Is there any fanbase that deserves to be laughed at more than Pokemon's?

Is there any fanbase that deserves to be laughed at more than Pokemon's?

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  1. 11 months ago

    no, the frickers receive worst and worst games every year and they will still consume Gamefreak's shit

  2. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Absolute shit looking water in this game

      • 11 months ago

        And the worst part is that the game itself is probably the best recent pokemon game to come out

      • 11 months ago

        Didn't know you were able to be critical of water, Mario WiiU

      • 11 months ago

        Post ONE game with good-looking water.

        • 11 months ago
        • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        Hey, I got that reference!

    • 11 months ago
      • 11 months ago

        How is it this bad? Can't Gamefreak just ask Nintendo for their shitload of presets they use in other Switch games? Like even a single guy using Unreal/Unity can make a better looking environment in a day.

        • 11 months ago

          Because they still sell tens of millions of copies without having to try. Same reason Nintendo proper can flip a lazy expansion pack as a 70 dollar game. Hopefully another crash comes soon.

          • 11 months ago

            what if im someone that skipped botw but wanted to play totk?

            • 11 months ago

              Well then you spent an extra $10 to play botw without the S O U L

              • 11 months ago

                Nah totk is better than botw

              • 11 months ago

                It's objectively not.
                There are only two things that Totk did better than Botw:
                >the wind temple boss fight (which felt like an actual zelda boss fight)
                >small qol improvements like being able to replace equipment when opening chests with a full inventory

              • 11 months ago

                Only two?
                >fixed weapon duribility
                >bosses are actually unique
                >no more amiboo shit
                >more variety in puzzles and shrines
                >new areas to explore
                >new overworld bosses

              • 11 months ago

                weapon duribility
                Instead of picking them up, you now have to spend time to create weapons (and fix them, once the attachment breaks).
                Gem rarity has been increased to moronic heights because they're now capable of being used as weapons.
                High level monster parts are now so valuable as weapons, you're no longer encouraged to use them for potions.

                >bosses are actually unique
                The blights weren't? One of the new bosses is literally a fast-moving octorok that shoots mud instead of rocks at you.

                >no more amiboo shit
                Are you fricking blind? See pic related.

                >more variety in puzzles and shrines
                Just like in Botw, there are only a handful of shrines that aren't braindead easy.
                Otherwise they're just as copy and pasted as in Botw.

                >new areas to explore
                You mean the copy-pasted sky islands, or the endlessly repeating depths?
                The depths only exists as a way to grind for shiny rocks to build your hoverbike with.

                >new overworld bosses
                Four new boss mobs that are copy and pasted everywhere on the map is not an improvement.

              • 11 months ago

                Only two?
                >fixed weapon duribility
                >bosses are actually unique
                >no more amiboo shit
                >more variety in puzzles and shrines
                >new areas to explore
                >new overworld bosses

                How is amiibo an issue in both botw/totk?, are mad becuse you can't get a shitty skin?

              • 11 months ago

                Amiibo is an issue because it's constantly present.
                It's like having to see a phone case ad every time you grab your phone.

              • 11 months ago

                I'll take over for that anon
                >Instead of picking them up, you now have to spend time to create weapons (and fix them, once the attachment breaks).
                Not an issue at all, it takes like five seconds to fuse something or take something out.
                >Gem rarity has been increased to moronic heights because they're now capable of being used as weapons.
                Gems aren't that hard to find, most cave systems will have ore deposits that drop them. I had no issue finding enough topaz to upgrade my armor plus you can buy them.
                >High level monster parts are now so valuable as weapons, you're no longer encouraged to use them for potions.
                Moot point, monster parts are incredibly easy to find especially boss ones if you mark them on the map since they spawn in the same locations.
                >The blights weren't?
                Visually? No. Their designs were incredibly similar.
                And your point about mucktorok is moot since they are visually distinct.
                >Are you fricking blind? See pic related
                0 points anon. While amiibo compatibility exists in totk every amiibo exclusive weapon in botw can also be found WITHOUT amiibo in totk in the depths.
                The only thing it's used for in totk is for the cosmetic glider fabric.
                >Just like in Botw
                No. For starters there are no copy and pasted shrines the the multiple combat shrines, the closest is probably the ones that force to you to go in nude but even they have different layouts, environments and tools to utilise.

              • 11 months ago

                >Not an issue at all, it takes like five seconds to fuse something or take something out.
                Pic related.

                >Gems aren't that hard to find, most cave systems will have ore deposits that drop them.
                Ore deposits that contain gems are randomized and are usually pretty rare.
                I've found more gems clusters in the overworld than in caves.

                >I had no issue finding enough topaz to upgrade my armor
                "I personally had no issue with it" is not an argument.
                Besides, what about sapphires, rubies and diamonds? Did you find hundreds of those as well?
                >plus you can buy them.
                You can't, because (almost) all your money-making comes from gems.

                >Moot point, monster parts are incredibly easy to find especially boss ones if you mark them on the map since they spawn in the same locations.
                Are you seriously saying that having to grind for monster parts is an improvement?
                Besides, the durability you lose fighting the mobs almost outweighs the loot.
                Seriously, try killing a silver moblin with a silver moblin horn. You'll barely be able to kill it before your weapon breaks.

                >No. Their designs were incredibly similar.
                I vehemently disagree. Please show why you think they're incredibly similar.

                >One of the new bosses is literally a fast-moving octorok that shoots mud instead of rocks at you
                he's visually an octorock but he doesn't share anything with them besides that

                >And your point about mucktorok is moot since they are visually distinct.
                >he's visually an octorock but he doesn't share anything with them besides that
                Which one is it?

                >every amiibo exclusive weapon in botw
                ...and what exactly are you going to do with those weapons in Botw? Frame them?
                You're b***hing about temporary buffs. It's not like amiibos give you extra permanent hearts or exclusive tools to use.

                >there are no copy and pasted shrines
                EVERY shrine is copy and pasted.
                >the multiple combat shrines
                Did you somehow miss all the combat training shrines in Totk? They're exactly the same.

              • 11 months ago

                >Which one is it?
                I said he's visually the same so I'll go with that. not everybody replying to you is the same person moron. I don't know if you're somehow replying to me or not because I never said this but
                >EVERY shrine is copy and pasted.
                is wrong. they don't even really repeat them anymore because the combat ones arre always different this time around

              • 11 months ago

                Ah, you're special. I should've known.
                Please say hi to your handler for me, okay?

              • 11 months ago

                >Pic related
                Holds no relevancy, discarded.
                >Ore deposits that contain gems are randomized and are usually pretty rare.
                Random? Yes
                Rare? No. Especially near death mountain, the caves over there are absolutely filled to the brim with deposits and they respawn quickly.
                >I've found more gems clusters in the overworld than in caves
                Which would would mean you don't search caves and wells.
                >"I personally had no issue with it" is not an argument.
                Nor is overexaggeration since they're incredibly easy to find and again, you can buy them. Even then you can also kill Wizrobes and dismantle the weapon and go for Talus. There are so many methods to obtain them that you should be swimming in gems.
                Oh, and Dondons, if you feed them Luminous stones they shit out gems after a while.
                >what about sapphires, rubies and diamonds
                Diamonds are the only ones that somewhat rare. Sapphires and rubies have the same rates as topaz, I assumed you knew that.
                That said I have like 10 diamonds in my inventory and I'm doing nothing with them.
                >You can't, because (almost) all your money-making comes from gems
                No, no it doesn't. That's the least efficient method of making money, same for botw mind you. Sure diamonds sell for the most amount of rupees but they're too rare to be a fast method and the same goes for botw.
                >Seriously, try killing a silver moblin with a silver moblin horn
                Don't just smack them then, exploit their weaknesses. Hell, if silvers spawned in a large group you could kill them all with sneak attacks if you use a puffshroom leaving your weapon intact.
                >I vehemently disagree
                You can disagree but that just saying you're legally blind. At a glance you'd think they're the same thing in regards to design.
                >Which one is it?
                Not everyone who replies to you is the same person.

              • 11 months ago

                >Pic related
       took the first available image on google, didn't you?
                Show a picture of the four where you can actually see their models in detail and I'll discuss this point further.

                >the caves over there are absolutely filled to the brim with deposits and they respawn quickly.
                This is the second time your advocating that grinding is somehow an improvement.

                >Which would would mean you don't search caves and wells.
                Rare ore clusters rarely spawn in caves. The burden of proof lies with you if they do so like you claim.

                >again, you can buy them.
                And again, you can't because your money comes from selling gems.

                >you can also kill Wizrobes and dismantle the weapon
                >go for Talus
                Well, sure. If I spend a few years playing the game I'd have all the gems I'd ever need.
                This is the same moronic argument F2P games use to justify their business model.

                >Sapphires and rubies have the same rates as topaz
                Source on the drop rates of gems?

                >That's the least efficient method of making money
                Oh wow, really? Please do share what better ways there are, then!
                Especially considering both games hit you over the head that you should be selling your gems to get rupees.

                >exploit their weaknesses
                ...which are?

                >if silvers spawned in a large group you could kill them all with sneak attacks if you use a puffshroom
                So more grinding?

                >At a glance you'd think they're the same thing in regards to design.
                You could say the same for 3/4 of the temple bosses. See pic related.

              • 11 months ago

                >>Pic related
                > took the first available image on google, didn't you?
                Anon, that pic related was copied from YOUR post. It wasn't about my picture, that came later in the post, you idiot.

                >This is the second time your advocating that grinding is somehow an improvement.
                It's hardly grinding since you're going to naturally visit them for shrines, Bubbulfrogs and other treasures.
                >Rare ore clusters rarely spawn in caves.
                No, rare ore deposits don't refer to their spawn rate but rather what they drop as in gem which have a low drop rate from regular deposits. In a lot of caves you can find multiple rare ore deposits.
                >If I spend a few years
                It'll be a few minutes at most and you'll most likely trigger a blood moon along the way causing the deposits you broke to respawn.
                Exaggeration isn't an argument anon.
                >This is the same moronic argument F2P games use to justify their business model.
                Not even your strawman matches that.
                >Source on the drop rates of gems?
                Can't find a source on it but I heard it was 15% never questioned it because I was always swimming in gems. Guess that's just bad luck for you.

              • 11 months ago

                >you can't because your money comes from selling gems.
                Which it isn't. The fastest money making method was always dragon parts, particularly the horns because they sell for 300 and can be farmed consistently unlike diamonds that are rare.
                It's even easier in totk because you can ride the dragons meaning you can just sit on their heads, smack them to get the horn, wait 10 minutes and repeat.
                >Especially considering both games hit you over the head that you should be selling your gems to get rupees.
                They don't.
                >...which are?
                You can't be serious, I literally gave you an example of one.
                >So more grinding?
                That doesn't even make sense as a response, I'm talking about efficiently killing an enemy without wasting weapon durability, it has nothing to do with grinding.
                Are you moronic?

                >You could say the same for 3/4 of the temple bosses
                No you really can't.
                For starters all the blights are humanoid. None of the temple bosses are, they're all completely different.
                The blights also share a color scheme. The temple bosses do not.

                You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

                And you're still ignoring points. [...]
                Read everything before you reply.

                Just stop replying to him, at this point he's just doing it to shitpost.

              • 11 months ago

                >you can't because your money comes from selling gems.
                Which it isn't. The fastest money making method was always dragon parts, particularly the horns because they sell for 300 and can be farmed consistently unlike diamonds that are rare.
                It's even easier in totk because you can ride the dragons meaning you can just sit on their heads, smack them to get the horn, wait 10 minutes and repeat.
                >Especially considering both games hit you over the head that you should be selling your gems to get rupees.
                They don't.
                >...which are?
                You can't be serious, I literally gave you an example of one.
                >So more grinding?
                That doesn't even make sense as a response, I'm talking about efficiently killing an enemy without wasting weapon durability, it has nothing to do with grinding.
                Are you moronic?

                >You could say the same for 3/4 of the temple bosses
                No you really can't.
                For starters all the blights are humanoid. None of the temple bosses are, they're all completely different.
                The blights also share a color scheme. The temple bosses do not.

                You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

                And you're still ignoring points.

