Is there a reason why I don't find games fun anymore vee?

Is there a reason why I don't find games fun anymore vee?

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 1 week ago

    It's because of you

    • 1 week ago

      >They hit the eject button on that last thread and deleted it
      I’m sure that was a purely logical decision with no emotion behind it.

      Can someone seriously tell me how to not use drugs and alcohol with these stats?

      >mentally ill (autism/OCD)
      >no friends
      >no parents, dad is deadbeat and I cut ties with abusive mother
      >no other family
      >live alone
      >mental health system gave up on me
      >no education
      >bong so rehab is exclusive to rich people
      >never had a job cant get one due to age/no experience/autism/ugly
      >wouldnt even be hired for volunteering if i tried
      >dont want to use antidepressants and i doubt they work anyway
      >bald ugly short

      I truly do want to be sober, Im tired of constant highs and comedowns and withdrawals and all the wasted money and fricking myself up. but I dont understand what to do all day or what to live for

      • 1 week ago

        I literally had to go through rehab nine times before I got even a year sober. Now relapsed. Rehab is the only way I know of man. I’m sorry.

      • 1 week ago

        >Can someone seriously tell me how to not use drugs and alcohol with these stats?
        Just don't?

        • 1 week ago

          it’s not that simple, that anon sounds FRICKED

      • 1 week ago

        Gonna be honest, you sound like someone who just needs to die. You're dysgenic as frick, and you sound moronic too so you basically only exist to take up space and convert food into shit for 70 years.

      • 1 week ago

        You need to live and spite all those morons bashing you. You are valid.

      • 1 week ago

        Yeah, sure buddy

      • 1 week ago

        >autism OCD
        not that bad unless severe
        >no friends
        can be fixed
        >no parents
        sorry, but can be gotten over
        >no other family
        sucks, but still
        >mental health system gave up on me
        sucks, move to a better country
        >no education
        i've seen 80iq moronic indians get degrees, you can too.
        sorry about that, thought social services were good there, but your passport should be good for moving
        >no job due to autism/ugly
        noone cares how you look, get a wagie job in an industry begging for people like food service
        >dont want to use antidepressants
        sure, but visit a psychiatrist anyway and see if they have other suggestions
        >bald ugly short
        not a big deal

  2. 1 week ago

    >They hit the eject button on that last thread and deleted it
    I’m sure that was a purely logical decision with no emotion behind it.

  3. 1 week ago

    because gaming isnt actually doing anything, you a pressing plastic buttons while staring into space.
    you brain isnt experiencing anything, go climb a fricking tree or something.

    • 1 week ago

      Unironically, this.
      When I started feeling the burnout and stopped having fun playing video games and watching anime, I took up solo fishing.
      I don't know why, I'm not an outdoorsy guy, and I haven't been fishing in over 20 years (I would have been 11 with my grandfather).
      Fishing, and hiking in the woods to get to fishing spots, just felt more fulfilling, even if I was just standing in the same place for 20 minutes waiting for a bite compared to clicking 20 buttons a second.

      And you know what? After a month of fishing, I could enjoy vidya again. I started finding vidya fun again, I started enjoying watching anime again. And any time I start to feel that boredom from vidya creeping I just go fishing.

      • 1 week ago

        I just need to find something interesting to do outside but there's really nothing like it in my city and my friends only want to drink and play magic.

        • 1 week ago

          >and my friends only want to drink and play magic.
          people need to understand that shitty friends are worse than no friends

  4. 1 week ago

    well the dad says it all, and the son’s response is cope. boohoo, i was rejected. we all pick ourself up and keep going.

    • 1 week ago

      The only energy I’ve found to have to escape this is what I refer to as “safe-aggressive”. Figure out what that means and you’re set.

      • 1 week ago

        What does in mean?

    • 1 week ago

      >we all pick ourself up and keep going.
      I'd rather pick myself up and keep gooning

      • 1 week ago

        Well as long you’re not moping around like OP, you do you.

        • 1 week ago

          Yeah, it's the lifestyle I've chosen and I see no reason why I'd be sad about it. OP sounds like he really wants to be normalgay without being textbook normalgay which is pretty impossible to achieve if you ask me

          • 1 week ago

            >Bro it’s basically impossible to live an okay life I’ll just goon instead
            Anon I fear you’re being a tad cheeky

            • 1 week ago

              It's more about changing definition of 'okay life' to suit you and your lifestyle, rather than following what society considers 'okay life'.
              OP lived all his life like an outcast, and yet for some reason he still subconsciously longed for being normalgay with wife, kids etc. which eventually led to him not enjoying his life anymore. The only solutions to that are either to accept yourself as such outcast weirdo and fully embrace it, or man the frick up and become actual normalgay, like Anon to whom I've replied first said. Sitting on the crossroads like this just won't work

    • 1 week ago

      normalgays are incapable of empathy

      • 1 week ago

        >I wanna be a normalgay, but.. but.. it’s too le hard!
        mopers like op don’t deserve empathy, he will just take it and bask in it and yet still never improve. if you have problems, (You) have to go solve them.

        • 1 week ago

          hard for people to hear, but true. a lot of people get addicted to wallowing in victomhood. i'm one of those people.

        • 1 week ago

          normalgays are incapable of empathy

          I used to be a massive loser like you, then I learned that no one cares and noting will come of it and I learned to carry on with my life

      • 1 week ago

        idk have you tried not being sad? 🙂

      • 1 week ago

        Empathy is not the same as enabling. I feel bad for anons in these situations, but there's literally only one solution if you want to keep living.

      • 1 week ago

        90% of people don't care about your problems and 10% are glad you have them because they're too busy dealing with their own problems that you probably don't care about either, hypocrite

  5. 1 week ago

    only homosexuals and transsexuals are depressed

    • 1 week ago

      You're very desperate to paint everyone around you as gay/troony. Almost like it'd make it easier for you to come out yourself or something.

    • 1 week ago

      then why does gay mean happy

      • 1 week ago

        It doesnt

    • 1 week ago

      im depressed and i know ive fricked at least ten times the women you have. thats where the depression comes from. ive achieved everything i ever dreamed of.. women, popularity, riches... and it does nothing to fill the empty void in my soul. none of those things fulfilled me. after i get my nut off i feel a deep wave of regret wash over me because i know women are just a distraction from my ambitions.

      • 1 week ago

        OOHHH Life goes ooooooooon. Long after the thrill of livin is gone.

      • 1 week ago

        >lives life of hedonism
        >is still empty and unfulfilled
        Golly jee, I wonder why.

      • 1 week ago

        jokes on you ten times zero is still zero

    • 1 week ago

      >Everyone I dislike or something is actually a gay israelite indian mexican or something!

    • 1 week ago

      Must be nice being a happy 85 IQ robot

    • 1 week ago

      I would trade being straight for being a homosexual 10/10 times any day of the week. I fricking hate women so much

      • 1 week ago

        >I would trade being straight for being a homosexual 10/10 times any day of the week. I fricking hate women so much
        but you are already a homosexual

  6. 1 week ago

    Probably because you're a homosexual

  7. 1 week ago

    theres no innovation any more, and on top of that instead of refining what theyve done a dozen times already they manage to make it worse because they only care about selling hardware. the nerve.
    these days i always feel best playing something where my imagination can run around a bit. the ai image generation tech is a lot of fun in that regard. or games with randomly generated levels. the wave of card based dungeon crawlers have been good for me, but i guess thats slowed down a lot. oh well.

  8. 1 week ago

    Another boring loser spam thread. Get out gay.
    Degens that jerk off all day don't enjoy anything so you might as well frick off.

  9. 1 week ago

    Because you've played too many of them.
    Unironically, after consuming a certain amount of media, it all becomes predictable and formulaic. Entertainment is a byproduct of a few factors and one of them is novelty. Nothing released lately is sufficiently novel and to make matters worse unlike in the 2000s companies endlessly release remakes to mild nostalgia cash from morons who want games to go back to being good like you.

    • 1 week ago

      >it all becomes predictable and formulaic
      No it is formulaic to begin with, its that you cant unnotice it.

  10. 1 week ago

    games are actually getting worse.
    I still enjoy the occasional movie, so it's not likely to be your mind.
    it's just israeli execs ruining AAA and Indies are just a bunch of trannies so their ideas are always the same

    • 1 week ago

      What a grand, totally original opinion.

      • 1 week ago

        Yes, commonplace to recognise it so it isn't a one-off anon off his meds.

      • 1 week ago

        if you recognize the truth, why would it change until circumstances change?

        • 1 week ago


          >*Truth exists*

      • 1 week ago

        The truth never stops being true, so yeah, I'm sure you've seen it before.

  11. 1 week ago

    stop fapping

  12. 1 week ago

    >the world is a monolith entity that doesn't want mee waaaaa
    Grow the frick up

    • 1 week ago

      I have autism, the world does not want me, I have not spoken to a human in 14 years.

      • 1 week ago

        Well I guess that's a good excuse ngl.

      • 1 week ago

        sounds like a you problem where you're more concerned with having a pity party than putting in the effort to change your situation.

        • 1 week ago

          Do you have a magic pill that can cure autism

          • 1 week ago

            It takes work. But that doesn't mean it's impossible.

          • 1 week ago

            Autism has nothing to do with it. I'm autistic myself and I'm able to function in the real world. You just have to not be a lazy frick more interested in blaming other things for your failings than putting in the effort.

            • 1 week ago

              you are lying and do not have autism, frick off

              • 1 week ago

                It stings because deep down you know it's true

            • 1 week ago

              Let me just fix my problems when I have major depressive disorder, autism, anxiety and psychologists charge $350 a visit and anti-depressants don't work

              • 1 week ago

                Yes? what else are you going to do, Sit around moping about your problems for the rest of your life and doing nothing? It's admittedly not the easy route but it's still the better one in the long run.

              • 1 week ago

                Well..what else are you do? you've got maybe a good 30-40 years on you still. Do something with it

              • 1 week ago

                Well, there's not much I can do because getting a job would make me unable to collect disability, and I couldn't keep a job if I got one, and nobody would hire me because I'm autisitc, and if they did hire me they'd fire me because I don't have the athleticism or people skills to work minimum wage jobs

              • 1 week ago

                Work on your athleticism and people skills

              • 1 week ago

                being defeatist and having a victim complex is not helping you. you're able to type, walk, and talk? good, then slowly but surely you can find your way in life

            • 1 week ago

              >I'm autistic myself
              No you're not. Are there things autistic people can fix and improve? sure, but sooner or later they'll hit a wall and that's the difference between you and people that are actually autistic. There's a grey zone in psychiatry were people get wrongly diagnosed ASD, you're either one of those or those sickos that claim to have autism for the sake of attention. No need to reply, too busy reading war statistics during the Napoleonic era.

