until you're hundreds of hours into the game
      it becomes noticeable once you land on the 2nd planet you moronic shit

    • 2 years ago

      >but honestly that doesn't become super noticeable until you're hundreds of hours into the game anyway.
      You can literally see the exact same cacti when you go to another desert planet, the exact same squid/octopus trees when you go to a corrosive planet, and the exact same seashell rocks when you go to a water planet which takes like five or six hours of gameplay to have happen, max.

      • 2 years ago


        Adding more assets does not fix the core gameplay, NMS needs deeper interactions and a gameplay loop that isn't just multiple layers of resource-gathering.

        hear hear
        the new expedition takes only 5 hours

  16. 2 years ago

    If you like either space or exploration, NMS is terrible for you. Go get Freelancer.

  17. 2 years ago

    Expeditions are honestly quite fun, but everything else is a complete chore with no real purpose to anything. I want to know if the elusive 4.0 update will live up to the hype.

  18. 2 years ago

    do you have a dysfunctional brain that enjoys grinding and is fine seeing the exact same plant 40000000 times?
    do you want a meaningful space sim?
    nope, look elsewhere
    also the UI is complete dogshit and you can't even change colors on your space ship for some fricking reason

    • 2 years ago

      *planet, but the plants do repeat very frequently

  19. 2 years ago

    Yup, but not for $60 unless you really, really like crafting games. When they fix the proc gen it will be kino worth full price.

    Also frick torgays, half the posts itt are just blatantly untrue.

    • 2 years ago

      >When they fix the proc gen
      I thought they said they wouldn't mess with that anymore to not frick up people's bases?

      • 2 years ago

        When did they say this?

        • 2 years ago

          I can't find the blog where I remember reading that, so the source is that I suck massive dicks 24/7.

      • 2 years ago

        idk but I'm seeing it become a pretty predominant complaint about the game from long-term fans. Short-term thrills really were not worth sacrificing the core gameplay over and the disappointment from that has been mounting. People log on to do the expedition or check out a new update and then drop because they've already seen all 10 planets 10000 times before, their base is all built and they have infinite cash. The intrinsic value from exploring just isn't there and it shows.

        Plus it seems like they could always add a new galaxy string or something, instead of overwriting the one already there.

        • 2 years ago

          Upgraded proc gen is the #1 request for the game right now I'm pretty certain. They'd be out of their minds if the next major version (4.0) doesn't at least attempt to address it somehow.

          • 2 years ago

            procgen isn't going to fix that there's nothing to do
            procgen is only used for the planet's terrain and nothing else, the animals and plants are all preexisting models

            • 2 years ago

              >procgen isn't going to fix anything in a game about exploring

            • 2 years ago

              NMS is an interesting case study on what NOT to do when designing your game. There's actually a lot of thinks to 'do' in NMS, a reasonable variety of features, but they each lack depth and don't really work together. There's no motivator to make you use half the features in the game, even expeditions (the only saving grace the game has at the moment) only push you to use some of those features. The fundamental flaw with the game it is lacks that 'hook', a proper obstacle or challenge to overcome, its game design falls flat on its face at the first hurdle. Everything else to do becomes busywork for the sake of it.

              It's clear the developers don't know how to solve this issue, and to be honest I don't know if anyone has a solution to fixing the gameplay at its core. Having said all that, better proc gen would at least help give players a few more hours of things to see and interact with.

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                it's very obvious the devs are complete morons
                the game could be actually very easily fixed

                >but honestly that doesn't become super noticeable until you're hundreds of hours into the game anyway.
                You can literally see the exact same cacti when you go to another desert planet, the exact same squid/octopus trees when you go to a corrosive planet, and the exact same seashell rocks when you go to a water planet which takes like five or six hours of gameplay to have happen, max.

                or you can see the exact same buildings copy pasted on the starting planed

              • 2 years ago

                Adding more assets does not fix the core gameplay, NMS needs deeper interactions and a gameplay loop that isn't just multiple layers of resource-gathering.

              • 2 years ago

                no one said adding new assets would fix it

              • 2 years ago

                Then how do you fix it?