                >and what exactly are you going to do with those weapons in Botw? Frame them?
                Uh what? That doesn't make sense as a response.
                Anyway, you are more likely going to hold on to them in botw becuase obtaining them is all rng. Once you find them in totk though they can be bought from the statues for poes
                >You're b***hing about temporary buffs
                Can you actually try to make an argument anon?
                >EVERY shrine is copy and pasted.
                No, no they aren't. In totk they're actually all unique. The closest thing to copy and pasting them are the Rauru's Blessing shrines which has a few different requirements even just carrying the stones have to be tackled differently.
                >Did you somehow miss all the combat training shrines in Totk?
                You mean the one I mentioned? The ones that have different maps and gimmicks setting them apart form each other? Rather than just being a single enemy like botw did?
                Have you even played these games?

                And you forgot this post[...] but given the response you gave here I doubt you have the ability to understand it.

                Read everything before you reply.

              • 11 months ago

                >and what exactly are you going to do with those weapons in Botw? Frame them?
                Uh what? That doesn't make sense as a response.
                Anyway, you are more likely going to hold on to them in botw becuase obtaining them is all rng. Once you find them in totk though they can be bought from the statues for poes
                >You're b***hing about temporary buffs
                Can you actually try to make an argument anon?
                >EVERY shrine is copy and pasted.
                No, no they aren't. In totk they're actually all unique. The closest thing to copy and pasting them are the Rauru's Blessing shrines which has a few different requirements even just carrying the stones have to be tackled differently.
                >Did you somehow miss all the combat training shrines in Totk?
                You mean the one I mentioned? The ones that have different maps and gimmicks setting them apart form each other? Rather than just being a single enemy like botw did?
                Have you even played these games?

                And you forgot this post

                >You mean the copy-pasted sky islands, or the endlessly repeating depths?
                The cave systems dotted across Hyrule. Even if you don't include the depths and sky islands there are a ton of new locations and hidden areas in the game.
                >Four new boss mobs that are copy and pasted everywhere on the map is not an improvement.
                Phantom Ganon
                Battle Talus
                Also the temple bosses spawn in the depths and the original bosses still exist meaning less copy and paste.
                And on the topic of story bosses there are more.
                Where botw had 7 totk has 12, 13 including the wave of enemies before Ganondorf.

                but given the response you gave here I doubt you have the ability to understand it.

              • 11 months ago

                >You mean the copy-pasted sky islands, or the endlessly repeating depths?
                The cave systems dotted across Hyrule. Even if you don't include the depths and sky islands there are a ton of new locations and hidden areas in the game.
                >Four new boss mobs that are copy and pasted everywhere on the map is not an improvement.
                Phantom Ganon
                Battle Talus
                Also the temple bosses spawn in the depths and the original bosses still exist meaning less copy and paste.
                And on the topic of story bosses there are more.
                Where botw had 7 totk has 12, 13 including the wave of enemies before Ganondorf.

              • 11 months ago

                >One of the new bosses is literally a fast-moving octorok that shoots mud instead of rocks at you
                he's visually an octorock but he doesn't share anything with them besides that

              • 11 months ago

                >he's visually an octorock
                It's not even really an Octorok.
                The eyes are on the side of the head and not head on
                It has webbing under the arms and between the legs
                It has hands

              • 11 months ago

                eh i prefer botw over totk
                just dont like the kiddie lego shit in totk

              • 11 months ago

                There are homosexuals that still claim that BDSP is better than Platinum, so I'll just assume that you're one of those homosexuals that have massive brain damage and move on

    • 11 months ago

      Please understand Gamefreak is a small indie studio not know 3D very much thank you

    • 11 months ago

      This shit got overhyped so fricking hard holy shit.
      I appreciate the real time battles and focus on catching but the areas are so goddamn uninteresting and lack variety and the gameplay loops becomes repetitive way too fast. The story also feels like nothing which is insane because you are canonically on a quest handed to you from GOD.

      • 11 months ago

        All of that is completely true...
        But it gives a little star indicator on shiny pokemon so you know for sure it's actually shiny, and not just a trick of the light. That alone makes it better than SV.

    • 11 months ago

      WoW pre alpha…home

    • 11 months ago

      Black person that's oblivion tier water

      • 11 months ago

        oblivion water is better

    • 11 months ago

      This looks like a student project Unity game on Steam Greenlight kek. How can you make so much money and put so little effort.

    • 11 months ago

      i've seen lazily shat out gmod maps with better looking water

    • 11 months ago

      Jesus fricking Christ this an unironically worse than Story of Seasons.

    • 11 months ago

      DS2 gays will look at screenshots like this and still insist that it's the best game in the series

      • 11 months ago

        cope DS2 is good

    • 11 months ago

      >buying a game just to doompost
      >"I e-e-emulated"
      >even worse cause that shows it's worth the effort to set up and you still found it appealing enough to try

      • 11 months ago

        Tech-incompetent scum do not deserve to be on this site. There is zero effort worth caring about in setting up an emulator, even the most complicated ones. have a nice day immediately.

    • 11 months ago

      How's the gameplay in this video game, troony?

    • 11 months ago
      Pussy Snorkeler

      Spoiler the gore next time

    • 11 months ago

      I appreciate that they actually tried to do something other than tile-based movement + turn-based gameplay but this shit looks like its from 20 years ago.

    • 11 months ago

      this ugly shit is from the best pokemon game in the past 10 years

  3. 11 months ago

    Nope. These Black folk will keep buying this slop until they croak.

  4. 11 months ago

    No. Even when they acknowledge it's shit Pokegays still buy Gamefreak's slop. Even Halo fans don't have enough IP related Stockholm Syndrome to keep supporting 343's institutional failures, considering Halo Infinite's floundering player base.

    • 11 months ago

      >Halo 4 - I'll give it a chance but won't get my hopes up.
      It's shit, no buy
      >Halo 5 - Fool me once 343,
      It's shit, not surprised
      >Halo Infinite - dat music, dat old school visual design, open world. Looks like they're going back to Halo's roots, tentatively optimistic
      I buy. Campaign was the best since Bungie days. Multiplayer a colossal disappointment.
      Halo fans are notoriously difficult to please, but it's not our fault that we remember how good we had it. On the other hand, Pokémon gays, Bethesda gays, Nintendo gays in general are the easiest fanbases to please.

      • 11 months ago

        I would genuinely give a nod to Metroid and DKgays, at least. Pikmingays are difficult to gauge because their releases are so sparse. Zeldagays pre-BotW were fricking fascinating, because they were more so fans of individual games than the whole series. Pokemon, Mario, and Kirbygays generally have no shame.

  5. 11 months ago

    The top scenario never happened. LGPE screenshots leaked on /vp/ before anyone even considered another Kanto remake.

    • 11 months ago

      I am 99% sure that there weren’t any leaked screenshots before this and you’re talking bullshit

  6. 11 months ago

    Gacha fanbase

  7. 11 months ago

    >tight release schedule
    >shit open world games
    >wide release schedule
    >decent game but shit open world
    >shit RPG but wonderful open world you want to keep exploring
    Nintendo can't even copy homework properly

    • 11 months ago

      >>shit RPG but wonderful open world you want to keep exploring
      you see one zone, one attack animation, and one dungeon and you've seen everything skyrim has to offer

  8. 11 months ago

    Why does this keep happening?

    • 11 months ago

      now post the concept art for the remakes.

      • 11 months ago

        I hate every single moron that says they prefer the BDSM artstyle because it’s “faithful”

        • 11 months ago

          This is obviously what the devs wanted to do but then had TPC laugh in their faces and give them 1/1000th of the budget required

        • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago

          Imagine if this was used as a fake “leak” before BDSP was revealed.

        • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago

          What is the point of hiring these concept artists when the game looks nothing like this? Is it to rub salt in our wounds?

          • 11 months ago

            Yes. Just like how Gamefreak said SwSh actually has 18 gyms in lore but you only challenge 8 of them and

            Daily reminder, this is the exact moment when pokemon died

          • 11 months ago

            >What is the point of hiring these concept artists when the game looks nothing like this?
            I assume this is the DP artbook, for the original games. Even if it won't end up looking like this because you're making a game on a DS, it still makes sense to have pictures that convey the sense of atmosphere and style you're going for to pixel artists and 3D modellers, these illustrations could also be used for promotion. Gens 4 through 7 looked quite soulful because of this, even if they weren't technically impressive.

          • 11 months ago

            There was a video being passed around here a couple days ago of a korean guy that slipped into the nipponese glassdoor to snoop on Gamefreak's employee reviews. I won't post it to prevent homosexuals calling me a shill.
            >GF is full of senior staff who don't know what the frick they're doing anymore and never learned any actual skills beyond DS-tier development
            >the creative staff (concept artists, composers, etc) are actually pretty well off and generally leave glowing reviews while working at GF, this should be evident enough from music being generally decent to great, and the actual concept art/worldbuilding/environments being competently made BUT ONLY ON PAPER
            >the codemonkey staff leaves shitty reviews due to being severely limited by management forcing deadlines, the turnover is huge with talented people constantly leaving and talentless morons getting hired in their place, senior staff is utterly complacent because they know Pokemon will sell fricktons anyway no matter how piss poor the games are, all their non-Pokemon ventures have been gigantic flops, there's zero growth in the company and nobody ever develops any new valuable skills since they're always stuck doing codemonkey shit for Pokemon and Pokemon alone
            Up until recently it was basically an unproven truth accepted by most people with a brain, but the reviews on that site really blew open the lid and confirmed basically all those assumptions ranged from very well founded to true beyond any reasonable doubt.

            • 11 months ago
            • 11 months ago

              We know about the Gear project team and how staff can pitch projects. We also know about there being a sort or mechanism for fostering growth and leadership. GF is currently working on a game to be published I think by 2K. I also imagine the turn over would obviously be high with the enormous amounts of staff involved and the number of projects made in a short span. Doesn't seem so simple.

              • 11 months ago

                Black person get fricking real, all their non-Pokemon shit is trash in both quality AND sales. You know it, I know it, and GF knows it. What good is there in accepting interesting pitches and planning cool concepts for them if the actual technical staff making the fricking games is made up of apathetic seniors, incompetent newbie coders and frick awful management forcing deadlines and willingly allowing pure mediocrity to be shipped out?
                >I also imagine the turn over would obviously be high with the enormous amounts of staff involved
                GF only has like 140 employees, most of which are incompetent boomers latching on to multiple-generation-old development practices. This is not the workforce that the developer of the highest grossing media franchise of all time should have. They have all the fricking money in the world to hire actual technical talent but they piss it all away in more mansions for Masuda and his cronies and who knows what the frick else. And to be clear, Nintendo is also complicit in this simply by allowing them to get away with it since they care first and foremost about those juicy sales numbers, which they know are in no danger when it comes to Pokeshit. They're not the main responsible party, but they are definitely allowing it willingly.
                >Doesn't seem so simple.
                It IS simple. It's extremely simple actually. Stop excusing their incompetence with what ifs and speculative nonsense. If they're hardpressed for good programming staff, fricking hire more programming staff who know what they're doing. It's obvious from the concept art they gladly sell as merch that they have a solid creative staff, the problem is nobody working there cares, wants, or knows how to translate all the creative concepts on the planning board into a well-made piece of software.

              • 11 months ago

                >Black person get fricking real, all their non-Pokemon shit is trash in both quality AND sales
                Eh, drill dozer was a flop but that shit was good.

              • 11 months ago

                I actually remembered that one right as I posted that. Haven't played it myself but I have seen it receive some modest praise. I suppose I should've clarified their non-Pokemon shit was all trash after the GBA era.

              • 11 months ago

                Black person get fricking real, all their non-Pokemon shit is trash in both quality AND sales. You know it, I know it, and GF knows it. What good is there in accepting interesting pitches and planning cool concepts for them if the actual technical staff making the fricking games is made up of apathetic seniors, incompetent newbie coders and frick awful management forcing deadlines and willingly allowing pure mediocrity to be shipped out?
                >I also imagine the turn over would obviously be high with the enormous amounts of staff involved
                GF only has like 140 employees, most of which are incompetent boomers latching on to multiple-generation-old development practices. This is not the workforce that the developer of the highest grossing media franchise of all time should have. They have all the fricking money in the world to hire actual technical talent but they piss it all away in more mansions for Masuda and his cronies and who knows what the frick else. And to be clear, Nintendo is also complicit in this simply by allowing them to get away with it since they care first and foremost about those juicy sales numbers, which they know are in no danger when it comes to Pokeshit. They're not the main responsible party, but they are definitely allowing it willingly.
                >Doesn't seem so simple.
                It IS simple. It's extremely simple actually. Stop excusing their incompetence with what ifs and speculative nonsense. If they're hardpressed for good programming staff, fricking hire more programming staff who know what they're doing. It's obvious from the concept art they gladly sell as merch that they have a solid creative staff, the problem is nobody working there cares, wants, or knows how to translate all the creative concepts on the planning board into a well-made piece of software.