              • 1 week ago

                >sooner or later they'll hit a wall
                So? Accept it. You don't have to be neurotypical to be happy. You need to find happiness within your limitations.

  13. 1 week ago

    I'm gonna go ahead and guess you don't have any other hobbies OP. Try disc golf, it's easy to get in to and got lots of depth in case you enjoy it

  14. 1 week ago
    • 1 week ago

      Sarah sounds like a bitc-
      Comic disregarded, get fricked britgays.

    • 1 week ago

      >make a shitty "comic" because you couldn't tell that to that person
      >not even good at drawing

    • 1 week ago

      This image is absolutely ancient, yet somehow still so true.

      • 1 week ago

        It’s the most enraging yet life correcting thing most people will ever read.

      • 1 week ago

        It’s the most enraging yet life correcting thing most people will ever read.

        If you think this is deep, you're almost certainly intellectually limited yourself. The girl spews forth a self righteous word salad to say what everyone else already knows: she's superficial. She likes muscular guys who love to argue because she craves the attention and being with them makes her feel warm and fuzzy. It's fine to have preferences, but to pretend that this is some sort of epoch shattering revelation, and that she's anything other than an average, typically self immersed, young woman is pathetic.

        There are smart people who fall for smart people and have smart kids. She just isn't one of them.

        • 1 week ago

          You’re just trying to protect your ego. Take it from someone who was you, just eat the shit now and improve your whole life. At the very least be aware that women like that exist and you’ll likely encounter one who feels similar.

          • 1 week ago

            >you’ll likely encounter one who feels similar
            Who gives a shit what they feel? I'm not interested in airheads. Do you think I care who won America's Got Talent this year? Same principle applies.

            • 1 week ago

              >Who gives a shit what they feel?
              You will in about ten years when you realize how much more you could have taken for yourself.

              • 1 week ago

                >ugh... if only I'd fricked even more pussy... then my life would have been meaningful
                I just don't see it. It's like getting depressed over having eaten too few legs of lamb.

              • 1 week ago

                I am depressed because I had way too much sex. Don't be like me kids, sex is dangerous.

              • 1 week ago

                I am not concerned with having too much sex, for obvious reasons

        • 1 week ago

          The meta of this website has become to always be a doomer homosexual. "Everything good is bad and everything bad is good" type of shit. "Oh youre a kind, loving guy? Well too bad, women hate you."

          Its pathetic. Its beyond parody. Its misery porn for people whove got way too much time on their hands. This conflation that being "normal" is something great to aspire to be is just making things hard for yourself for no reason.

          • 1 week ago

            That's very true. Can't help but feel this site is some sort of misery farm built to further demoralise disenfranchised young men.

            • 1 week ago

              No. Things are just kind of shitty right now across the board. Its like this everywhere. Everyone loves to be a "nihilist" which is just code for "Im better than everybody". Ganker has its particularities but twitter homosexuals are just as unhinged. Even Instagram. Like 30 something women on Instagram. Try just reading some of the unhinged shit they say, they sound like Elliot Rodger. Even the most misogynistic incel wouldnt be able to conjure up some of the things these women say, only their target is men.

              Bottom line is: Everybodys kinda fricked up, nobody is really sure of themselves despite what they tell you, and its very much normal to have feelings of hatred and despair. There are very few people that dont get tangled up in that one way or another. The only real difference is that young men are just told to suck it up or theyre useless homosexuals, but again, those people are also in pain.

          • 1 week ago

            Boy, people will say anything to prevent themselves from having to improve their outlook.

          • 1 week ago

            >"Oh youre a kind, loving guy? Well too bad, women hate you."
            well that is true unless you found different brain-wired unicorn,
            the wet-meter which is the only thing women accept is how much sociopathic the mating partner is, nothing dry's a common women more than a guy that is empathetic,
            at best cases which is also ultra-rare is indifference to it that is the only option for a stable relationship that could actually work

            • 1 week ago

              You give women far too much credit. They mostly just want to feel safe. They dont wanna think or act, they want someone to do that for them. You cant confuse being kind and loving to being a pushover who cant impose himself.

            • 1 week ago

              The virgin moron.

              You give women far too much credit. They mostly just want to feel safe. They dont wanna think or act, they want someone to do that for them. You cant confuse being kind and loving to being a pushover who cant impose himself.

              The Chad knower.

    • 1 week ago

      >no blowing people away
      shit version post the real one

    • 1 week ago

      >he spergs out and opens up with a paragraph
      >she replies with a reddit post
      I'm not reading that doomer slop. There is zero content here.

      • 1 week ago

        There is if you struggle with putting women on a pedestal

        • 1 week ago

          I don't think about women at all.

          • 1 week ago

            Well then you’re a better man than many of us

            • 1 week ago

              I wouldn't go that far, I'm here after all. It has its perks but sometimes I wonder if I'm human at all with how detached I am from all this shit.
              It's like I have all the answers (for me at least) but it's something that I can't share with other people or help ease their own suffering. When I try to explain, it isn't something they can do because it's like telling someone to stop drinking water or eating in their eyes. It just sounds absurd.

              • 1 week ago

                There’s definitely a translation that needs to be made when sharing advice, to the point it becomes preposterous how slowly you have to explain things often. It’s very frustrating and takes years to hone but remember not to lose your sense of what you know is right in getting there. I’ve found a good way to share advice is to hide it as general rule of thumb stuff so as not to make someone feel targeted, or they’re likely to stop listening.

    • 1 week ago

      i just read this for the first time and i read it out loud and uh, yeah. yeah basically what she said is all tru.

    • 1 week ago

      I don't understand who is supposed to be "winning" in this comic. Both characters are complete narcs. Basically made for each other.

      • 1 week ago

        It’s just a long winded way if saying “nice guys are boring”

        • 1 week ago

          I spent ten years in a sexless marriage because I didn’t take the “nice guys are boring” message seriously enough. I’m still nice, I’m just also much more aggressive now. What a mistake to expect a woman to fall in love with your mind and think that’ll be enough.

          • 1 week ago

            My girlfriend fell in love with my mind. But she stayed for my wiener.

        • 1 week ago

          nobody wants to spend the restof their life with someone who bores the shit out of them

          • 1 week ago

            I'm not disagreeing. It's just a frickload of text for a simple message.

            • 1 week ago

              tbh if it was brought down to that single sentence instead of being a large comprehensive explanation then it would be considerably more trivial to be handwaved away instead of actually being engaged with as it clearly has been since it's been posted for so long

              • 1 week ago


        • 1 week ago

          Women are boring in general. Its up to men to teach them to have a personality. They otherwise will never develop one.

          It might come as a surprise, but its really obvious if you think about it: Women are just lost. All the feminist messaging of being independent and not relying on men essentially just translates into them trying to be like men, which they inevitably end up regretting. Its a much worse deal than spending your 20s aimlessly because youre not sure of your place in the world like 99% of the guys in this thread are. Its going to get better for these guys, theyre going to eventually find something or someone. Women are not raised to think independently, hence they just copy what men are doing. They are like children playing house.

          • 1 week ago

            >They are like children playing house.
            And the House always Wins

          • 1 week ago

            >Women are just lost. All the feminist messaging of being independent and not relying on men essentially just translates into them trying to be like men, which they inevitably end up regretting.

            This. This is why it’s a guys market and will be for a very very long time. Once we figure out as a group to be direct and contradict women, things will improve. They’re literally begging you to take charge with their entire soul, don’t deny them that. You know what’s fricked up and what isn’t for the MOST part even if you’re not perfect, you can tell by now. You can’t let that not being perfectly right about everything shame you out of standing up for what you DO know is right. You wanna know the fastest way to frick a woman who’s stand offish? You make her angry. You debate her. You prove her wrong and make her emotional, you catch her on every point and she will either get on her knees in front of people or she’ll run away with hurt pride. She’ll openly call you impressive and tell you that you have a gift for speech. You never bend unless you’re clearly wrong. Sounds impossible doesn’t it? That’s why you never see it, ever, and that’s why you don’t know how to do it. Our entire country forgot how to stand up to women and they fricking hate us for it. They despise anytime they say some moronic shit and he agrees with her just to frick her, it’s slimy. Stop lying homie. They know you’re a man better than you do, probably.

            • 1 week ago

              The real redpill is that you treat women like toddlers.

              If a toddler is trying to convince you of some stupid shit, like that he saw Santa Claus, do you try to bicker and debate him? Do you tell him he's lying? No, you don't get down to his level, you just dismiss him "sure kid, I saw Santa too when I was little, he took me to see Elvis on the moon". Don't even engage women. They're not important. Bickering signals that they're important enough to waste your time with stupid ideas.

        • 1 week ago

          Why the frick can’t women just entertain themselves and then have sex when we’re horny
          Like I’m not saying we can’t go to plays and restaurants and sporting events and stuff but women just want you to be a monkey it’s absurd

    • 1 week ago

      >All men want sex But women would rather be with the impulsive lower iq brute than the calculating smart man
      This is exactly why so many women are unhappy ,what a bunch of fricking morons.

      • 1 week ago

        You're boring, Clyde.

    • 1 week ago

      The last blurb of text is so fricking male brained, makes me really confused as to who this is cope for. Most people are just gutter trash sloshing about in their specific brand of maladaption, nobody has any high horse or road, every last neurotic moron will propogate their mental illness to their offspring in an endless cycle of abuse, this is all a feature of the species.

    • 1 week ago

      why is john missing from panel 3?

      • 1 week ago

        he went to make a meal to eat while sarah puts war and peace to shame in the next panel

    • 1 week ago

      most likely playing shitty video games.

      I read it, It was shit and I miss Airman.

    • 1 week ago

      Nothing she says here stops her from being a b***h for saying that to a man who his confessing his feelings.. Imagine the self-obsessed narcissist that would actually write and publish that like it's an own. I wonder if it was a woman or a troon, probably a troon pretending.

    • 1 week ago

      The worst thing about this comic is that the man who wrote that watery, pseudo-intellectual word soup does not (nor has he ever) lived by any of the words he put to paper while making this. It's just to bait morons. Like me for example, who knew all this and chose to respond anyway.

    • 1 week ago

      This comic was from a time when we thought women were still mostly rational

    • 1 week ago

      >You're a bad person, a selfish cowardly prick, because you're boring
      Islam is right about women.
      Modern civilization is collapsing because women are deciding who to reproduce with based on how "fun" a man is rather than how good of a father he would be.

    • 1 week ago
      • 1 week ago

        This one just hurts.

