is this game really relevant to the resident evil plot? does it add anything of relevance??

is this game really relevant to the resident evil plot? does it add anything of relevance?? I've been arguing with my brother because he DOESN'T ACCEPT the statement that re3 is filler, but that's because he is dumb and is blinded by fanatism. as for me, I haven't played it (it"s the only re game I didn't play), but I am fan of the franchise, I do care about its lore, about the franchise, so even if I never played it I can rightdfully read and unite dots, and my conclusion is that it's filler, it's "how did Jill escape?" expansion and that's all, there could have existed "hod did Chris escape?" expansion aswell and little would have changed (actually takes this with a grain of salt, since it's well known chris got tired and went out his own way to he a hero, unlike jill who just wanted to.. stay?)

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  1. 5 months ago

    They're all complete fricking nonsense and coming from someone who has played the PS1 trilogy about 6 times, Code Veronica twice, and RE4 about 5 times - none of it is worth scrutinizing or paying attention to.

  2. 5 months ago

    Doesn't add much to the plot but that's a good thing because RE2 onwards fricked the story up

    • 5 months ago

      >because RE2 onwards fricked the story up
      how?? how does re2 damage the sotry of a city infected by a biohazard outbreak made by scientists, underground labs and goverment money that was shown in re1? serious responses please, no salt
      same goes for you

      They're all complete fricking nonsense and coming from someone who has played the PS1 trilogy about 6 times, Code Veronica twice, and RE4 about 5 times - none of it is worth scrutinizing or paying attention to.

      having played all games (expect remakes, 7 and 8, they are shit), and even more, currently playing the chronicles games, I look back and man, what a beauty. everything, the resident evil lore, is beautifully built, from the illegal incident in raccoon city, to the umbrella's destrucitok and the public, global reaction to it, and the logical terrorist who want to take advantage from it (the sequel of the incident), everything is beautiful, and wesker is a badass

      • 5 months ago

        RE2 is, arguably, where the series wasn't based in horror B movies, which I disagree
        shit went sideways and started to turn in an action anime from 4

        • 5 months ago

          that was religious' moronation take on the virus and biohazard terrorism. and it's about badass leon, a rookie who survived raccon city thanks to his guts (as ada points out). in 4 he receives proper training. what is so "anime" about it thatbis so different than the sci-fi, evil goverment underground lab shit that shown in 1?? because the spencer mansion incident wasnt an accident, it was intentional, wesker ilwas there literally orchestrating everything and being the god of monsters in 1
          what's so different??

      • 5 months ago

        2 is a moronic Hollywood version of 1's story, it's a shitty rehash that manages to miss the point spectacularly. You got this moronic shit with the police chief, the shitty romance with Leon and Ada, God it's so fricking moronic. I liked Claire's journey with Sherry though (I love Claire). Then with the G-virus the story starts becoming this moronic eugenics experiment instead of the effective big pharma allegory the first game had. It turned RE1's grounded story into shounen crap basically, which would worsen as the series went on.

        RE2 is, arguably, where the series wasn't based in horror B movies, which I disagree
        shit went sideways and started to turn in an action anime from 4

        You don't think Wesker doing fricking Matrix stunts in CV jumped the shark?

        • 5 months ago

          >becoming this moronic eugenics experiment instead of the effective big pharma allegory the first game had
          you're missing the forest for the trees. Resident Evil's story at it's core isn't about big business hijinx, it's a much older morality tale of man's drive to defy nature and the inevitable consequences. eugenics sci-fi comes with the territory.

          • 5 months ago

            You say this despite the fact that evolution is literally nature

        • 5 months ago

          Even as a kid I thought it was pretty dumb that there was a giant ass lab complex under the city working on even more dangerous stuff. What was the point of a dinky little lab under a mansion in the middle of the woods when they had all that stuff readily available right under their feet? Not like it really matters though I just had fun shooting monsters.

      • 5 months ago

        >Serious responses please, no salt
        >no salt
        Please do not talk like a fricking zoomer. And my response was serious, I love Resident Evil but the plot of this series is stapled together bullshit that acts in services of its set pieces. Being a loregay for RE is kind of nonsensical.