                I hear Pocket Card Jockey is really good. Harmoknight also had a positive reception. Those alongside Drill Dozer feel like they make for a good track record. I don't know if Tembo of Gigawrecker were good.

              • 11 months ago

                Harmoknight was short but pretty good, even had some black and white music in it.

            • 11 months ago

              I remember a while ago there was a video where a higher up at Game Freak said "We don't want to be known only as the pokemon company." It's why they made some other games. I actually liked Giga Wreckers.

              I think they've drunk the same kool-aid as other corporations, and are hyper-focused so much on profit that all the passionate people fricked off.

              I dread what pokemon is going to be like on Switch 2.

              • 11 months ago

                >and are hyper-focused so much on profit that all the passionate people fricked off.
                Honestly, I think it's the opposite. They're probably just jaded because they're just known as the pokemon devs no matter what they do.
                So it's less
                >HA who cares it'll sell anyway!
                And more
                >ugh, who cares it'll sell anyway but this won't.
                I mean, as dull as LTH was it wasn't nearly as glitchy as SS and SV, same with LGPE and Arceus even though the latter looked pretty bad.
                It's like they're trying to tank mainline

              • 11 months ago

                Pretty much every Pokemon game you mentioned was mainline, so Legends and LGPE don't exactly bolster that perspective.

              • 11 months ago

                Anon, LGPE and Arceus are considered spin offs, not mainline.

              • 11 months ago

                Source? The official JP Pokemon Website categorizes them as main games, which is about as official gospel as you can get aside from Taijri himself coming out of hiding to say it himself.

              • 11 months ago

                They are explicitly regarded as mainline entries. Friggin LGPE is a remake of Yellow. Take a dig. LGPE especially was announced with the terms core, mainline, and main series, and Masuda even went so far as making it clear himself in an interview or more.

              • 11 months ago

                >Friggin LGPE is a remake of Yellow.
                Dude, that's not considered mainline. It's considered a "special edition".

              • 11 months ago

                I will hit you on the bottom lip.

              • 11 months ago

                ONLY in America as a localization decision from Nintendo of America to make sure it sold more copies, dipshit. It was simply known as "Pocket Monsters Pikachu" in Japan.

              • 11 months ago

                >ONLY in America
                Nope. It was never considered a mainline game at any point.

              • 11 months ago

                Someone give this anon a purple nurple until it's a blue nurple.

              • 11 months ago

                What's this, then?
                Care to explain why Yellow shows up as a mainline game when you choose to filter to "Main Pokemon only" on the official Japanese Pokemon website?

              • 11 months ago

                >Main Pokemon only
                That's not what it says and it's based on communication features.

              • 11 months ago

                "Pokemon series" explicitly refers to mainline Pokemon, otherwise it would be redundant and refer to the entire franchise anyway.
                And if it DOES mean communication features, then where's any of the Stadium Games? Or the Orre Games? Or Battle Revolution? Or Pokemon Box, My Pokemon Ranch, Bank or Home?

              • 11 months ago

                How do you justify Crystal, Emerald, Platinum, Black/White 2, and Ultra Sun/Moon as mainline but not Yellow

              • 11 months ago

                I can totally make up the answer for this one. I'll let him try first, though.

              • 11 months ago

                cry more its mainline and nothing you can do to change that lol

              • 11 months ago

                I'd embrace the pokemon destiny but I wouldn't let it restrict me. Fromsoft spent years making Souls game before returning to their passion product of armoured core. I love mecha games, but I know full well AC6 ain't gonna sell as well as Souls or god forbid Elden Ring. But Fromsoft doesn't care. They got money to burn now and they're damn well gonna use it.

              • 11 months ago

                Drill doser and harmo knight are also some of those rare game freak games that are not pokemon. They are cursed until pokemon flops or they all die.

              • 11 months ago

                Seems more like they lack inside training.
                Companies used to train their personnel and then stopped for fear of making them too valuable.

                I used to work in the education sector and companies would hire the company I worked for to train their employees who would then train other people inside the company and we would evaluate them and sell them books, guides and other material...all that stopped almost a decade ago, people are being brought in blind and I feel standardized platforms like Unreal are to blame. New employees are brought in to work with this one streamlined platform with whatever prior knowledge they got and companies make do with that, everything from videogames to software, to industry and construction seem to be worse now with the idea that they can train people off from youtube to save some cash.

          • 11 months ago

            >Is it to rub salt in our wounds?
            Yes unironically. They added a "battle frontier project has started" in the game that they removed it. The funny thing is morons were thinking it was going to be released as DLC...

          • 11 months ago

            ilca actually had the plans to make a remake that looked like their concept art
            gamefreak and tpci higher ups told them to stick with a 1:1 3d remake instead

        • 11 months ago

          Why does this keep happening?

        • 11 months ago

          I took a dig because the art looked nice and I wondered about buying the artbooks for the games. I found that these are like 31 page limit sort of things that aren't sold in stores. Hmm.

        • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago

          it's actually fricked

    • 11 months ago

      "they'll buy it anyway" mentality

    • 11 months ago

      I hate every single moron that says they prefer the BDSM artstyle because it’s “faithful”

      Squirtle, I'm dying...

    • 11 months ago

      Because morons keep purchasing it. Why waste loads of cash on proper game development when you can have some cheap shit made in year and still make truck loads of cash?

    • 11 months ago

      It's really something that the last time these Pokemon remakes were good was Heart Gold and Soul Silver. Ever since OR/AS they've progressively turned from enthusiastic re-imaginings of the older titles with all the new technology available to obvious nostalgia bait that is exclusively meant to siphon money from people.

      • 11 months ago

        I always thought there was some grain of truth in the rumor that they just stopped caring when their first attempt at a sort of reboot with Black/White was met with scorn as it wasn't filled with KAAAANTOOOO Pokemon until you got the National Dex.

    • 11 months ago

      >b***h about remakes differentiating themselves from the source material
      >b***h about remakes copying the source material

      • 11 months ago

        maybe if either remake was actually semi-passable in any way in the first place

      • 11 months ago

        both cases are "differentiating themselves from the source material" moron. they didn't just update the sprites, they went out of their way to have shitty 3D

      • 11 months ago

        Most people are in favor of reimaginings than straight remakes.

        Deva might as well port the original game if they're just doing a literal 1-1 remake where the only thing new is a different art style.

      • 11 months ago

        about remakes differentiating themselves from the source material
        Why did they listen to these homosexuals though? ORAS sold extremely well. This opinion never should have been considered.

        • 11 months ago

          it sold more or less the same

          • 11 months ago

            Yes but back then they didn't have BD/SP's sales for a point of reference. Why did they decide remakes should go to a mobile game C-team when Let's Go and ORAS did great anyways?
            It doesn't make sense to me.
            Obviously now they know people will buy it no matter what and the brand is too big to fail, but they didn't know that before.

      • 11 months ago

        >b***h about remakes differentiating themselves from the source material
        I have never seen this in Pokemon.
        People's biggest complaint with HGSS were the issues it carried over.
        People's biggest issue with ORAS were the things it carried over from R/S rather than Emerald.
        And (among other problems) it was the same issue with BDSP and Platinum

        • 11 months ago

          I know there were plenty of people that disliked how ORAS implemented mega evolution into the story

          • 11 months ago

            That's less the changes made to the story and more the people who were still butthurt about megas not being normal evolutions.

            • 11 months ago

              I'm still assmad that they got rid of megas and replaced it with stupid gimmicks each game.

    • 11 months ago

      I just wanna know where the money goes. Did somebody at least buy a house or a yacht with all the billions the franchise in that they clearly don’t reinvest in the series?

    • 11 months ago

      In 20 years some fan will remake the middle. Indies are getting better at 3d

    • 11 months ago

      I was really hoping the Gen 1 remake to look close to the OVA or anime series complete with the cool shit like the throwing animations and various attacks. I immediately bowed out the moment they released footage of it. Cerulean City had a nice remix though.
      But to answer your question, what

      "they'll buy it anyway" mentality

      said. Nintendo fans are the most forgiving fanbase of all video game companies out there and have solidified a cushy spot for Nintendo to sit on like bad remakes, full price on first party titles forever, etc. It won't stop until Nintendo fans stop buying.

    • 11 months ago

      Pokemon is so immovable successful that the extra mile isn't necessary. It truly is the players faults this time, not the devs. If they were willing to defends the devs during dexit, then that's that. They made their voices heard. GF's current output is fine as far the majority of the people buying it are concerned. The only winning moves are to either bail on the franchise, play the older games, or pick up interesting ROM hacks or fangames if you're desperate for new content.

      • 11 months ago

        Its the fans fault that pokemon is successful despite gamefreak, but gamefreak could not make a better game if they tried.

      • 11 months ago

        The players don't matter, they're 10yo kids, it's their moms who buy them the games cause they finally understand that pokemon=good and buying the kids a new pokemon game will keep the out of their hair for a solid month.

    • 11 months ago

      Is there any fanbase that deserves to be laughed at more than Pokemon's?

      are pokemons fans actually this stupid? does anyone thing some anime image has anything with the game itself?

      • 11 months ago

        Yes they unironically are this stupid, these people complain about the games nonstop because they hate that Pokemon is a video game rather than the fantasy they had in their head as a kid

        • 11 months ago

          that's a pretty shitty excuse since every other game is pretty much becoming the fantasy people had in their heads. Pokemon used to get a pass because "it's on a handheld" nonsense but now there's nothing to hide behind

          • 11 months ago

            Zelda Botw maybe? But otherwise no not really, the Pokemon community is uniquely autistic in how they want the world building etc to function, it’s like timeline autism in Zelda if it was the entire community

    • 11 months ago

      I just wanted a Pearl/Diamond/Platinum remake that looked like Sun/Moon.

    • 11 months ago

      People will b***h if the remake isn't faithful to the original so you get the bottom pic anyway

    • 11 months ago

      >Fan makes concept or idea that mimics the middle, or does something uniquely artistically appealing
      >Ganker starts screaming HIRE THIS MAN

    • 11 months ago

      At this point I am convinced that even if something happened that forced GF to actually try they'd still come up short. They just suck.

    • 11 months ago

      Because Pokemon is the most profitable franchise on the planet. Yes, more than Star Wars, Mickey Mouse, Marvel shit, anything and everything else you can think of. GameFreak can seriously make a game called "Pokemon: Black person homosexual edition", be nothing more than a Pokemon Silver ROM that shits itself halfway through and it'll STILL be the best selling game of the year. GF are just way too big to fail.

    • 11 months ago

      those concept arts are from BDSP, dipshit.

    • 11 months ago

      btw, the company who developed those remakes had actual plans to go with their artwork here

      I hate every single moron that says they prefer the BDSM artstyle because it’s “faithful”

      but gamefreak were also developing legends arceus at that time and a diamond/pearl remake of that scale and scope would have completely overshadowed their shit game, so they ordered ilca (the company who they outsourced the remakes to) to stick with creating a 1:1 3d remake instead

      • 11 months ago

        legends arceus is not shit its actually one of the best pokemon games

        • 11 months ago

          i too love mindlessly catching hundreds of mons to fill up the dex entries and unlock new areas, just to do it all over again
          and lets not forget the eye rape cancer boss "fights"
          i heccin luv dodging rolling eating dirt and throwing shit on the boss mons million times! only LAMEfreak can deliver such high quality fun gameplay!

          • 11 months ago

            Yes, because the alternative is slowly going into an animation as you and your enemy pan into battle, you throw your Pokemon out, you have to weaken it, it sometimes escapes multiple times even when paralyzed/asleep, and then you do that all over again on repeat. Hell, PLA doesn't even allow you to overlevel because the level ups require 30+ levels to make any sort of difference.

            You make it sound like capturing Pokemon, you know, half of the entire reason to play Pokemon, is a bad thing. You also make it sound as if filling out the dex is even hard or tedious at all. Getting an entry to 10 (What you need for Arceus) is like 10-20 minutes if you have to do one specifically, but the vast majority of the Pokedex can be filled out just by catching multiples or at certain times.

