Is Supcom filtering me or am I retarded?

I'm newish to Supreme Commander. I've watched casts and messed around against the AI and got to a point where I could reasonably beat the easy and regular AI in skirmishes. So, I decided to do multiplayer 1v1s on FAF. This is how it went:

>match 1
>me (rating 0) vs a smurf account (rating 15)
>lose in 20 minutes
>see in replay he's expanded far faster and further than me

>match 2
>me (now rating -213) vs some guy (rating 325)
>lose in 15 minutes
>expanded further, but ACU got sniped by gunship spam
>get a gg 2 minutes before the match ends

I love Supreme Commander. I think it's great, but playing against these guys is making me feel genuinely moronic. Any tips?

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago

    Find a friend and practice le meta with him. Like a (second) job. Because repeating the same things is fun.
    Welcome to competitive "gaming".

    • 1 year ago

      >tfw practicing the meta of playing piano every day
      ugh, this sucks its like a second job. I just want to play Schubert FFS.

      • 1 year ago

        Supcom is a game, games are meant to be fun. Playing piano is a skill, it's not meant to be fun in and of itself.

        • 1 year ago

          >Playing piano is a skill, it's not meant to be fun in and of itself.
          thats the dumbest thing youve ever written

          • 1 year ago

            Use your tiny brain for just a few seconds before your post. Is it fun to sit down at a piano and just mash on the keys? No it fricking isn't. Is it fun to autistically study notes and learn how to play a piano just to experience the studying and learning? No it fricking isn't. The fun comes from getting better at the skill, improving and feeling that you are achieving something, and then being able to actually play the piano and possibly also impress and entertain other people. Contrast with games that are ideally easy to learn and hard to master, so that you know what to do pretty much right away and can have fun from just the experience of playing the game. There's no games that I can think of where the fun is designed to come from showing off to other people how good you are at the game, or from impressing other people (or just yourself) with how good you are at the game.

            • 1 year ago

              >it's a shitter cope episode
              Change the channel.

        • 1 year ago

          You're a moronic petulant child that wants everything handed down to you from the hand of God in silver platter while a cohort of trannies pamper your sorry ass 'cuz you're shit at videogames. Face it. You're trash and complaining about is the first step in getting your ass to do something about it.

          Are you gonna fight, or are you gonna blame everyone else on it like a b***h?

          • 1 year ago

            >playing a game is not a skill comparable to learning to play a piano on a high level

            Who's the child here, lmao. Stop putting too much of your self worth in how well you play a fricking game, it's literally just a game

            • 1 year ago

              >on a high level
              >how well
              Nobody said anything about the level you dimwit. It's about the attitude toward the hobby, something that normalhomosexuals like you are unable to understand.

              • 1 year ago

                >playing games
                >a hobby

              • 1 year ago

                >a pursuit outside one's regular occupation engaged in especially for relaxation
                >an activity that someone does for pleasure when they are not working

              • 1 year ago

                >eating food is a hobby
                >jerking off is a hobby

              • 1 year ago

                Cooking, eating out in various places, jerking off with various toys and techniques - all of this counts as a hobby and is practiced by many people.

        • 1 year ago

          can you frick off already to other board, /LULZ/ or /lbgt/ suits more moronic homosexuals like you

          • 1 year ago

            Oh I'm sorry, I thought this was the strategy games board, not the tryhard autismal sweatlord board

        • 1 year ago

          Why not both?

      • 1 year ago

        I see it differently from that anon. Your skill at playing piano allows you to replicate works of art, and potentially even create your own. Your skills at pwning n00bz reliably give you Carpal tunnel syndrome and inflate your ego a bit.

      • 1 year ago

        >practice piano
        >can play on any kind of piano in the world, any kind of music, play every song in existence, create any new original song with a huge spectrum of sounds, play concerts for people as music is omnipresent in human culture, playing piano especially is treated as high art and a sophisticated skill only a few can truly master, art students spread legs to have sex with you immediately, and you're invited to all national cultural events by the virtue of possessing a unique and universal skill
        but of course the /vst/ troglodyte will equate all this to
        >practice clicking big robot in correct sequence in supcom
        >can click big robot in correct sequence in supcom, called king by some fat obese neet moron, will get rekt in any other RTS, spat on and ridiculed all life as barely anyone even knows what supcom is, let alone plays it

      • 1 year ago

        Music isn't competitive, you do it for fun, there is no winning or losing.

