Is the fighting game fad finally dying?

Is the fighting game fad finally dying?

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  1. 7 days ago


    • 7 days ago

      Is the fighting game fad finally dying?

      Fighting games are doing better today then they ever were during the 6th and 7th generations of consoles

      • 7 days ago

        But not the arcades?

      • 7 days ago

        And they're doing much worse than the 8th generation.

      • 7 days ago

        >Fighting games are doing better
        Yeah, but they're playing worse. Strange how that works out.

        • 7 days ago

          >playing worse
          okay post your fightcade username

          • 7 days ago

            >can't refute the point
            >muh fightcade
            I'm just saying, all of the major fighters peaked like a decade ago because they're all going all-in on building themselves around oppressive gimmicks. Find a person defending slime in SF6 and I will show you a battered housewife happy that at least it wasn't SF5.

            • 7 days ago

              >fighting games peaked with elena and zero may cry
              why is it always these people?
              probably like 27yos right?

  2. 7 days ago

    Fighting games should stop being about competition and more about being fun to play with lots of unlockables and a story mode that doesn't take itself serious and is a reward for beating the game

    • 7 days ago

      This. Melee has a legacy as an ultra sweaty game but it has so many cool modes and options and shit

      • 7 days ago

        have a nice day subhuman

      • 7 days ago

        Melee is a game that keeps on giving it helps that it's easy to pick up but hard to master

    • 7 days ago

      The problem with that is that anyone who actually wants to get good at fighting games avoids fighting the CPU like the plague. All it does is teach you bad habits.
      Don't get me wrong, I've spent tons of time playing, and unlocking shit in Tekken, DoA, and MK games, but in any actual good fighting games I won't even touch the single player.

      • 7 days ago

        I argue that in order to have a large healthy playerbase especially for a niche genre as fighting games one should place importance on ease of entry with rich content over the 1 percent of top players that while dedicated cannot sustain the business

        • 7 days ago

          It's a double edged sword. I do want to agree with you in theory, but looking at what the past few games have been like in all the major series, practice proves that theory is just that. I mean, if you are JUST picking up the games for the first time, fricking right, have fun against the CPU. Just be prepared to have an even harder time trying to git gud if you ever actually want to try it since you also have to unlearn bad habits. The painful truth is that the best way to get good is to have someone better than you sit down and play thousands of matches with you, and try to explain the what's and why's of what they are doing.

          What about a fighting game for someone who doesn't care about gitting gud?

          Honestly, the list of games I mentioned in the post you responded to aren't bad single player games at all. Tekken actually is a pretty good game, it's just not my jam, so I was taking a cheep shot at it for fun. I really couldn't tell you all that much about it beyond the very basics. DoA and MK both have shitloads of things to unlock, and are fun enough to keep me playing for a while, but in the long run, I always end up unlocking a bunch of stuff, and then just dropping it.
          Also, I haven't played any of the recent DoA games, and am under the impression they are pretty nickle and dime the customer type games now.

          • 7 days ago

            >nickel and dime
            Only really the costume DLC (which used to be unlockables). The base game and character dlc goes on sale for pretty cheap and they offer an F2P edition that let's you buy individual characters if you want to go that route and save money

          • 7 days ago

            You made some good points I'll have to think about that so in your opinion which game has or has come close to player parity Street Fighter 2, Smash or other?

            • 7 days ago

              I like to shit on Smash because it's not a fighter, but I won't lie, my friends and I got hardcore obsessed with Melee back in the day. Then Brawl came out, and we kind of lost our luster for the series. We also just kind of drifted apart as life went on, and every time I've tried to play any of the modern smash bros, I just can't get into them like that. Fun, sure, but I don't see the competitive appeal.
              As for street, I really couldn't tell you which is the fairest, but the ones I play the most of are Alpha 3, 3rd strike, and Ultra 4. I'd recommend Alpha 3, or U4 for a new player. If for no other reason, I recommend them just because odds are anyone you learn in those games will be available in other games. 3S has a fairly unique roster that half the characters were brand new to that game, and never seen again. We're seeing more of them appear in the new games, but if you get good with say Q, or Necro you'll never be able to play them in any other street fighter. Plus, the parry mechanic isn't in any other game, so it could teach you a bad habit of stepping into attacks.

