Is this Pokmon legit?

Was looking for a zero speed groudon on home (I’m not spending weeks reseting on SWSH or getting the shards which takes hours and catching all the fricking legends in BDSP to then have to reset for a zero speed one Groudon after all the troubles.

And I was looking for the ones that game through GO since you can get multiple of those so people would be willing to part with a legit one easier, they have lower IVs natural. After like 6 Groupon trades I found pic rel that was zero speed IV, it says “Decent” on the stat sheet but the calculations on showdown say that it’s 0-1 speed IV (same thing). I changed the nature to Brave using a Mint and leveled it up to 50 for better calculation. It was 20 when I traded for it with a Mild Nature

It had a poke ball so it wasn’t a clone and the met date matched with a Groupon/Kyorge event (Jan 19th 2019). I think it’s legit but any signs that say it’s not?

FYI I want to use a Groudon under trick room for when restricteds become legal and I started my hunt now before others started to pounce.

Next generation better have a rusty bottle cap because this is not needed.

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  1. 10 months ago

    If it's 1 IV and not 0 it's probably not illegal. I don't think people hacking in random GO shit would bother with that particular specification.

    • 10 months ago

      Yea I think it’s 1 IV because if it was zero it would have said Zero. Thanks for the clarification.

      lol it's funny how cucked you guys are having to worry so much about this because nintendo can't keep the cheating out of the game then punishes the customers for it when they just use basic features of the game like trading. You're an abused dog.

      I do not feel like getting disqualified but I also don’t have the time to reset for a zero speed groudon. Maybe if it was a static encounter but resetting on Dynamax Adventures is almost impossible and the static encounter in BDSP requires a ridiculous method of mining for shards and having to catch like 10+ different legends just to UNLOCK the ability to catch Groupon. This is my best option.

      At worst it might have been spoofed but there's no difference between a spoofed and a legit one

      If it’s spoof will it pass hack check? I think it should but I’m not worried.

      • 10 months ago

        You will probably need to level it up more to confirm that it's 1 IV and not anything higher. Feed it shit to get it as high as possible and run the stats through a stat calculator online.

        • 10 months ago

          It’s speed reaches 167, so this confirms that it’s 1 speed IV because I did the calcs real fast and it confirmed it to me. In online battles levels are reduced to 50 so till be sitting at 85 speed which is what I need.

          • 10 months ago

            Ive got 8 Go Pokemon and where i do have rolls with matching alt IVs mainly on the 2 mythical, Unless you bottle capped it i can't see this iv spread being legit
            Looks like it was forced to 1 but who knows i need the pk file to check offically

            • 10 months ago

              Why would they inject one with only one IV tbough that’s so strange

              • 10 months ago

                On the speed the stat, To out speed some pokemon in trick room and others while not.
                A example of this recently was Iron hands having 29 IV in speed.

              • 10 months ago

                1 and 0 speed IV are the same thing at level 50 though.

            • 10 months ago

              More than likely it is 1 because the Speed is rolled when converting from GO to HOME. The other stats are basically (GO IV's x 2)+1 but Speed is always rolled, not that difficult to hit that 1 by sheer luck

      • 10 months ago

        if it's from pokemon go there's no way to edit the stats and there's no way to tell if they spoofed to get it so it should pass, unlike a troony

  2. 10 months ago

    lol it's funny how cucked you guys are having to worry so much about this because nintendo can't keep the cheating out of the game then punishes the customers for it when they just use basic features of the game like trading. You're an abused dog.

  3. 10 months ago

    At worst it might have been spoofed but there's no difference between a spoofed and a legit one

  4. 10 months ago

    >this essay
    VGCucks will do anything not to play the game and this post proves it lmao

    • 10 months ago

      Try and catch a zero speed Groudon in BDSP or swshit real fast and get back to me.

      • 10 months ago

        >0 speed Groudon
        Not hard to get at all
        >catch a zero speed Groudon in BDSP
        Don't have to when it's catchable in a dozen other games

        • 10 months ago

          Not the guy you are replying to but I’m the OP. I don’t have access to a 3DS or Bank so getting Pokémon through Switch games are my only option.

          Like I said I don’t have the time to reset in DA (which is almost impossible) and the BDSP method is just to much. Thankfully Home exists though.

      • 10 months ago

        I wouldn't need to, because unlike you, I would've already done that because why wouldn't you have a finished BDSP save file in this franchise you claim to like?

        • 10 months ago

          Are you trolling?

      • 10 months ago

        Very simple m80

  5. 10 months ago

    There's really only two ways to find out for sure:
    1. Import it into pksm and run the legality checker
    2. Use it in worlds and see if you get disqualified
    Ironic that the only realistic way to find out if a mon you were traded was hacked, is to hack it, huh?

  6. 10 months ago

    Honestly just do it yourself in BDSP. There's no way to guarantee it's legit without extracting save data and running RNG checks in pkhex.
    If you want it to be viable for competitive, TPCi recommends against running Pokemon you don't know the origins of for VGC so you don't accidentally get caught with your pants down.

  7. 10 months ago

    If it's from go, it most likley legit since hackers don't have enough brainpower to make legit looking gens, let alone change them to pokemon go origin

  8. 10 months ago

    It’s most likely legit and you got lucky. Hackers wouldn’t bother trying to with all the steps to make a hacked go mon let alone make it look believeable.

  9. 10 months ago

    Play the game Black person

  10. 10 months ago

    >Next generation better have a rusty bottle cap because this is not needed.
    This will happen.

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