        • 1 year ago

          this is the most moronic thing i've read all week

          • 1 year ago

            You don't spend much time on Ganker then

        • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Yeah me and my buddy usually play against the AI or in the survival mode and it’s great fun. We’ve beat it once and gotten our ass beat a couple other times.

      1v1 ladder is pretty hard in any RTS. Stick with it if you like it, you always improve the fastest when you're starting out. It's a good thing you're watching replays, you'll improve a lot faster.
      I got up to about 800 rating in 1v1 before I got sick of how long I had to queue to get a game in my timezone. Apparently there's a healthy aus clan but all they play is teamgames.

      I’ve gotten a habit of looking at old replays to see what I did wrong. I’ve definitely been improving a little bit but still expand way too slowly and get tunnel vision a lot. I come from playing C&C and have ass focus so I’m a pretty micro-heavy player.

      Supcom is a difficult game basically because the economy scales quadratically, so if you fall a little bit behind in economy that compounds on itself until you're very far behind. Singeplayer also teaches you nothing because in multi you must move fast but moving fast is actively punished in campaign.

      That’s the first thing I noticed. Games are super quick in 1v1s actions wise. I might be better off in team games since I’m too slow at the moment.

      I run a strong eco but I suck at keeping track of what's going on, so I usually rely on numbers and endurance vs enemies (or devious tricks). But I can't do skirmishing effectively.

      So I just play the big team games on Seton's with X2 res mod enabled because frick 1-hr-plus games on 1X. Is it casual compared to 1v1 random map blah blah? Sure, but I don't care.

      Luv me beach
      Luv me ships
      Luv me nukes
      'Ate T1 skirmishin'
      'Ate seraphim (not racist, just don't loik 'em)

      Simple as.

      Are the big team games on Setons fun? I’m reluctant to play them because of long queue times and people might get mad if I’m bad or a low rating.

      • 1 year ago

        Big team games on Seton's are awesome. I don't know how FAF's matchmaking handles it but on Steam we balance the teams manually since we know the regulars and we can usually account for randoms. If someone's new we don't mind as long as they SAY SO before the match starts so we can balance the teams to compensate for it.

        A surprise noob is always aggravating. New players who say so are fine.

        • 1 year ago

          I've heard people say the same for FAF team battles. Players want to know if someone is new first and go from there.

          • 1 year ago

            FAF team battles just feel so daunting, like you mess up once and the whole team gets pissed. Are they forgiving to noobs?

      • 1 year ago

        > Yeah me and my buddy usually play against the AI or in the survival mode and it’s great fun. We’ve beat it once and gotten our ass beat a couple other times.

        What is survival mode? I played supcom I bunch many years ago but I don't remember this.

        • 1 year ago

          I think it’s like a mod or FAF thing but I’ve never hosted it, only my friend has. It’s kinda like a tower defense game. Basically you and your allies get a set amount of time (usually 10 minutes) to set up your base and defenses, and after that time huge waves of enemy units charge you and your base, and this thing you need to defend in the back. It gets insane when there’s like 5 experimentals on the way.

          • 1 year ago

            Can you ask your friend what it's called?

            • 1 year ago

              Just search up "Survival" on the maps and you'll find some maps. I did the "Battle of Thermopylae survival" map with my buddy.

              Also, update:

              >me (rating -422) vs aussie guy (rating -280)
              >playing seraphim vs uef
              >expand quick and fast out, get build orders done well
              >skirmish with the enemy ACU with my own in the middle
              >eventually start cranking bombers out and upgrade the ACU gun to take on the enemy commander
              >bombers finish him off after a big battle in middle

              Finally got my first win.

              • 1 year ago

                Good job, anon! It sounds like you had fun.

    • 1 year ago

      Could you fricking people just post without bringing fricking reddit lingo everywhere you go?
      >im just ironically shitting up the place!

