Is this really the best game of all time? 22 retards said it 25 years ago so it must be true

Is this really the best game of all time? 22 morons said it 25 years ago so it must be true

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

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  1. 10 months ago

    Zelda has been obsolete since Souls series began

    • 10 months ago

      It is, as the kids say, kino. My favorite game of all time. Replay it at least once a year. This year I did a 3DS playthrough. Last year I played the PC port.

      I love souls games, but Zelda offers something completely different. I get the comparison though.

    • 10 months ago

      FPBP, and saying this as a former Zelda fan.
      The Soulslikes really do feel like the natural progression of the Zelda formula - at least, from an exploration and combat perspective. It's what the Zelda series should've strived for and evolved into - but the combination of Aonuma's incompetence, Nintendo's dated dogshit hardware and Miyamoto's forced, family-friendly restrictions prevented this from happening.

      Fromsoft's Soulslikes have basically usurped Zelda as far as industry relevance and influence goes. But now that Zelda is a shell of itself that's desperately clinging onto minecraft sandbox & crafing elements in order to stay relevant to a new generation of ADHD zoomers & gen alpha kiddies, FromSoft might as well go all-out and implement puzzle elements a similar side-quest system into some of their future games from this point forward. There's still a gaming audience that clamors for the classic Zelda formula, so they might as well take advantage of that.

      • 10 months ago

        Souls shit is irrelevant and nobody cares about it. Couldn’t even beat skyrim in 2011

        • 10 months ago

          I know you're baiting, but Fromsoft's influence is apparent throughout the industry as far as combat and difficulty goes with the last decade or so. And now with Elden Ring's success, we'll begin seeing a lot of open-world games replicate its "show-don't tell" exploration process.
          Meanwhile, I just don't see much of BoTW or ToTK's influence in a lot of triple-A titles these days. IMO it had a greater impact over the mobile & gacha market scene with Genshin Impact stealing many of its core elements.

          >I would take repetitive deep lore rollslop in le dark decaying kingdom with broken online features or 15 years straight
          >over BotW/ToTK which devs have agreed industry wide are some of the greatest games to ever exist

          >repetitive deep lore
          It's not like Zelda's had great lore either - especially after BoTW and TotK. FromSoft handles environmental story telling much better than Nintendo's current Zelda team. IMO the last Zelda game that actually put any effort into the lore & environmental storytelling was TP. SS tried to as well, but really retconned a lot of shit in the process - and most fans did not like or appreciate these retcons.

          • 10 months ago

            >Fromsoft's influence is apparent throughout the industry as far as combat and difficulty goes with the last decade or so
            This. Everyone and their mother takes reference from dark souls or outright tries to clone it. Say what you will about the name "soulslike" but it did create a genre.
            Meanwhile botw was just following after minecraft and skyrim and I've barely seen it influence anything.

            • 10 months ago

              Ironic since souls was inspired by ocarina

              • 10 months ago

                And that's great. Though I'd suspect souls was more specifically inspired by the first two zeldas.

              • 10 months ago

                Go ask miyazaki

            • 10 months ago

              zelda 2 created the soulslike genre in 1988, you filthy casual

              • 10 months ago

                I cannot fight anything with a boxcutter in souls. Zelda wins again.

            • 10 months ago

              Souls doesn’t exist without shameless ripping off Ocarina of Time just like Shadow of the Colossus did

              • 10 months ago

                Ripping off, inspired by, whatever, it's why people are saying souls is the new zelda in this thread and that zelda is dead.

              • 10 months ago

                How is it dead when

                Nice meme, but BotW outsold elden ring on an exclusive platform and TotK probably already did as well

                Cope and seethe fromdrone

              • 10 months ago

                Because botw is not a zelda game.

              • 10 months ago

                Ah I see, it's cope all the way down

              • 10 months ago


            • 10 months ago

              BoTW did influence the gaming industry to some degree though, through the mobile market via Genshin Impact. But yes, BoTW's impact really isn't that apparent in a lot of triple-A console & PC games these days.

              zelda 2 created the soulslike genre in 1988, you filthy casual

              Souls doesn’t exist without shameless ripping off Ocarina of Time just like Shadow of the Colossus did

              Ironic since souls was inspired by ocarina

              Either way, I think we can all ultimately agree that the Zelda franchise really lost its way over the years, and people continously referencing the relevance and formula of the classic games is proof of that.
              That's not to say that the new BoTW formula is bad - there's a lot of great stuff going there, but there's also a ton of room for improvement and ToTK didn't take advantage of this at all. If anything, it only exasperates many of BoTW's inherent flaws with its formula.

