Is there any way to increase the tactile appeal of dice?

Is there any way to increase the tactile appeal of dice?

Anyone who has used a digital dice roller should understand that subtle hollow feeling that comes from not using physical dice. Physical dice are just nice.

But, rolling plastic dice can't be the ultimate experience. There has to be some next step, some way to elevate the act.

It's not metal dice. Those don't roll right.
It's definitely not dice towers. Those are loud and annoying.

Does Vegas have it right? Slinging large chunks of plastic along a long, felt covered table with steep walls and a rattan stick to return the dice?

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  1. 5 months ago

    Just play with a roulette wheel. Or even better, a slot machine or a pachinko machine, where the results are the numbers you'd roll on your dice.

  2. 5 months ago

    Find a large chested woman and throw the dice between her breasts and motorboat them on the way down

    • 5 months ago

      Bonus points if the dice land on another large chested woman.

  3. 5 months ago

    Irregular weight, irregular texture, irregular numbers, irregular surfaces. If you want to enjoy tactile things you need to do the normal sensory stuff: roll them in the dark, do it while nude, do it while cumming, do it only with your mouth, etc.

    That said at this point you aren't playing RPGs any longer so maybe focus more on separating your two hobbies.

    • 5 months ago

      >normal sensory stuff
      Going into a specially made cum dungeon is not normal.

  4. 5 months ago

    >Anyone who has used a digital dice roller should understand that subtle hollow feeling that comes from not using physical dice. Physical dice are just nice.
    toddler angry that dad stopped jingling his keys

  5. 5 months ago

    Want my correct and ultimately superior take? Stone dice. They’re perfect.
    >not light and insubstantial like plastic
    >not table-dentingly heavy like metal
    >minute surface imperfections make them feel soft and real
    >a massive range of varieties to collect, from marble to basalt to even gemstones
    >civilised material historically used by classy Romans and Egyptians, unlike those bloody scottish peasants with their crude knucklebones

    • 5 months ago

      Romans would have used plastic dice if they had access to plastic.

      The thing about plastic is that it's... plastic. It doesn't have a set weight or hardness, and can be varied dramatically by the type of plastic used. There's plenty of hard, dense, and heavier plastics that are more akin to glass or ceramic than the light and cheap stuff that light and cheap dice are made from.

      • 5 months ago

        You're right. It feels weird to say because history is fixed and we know what the romans did and didn't have, but you're right.
        Except for one event, the guy who supposedly invented malleable glass and was executed by Tiberius for the threat it could pose to the value of gold and silver - but that story is believed to be a fabrication.
        Still I wanna observe the changes to a parallel roman empire where someone just plonked down easy access to plastic making without otherwise altering history and see how they used it, what things looked like, what they did with the new material(s).

        • 5 months ago

          If Romans had plastic for 500 years, Monte Testaccio would be a molehill in comparison to the horrific garbage dumps that would have developed in an era long before any true sense of global scale or historical repercussions.

        • 5 months ago

          >what they did with the new material
          Probably the same thing we did. Make everything out of it.

    • 5 months ago

      >dissing bone dice
      That's how you end up cursed.

      • 5 months ago

        Stone runes last. Bones runes farce.

    • 5 months ago

      Aide from fancy dice like , better table is where it's at.

      I too enjoy physical dice, but the harder I think about it, the more I'm worried you have a latent gambling addiction or really miss IRL gaming, like me.

      Also, try Time Wizards. Dice slapping mechanics and d4s make for a fun time!

  6. 5 months ago

    No, Ribbongay, the glut of shitty AI art clogging the catalog doesn’t make your return any more accepted. These thread topics still suck and your art is just as terrible as always.

    • 5 months ago

      Is he still doing the thing where he bumps his thread from page 8 with a new IP each time

  7. 5 months ago

    Seems like working on the art of the dice would be more important.

  8. 5 months ago

    d4 dicepool system. Dice must land on the floor to count.

  9. 5 months ago

    >best dice
    Fist-sized skull breakers. Heavy motherfrickers that makes wimps start crying when they leave dents in their tables and moist patches in their GF's panties.

    >worst dice
    TSR "crayola" Dice. Plastic so soft that most existing examples have eroded down to spheres that never stop rolling. Unpainted, and came with crayons so you could fill in the d20's double 0-10 markings in two different colors because they weren't numbered 1-20. Completely shit dice in every regard; set didn't even come with a d10.

  10. 5 months ago

    As long as you are rolling 1d10+2d6-2 it doesn't matter what the dice are made of.

  11. 5 months ago

    Put them in youe butt.

    • 5 months ago

      E-even D4s?

      • 5 months ago
  12. 5 months ago

    I know I'm gonna get some shit fir this, but proprietary dice is the answer.
    FFG Star Wars and its successor Genesys have nailed it down. Nothing beats rolling a fist full of colourfull and differently shaped dice and then reading and interesting the arcane symbols you've rolled.

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