    • 1 year ago

      First post best post. Play clown maps with low elo tards and have fun watching big robots go boom, leave the boring shit to sweatlords

    • 1 year ago

      >just do mindless repetition without thinking about adjustments or understanding
      this is probably why you are tragically bad at everything you do, you have no idea how to actually practice something

  2. 1 year ago

    Just play with Loud AI.

    • 1 year ago

      How is it?

  3. 1 year ago

    It is both filtering you and you sound moronic.

  4. 1 year ago

    1v1 ladder is pretty hard in any RTS. Stick with it if you like it, you always improve the fastest when you're starting out. It's a good thing you're watching replays, you'll improve a lot faster.
    I got up to about 800 rating in 1v1 before I got sick of how long I had to queue to get a game in my timezone. Apparently there's a healthy aus clan but all they play is teamgames.

  5. 1 year ago

    Supcom is a difficult game basically because the economy scales quadratically, so if you fall a little bit behind in economy that compounds on itself until you're very far behind. Singeplayer also teaches you nothing because in multi you must move fast but moving fast is actively punished in campaign.

  6. 1 year ago

    If you're going to play an older, less played RTS, you're only going to play against the best players, because that's all who's left playing. Your best shot is to follow the build order the pros use as best you can while being ready for a rush.

  7. 1 year ago

    I run a strong eco but I suck at keeping track of what's going on, so I usually rely on numbers and endurance vs enemies (or devious tricks). But I can't do skirmishing effectively.

    So I just play the big team games on Seton's with X2 res mod enabled because frick 1-hr-plus games on 1X. Is it casual compared to 1v1 random map blah blah? Sure, but I don't care.

    Luv me beach
    Luv me ships
    Luv me nukes
    'Ate T1 skirmishin'
    'Ate seraphim (not racist, just don't loik 'em)

    Simple as.

  8. 1 year ago


    >match like 4
    >me (rating -~300) vs another guy (rating 50)
    >expand further, hold off the dude somewhat but then plateau after a certain point
    >he produces more units and eventually shells my base and production until shields gone
    >sends gunships to snipe my ACU

    >match 5
    >me (rating -405) vs caster's definition of "average joe" (rating 644)
    >guy beats me in 12 minutes by expanding faster
    >cybran assault bot spam beats seraphim
    >lose to a mob of assault bots ganging ACU

    I'm starting to think it's me being moronic mostly, that or I just don't understand the economy or build orders. It might also be FAF trying to gauge my play level, but most of the guys I've been going up against have been crazy good. Every replay I review of mine has them expanding faster than me. I think it's because I have a really bad problem of microing and can't focus on a million units at once (I've had this problem with other RTS's) so it might just be me.

    • 1 year ago

      Expanding faster will win you most games, yes. If you want to micro in 1v1 go first bomber andor play Aeon where you get the most benefit from microing at T1.
      > shields
      > gunships
      Seems you're getting to T2 at least. One of your first priorities should be some T2 mobile flak to shut down enemy air.
      >FAF trying to gauge my play level,
      Yeah your rating is something like average level - uncertainty, the more uncertainty the lower your rating appears. It takes a lot of games where you're playing at the same level before it gets low. That said you honestly shouldn't think about rating at all when laddering, just play the best you can and try to improve.
      >I just don't understand economy and build orders
      Are you constantly stalling mass or power within the first 5 minutes? If so yes. FAF does have pretty different openers depending on the map, the different sizes play quite differently, but the general gist of "keep money low without stalling or overproducing power" is always true. FAF has some pretty good inbuilt tutorials for 1v1.

      • 1 year ago

        >It takes a lot of games where you're playing at the same level before it gets low. That said you honestly shouldn't think about rating at all when laddering, just play the best you can and try to improve.
        I've got like 5 more games left till I properly get ranked, so hopefully after that things will be a bit more balanced. Just gotta keep at it I guess.

  9. 1 year ago

    FAF is redoing the graphics for factories and adding pbr shaders.

  10. 1 year ago

    lemme know if you wanna play one sometime

  11. 1 year ago

    join up scrubs
    let's have a game

    • 1 year ago

      If it gives me an option to join, I will. I don't see one

      • 1 year ago

        you logged into the site?