        • 5 months ago

          frick off to sonic thread you lore/canon autist hater

          • 5 months ago

            You are moronic beyond belief. You have a very toxic and honestly low IQ personality which surely is offputting to those around you.

  3. 5 months ago

    What the hell are you talking about? Of course it's important.

    Important plot points in RE3:
    - Raccoon City is nuked because it was deemed an unresolvable situation
    - Jill is infected and cured (this will be important in RE5)
    - There is more than one vaccine for the T-Virus
    - The United States Military had to intervene even before they've nuked the city (the Demon Sword of Paracelsus cannon in the Dead Factory)
    - A lot of people found other ways to escape the city (expanded upon in Outbreak)
    - Umbrella considers the S.T.A.R.S. a real threat (sent Nemesis to hunt and kill them all)
    - Umbrella tried to salvage the situation at first with the UBCS, which means they don't just abandon and run at first sight
    - the Tyrants are mass-produced (also seen in RE2)

    • 5 months ago

      He already said he didn't play the game lmao. This might be the worst thread on /vr/ right now. OP you are a fricking moron.

    • 5 months ago

      Interesting response

      >Raccoon City is nuked because it was deemed an unresolvable situation
      ...? maybe that's what carlos or some umbrella soldier told to jill, but jill knowing or not knowing that doesk't change much. maybe chris could have told jill to leave?
      >Jill is infected and cured (this will be important in RE5)
      hmmm maybe... or maybe not? I believed jil fell off the mansion and wesker revived her and made her his weapon? (revelations and 5)
      >The United States Military had to intervene even before they've nuked the city (the Demon Sword of Paracelsus cannon in the Dead Factory)
      well yeah, an outbreak happened and of course the goverment would react to it. 3 and 2 are literally the same
      >Umbrella considers the S.T.A.R.S. a real threat (sent Nemesis to hunt and kill them all)
      That doesn't add anything. of course umbrella is pissed some stars member foiled their plans, it's only logical for the to do something about it - that doesn't add anything that happened in 2. jill escape couod have been told in thousand of ways. nothing new here
      >Umbrella tried to salvage the situation at first with the UBCS, which means they don't just abandon and run at first sight
      Ok I don't know what to say here, I don't remember much of "UBCS", but what yoy said sounds like the previous point
      >the Tyrants are mass-produced (also seen in RE2)

      you are just telling me what the plot of re3 is, not telling me how actually need, relevant its story is. let me help you
      was a new virus created in 3?? because hey, every game has a new virus, and that's because 1). umbrella created them in another facility, or 2) some terrorist created it, and isn't resident evil about wesker collecting every virus?? with that said, what isso NEW and EXCLUSIVE in 3 that is so important to the franchise?? it literally ends the same way that 2 did. both games are about raccoon city outbreak, that's all, everything went boom at the end

      • 5 months ago

        Jill was already leaving, the outbreak caught her by surprise.

        Jill being infected is very important because she's one of the few people alive that was cured of the T-Virus. Her antibodies were used to cultivate Ouroboros (the virus Wesker uses in RE5).

        There was no "boom" at the end of RE2. They just escape and we don't know the city was nuked.

        • 5 months ago

          about infected Jill... really? you sure it was that important? how was she cured? (I know, I didn't paly the game), but my point is: did wesker really use the jill's antibodies?? because I don't remember any mention from it, what I alwyas supposed is: wesker himself fooled death, somehow, so what stops him from using whatever tech he has to do the same to jill?

          I don't remember how 2 ended exactly, I'll have to rewatch its canon ending... SO, you say, re3 added that raccoon was nuked (the same was said in 4's intro)... either way, couldn't jill have just quit raccoon city and nothing would have happened instead? that's kinda the point I'm trying to point

          • 5 months ago

            It was very important. She was cured by a vaccine that Carlos assembled (the components were already available, just the vaccine itself was not complete).