        • 1 week ago

          >before she can respond I run away
          >she was going to say yes but she never bothered to even look for me and confess herself
          Probably one of the most obvious fake and gay stories I've ever read here

      • 1 week ago

        >Is there a reason why I don't find games fun anymore vee?
        honestly for me its 2 things
        >Im burned out from gaming
        >Lots of new games are shit.

        frickin oof man, ive been in similar boat ngl.
        used to hangout with this one girl in school, Eventually finish school and go away to uni and the girl is one of very few people i kept in contact and even met after finishing school. we were pretty close At some point she even confessed love for me. but at some point i just started responding to her msgs less and less. its been like 3 or 4 years now since we last spoke.
        closest ive been to having a gf and i blew it because i was the"im a terrible person and ill ruin her´" type of moron.

        >Thought about getting good at drawing for most of my youth
        >Never did because vidya was always less effort and more pleasure
        >About to begin working construction for 10 hours a day with 2 hour long drive to the worksite
        >Realize i'll literally never get good and i wasted one my shot that was youth.
        >All that awaits me is 50 years of blue collar labour and maybe a b***h wife that doesn't even love me but needs to settle down.

        similarish boat.
        been one of them gifted kids. never really studied but got good grades. then late HS and uni everything started to fall apart. been barely passing and never learned how to study. Didint help that i fricked up by choosing specialisation at uni that I absolutely hate.
        now im back lving with parents working at construction with uncle.
        hate that work but need money.
        once i finish up my project car im genuinely considering suicide since the car is my one and only life goal.
        but since im euro i cant just buy a shotgun and a single shell.

        • 1 week ago

          >once i finish up my project car im genuinely considering suicide since the car is my one and only life goa
          I'm working construction to throw a ton into BTC. Once that makes me some extra buck(not expecting millions) i'm gonna neet for a few years off of the savings and then fricking kill myself

        • 1 week ago

          >closest ive been to having a gf and i blew it because i was the"im a terrible person and ill ruin her´" type of moron.
          don't blame yourself, blame your single mother

      • 1 week ago

        >stopped going to school because of a girl
        >parents did nothing
        Do Americans really?

        This one just hurts.

        Larp posts are shit and obvious.

      • 1 week ago
        • 1 week ago

          >>she dated the dick to make me jealous
          >>in my idiocy i didnt notice the signs

          damn thats some moronic cope
          thank god this story is fake, because youd actually have to have a nice day if you made up those kinds of excuses. that goes for the side of the man and the woman here, jesus fricking christ

          • 1 week ago

            It’s not that crazy that a highschooler would try to make someone jealous for attention.

            • 1 week ago

              yes and people that age are notoriously moronic in their motivations, especially in romantic affairs

        • 1 week ago

          >gee i kinda like this guy, maybe i should ask him out?
          >nah ill date a deadbeat for 3 years instead and then kill myself, that'll do the trick

    • 1 week ago

      Pseudo intellectual wall of text, both characters are morons. KYS

    • 1 week ago

      Things girls need at least 1 of if you're a nerd:
      >Great in bed
      Good thing you are physically fit and can implement the 1000s of hours of porn research you've done right Anon?

    • 1 week ago

      Are there any more of these? I feel called out and my masochism demands more verbal abuse

    • 1 week ago

      can't believe nobody has posted it yet

      • 1 week ago

        God bless

      • 1 week ago

        Thanks, I had to go listen to can't beat airman again because of you

    • 1 week ago

      I read her rant in Yahtzee's voice

    • 1 week ago

      >you’re a prick because you aren’t confident and don’t make my pussy tingle

      Is this really how normies view relationships?

    • 1 week ago

      do you have the one with the bus anon?

  15. 1 week ago

    The easy solution is take all that energy and free time you have now and use it for the ultimate game of all. Fighting back against the Communist takeover of the world.

    • 1 week ago

      "Communist takeover" is when the 3 labor parties in the anglosphere remove references to socialism from all their party documents and openly endorse capitalism.

      • 1 week ago

        "Communist" just means "person I disagree with", don't overcomplicate things

        • 1 week ago

          >"Communist" just means "person I disagree with", don't overcomplicate things
          Says a gaslighting communist / woke / gay / invader (all the same movement)

          • 1 week ago

            >Communist isn't just a word for everything I dislike!
            >But you are all the things I dislike!
            Zero self-awareness

            • 1 week ago

              It isn't self-awareness. It's awareness on a global scale.

              • 1 week ago

                How can you be aware of anything if you are imprecise in your language? You clearly don't know shit on the most basic level and are just an emotional moron lashing out at things he doesn't understand, but you expect me to believe you have insight into the world that exceeds such petty trivialities like "facts"

              • 1 week ago

                >He doesn’t know what communism means so he definitely hasn’t spent his entire life playing video games
                Hmm? No that makes it more obvious he knows what he’s talking about in regards to games. Dude can’t look away from them long enough to find out.

              • 1 week ago

                You can't even follow the conversation m8

                It's called pattern recognition. In every country that has ever tried communism there were many things that came about just before it. Socialism, degenerate queer stuff, massive theft, looting, Corruption of all institutions, illegal immigration, Etc

                So knowing that, what do you see all over the world?

                >It's called pattern recognition.
                That's called schizophrenia.

              • 1 week ago

                No. You know exactly what I'm saying. You are exposed here.

              • 1 week ago

                Yes, I know what you're saying. You have zreo political awareness and suffer from the Dunning Kruger effect.

              • 1 week ago

                I doubt you even understand what the Dunning Kruger effect is but you like it because it sounds cool

                Are you saying just before communism is installed and hundreds of millions of people die there are no signs?

              • 1 week ago

                >I doubt you even understand what the Dunning Kruger effect is but you like it because it sounds cool
                Of course you would, because that is how you yourself operate.
                >Are you saying just before communism is installed and hundreds of millions of people die there are no signs?
                I am saying that you are wrong about what those signs are, and that you misattribute the ones you accidentally get right.

                Communist revolutions are a response to capitalism in crisis.

              • 1 week ago

                >Communist revolutions are a response to capitalism in crisis.
                Communism is not a response. It is an attack on successful Nations all throughout history. I can see you read just enough to know vocabulary but not history.

                The signs are Corruption of institutions first and foremost, masking of free speech and censorship, rigged elections, floods of illegal invaders, and last but not least disarmament of the general population.

                As I said, knowing that you little genius, what do you see all around the world right now?

              • 1 week ago

                >Communism is not a response. It is an attack on successful Nations all throughout history.
                This your "pattern recognition" at work? It seems a little off.
                >what do you see all around the world right now?
                Capitalism in crisis.

              • 1 week ago

                It's called pattern recognition. In every country that has ever tried communism there were many things that came about just before it. Socialism, degenerate queer stuff, massive theft, looting, Corruption of all institutions, illegal immigration, Etc

                So knowing that, what do you see all over the world?

          • 1 week ago

            Weird how cold-war propaganda is still relevant in 2024

            Communism is a system where money and government doesn't even exist. Basically like nomadic hunter-gatherer tribes lived, they were communist.

            USSR was trying to transition to communism but never achieved it, because it's frankly impossible once you already have money/government. You can become heavily socialist though

            • 1 week ago

              >Communism is a system where money and government doesn't even exist.
              As an American I can tell you what we have is worse than not having a government. Most incompetent ineffective useless government in the history of the United States right now. Communism is here in that sense.

  16. 1 week ago

    >woe is me pedantic wall text disguised as a meme
    Whoever made this image should kill himself.
    Seriously, it's the most nauseatigly dull self-pity tirade that i've ever read.
    >waa i'm unwelcome, no one looks at me, i am rejected.
    Oh, well, no shit, given this is the type of trite you waste your time writing. It does not even have a good prose. Just utter masturbatory immolation.

    • 1 week ago

      lol this
      who expects the cruel uncaring outside world to pull down their pants and start sucking their dick the moment they walk outside? there’s an old saying, it goes, “seize the day”

      • 1 week ago

        that's what babies do, because they are powerless. People like OP have been neglected as a child and therfore never grew out of this stage. They are perpetually stuck in this stage and far too few even realise that. They need mothers love and fathers guidance to grow but they will never have any. The solution is to learn how to be the parent you wanted to have and then you will grow up

        • 1 week ago

          Are you jacking off as you type this? Good lord bro, whatever mental stage they’re in you’re definitely not in a good one either.

  17. 1 week ago


    god damn you fricking zoomers cant even do memes right.

    • 1 week ago

      The entire foundation of this meme is wordswordswords, ya dumb boomer. That's LITERALLY why it's funny. Father:son conversations are usually short.

  18. 1 week ago

    holy wall of text batman, the left can't meme

    • 1 week ago

      I still find games fun.

      I am happy being NEET aside from getting no pussy. That's really the only problem in my life.


      god damn you fricking zoomers cant even do memes right.

      ESL or just moronic? That should take you less than 30 seconds to read.

      • 1 week ago

        unlike what school taught you, you do not need to discombobulate your vocabulary in order to fit an arbitrary number of words when writing something. doing that in a meme, and not for comedic effect, is extremely gay

      • 1 week ago

        Memes are supposed to be concise and obvious in their intent. You should be able to see the meaning within 3 seconds. That's the whole point. If it does have any long text it should only be for additional flavor and unnecessary to convey the intent (for example the virgin/chad meme)
        The OP is just a sob story pasted on top of an image

        • 1 week ago

          its called a comic strip

  19. 1 week ago

    can you see the new tonight

  20. 1 week ago

    Yes, it's Ganker
    You spend all day listening to people telling you that video games suck and listing thousands of specious, contrived, or fabricated reasons and telling you to get upset about things that don't matter at all and that there's nothing worth even trying, and you start believing it.

  21. 1 week ago

    because you dont engage in anything else or have other hobbies besides gaming

  22. 1 week ago

    >anon pretends to be depressed for (you)'s
    Ganker is a magical place
    >noooooo i'm actually really nihilistic and sad noooooooo don't tell me i'm not
    what a happy little lad with hits (you)'s

    • 1 week ago

      >15 year old stumbles into Ganker and assumes the most mentally ill people who are currently alive aren’t in this very thread

  23. 1 week ago

    >Been playing games for 20+ years
    >Play almost every day
    >Have fun every time
    Sounds like a you problem gayboy

  24. 1 week ago

    Gaming is a nice supplement to a fulfilling life, but is itself hollow and void of real achievement. It is pure escapism, and retreating into video games will make your life worse in the long run. You need a solid foundation.