        • 1 year ago

          Yes. It doesn't show me an option to join it anywhere. Pic related.

          • 1 year ago

            this invite link will work for you specifically
            if anyone wants one, please reply to this post

            • 1 year ago

              Didn't work. It just sends me back to the clan search screen

            • 1 year ago
          • 1 year ago

            typed in user Bird_Up and copied the link that "only works for the user you typed":

  12. 1 year ago

    simply click quicker

    • 1 year ago

      Even FAF is limited by the engine in how much they can increase the importance of raw muscle and tendon performance. Or, if they can really hack around that, almost everyone would leave because why play an imitation of Starcraft when they can actually go and play Starcraft.

  13. 1 year ago

    For SP gays I recommend LoudAI mod, it makes the AI capable and less cheaty, if you really need to scratch that SupCom itch without joining MP hellhole grinding

  14. 1 year ago

    quick question. the series is on sale right now. do i buy the whole package (sc,sc2,sc:FA) or should i buy only one sc in particular?

    • 1 year ago

      Don't buy SC2. Buy SC:FA or SCFA+SC.

      • 1 year ago

        Whats wrong with SC2?

        • 1 year ago

          SC2 is fine but it feels like SupCom's little brother. They scaled it back and tried to make it more beginner friendly, and you can imagine how well that went over.

          • 1 year ago

            >SC2 is fine
            Try playing it again.

          • 1 year ago

            SC2 was shit. Absolute insult to the first game. Frick Square enix or whatever bullshit publisher was pulling the strings behind the scenes.

          • 1 year ago

            >supcom's little brother
            Stop shitposting any day.

  15. 1 year ago

    Anon it's a 15+ year old RTS game that was somewhat niche in its time. The only people left playing it are really really good. You're only moronic because you think you'll manage to do okay against these people.

    This happens with the majority of RTS games FYI.

  16. 1 year ago

    I may not be able to advice how to play on ladder

    Try hosting 1v1 neroxis mapgen and play with someone who's pretty close to your rating or amount of played rated games.
    Or join the same lobbies that have randomly generated maps and play with those who has various difference in rating.

    For meta maps, you can try learning yourself which is a long road (sometimes not and you may adapt pretty fast), or try watching replays to see the optimal builds for the maps. Players up to 1200 elo are not so meta-ish.

    I also recommend using useful UI mods.

    • 1 year ago

      Not that anon but what would be a useful UI mod or one that you like?

  17. 1 year ago

    OP, you played 1v1 in a very old game. Of course it will be nothing but sweatlords who live in the game. The community simply doesn't have enough new people like you and most of these people love destroying newbies and then wondering why their community is dying. Either you also start living in the game to catch up or find some FFA or something.

    • 1 year ago
      Clara Richard

      Catch-up is fricking tough so I'm gonna be just playing around with friends whenever possible or joining the big team battles. Ranked is beating my ass for real.

      • 1 year ago

        >playing around with friends whenever possible
        This is the best way to play any serious game. You wouldn't compete in a sport against random pros.

  18. 1 year ago


  19. 1 year ago

    Not op but Side note I've been playing Supcom with a friend and it's now gotten to the point that I've been given handicaps. He's put on a 10 minute timer and has also said I'm not allowed to use crusiers, Tac missiles, missile launchers or nukes. I think it's kinda silly now that I get these handicaps.

    • 1 year ago

      Can't you disable those units in the lobby? I've played a couple matches without nukes but I think that was in faf

  20. 1 year ago

    Here is some old tutorial

    FAF in general have plenty of tutorials.
    Also, download replays of other people's games
    Also2, learn timings
    Also3, try to avoid Gap and Astro-crater for the start
    Also4, 1v1 ladder is all about spam, more or less, it's completely different than group matches

  21. 1 year ago

    Playing ladder is by far the hardest way to get good because you're tying to learn everything at once. You can get there, but it's not the most efficient way. Gap and Dual Gap get a lot of shit, but that's unironically what you should be playing to get a real hang of eco. Eco is central and those maps are eco management trainers. Once you have a good feel for it, move on to other maps that focus your skills in other areas.

  22. 1 year ago


  23. 1 year ago


  24. 1 year ago


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