Is there a modern equivalent to Hearts of Iron 2/Darkest Hour?

Years ago I found out about those WW2 games and liked them a lot, played them for hundreds of hours but I never got into the later stages of WW2. For example, I played as Germany, built an army and all, invaded France but I never got around to invade the UK or Norway or the Soviet Union because I was at loss at what to do or build.

I tried playing them again recently but the UI is too old and the resolution doesn't keep up either so I stopped there. Is there something more modern but similar to HoI 2/Darkest Hour? Any tips to play not only as Germany but Soviet Union, Italy, the UK, France and others?

Thanks and take care.

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  1. 1 year ago

    >Have you played HoI 4?
    I did, years ago, but I find the "focus tree" concept very confusing, I just want to build troops and move them around, the events on HoI 2/DH made more sense, get to X quantity of divisions, or resources or factories then you can trigger the event.

    • 1 year ago

      Consider learning how to read, then promptly returning to hoi4

      • 1 year ago

        Hoi4 is garbage yootuber goyslop

        Okay hoi3 a good game. Problem is it filters all hoi4 babies and 85% of darkest hour mouth breathers that can’t handle a 7 region Germany and a 12 province eastern front

        • 1 year ago

          No doubt hoi3 is better than the pigfrickery of hoi4, but dont start sucking your own wiener. Hoi3 is ridiculously easy once anyone with even a small degree of intelligence gets past the deliberate obfuscation.

          • 1 year ago

            You mean HoI IV

          • 1 year ago

            I booted this up for the first time since release and it's honestly one of the easiest "strategy" games once you define your command structure. I played as Hungary and as a member of the Axis, annexed Yugoslavia, half of Romania and puppeted Greece before initiating Barbarossa and sending my troops as far as the Volga before USSR sued for peace simply by building an armoured/cav division early and attaching it to my "Budapest HQ" command. Then you just press "blitz stance" and build whatever the HQ tells you it needs and you don't even move the troops yourself. I have no idea why this game has a reputation as being difficult

            • 1 year ago

              >I have no idea why this game has a reputation as being difficult
              Mods and the fact that average hoi4baby/dhtard isn't capable of not getting filtered, so they assume it's impossibly hard.

            • 1 year ago

              It is because they play as something like USA instead and decide to have a 10th of the fun for 10x the work
              The game is at its best when you are blobbing into the Balkans for the first time. All down hill from there

            • 1 year ago

              >this game is not hard once you know how to play it

              Is water also wet?

              • 1 year ago

                Ah yes, here's the moronic assfrick and his useless passive aggressive comment.

              • 1 year ago

                Anon might be a real alien not knowing what state water is on this planet and you just called him moronic assfrick like that.
                Rude, man.

            • 1 year ago

              It is because they play as something like USA instead and decide to have a 10th of the fun for 10x the work
              The game is at its best when you are blobbing into the Balkans for the first time. All down hill from there

              funnily enough i remember the first time i ever had a hoi3 campaign that was at all a success, it was playing italy and just eating everyone in the balkans. lmao i guess it really is true.
              and yes, once you get over the hump of learning what the frick everything does and you aren't braindead and design your own OOB, the sheer amount of good modifiers you will stack will have your divisions melt the AI. Especially if you are a country lots of generals with good traits like offensive doctrine and
              The other early campaign I remember was playing as China and just 4xINF blockmaxxing, retaking all of China, and then crushing the Japanese. I think the casualties were like several million versus a few thousand or something lol

        • 1 year ago

          Hoi3 was rushed and incomplete
          >defeat the SU as Germany
          >uhm congrats I guess here is your reward ()
          At lest in Hoi4 you can do things, even if they are dumb.

          • 1 year ago

            The biggest advantage of hoi4 is it was set up for multiplayer. Trying to play hoi3 multiplayer is like having your balls dipped in bleach and then massaged with a cheese grater.
            As a result hoi4 proved to be an immensely popular game even though the graphics and the gameplay were obviously designed for children and the intellectually handicapped.