              • 2 years ago

                adding actual gameplay and campaign and not spam the copy pasted shit everywhere
                just make it like FTL in 3D and it's fixed

                >you know you can pirate it to see how shit it is
                Nah. I have a lot of other games I wanna play but I thought a space game would be nice right now.

                makes sense, it's a waste of time

              • 2 years ago

                >adding actual gameplay
                How would you do that?
                The game already has freighters you micromanage, but it ain't fun.
                Be specific, what gameplay mechanics would you add, what interactions would you add that would fundamentally fix the game as a whole?
                >make it like FTL in 3D
                So setting foot on a planet becomes completely irrelevant? I thought this was supposed to be an exploration game.

              • 2 years ago

                >How would you do that?
                have a goal to work towards, like a final boss in FTL
                have enemies and bosses
                have the combat not be complete shit where you just hold one button
                >So setting foot on a planet becomes completely irrelevant?
                you would need to mine resources, find shops, find technology, find crashed ships to loot
                the systems are all there

                The issue is people who don't like exploration games wanting this exploration game to not be an exploration game. The devs have been trying to appease that crowd for years by adding in "problems" on top of its multiple campaigns, and all those players spam upvotes and claim the game is saved and then drop after 2 days because mindlessly plugging away at objectives isn't nearly as fulfilling as larping as an exploration ayy (even if not as many people appreciate it). But now even the ayys are unsatisfied because they've been made second class citizens for so long.

                >The issue is people who don't like exploration games wanting this exploration game to not be an exploration game.
                the issue is that this exploration game has literally nothing to explore
                every planet is basically the same

              • 2 years ago

                The issue is people who don't like exploration games wanting this exploration game to not be an exploration game. The devs have been trying to appease that crowd for years by adding in "problems" on top of its multiple campaigns, and all those players spam upvotes and claim the game is saved and then drop after 2 days because mindlessly plugging away at objectives isn't nearly as fulfilling as larping as an exploration ayy (even if not as many people appreciate it). But now even the ayys are unsatisfied because they've been made second class citizens for so long.

              • 2 years ago

                There needs to be a gameplay hook that ties directly into the exploration that the game is supposed to be about. It's lost focus for so long that nobody knows what the game is supposed to be anymore. Problem is, how do you create compelling gameplay for an exploration game? Especially one where combat was never intended to be the focus. How do you turn exploration into an obstacle to overcome (which is game design 101)?
                You kind of can't. That's why the game is a resource grinding simulator with a half-assed crafting system and base building. Even then, the base building largely contradicts the planet-hopping exploration too.

                The game needs a regular obstacle that fits the context of planet-hopping exploration, but they've never found one.

                >How would you do that?
                have a goal to work towards, like a final boss in FTL
                have enemies and bosses
                have the combat not be complete shit where you just hold one button
                >So setting foot on a planet becomes completely irrelevant?
                you would need to mine resources, find shops, find technology, find crashed ships to loot
                the systems are all there
                >The issue is people who don't like exploration games wanting this exploration game to not be an exploration game.
                the issue is that this exploration game has literally nothing to explore
                every planet is basically the same

                See above, it's not supposed to be a combat-focused game. This isn't a shooter, and I don't think it would make the planetary exploration any better at all since they boil down to having the exact same problem they already have (planets are glorified material-gathering spots), they're about as engaging as walking around an pressing [X to collect resource]. The planets need to be inherently engaging without completely changing gears into a different genre of game. Your suggestion would only improve (space) combat.

              • 2 years ago

                >There needs to be a gameplay hook that ties directly into the exploration that the game is supposed to be about
                like bosses that will force you to explore to upgrade your ship and find technology to defeat them
                FTL is basically NMS with gameplay
                >Problem is, how do you create compelling gameplay for an exploration game?
                it was never an exploration game to begin with it was always a mining simulator to get to the center of the galaxy and restart the game

              • 2 years ago

                >FTL is basically NMS with gameplay
                They aren't even in the same genre
                >it was never an exploration game to begin with
                Okay, you're moronic. Got it.

              • 2 years ago

                the goal was always to mine to get to the center of the galaxy moron

              • 2 years ago

                It's still an exploration game and always has been. Granted, it's an exploration game with nothing meaningful to find but that's my point - you need to make finding things feel engaging and meaningful, yet nobody knows how to solve that problem and even fewer realize that it is the core problem with the game.