            >The human population ratio able to survive and mutate from Progenitor infection was simply too small. Using t-Virus antibodies extracted from a mutant test subject, Jill Valentine, Wesker repeatedly used them on his Uroboros cultures to naturally select a new strain distinct and less potent than Progenitor.

            • 5 months ago

              that's... fair I guess, nice, I admit it
              so what, all said/discussed so far: you agree that re3 is filler or not? want to read your opinion. seems like (only?) the infected jill thing is the important thing here
              Remember this is not my own fanfic, many fans legit do believe/claim that re3 was "just a dlc from re2"

          • 5 months ago

            In RE2, Leon, Claire and Sherry just leave the train and walk into the sunset. Only in RE3 we see that the US military command ended up nuking the city.

            RE3 is important because we can see the situation rapidly degrading. Like, Jill is sort of "just right in the middle" of it all, while Leon's and Claire's adventures were limited to the police station and the Umbrella labs. They didn't see the situation unfold because they weren't on the streets. Jill was.

            A good example is when you first meet the UBCS (Carlos, Nikolai and Mikhail), and they're still hopeful about helping evacuate civilians. You can also read about this in the files scattered around. However, once Jill reaches the Clock Tower and Park, you find communications (between UBCS and Umbrella, and also between their office branches) that the whole Raccoon City operation was sacked, that the military are going to nuke everything and there's no way Umbrella can dissuade them anymore (you find this fax in an improvised HQ at the graveyard). They change objectives from evacuating civilians to just evacuating executives and copying leftover files. Everyone should find a way to escape by the deadline, or they'll be on their own.

            Another game that shows how the situation unfolds is Outbreak.

            • 5 months ago

              hmmm that sounds like... adding more depth to the raccoon city incident... a "this is what really happened here and how it ended" story...

              going by what you say, it sounds pretty cool, a game about umbrella/goverment (something 2 wasn't). it adds depth

      • 5 months ago

        huh what a weird question to ask..

        oh i see it's moronic

      • 5 months ago

        >was a new virus created in 3?? because hey, every game has a new virus, and that's because 1). umbrella created them in another facility, or 2) some terrorist created it, and isn't resident evil about wesker collecting every virus??
        Yes, you dumb ass Black person. What do you think Las Plagas was? It's the spiritual successor of the Nemesis T-Type parasite on mass scale deployment event.

    • 5 months ago

      >- Umbrella tried to salvage the situation at first with the UBCS, which means they don't just abandon and run at first sight
      You completely missed the point of UBCS. Umbrella just used to gather combat data on BOWs just as they had done with STARS Alpha & Bravo team at the mansion incident. They never gave two shits about Raccoon's city population.

      • 5 months ago

        >Umbrella just used to gather combat data on BOWs just as they had done with STARS Alpha & Bravo team at the mansion incident.
        Yeah...about that. How did they gather combat data in RE1 exactly? There were no cameras in the mansion and nobody was actually observing Jill or Chris fighting these monsters. Even if they did somehow observe this, how is it actually useful for Umbrella to observe the following?

        -Joseph gets bitten to death by dogs in the middle of a field
        -Forest gets pecked to death by crows on a balcony
        -Kenneth gets eaten by a zombie
        -Richard gets bitten by a giant snake and dies from poison
        -Rebecca hides the entire time
        -Brad doesn't fight anything
        -Enrico gets shot in the stomach by Wesker
        -Wesker gets impaled by Tyrant
        -Edward doesn't even appear in RE1(and it wouldn't matter anyways, he dies in the middle of the Arklay mountains)

        Jill, Chris, Barry, and Wesker himself are the only characters that do a significant amount of fighting and even then, I don't see how footage of them shooting zombies is really going to help the researchers learn anything useful. And remember, this was 1998 that this story takes place in so the idea of invisible tiny HD cameras in walls isn't available technology.

        • 5 months ago

          Probably just trying to gather info on actual intelligence and feats of the BOWs. Calculating how fast they can move, how strong they are, what kind of tasks they can perform (group attack, flanking the target, ambushing), how much damage they can withstand before they are killed, what regenerating proprities they have from the T-virus infection and whatever else I can't think of. I don't know. Whatever it was, it seemed it was important enough to sacrifice a police special force with military background they funded for years and an entire platoon they amassed from death rows that was very unlikely to survive despite being sent on those missions before.