            • 1 year ago

              >I can't configure a three-setting menu
              >This means the MP options are busted
              No, it just means you're moronic and probably also a zoomershit.

              • 1 year ago

                >look at hoi3 mp
                hardly ever happened
                >look at hoi4 mp
                fricking everywhere

                No its you who is moronic, grandad. Time to empty your colostomy bag. Now be a dear and frick off.

          • 1 year ago

            You defeat Germany as the Soviet Union in hoi3 then you take japan and eventually the Allies, moron the game doesn’t end. You can play tfh well into the 50s.

            • 1 year ago

              Your mother must have shit you out of her anus, cos you are as dumb as frick. Go back to school and learn comprehension, fricking moron.

              • 1 year ago

                >at least in hoi4 you can do things

                Points out you can “do things” in hoi3 too*


                File for disability, the government will pay you to be this stupid

              • 1 year ago

                Shut the frick up moron

    • 1 year ago

      >I found the focus tree concept very confusing
      How? It’s a fricking flow chart where everything is explained so morons like yourself can understand

    • 1 year ago

      >I find the "focus tree" concept very confusing
      Really? It's one of the areas where the game is the most streamlined, and the focuses for most countries are pretty explicit on what they do and how.
      I actually hate the focus system since it creates a few railroaded alternate history paths and destroys the fun of creating your own like in Vic 2, but regardless it seems deliberately crafted to be understandable.

      • 1 year ago

        >I actually hate the focus system since it creates a few railroaded alternate history paths and destroys the fun of creating your own like in Vic 2
        This is what I meant actually, I want alternate history to develop on its own, not to be scripted by a few random events.

        • 1 year ago

          >I actually hate the focus system since it creates a few railroaded alternate history paths and destroys the fun of creating your own like in Vic 2
          NTA you're replying to, but same, and I think unfortunately it's the future with Paradox games. With HOI4, they realized that focus trees allow them to not program an AI that can use the game's features since they can just have the AI pick shit off the focus trees and have countries function just based off the bonuses the focus trees give them. So now they're trying to port versions of focus trees to everything: EUIV got some mechanic like that, and I think Vic3 was supposed to have them too but I never see anyone discuss them.

          • 1 year ago

            I guess it's easier to railroad the game in a few paths and make new ones for DLC than program your game around the player's ability to change everything

            • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      I also found the National Focus system to be kind of moronic. It's inherently limiting, creates silly asymmetries (like Hungary being better at air warfare than Germany for no reason, stuff like that), and is silliness. Since when can a country only focus on one thing for ~2 months? Worst of all, it creates a natural meta. There is an order of national focuses that is, essentially, the objective best.
      All that being said, it was still an improvement over the decision/event system that DH was using. Running the entire war through decisions/events was always like walking a tightrope and it wasn't any less railroaded than the National Focus system.
      My main issues with NFs is:
      >decisions/events are still needed, even if reduced to more manageable levels
      >another menu to micro-manage while you are busy trying to fricking invade Saipan or something
      >broken trees can spoil the game quite easily if you use ahistorical
      >no ability to split focus or "hoard" focus, must be done in a linear way and the same for all nations at all times
      Not really sure how it can be improved, though.

      • 1 year ago

        I hate the national focus system in HoI4 and think it is incredibly dumb. You pointed out a few of the reasons, but really the main issues for me are the following:
        >1. Choose Your Own Adventure Alt History Memery is fricking moronic and shouldn't be in the game PERIOD and the Focus Tree really enables that
        >2. It is incredibly anti-fun to try to play a new country and have to read through about 50 focus tree badges to figure out what the 'optimal' path is
        >3. It promotes un-fun metagaming where you delay focuses to line up timing with research finishes, etc. when you should just be playing the game
        >4. It makes in-game events happen due to Choose-Your-Own-Adventure rather than by interestingly acting within the systems of the game organically. Example: In HoI3 Anschluss happens when you use Espionage to promote the Nazi party in Austria and get their support above a certain threshold
        >5. There are simply too many of them in the current design, so it is just constantly dealing with it
        >6. Other systems get built around the stupid focus tree which promotes even more brain-dead clickfest metagaming nonsense, the USSR paranoia/purge system is the prime example of anti-fun bullshit clogging up the game