              • 7 days ago

                That's cool I'd add DOA Ultimate, Tekken 5 and Capcom Vs SNK 2 to that list of Entry titles to the genre and yeah sorry you and friends went separate ways but hey life takes interesting turns if don't ignore the off ramp signs like me ;( Its how I ended up here with all of you

              • 7 days ago

                >Capcom Vs SNK 2
                Oh my god yes. I can't believe I didn't think of that one. I used to live with a guy who owned cabinets for this, and Alpha 3. I'm generally not a fan of team or tag fighters in general, but CvS2 is absolutely some cream of the crop. Excellent choice.
                >I know that you'll be baaaaack

              • 7 days ago

                All this talk about Terry and Mai in Street Fighter 6 has me excited that soon we'll return to the true king of fighting game rivalry Keep Rockin Baby

      • 7 days ago

        What about a fighting game for someone who doesn't care about gitting gud?

        • 7 days ago

          then you play the same games but with a different focus.

          >Just admit you're bad at them and made a shit thread out of frustration.
          Fighting games are piss easy, they just suck.

          play me in any fighting game of your choice. if I have it, I'll play.

          I bet anything you dont understand the first thing about them

  3. 7 days ago

    >30+ years

    • 7 days ago

      The current era of fighting games started with SF4. It was basically dead before then.
      So it's a fad.

      • 7 days ago

        >it was basically dead
        and that's why other devs kept releasing new games and revisions between 3rd strike and sf4

        • 7 days ago

          Literally all those games sold horribly, even MK.
          SNK went bankrupt during that time

          • 7 days ago

            SNK went bankrupt because they chased the amusement park real estate fad

          • 7 days ago

            MK didn't go bankrupt it was their publisher Midway that did

      • 7 days ago

        That interval between NG's failure and vanilla 4's release was completely DOMINATED by 3D fighters such as Tekken, Soul Calibur and even DoA. Don't trust any shituber who says fighting games were ever dead just because Capcom was out of the game.

      • 7 days ago

        >15 years is a fad
        you're fricking moronic.

        • 7 days ago

          In gaming, 15 years is totally a fad.

          • 7 days ago

            This industry is barely 50 years old my man. Just admit you're bad at them and made a shit thread out of frustration.

            • 7 days ago

              >Just admit you're bad at them and made a shit thread out of frustration.
              Fighting games are piss easy, they just suck.

              • 7 days ago

                why dont you win capcom cup then and retire like uma

              • 7 days ago

                Well now you have to prove you're good at them.

      • 7 days ago

        >The current era of fighting games started with SF4. It was basically dead before then.
        >So it's a fad.
        Typical American who thinks the only successful one is Street Fighter.

  4. 7 days ago

    Stop putting your wokeshit westoid bullshit among those based Jap games, you fricking troony pig.

    • 7 days ago

      moronic latinx

    • 7 days ago

      sf6 is the wokest fg yet

      • 7 days ago

        capcom is not woke
        they just playing 5d chess with woke

    • 7 days ago

      Which game has drag queens, MK1 or SF6?

  5. 7 days ago

    2XKO will save fighting games

    • 7 days ago

      Not so sure about that. Tag fighters are oppressive as hell, all the new blood is going to get destroyed and give up real quick. Obviously being free will help, but I doubt it's going to make fighting games mainstream.

      • 7 days ago

        I'm still baffled that their new game to get League players in is a combo heavy tag fighter. I'm sure it'll still do well, at least by FG standards, but what the frick are they thinking with that?

        • 7 days ago

          They're going all in with the coop fighter gimmick so I assume that having KOF like gameplay would mean too much downtime between actual chances to play.

          • 7 days ago

            This pretty much. Makes it more engaging to call out things like "assist", "tag", "overhead", "sweep" etc.

