Is there a WoW server with vanilla exp and leveling but the graphics, zones and classes of the later expansions?

Is there a WoW server with vanilla exp and leveling but the graphics, zones and classes of the later expansions?

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  1. 1 year ago

    You could have level-locked/custom-tuned Wrath server, and there have been some, although they never were particularly popular. I don't if there are any active ones, currently, maybe there are. There are also patches for Legion character models for Wrath, perhaps vanilla/TBC clients as well (although I think they are on the net worse, so I don't see why you'd want such a thing). There are also servers running Wrath client and content (so vanilla content is there, they might also level-lock you to 60) and custom class system which might resemble neo-WoW more, such as Ascension ("classless" system), and their second Conquest of Azeroth project (extra classes).

    Unlike Wrath where vanilla content is still mostly inact, doing a server with vanilla content and e.g. Legion mechanics would be a lot of work, both because porting over the content is a lot of work, but also because the general quality of open source emulation beyond Wrath is really poor. Wrath open source emulation is pretty much fine for production-servers as it is, whereas never mind the content, even class mechanics and such aren't going to work well in open source emulation of any expansion afterwards, so that's additional development burden.

    • 1 year ago

      I mean vanilla mechanics but new graphics, zones, etc

      • 1 year ago

        Right, I misread/misunderstood. There have been some servers with bits and pieces of custom content, including content ported over from subsequent expansions, so the tech to do that exists.

        However, MoP is the last expansion for which servers of any quality exist: if there aren't any Legion servers with Legion content in properly playable state, I wouldn't hold my breath for vanilla server with playable Legion content. That's putting aside the fact that expansions are more than just the areas: with neo-WoW class mechanics (like mobs being glued to tanks) even last patches of respectability disappear from vanilla content, but likewise, fights in neo-WoW are designed around more potent classes, quests are designed around client supporting mechanics like vehicles, etc, and in the absence of client source code, adding that kind of features is prohibitively difficult (you could reverse compile the binary, but it'd be human-unreadable).

        I guess one final option would be to do what WoW Classic does, and port over old content to new server and client. But again, that's a lot of effort and no-one has done that.

        TLDR: There's no such thing that you ask for, and there's unlikely to ever be.

        • 1 year ago

          I was on a custom server adding on-lore custom stuff to vanilla such as high elves to the alliance and goblins to the horde, some areas and stuff, maybe that's the closest thing

          • 1 year ago

            You're talking about troonywow and you're not being coy about it Shenna

  2. 1 year ago

    >Legion was 7 years ago
    wtf bros

    • 1 year ago

      wait what?

      • 1 year ago

        >2023 is seven years later than 2016

  3. 1 year ago

    Try turtle wow

    • 1 year ago

      Ran by Crogge and Shenna

      keep in mind these videos making fun of them are over 5 years old now

      • 1 year ago

        Don't, this is ran by actual power-tripping trannies.

        Sadly has the best community and custom content, even though I was banned for calling gays and israelites in starteguild chat I still rerolled second character because of how comfy the server is

        • 1 year ago

          >Best Community and Custom Content
          >community is literally trannies from retail wow who have come to troonywow because retailwow/blizzard didn't support trannies or supported rape or something
          >Community is literally dipshits walking on eggshells around eachother and constantly trying to (signal?) how moronic they're playing their hardcore character but if you point how that's moronic to try to come to our dungeon in only greys mr nelf warrior named greyitemsonly, you get flooded with "JUST LET PEOPLE PLAY HOW THEY WANT"
          >"""CUSTOM"""" content is 1/2 basic funserver barely coded bullshit with poor sounds and even lower quality writing
          >the other 1/2 custom content is literally whale appeasement custom bullshit for morons who pay specifically for the content to be created for them
          >I have zero values and I'm utterly pathetic
          You're fricking sad

          • 1 year ago

            starterguild chat is barrens chat on steroids with boomers talking about wymen and politics and is pretty comfy
            as for the custom content the quality is variable I agree

          • 1 year ago


            It still has the best custom content for vanilla WoW when it comes to PvE, questing and extra content
            >inb4 that shitty server with """open""" classes that require a fricking degree to understand and play

            • 1 year ago

              >Crogge or Shenna so butthurt about not naming Ascension wow they'll pretend not to know the name of it
              >grrr if you don't like my popular server you must be a part of the only popular server that doesn't deal with WK/Crogge/Shenna/Gummy
              Ascension is dogshit yes but troonywow is not any better lmao

              starterguild chat is barrens chat on steroids with boomers talking about wymen and politics and is pretty comfy
              as for the custom content the quality is variable I agree

              >starterguild chat is barrens
              it's a caricature of barrens with safe jokes only, you don't have to search hard to find someone banned for a benign joke on troonywow

              • 1 year ago

                Well it's true I was banned for naming israelites, still the comfiest way to play vanilla nowadays

    • 1 year ago

      Don't, this is ran by actual power-tripping trannies.

  4. 1 year ago


    >custom installer with root access

    The game torrent is a preinstalled WoW folder you just to unpack and the game doesn't ask for any specific right on launch

    • 1 year ago

      >he doesn't know
      Yeah you can download a torrent
      They also have provided a custom installer for updating the game in case you don't want to manually download the file every time they add a custom file haha such a hassle right

      • 1 year ago

        I literally just launched TWPatcher.exe and it didn't ask for any admin rights, Winodws 10

        • 1 year ago

          Okay Shenna we know you're constantly here marketing your shit but could you just frick off to reddit where you control the wowservers page and nobody can call you on your shit?

          • 1 year ago

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