              • 10 months ago

                im not part of this botw debate, but i'll bite
                i love the new zelda games but they really need to focus on dickgrinder dungeons again. they should be threatening, deadly, and complex enough to have to stop and think at least a handful of times for each dungeon

                literally keep everything else. but its nintendo, so they will either double down on the strengths/weaknesses and never fill in the gaps, or end up doing something else entirely and throwing all the previous foundations out the window

              • 10 months ago

                >but its nintendo, so they will either double down on the strengths/weaknesses and never fill in the gaps, or end up doing something else entirely and throwing all the previous foundations out the window

                True, and at this point, I honestly believe its intentional on their part. They know actual gradual improvement just sets the standards of their fans and players to ridiculous standards in due time, so they intentionally change it up with some random bullshit to alleviate this from from ocurring.

      • 10 months ago

        >former Zelda fan
        You were never a fan fromdrone

      • 10 months ago

        Nice meme, but BotW outsold elden ring on an exclusive platform and TotK probably already did as well

        Cope and seethe fromdrone

      • 10 months ago

        >I would take repetitive deep lore rollslop in le dark decaying kingdom with broken online features or 15 years straight
        >over BotW/ToTK which devs have agreed industry wide are some of the greatest games to ever exist

      • 10 months ago

        Considering we're never getting Zelda back, I agree with this. May as well just make Souls better by adding some more puzzles and a bit more life to the NPCs.

      • 10 months ago

        >There's still a gaming audience that clamors for the classic Zelda formula

        Yes thats who BotW and TotK were for.

    • 10 months ago

      the only souls game that comes close to Zelda in feel and puzzles is Demon's Souls

    • 10 months ago

      Those N64 Zelda games have soundtracks that Souls slop can only dream of, so that's already 1/3 of a game that is much inferior.

      • 10 months ago

        Meanwhile, BoTW and TotK's ost's were incredibly forgettable and medicore. I wonder what happened there; they really don't invoke that Zelda feeling in the slightest.

        • 10 months ago

          They have some good themes but these games are incredibly diluted so you get comparatively less time with them.

        • 10 months ago

          Because Zelda has been pure slop for normies for quite a while, now that its open world its slop perfected as the ginormous amounts of sales show, normies don't really care about music in videogames anymore.

        • 10 months ago

          Zelda games were never known for good music

          • 10 months ago

            The N64 Zelda games certainly do and i say this as someone that was never the biggest fan of Nintendo soundtracks especially the ones made in the new millennium

          • 10 months ago

            You contrarian frick, they're THE video game soundtrack
            People remix and play the OSTs all the time, anybody that hasn't lived under a rock can recognize Gerudo valley, Song of Storms, Fairy Fountain, Zelda's lullaby

            • 10 months ago

              >they're THE video game soundtrack

              Now now, on the better console (the PS1) you have THE videogame soundtrack, in fact you had two, either FF7 or FF8.

            • 10 months ago

              bro its like the most dull and generic game music imaginable. Go ahead and post majoras farts you homosexual conformist.

              • 10 months ago


          • 10 months ago

            You don't have to try THAT hard, christ

        • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          And this is how you a spot a larper who didn't play a shit

          • 10 months ago

            He’s right. Nobody cared about any game made after 9/11

    • 10 months ago

      fpbp. tried to play it again without the nostalgia glasses and it's p mid

    • 10 months ago

      >Zelda has been obsolete since Souls series began
      Only because Zelda games keep getting worse.

    • 10 months ago

      best in series is tp tho

      it has been surpassed

      this tbh

      The "Nostalgia" argument has been dead ever since people realized no one thinks the best music, movies, art, and architecture were from the period of time we were children.

      It's just a fact that the golden age of gaming was the 80s and 90s.

      untrue, as someone born in the late 70s the 90s to early 2000s was the best era for gaming. PS2/ GameCube and PC around that time was the best well ever get. the 80s were a dark age. we are riding back into good Vidya these days with so many good indies like hollow knight and lunacid.