      • 2 years ago


        When did they say this?

        I can't find the blog where I remember reading that, so the source is that I suck massive dicks 24/7.

        I think they might have a said that after the last big proc gen overhaul.

      • 2 years ago

        Mojang level excuse. The game should focus more on building your freighter as your main base instead of forcing you to hunker down on some shitty planet for the sake of story missions.

    • 2 years ago

      a cylinder would be easier to craft

  20. 2 years ago

    the game is so fundamentality broken that I struggle to think how it can actually be fixed. 6 years later and at its core it's still a game where you mine for materials to make equipment so you can mine materials faster. The gameplay loop is a broken mess that doesn't actually give you any sense of actual progression or growth.

  21. 2 years ago

    expeditions are the only fun part of NMS to be honest because they're starting a new save with mostly major difference. I think I had an immersive during expedition 3 last year because you were stranded on a planet with almost constant toxic rain and it took multiple advanced crafting items to get your ship working. It was pretty comfy sitting in my created house waiting for the rain to end while I was also crafting everything

  22. 2 years ago

    they can't fix the procgen. they are morons who are using the most basic algorithm from wikipedia.

  23. 2 years ago

    every planet is basically the same in different color

  24. 2 years ago

    No. They've fixed some things from launch but the vast majority of stuff isn't fixes like the core gameplay not being satisfying (In fact, the Terrain Manipulator made it worse) and the fact that once you've seen each biome once you've seen every single planet you will ever experience afterward. The water biome is the most useless biome I have ever seen because there's nothing to discover underwater and investing in the submarine is the biggest waste of resources possible. The random events they added like derelict ships, crashed freighters, and alien-occupied buildings also immediately lose their luster after the first time you do them because they're all the exact same every single time.

  25. 2 years ago

    sean murray is an autist
    people who like nms is this state are autists
    game isn't going to be fixed

  26. 2 years ago

    Alright thanks everyone, I'm not gonna get it. Until next time.

    • 2 years ago

      the release version at least had some magic to it for a few hours

      you know you can pirate it to see how shit it is

      • 2 years ago

        >you know you can pirate it to see how shit it is
        Nah. I have a lot of other games I wanna play but I thought a space game would be nice right now.

    • 2 years ago

      Why not pirate it like

      the release version at least had some magic to it for a few hours

      you know you can pirate it to see how shit it is

      said and make up your own mind? Imagine being such a mindless drone you let the contrarian morons on vee talk you out of something.

      • 2 years ago

        Because he doesn't play video games.

      • 2 years ago

        Because he doesn't play video games.

        It's because I DO play video games and don't wanna waste time on downloading and playing a game I likely won't enjoy. Asking Ganker has usually worked out for me. If I would have enjoyed it, who cares? There are so many games out there, it doesn't matter.

        • 2 years ago

          What if you like it but Ganker hates it? I fricking love Guilty Gear Strive but certain parts of Ganker will start to froth if that game is mentioned

          • 2 years ago

            Then tough luck. As I said, there are so many other games out there, it doesn't really matter. I will enjoy something else. Every choice we make means we won't experience something else.

            >Asking Ganker has usually worked out for me.
            m8 Ganker does not play video games. If you agree with them then neither do you.

            Yeah, I like that meme, and while it has a certain amount of truth to it, it's not completely accurate. Ganker still plays vidya and Ganker has a difficult taste. So do I. Usually when Ganker likes a game and I try it, I like it too. When my friends or other people IRL recommend me games, I usually don't like them. I finish about 2-3 games per month because I don't have a lot of time, but I still enjoy vidya and disagree with people who say nothing good is coming out anymore. So no, I don't share the general cynicism of Ganker that leads to hating your (former) hobby.

            • 2 years ago

              >Usually when Ganker likes a game and I try it, I like it too
              the only games Ganker doesn't ignorantly torgay to death are fap bait and smash. Which pretty much puts them into the same bucket as mobile game soccer mommies.

        • 2 years ago

          >Asking Ganker has usually worked out for me.
          m8 Ganker does not play video games. If you agree with them then neither do you.

  27. 2 years ago


  28. 2 years ago

    What did sean mean by this??