  25. 1 week ago

    >wahhh i'm sad
    genuine skill issue. i still find life fun and if you're actually """depressed""", i recommend killing yourself asap because you're very clearly a failure of a person and a parasite denying more important people, like me, resources.

    • 1 week ago

      You sound like a mediocre b***h. You’ll be the first to go.

  26. 1 week ago

    Video games are fun if you play them on a NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 4090.
    Purchase now on

  27. 1 week ago

    Probably because you want to do something else. If you want a social spend time getting that. If you want x go after x. This is not a place for discussing these things. Go on advice or better yet a website were people will give you better answers like reddit.

    • 1 week ago

      >Trade correct opinions for basic social skills
      An interesting offer but no

    • 1 week ago

      >Post on reddit

      Posting on any subreddit without having a gazillion karma will probably just get you banned by the automod in every decent subreddit

    • 1 week ago

      They give worse answers every single time. Often on-par with the ones in these threads at best. The core of the problem is that they are context sensitive, and the more filters/people you put a solution through the worse it gets.
      Their advice offers no new perspective and is incredibly useless. Repeating the same answers yields the same result: unfulfilled and unmotivated people.

  28. 1 week ago

    They don't make them fun anymore

  29. 1 week ago

    I really wish making pseudo-/LULZ/ posts outside of /LULZ/ was a bannable offense.

    • 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      I'm a Chausiest with Uni characteristics, manulians are kinda based tho ngl

      • 1 week ago

        >Chausiest with Uni characteristics, manulians are kinda based

        • 1 week ago
        • 1 week ago

          Manul is a type of wild cat
          Chausie is a cat breed (pic)
          Uni is a internet cat

          • 1 week ago

            Thanks for the clarification anon, it surprisingly made your joke funnier now that I understand it

    • 1 week ago

      I'm a technocrat. I'm not waiting for society to collapse so my ideology could "rise from the ashes", I await the fall of society because I realized that the idea of knowledgable and respectable people -who actually cares about the people- instead of lying corrupted scums manipulating crowds for their selfish, personal gains in charge is incompatible with human societies as a whole.

      I just hope we get a cool post-apocalyptic mood or something.

  30. 1 week ago

    I still find games to be fun

  31. 1 week ago

    Self loathing homosexuals who latched onto video games because they're aimless and directionless are the shittiest posters on this board. Frick off morons, video games are for people who actually like them.

  32. 1 week ago


  33. 1 week ago

    if you think about yourself and life like the last paragraph then you don't deserve happiness

  34. 1 week ago

    >its another brown third worlder who doesn't own a PC/console thread

  35. 1 week ago

    New games are shit
    The internet is shit
    Go outside and organize a LAN

  36. 1 week ago

    I don't find them fun anymore either OP
    adulting sure is tough

  37. 1 week ago

    There just seems to be a bizarre amount of hyper sensitivity whenever anyone complains about the state of the industry. It’s like a throwaway complaint is built into an entire life diagnosis complete with life hack guides. Screams of projection by users struggling with it themselves who feel the need to hide or deny it for some reason. Probably a fear of becoming outcast? I can’t imagine any logical reason to become so upset that other people aren’t happy unless it’s a hypersensitive social connection thing where kids just can’t stand seeing other people in pain so they try to diagnose and fix it. We all do that, but I’ve noticed this exact phenomenon for over 20 years now. Same reactions, same anger.

  38. 1 week ago

    >finally upgraded
    >playing all these games Ive wanted to play for years
    >feel nothing
    go frick yourself brain. Useless piece of crap gonna drown it in vodka for this

  39. 1 week ago

    games are trash and cant play multiplayers anymore cause no friends, I've transferred to watching sports like 10 hours a day and shitposting on the side, days go by insanely quickly just like when I used to play vidya

  40. 1 week ago

    part of it is you being older, but they actually have gotten worse in some ways. with private servers being replaced by matchmaking, multiplayer games no longer function as third places. i've been going to irl things instead

  41. 1 week ago

    Also, turn your fricking lights on. Disgusting frick.

  42. 1 week ago

    Least transcoded OP on Ganker right now.

  43. 1 week ago

    They're just worse, that's it. The only solution is
    >find a different hobby
    >find older / obscure games to play

  44. 1 week ago

    Except that he DID go outside, he'd see that's a load of bullshit. homie can talk all beautiful as an excuse from going outside, but facts are if he did he'd be fix all his shit. simple as

  45. 1 week ago

    maybe we have become too restless to enjoy games, let's sleep for a few weeks

  46. 1 week ago

    Why does the third part sound like it was written by a midwit incel? The father never said or implied a single thing about "friends," "friendship," or being any type of "socialite." Sad, he didn't listen to his father the first time, and he still chooses to not listen or understand his father even now.

  47. 1 week ago

    grew up thinking I was the third paragraph
    learned I was actually the second paragraph and just being a baby b***h.

    now I am out with buds, have a full time career, have a wife and a kid. and I still find more than enough time to raise him, work out, build my home up, and play games with my buds.

    You're just a baby and you need to grow up but unironically
    people aren't rejecting you, nobody cares about anybody. build your own worth and want to live that isn't based on external validation

    the same thing I wish I could tell my old self sooner YOU ARE A WORTHLESS c**t, FIX IT

  48. 1 week ago

    >depression, autism, anxiety, psychologists peddling snake oil because I'm pretty much treatment resistant, have diabetes because parents pretty much neglectfully dumped sweets on me while I'm in my depression comas, spent my formative years doing nothing and now don't have the credentials to make anything out of myself, now have zero drive or energy to do anything except rot in my room and collect neetbux, don't even have the energy or capability to kill myself, goon to child porn for the last 5 years because i want to commit suicide by cop, still haven't been caught

    • 1 week ago

      this is a pretty deep bio anon, sounds personal maybe

    • 1 week ago

      If you’re just gonna die might as well try the old trick where you smoke so much pot for so many months you bypass the munchies to the point you can’t feel hunger pains. Lost eighty pounds in a few months. I doubt you’ll be enrolling in college anytime soon. Might as well cheat with drugs instead of making a poor tired cop shoot you.

    • 1 week ago

      How many people on this website are legit caught in anhedonia death spirals like this? I swear this board in particular feels like a graveyard of NEETs.

      • 1 week ago

        this whole website is like this. Its just that on Ganker they are far less to be banned and unlike /LULZ/ they won't get ignored with their post being archived with no replies for millionth of time.
        Why do you think they are here? Nobody else gives them attention that they most likely were denied since they were a child.

        • 1 week ago

          Real question asked in good faith.
          If i'm like this, what's the way out? I tried most selfhelp already and it didn't do much.

          • 1 week ago

            taking risks and being realistic about your goals. Only time when people truly change their behaviour is after near death scenarios. Only then we can truly change. If you truly want to end yourself then do it, but not in your room, do it somewhere that you know will move you, somewhere that will make you think twice about ending or wasting your life. Either you survive and find new love for life or you will die trying. I do not wish for anyone to end their lifes but I know personally that no amount words and good intentions will change or remidy your depression and apathy. And one of more reliable ways for lack of better word ''sober up'' a person is close meeting with death,
            And if you do survive be realistic about goals you take, don't aim for loving woman, a house, friends and a good job. You should aim for small things like getting out of bed, eating something healthy for once, not forgetting to brush your teeth, actually talking to a clerk at a shop instead of just glaring at them. If you keep it up then gradually you might have a chance to get previously mentioned things like home and friends.

      • 1 week ago

        I'm in a similar situation except I never saw a psychologist or psychiatrist, I'm not collecting neetbux, and I don't have cheese pizza

    • 1 week ago

      so freakin edgy and twisted and freakin dark millenials are so badass zomers should be SCARED of us

      • 1 week ago

        It does sound like you're scared, to be honest

    • 1 week ago

      >goon to child porn for the last 5 years

      You should believe in yourself anon you sound pretty based

    • 1 week ago

      How easy is it to collect neetbux in first world countries? I’ve seen so many posts of anons who mostly depend on it, but you must meet some strict requirements to be eligible for it, right?

  49. 1 week ago

    The amount of feral normalBlack folk in this thread is disturbing to say the least.

  50. 1 week ago

    if i had a button i could press to kill me id press it instantly
    all americans have one and im jealous, impossible to get gun in my c**t..

    • 1 week ago

      ropes are borderline free and roof access is completely free. You clearly are not actually going to do it since it would have been easy to gun or no

    • 1 week ago

      Impossible to get a gun in murrica if you're visibly deep fried and have a history that shows it.

      • 1 week ago

        you can always suicide by police but in my c**t they just taze

        • 1 week ago

          just find a bridge, moron

          • 1 week ago

            not a 100% suicide and there isnt high bridges here lol
            highest is probably like 30meters that aint killing anyone

            • 1 week ago

              if you can't have a nice day by falling headfirst on concrete or anything really from 30 up then you are moronic enough to deserve your misery

              • 1 week ago

                they make bridges over water here

              • 1 week ago

                Water kills you even harder than concrete since not only does the surface tension make it just as hard but you also drown on the off chance you survive the fall.
                Thanks for reinforcing what I said

              • 1 week ago

                lmao golden gate bridge is 75m high and even that is not 100% death

              • 1 week ago

                and neither is a gun. morons like you are known for fricking up killing themselves with one and just horribly mangling thekr face or destroying their frontal lobe leaving them fricked for the rest of their lives.

              • 1 week ago

                it is when you know what you're doing bridge is rng

  51. 1 week ago

    >I'm 19 and I wasted my entire life

  52. 1 week ago

    Picrel is me except i always had people interested in me and i would just spaz out and isolate to do nerd shit literaturefiction comicbook gaming.
    >Last year a hot tall woman i met online asked me out for an irl date
    >Refused because i havent been around people for years so i'd spaz
    >Spent the last year doing nothing of worth anyhow
    Also all the time throughout hs i had people ask me to hang out or come to a party or a school trip or whatever and i'd just never accept and then i'd go home and play vidya.

    School shrink told me i 'm autistic but the autist diagnostician said i'm all good just really depressed.

    Rn i have 0 friends 0 romantic interests 0 money and 0 skills and i've played all good vidya.
    I'll be starting construction site slave labour and investing 80% of my paycheck into BTC tho.
    If it goes well i'm gonna neet for a few years and then kys.

    • 1 week ago

      >Shhh, don’t tell anybody this. But listen to podcasts until you autistically analyze human behavior. It takes about ten years to study enough to fake being normal starting from 0. This is cringe knowledge. You can’t share this with anyone.