          • 5 months ago

            >it seemed it was important enough to sacrifice a police special force with military background they funded for years
            wtf, umbrella created stars and the policemen?

            • 5 months ago

              Not founded, funded. But yes, Umbrella is the reason why STARS exists.

              >A special mission unit belonging to the Raccoon City Police aimed at tactics and rescue for peculiar crimes. In 1996, this S.T.A.R.S. was established by the Raccoon Police Department. At first, it was purely experimental for dealing with special crimes in order to respond to the diversifying needs of high-grade crimes, such as cyber crime, that use vast networks of troops, new kinds of narcotics as well as new methods in terrorist attacks utilizing BC (Bio-Chemical) weapons. At the time of this establishment however, several major local private companies, including the Umbrella Corporation which has a huge factory group in Raccoon City, contributed to funding S.T.A.R.S. as part of the "Bright Raccoon 21" major city project, leading to the establishment of an elite group with ace staff, advanced equipment and an extensive intelligence network.

              >BIO HAZARD Perfect Guide inside of BIO-HAZARD [22/03/1997]

              • 5 months ago

                Even that paragraph you posted is a retcon that deviates from the original RE1 lore. According to the original instruction manual that came with RE1, Barry was a veteran SWAT officer who was eventually assigned to the newly formed S.T.A.R.S., which was essentially supposed to be for people with elite military and law enforcement backgrounds to take on highly technical missions. Specifically, S.T.A.R.S. is a national organization that has branches all over the US. So Barry belonged to some national branch of it. Then Barry meets Chris(who was kicked out of the airforce), who he recruits to S.T.A.R.S.. Chris decides to take reassignment to the Raccoon City branch of S.T.A.R.S. specifically because he believes being in a smaller, local unit will allow him to stand out more.

                Wesker is scouted by S.T.A.R.S., quickly rises through the ranks, and then is the one who creates the Raccoon City branch of S.T.A.R.S. according to the original manual. Then again, I wouldn't be shocked if the original manual was just badly translated, because the way it's worded is weird and vague.

              • 5 months ago

                I thought I read in the manual or somewhere that Wesker was ex-Army too. Maybe I was mistaken.

              • 5 months ago

                >Wesker is scouted by S.T.A.R.S., quickly rises through the ranks, and then is the one who creates the Raccoon City branch of S.T.A.R.S. according to the original manual. Then again, I wouldn't be shocked if the original manual was just badly translated, because the way it's worded is weird and vague.

                Wesker still could have been a plant that was intentionally trying to catch the eye of and infiltrate stars

        • 5 months ago

          "Combat data" is one of those nebulous Japanese concepts that mean nothing but bad guys always use it for the apparent motivation gor being evil.

        • 5 months ago

          >spy cameras didn't exist in the 90s

          You'd just evaluate it in a manner similar to the way you evaluate kinetic weapons a run rate of number deployed against casualties incurred. Then you would bury that data because it makes your product look like dogshit & selectively report BS like durability metrics & how the full suite of BOWs was able to incur 62% combat deaths against a squad of special forces armed with heavy weaponry when the project is up for funding again at the DOD.

          • 5 months ago

            Spy cameras how you're imagining them did not exist in the 90's. They did not have the media storage, quality, or compact nature that you're imagining. The amount of manual maintenance that would be necessary to actually have a high quality live feed of multiple cameras of all of the action happening in a house over a 24 hour period would be astronomical.

            • 5 months ago

              The entire grounds are a front for a clandestine weapons lab, having reasonable pre-wired CCTV network coverage isn't that absurd as far as the setting goes. Convenience stores could maintain a ~24 hour record on a single VHS with a low framerate at the time & combat deaths outside a covered area could be tallied by the corpses anyway.