    • 2 years ago

      autism I guess

  29. 2 years ago

    I played it back when it first launched. The exploration was nice, played it for about a week till I got bored of it because there was no real endgame and the grind was just very repetitive. Played it about a year ago to see all the changes, had to refund it. They've added dozens of mechanics and when you first start the game, it just throws them at you one after the other. I was almost over the two hour mark and I was still in the tutorial stage. Tutorial mining for the different resources, crafting the pieces for your ship, making a base, flying your ship in planet, discovering flora and fauna, crafting what you need so you can go off-world. It was all thrown at you one after the other and it became really overwhelming to keep up with everything. The first tutorial is way too damn scripted and padded, they should have done a better job at those first few hours because getting in now at this stage seems like an extreme hassle if its still laid out like it was a year ago.

    They really needed a better progression when it came to learning the new mechanics and the new features that the game has. Other than that, I got reminded of the fact that there is no real end to the game. Its basically just exploring different planets with the same basic terrains and looking at the pretty skyboxes. Some slight horror elements that I saw from some of the trailers, as well as those space station mechanics. Honestly, you're better off playing Space Engine or Universe Sandbox.

    • 2 years ago

      I really hate the game intro now. At launch you were fully playing the game about 5 seconds after starting it up. Now there's like an hour of obligatory campaign and base building exposure that nearly requires you to just hang out in one galaxy area for a few hours and follow to-do lists.

      Frick tutorials in general but this game really suffers from it, especially if you're autistic enough to do multiple playthroughs like I am.

  30. 2 years ago

    Got a weird take maybe.

    I feel like the devs actually did add a bunch of fundamentally great content post-launch, yet none of it has actually fixed the game and it continues to only be marginally better than launch, and that's still in utter fricking dogshit territory. People rip on the UI and gameplay loop, and those definitely rank up there, but I think the biggest core problem is just how unbound the game is.

    It's planets. Endless planets in endless space. This game is the actually fricking upper limit for the concept of an open world. The thing is, a game could still be this big, but even then, some real structure is necessary. The game wasn't like this at first. It's like, what, abandoned bases? Story shit? None of what was there is engaging, and none of it justifies the journey when we're constantly bombarded with a procedural generation system so insanely abused that you can't help but notice the cracks everywhere you ago, and the UI and gameplay issues absolutely do not help.

    The idea of the game could still work I believe, but it's not happening here unless they actually completely fricking overhaul the entire foundation and figured out a better way to keep players on a satisfying loop. That's not happening, and it's a shame, because their commitment to supporting this game is unparalleled and it's all being wasted. Throw Sean away and give his team a better game to put their energy into, fricking hell.

    • 2 years ago

      >People rip on the UI
      The UI is the one thing they fixed up right. It was horrendous at launch and is pretty passable nowadays. Item stacking alone and instant-recharges from a quick menu were some of the smarted decisions they made.

      • 2 years ago

        the UI is shit, even worse than before

        Absolutely impressive, unique and gorgeous game like no other in the industry. If you played it in its original state and then play it in its current form you'll be blown away.

        you are a worthless moron

        • 2 years ago

          It cannot possibly be worse than it was before.

        • 2 years ago

          >the UI is shit, even worse than before
          how so?

      • 2 years ago

        the UI is shit, even worse than before
        you are a worthless moron

        The UI is fine, how you navigate the menus is the one that is atrocious since it's very clear they're making it with console in mind

    • 2 years ago

      This is more or less what I've been saying as well, glad at least one other anon feels my frustration. It needs some kind of recurring obstacle that justifies all the mindless resource-gathering that the game is built around. It also needs to make the act of gathering these resources in itself more engaging to do. If they can find a way to address these problems, it could become a pretty good game even without the overhaul to planet generation that it sorely needs.

  31. 2 years ago

    Absolutely impressive, unique and gorgeous game like no other in the industry. If you played it in its original state and then play it in its current form you'll be blown away.

  32. 2 years ago

    Just got off from playing it earlier, bought it because friends are buying it too. Played with them earlier but we're mostly doing our own thing and only group up when we're trying to do some big thing, last thing we did together was going through blackhole together and beating up some pirates attacking a fleet, then we frick off to do our own thing again.