  2. 10 months ago

    it has been surpassed

  3. 10 months ago

    It's the Citizen Kane of 3D video games

    • 10 months ago

      am*rican made slop doesn't really describe Ocarina of Time.

  4. 10 months ago

    If you have to ask
    >Is it the best of all time
    >Is it better than _
    Then yes it is the GOAT

  5. 10 months ago

    Yes it is the greatest game of all time and no that's not going to change any time soon especially in today's climate you might as well get over it Tiktok kiddy

  6. 10 months ago

    It's aged pretty badly but the fact that it came from an era where you could still play every influential game and stands at the top of that has permanently fixed it's place in history

    • 10 months ago

      Every game is still compared to OOT, it’s the unanimous GOAT.

      • 10 months ago

        Every game is compared to OOT because it's a fixture in gaming history.
        Many games have been released since which have far surpassed it, but with the expansion of gaming as a whole people don't have the common experience to use them as a benchmark.
        The closest equivalent you'll get within the last 5 years is maybe something like elden ring and even then the proportion who've played that

        >It's aged pretty badly
        it really didn't

        It really did. Even if we want to ignore graphics:
        >the gameplay still lacks focus and is extremely unrefined compared to what came later
        >the controls are generally clunky
        >the world design is frankly awful by modern standards
        >the puzzles are extremely rudimentary and don't build upon themselves
        >The world itself is completely flat and the characters have no depth
        >There's extremely limited room for mastery of the game's simple systems
        For the time it released it was outstanding and it's legacy is better than most, but it's day in the sun has decidedly passed.

        >It's aged pretty badly

        Go back and play other games from 1998 and you will realize it didn't.

        The move to 3D was an extremely clunky and experimental time for gaming. In that regard it has aged outstandingly.
        Calling it the GOAT though? Even amongst that first generation of 3D games I wouldn't call it the best or most influential.
        By modern standards many aspects of it would be unacceptable in modern games.

        • 10 months ago
          • 10 months ago

            How is that relevant to anything that I've said?
            Notice how almost all of those games (and particularly those at the top) come from the last era of gaming where, as I said, you could have played every game.
            It's a combination of nostalgia, pandering and common experience which keeps it at the top of the list. As a game rather than a monument it's legacy these days is lacking

            You typed so many words and said so little.

            Whereas you typed so few to say nothing

            • 10 months ago

              Botw is in the top 5 homosexual.

              • 10 months ago


            • 10 months ago

              >you could have played every game.
              Every game?

              • 10 months ago

                Every culturally influential game, at least
                Once you get to the point of shitty promotion games or telecast exclusives obviously it's infeasible
                I think that once you get to the point of the xbox indie arcade that's when it first becomes infeasible to have dipped your toe into every major gaming phenomenon

                1998 - TLOZ OOT (Nintendo)
                1994 - Final Fantasy VI (Square)
                1995 - Chrono Trigger (Square)
                1991 - TLOZ ALTTP (Nintendo)
                2017 - TLOZ BOTW (Nintendo)
                1985 - Super Mario Bros (Nintendo)
                1989 - Tetris (Nintendo)
                1990 - Super Mario World (Nintendo)
                1994 - Super Metroid (Nintendo)
                1996 - Super Mario 64 (Nintendo)
                1997 - Final Fantasy VII (Square)
                People should realize this means games are shit now. And stop coping about “nostalgia”

                The irony being that these people now spend their whole day playing candy crush but are too ashamed to admit it

              • 10 months ago

                There is nothing you could add to or take away from Tetris to make it better. It is the one game that is genuinely perfect.

              • 10 months ago

                The hold function says hello

              • 10 months ago

                The what

              • 10 months ago

                Mother fricker is a tetris elitist and he's never even played the game lmao

              • 10 months ago

                My game didn't have none of whatever gimmick you're talking about.

              • 10 months ago

                Later Tetris games allow you to "hold" a piece for later. You basically get a free slot to swap out your current piece for your saved piece.

              • 10 months ago

                Ok but that doesn't make it better, just easier.