            PLA is what the mainline should strive to be like mechanically. It improved capturing by leaps and bounds, made combat in the main story fun even if backstab cheese should be patched out, and made running around enjoyable. SV shows that it's also what they're going to be focusing on mechanically going forward because SV is basically PLA-lite.

    • 11 months ago

      Because for Pokemon game of that scope you would need the effort needed for a monthly subscription top notch MMO and getting that to run on a handheld known to have hardware more or less similar to that of a Xbox 360 is unfeasible and you would only be pandering to manchildren who will play it anyhow.

  9. 11 months ago

    I love pokemon and I gave up after Gen 4, all the soul was gone by Gen 6

  10. 11 months ago

    I swear I am not making a guy up but in a server I was in, a person legit got annoyed at someone for criticizing SwSh despite not caring for the series anymore.

  11. 11 months ago

    Do you think we will ever get a GOOD official pokemon game again?

    • 11 months ago

      What does a good pokemon game look like?

      • 11 months ago

        Like this.

        • 11 months ago

          I'm a Gen2 boomer and recently started playing this. It's honestly pretty damn good and I like it more than Emerald already.

          • 11 months ago

            Total opposite for me
            Everything takes forever even when compared to other Pokemon games

            • 11 months ago

              Yeah it really is quite slow. I can ubderstand how that might be off-putting for some people. Doesn't bother me that much though.

        • 11 months ago
          • 11 months ago

            >subjective complaints, nitpicks and critiques that apply to the series as a whole but in a 500 word essay format
            Woah... my eyes have been opened... I hate this game now...

            • 11 months ago

              I didn't read it, but the very first line of his autistic manifesto is 100% right and not a nitpick
              DPP's pokemon distribution is absolutely horrendous

        • 11 months ago

          still the best

        • 11 months ago

          Total opposite for me
          Everything takes forever even when compared to other Pokemon games

          I can't stand how slow it is but if it were on the Black/White engine it would objectively be the GOAT Pokemon game.
          That being said it's still top-tier as it is.

          • 11 months ago

            They're the same engine anon, GF just fixed it.

          • 11 months ago

            Get the "60 fps" patch that forces the game to run at double speed with normal music.

      • 11 months ago

        BW and BW2 are the best the series has to offer. HGSS are overrated but still the best after those. Everything else is only good if you're addicted to technicolor gobbledeasiatic.

        • 11 months ago

          The original BW games aren’t good. At all. Easily the worst 2D pokemon games. BW2 are much better but still around the middle of the bunch.

          • 11 months ago

            I guarantee you based that opinion on ignorance.

            • 11 months ago

              It’s the objective truth based on peer reviewed data

              • 11 months ago

                Sharing false information doesn't make that information correct.
                Either way, why don't you elaborate and I'll correct you.

          • 11 months ago

            i think you're underrating BW2 but i agree, BW are pretty damn shit.

          • 11 months ago

            rs are easily worse than bw. DP might be too but the mechanical changes might keep it higher

            • 11 months ago

              DP is definitely the worst first version game. The special split was the only thing it brought to the table but other than that it was a strict downgrade over RS

              • 11 months ago

                DP had online and some semblance of a postgame to go along with the mechanical changes. RS are really barebones and I'd say even feel kinda incomplete. Emerald really caused people to think better of rs somehow

              • 11 months ago

                >some semblance of a postgame
                You shouldn't hyper focus on post game especially when both games were pretty much just the battle frontier and DP had an arbitrary barrier in seeing every pokemon which also locked off some of the new evolutions for absolutely no reason whatsoever.
                That said RS had more content in general than DP did and even Contests and secret bases had more to them than they did in gen 4.

              • 11 months ago

                RS didn't have the battle frontier (neither did dp but it had a whole other island and a bunch of opened secret paths). Contest were probably a tad bit better but dp replaced secret bases with a whole other level of content (admittedly couldn't be fully realized without friends)

              • 11 months ago

                You're thinking about it on a base level anon, think about what the content is.
                Take secret bases for example, you're probably thinking
                >wow you can make a cool room!

              • 11 months ago

                you could do the same in dp but it came with a whole cavern to explore with minigames and gave you resources

              • 11 months ago

                Aside from the digging minigame I’d trade all that for the variations and customizations of the RS secret bases. Frick traps, frick flags, frick those gay boulders in your base, and frick spiritomb

              • 11 months ago

                >I’d trade all that for the variations and customizations of the RS secret bases
                respectable opinion but that's largely subjective. I like the idea of traps and stuff while sifting through a dungeon and it's easy to see how it could be done better. Ideally they'd just implement all of it, but gamefreak

                >frick spiritomb
                oh hell naw

                >you could do the same in dp
                That's the thing, the removed a hell of a lot of things that made bases unique and replaced it with the mining minigame.
                For example mixing records with a friend would save the location and layout of their base into your game and you would be able to battle the team they had at the time once every day.
                On top of that secret bases could come in a 5 different themes that had 24 different layouts. In gen 4 you're stuck with the same theme and layout regardless of where you make it.

                It was a major downgrade like many other things that came across into gen 4.

                yes there are downgrades but there are also upgrades and sidegrades. The overall point is that dp has more/better content than rs. Base enthusiasm aside, when you factor in stuff like online and the tremendous amount of value it added there's no comparison

              • 11 months ago

                Spiritomb is a good Pokemon but the requirements too unlock it can go frick itself

              • 11 months ago

                >but there are also upgrades and sidegrades.
                Not really, it's pretty much just a strict downgrade because there's nothing to replace those lost customization options and gameplay. Sure there's mining and capture the flag but the novelty wears off after the first time and there's almost no reason to do them again because there are no rewards that you can't obtain elsewhere other than the fossils and once you have one of each that's it, you can just breed and bypass the rng of finding more.
                >when you factor in stuff like online and the tremendous amount of value it added there's no comparison
                No, not at all.
                Ignoring the mechanical downgrades DP only has
                >contests/poffin mixing
                catching every unown just to increase the encounter rate for hippopotas
                >The battle tower
                And that's about it

                RS had
                >Contests/filling out the museum/Berry blending
                >bases/friend battles
                >trick house
                >battle tower

              • 11 months ago

                >you could do the same in dp
                That's the thing, the removed a hell of a lot of things that made bases unique and replaced it with the mining minigame.
                For example mixing records with a friend would save the location and layout of their base into your game and you would be able to battle the team they had at the time once every day.
                On top of that secret bases could come in a 5 different themes that had 24 different layouts. In gen 4 you're stuck with the same theme and layout regardless of where you make it.

                It was a major downgrade like many other things that came across into gen 4.

          • 11 months ago

            It's the best still now tho. Too bad you didn't play it and just talking shit.

          • 11 months ago

            Game freak needs to stop doing so many games a year and focus on Making a really high quality game instead. Imagine if a Pokémon game had the same budget or time of TotK?

            • 11 months ago

              >Anon just discovered the truth

          • 11 months ago

            My man we don't live in 2013 anymore , pokemon black and white is good and only KANTOO tards shit on it because they couldn't use gen 1 mons
            >but muh trashbags and icecreams
            Over exaggerated statements made by shitty youtubers back then with rancid microphone quality that wanted to shit on the "new bad thing" and get views without thinking , it caught on globally and gen 5 became synonymous with that shit until game freak shit the bed with sword/shield , Now we have buggy disasters for games and the kantotards are 100% to blame for that

            • 11 months ago

              Garbage and icecream mons were kino. I don't know why people dislike them so much.

              • 11 months ago

                Ill argue for garbo but the ice cream is actually a bad design.

              • 11 months ago

                How? Only thing bad about it is that its stats suck. I don't know how people can shit on ice cream when voltorb exists

              • 11 months ago

                Voltorb works as a mimic enemy
                Ice cream is unsalvageable

                Regardless, I'll always defend gen 5 because it has muh waifu on it.

              • 11 months ago

                have sex

              • 11 months ago

                how do i frick a flower

              • 11 months ago

                For me personally? Its because once it hits pic related it just becomes a shit version of Weezing (design wise, not stat/gameplay wise)

              • 11 months ago

                Garbage was, icecream was trash

            • 11 months ago

              >they filter (you)
              >nothing personal kid

              • 11 months ago

                >unovatards unironically defend this
                my only solace is that Turner is gone

              • 11 months ago

                >Turner is gone
                who's gonna tell him?

              • 11 months ago

                Tell me what?

              • 11 months ago

                is he really gone if he's still making designs for them?

              • 11 months ago

                SV was in development for 3 years. The designs he made in the game were obviously done before he left.

              • 11 months ago

                It was in development for 3 years and this shitty featureless open world was the best they could do?

              • 11 months ago

                3 years isn’t that long

              • 11 months ago

                I honestly like these, as well Klink and its evolutions. How are they any worse than Muk or Magnemite?

            • 11 months ago

              >pokemon black and white is good and only KANTOO tards shit on it because they couldn't use gen 1 mons
              no it wasn't. the dex was and always will be trash
              >but I love the trashbags and icecreams
              nobody cares about your shit taste Black person

          • 11 months ago

            BW is definitely the best initial release of the entire series, since most other games were improved tremendously by third versions. Maybe GS come close. And BW2 are definitely the best in the series, with only HGSS coming close. And I say this as a Hoennbabby

        • 11 months ago

          >BW and BW2
          lol absolutely not. dumbed down linearised dogshit. every single game before gen v is better than anything in muttnova. HGSS mogs them hard.

          • 11 months ago

            BW2 looks ten times better than HGSS dumbass

    • 11 months ago

      PLA already happened.

      • 11 months ago

        He said good not mediocre

  12. 11 months ago



    • 11 months ago
  13. 11 months ago

    The first thing I ever did that was pokemon related in years was watch this 25th anniversary movie that was on either Netflix or Prime or something. One point in the movie, Ash got upset with Charmander and then wished he never had pokemon because he got his shit rocked in a battle. This little ghost fricker made Ash dream of a world without pokemon and it had a bunch of depressing tone and muted colors. The people were nice but everyone just seemed so miserable.
    I noticed second later that they were just in modern real world Japan.
    What did Nintendo mean with this?

    • 11 months ago

      real bros will slav squat with you, no matter what

  14. 11 months ago

    it was funny for a while but i can't laugh at pokégays anymore. i moved past that and now only pity them

  15. 11 months ago

    Pokémon would benefit more from being area based rather than completely open world

  16. 11 months ago

    Gen 7 were the last good games. I can’t fathom how badly Gamefreak dropped the ball on the Switch games. All of my Pokemon friends still eat up this slop and are good little paypigs that buy Pokemon Home and the DLC and shit. I only play Rom Hacks anymore because somehow an AAA dev team with a billion dollar IP gets mogged by dudes in their basement messing with 3rd generation games. I refuse to give these incompetent homies a single red cent.

    • 11 months ago

      gen 7 games were not good. I suspect this is a pasta and meant to elicit responses, but just in case, no. Pokemon has only ever had 2 sets of good games, those being black/white and black 2/white 2.

      • 11 months ago

        >Pokemon has only ever had 2 sets of good games, those being black/white and black 2/white 2
        God, I hate unovagays so much

        • 11 months ago

          You gotta fricking understand this, man.
          Unova games are the only ones that
          - had a fully new pokedex after the first games
          - didn't have a horrible level curve because of how XP worked
          - had the appropriate graphical fidelity for the system it ran on and looked good
          - wasn't a slow slog because of naïve programming
          - had seasons
          - had GTS negotiations, WFC shopping street, entralink, dream world, event cards that ACTUALLY RELEASED IN THE WEST; easily the best online features
          - still had HMs but most weren't required; perfect balance
          - had dynamic environments like Castille City or Lacunosa Town
          - had a hard/easy mode option
          - had good looking water

          And they were the last games that
          - had post-game that wasn't just portal legendaries from other games
          - had a battle system and a competitive scene that wasn't completely fricked by a single-gen gimmick
          - had sprite art (and fully animated at that)
          - had in-game content for events
          - had a region that wasn't a literal tourist guide

          If you think of when the series had ever been better in any way, HGSS had following pokemon and XY had trainer cosmetics. There's no way in hell you played these games and didn't think it was pokemon at its best.

          >muh trubbish

          • 11 months ago

            >had a fully new pokedex after the first games
            and? it doesn't matter that it had 100+ pokemons when they are mostly shit

            • 11 months ago

              It's better than having a pokedex of 150 where 100 of them are old AND shit.