    16 hours in and it's not bad, the beginning starts off like your usual survival crafting game, but once you start going to other planet, you'll realize you don't really need to build a base in every planet or just a good enough outpost to provide shelter for storing stuffs and crafting what you need, and you can just frick off wherever you want. You might want to build a home base in safe biome just for you to wind down after going to other hazardous biomes

    The game is grindy, but feels as grindy as X series, freelancer or starsector for me. There're myriad of ways to earn money and nanites, and sometimes high difficulty bounties would give you both in generous amount. Knowledge point is the one thing that I haven't found alternate way to earn, you can only get it through those technology box that you need to dig first. Learning the language of other species is fun too, though you can skip it entirely with the translator upgrade

    The biome gives enough precedent to prepare for the harsh condition, but once you got the upgrade that adds extra protection for environmental hazard, you're pretty much 50% already prepared as most of the resource that needed to recharge the upgrade is easy to find, abundant and only need like half a stack and they can let you survive that biomes without problems. They still poses threat though, my ass almost got handed to me because a poisonous biome has typhoon going on while raining acids up my ass

    • 2 years ago

      Overall it's prettty good, but the interaction in the world is really lacking, faunas sometime attack each other and eat the corpse but they're mostly passive. You sometimes saw fleet jumping out of hyper drive but they just stand there doing nothing. There're still sync problem in MP, mostly events and enemy spawning, like one of my friend would have firestorm, while we don't have any firestorm at all (there're some that is scripted, but when we're fricking around together, we notice the desync problem), while sometimes one of us would engage an enemy pirate in space while we're there looking at him maneuvering around like a mad man and shooting to nothing.

      Don't go in expecting X series or starsector but 3D and with MP, at best, it's less grindy elite dangerous with pretty fun biome interactions. I haven't touched factions and settlements, but one of my friend already touch it and from what I've seen, it feels like minecraft village, in the sense that there's nothing happened and only serves as a place for an event to happen and some merchant npc to come in and stay there.
      While I haven't seen a lot of other same biome, I can agree that it feels like copy pasted sometimes, but I'm basically just bee lining to stuff that I actually need that it doesn't bother me too much. Can see myself putting at least 50 hours in before dropping it and waiting for new updates. If they manage to make factions, wars and politics works in this game, and then add sand box mode which remove the main campaign/story, I could see myself putting it hundred of hours into this game

      I also forgot to mention we're playing with permadeath on so it's more fun imo

      • 2 years ago

        Bad idea. You never know when a glitch will cause you to fall through the floor to your death, or load an object immediately in front of your ship that causes your to crash and die. It's not as buggy as it perhaps used to be, but it's still a buggy game. The latest version was full of bugs and is still being patched now, over a week later, with repeating hotfixes. Hope you at least keep regular backups of your saves.

        • 2 years ago

          Don't forget the aliens killing you in like one attack because of the corrosive effect stacking on you from what I recall.

        • 2 years ago

          Don't forget the aliens killing you in like one attack because of the corrosive effect stacking on you from what I recall.

          Actually got that glitch earlier today, kinda panicked but got teleported back to the ground later on, not gonna try it again as I don't encounter that bug aside from the second planet

          Like I've said, there're some bugs but nothing that would reset our progress so far, friend got looped into the dialogue, I can't claim a reward after helping a freighter... well that's just it, and we've been playing for like 12 hours or so from this morning

          Having the permadeath on kinda makes us think twice before doing anything so we're playing it safe. Personally, I don't mind resetting the progress as I've get to know ways to do shit faster, have died a few times early on and sometimes when things are shaping up to be a good run

          Basically, while I'm still early on, and find the game is fun, I agree with

          >Is No Man's Sky actually worth playing now?
          the procedural generation is still terrible
          you will waste far too many hours looking for a nice planet and ships with a look you like.
          the space stuff is still so bare bones
          the story campaign is worthless
          exploration is just looking at the galaxy map, clicking star systems to jump to them, and the looking at the local map to get a glimpse of what nauseating colors the planets are because for the nth time there still isn' a nice planet to settle on
          building on land is the only aspect that ever feels fleshed out
          you can make billions of units (money) but there's nothing to spend it on
          i really wish the devs would just start over

          16 hours in and that anon opinions is what glares at me all the time, but I guess I still find some fun in it

        • 2 years ago

          imo the expedition being permadeth was the perfect compromise. You get the excitement of permadeath but don't stand to lose literal months of progress because of glitching through the floor.