        • 7 days ago

          making a fighter that plays more like an anime fighter gets the crowds in. it also rewards setplay focused nerds who dont want to actually have to deal with playing the game, aka your average low test moba player

          • 7 days ago

            >an anime fighter gets the crowds in
            What crowd exactly? Anime fighters are way more niche and I'd argue games like MVC and DBFZ are heavily carried by their IP.

            • 7 days ago

              I think the idea was that if you make it a bookworm game, its more attractive to mobashitters and the combo heavy gameplay is more hype to watch than a game of two people playing footsies.
              They think they have to design their games for the esport/spectator crowd. This is why every big franchise fighting game now has long as frick and/or frequent cinematic features during the matches

              • 7 days ago

                >long as frick and/or frequent cinematic features during the matches
                Then that would mean Mortal Kombat is the pioneering fighting game to date.

              • 7 days ago

                for that it would need to ve good in all other areas it isn't. so no.
                shit bait or legitimately moronic post

                Make SC a Mature-rated game. There, they finally fulfilled a niche.

                i don't dislike this idea

              • 7 days ago

                >but it has to be good
                Mortal Kombat thrives in its brutal cinematics, that was your point.

              • 7 days ago

                >They think they have to design their games for the esport/spectator crowd
                Which makes it more bizarre because spectators watch games like CS and Valorant that are far from constant action. If my experience playing BRs is at all representative of pro play then I'm sure that has lots of slow parts too where people are just basically poking at each other. Even MOBAs have laning phases. I'm not arguing they don't think that but I don't really understand the assumption that spectators want combo and setplay heavy games with little neutral.

              • 7 days ago

                setplays are fun
                footsies are boring
                simple as

  6. 7 days ago

    yes all three of those were shit

  7. 7 days ago

    No it just rotated the obvious beat of the three this time.

    SF6 somehow managed to improve of the failure that was SF5, being the best of the three
    Inversely, Tekken 8 managed to become a major downgrqde from tekken 7, which was widely considered the best game that franchise had in years.
    Mortal Kombat has become really stale as a franchise by the time the newest game came out, and it doesnt help that MK1 is easily the ugliest game post mk9

  8. 7 days ago

    Modern fighting games are too homogenized now. Like do we really need two different meters, easy commands, and free dash in mix ups for every game.
    I'm just waiting for a new SC game but I have no hope in it being a standout addition to modern fighting games.

    • 7 days ago

      I'm also waiting for a new SC but imagine it coming out and it has some oppressive system mechanic added to it for no reason

      • 7 days ago

        Last Soul Calibur was all about wiping the slate clean and returning to formula but if you ask me Bandai Namco took the chance to bawd it up with bimbo esque super specials and prostitute ex meter am I wrong?

        • 7 days ago

          i agree

          >oppressive system mechanic added to it for no reason
          I'll rather have that than Reversal Edge any day. That was the most out of touch mechanic a dev ever added to a fighting game. And it definitely was oppressive at launch with it being free, unblockable, and tracking

          also agree here. i liked that they tried something new that might have been cool and adding another layer of mindgame onto a game can be really nice. look at KI 2013's combobreaker and counter breaker system.

          but they way it worked in SC6, I just didn't like at all

      • 7 days ago

        >oppressive system mechanic added to it for no reason
        I'll rather have that than Reversal Edge any day. That was the most out of touch mechanic a dev ever added to a fighting game. And it definitely was oppressive at launch with it being free, unblockable, and tracking

      • 7 days ago

        Make SC a Mature-rated game. There, they finally fulfilled a niche.

        • 7 days ago

          What Soul Calibur would gain Mortal Kombat would just take away

          • 7 days ago

            Mortal Kombat doesn't have erotic battle damage nudity and cute girls in it

            • 7 days ago

              Fair point but the perception overlap by casual audience will be so its just an anime mortal kombat deception

              • 7 days ago

                >anime mortal kombat deception
                Lets not pretend that wouldn't be rad as frick.

              • 7 days ago

                Easy anon it sounds interesting on paper however Soul Calibur's identity would wind up bastardized like all those early mid 00s games that just had to go edgy

              • 7 days ago

                Weaponlord, the spiritual predecessor of SC, was pretty bloody and edgy.