          • 11 months ago

            > - didn't have a horrible level curve
            Stopped reading there. Unovashills are the biggest morons in the fanbase.

            • 11 months ago

              This would happen in any Pokemon game if you used only one Pokemon. I'm not sure what your argument is. All the games are unbalanced as shit but Unova is the most balanced if you actually try to play the game the way you're encouraged to play it by the anime and the games themselves.

          • 11 months ago

            I dont want them to remake 5th gen games, they are going to fricking ruining them wit just another faithful chibi excuse of a remakes and souless models with lack of animations....

            • 11 months ago

              So just like the originals?

              • 11 months ago

                >So it's made redundant by games i already own?

          • 11 months ago

            >wasn’t fricked by a single gimmick
            weather wars was in full swing in gen 5

            • 11 months ago

              It wasn't megas or gigantamax or whatever homosexual bullshit they'll have for power creep in the current gen. Weather was introduced in Gen 3 and wasn't abandoned literally the next gen.

            • 11 months ago

              This would not affect you in a normal gameplay moron, whereas newer games would constantly shove the special new gimmick button in your face

              • 11 months ago

                That guy was the one who was using gen 5 competitive scene as a positive for Unova when it’s known to be a shitshow

            • 11 months ago

              by the end it was pretty varied. Dragmag and stall didn't give a frick about weather

            • 11 months ago

              Why do people hate the weather wars so much?

              • 11 months ago

                It's just yawngay looking for a negative.
                I mean, as common as weather teams are it was still the most diverse online experience in any pokemon game to date because each weather type was viable except hail because ice sucks.

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah I'm getting the feeling it's just one schizo and casuals mostly. As a competitive Pokemon player, I don't get how you could hate the Weather Wars enough to consider Gen 5 the WORST competitive generation.

              • 11 months ago

                Go on /vp/ every once in a while, he's Eric but for gen 5 and gen 6 is his PlayStation.

            • 11 months ago

              weather wars era was the most fun to teambuild with

          • 11 months ago

            gen5 homosexuals are the fricking worst and will outright lie about stuff like you have with half of your gay little list. I can't wait for world war 3 so you zoomers can get drafted and die in some eastern european field.

            • 11 months ago

              What's the better gen then?

            • 11 months ago

              >and will outright lie about stuff like you have with half of your gay little list
              What did he lie about?

              • 11 months ago

                > - didn't have a horrible level curve
                Stopped reading there. Unovashills are the biggest morons in the fanbase.

              • 11 months ago

                What does that have to do with anything exactly?
                Not a lot of information can be gleaned from that but I can assume that's elesa's gym in BW2 since its a level 32 Zebstrika while in 1 it was 30 if I remember right.
                If it is then it means you had to spend time grinding to get to that level since you can only find Sandile at level 14-17 at that point making the point about the level curve moot.

          • 11 months ago

            Gen 5 inspires endless seething from Ganker and /vp/. Seeing as they are always wrong about every single game, it stands to reason Gen 5 is actually the best of the franchise. Doing, and believing, the opposite of what this hellsite wants has always made me happiest.

          • 11 months ago

            I agree with all your points except the competitive scene.
            It was truly the game that gamefreak put the most effort into.

          • 11 months ago

            I remember hating Black/White on launch, and then hating it even more when they made Black 2/White 2 instead of one "Gray" version.
            In retrospect I was just butt mad about B/W because I was growing out of my Pokemon obsession, and B2/W2 is honestly warranted with how much it added.
            >had a fully new pokedex after the first games
            >wasn't a slow slog because of naïve programming
            >had seasons
            >had sprite art (and fully animated at that)
            Now it's my favorite gen for these reasons.
            I will say that it also started the series down the path of having too much story focus and overly linear regions, but everything it got right makes up for it in my eyes. The battles just feels so good and snappy, man.

            • 11 months ago

              >and B2/W2 is honestly warranted with how much it added.

        • 11 months ago

          Quite a few, pokemon at its core is still the same so fans can still get what they want out of it as a game. Not to mention as a game it's still one of the better monster tamers with one of the largest rosters not counting exact recolors since pokemon categorizes them as forms rather than separate pokemon
          which just goes to show how bad the genre actually is

          Sonic is perpetually changing often times for the worst so any fan that sticks with it is the living definition of a cuck in it to see their franchise be defiled
          Final Fantasy is unrecognizable becoming a full action game with next to no rpg elements on top of being mechanically simple for an action game. It's basically all flash right now.
          The Sony fanbase, the company does nothing but shit on their consumers and has changed audience targets multiple times now but they still stick with it for the prestige of owning a PlayStation.
          The Paper Mario fanbase, who are desperate for any reason to hate Miyamoto even though it was Tanabe who decided to frick over PM and they hate every other Mario rpg. this guy
          Genshin Impact players, who are perpetually butthurt about about Zelda and won't shut up about it instead of playing their own game. probably because even they find it unsatisfying.

        • 11 months ago

          UnovaCHADS are wienery, but it's not exactly unwarranted.

    • 11 months ago

      S/M sucked dick and the modern games suck because they inherited so much from that gen.

  17. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      they could make this
      they have the money and the technology
      they don't

      • 11 months ago

        Huh? You better not be talking about Rika, my beloved.

        • 11 months ago

          nah rika cute, I mean she is clearly part of it like penny but I also like penny
          the issue are all the blacks, the ugly fricking trainer designs, no skirts and type 1-2 garbage and non binary looking MC

          • 11 months ago

            Oh, you're probably talking about the twitter-Black folk claiming that she's trans?
            I just chalk that up to their collective mental illness and ignore it.
            >all the blacks
            In defense of Nintendo; we're in Spain, so that's to be expected.
            >ugly fricking trainer designs
            I fully agree with you on this one, the hikers are the worst offenders.
            >no skirts
   that you mention it, what the frick?
            >type 1-2 garbage and non binary looking MC
            Can be chalked up to Game Freak skipping corners and making the interactions for both male and female MCs the exact same.
            I was actually dreading my male MC to getting his nails done or some shit after the make-up gym.
            The 1-2 type garbage is going to be standard from now on, since it's a non-critical change that prevents Americans from screaming their heads off (which the marketing department says will bring in more sales).

            • 11 months ago

              Spaniards aren't fricking black. Not a single one of them.
              That's why it pisses me off, at least Alola made some sense being hawaii.
              I know it's gonna be the standard but it still fricking sucks. 0.1% of the population should never create change like this, they should have their garbage in niche games and entertainment, not mainstream

              • 11 months ago

                >0.1% of the population
                Africa would like a word.

              • 11 months ago

                read what comment I answered to, the standard thing was about non binary type 1-2 garbage
                still, even for blacks my argument stands, 13% of the population in white countries at most (USA) and like still 0.1% in Asian countries or even less
                minorities should never have a say in what mainstream entertainment does
                same with women btw, they are the minority of gamers, all games should be made for men
                niches can appear for minorities but they should stay niche
                jesus christ we built the fricking world and maintain its infrastructure and this is how they pay us

              • 11 months ago

                >the population in white countries
                White countries aren't the only customers though?
                >we built the fricking world
                Your ancestors did. They're not around anymore.
                >and maintain its infrastructure
                That's China.

              • 11 months ago

                no WE did, I'm fricking 63 youngblood, I helped build the internet as you know it

              • 11 months ago

                >I'm fricking 63
                Now the attitude makes sense!
                I'm glad you'll be dead and forgotten in 10 years 🙂

              • 11 months ago

                old people live longer and longer these days
                and if he does any exercise at all you'll have to deal with him 50 more years or more ^^

              • 11 months ago

                >old people live longer and longer these days
                I've heard this argument many, many times from people who have since passed away.
                You will leave this world a better place when you die. Not because of your contributions during your time alive, but because of your absence.

              • 11 months ago

                I'm looking forward to humanity's downfall and Earth's inevitable destruction from our mistakes left behind unattended to once the boomers die out and we're left with generations of clueless idiots that know nothing about running countries, specifically because the boomers taught them the wrong way on purpose out of spite.

              • 11 months ago

                I've got bad news for you, anon: we're on the verge of leaving this floating rock for good.
                Once the first colony has been settled, there will be no stopping the human plague from spreading to every edge of the universe.

              • 11 months ago

                But black NPCs have been standard in every new region since Unova.

              • 11 months ago

                there are way too fricking many , I have never seen a single black teacher in my entire life in Spain, this game has 2 black teachers alone, among all the other random blacks

              • 11 months ago

                yes, because shitnova is moron-proofed nugen garbage that started the downfall

      • 11 months ago

        they can but they won't because that would have to be the new bar to pass, they are deliberately regression so expectations will never get out of hand again

      • 11 months ago

        It wasn't even gamefreak who made BDSP lmalo

  18. 11 months ago

    Nope. They deserve all the mockery.

  19. 11 months ago

    The only pokemon gamse I ever played were red and blue way back when they first released. I just discored picrel a few days ago and I haven't been able to put it down. Its perfect and everything I wanted a pokemon game to be when I was a kid.

    • 11 months ago

      I've been playing that a fair bit recently, but I keep making new characters and starting over with different teams. I think I've only even beat the elite four twice. Johto coming this month, assuming their "10 days" gets tripled like every other time frame.

  20. 11 months ago

    >Is there any fanbase that deserves to be laughed at more than Pokemon's?
    No. At best, they should be laughed at to the same degree because they're all equally bad.

  21. 11 months ago

    kek, but also sad. Somehow Gamefreak always managed to surprise, just not in a positive way.

  22. 11 months ago

    sonic is close but pokemon deserves it more.

  23. 11 months ago

    Yes, the cucked germanics and their goblins

  24. 11 months ago

    I can't stomach any pokemon after 3rd gen.
    I haven't played any game in more than 15 years and now I'm emerald first time (had sapphire back then) and I'm having a lot of fun.

    • 11 months ago

      They are all the same game

      • 11 months ago

        You mean every pokemon generation is the same game 20 times over? Yeah.
        The only thing worth saving for me are the monsters and the feeling of adventure. And I don't like the newer ones, I stopped after black 2. The later games just don't do it for me.
        If you point it towards nostalgia, I honestly don't really care to debate it.

  25. 11 months ago

    The majority of gamers are mobile gamers and they deserve to be laughed at.

  26. 11 months ago

    I'm not a
    homosexual, so I don't really give a shit.
    Like bro I still play my NES on RF because I haven't gotten around to modding a composite port into it.

    • 11 months ago

      It's not just graphics, the games perform like shit in spite of low fidelity, the artstyle is sterile and boring, the character design is awful, the writing is even worse, and the game play doesn't change at all other than inclusion of broken mechanics like Z moves, mega evolution, and ultramaxing that get abandoned after a generation or two.

    • 11 months ago

      I'm not a graphicsgays either, but if the game has a framerate marginally better than powerpoint and bugs out the ass, we have a problem.

  27. 11 months ago

    Sonic's. Pokémon is Sonic but like 15 years behind.

  28. 11 months ago

    There's no such thing as a good pokemon game
    it's all the same gay shit
    go play a real jrpg instead of paper scissors rock

  29. 11 months ago

    I still remeber how everyone lose their minds at "le epic botw looking at the distance for first time" meme legends arceus featured on its reveal, just to be scammed by another GF slop kek

    • 11 months ago

      I just remember the 2 fps Chingling from the reveal and how it still looked like that on release

    • 11 months ago

      PLA was more fun than the newer gens at least and had at least a little style.

      • 11 months ago

        if only the whole fan base would acknowledge that fact ):

  30. 11 months ago

    it's pretty amazing how pokemon/gamefreak stumbled into an absolutely golden formula but has made very little progress beyond it and even has some major regressions. Graphics aside, there are so many options that should be in the game by now. Multiple trainer styles (trainer vs coordinator), party (human) forming, fricking difficulty setting not implemented in the most moronic way possible, title defenses, etc. It's crazy how lazy and unambitious the series is and even when it "tries" to step into current year it's filled with glitches and dumb bullshit

  31. 11 months ago

    Daily reminder, this is the exact moment when pokemon died

    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        The remakes of Ruby and Sapphire didn’t have the Battle Frontier which was the most iconic addition from Emerald. The reasoning behind this is that the Battle Frontier wasn’t worth the time adding it when kids nowadays will just stop playing if they encounter something too difficult and go play something on their smartphones instead.