              • 10 months ago

                OOT is also flawless

              • 10 months ago

                OOT is also flawless

                both of you are moronic, gay, and wrong

            • 10 months ago

              1998 - TLOZ OOT (Nintendo)
              1994 - Final Fantasy VI (Square)
              1995 - Chrono Trigger (Square)
              1991 - TLOZ ALTTP (Nintendo)
              2017 - TLOZ BOTW (Nintendo)
              1985 - Super Mario Bros (Nintendo)
              1989 - Tetris (Nintendo)
              1990 - Super Mario World (Nintendo)
              1994 - Super Metroid (Nintendo)
              1996 - Super Mario 64 (Nintendo)
              1997 - Final Fantasy VII (Square)
              People should realize this means games are shit now. And stop coping about “nostalgia”

              • 10 months ago

                American morons still thinking Tetris was made by Nintendo.

            • 10 months ago

              it has been surpassed

              The "Nostalgia" argument has been dead ever since people realized no one thinks the best music, movies, art, and architecture were from the period of time we were children.

              It's just a fact that the golden age of gaming was the 80s and 90s.

              • 10 months ago

                >My favorite games came out when I was a kid
                Welcome to adulthood triphomosexual.

              • 10 months ago

                >ever since people realized no one thinks the best music, movies, art, and architecture were from the period of time we were children.
                You have less self awareness than a kitchen sponge

              • 10 months ago

                I just knows more than you because I'm a super genius.

                It was ranked
                >IMDB - 7th Place
                >troonyEra - Tied 3rd
                >Twitter - Quarter Final exit
                >TV Asashi - 17th
                >Empire - 15th
                >Reddit - Top 5
                In every list but reddit and troonyera ironically, Breath of the Wild replaced it's spot

                There's no way anything is better than Ocarina of Time. Even BotW. Does your childhood friend teach you her theme on your ocarina? Does playing this theme cheer up npcs and unlock parts of the game? Do you learn the lullaby of the princess and use it to cause fairies to appear?

                Ocarina of Time is ludokino in ways no game has ever approached, let alone surpassed.

              • 10 months ago

                It's because israelites hate the older generation and psyopped zoomers into believing everything is better now. That's how they continue consuming new products mindlessly.

              • 10 months ago

                excellent take good sir. they just don’t make ‘em like they used to. while my classmates were busy listening to Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber, I was listening to Pink Floyd and the Beatles. Imagine the look on my classmates faces when I showed up to school in a beatles shirt lol they probably didn’t even know who they were. kids nowadays smdh

              • 10 months ago

                Proving my point. Pink Floyd was before my time, yet the peak of music. Therefore it is not nostalgia that makes me conclude the 80s and 90s were the golden age of gaming.

                I win. You shouldn't have tried to troll. You played yourself. I am 172 IQ.

              • 10 months ago


                You're new.

              • 10 months ago

                nta but the irony of calling out reddit spacing and then reddit spacing in the same post is peak.

              • 10 months ago


          • 10 months ago

            >OOT highest by a wide margin
            >FF6 above 7
            Game journalists I kneel.

          • 10 months ago

            >mean age
            top kek zoomer moment

            • 10 months ago

              People in their mid-20s are zillennials, which explains why they have such good taste. Zoomers could never get into old games.

              • 10 months ago

                This poster is a spammer who constantly forces "zillennials" and also spammed "Oot is a Zoomer game" back in 2019-2020

              • 10 months ago

                Technically 24-25 are zillennials, and they're the last of the OoT fans, as seen here [...]

                Zillennialspammer frick off

          • 10 months ago
            • 10 months ago

              left cant meme
              right has like 3 memes (wojaks, pepes, and trans jokes)

        • 10 months ago

          You typed so many words and said so little.

        • 10 months ago

          >the gameplay lacks focus
          too vague, need you to specify or elaborate on what you mean by this.
          >"clunky" controls
          not really, they're fine, especially since these days you can play the unofficial PC port and customize your controls with a modern dual stick controller.
          >world design
          fair point but it was held back by the technology of the time.
          >puzzles are rudimentary
          by now everyone already knows how to complete these puzzles, and yes they are rudimentary, but this is a kid's game, or at least one made for general audiences, so the puzzles are good enough. they often revolve around using an item to find the solution to your immediate problem - what's wrong with this exactly? in terms of dungeons, they're very structured around a 'critical path' and you'll run into problems if you try to do things out of order.
          >flat characters with no depth
          maybe they'd be more vibrant if they were fully voice acted, but I never personally felt them to be flat, but I suppose it's true that they're not quite deep. however, they serve their purpose well enough.
          >limited room for mastery of the game's systems
          yeah, of course. the combat is equally as rudimentary as the puzzles are. this is perhaps one of the most scathing criticisms you could levy at a game like this. not really much of a defense, either.