      • 1 week ago

        Don't wanna. I'm just gonna work and save up and then neet with mommy for no rent and then fricking hang myself

    • 1 week ago

      >i always had people interested in me and i would just spaz out and isolate
      >Refused because i havent been around people for years so i'd spaz
      I'm the same way. Every time I've agreed though, often after people twist my arm, I've almost always had a great time and never acted as autistic as I feared. I even met online friends IRL after years of being a practical shut-in and we got on just as well as a voice call like we grew up together. I'm not gonna implore you to change your life but if you get another chance then it's worth giving it a shot. If people want to meet up to begin with then you're probably not nearly as much of a spaz as you're worried about being and it's almost certainly not gonna be nearly as a much of an unpleasant experience as you feel it will. I still have to remind myself of that logically a lot and force myself to go out even when there's copious amounts of evidence that I'll have a good time and my friends enjoy my company.

  53. 1 week ago

    Why would you want to have a nice day? Don't you know what happens when you die? Don't you know everybody regrets what they've done after they've done it, in their last fleeting seconds of life?

    • 1 week ago

      This is true. Frequently survivors that tried, as soon as they jumped were like oh shit shit shit I fricked up bad oh god please let me live oh Jesus, and then WHAM.

  54. 1 week ago

    What a whiny homosexual

  55. 1 week ago
    • 1 week ago

      the edit I made TWO (2) years ago

  56. 1 week ago

    90% of "depressed" people can be cured by one simple pill

    • 1 week ago

      israeli bs
      Just exercice and praise the sun

  57. 1 week ago

    Unironically, find a place with a volunteer program and get signed up. Hospital, SPCA, museum, aquarium, planetarium, whatever tickles your fancy. They don't give a shit about what you look like or if you got weird vibes or whatever; if you're breathing, you qualify. It'll get you out of the house and socializing on neutral ground, you'll learn new things and expand your brain, those companies will give you thank you gifts, and it'll be an experience that helps you out of your funk. I started volunteering work at a public aquarium when I was a teenager and it's good for me, its kept me out of a lot of different funks like OPs.

    Any excuses not to do this is cope, plain and simple.

    • 1 week ago

      Hi Carl :3

    • 1 week ago

      hi carl

    • 1 week ago

      you work for free jan jan

    • 1 week ago

      Hi Carl

    • 1 week ago

      I don't care about Carl and I also don't work for free.

      • 1 week ago

        >why am i so sad

        • 1 week ago

          Who said I was sad?

        • 1 week ago

          >doing it for free will cure the sad boys
          Is that why jannies are so upbeat?

  58. 1 week ago

    You just need to find the right games. I most recetly had actual fun playing the big catch demo. momentum platformers scratch an itch i forgot i had. You need to find the type of game you like

  59. 1 week ago

    playing ghost of sushi with shogun mods today

  60. 1 week ago


  61. 1 week ago

    it feels like a waste of time, I could be developing skills and/or doing something fulfilling

    • 1 week ago

      >it feels like a waste of time
      Everything is a waste of time you just dont know it

  62. 1 week ago

    1. You spend too much time on Ganker (still a form of social media which is unhealthy).
    2. You have no other hobbies so you might be burnt out on gaming.
    3. A lot of games are just straight up garbage these days but they take twice as long to develop.
    4. You’re not eating right/exercising/getting enough sleep. People seem to think these things dont affect their mood but they are proven to cause people to feel incredibly worse.

    Just get a good night’s sleep, exercise more often focus on something else than gaming for a while and when you come back it might feel refreshing. Focus on the things you know you need to do but have been putting off for whatever reason. Once you do those things you’ll feel less guilty in your leisurely time, but dont scrap “fun” altogether. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Pursue something you’re passionate about in your free time, a little each day and it adds up.

  63. 1 week ago

    People who say shit like this were definitely the "weird kid" who couldn't even fit in with the nerds.

  64. 1 week ago

    >that 3rd paragraph
    holy shit you can tell a millennial wrote this

    • 1 week ago

      what you mean, anime-man?

      • 1 week ago

        I'm saying that I laugh at weaklings who are too weak to withstand the truth of this world... I have been living in the darkness for all my life... Yes the darkness has changed me but I just keep moving forward like they do in my anime... I bet one day these will be the days I long to return to...

        • 1 week ago

          hey i like watching chris angel mindfreak too

  65. 1 week ago

    Every time I see this image I remember this webm and the fact that covert narcissists can't recognize what they are like to others

  66. 1 week ago

    The magic is gone is the real answer if youre reading. Some of that magic is gone because people now are not using the internet the same way. Original wow/EQ/hell the internet all the way up to 2005 used to to connect and collaborate. It's now used by people to waste time, try to get famous because of reaction videos, or vent. The internet is not the same and the next gen of kids got older and are using it and they are using it. At 35 I watched all of it change since we had dial up for my father for work and it really was just forums more than anything. I have been using emulators to conquer demons from my child like past, because I had no access to the information other than other kids at school or reading a giant long gamefaq where some legend of a man typed out a handwritten map with backslashes and lines. You also had more free time when you were younger. It feels like we are supposed to grow out of it but what I found was when I was younger I absolutely loved single player games, then I would never play them, and now going backwards to single player games....feels like going backwards. The only thing I have done with video games I have liked is try to share them with my kids and help them if they need it. My oldest is 6 I helped set up Oblivion on god mode and now shes learning to use the PC and we can do that together. My middle was playing OOT on a 2ds I picked up for a steal. I was able to play Majoras mask for the first time on the 3ds and be near my family while they do their thing and help if needed. Gaming for me has changed into the next decade. I still miss the feeling of grouping up with the same 8-12 people, I had schedules of what I would play and when and on what day and life gets in the way now, a lot. I just find that older games were made with the intent of being fun, not profitable. All media seems to be a product of marketing and nothing else now. That is what hurts.

    • 1 week ago

      >the magic is gone
      you could have stopped writing there. its the simplest, most concise explanation for today's internet anyone could give.

  67. 1 week ago

    >I am adrift in life
    >guess I’ll jack off
    (YOU)’re a loser - the way you like to behave is a cope for not having people fawn over you; you have to be the one to engage if you lack the aura of personal direction and purpose

    Unironically - just get a life

  68. 1 week ago

    The apathy thing can be applied to almost anything, why exercise when all it’s going to do is build muscle and keep me fit an in shape, who cares?

    • 1 week ago

      you, you should care

    • 1 week ago

      Why is she doing that to her belly?

      • 1 week ago

        it's because she has a sense of humor

  69. 1 week ago

    Why do people come to a video game board to whine about how awful video games are for them and how much they don't enjoy them?

    • 1 week ago

      they're trapped in a lifestyle death spiral and video games are all they know
      most are too moronic to venture into other boards to post shit in a place that's actually on-topic and wouldn't just get 404'd by a janny

    • 1 week ago

      Leftism gives you nihilism
      nihilism gives you celibacy and abortion
      celibacy and abortion gives you immigration because others have to fill the void to keep society running

      Your lack of purpose makes leftism appealing to you as it tells you socialism will solve all your problems if you can just get rid of 2 min hate redhats, orange man etc
      Not having family around you gives you lack of purpose
      Both capitalism and leftism want you to not have your family, leave your family, replace you family with immigrants

      Your lack of purpose makes you anti social

      Anti social traits make you parasocial

      Parasocialism is your short answer, and the longer answer is QED above for you.

    • 1 week ago

      Because they're hoping to hear something that makes them enjoy them again.

  70. 1 week ago

    Frick off with this existential crisis over gaming bs, I notice you didn't just leave the gaming board and pick up another hobby btw. No matter what you choose to do, you will still be you and that's the root of the problem.

  71. 1 week ago

    >work sucks, can't afford anything that matters (land, house)
    >entertainment sucks (woke shit everywhere)
    >political climate sucks (state propaganda out the ass, taxes out the ass, everyone is a sheep who just takes it like the COHEN-19 "vax")
    >society sucks (everyone hates each other, constantly wants to frick over the "other" side, women are spiteful feminist c**ts)
    Thank you, ~~*elites*~~. Very cool!

    • 1 week ago
    • 1 week ago

      I agree with everything except the claim that israelites did it.

      There's no coordinated conspiracy to make everything shit, it's just the inevitable result of capitalism.

      Various people and groups piece-by-piece make things worse and it compounds, the shit snowball only grows larger.

      • 1 week ago

        The failure of a quasi-socialist planned economy isn't a failure of capitalism.

        • 1 week ago

          These morons don't even know what capitalism is

      • 1 week ago

        Nah it’s a conspiracy unironically
        Look at how the “totally private business” airlines all operate in lockstep to force wildly unpopular masking, and “totally private business” credit card companies collaborate to ban Eastern erotica.

      • 1 week ago

        >There's no coordinated conspiracy to make everything shit, it's just the inevitable result of capitalism.

  72. 1 week ago

    >le receptor burnout bogeyman
    Will you Black folk ever stop?
    There is no such thing.
    The reason hes feeling burnt out is because hes been doing the same shit for a while and it just got boring.
    There is no addiction or neurological damage here.

  73. 1 week ago

    New video games are shit and the state of the industry would make anyone sane feel the need to go on a killing spree.
    I'm happy playing old games.

  74. 1 week ago

    >Words words words

  75. 1 week ago

    You are addicted to porn because youre a 30 year old virgin

  76. 1 week ago
  77. 1 week ago

    Fried brain. Same reason why drugs stop giving high after a while.

    Remember when u could run around in minecraft even though that world was always empty? Or u could queue for another match in asshomosexuals because gameplay loop of winning your lane and doing all team ganks was fun.

    Well that's not going back. Booting up some rpg and looking under every rock for hidden items or jokes might take away boredom temporarily but will not give the same satisfaction if u would start playing that game ten years ago.

    Now to finish up this reddit tier post. When in doubt u can always start browsing /x/. Watch out for malicious spirits though!

  78. 1 week ago

    You can enjoy the outside without people. In fact, it's the superior experience. What a homosexual

  79. 1 week ago

    You homies gotta play more games, not only are their a bunch of old games I haven't played there also new ( at least indie AAA is fricked atm) games being released that I'm enjoying

  80. 1 week ago

    it's called growing up and realizing how shallow and pointless games actually are.

  81. 1 week ago

    homie just draw

  82. 1 week ago

    Video games should always be to pass the time until you get to do things you actually want. I only play video games nowadays when I'm waiting for a girl to text me back or something, saves me staring at my phone counting the minutes like a freak.