              • 7 days ago

                And where are they now? Wait oh yeah thats right on a mongoloid baskin-robbins thread

              • 7 days ago

                Both games are dead as shit, anon. There really is no point in arguing about it

  9. 7 days ago

    It's up to Valve to pull out the wackiest designed fighting game to date.

  10. 7 days ago

    >people that don't play fighting games complain about fighting games

    • 7 days ago

      >people that don't play games complain about games
      That should just be the header on Ganker

  11. 7 days ago

    >finally dying?
    It's been slowly dying for a while bro

    • 7 days ago

      No just bleeding slowly to death surviving long enough for a blood sacrifice see every anime/arena /indie based fighter

  12. 7 days ago

    I hate it when Ganker tries to discuss fighting games. It's like an infant discussing algebra.

    • 7 days ago

      Considering I beat Elden Ring, I'm pretty sure I outrank any fighting gay on this board.

  13. 7 days ago

    Still the best fighting game character select theme TO DATE

    • 7 days ago


  14. 7 days ago

    Fighting games have universally sucked since MK9

  15. 7 days ago

    I really hate how now there only can be one 2D game, 3D game, and Anime game that gets the spotlight in the FGC.
    SF is never losing the 2D spotlight. Tekken is locked in the 3D spotlight after T7 blew up. GGST got the anime spotlight.

    • 7 days ago

      They all fulfill a certain spot in the fighting games market.

    • 7 days ago

      There needs to be an "licensed anime IP" game category like how DBFZ was also pretty big during its heyday alongside Strive.
      I don't give a shit about HxH, why can't Arcsys make another licensed anime fighter from the old big three? We can talk shit about their story quality another time but at least they have some interesting fighting gimmicks that could be made from them.

      • 7 days ago

        >why can't Arcsys make another licensed anime fighter from the old big three?
        Because Jump isn't interested

        • 7 days ago

          Is Jump really making that much money from those awful 3D arena fighters?
          Why do shounengays just lap that shit up?

          • 7 days ago

            >Why do shounengays just lap that shit up?
            Complete disregard for balance, they are more interested in accurate powerlevels than a proper good game

  16. 7 days ago

    I’d argue it’s stronger than ever at this point, outside of Mortal Kombat. Replace the image with ArcSys or SNK and you have a better representation of the modern fighting game landscape

    • 7 days ago

      Look I love hell out of the little jap developer that could but sales wise no not even not even if doubled or tripled

    • 7 days ago

      >outside of Mortal Kombat
      outside of the one that sold the most?

      • 7 days ago

        Sold the most but cared about the least.
        The story of Netherrealm fighters.

        • 7 days ago

          There's ALOT of reasons why the FGC dont care about MK. You could make a whole video essay of reasons honestly. Having alot a shit players other than the top 4 SonicFox, NinjaKilla and the twins.
          Also no USA vs Japan for international rivalry since the game is banned in Japan. Most FGC content creators constantly shit the game without even touching it, so it already looks bad for new viewers.

      • 7 days ago

        MK has a very large single player playerbase. I don't know frick all about the competitive MK scene, but it does appeal very much to people who are fans of single player fighting games. The story might be stupid, but it is fun-stupid, and entertaining. Then the tower modes are always good for a quick run.
        I might not be a fan of the gameplay itself, but the MK universe is the best fighting game universe. Period. Plus, who is the most famous person in each series? Street fight has Ryu, Ken, or Akuma maybe? Tekken's got Kazuya, Heihachi or maybe Jin I guess. People who don't know fighting games barely know who any of them are, and people who don't play at all have no chance of knowing. You know who fricking everyone knows? Sub-Zero.

  17. 7 days ago

    You say this is important when MK can hardly produce tournament numbers and remains to this day the black sheep among fighting game circles.

  18. 7 days ago

    Street Fighter 6 has like 30k+ players playing it daily at their peak hours a year after it's release.

    It's a huge success.

    • 7 days ago

      Ganker users are in an alternate reality from everyone else most of the time.

    • 7 days ago

      Thank God the game isn’t dead, I bought it recently in anticipation for Terry.