        • 10 months ago

          >the gameplay still lacks focus and is extremely unrefined compared to what came later
          I have no idea what you mean by "gameplay lacks focus" if you mean the story, the story is very clear and you have a fairy reminding you what to do all the time. If you mean the controls/combat, It's very refined compared to what came later, since Z-targeting became the norm in games like dark souls
          >the controls are generally clunky
          I have no problem with the controls. Moving is very simple and intuitive, and Z-targeting makes things very easy
          >the world design is frankly awful by modern standards
          It's perfectly fine, the field acts as a hub that connects every area, and each area has its own feel that stands out.
          >the puzzles are extremely rudimentary and don't build upon themselves
          >The world itself is completely flat and the characters have no depth
          Completely disagree. The world has a foundation from the earlier games, and the zones/characters all have great character. Even the minor characters like the scientist in the lake lab or the carpenters are unique and memorable.
          >There's extremely limited room for mastery of the game's simple systems
          There's literally hundreds of exploits/glitches that let you take advantage of the system, including breaking the game so much you can execute code to make the game do anything

          • 10 months ago

            >There's literally hundreds of exploits/glitches that let you take advantage of the system, including breaking the game so much you can execute code to make the game do anything
            >its a FEATURE that the game is so poorly made.
            lol. lmao even.

    • 10 months ago

      >It's aged pretty badly
      it really didn't

    • 10 months ago

      >It's aged pretty badly

      Go back and play other games from 1998 and you will realize it didn't.

      • 10 months ago

        MGS was released the same year and it makes Zelda look like a children's toy by comparison.

        • 10 months ago

          Well yeah, because Zelda is a game and mgs is a movie

          • 10 months ago

            Okay, here's another game from that year that mogs Zelda: Thief: The Dark Project. What's your cope this time around?

            • 10 months ago

              >2 games that dont mog anything
              keep coping lmao

              • 10 months ago

                Ah, I get it. Your parents were to poor to afford a PC so you probably don't even know what Thief is. My bad, of course you can't know any better in that case. Carry on.

              • 10 months ago

                >muh PC
                sis? your half-life? your ultima?

              • 10 months ago

                His point was games that released the same year as OoT.

              • 10 months ago

                >His point was games that released the same year as OoT.
                and you're both moronic lmao all these games came out within 1 year of each other. half life 1 came out the same week as OoT, and ultima 9 less than a year later

            • 10 months ago

              >arguing with newbie fanboys who spam cope

  7. 10 months ago

    With a randomizer, yes

  8. 10 months ago

    It's the first game I've ever owned so yes it's the best game of all time

  9. 10 months ago

    >best of all time
    I think people embellish a little, but it's a good solid game that still holds up today. call me a tendie, call me biased because of childhood nostalgia, whatever you want. doesn't make it untrue.

  10. 10 months ago

    I genuinely think it was the best game of all time but now Outer Wilds takes that spot for me

    • 10 months ago


  11. 10 months ago

    Why not form your own opinion, moron

  12. 10 months ago

    Absolutely not. It's a great game, but it runs like shit, Hyrule Field is barren and the combat has aged like milk. It was the beginning of Zelda becoming a much more linear series featuring set pieces instead of exploration.

    • 10 months ago

      >It was the beginning of Zelda becoming a much more linear series featuring set pieces instead of exploration.

      Much of that was due to a combination of hardware restrictions for the time + Nintendo playing it safe and making games increasingly easy in some grand effort to appeal to more & more children and general audiences.

      • 10 months ago

        >>Much of that was due to a combination of hardware restrictions for the time
        Mega Man Legends did more on the PS1 a year prior to Zelda hitting a console that is 5 times more powerful. Really there is no excuse, they just wanted to make a more restrictive game because they didn't have any idea how to make something better. This devolved into the following decade and a half of Zelda games which all had the same problems ocarina did (and are all basically the same gameplay wise.) There's a reason why the game industry stopped caring about zelda once ico came out, and sotc solidified the irrelevance of zelda. Only people who got excited about it are neckbearded manchildren who wear triforce shirt and browse reddit.