    If they were my ONLY source of enjoyment I would blow my head off, and that's the problem with you homies. Video games weren't made as a substitute for the real things that make us happy as humans, i.e love, making connections and hobbies.

    tldr; video games are something to do when you're bored and morons base their whole lives on them and wonder why their miserable

    • 1 week ago

      >Video games should always be to pass the time until you get to do things you actually want.
      Everything I do is passing time until i get back to doing what I actually want, which is playing video games. This has been the case for me for like 30+ years, i will never understand these threads

      • 1 week ago

        I consider that a pretty sad life but whatever floats your boat

        • 1 week ago


        • 1 week ago

          Very few people are at liberty to lead a "rich and fulfilling" life, whatever the frick your standards for that are. Even most normalgays just go to work, come home, get drunk, watch TV and go to bed for 60-80 years and then die. Wow what a great life, glad they didn't waste it playing video games!

          • 1 week ago

            some people travel the world with the love of their life and have lots of cute babies

            • 1 week ago

              >some people inflict this world full of pointless suffering on innocent lives that never asked to be here
              I'm not even a doomer but end of the day nobody asked to be here and life is mostly suffering.
              Don't have kids.

              • 1 week ago

                Anon plenty of people have loving families, close friends and go on to have good jobs and decent lives. Your life in particular may not be great but unless you live in a third world shithole or have crippling mental illness, claiming existence is mostly suffering is very dramatic. Sometimes people on this site talk about their lives being horrific and its literally just a girl didn't like them back or something lmao. Relax man, go watch a movie with friends or pet a dog, life is pretty good.

                Obviously if you're an impoverished schizophrenic don't have kids.

    • 1 week ago


      nah you know what im not gonna die yet, im not goING TO FRICKING DIE BECAUSE OF YOU. you think your on top of the world huh you have a car huh you have a house huh? well none of that will fricking matter when the war breaks out because your used to your life of lukewarm happyniess and you worthless goyfriend pretends to like you while she spends all your money on goyslop/netflix subscription/nintendo switch "games"
      I have walked this earth alone and experience s the dark and light that is within this world, you homosexuals have always been in the light while ive been in the darkness but you know what im not fricking mad about it because one day my strength will be recogniaed and when it all comes falling down i will become the monster that i really am and you low level npcs will just be more xp for me. Enjoy sex with your ugly 3dpd std ridden prostitute wife, that will likely be the last modicum of joy you will experience in this fricked up world...

      GO FRICK YOURSELF Black person

  83. 1 week ago

    i'm not even reading anything in this thread, I'm sure I've seen the exact same shit in 1000 other threads that should be on /LULZ/

  84. 1 week ago

    It's egotistic to believe the world shuns you because you are you. It's your own actions and thoughts that shape how the world treats you. You have control over your actions and thoughts and you can change your life for the better if you put some effort into changing yourself.

    • 1 week ago

      >It's your own actions and thoughts that shape how the world treats you
      ok, on your next NG+ run of life, try being born deformed, or Indian, or both

      • 1 week ago

        You have to make peace with your situation and do the best you can with it.

  85. 1 week ago

    >wasting time is le bad..he says for the umpteenth time on Ganker

    • 1 week ago


  86. 1 week ago

    Because they are genuinely bad, the only good game released in the last 2 years was AC6.

  87. 1 week ago

    Yes we need to bring bullying back

  88. 1 week ago

    the last statement he is saying is just him being a little b***h.

  89. 1 week ago

    >wahhh boohoo I'm le sad
    If it's so bad and terrible for you then have a nice day, I mean you said it nothing matters right? So have a nice day you won't because you're a hypocritical piece of shit coward

    • 1 week ago

      actual 70 iq take

  90. 1 week ago

    Do you have a goal that you are working towards in real life? If you dont, then its hard to let yourself enjoy playing video games. At least, thats what worked for me

  91. 1 week ago


    I'm not a NEET and work since 3 years ago but i now feel trapped here and that i will never move on. Since i'm too anxious and didn't really talk that much i don't think i'll ever have the opportunities that regular people have.

  92. 1 week ago


    >that guy your extended family like cousins and uncles only remember you for when you were an outgoing kid and haven't seen or talked to you in ages
    obliterated me in the feels

  93. 1 week ago

    Videogames suck when that's all your life is

  94. 1 week ago



    Is this what makes Ganker ? Neglected children with ADHD. People who always required more care but receive even less than a normal healthy child would requirer? I can imagine some of you forgetting to eat because half of the time you just forgot to eat and other because the food was disgusting or outright poisnous.

  95. 1 week ago

    >Thought about getting good at drawing for most of my youth
    >Never did because vidya was always less effort and more pleasure
    >About to begin working construction for 10 hours a day with 2 hour long drive to the worksite
    >Realize i'll literally never get good and i wasted one my shot that was youth.
    >All that awaits me is 50 years of blue collar labour and maybe a b***h wife that doesn't even love me but needs to settle down.

    • 1 week ago

      learn to code man

      • 1 week ago

        AI will replace low effort coders and the industry is oversaturated either way. Even then i'd still have to work most of the day.

        Even then, when would i have the time to learn to code? I'll be working 12h a day mon-fri, then every weekend i'll lose every saturday because i'll have to spend the day visiting my c**t mom.

        • 1 week ago

          not sure but i think you can make it work if you care enough.

          • 1 week ago

            I don't care about coding whatsoever and i'm terrible at learning. Why do you think is it that i'll be working twelve hours manual labour shifts

            • 1 week ago

              adhd medications unironically. get yourself checked out. it'll be a lifehack that will allow you to concentrate. hell, doesn't even matter if you have adhd.

              • 1 week ago

                >Ruin your kidneys, heart and get addicted to meth just so that you can compete for minwage against pajeet rashamid no. 3009573646

              • 1 week ago

                yea it'll be better than gay blue collar work

            • 1 week ago

              adhd medications unironically. get yourself checked out. it'll be a lifehack that will allow you to concentrate. hell, doesn't even matter if you have adhd.

              don't take adhd meds when working physically for 12 hours. I did that and had to quit because what felt like hard work before now unironically was making me faint. You can't take adhd meds and work physically unless you don't get tired at all.

              • 1 week ago

                then he should quit construction and do something that pays worse for a few months while he grinds leetcode with adhd meds.

              • 1 week ago

                I was not planning to get on pills because i am not fricking moronic

              • 1 week ago

                belive me anon. All of us adhd people DESPISE the idea of taking those meds. I remember too when I gaged at the idea of needing pills to have remotely bit better life but after wasting years of trying to maintain anything in my lfie and nearly dying because of it I swolled bigger pill: I have 2 realistic choices, either I have short but bitter sweet life thanks to pills or I can live longer but be bitter about all those opportunities I missed. If taking the pills means I get to finally make some friends, to get a job that doesn't suck the life out of me and maybe even a kid by a miracle then Ill take it; even if my brain might turn to mush at age of 50.
                It might be stupid but maybe that's what it takes to stop being paralyzed so much, stupid people don't think, they do and what I wish is to do something instead of sitting on my ass and on Ganker all day.

              • 1 week ago

                I don't have adhd though. I don't even need them.
                Glad meth fixed your life though.

              • 1 week ago

                For your sake I hope you are correct, but do your research too to make sure.

              • 1 week ago

                In hs i shunned away from people so they tried to diagnose me with literally everything so i'm sure i dont have the tism or adhd. I'm just sorta sad most of the time but who is to say that's not because the world is shit

              • 1 week ago

                Funny, I did the same all throught the high school, in fact its quite common for people with adhd to be in denial about it. But again, do your own research and I mean proper research, look into symptoms and think of any examples that you can relate to those symptoms; and if there is a pattern then you turn for actual diagnosis; not the other way around because that's how the people get overdiagnosed; they didn't do their own research and just agree to things that psychatrists say are vaguely similiar but in reality are normal, for instance how you forgot lunch one time but it was just one time so its not really adhd

              • 1 week ago

                you say that like meth is a bad thing.

              • 1 week ago

                I miss meth so fricking much

    • 1 week ago

      you can still learn to draw

      • 1 week ago

        Couldn't do it when i had infinite time. How am i supposed to do it in-between twelve hour shifts? Do you really think i'll sit down and doodle for an hour or two after hauling ass at a construction site all day? The only reason i'd ever believe that woud be to lie to myself that i'll ever be anything but a slaveworkerprovider.

        • 1 week ago

          pulling out a pocket book to doodle on a lunch break was pure bliss while i was working
          zero harm to try, anon. if it doesn’t work then it doesn’t work. but if it does, you might have a fun diversion between busy moments.

          • 1 week ago

            >pocket book to doodle
            any rec?

            • 1 week ago

              i bought and liked moleskine pocket books, they really do fit right in the pocket but maybe a bit big if you got small pockets. i don’t know if the price is going up these days, though.
              even pocket notepads can be fun and much cheaper to draw on, just make sure the lines on the paper aren’t very dark or else it’ll get in the way of your drawing

              • 1 week ago

                And where you put the eraser and the pencil? also what you doodled? because when you're starting i don't think you can really draw anything from your imagination....

              • 1 week ago

                i had a pack of silicon pencil erasers that you just cap onto the end of your pencil, and a metal cap that covers the pencil’s lead tip from breaking. you’re right, in that drawing from imagination is something you gotta ease into. at first, i would look at my phone for references.
                it was hard and sometimes felt pointless, but the way i saw it, it was better than just browsing Ganker on my breaks, i guess.. eventually you start doodling a little picture you’re somewhat proud of and like looking at, and it makes you want to draw more.

                Not good enough to doodle anything that would warrant being. Cant do people or even basic shapes right. I've given up already anyway. Stuff like that is for talented people, someone has to clean the toilets

                very well, anon v_v

              • 1 week ago

                >eventually you start doodling a little picture you’re somewhat proud of and like looking at, and it makes you want to draw more.
                Finally a good fricking post

              • 1 week ago

                Sounds cool. I have a giant "notedpad for drawing thing(?)" in my home for drawing but everytime i get home from job i juts get into the PC and don't really use it..... I use to draw everyday some months ago but then the depression came again and i just left it. Maybe if i have a book with me everyday i can doodle stuff like when i was a kid and trying to improve on it.

              • 1 week ago

                I'm very tsundere about having higher aspirations so i was hoping for a pushback against my doomerism

          • 1 week ago

            Not good enough to doodle anything that would warrant being. Cant do people or even basic shapes right. I've given up already anyway. Stuff like that is for talented people, someone has to clean the toilets

            • 1 week ago

              You do a hobby because it's enjoyable, not because you have talent for it, you insufferable homosexual. You deserve to rot in your wage cage if you won't take even the smallest baby steps towards some happiness. Frick you, get your shit together.

            • 1 week ago

              The only thing I draw well are dragons and I fricking suck at drawing anything else. Just find one thing you like to draw and max out your skill drawing that one thing.