        In my opinion the 2 ways to 'fix' the focus tree concept is (And I think probably a combo of the two)
        1. Do away with it entirely in favor of Decisions only, like HoI3 (And OFC try to improve on the number and clarity of the Decisions);
        2. Greatly simplify focus trees to only reflect large and meaningful choices. No bullshit "70 days for 2 factories." I am thinking literally one year focuses with big impacts. As Germany 1936 you can prioritize the Wehrmacht or the Kriegsmarine or the Luftwaffe. One of three bonuses. It takes 365 days. Simple. Clear. Trade-offs.

        • 1 year ago

          >I am thinking literally one year focuses with big impacts
          Sounds like the BICE decisions from hoi3.

        • 1 year ago

          the problem with the focus tree no one really seems to mention is that it cucks games over so fricking hard

          The USSR successfully helps spain win the civil war they are now communist.
          The communist spanish tree has them declare war on portugual even if they are currently fending off the germans for no reason other than its in their focus tree and they might either join the allies or axis and completely frick spain since they now have to fight a 2 front war and if by some chance they join the allies the entirety of the allies is now called into a war against spain and the USSR in the middle of WW2 for no reason other than portugual was in the allies faction regardless of the fact they are currently fighting alongside the USSR against germany and japan.

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago


  2. 1 year ago

    >liked them a lot, played them for hundreds of hours but I never got into the later stages of WW2.

    This is either a bait thread or you are such a fricking idiot that no one can help you

    • 1 year ago

      It's not bait. Every time I just restarted again or tried different mods or scenarios.

      • 1 year ago

        Anon, pay no attention to these heartless trolls disrespecting you. The fact that you are indeed a fricking idiot should not stop you in your pursuit of becoming an even bigger fricking idiot. God speed Anon!

  3. 1 year ago

    Honestly if you cant handle HoI 2 theres no hope for you. Personally i recommend Arsenal of Democracy, another fan-made standalone game, that is actually still being updated, over Vanilla or Darkest Hour.

  4. 1 year ago

    play as smaller nations to get used to the game first

    • 1 year ago

      For example?

      • 1 year ago

        Definitely a bait thread.
        Well you got your (yous), including mine. Here's a thousand Internets. Spend them on a digital dildo and go frick yourself silly.

        As for the rest of us, knowing that this thread will never naturally die, the best thing we can do is discuss why hoi2 and hoi4 players are mentally moronic and how they should all be sterilized for the sake of Humanity

        • 1 year ago

          Take your medicine and get the frick out of /vst/

        • 1 year ago

          Agreed. Either that or OP is so dumb he wouldn't know which hole to jam the dildo into ( he probably would alternate between all holes )
          I would say hoi2/4 players are stupid because their mothers smoked a lot of crack. I think the best way to deal with the problem is to put them all on a deserted desert island and nuke the place. Its the only way to be sure.

  5. 1 year ago

    Why are you making a thread when you could google it?

  6. 1 year ago

    hoi4 appeals to the lowest denominator of the Paracuck audience. Best to go back to hex and counters. They slurp it up and their visual novel focus trees.

  7. 1 year ago

    hoi4 players are not only cum dribbling dog frickers but are also incapable of dressing themselves.

  8. 1 year ago

    >All this made up bullshit to mask that OP is a HoI4 zoomer that got filtered by graphics

    • 1 year ago

      Your mother must have shit you out of her anus, cos you are as dumb as frick. Go back to school and learn comprehension, fricking moron.

      What made up bullshit? I come here to make one thread and get recs and advice and you come only to shit up the thread?

