is regenerating health realistic?

is regenerating health realistic?

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  1. 8 months ago

    I regenerate health.

  2. 8 months ago

    Of course, when you get hurt your skin regenerates and you heal, right? What's wrong if it happens in a video game?

  3. 8 months ago

    No. I think war games should be based on ultrachad heroes who've been documented taking several rounds and pulling through to complete the mission. Every hit you take slows you down, interferes with vision, etc... but you can handle it to a certain point. Maybe a sort of adrenalin system can make injured players less nerfed temporarily to avoid people just killing themselves after an injury. Anatomy and armor systems would be great too, so center mass is less likely to harm you if you take armor, legs cripple you, so on. If you don't use this system just make your game in the future with supersoldiers or energy shields.

    • 8 months ago

      Exanima kind of does this. Healing items are limited and far and few between and there's barely any armor early on so you can render a playthrough fricked by bumbling into one of the very first rooms and taking a nasty swing to the head from an undead with a sharp hand saw.

  4. 8 months ago

    Yeah, just slightly slower. It's faster in vidya due to game balance.

    • 8 months ago

      >slightly slower
      I had no idea healing time was in the weeks rather than months in these games.

      • 8 months ago

        How unhealthy are you?

      • 8 months ago

        Eat more iron and fiber, you should notice your healing factor becoming better after 2 weeks.

  5. 8 months ago

    >press spacebar to breakdance

  6. 8 months ago


  7. 8 months ago

    If a game has regenerative health, it is a cover shooter.

  8. 8 months ago
    fags are gay

    medal of honor
    syphon filter
    a million fucjing snes and nes games thought post said "classic"

  9. 8 months ago

    i hate the term healing factor

  10. 8 months ago

    of course it's realistic. whenever you hear about people getting killed with violence in real life, that's just the weakest of society getting filtered. 99% of us are like wolverine and regenerate immediately

    • 8 months ago

      I bet that was funnier in your head. inb4 troon rage

      • 8 months ago

        im funny, and if you cant figure that out then i feel bad for you

  11. 8 months ago

    Of course.

    When I stub my toe I'm inches away from death, move more slowly and can barely focus on the world around me both audibly and visually. After a few seconds though the pain fades away and I can get back to normal.

  12. 8 months ago

    Using a medkit to get back on your feet after taking a shotgun to the face is unrealistic too but the real problem with regenerating health is that it slows the game down by forcing you to sit behind cover doing nothing while your health recharges.

  13. 8 months ago

    Best game series for "regenerating health" was Brothers in Arms, whoever was holding the "cursed" M1911 would be given some luck in not getting shot, but the people around them were another matter.
    Your screen would get redder as your luck ran out though and you were in danger of actually getting plugged and killed.

  14. 8 months ago

    in my stupid headcanon i like to think that bullets don't actually hit you but you're continuously getting more stressed out and panicked until the last couple ones actually do land and do you in
    Obviously not applicable if the game has the foresight to animate blood splatter coming from you, in which case my character's a tough son of a b***h who can still walk after being shot

    • 8 months ago

      That's how the third Brothers in Arms worked, too bad that game was completely different from the first two parts and went full Cawadooty action set pieces and moronic story, so this new health system didn't fricking work with the theme, because you were almost always forced to clean up enemies by yourself, because ally AI and accuracy was nerfed to shit-tier.

  15. 8 months ago

    no. humans are only able to regenerate rapidly from the microscopic friction of entropy. any kind of major trauma bigger than a small cut will take a minimum of days to heal or require external corrective action to be able to heal at all.

  16. 8 months ago

    Yes, whenever I cut my finger blood starts rushing to my head and exit through my eye sockets. Shit's annoying because I can't see anything for a few seconds.

  17. 8 months ago

    I'm not sure. I never took a round to body armor or a helmet.

    • 8 months ago

      This guy took a bullet to the head like a champ/

      • 8 months ago

        It didn't hit him square on to the helmet, literally scraped by.

  18. 8 months ago

    Get poisoned
    Slowly lose health
    >don't be poisoned

    I don't know. Do you exercise regularly ?

  19. 8 months ago

    Health bars in general aren't realistic. No one is going to die by being poked in the shin with a finger 200 times.

  20. 8 months ago

    >Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.
    That's what I get for effort posting.
    Black person Black person Black person, enjoy the clicks, asiaticmoot

  21. 8 months ago

    Yes. It doesn't represent merely a physical state of body but more like a will to live. How else can you explaing having one hp and picking up a medpack and patching yourself up? Like healing broken ribs? Who trasfuses you blood?

  22. 8 months ago

    Absolutely, Bub

  23. 8 months ago

    Who cares if it's realistic, it's just lazy. Instead of having to do any thinking, planning or strategizing, you can just bum rush things then wait to heal when you inevitably mess up.

  24. 8 months ago

    The only game I know of where regenerating "health" works well is Plague Tale 2. You play as a woman and your enemies are trained, armed and armored men. Therefore any enemy easily kills her because the French still believe in the dimorphism of human beings. However, the game has a "near miss" system that lets you avoid one attack. You're not getting hit, but if you're overwhelmed you will get hit and that one hit is lethal. So, you need to escape a dangerous situation instead being wounded and having your wounds magically sow themselves back together. If it has been long enough since the last near miss, you can endure another near miss.
    Have there ever been other games that do it this way?

  25. 8 months ago

    What a shitty unrealistic game. You don't respawn in real life.

  26. 8 months ago

    no, it actually ruined fps games

  27. 8 months ago
  28. 8 months ago

    Regen or not I don't have a preference. But I hate the trend of "realistic" shooters like Hell Let Loose or Squad just making you sit around watching a menu for minutes at a time in between respawns. I want to play a fricking game, nor stare at a menu.

  29. 8 months ago

    I was genuinely mad when I realized FEAR 3 got rid of medkits in favor of regen

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