              • 5 months ago

                >Convenience stores could maintain a ~24 hour record on a single VHS with a low framerate at the time
                By a low framerate, you mean like 2-5 frames per second, which is atrocious and won't let you see anything useful. This is the technology you're talking about, top of the line 1999 convenience store footage:

                That's what you'd get with a 24 hour feed, and that is on giant boxy obvious cameras pointing in your face. Not discreet tiny nearly hidden lenses from a wall, which would be impossible.

                What would have been feasible in RE1 is if there was some dedicated dude manually activating camera recordings, doing it on the highest quality settings for 30 minute recordings, high FPS, and he was constantly changing tapes in some backroom and there were huge cameras pointing at Jill and Chris the entire way, but they didn't actually do that.

              • 5 months ago

                There are actually two cameras in the game, but they're only in that prisoner area.

              • 5 months ago

                That quality footage would be completely satisfactory for the stated purpose.

        • 5 months ago

          I still think it's funny that the actual weapons they intended to produce and market were:
          >Smelly guard dogs
          >Lizard Men
          >A supersoldier with a giant exposed weak point
          >a small shark someone slipped in to pad out the slide show and hoped no one would notice

        • 5 months ago

          >How did they gather combat data in RE1 exactly?

          Wesker was gathering the data. your points still stand, but being embedded with the rescue group and having full access to everything, he could possibly observe a lot.

          • 5 months ago

            >Wesker was gathering the data
            But how? In whichever scenario you consider canon, Wesker isn't around them for almost the entire game.

            He waits in the hall while Jill/Chris investigates, knocks out or kidnaps at gunpoint the one who stays behind, brings them to the lab prison, doubles back to the mansion, goes to the guardhouse, threatens Barry(Jill's scenario only), and then finally Jill/Chris bump into Wesker for the first time since the incident started when they surprise him from behind while he's shooting some bees. Then comes the only period where Wesker actually observes them: when he tails either Chris or Jill and/or Barry underground and shoots Enrico. Although he probably didn't see much since he was trying not to be seen himself.

            Then the next time you bump into him after he flees the murder of Enrico is in the lab where he gives his villain monologue. There was genuinely no time for him to gather any kind of data.

            Actually come to think of it, this is another inexplicably stupid and contradictory thing. If his entire purpose in luring them there is to watch them fighting these things, why the frick would he lock one of them in a secure cell and spend the majority of the game NOT being with them? There's literally not a single good reason for him to imprison anyone.

  4. 5 months ago

    >resident evil

  5. 5 months ago

    re has always been campy and goofy while also somehow very creepy. you're thinking too much for some god damn reason.

    • 5 months ago

      no I am not. this thread is about "is re3 filler?", that's all. maybe you're taking this too seriously lol

  6. 5 months ago

    The RE plot? lol.

    We're talking about a series that started off with the story that a biochemist somehow either led a double life as a full time scientist AND full time police officer and either worked up the ranks in his spare time over a decade between these two jobs or somehow impressed them so much in a mere matter of months that they promoted him to Captain of their elite unit. He does all of this work for the sole reason of spying on and luring like 10 cops to a mansion(even though this was COMPLETELY unnecessary since the local attacks are what get them called there to begin with) that was a front for biochemical research so he can have them fight the virus monsters that were created by an accident at the lab he was working at. He does this because he needs live combat data. As if there weren't a billion other better ways to achieve this. But no, to get this data, he willingly puts himself in a situation where he's surrounded by flesh eating zombie dogs and a killer tyrant(who, surprise, kills him). And he was initially doing it for Umbrella's sake or something but then he decided to betray them and keep it for himself.

    That is literally the real actual plot to the first game. It's best if you don't overthink these things. I'm not sure what kind of mental gymnastics the series later used to justify Wesker's storyline in the games that followed, but good luck trying to have the first game's plot make sense and be canon.

    • 5 months ago

      Yeah like the one letter written by an infected scientist that says "that guy in the sunglasses" won't let anyone contact the outside. So was Wesker commuting from a facility contaminated with a deadly virus to his day job at the RPD? And not only that, the files indicate he was both a lead researcher and the head of lab security. It's a real mess.

      • 5 months ago

        The real power of the prototype virus that Wesker injected himself with gave him was the ability to hold down 5 jobs simultaneously and not die due to the stress.