  33. 2 years ago

    It's pretty fun in VR, you get a real sense of how huge the mountains and the planets are. Gameplay hasn't changed much though, you still run around lasering resources.

  34. 2 years ago

    It takes a whole lot of autism to continue playing that game. Not everyone is powerfull enough.

  35. 2 years ago

    >abysmal loading times
    >awful menu and inventory design
    >need to constantly farm shit to survive
    impressive how they have kept adding shit since launch

  36. 2 years ago

    Despite claims that it was "engoodened" it was deeply underwhelming when I bought it a few months ago, so I don't even want to think how awful it must have been at release.

    Not only does it run like complete shit despite awful graphics, it lacks any indepth mechanics, it seems as though they are just throwing gameplay in it without thinking about how it might interact with a meaningful way with the world or the story or the player. The game looks like a mess of pastel crayons where it's hard to see where you even are, and gameplay is unsatisfying.

  37. 2 years ago

    >Is No Man's Sky actually worth playing now?
    the procedural generation is still terrible
    you will waste far too many hours looking for a nice planet and ships with a look you like.
    the space stuff is still so bare bones
    the story campaign is worthless
    exploration is just looking at the galaxy map, clicking star systems to jump to them, and the looking at the local map to get a glimpse of what nauseating colors the planets are because for the nth time there still isn' a nice planet to settle on
    building on land is the only aspect that ever feels fleshed out
    you can make billions of units (money) but there's nothing to spend it on
    i really wish the devs would just start over

  38. 2 years ago

    I've wanted to get this game so many times but I just know I'll hate it. Doesn't look like Starfield is going to scratch that itch either. Woe is us space bros

    • 2 years ago

      >Woe is us space bros
      I'm a spacebro and I love it. It's not for everyone but if you want to rp as a spaceman cataloguing the unknown it's great.

    • 2 years ago

      There's always Underspace.

  39. 2 years ago


  40. 2 years ago

    All I can say is that it's at least comfy if you just wanna chill

  41. 2 years ago

    No. They need to completely rework how water works so we can have water falls and rivers, then it will be playable.

    • 2 years ago

      What a fricking moronic line in the sand

  42. 2 years ago

    the UI is shit in the way there is too much pointless shit
    there are 3 inventories that do the same the 1 inventory did
    pointless material refining to click through more menus

    • 2 years ago

      >there are 3 inventories that do the same the 1 inventory did
      This is explicitly not true.

    • 2 years ago

      Why are there like 5 pages of freighter inventory? Why is moving items between inventories such a fricking chore? Why is there no auto-sort? Who thought it was a good idea for upgrades to take away inventory space? Why does newly collected items sometimes stack nicely in "cargo" and sometimes vomit itself into starship/exosuit? Why is there no search feature? Why does turning off "hold to confirm" only work for some options? How has NONE OF THIS SHIT BEEN ADDRESSED IN YEARS

  43. 2 years ago

    it is quite boring but I harbor no ill will to it since I bought it years afters release at a fat discount and did not engage the hype.

  44. 2 years ago

    i really like the game
    all this no shitters might like battle royales instead

  45. 2 years ago

    The photo mode is nice for making wallpapers.

  46. 2 years ago

    Great game, story is very nice if you give it the time. Its a sandbox space sim so the game doesn’t force you to go in any direction. First 2 houra are by far the worst as its a forced tutorial until you reach the anomaly. Multiplayer works great and is fun, inventory sucks and lacks a autostack/sort feature

    • 2 years ago

      >Multiplayer works great and is fun
      Multiplayer works alright but they really need to add some quest sharing functionality.

    • 2 years ago

      Outside of the nexus missions isn't playing multiplayer just like having a b***h? They don't get stuff, you can't build a base together, you can't ride in the same spaceship

      • 2 years ago

        You can build a base together, and not riding in the same spaceship is pretty trivial. But there's no real benefit to grouping up so you're way more incentivized to split up and do your own shit.