  13. 10 months ago

    Yes. If you don't understand why that is, then it's like that saying goes; "You don't have a willy, you don't get the silly."

  14. 10 months ago

    Whether it is or not, things are going to change (relatively) soon.

  15. 10 months ago

    Is this NOT the best game of all time? moronic Gankerirgins said it so it must be true

  16. 10 months ago

    If you don't like Ocarina of Time then you were never really a Zelda fan to begin with.

  17. 10 months ago

    I played it for the first time a few weeks ago and was honestly blown away. Especially since it’s one of the first 3D games ever pretty much and it’s this polished and enjoyable.

    • 10 months ago

      >Game came out in fricking 1998, almost 1999
      >One of the first 3D games ever
      Never underestimate murrican nintenmorons

  18. 10 months ago

    ziggers today literally cannot fathom how earth shattering games in the late 90s were. its extremely fricking sad

    • 10 months ago

      Tell me then. How was this game so earth shattering?

      • 10 months ago

        i just said that you cant fathom it. why would i try to explain it logically to a dumb zigger? lmao

    • 10 months ago

      Literally everything "groundbreaking" OoT did had already been done one year before by Mystical Ninja Goemon. But I can't expect any better from morons that don't actually play games and get their retro vidya history lessons from people with an equally superficial knowledge of history.

      • 10 months ago

        >had already been done one year before by Mystical Ninja Goemon
        i loved that game but thats not even remotely true lmao

  19. 10 months ago

    What games have come out in the 00's and on that can compete? You can't have it both ways "MUH HECKIN WOKE" whilst saying "is this it?". Yes, for the foreseeable future, this is it.

  20. 10 months ago

    No, take into account that Zelda OOT received these ridiculous praises mainly because of console wars. Nintendo fans were deeply unsatisfied with the Nintendo 64, so they needed to pretend the handful of good games that had were the second coming of Christ. This was also the time they started pretending they didn't like video games anymore, only the Nintendo brand. Sonyers are starting to resemble them a little and they also tend to give special treatment to first party games for the same moronic reason: they're the ones they can 'boast' about.
    Even by the standards of its time, the framerate was awful, the central map a desert with a few trees, the combats too easy and filled with automatisms, the music simplistic midis, the cutscenes too slow and poorly directed (most of them consist in having the characters standing around like statues), and the supporting characters too grotesque (in future entries they would manage to make them cartoony without loking like circus freaks).

    • 10 months ago

      This is weaponized copium

      • 10 months ago

        worse. pure unlived fanfiction

      • 10 months ago

        worse. pure unlived fanfiction

        Just wait until some Sega Saturn homie shows up.

  21. 10 months ago

    It shouldn't even be considered in a serious discussion.

  22. 10 months ago

    >three OoT threads on the board
    >generic fanboyism "bawww the brand I like is 10/10 perfection!!" rhetoric

    • 10 months ago

      Nah man, I'm fine with people not liking it and saying it's not perfect. If you say the game is outright bad or that the Zelda brand isn't a gold standard in gaming in general for over 35 years then you're just coping. It's not even my personal opinion, it's undeniable fact.

  23. 10 months ago

    Don't mind me, I'm just waiting the homosexual with his shitty OoT webms

  24. 10 months ago

    It's not even a good game.

    • 10 months ago

      >razer sharp hitboxes

    • 10 months ago

      Still more enjoyable than BoTW's combat system with its atrocious hitboxes and over-reliance on immersion-breaking menu scrolling in order to access key items midway through a fight.

      I really hope Nintendo learns from their mistakes and leans off of their over-reliance on menu-scrolling bullshit and collection-grinding with their next title. The combat in BoTW & ToTK is just so fricking bad; not immersive or intuitive at all.

    • 10 months ago

      >razer sharp hitboxes

    • 10 months ago

      Shut up plop.

  25. 10 months ago


    >I'm not trying to argue that the OOT is a bad game because it clearly isn't, I'm just saying that it's age shows and it isn't the GOAT. There are areas where it lags behind modern games

    Modern standards only exist because of games like OoT. Developers literally standing on the shoulders of giants.