      • 1 year ago

        >I came here to whine about being filtered by HoI2/DH out of all games

  9. 1 year ago

    best mod for DH?

    • 1 year ago

      MDS2 if you can find it anywhere anymore.

  10. 1 year ago

    Oh wow! Look! Its the monthly HOI thread. With the usual bunch of trolls, douche bags, and losers all shitting on each other! Wait, I will go grab some pop corn.

    • 1 year ago

      hey guys, the troony arrived!

      • 1 year ago

        *munches popcorn*

        Keep going.

    • 1 year ago

      >HOI thread
      >With the usual bunch of trolls, douche bags, and losers all shitting
      You are thinking of the Vic3 thread m8

      • 1 year ago

        Wrong. There is no poo poster here.

        • 1 year ago

          Indians don't browse Ganker at all lmao

          • 1 year ago

            Indians comprise at least 90% of Ganker. Haven't you noticed most posts are shit posts?

            • 1 year ago

              Indians have their own giant Internet, why would they come all the way to here.

              • 1 year ago

                >Indians have their own giant Internet, why would they come all the way to here.
                Because its designated.

          • 1 year ago


  11. 1 year ago

    OMG! This thread nearly died! Quick! Someone make a comment about early Sealion so the spastic shows up and makes half a dozen moronic comments in a row!

    • 1 year ago

      Schizo, take your meds.

      • 1 year ago

        Roflmao! You spastic, you took the bait! Again! You are indeed a very moronic spastic! lololol!

        But MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. This worthy thread has been bumped.

  12. 1 year ago

    Decisive Campaigns

  13. 1 year ago

    darkest hour mod for hoi4

  14. 1 year ago

    Holy shieeeet I love Darkness Hour! My favorite paradox game ever! I have watched at least 50 complete walkthroughs! Its true when everyone says its the best I just kinda wished I understood what was going on hahahah

    • 1 year ago

      Sometime late at night I will play organs of darkmeat on my lap top in bed. I can watch bombs go "BOOM!" and shit happens and machine guns go "BRRRRRR!" and stuff and watch things like subs going "PINNNNNNG!" and planes and things and tanks and stuff! I jeerk off to it. But one time I cum onto laptop and now it not work sad face jpeg lololol

  15. 1 year ago

    >Any tips to play not only as Germany but Soviet Union, Italy, the UK, France and others
    With Germany focus on your motorized, mechanized and armored tech. You generally don't need to build regular infantry since every scenario except 1933 starts with a decent amount and you'll always get more from the anschluss. It's better to research units first and doctrines as late as possible since the latter takes effect immediately while the former requires time to upgrade. Add an HQ with a highly promoted offensive general to a least every other province of your frontline and you will always win battles (this works with every country). Also you can cheese sealion very easily by landing a paratrooper in Hull, which is usually undefended due to no beachhead, and then funneling a huge number of troops there via transports. This will save you a lot on the navy investment. You also start with a paratrooper division in the 1939 and 1940 scenarios IIRC.

    >Soviet Union
    Build tons of militia (3 units + 1 artillery brigade) and set them all to upgrade to infantry, tedious but worth it. You can use this same trick as any country to field a massive and capable army very quickly. It's particularly useful as the Soviets considering their manpower advantage. If you have time, abandon the Soviet doctrine and switch to spearhead.

    Don't take the decision to reform the army, this will permanently handicap a lot of your units. Instead, use the manpower trick above and focus on securing the middle east before going south through Africa.

    Learn how navies work. Heavy ships only work when they are guarded by an equal or greater number of light ships. Since the highest number of ships a commander can manage is 30, the ideal composition is 15 heavy and 15 light ships in a fleet. I reccomend pulling all of your ships back to Britain at the start of the game and reorganizing them into these types of fleets, moving them around the map as needed.

    Pick another country.