        There are multiplayer missions that are required for certain cosmetics, but in the rest of the game it feels like the it's pushing you to split up if you actually care about progressing.

      • 2 years ago

        You can can have a whole party in your freighter to travel together, items are instanced for each player so you dont hve to loot share. You can visit and build bases w your friends too. Questing together is tedious tho

  47. 2 years ago

    You are tasked with fixing the game. Quick, post:
    >what you add
    >what you change
    >what you remove (optional)

    • 2 years ago

      >what you add
      Fix proc gen
      >what you change
      Fix proc gen
      >what you remove
      Not fixing proc gen

      • 2 years ago

        Make procgen not suck
        Make space combat not suck
        Make the gameplay loop not revolve around shooting rocks

        How do you make proc gen better, specifically?
        For me, I want to see rivers and waterfalls as well as regions (not necessarily different biomes, although that would be nice too) with different kinds of terrain formations in distinct regions of a planet.

        I don't know how you'd make the 'gameplay loop' better, though.

        • 2 years ago

          >How do you make proc gen better, specifically?
          large regional features that you can see from space. massive canyons that cut across large swaths of a planet. definitive mountain ranges, rivers, actual deep oceans, forests, real volcanoes not ant hills with lava, etc. the main problem with planets are they just little bits repeated over and over on a planet so no matter where you fly to on a planet its always the same.

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah, that's what I have in mind too, don't know how plausible it would be though (anyone here ever used Space Engine to find out?), I'd add onto that better ruin generation would be nice too. All ruins are the same, it'd be nice to run into new types of ruins that make use of procedural generation as well (similar to the settlement generation), that could spawn underground, underwater, and on the surface.

        • 2 years ago

          Literally just back to where it was after the first overhaul, but with more variety. I could search around months after starting the game and still find a few unique, soulful planets every day. Now there are literally 10 planets with the identical trees slightly moved around on each one. We need unique geography generation back, and flora/flauna needs to be far better than it ever was. Variety without just scaling the size of limbs of creatures that have 1 of 5 heads and bodies.

          >I don't know how you'd make the 'gameplay loop' better, though.
          Because I like exploring and seeing cool shit.

          procgen is the smallest issue of the game
          >I don't know how you'd make the 'gameplay loop' better, though.
          they should stop pretending it's an exploration game when it never was one

          Your shitposts are ass

          • 2 years ago

            I only played a bit of the game recently, what was it like before? Are you telling me they had planet generation better in the past and ruined it completely?

            • 2 years ago

              >Are you telling me they had planet generation better in the past and ruined it completely?
              it wasn't much better but the planets looked a bit more interesting

              • 2 years ago

                Got any pics?
                What version was it?

              • 2 years ago

                >What version was it?
                the first one. the caves were better, the planets looked more like actual planets, minerals were better and made more sense.

                MMOs cost money to play dumbass.

                lots of free ones moron

                Not really, no.
                All the planets look the same and they're all fricking ugly, the story is some pseudo-intellectual DRIVEL made by morons and the combat, if you can even call it that, is made piss easy in the first 3-4 hours of gameplay. The only thing that's worth anything is the base building system.

                >The only thing that's worth anything is the base building system.
                not with the grind

              • 2 years ago

                frick off shitposter, I didn't ask you

              • 2 years ago

                shut up moron

            • 2 years ago

              It wasn't great, it's always needed improvement. But yes there was more geographic variety in the base game, and it was improved a lot after the first big update. They homogenized everything, I believe, to accommodate base building. But basically they removed the wildness of the proc gen in lieu of a small set of what are basically prefab planets.

              Fauna generation has always needed a massive overhaul. They added bigger creatures and super prefab-y shit like sand worms and anomalies, but apart from those it's always been the same set of 5 heads stuck on the same set of 5 bodies with the sliders jiggled around slightly. Flora has never been great, but didn't used to be so damn similar on every planet of the same type as it is now.

              They did add a few gimmicky shits, like ocean worlds and anomaly planets, but once you've seen one of those you've seen them all because they are complete prefabs. They are not a substitute for proper generation.