    >I'll copy OoT but add shotguns so its better than OoT now!

    That not how things work in any creative medium. OoT will still be standing tall in the Gaming Hall of Fame long after we're all dead.

    • 10 months ago

      >Modern standards only exist because of games like OoT
      No wonder modern gaming is such shit, they're all copying frick awful games.

      • 10 months ago

        >OoT is awful

        You can literally split the gaming landscape into BEFORE OoT and AFTER OoT. That's how big a milestone it was.

        • 10 months ago

          You can split gaming in half before The Last of Us and after, it doesn't mean anything.

          • 10 months ago

            That might not mean anything, but you can also split gaming in half before knack and after and that means A LOT

          • 10 months ago

            >You can split gaming in half before The Last of Us and after, it doesn't mean anything

            Yeah all those universally acclaimed, highly influential and award-winning masterpieces are really shit.

            • 10 months ago

              The disillusionment with Zelda after ocarina of time shows how well the gameplay really holds up. by skyward sword the series had become rote and tired and not even the fans could keep a straight face. They're all basically ocarina of time, and that is ultimate not a very good game at all.

              • 10 months ago

                >They're all basically ocarina of time, and that is ultimate not a very good game at all.

                No they just riding its coat tails until BotW.

              • 10 months ago

                >just riding its coat tails
                So yeah, basically just ocarina which goes to show how stale the formula had become.

              • 10 months ago

                Ocarina wasn't stale. The frick are you talking about?

              • 10 months ago

                >Ocarina wasn't stale
                It wore out its welcome quickly. The combat, puzzles and gameplay sequences are all very tedious and uninteresting and require no effort or ingenuity.

              • 10 months ago

                >The combat, puzzles and gameplay sequences are all very tedious and uninteresting and require no effort or ingenuity.

                Holy frick now I know you are a shitposting moron. There was NOTHING like OoT in 1998. It made every other game look utterly primitive by comparison. Its influence is every where today. Don't bother responding to me moron.

              • 10 months ago

                >There was NOTHING like OoT in 1998
                Nothing that dumbed down, accessible and mass market for a casual such as yourself. We had already cut our teeth the previous year on mystical ninja starring goemon and mega man legends. You've always been a non-gamer and only played the mainstream. You are a conformist.

              • 10 months ago

                >arguing with zelda fanboys

              • 10 months ago

                >mystical ninja starring goemon and mega man legends
                these games dont compare
                >You are a conformist
                literal bot rhetoric

              • 10 months ago

                >these games dont compare
                They're better, I agree.
                >literal bot rhetoric
                Spoken like a conformist. Nintendorks were wrong to give the game high marks. It's a 7/10.

              • 10 months ago

                >no argument
                legends and gaemon were janky af, even for 1997, and felt unfinished. neither game felt half as polished and tight as OoT. it was obvious to a 10 year old then, and obvious to morons now, except yourself

              • 10 months ago

                >mystical ninja starring goemon and mega man legends are comparable to OoT.

                lmao Ganker

              • 10 months ago

                I bet your homosexual ass didn't even know what Goemon was back in the day you stupid b***h.

              • 10 months ago

                I rented it from hollywood video in 1999, then I found out it was older than zelda and it became obvious what zelda ripped off.

                Not everyone relies on youtubers to find out about games like yourself.

              • 10 months ago

                >goemon rips off mario 64
                >oot builds on what mario 64 started
                >MUH ORIGINALITY THO
                you are clinically moronic

              • 10 months ago

                Mario 64 has towns and quests? That's news to me.

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah, because Nintendo’s devs are all unironic hacks and for some fricking reason couldn’t improve upon it. It’s astounding how the games effectively became a parody of OoT.

              • 10 months ago

                >Ocarina wasn't stale
                It wore out its welcome quickly. The combat, puzzles and gameplay sequences are all very tedious and uninteresting and require no effort or ingenuity.

                It's a solid formula, the real underlying problem is that Nintendo repeatedly shit the bed with their post-N64 titles in multiple way. Too much handholding, piss-easy difficulty, excessive filler and tedious game mechanics; so on and so forth.