      • 5 months ago

        It gets even dumber when you realize the chief researcher in the mansion got infected on June 8th according to the files and the other files in the game establish that it takes about 3-7 days to go full zombie. So their lead researcher is dead by June 15th and yet they still, for some reason, continue operations there for over a month before Wesker gets a fax from Umbrella on July 22nd telling him to lure the S.T.A.R.S. members there and he does so on July 25th. What the flying frick was Wesker doing there for an entire month practically by himself with all of the other researchers dead and most of the staff stuck in their rooms surrounded by zombies? HOW was Wesker going in and out of this facility full of zombie shit without killing anything? He gets a fax inside the facility 3 days before he lures the S.T.A.R.S. there. A fax which Jill eventually finds. How did he not get rid of it and erase all evidence of his involvement in that entire month? The halls are full of active zombies when Wesker lures them there when it should be full of dead zombies that he or other people had to kill to move around.

        There's a file left behind by a worker that Wesker won't let him leave, but why is Wesker bothering playing security guard when they're stuck on top of a giant fricking mountain surrounded by ravenous zombie dogs and all of the phones are dead inside the mansion? For that matter, how the frick was Wesker going in and out of the Arklay mountains every day? There's no road leading there. The Alpha and Bravo teams had to take a helicopter.

        Just so much of this shit about Wesker makes no sense the more you think about it.

        • 5 months ago

          The Wesker shit doesn't make sense, but there's obviously a land connection to the mansion by a private road or something. You aren't going to supply a facility that size by a helicopter airlift when its reasonably close to a decent population center.

        • 5 months ago

          Plant 42 was made a week or so after the initial outbreak so I guess they were still sort of operating while under quarantine. That file is pretty funny too. Everyone is going mad with fear and breaking shit or turning into cannibal monsters while this dumbass is busy dosing houseplants with the T-Virus and getting the few uninfected people killed when one of them predictably turns into a man eating plant monster.

        • 5 months ago


          • 5 months ago

            Kek, is this how they actually handled it in that shitass TV show?

  7. 5 months ago

    >Is this game in a series relevant to overall plot

  8. 5 months ago

    What a gay ass homosexual thread

  9. 5 months ago

    Just play the game it's good

  10. 5 months ago

    Sometimes when i go out to clubs in a dress i imagine that a zombie apocalypse happens right then.

    Worst attire ever.

  11. 5 months ago

    OP is moronic and i'm too lazy to try educate them.
    i will just say that for myself personally, the initial trilogy of games are some of the most enjoyable and important games in the series and it's a shame that capcom couldn't fricking keep that going.
    frick them for that awful remake.
    2 was alright, but still had issues, and 3 just exacerbated those issues to such an extreme that it makes me want to cry.

    • 5 months ago

      3R genuinely killed any excitement for remakes i ever had.

      • 5 months ago

        But you can call me Jill the zombie killer. Has a nice ring to it, don't ya think? Frick you.

        • 5 months ago

          no but actually.
          the fact that they moved the S.T.A.R.S. line to an area so early by itself shows that they had no idea what the frick they were doing with 3R

          Recently replayed R3make & was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked it. I attribute this to my expectations being so low after the game ripped my heart out on release.

          it was kind of he opposite with me.
          i thought it was alright at first, and in a way it is.
          it might be ok as a game by itself, but i think it absolutely fails as a game that is supposed to be a remake of something.

          • 5 months ago

            2 has similar problems, but i think it's a more solid enough game that what it does is forgivable enough to see it as an alternative.
            but the fact that 2's routes, no matter what, seem to imply that the character you don't pick, takes some magical route that just happens to not interfere with anything you do, but still manages to end up in the same areas, is just some wild shit.
            no matter what route you pick, there's no A and B, there's just the route you pick.

            • 5 months ago

              it makes me wish that the original idea they had for 2R where it was going to be one long route that just switched characters, happened instead of what we got.
              pardon me for this drunken rant, but i'm glad i got to b***h about things

      • 5 months ago

        Recently replayed R3make & was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked it. I attribute this to my expectations being so low after the game ripped my heart out on release.