  96. 1 week ago

    I think game play peaked during the 360/ps3 era. Most new games or sequels are an inferior version of their 360/ps3 era game. Battlefield is a great example, BC2/BF3/BF4 were peak and BF2042 is a mid game that struggles to be BF4.

    The game play in most games now is so shit, I'd rather just play some FOTM F2P slop and watch a movie rather than dropping $100 on something i probably wont like.

    • 1 week ago

      >I think game play peaked during the 360/ps3 era

      • 1 week ago

        prove me wrong homosexual. post 1 game that isnt elden ring, zelda or indie slop.

      • 1 week ago

        I think looking back, the 7th gen is the end of an era of innovation that began with the rise of raster 3d rendering tech and networking in the early 1990s. The 7th gen is when we stopped making games that were fun and began to make online "experiences" that monetized every aspect of the game. Budgets ballooned and the risk and innovation got curtailed, leading us to the boring swamp AAA is today.

  97. 1 week ago




    • 1 week ago

      i only play gacha kek i only use this board for the anime girl porn threads

  98. 1 week ago

    >sit inside your room all day staring at a screen
    >boo hoo why do I feel bad?

  99. 1 week ago

    Finding nothing at all to be fun can be a sign of depression iirc

  100. 1 week ago

    Wah wah wah wah
    My life is so easy, wah
    Frick man, these memes piss me off because they make me hate moron gamer midwits

    • 1 week ago

      This whole thread is plagued with midwits and dimwits. I'm so fricking sick of these attention whoring failed men spamming the same off-topic trash that everyone complains about daily

  101. 1 week ago

    Its partially the dads fault for not kicking the son out of the house for awhile , but it's mostly the sons fault for being such a whiny little b***h
    >Noooo I've been rejected from x,y,z social group therefore this justifies using video games for escapism
    He could've exercised, learned a skill, joined a club, or spent time outside doing something useful where you get more of a chance to socialize around more like minded people.

    I was the same way until I was 16 and realized I had to get over myself. Got a job, followed other hobbies, took chances and dealt with the consequences etc. Being in a state of inaction does nothing for. So If you're stuck in that cycle, just remember it is always YOUR fault, it's YOUR responsibility to get better even if other people fail you on some level.

  102. 1 week ago

    >tfw mediocre upbringing
    >religious parents held me out of school until 7th grade to avoid gay indoctrination
    >no internet and very limited computer access for similar reasons
    >at 12 yo they put me in an elite semi-boarding catholic high school with 2k+ students
    >this despite my 'homeschooling' that was little more than solving very basic math equations and reading while my distant parents left me to my own devices
    >nearly flunk out of 7th, 8th, and 9th grade passing by the skin of my teeth cheating constantly
    >reviled by my classmates, short and odd looking, wearing hand-me-down cloths and driving in a beat up van to school while chad drove his parents luxury sedan
    >bullied and humiliated but mostly just ostracized (think that one weirdo who sat alone every day at lunch)
    >in ninth grade I'm forced into extra curricular
    >decide on debate because im a smart ass and i like talking down to people, plus i figure it will be easy

    • 1 week ago

      >discover I have a natural talent for speaking
      >prior to this most of my classmates literally thought that i was moronic, combination of bad grades and bad social skills set the bar so low that when I didnt spill spaghetti everywhere people were shocked
      >get placed on chads team for upcoming competition
      >hes a typical rich douche with a gf and a second girl hes cheating on his gf with
      >only on debate because he got kicked off sports for pot and beer
      >9/10 looks and has charisma of a chad, but is dumb as dirt and wont do shit for prep
      >no problem im lazy as frick and semi autismo so i dont prep either
      >day of tournament comes, fully expect chad to just not show up
      >to my surprise he's there with two red bulls, as hyped as he would be at a football game "lets fricking kill it anon" he says to me
      >first even hint ive had of friendship and im like frick yeah bro
      >head out on debate stage and fricking win every single one
      >chad is literally winking at the female judges and flirting with them mid debate while I pull bs out of my ass and walk out with a trophy in our hands
      >still an autismo
      >but now im there autismo
      post 10th grade was such a ride, girls and parties and everything my withered incel heart ever hoped for
      but you know what?
      by senior year i was a chad myself, stacies loved me and i lifted and played cod and gaylo but secretly what i wanted was to be alone, to return to that primitive basic and ultimately fulfilling lifestyle that I had had previous.

      now I've achieved the dream through various means i have enough money to live in total isolation from the world, no work, no family, rare visits from a gf, and I love it.

      fret not young incel, you are living in paradiso you just realize it not, for even in heaven does the mind wander.

      • 1 week ago

        A fellow autism to speechcraft pipeline survivor.

        >Hate people with big egoes.
        >Gets first job, all colleagues are new hires.
        >Oh shit oh frick I must make it the the social inner circle or my autism will make it hell for me.
        > All people are akward because they are my same age and are all new, so it's kind of an even playing field.
        > Ritch, blonde haired guy kinda stands out, he's outgoing and wins the others over, but he's so full of himself that ends up making everyone eyes roll from time to time.
        > I see my chance when he spits out a shit opinion that makes him sound like a maniac, air gets tense.
        > I throw in a joke, if it lands well it gets me on good terms with the others but that guy is gonna make me regret it.
        > I somehow manage to make everyone laugh AND the guy misinterpreted it as a compliment
        > Now he likes me
        > Co-workers like me
        > Keep playing the role of the mediator in the team for years.
        > Blonde guy is a blast being around, part to the fact that he is so self-centered it ends up being funny.

        From that day on egomaniacs became my favourite spergs, to the point that I like to interact with them more than with reasonable people.

        • 1 week ago

          >discover I have a natural talent for speaking
          >prior to this most of my classmates literally thought that i was moronic, combination of bad grades and bad social skills set the bar so low that when I didnt spill spaghetti everywhere people were shocked
          >get placed on chads team for upcoming competition
          >hes a typical rich douche with a gf and a second girl hes cheating on his gf with
          >only on debate because he got kicked off sports for pot and beer
          >9/10 looks and has charisma of a chad, but is dumb as dirt and wont do shit for prep
          >no problem im lazy as frick and semi autismo so i dont prep either
          >day of tournament comes, fully expect chad to just not show up
          >to my surprise he's there with two red bulls, as hyped as he would be at a football game "lets fricking kill it anon" he says to me
          >first even hint ive had of friendship and im like frick yeah bro
          >head out on debate stage and fricking win every single one
          >chad is literally winking at the female judges and flirting with them mid debate while I pull bs out of my ass and walk out with a trophy in our hands
          >still an autismo
          >but now im there autismo
          post 10th grade was such a ride, girls and parties and everything my withered incel heart ever hoped for
          but you know what?
          by senior year i was a chad myself, stacies loved me and i lifted and played cod and gaylo but secretly what i wanted was to be alone, to return to that primitive basic and ultimately fulfilling lifestyle that I had had previous.

          now I've achieved the dream through various means i have enough money to live in total isolation from the world, no work, no family, rare visits from a gf, and I love it.

          fret not young incel, you are living in paradiso you just realize it not, for even in heaven does the mind wander.

          >I'm good at reading people's emotions and public speaking
          You're not autistic.

          • 1 week ago

            Some people are so fricking self blind they think being socially awkward at some point is autism.
            It genuinely makes me mad, I felt like my life fell apart when I had a moment of realization that I've been fricked in the head this whole time and I'll never be able to fix it.
            For dopes like those two an "uwu I have autism I'm so quirky" tiktok types to co-opt it to make themselves feel special then have the gall to lecture other people about how to fix their shit, it's so fricking moronic.

        • 1 week ago

          >best friend is my supervisor co-worker
          >she's a black mom
          The ego on her is enormous and she doesn't understand that in current year, being a white guy ain't great and I can't copy her attitude. Great to have on the job though, her title goes to her head even more, so she deals with trouble customers for me.

  103. 1 week ago

    The dad's second line is 100% correct and the kid's second line is just cringe

    • 1 week ago

      The dad's second line would be 100% correct if he didn't add the last part, but instead offered to help him find new hobbies

    • 1 week ago

      It's all about points of view. The dad might be right, he should stop a little bit. But at the same time, it's hard for the kid to get motivation if the outside world does not offer him anything more than more shame and disappointments

    • 1 week ago

      Sometimes i think people couldn't be this apathetic. But then i read garbage opinions like yours and i ask myself i you're just trolling or just fricked as a human being.

      • 1 week ago

        Get a job. Within a few weeks you will agree with the dad.

        • 1 week ago

          I already have a job and it doesn't really help that much with wanting to have a nice day.

          • 1 week ago

            If you want to have a nice day you are genuinely mentally ill and need to be on suicide watch please call a hotline now

            • 1 week ago

              why? explain why killing yourself is a bad thing, because the big man in the sky said so? because homosexuals on twitter say so? there is literally no reason why living or dying is good or bad, you dictate what is good or bad for you

              • 1 week ago

                >the big man in the sky
                You are mentally still 14, YouTube atheism in 2006 is not in vogue anymore but you're still living like it is, maybe suicide IS the correct option for you after all

              • 1 week ago

                >incapable of seeing the 2 extremes of the argument being made as using pejorative terms for both stated parties.
                you are moronic, also you didn't explain, because you can't

              • 1 week ago

                There's nothing extreme here, you're just immature. Grow up. Even this post is indicative of the mid-00's YouTube atheist debatebro attitude, you're trying to score imaginary points and beat me in a debate.
                There is no debate. There is no victory for you. You've failed to actualize as a person. Your metamorphosis is incomplete. You hide in your cocoon, afraid to come out and stretch your wings.

              • 1 week ago

                you still didn't explain, so I take you are a room temperature moron that think everyone is an atheist for some reason. BTW you can't use His name in vain, its the most basic shit. So frick off moron

              • 1 week ago

                >still trying to turn it into a debate
                >calling people moronic
                >cursing due to a massive emotional outburst
                A child with no emotional control, acting defiant when faced with an adult. I will disengage. You may seethe and cope at your leisure.

              • 1 week ago

                the only one seething here is you because you can't answer a simple question, but you do you

    • 1 week ago

      Very true
      >Waaaah it's society's fault! Why should I have to struggle to make things better for myself? I got rejected by *insert anyone* it's over!

  104. 1 week ago

    When you start questioning stuff you end up like every philosopher who ever lived and got to the same conclusion, there is no reason.
    What is the objective of life? have a family? continue the lineage? live a happy life? acquire many possessions? nobody knows
    8 billion people, zillions of stars, we all all just a spec of dust in the end.
    If things don't bring happiness for you anymore try new things is usually what people say, but those new things are worse than what you had before.
    I don't know what the endgame is, nobody knows.
    Just live and keep on living

  105. 1 week ago

    >thread still up

    • 1 week ago

      calm your breasts, jannis are busy deleting threads about videogames

    • 1 week ago

      Can I make fun of anime fans now?