      • 7 days ago

        If everything goes wrong you still should have a healthy playerbase for the rest of the year bro

    • 7 days ago

      Street Fighter 6 is maybe the most astroturfed game i've ever seen.
      this has gotta be the worst, most confusing time to be a new Street Fighter fan. you go online and there's this fierce marketing campaign insisting SF6 is maybe the best game in the whole series and that SF has never been better–but then you go online and unless you live in Japan, you're fighting the same 50 people over and over again, then you step back and realize they're only getting 4 characters and 1 costume a year between ludicrously priced Avatar Exclusive cash shop content drops, and then you look at the Season Pass and half the characters aren't even SF characters. half last Season was characters from SFV–a game that at least half SF fans will say was ass–but for some reason we want its characters back? the game struggles to stay at 1/3rd it's peak daily outside JP hours because it's dead outside Japan. it has the sort of regional player disparity that you'd expect from a South Korean gacha game without a Global release. Akuma and the first balance patched helped a little, but not much.

      then you look at Guilty Gear, and they're about to get a whole ass anime, even though ArcSys are supporting like 3 different fighting games with Seasonal DLC right now. shit just doesn't add up.

      • 7 days ago

        >muh japan hours le dead
        the next fighting game with the highest playercount is tekken with 8K+ player peak everyday
        meanwhile the lowest peak for SF6 is 9k+ players everyday, still higher than tekken's peak
        if you can't find matches in SF6, you're not going to find any match in all fighting games LMAO

        • 7 days ago

          is Tekken region locked the same way SF is? cause if you can match with players in other nearby regions, that may not be everyone's experience.

          • 7 days ago

            SF6 isn't region locked moron, they fixed that shit months ago
            and even if tekken lets you match from florida to england the connection is still going to be garbage

      • 7 days ago

        >the game struggles to stay at 1/3rd it's peak daily outside JP hours because it's dead outside Japan
        That 1/3rd is still higher than every other FG from this generation and especially last, you shitposting moron. It's astonishing how readily people will say shit that immediately outs them as a newbie to anybody that actually plays the genre while pretending they know anything.

  19. 7 days ago

    Why is this subreddit so desperate to declare things dead?

  20. 7 days ago

    I enjoyed MKX, genuinely think the series has value. Injustice is also good. But MK1 just lacks that flare. Lacks that sauce. Something about it is just mid from head to toe.

    • 7 days ago

      I never engage in b***hing about woke culture on here, but MK, out of all series, should not have tried to clean up its image. The aesthetic of MK was always that of a grindhouse movie. Blood, guts, jacked dudes beating the shit out of people, chicks with big breasts beating the shit out of people, stupid nonsense plot that still takes itself seriously, etc. Take that all away and it's just boring now and the excessive gore and fatalities clash hard with the series' new tone. X was the last good MK.

  21. 7 days ago

    Kazuya is so cool. Why is Kazuya the best fighting game anprotagonist?

  22. 7 days ago

    It's basically gentrification, so no, it won't die. E-sports is the way to milk a genre and fighting games remained relatively independent till recently. Corporate c**ts managed to take hold on fighting games competitive scene, so they will milk it dry. Tencent still has not cashed out on their league fighter, so until then we will have uptick in overall fighting games interest.

  23. 7 days ago

    Yes. Fighting became a niche genre a long time ago though.

  24. 7 days ago

    It's been dying since the 1990's.

  25. 7 days ago

    >try other fighting games
    >keep coming back to grub rising
    why do i keep doing this

    • 7 days ago

      You like grub rising

    • 7 days ago

      >Good visuals, simple mechanics, huge well animated moves, A-list seyuus, nice looking if overdesigned characters
      Why are you frustrated?

    • 7 days ago

      Sorry you have shit taste.

      >Good visuals, simple mechanics, huge well animated moves, A-list seyuus, nice looking if overdesigned characters
      Why are you frustrated?

      You too.

      • 7 days ago

        >another one got 66L'd
        get rekt nerd

  26. 7 days ago

    the biggest problem with setplay characters is that everyone loves playing them but nobody likes playing aginst them

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