      • 2 years ago

        Make procgen not suck
        Make space combat not suck
        Make the gameplay loop not revolve around shooting rocks

        procgen is the smallest issue of the game

        How do you make proc gen better, specifically?
        For me, I want to see rivers and waterfalls as well as regions (not necessarily different biomes, although that would be nice too) with different kinds of terrain formations in distinct regions of a planet.

        I don't know how you'd make the 'gameplay loop' better, though.

        >I don't know how you'd make the 'gameplay loop' better, though.
        they should stop pretending it's an exploration game when it never was one

        • 2 years ago

          If it's not an exploration game, then what is it?

          • 2 years ago

            shoot rocks simulator and fly to the center of the galaxy, repeat forever
            the exploration was just Sean's lies

            • 2 years ago


              It's still an exploration game and always has been. Granted, it's an exploration game with nothing meaningful to find but that's my point - you need to make finding things feel engaging and meaningful, yet nobody knows how to solve that problem and even fewer realize that it is the core problem with the game.

              • 2 years ago

                it's not en exploration game when there is nothing to explore and never was
                it was just marketing lies

    • 2 years ago

      Make procgen not suck
      Make space combat not suck
      Make the gameplay loop not revolve around shooting rocks

    • 2 years ago

      >what you add
      More living ships and alien shit. More mystery. Appropriated sentinel tech. Automated production lines. Expand on settlements.
      >what you change
      The horrible upgrade seed thing that has you churn through the bad rolls to get to the good one. How settlements are upgraded. Shopping for new ships.
      >what you remove (optional) Gek and those healing sentinel homosexuals.

  48. 2 years ago

    it's fun for a bit, but the inventory management is fricking torture and by the time you have that sorted out the planet exploration part has lost its luster and the game just wants you to build bases.

  49. 2 years ago

    Don't listen to the dumbass metaslave elitists in here. The game is fun if you like comfy space exploration and mat farming. If that sounds like something you'd enjoy, go for it.

    • 2 years ago

      >The game is fun if you like comfy space exploration and mat farming.
      the game is fun if you are a moronic autist
      then play an MMO you fricking moron

      • 2 years ago

        MMOs cost money to play dumbass.

      • 2 years ago

        The space exploration in it is garbage.

        the exploration isn't that good since the planets are all terrible and mat farming is just portaling to your harvesters to empty them out and picking plants you can grow on your ship so you can make billions to spend on nothing.

        all me

    • 2 years ago

      The space exploration in it is garbage.

      • 2 years ago

        but enough about freelancer

        • 2 years ago

          >Sean's so bitter that his perlin noise map game doesn't have a tenth of the soul or exploration of a game from 2002

    • 2 years ago

      the exploration isn't that good since the planets are all terrible and mat farming is just portaling to your harvesters to empty them out and picking plants you can grow on your ship so you can make billions to spend on nothing.

  50. 2 years ago

    Not really, no.
    All the planets look the same and they're all fricking ugly, the story is some pseudo-intellectual DRIVEL made by morons and the combat, if you can even call it that, is made piss easy in the first 3-4 hours of gameplay. The only thing that's worth anything is the base building system.

  51. 2 years ago

    >that 1 butthurt autist trying desperately to bait throughout the thread
    kek, he's not even subtle about it.

  52. 2 years ago

    Only if you like collect-a-thons
    and even

  53. 2 years ago

    base game is extremely flawed and adding systems on top of it to distract you from it doesn't really do much

    still worth a play at least to fulfill your crafting/building autism fix for a bit

  54. 2 years ago

    No. The game is a kitchen sink of game mechanics and none of them form a cohesive whole. The game is still mostly about material farming and inventory management.

  55. 2 years ago

    Freighter scanner room, blessing or curse?
    On one hand all you have to do it hit it up and the whole system is revealed to you, upload and go. On the other hand that's even less you gotta explore.

    • 2 years ago

      Is that part of the new update? Does it discover everything on a planet or just tell you the basic info, like if you had scanned from your personal ship?

      • 2 years ago

        As if you had scanned and landed on it, can upload the data for nanites right after. It's a new room for freighters.

        • 2 years ago

          As long as it doesn't replace scanning flora/fauna it seems like a nice way to earn some nanites.

  56. 2 years ago

    4.0 when???

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