        • 11 months ago

          >mfw he's right
          I hate this stupid fricking rock

    • 11 months ago

      And people thought the game would get dlc or a third version

    • 11 months ago

      Every single time

    • 11 months ago

      It definitely was for me. I suppose I’m thankful that it at least woke me up to how trash these games were becoming.

    • 11 months ago

      I remember people posting leaks way back. God was that a disaster.

    • 11 months ago

      that was the blow that staggered it for me. For me, the finishing blow was during SwSh's E3 presentation

    • 11 months ago

      I think the worst part about it, is having that little area is just a giant middle finger. Like I think the remakes would have gotten less hate if they just didn't have the area at all and never mentioned the battle frontier. also I'd imagine programming a battle frontier wouldn't be that fricking hard

  32. 11 months ago

    Why DO the GB remakes on Switch look so much higher effort than the DS remakes?

    • 11 months ago

      because they were even if they werent high effort themself

  33. 11 months ago

    I gave up on Pokemon after gen 4. I thought it was just me getting older and having nostalgia bias, but damn the games really did get shittier with time. Gen 5 seemed alright, console Pokemon was a mistake

  34. 11 months ago

    I liked the let’s go games
    I played them and knew they weren’t remakes going in and knew they weren’t when I started and can confirm they aren’t supposed to be after hundreds of hours
    Where did the remake thing come from? Do fake fans and spite fans suffer brain rot or something

  35. 11 months ago

    S/V were the best games in like a decade.
    Every children in the 90s who were playing Pokemon Red/Blue were dreaming of a game like that for the future of the series.

    A game like that with way better graphics and no technical issue, true, but a game like that anyway. It's a first akward and incompetent step but it's a first step. At least we have overworld encounters and overworld battles in an open environment. The new formula is finally here. We just need to wait for it to improve.

    I'm not a blind fanboy, if Gen 10 looks as bad as Gen 9 I'll clearly be done with Pokemon. But Gen9 was the biggest technological leap the series has ever done.

    • 11 months ago

      >It's a first akward and incompetent step but it's a first step. At least we have overworld encounters and overworld battles in an open environment. The new formula is finally here. We just need to wait for it to improve.
      You are honestly pathetic.

    • 11 months ago

      >It's a first akward and incompetent step but it's a first step.
      stop with this cope you fricking Black person
      people said the same thing about XY and look where we are now

    • 11 months ago

      "A step in the right direction". Every single time folks.

    • 11 months ago

      From the deepest parts of my heart, frick you with the apolgism. S/V was a middle finger towards pokemon fans, proving that fans will buy any fricking swill. I don't even blame Game Freak for this, clearly they don't need to change a damn thing.

      Meanwhile, I've seen pokemon eroded over the years. When I was in middle school and high school I was a diehard pokemon competitive fan, but even I had enough of Game Freak screwing me in the ass with it's stupid decisions and hostility towards the franchise that I'm done with them. How can you frick a game up this badly when your franchise is the biggest video game one in the world? All that money can't seem to buy a damn ounce of talent. I don't like TotK/BotW, but there is more care put into every inch of those games. Odessy has more soul crammed into an entire level than the entirety of SwSh and SV.

  36. 11 months ago

    I dropped pokemon, but I'm still need in the need of fill the gap it left (but I have no regrets, frick gamefreak), recommend me something as an alternative

    • 11 months ago

      Pokemon Infinite Fusion.

      • 11 months ago

        Honestly, just play pokemon.
        Nothing fills the same niche it does and I say this as someone who loves monster tamers.

        >the alternative is to play more pokemon
        well, I'm fricked....

        • 11 months ago

          Pokemon is such a unique monster tamer but it's stuck with some of the most incompetent developers ever.

        • 11 months ago

          I guess Palworld is supposed to come out next January.

    • 11 months ago

      Honestly, just play pokemon.
      Nothing fills the same niche it does and I say this as someone who loves monster tamers.

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      just play the old ones. get the black trainer cards. beat the battle frontiers.
      after youve done that, download romhacks like clover.
      look up more using google or something.
      accept it. nothing can or will ever be able to replace pokemon. nothing will drill down into your heart like it does.
      i think it might be the music. pokemon literally has the best osts in the business of vidya anyway. heh that could be my nostalgia talking. anyway, ynbaw get fricked, Black personman, etc.

    • 11 months ago

      You're gonna have to go to /d/ and pick up some slave trade simulators, sadly. It was the only thing that worked for me.

    • 11 months ago

      Unironically Persona replaced pokemon for me. Wish I got into this series sooner. Obviously it doesn't have the same sort of catching mechanics as Pokemon though. Just fusing and recruiting new personas.

    • 11 months ago

      Romhacks, I just beat Pokemon Crystal Clear 13 badges, elite 4 and the 251 Pokemon

    • 11 months ago

      Clover's the closest I've come to enjoying pokemon post-gen 5

    • 11 months ago

      dragon quest

    • 11 months ago

      Touhou Puppet Dance Performance

    • 11 months ago

      Just play Pokemon if you're not willing to deal with stuff that's drastically different.

      >Digimon's there if you want something different due to its evolution system, the World games, and it being all over the place with everything.
      >Yokai Watch is there if you want to see what the direct competition was like a few years ago. If you don't like random chance to befriend your teammates when you beat them you're not gonna like it. You also need to like the designs because it's a real mixed bag.
      Ni no Kuni 1 (The second is a Tales of clone) does the same thing.
      >Nexomon is there if you want a story that has a mascot that breaks the fourth wall and feels like a mix of a mobile game and a real game trying to ape the Pokemon style with its own flair.
      The designs feel like a mix of Neopets, DeviantArt, and some flash game. It's like if I someone made a flash game of a Pokemon knockoff but actually invested money into it. This is the best way I can describe it.
      >Coromon is there if you want some fantastic sprites and a mix of Pokemon and something unique.
      >TemTem is there if you hate yourself, want extremely awful designs, want a bad overworld, and want double battles forced at the same time.
      >Disc Creatures is there if you want something akin to a GB Pokemon game but more basic.
      >Monster Crown is there if you want what feels like a knockoff at times.
      >Monster Sanctuary is there if you want a platformer mixed with a monster collector and DoT attacks being the main way to play the game.
      >Cassette Beasts is if you want Infinite Fusion but not Pokemon.
      >Telefang (Aka Pokemon Diamond/Quartz if you grew up with those bootlegs) is quite interesting and also has GBA games, but if you don't like beating an enemy multiple times until you randomly recruit them you won't like it. It's also somewhat grind heavy.
      There's also a proper translation patch after years of those bootlegs for the first games, don't know about the GBA ones.

      That's all the ones I know of/played.

  37. 11 months ago

    WoW's fanbase
    At least pokegays dont pay a monthly subscription to get shit on.

    • 11 months ago

      Instead they pay yearly for keeping their Pokemon locked up in Home

      • 11 months ago

        Except home can be used for free.

  38. 11 months ago

    I haven’t played a single Pokémon game since Red when I was a kid but I go in every single Pokémon thread on Ganker (that isn’t just coomerbait) because the perpetual suffering of you guys is more entertaining than most things.

    • 11 months ago
  39. 11 months ago

    >crystal onyx
    Man, I remember that thing.
    I always thought you'd be able to get one in Pokemon Crystal and looked for it everywhere, with my dumbass friends telling me it's in some remote bullshit cave hidden.

  40. 11 months ago

    >haven't bought or played a Pokémon game in 5 years
    It hurts that I loved it so much once upon a time. Now I can't even go back to play the older titles without experiencing a nostalgic pain, that as a younger man I wondered about the future potential of Pokémon games and the extent of the games' scope with newer technology.
    The dissapointment my younger self feels towards the franchise is indescribable.

  41. 11 months ago

    I feel like most pokemon fans grew out of pokemon and maybe they're frustrated that the series hasn't really evolved very much. I stopped playing them around gen 3 or 4 and came back for PLA and SV and had a decent time. But also most of them act like miserable homosexuals whenever the game is discussed and buy every single release anyway, which makes it hard for me to take them seriously.
    I've seen guys try and argue that the shiny jingle in PLA shouldn't have been put back in SV because it 'made shiny hunting so easy even my 2 year old cousin could do it', as if it was some sort of task that required skill, you know you're dealing with some EGO deathed 30 year old when he's saying something in a game for children is so easy a child could do it.

    • 11 months ago

      It's like pokemon is the only game you can grow out of

      • 11 months ago

        Eh, not really you can definitely grow out of other games like GTA for instance.

      • 11 months ago

        I grew out of mortal kombat, which is a shame because the new one actually looks like a fighting game and not total dogshit, but the gore has gotten to the point where it's comically obscene. The concept can apply to a lot of things. But I don't buy every single mortal kombat game and then b***h about it, that concept seems to be pretty universally a pokemon thing; or at least the most notable example of it, given that the franchise is more popular than god.

        • 11 months ago

          >that concept seems to be pretty universally a pokemon thing
          Bold of you to assume that the people who buy them hate it.
          I mean, look at the guy who's shitting on gen 5. He doesn't know a thing about it.

          • 11 months ago

            I've got a buddy who does play every pokemon release. Difference is he just pirates them. Still think even that's too much, just play something else, you know? Why invest the time if you're not going to like it?

  42. 11 months ago

    Is there a poster that deserves death more than wojaks?

  43. 11 months ago

    >20 years ago
    >Its pretty much the same game from the gameboy, 7/10

    >still the same game
    >Amazing 9.5/10!

    What the frick went wrong with games journalism

    • 11 months ago

      I remember that being how every Pokemon review going
      >it’s the same game with little changes and pretty low quality
      >it’s just a rehash of the previous versions with very few additions

    • 11 months ago

      Pokemon games have been scoring lower and lower nowadays but you do raise an important point.
      Journalists have been giving higher and higher scores to games that don't deserve it, notably with AAA games, because they want the bribes from big gaming companies or they've already been bribed.

      You can tell which companies don't because they'll regularly get moderate scores of 70 to 80 and more criticism flung their way.

    • 11 months ago

      you'e not talking about pokemon are you? because
      >game from 20 years ago has an 82 score
      >game from now has 72 score

  44. 11 months ago

    Yes, I felt like a giant idiot for getting Yellow after already having played Red. This franchise is so fricking scummy.

  45. 11 months ago

    Why did she have to be trapped in S/V bros...

    • 11 months ago

      She'll get to be trapped in Masters in due time too now that they've rolled out Nemona, at least.

      • 11 months ago

        If nothing else I'm looking forward to what new lines they'll give Rika

  46. 11 months ago

    I really don't get how fans are ok with this

    • 11 months ago

      I played a ton of N64 games but i don't remeber this one, can i get QRD?

      • 11 months ago

        no joke those fence textures look out of an N64 game

    • 11 months ago

      Amazing isn’t it

      I just wanna go back bros....

      Me too, bro…

      • 11 months ago

        I bursted out laughing at this scene. Absolutely embarassing.

      • 11 months ago

        That’s an insult to the PS2

    • 11 months ago

      the "fans" arent just okay with this
      they also go to extreme dicksucking lengths to defend and justify their purchases
      truly the worst fanbase in the gaming community

  47. 11 months ago

    homosexual manchildren will always buy these games. They even bought Violet and Scarlet despite the fact that those games barely ran at all. They don't care.

  48. 11 months ago

    I just wanna go back bros....

    • 11 months ago


  49. 11 months ago

    The fact that drones went out of their way to defend SwSh, BDSP, and SV makes me think they deserve worse.

  50. 11 months ago

    thinking about getting coromon. worth it or not?

    • 11 months ago


  51. 11 months ago

    Yeah plenty, basically anyone who binges Netflix originals. Pokémon fans enjoy a shitty game series for children that was once great. Pity maybe, not laugh.

  52. 11 months ago

    Reminder that TPC/Gamefreak/whoever decided that the best person to develop a mainline entry in the world's biggest franchise was a company that had never developed a game before.
    ILCA just did CGI and "supported" development, whatever that entails.

    • 11 months ago

      It's pretty obvious they were given 0 budget, they had some ambitious ideas for how to develop the remake and clearly had to fall back on a "faithful" 1:1 recreation to cut costs.

  53. 11 months ago

    LGPE was good though

    • 11 months ago


  54. 11 months ago

    someone got access got an exclusive Japanese site that reviews how good companies are to work for
    amongst other thing it confirm that the general vibe at gamefreak is a hunch of jaded boomers raking in low effort paychecks because "dont care it will sell anyway"

    • 11 months ago

      Next you're gonna tell me the sky is blue.