  106. 1 week ago


  107. 1 week ago

    tldr dad didn't beat his son's ass for being a whiny homosexual

    • 1 week ago

      You grow up even worse if they beat you up. Instead of vidya like a loser you'll be raped in prison.

      • 1 week ago

        Yeah I have cousins that got a lot of beatings as kids and all it did was turn them into aggressive buttholes

  108. 1 week ago

    i'm always checking the clock when playing a game because i have to be responsible and get enough sleep and get to work on time
    still like games, but i miss being a neet, never worrying about the time

  109. 1 week ago


  110. 1 week ago

    Modern games are soulless corporate slop made by people who are anti-gamers.
    The reason you don't enjoy them is because they do the opposite of engendering joy.

  111. 1 week ago

    I feel like 90% of the posts here are from chat GPT for some reason

    • 1 week ago

      AI does make a lot of posts on Ganker, many have noticed

  112. 1 week ago

    Bog-standard depression
    Or just shit games

    The idea that anything that isn't consuming narcotics could cause serotonin syndrome is moronic, and serotonin syndrome symptoms are horrible and deadly not mild depression

    And no, porn and fast food don't "deplete" or downregulate dopamine either

  113. 1 week ago

    Grifter thread.

    • 1 week ago

      Bot thread more like

  114. 1 week ago

    it sounds like you're playing games you don't actually want to play. find some games, or something else, you actually want to play/do/watch/read etc.

  115. 1 week ago

    cool i dont give a shit in my eyes your just another npc giving me worthless dialogue while i press circle and skip through all your worthless lines. frick off

    • 1 week ago

      yep, haven’t heard that one before

  116. 1 week ago

    What are women looking for exactly during their "bad boy phase"?

    • 1 week ago

      anything their parents don't approve of. it's their greatest form of rebellion.

    • 1 week ago

      They want to get pregnant with a child and tie down the bad boy so he stops fricking a dozen women a week and just picks her. Except that doesn't work, it has never worked, it will never work. So instead she just ends up a worthless single mom.

    • 1 week ago

      nah you know what im not gonna die yet, im not goING TO FRICKING DIE BECAUSE OF YOU. you think your on top of the world huh you have a car huh you have a house huh? well none of that will fricking matter when the war breaks out because your used to your life of lukewarm happyniess and you worthless goyfriend pretends to like you while she spends all your money on goyslop/netflix subscription/nintendo switch "games"
      I have walked this earth alone and experience s the dark and light that is within this world, you homosexuals have always been in the light while ive been in the darkness but you know what im not fricking mad about it because one day my strength will be recogniaed and when it all comes falling down i will become the monster that i really am and you low level npcs will just be more xp for me. Enjoy sex with your ugly 3dpd std ridden prostitute wife, that will likely be the last modicum of joy you will experience in this fricked up world...

  117. 1 week ago

    >make thread about videogames
    >deleted, 3 day vacation
    >this stays up
    alright then

    • 1 week ago

      i’m convinced the mods let this one slide so anons can get some encouragement to frick off eventually or something

      • 1 week ago

        it's just a containment thread for dumb mopy Black folk
        just like half of the twitter ones

  118. 1 week ago

    I just realized myself that it is because my mind is craving for something else that games just don't provide so just trying to squeeze games and hoping that they would eventually make me happy just isn't how it works.
    I didn't stop gaming, but i started to just do more other things and instead just play less and every now and then i run into a game again that just feels like something special and gives me that spark to keep me engaged

  119. 1 week ago
  120. 1 week ago

    >don't feel sorry for yourself
    Immediately begins feeling sorry for himself. Do meme people really? Get a fricking job and/or some responsibilities. Wtf are you "escaping" from anyway?? Pathetic homosexuals I have been trapped with, forever. Frick me

  121. 1 week ago

    If you are 5000x times better than a bum you are still human, which is the bum of existence.

  122. 1 week ago

    i'm thinking of getting a vehicle. my job lets me work at any location and there's a couple thousand of them around the states. i've never traveled, my lease is up in two months, but i have no friends or family that would help me if an emergency came up.

  123. 1 week ago
    • 1 week ago

      Best one itt
      We're gmi

  124. 1 week ago

    >Is there a reason why I don't find games fun anymore vee?
    You're probably getting older and haven't noticed.
    And of course, getting older is no excuse, just realize that your experiences can be richer if you stop being a homosexual and get off your ass and go find stimulating things to do instead of posting on social networks.

  125. 1 week ago


    Well then, old games are fricking awful in modern technology.

  126. 1 week ago

    because you've been playing them for 20 years

  127. 1 week ago

    >have fun playing games
    >but every time I load one up there's an argument I can try and win on the other monitor on Ganker or discord.

  128. 1 week ago

    because you got older and realized you've wasted your life and the skills you've developed playing games mean nothing and are going to get you nowhere in life

    • 1 week ago

      This post would've been a lot more hurtful if it wasn't for the tranime

      • 1 week ago

        wasn't meant to be hurtful, just the truth

        • 1 week ago

          Yeah, yeah. Go play gaysona or whatever.

          • 1 week ago

            Yeah, yeah. Go play forehead clicker or whatever.

        • 1 week ago

          Truth is that they would've wasted their time on something else equally unimportant.
          People today all have an unrealistic expectation they're destined for greatness despite our population being larger than ever and only a handful of people ever having a significant impact in the world through history.
          You could spend your entire life focusing on winning the rat race and barely come away with a million dollars which won't be able to buy you anything worth wasting your life over.
          A lambo or boat isn't worth slaving in the office doing 70 hour weeks for 25 years.

          You could argue that having a wife and kid is a form of success but i've seen tons of people who seemed like chads who had it all. Got divorced and lost everything and now they have the most totally fricked up lives of all.

          • 1 week ago

            Uncle got divorced after retirement. Lost the house, the kids, the dogs, the cars and everyone's respect. Normalgays can't be trusted at all.

    • 1 week ago

      I don't feel like it's a waste, but that's because in pursuit of video games I learned other small things along the way. There are transferable soft skills if you've practiced them.
      Like having to deal with folders and computer software to get some games to work, a lot of people overlook it but boomers are too inept and zoomers grew up using apps without having to deal with the nitty-gritty of it.

      • 1 week ago

        I had a massive vocabulary from reading and playing video games.
        I remember at like 13 I used the word "neophyte" and my teacher said I didnt know what that meant, and when I defined it he backed down.
        I learned it from world of warcraft lmao

      • 1 week ago

        This, I have a job in an office with a bunch of oldies and women and Ive basically become unfireable now because I’m literally just that good with bypassing shit in the shitty system we use and coming up with workarounds to slow ass computers. It’s braindead easy and I don’t have to do anything else because they want me focused on making sure everyone else can do their jobs for the day. Sure I’d rather be home, but I quite literally sleep on the job and don’t get reprimanded and I finish my work so fast that once the supervisors leave I can just do whatever I want until it’s quitting time. Free money, and I keep myself sane by coming home and doing my hobbies.

    • 1 week ago

      >got my first "job" playing a asiatic mmo i enjoyed and selling replays/footage/packets/quest text and descriptions+guides to private server admins
      >conquered my horrid accent caused anxiety by joining sv_alltalk 1 servers
      >made lots of connections from video games and communities around it
      >made (and still do) a lot of money off of mods for games
      >most recently started a patreon that makes a decent sum of money off of animations/drawings of video game characters
      video games kept me alive and off the streets
      love em simply love em

      • 1 week ago

        So they kept you from making money and having a good time with your boys.

        • 1 week ago

          You are an insufferable downer that only knows how to drag people down, I doubt you've done anything good with yourself. You're all the same.

        • 1 week ago

          made money
          played games with the lads
          enjoyed doing it all

          >Le depressed failed normalgay thread stays up for 12 hours
          Bravo jannies

          it's a containment thread, and the SEX is in it

          • 1 week ago

            sex will save any thread

  129. 1 week ago

    Ascend to the final tier of turbogooner. Chase the coom, forever.

    • 1 week ago

      troony pipeline

  130. 1 week ago

    Honestly the only people that don't enjoy games are those that suck at them.
    When you're good at something you like doing it, doesn't matter what it is.

  131. 1 week ago

    >stopped visiting Ganker
    >stopped playing "competitive" garbage like fightingshit or LMAO card games
    >started playing games that rewarded me for intelligence like zach
    >started playing games i was interested in and only those
    >never been happier

  132. 1 week ago

    >be textbook gifted burnout
    >think about killing myself at 18
    >army recruiter gets his hands on me, and I feel like I've got a new lease on life
    >dedicate my entire being to training for the army
    >year after highschool, reach the apex of my life at an exponential rate
    >completely piss it away and wallow in misery because I'm scared of being gatekept and losing it all

    help me Ganker, I've developed a fatal dependency to getting into the army, and if I get disqualified I'm splattering my brains out onto the wall; having a criminal charge and ~3 disqualify worthy medical conditions, this is probably about as good an idea as leaded gasoline, but I don't care, devoting myself to exercising and meeting standards was literally life changing, and I want to feel like fricking superman again, I want the high that comes with being in control of your life, and I'm tired of switching between being blackpilled as frick and feeling like I could skullfrick somebody into a paste.
    >tfw I'm a shell of a man unless I'm batshit fricking manic and my heart hurts

  133. 1 week ago

    I've had conversations with friends that were so sick and bored with videogames, but they also refused to play anything not popular or older than 3 years

  134. 1 week ago

    The irony here is that when I tell people on Ganker that I enjoy games like Wuthering Waves they start seething. The reality is (You) reading this are broken inside. Unlike you I still enjoy video games and can find joy out of the little things in life while (You) can only be angry at my joy.

  135. 1 week ago

    How can you claim the games are not fun when you're spending the dopamine or whatever elsewhere. Imagine playing vidya all day n night and then going to the gym. Cmon now guys..

  136. 1 week ago

    >Le depressed failed normalgay thread stays up for 12 hours
    Bravo jannies

    • 1 week ago

      plot twist. OP is a jannie.

  137. 1 week ago

    >start working out last year
    >feel pretty great when I'm at the gym but like shit I'm not
    >slowly realize I just adopted it as another form of escapism
    i didnt beat the game. the game... beat me.

  138. 1 week ago

    Everything after
    >I was rejected.
    Gets pseud flowery sounding and gay as frick

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