        • 5 months ago

          stfu tombgay

  12. 5 months ago

    >does it add anything of relev-

  13. 5 months ago

    It does have the epilogues but they don't reveal too much

    • 5 months ago

      I like how they establish Claire as an ass by immediately abandoning Sherry.

  14. 5 months ago

    >I've been arguing with my brother because he DOESN'T ACCEPT the statement that re3 is filler, but that's because he is dumb and is blinded by fanatism

    solid arguments. im sure he just needs to bow down to your superior intellect

  15. 5 months ago

    >I haven't played it (it"s the only re game I didn't play), but I am fan of the franchise, I do care about its lore
    Your thread is filler, homosexual.

  16. 5 months ago

    You are gay
    RE3 is a good game.

  17. 5 months ago

    >even if I never played it I
    Then your opinion is not valid.

  18. 5 months ago

    The only "relevant" resident evil games feature jill as the lead character

  19. 5 months ago

    It's a fricking zombie game you god damned loser

  20. 5 months ago

    Also we can all tell that you don't speak English properly.

  21. 5 months ago

    No, it's a game they rushed out to fulfill a contract with Sony.

  22. 5 months ago

    >does it add anything of relevance??

    yes, it is the resident evil videogame with more variety of female zombies.

  23. 5 months ago

    Our hearts go out to those poor civilians... of Raccoon City.

    • 5 months ago

      For me its the epilogue music

    • 5 months ago

      one of the more subtle engrish moments in RE.

  24. 5 months ago

    It's a sequel to both RE1 (the story of stars) and RE2 (the story of Raccoon City) at the same time and puts an end to the Raccon arc.

    How is it not relevant? RE3 haters are completely dishonest and moronic. Meanwhile Code Veronica's story is almost the equivalent of Survivor. It takes place on an unrelated remote island and doesn't advance the story in any way.

    • 5 months ago

      CV is basically a spin-off of 2. All it does is set the big wienertease of "we are going to take down umbrella" which RE4 essentially retcons. It's the most anticlimactic plot resolution in all of video games

    • 5 months ago

      CV is basically a spin-off of 2. All it does is set the big wienertease of "we are going to take down umbrella" which RE4 essentially retcons. It's the most anticlimactic plot resolution in all of video games

      >CV is basically a spin-off

      CV is kino

      >Best and coolest Claire has ever looked (opening cutscene)
      >arguably the best or second best villain after Wesker
      >Chris' story is about personal obsession and desire to go it alone endangering those who care about him
      >Claire is trapped in the heart of a recreation of Arklay
      >Wesker taunts him over his failure to protect his sister and avenge his comrades
      >Steve is another failure for him, his death literally benefitting Wesker
      >Alexia and Alfred represent a twisted dynamic for Chris and Claire, where Alfred will do anything to reunite with his sister, only to die just before it happens
      >the literal reason for Claire getting wrapped in two outbreaks is because of her search for Chris, but the one on Rockfort specifically was caused by Wesker
      >when Claire meets Wesker, he describes himself as a "Ghost" coming back to haunt Chris
      >Wesker acts a literal representation of why Chris is fighting against Umbrella- to avenge his fallen comrades, so when Chris meets Wesker in the Rockfort Base, Wesker beats him down because Chris has gotten sidetracked from his original goal thanks to his desire to protect his family (this also ties into the parallels between Chris/Claire, Alexia/Alfred and Steve)
      >CVX's final Wesker scene is a literal depiction of what Chris has been doing to the people around him thanks to his mission- his desires for revenge (represented in Wesker) have put Claire in immediate danger, and the battle between Chris and Wesker ends with Wesker damaged, but laughing, promising to come back. This shows that while Chris can temporarily take his mind off his mission for this, the desire for revenge will always be there
      >at the end of the game, Chris finally lets Claire in the know instead of keeping her in the dark, aligning her with his mission to protect her, instead of being like Alexia, who only aligned her family with her goals but never treated them as equal (Queen Ant v Soldier Ant)

    • 5 months ago


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