    • 11 months ago

      GF is a literal dream job for anyone who just want a paycheck. They work 8 hours a day and there's little crunch time. They find ways to do as little as possible and if shits not ready who gives a shit people gonna buy it anyway.

      • 11 months ago

        Yep, it's the stuff of legends in a society as overworked and crunched as Japan, never mind that new hires get it even easier with simple grunt work because the old guard rarely allows new blood to do anything big.

  55. 11 months ago

    Will Pokemon ever fail? Is it even possible for a mainline title to not sell millions in its first week?

  56. 11 months ago

    Gacha/genshin fanbases are worse

  57. 11 months ago

    B&W > RSE > DPP > HGSS > FRLG

    • 11 months ago


  58. 11 months ago

    Why is gen 5 so acclaimed nowadays?

    • 11 months ago

      Zoomers grew up

    • 11 months ago

      retrospect and GameFreak getting shittier over time.
      X and Y was to true signal to dip and anyone that stayed deserves it.

      • 11 months ago

        THis, especially when they announced they were dropping Megas, which in concept are great by helping inject life into old mons

        • 11 months ago

          megas were always a shit concept only solidified when they started giving them to shit that was already good. They already figured out how to inject life into old mons by giving them new abilities or moves. Hell by that time they had even already started changing stats and types. Megas were just a dumb gimmick

          • 11 months ago

            Wrong. Megas were a step in the right direction, especially for shit that could never be fixed like Audino and Sableye. Accept Megas into your heart you homosexual.
            Youre right about them being morons and giving them to mons that were already good tho.

            • 11 months ago

              >especially for shit that could never be fixed like Audino and Sableye
              How about just giving them a new evolution? Your argument would’ve maybe worked better if you picked a weak Pokemon that’s already a 3 stage evolution

              • 11 months ago

                because I dont want a retread of Rhyperior, Magnezone, Magmortar, Electivire, ect
                Mons that ruin the design of the prior evos
                Thats not to say that they havent done effective evos for other pokemon, ala Mismagius, Slowking, and Honchkrow, but why risk it?
                Megas are an optional thing that still boost the effectiveness of unused or poor pokemon without ruining what designs they have.

              • 11 months ago

                How do megas not ruin designs anymore than crossgen evos? Just because you can look at your non-mega form Pokemon when it’s not in battle? Because otherwise there are plenty of megas that look worse than the non-mega form (Mewtwo, Alakazam, Salamence, Glalie, Lati@s, Gengar, Scizor, Garchomp, Manectric, Aerodactyl)

              • 11 months ago

                >How do megas not ruin designs anymore than crossgen evos?
                Because they're temporary you moron. You get to keep both also mega glalie is shit.

              • 11 months ago

                Correct, megas were a mistake.

              • 11 months ago

                >How about just giving them a new evolution?
                Better people than you have tried that argument. The whole reason megas were made was the poor reception to the gen 4 pokemon because they were so disliked by the masses due to the fact that they lost their favorite mon. As someone who liked dusclops and has to deal with dusknoir's ugly bucket head I understand the pain.
                It's also why they're skirting around real cross gen evos with them only just coming back now in Arceus and SV with the only minor misstep in both games being Kingambit purely due to how it moves

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah I'm not a fan of Kingambit. I'm glad my boy Bisharp gets some love but Kingambit sucks.

              • 11 months ago

                even if you don't like the evolutions you can still use stuff like evolite. It's just a buff all around

              • 11 months ago

                Pretty much. Meanwhile when a Pokemon gets a mega the regular form is still just as useless as before

              • 11 months ago

                >they lost their favorite mon
                That doesn't make any sense, or these people are beyond autistic, just don't evolve your favorite pokemon?

              • 11 months ago

                That's like saying Kingdom Hearts ended at 2 because 3 sucked
                It doesn't work that way

              • 11 months ago

                What? That's not even comparable

              • 11 months ago

                You probably think so because you''re a filthy normalgay

    • 11 months ago

      zoomers that grew up on it are now experiencing nostlagia. also gen 6 onwards is such a low hanging fruit that they felt confident in defending their favorite gen

      >What is the point of hiring these concept artists when the game looks nothing like this?
      I assume this is the DP artbook, for the original games. Even if it won't end up looking like this because you're making a game on a DS, it still makes sense to have pictures that convey the sense of atmosphere and style you're going for to pixel artists and 3D modellers, these illustrations could also be used for promotion. Gens 4 through 7 looked quite soulful because of this, even if they weren't technically impressive.

      I'm pretty sure that's the BDSP one but I could be wrong

  59. 11 months ago

    >b***h moan and cry
    >games do the best they've ever did
    They deserve it.

  60. 11 months ago

    >i wonder who this james turner person is that everyone is so mad about
    Dear fricking lord

    • 11 months ago

      Phantump and Dondozo are good

    • 11 months ago

      Only bad designs imo are the gigantamax forms, specially Gigantamax Gengar

    • 11 months ago

      these are pretty good all things considered

    • 11 months ago

      Golett, Golurk, Phantump, Trevenant and Buzzwole are all great. I don't mind Centiskorch, Guzzlord or Naganadel. Still less than a third of his work, though.

    • 11 months ago

      The only bad ones are Bruxish which he didn't even design to begin with and the tea.

    • 11 months ago

      I like Golurk, the cannon form and learning Fly is just a bonus.

    • 11 months ago

      >made the Golurk and Trevenant lines
      can't say he gave us nothing

    • 11 months ago

      Beyond Wailord 2 his biggest achievements are X pokemon but black

    • 11 months ago

      only dislike the diaper bird, and the gay fish

    • 11 months ago

      Love me Shad Lugi, Golurk and Mandibuzz, everyone else is eh.

    • 11 months ago

      Buzzwole is such a rad fricking design for literally anything else but an absolutely atrocious Pokemon design. It feels like such a waste.

      • 11 months ago

        That's the point moron, they're from a different dimension

    • 11 months ago

      Golett, Golurk, Buzzwole, Linoone and Zigzagoon are based, the others are shit

    • 11 months ago

      Every single pokemon here is utter fricking garbage. If you defend any of them you are the problem.

    • 11 months ago

      >TPCi is created
      >Black folk instantly everywhere
      >ugly pokemon made by westerners based on Black folk, sharting birds, israeli golems, and food
      >map dumbed down into a linear hallway
      gen 5 was a mistake

      • 11 months ago

        >>TPCi is created
        instantly everywhere
        Except TPCi existed as Pokémon USA Inc and was formed in 2001, you moron

      • 11 months ago

        >map dumbed down into a linear hallway
        That’s because moronic japanese kids got lost in Mt Coronet

      • 11 months ago

        Unovagays just beat the game and never come back to play it. Unova is horrible to train pokemon because the morons locked berries that reduce IVs to the dead dream world servers... Why nobody ever complained about it? Because everyone just hack them. Still is a terrible game for a postgame.

      • 11 months ago

        you was a mistake gen 5 didn't gatekeep pokemon behind dlc paywalls ya deadbeat loser

    • 11 months ago

      >golurk has to be attached to all these fricking horrible desings


  61. 11 months ago

    Mofos defending the last 2 gens deserve the slop they slurp up

  62. 11 months ago

    No matter how much I pirate their games, they keep making them shit.

  63. 11 months ago

    It's called a remaster for modern hardware and I say this as someone who doesn't care

    • 11 months ago

      >It's called a remaster for modern hardware
      A remaster is just a port.

  64. 11 months ago

    This thread was fun, but i have to leave, thank for making my day less shitty...

    • 11 months ago

      Have a lovely day, anon.
      Good luck with whatever it is you're going to do!

  65. 11 months ago

    I can look past Garbagor and Vanilluxe just because Unova is that good, these two mons are benchwarmers anyways

  66. 11 months ago

    The only good pokemon games
    Yellow and sun n moon

    • 11 months ago

      >sun n moon
      you mean ultra sun and moon, right?
      ...right? anon?

      • 11 months ago

        I always call them sun n moon too

  67. 11 months ago

    Honestly because Sword and Shield I was indifferent, it's just the same consoomer bullshit as FIFA or CoD. S/S was the first time they released a mainline game outright broken, it's a new low and I hope they keep plumbing the depths so morons stupid enough to buy it continue to suffer, like moronic Blizzdrones getting shit in the mouth and asking for more.

    • 11 months ago


  68. 11 months ago

    It saves money and generates profits
    Get fricked commies

  69. 11 months ago

    I am playing shining pearl atm and I'm having fun
    I do think it's shit that it looks worse than fricking let's go p/e
    But I like how the underground is, and how you can get lots of unique pokemon now early.

    • 11 months ago

      >and how you can get lots of unique pokemon now early.
      Cute, now play literally any goddamn romhack released in the past 20 years

      • 11 months ago

        I don't play romhacks, I don't know ow what you mean!
        Gen 4 has shit variety and this is just a bandaid fix, I know! But I'm still having fun!! I diggy dig the walls yahooooo!!!!

  70. 11 months ago

    I don't really get the point of making a pokemon and evolution, off the tail of making regional variants, but explicitly stating that these look alike are NOT regional variants and infact totally separate pokemon with no relation to their original look alikes.
    Not a fricking thing is gained from this, no one would have cared if this was considered a dugtrio variant. For all intents and purposes, it is STILL a dugtrio variant.

    • 11 months ago

      Possibly to get around the questions like
      >why would a Dugtrio adapt itself to become a sea worm
      >why is it still called Dugtrio if it swims and doesn't dig

  71. 11 months ago

    >want a dunsparce evo my whole life
    >they make one
    >its two dunsparce glued together

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      I made a team revolving around a sweeping dunsparce for the battle frontier. He needed a mr. mime and gorebyss baton passing to prop him up, but I managed some pretty good wins with that team.

  72. 11 months ago

    how did this random game have more life to it’s areas

    • 11 months ago

      >Made by a team that actually cared.

  73. 11 months ago

    It''s fine to shit on the game themselves, but the people on here that foam at the mouth over every single new Pokemon design are unbelievably annoying.

  74. 11 months ago

    What video game franchise would be my ideal alternative to Pokemon?
    >Game without Fairies
    >game without magic
    >game without cute designs
    >franchise with nothing competitive
    > franchise impossible to see on Nintendo consoles
    >XBOX, Playstation, Sega Saturn or Dreamcast exclusive franchise

  75. 11 months ago

    Behold. Pokemon animations from 24 years ago and weap.

    • 11 months ago

      Can you make it a bit faster?
      I heard that's a big criticism of having actual animations and I want to see if it's bullshit, how fast can it be made before it starts to look fricked?

      • 11 months ago

        Stadium battles are already significantly faster than the modern games.

        • 11 months ago

          >Stadium battles are already significantly faster than the modern games.
          Slower anon, the word you're looking for is slower.

  76. 11 months ago

    I don't know why people like B&W so fricking much. Half the Pokemon are just rehashed designs/concepts from previous games

    • 11 months ago

      I mean it's easy to like because everything after is fricking terrible, so it wins the prize of "the last okay game" and that makes people compliment it more than it deserves.

  77. 11 months ago

    This was the peak of Pokémon, right here.

    • 11 months ago

      >I can’t believe they put Ash Ketchum in this game!

  78. 11 months ago

    >a dying mobile game has every Pokemon including alternate forms and fricking mega evolution
    >mainline can't even render mountains

    • 11 months ago

      GO won't truly die until it stops receiving whale money, which will never happen because it's effectively a Pokemon mobile game with indefinite content.

  79. 11 months ago

    Look at the Link's Awakening remake compared to whatever Gamefreak does.

    • 11 months ago

      This one was trash as well

      • 11 months ago

        source my ass

  80. 11 months ago

    >Bought Scarlet/Violet on release
    >Returned it the next day
    >mfw Reading the patch notes for the first major update which was announced the same day as the paid expansions
    I'll never forget how it effectively translated to
    >We don't know how to fix the game. We aren't planning on doing anything about it. Buy our DLC.
    Holy God the game is so fricking ugly and low effort, it looks like it could run flawlessly on a ten year old phone. Is Gamefreak moronic or are they just seeing how little they can do and still make bank? Not that I blame them. I mean why not exploit millions of dipshits with no standards? Square's been in the game for almost fifty years now.

    • 11 months ago

      >only bought the game because of a promotion on Targer's app
      Haven't even opened the game yet, just waiting for both DLCs because frick playing these games without them.