    • 1 year ago

      When playing any of the minor nations (Romania, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Canada, Finland, etc.) don't bother investing in fancy tech like mechanized units, heavy ships, or specialized aircraft. Just churn out armies of 3 infantry + 1 artillery brigade and place at least one of these in every frontline province. Use some HQs on your spearheads and you will punch well above your weight.

      If you can afford it, mechanized/armored + self propelled artillery brigade is the best unit type in the game. An army full of these is basically unstoppable, but is only realistic for majors. Mechanized requires 1942 motorized first so dedicate a research spot to rushing that from the beginning if you want the advantage later.

    • 1 year ago

      When playing any of the minor nations (Romania, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Canada, Finland, etc.) don't bother investing in fancy tech like mechanized units, heavy ships, or specialized aircraft. Just churn out armies of 3 infantry + 1 artillery brigade and place at least one of these in every frontline province. Use some HQs on your spearheads and you will punch well above your weight.

      If you can afford it, mechanized/armored + self propelled artillery brigade is the best unit type in the game. An army full of these is basically unstoppable, but is only realistic for majors. Mechanized requires 1942 motorized first so dedicate a research spot to rushing that from the beginning if you want the advantage later.

      Thanks for this, you win the Internets.

      One last question tho, is there any way to make the UI bigger? This is the thing that breaks DH for me, I just want everything bigger so I don't have to give up after an hour because my eyes can't keep up.

      • 1 year ago

        Your resolution is probably too high

        • 1 year ago

          Problem is, when I lower the resolution, all of it gets blurry so I can't even see what I am doing.

          • 1 year ago

            Just wear glasses bro, lololololol

            • 1 year ago

              I already wear glasses.

              • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        No way currently to improve the resolution. Sorry bro

  16. 1 year ago

    as someone who started with hoi4, got bored because its too easy, then got into hoi3, then feel like that game also feels a little 'solved' for me, is darkest hour worth checking out?

    • 1 year ago

      It's simpler than hoi3 but it's great.

      • 1 year ago

        ill check it out one of these days i always meant to. i have a high tolerance for old-ass pc games because that's what i grew up on but darkest hour is looking pretty borderline lol, but people seem to love it. what do you like so much about it versus hoi3 / hoi4?

        What do you mean by 'solved'?

        i got too good at hoi3 and it bores me a bit now lol. really it is a problem with any strategy game particularly GSG's. you play them enough and you figure out 'how things really work' and then you just steamroll the AI with too much ease that even playing minor countries etc. loses its challenge.
        first time winning operation barbarossa as germany and then as the soviets was huge though, great gaming memories lol.

    • 1 year ago

      What do you mean by 'solved'?

    • 1 year ago

      No, its just much of the same as you experienced. The only way for you to go now would be games by Gary Grigsby, War in the East etc. And honestly those aren't any better, just more micro heavy. At this point you have exhausted everything computer grand strategy and war gaming can offer you, the core issue being that AI in these games is just not up to scratch. Your only realistic option for continuing is multi player and that comes with its own host of issues. But if you can find reliable and mature online players it can be way more rewarding than any game against an AI. The biggest issue is finding those sorts of players who want to play at the same level of intensity as you do, once a day gamers as opposed to once a week.

      • 1 year ago

        >Gary Grigsby, War in the East
        Only ultra autists play these.

        • 1 year ago
          Bettie Choi

          I dont get why WitE gets this reputation. Its not that hard. Its just got a lot of units to move, this just makes it time consuming. But the real downer is the AI is just totally useless. Say you play as the Russians on your very first campaign, you will be able to pick off panzer divisions here and here, make a couple of small encirclements, and then snow ball your way to Berlin by mid 1942. But it took you 40 hours to do so rather than playing a different game where you can pull of the same implausible bullshit in 5 hours.

        • 1 year ago

          Skill issue

  17. 1 year ago

    We almost got an official HOI3 cold war game before it was canceled, but I heard that game is now open source and people can download it for free I don't know if that's true.

    • 1 year ago

      Name of the game?

    • 1 year ago

      It's not open source and it's dead

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