    • 11 months ago

      Dude, the patch made around the time of the DLC reveal had enormous notes and a large number of fixes. What part of it indicated that?

      • 11 months ago

        The part that said that they had no idea how to improve framerate in parts of the overworld as well as that tiny fricking city comprised of copy-pasted NPCs walking in circles, so their solution was to essentially using a live patch as a beta test by "reducing asset spawning" and hoping it worked. Bearing in mind this is on a console that can run games like Assassin's Creed Black Flag and The Witcher 3 comparatively well.
        In other words; they released a game that looks like DK64 twenty-three years after the fact, released it broken as frick evidently with zero testing, then didn't even bother to test the fixes but instead release them in the wild, pun intended, AND on the same day they announced PAID expansions.
        ANNOUNCING PAID EXPANSIONS FOR A BROKEN GAME THAT HAS ZERO EVIDENCE OF BEING FIXED, no alarms going off? Maybe it's the fanbase that's been mindbroken, moreso than the games.

        • 11 months ago

          They a ton of bugs in that exact update. You're looking at serebii's shitty translation that for some reason added "this will be fixed" to everything to find something to complain about rather than complaining about everything that wasn't fixed.
          I hate SV as much as the next guy but god damn are you desperate to shit on the game.

          • 11 months ago

            Those translations are taken almost 1:1 from the official notes on Nintendo's website.
            >We have addressed an issue that made the game prone to forcibly closing at certain locations. As a result of this fix, there may be fewer Pokémon and people displayed in certain towns or in the wild.
            >We will address an issue that can cause the game to forcibly close at certain locations. As a result of this fix, there may be a reduction of Pokémon and people displayed in certain towns or in the wild.
            Try to guess which is which.

            • 11 months ago

              >Those translations are taken almost 1:1 from the official notes on Nintendo's website.
              Almost 1 to 1? No. We didn't even need fan translations in the first place. Joe, as usual didn't care for accuracy and just wanted to be first.

            • 11 months ago

              >We will address an issue that can cause the game to forcibly close at certain locations. As a result of this fix,
              >We will address
              >As a result of this fix
              >both suggests the fix hadn't arrived but has
              Pretty obvious which one is the fan one.

              • 11 months ago

                I suppose you're right about the implication. The irony? It didn't actually address the issue and wasn't a fix, so the official notes were (at the time, anyway) a lie and it was in fact a trial effort for some of the most basic b***h coding in the medium disguised as a fix for something that should have, in the state of how pathetic the game is designed in concept even if everything worked flawlessly, should have never been broken.
                How can a game that has so little going on graphically even have so much wrong? That's what makes the whole mess so sad. Even if SV ran perfectly, no bug, glitches, perfect performance, etc... it would still cause eye cancer with how frickugly the artstyle and general design is. Bringing it all back around to that dumb fricking city in the middle of the world that has three NPC variants literally walking in loops. This is Gamefreak's endgame, and they couldn't even get it right, how little they attempted.

      • 11 months ago

        >I'll never forget how it effectively translated to
        >>We don't know how to fix the game. We aren't planning on doing anything about it. Buy our DLC.
        Anon, the game is bad enough. You don't have to lie there were a ton of bug fixes in that patch. So much so that I'd have to post it on chunks.

        He's probably hyper focusing on the weird "this will be fixed" wording when they were in fact fixed with the patch.

        Just out of curiosity, how's the framerate and general performance almost a year later? I was willing to play the game at some point if I caught in on sale, assuming it got fixed.
        All of the random bugs and shit are whatever to me, but the game running so awfully for how fricking ugly it is was where the line got drawn for me, and yes I was hyper-focused on that specifically, and the game's performance was the most ambiguous part of the patch notes and was phrased like Gamefreak genuinely has no clue what they're doing, so it made me laugh and forget about the game entirely until right now.

        • 11 months ago

          Better but still trash.

    • 11 months ago

      >I'll never forget how it effectively translated to
      >>We don't know how to fix the game. We aren't planning on doing anything about it. Buy our DLC.
      Anon, the game is bad enough. You don't have to lie there were a ton of bug fixes in that patch. So much so that I'd have to post it on chunks.

      • 11 months ago

        Dude, the patch made around the time of the DLC reveal had enormous notes and a large number of fixes. What part of it indicated that?

        He's probably hyper focusing on the weird "this will be fixed" wording when they were in fact fixed with the patch.

  81. 11 months ago

    No. It speaks volumes when romhacks are more innovative and less buggy than your core games. A literal chink rip off is looking better than what pokemon is today.

    • 11 months ago

      >. It speaks volumes when romhacks are more innovative
      Is there a single romhack that actually added anything innovative?

      • 11 months ago

        what do you consider "innovative?" Champion defenses? Trainers having rotating teams? Party forming features? Quests? Joining evil teams? There are a ton of romhacks and a ton of things they try to do

        • 11 months ago

          Ignoring how vague "party forming features" is this is the only one in your list that hasn't already been done in a pokemon game.
          >Joining evil teams?
          And technically pokemon colosseum's protag was an ex-evil team member.

          • 11 months ago

            I think there's a fundamental difference between "you're on or were on an evil team this story" vs you having the option to join an evil team or not. The party feature I'm thinking about is how you can get other characters to join you on your journey like the anime and they come with their own perks and whatnot

            • 11 months ago

              >I think there's a fundamental difference between "you're on or were on an evil team this story" vs you having the option to join an evil team or not
              The point is that it's not an innovative idea and even if you aren't actually on the evil team, you're still stealing pokemon.
              >The party feature I'm thinking about is how you can get other characters to join you on your journey like the anime and they come with their own perks and whatnot
              Okay so not original or innovative, gen 3 had the battle tower partner that was basically customizable, and gen 4 took that a step further by having overworld partners for certain sections of the game that would heal you after every battle if I remember right.

              Sure you can build upon them but that doesn't make them innovative.

  82. 11 months ago

    >New Pokémon gets released
    >Wait for Pokémon Showdown to get updated
    >Play the new ladder
    Simple as. It's still amazing to me how Pokémon simultaneously has the most braindead games with the some of the most complex turn based combat available.

    • 11 months ago

      Speaking of. When will they actually add the models for the rest of the new Pokemon? It’s been almost a year at this point.

  83. 11 months ago

    the kanto remake really was the last straw for me
    they litreally couldn't frick it up, yet they still somehow did

  84. 11 months ago

    The reason Pokemon sucks now is Capitalism. Their only incentive is profit and halfarsing Pokemon gives them the most profit. They're doing everything correctly according to Capitalism.

    If we were living under Communism we could petition the central planning body to increase funding to the Pokemon initiative.

    • 11 months ago

      if we were living under communism everyone would be starving because the smart people would have moved out to a different country

  85. 11 months ago

    If there is a fanbase that actually eats video game slop it's the pokemon one.

    • 11 months ago

      May I introduce you to the modern final fantasy fanbase?

      • 11 months ago

        Didn’t FF16 sell pretty poorly?

        • 11 months ago

          Eh, it sold well but underperformed by square's standards.
          In other words the fans are still buying it but casuals aren't interested

  86. 11 months ago


  87. 11 months ago

    bdsp looked fine and anyone who says otherwise is a contrarian homosexual

  88. 11 months ago

    Pokemon died upon transistion to 3D

  89. 11 months ago

    >this is what Unovamorons think is peak gameplay

    • 11 months ago

      don't all of the gym leaders have 3 mons and e4 members only have 4? pwt is also a neutered frontier without any difficulty or streaks made for nostalgiabait.
      muttnova was literally dumbed down for moronic apes.

      you was a mistake gen 5 didn't gatekeep pokemon behind dlc paywalls ya deadbeat loser

      >didn't gatekeep pokemon behind dlc paywalls
      who said anything about dlc paywalls? also what is dream radar, dumb Black person

      • 11 months ago

        you are not black also dream radar is better than gen 8 & 9

        • 11 months ago

          >you are not black
          yes, anyone that isn't a sub-80 IQ Black person doesn't like gen v.
          >also dream radar is better than gen 8 & 9
          i'm sure it is. still a paywall

    • 11 months ago

      as opposed to swsh "peak" gameplay than yeah unova is peak gameplay indeed anon (:

      • 11 months ago

        >gym leaders in SwSh can use up to 4 pokemon and dynamax for more damage
        >gym leaders in BW use only 3 at most
        Unova is pretty embarrassing now that you mention it.

        • 11 months ago

          skill issue + unova > trash galar + get better opinion

        • 11 months ago

          It's even more shameful in B2W2. Did you know that if you went out of your way to set up Challenge Mode for a new save, you'd technically be getting an EASIER experience overall?
          This is because NPC stats don't actually increase up to match their new levels and remain the same as normal mode's stats. This leaves them objectively underpowered despite giving more EXP to the player's Pokemon. Couple that with Gym Leaders having an additional Pokemon, and that means even more EXP for the player that makes them all the more powerful as the campaign progresses compared to normal mode.
          Ironically on the inverse side, Easy Mode doesn't have this problem. Due to the same coding frickup, NPC stats STILL reflect normal mode stats, so in actuality a Level 55 Pokemon has the substantial stats of a Level 59 Pokemon. You do actually get the EXP you'd receive for KOing a Pokemon's normal mode counterpart, but you'll get less prize money, so it ultimately means you'll have a HARDER TIME PLAYING EASY MODE than the intended harder difficulty for a little while.

          • 11 months ago

            Hard mode doesn’t work with Pokemon’s game design and it’s baffling to me people can’t see it. Pokemon haven’t been balanced around their in game performance for like 20 years, making the game harder just encourages people to use Pokemon like DD Gyarados to win, it’s not interesting

            • 11 months ago

              The desire for difficulty options is misplaced, they just want a more challenging experience without having to go out of their way to limit themselves, i.e. since SV removed the Set battle option, players looking for a Set battle experience have to decline switching out when prompted and to only switch Pokemon when the opponent's Pokemon is already out, effectively burning the extra turn you get when you knock out an opposing trainers Pokemon. They wouldn't have to do this if Set battling was just in the game like it usually is, Gamefreak are blatantly just asking fans to invent work arounds to the problems they invented and don't have the time, salary or willingness to fix.

      • 11 months ago

        At least Galar has gym leaders that use more than 3 Pokemon in the main story

        • 11 months ago

          me when I lie

    • 11 months ago

      what's that? I can't hear you over actually good fights

      • 11 months ago

        rock head aggron with rock smash and muscle band is so fricking evil i love it

  90. 11 months ago

    The problem is that they tried a more modern approach with Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire and they got shit for it, the fandom can't stop giving GameFreak mixed messages, they're moronic enough without having to deal with the autistic audience demanding that games be modern but not too modern.

  91. 11 months ago

    >Is there any fanbase that deserves to be laughed at more than Pokemon's?
    all of them, because the overwhelming majority of players will buy shit games and defend them (because you're not allowed to criticize what I like) and not ask questions or demand better no matter how bad a series gets.
    meanwhile the devs are all passionless hacks that wouldn't know inspiration or originality if it bit them on the ass

  92. 11 months ago

    I tried replaying emerald which is my favorite and god frick is it slow
    Tried fire red and same shit
    Only one I could bare replaying was SS
    Currently playing black randomized but still fricking boring
    Why cant I enjoy them frick

    • 11 months ago

      >Started up crystal last year
      >Wanted to Shiny Hunt Suicune and put off finishing for it
      >Can't bother to open the game at all now, not even to cheat and just finish it.
      >Partially Started Platinum but don't want to play until I've finished crystal and emerald
      >Same with White/White 2

      I wish I had the distractions I did playing these when I was younger. I just can't sit down with anything like I use to.

  93. 11 months ago

    Sonic, easily.

  94. 11 months ago

    pokehomosexuals deserve to be ridiculed and mocked every moment of their lives
    i cannot imagine being a slave to a single franchise, so much that you consume AND defend mediocre products just to spite the "haters"

  95. 11 months ago

    Big pokemon fan here who hasn't bought any of the new ones. I just get blackpilled and depressed everytime I see them. Gamefreak needs to be fired

  96. 11 months ago

    groomer franchise

    • 11 months ago

      it's been a westernised groomutt franchise since 2010

  97. 11 months ago

    this image is so funny and it's even funnier when you realise people bought these

    • 11 months ago

      wanna know something even funnier?
      japs have such dogshit taste in games that they rated these remakes higher than platinum
      (also rated new horizons better than new leaf)

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