                And now they're doing it all over again with their newfound BoTW formula via ToTK. ToTK only doubled-down on the repetitive side-quest bullshit with filler koroks and side-posts, only doubled-down on immersion-breaking menu scrolling and mat-collecting, only doubled down on boring NPC fetch quests, only doubled down on the fricked story layout, only doubled down on the garbage dungeon design, only doubled down on the broken weapon durability mechanics, gear & leveling system, only doubled down on the tedious-antics of crafting & building; so on and so forth.

                Ultimately, the problem isn't the formula - it's Nintendo and their Zelda team being utterly incompetent at managing or improving upon these formulas.

                Basically, what this anon's getting at

                Yeah, because Nintendo’s devs are all unironic hacks and for some fricking reason couldn’t improve upon it. It’s astounding how the games effectively became a parody of OoT.

                The Zelda team's full of hacks who either don't understand good game design on a fundamental level, or don't have the talent, resources or work ethnic necessary to improve the fundamental flaws going on with either formula.

              • 10 months ago

                >The Zelda team's full of hacks who either don't understand good game design on a fundamental level

                God I love listening to moronic tweens on Ganker. Its absolutely fricking hilarious. I should start taking screengrabs and share it on social media for the up votes.

              • 10 months ago

                Do it and post your @

              • 10 months ago

                Perhaps they do have a good sense of game design - but actually care to exert themselves improve upon the formula because they know mindless tendies like yourself will just gobble down whatever shit they throw at them anyway.

                The point I'm trying to make is that the classic Zelda formula and the newfound BoTW formula are both solid formulas but Nintendo doesn't care to genuinely improve upon them in any way - only doubling down on the tedious flaws and bullshit nobody enjoys or likes.

              • 10 months ago

                >Nintendo doesn't care to genuinely improve upon them in any way - only doubling down on the tedious flaws and bullshit nobody enjoys or likes.

                Speak for yourself. Both BotW and TotK are amazing games, with more creativity, imagination and game design talent than what any other developer is putting out there. Go be a miserable c**t elsewhere. You can't make me hate great video games.

              • 10 months ago

                yeah bro, ww tp and ss totally weren’t stale shitty by-the-motions games
                kys, preferably on a live stream

              • 10 months ago

                >It's a solid formula
                Eh not really. Even back in the day when the first few Zelda games were new, they were inspired by far more interesting games with more interesting underlying systems. Druaga, Ishtar, Hydlide, Dragon Slayer, Madoola, the developers of these games iterated and explored new venues and created complex underlying systems. Nintendo superficially copying them demonstrated they didn't know what their strengths were and relied on marketing to make up for this.

                >no argument
                legends and gaemon were janky af, even for 1997, and felt unfinished. neither game felt half as polished and tight as OoT. it was obvious to a 10 year old then, and obvious to morons now, except yourself

                >legends and gaemon were janky af
                They play great, any problems you have with them are personal skill issues.
                >and felt unfinished
                vague, false, nonsense.
                >neither game felt half as polished and tight as OoT
                they ran at higher framerates and had better world design and more character too. Sorry kid, no Zelda game will ever be as fun as Impact.

                Zelda games are for safe, easily intimidated casuals like yourself. The moment a game has WASD controls you freak and and declare it aged poorly because you're a rube. You're a pawn that exists to defend the status quo that has been marketed to you. You're a pathetic conformist that belongs on moronera.

              • 10 months ago

                they're going the opposite direction, like how they doubled down on linear games and how they climaxed at SS, they're doubling down on freedom, now you can fly anywhere with a hovercycle and invalidate and form of linear level design and progression. They've already hit that SS wall with TOTK to where nothing feels like it matters. There is a perfect in between and they refuse to see it (ALBW)

    • 10 months ago

      I don't think modern games take as much influence from OOT as you're suggesting and even where they do what they build on top of it clearly allows them to stand on their own.
      Also if we're going to go down that road then OOT is also a product of it's influences - it isn't the first LoZ game, after all.
      >OoT will still be standing tall in the Gaming Hall of Fame long after we're all dead.
      This is true but again it has nothing to do with the quality of the game and everything to do with it's release.
      It was a big fish in a very small pond

  26. 10 months ago

    Sure, why not. The only other games that qualify are Metroid Prime and SMW2: Yoshi's Island.

  27. 10 months ago

    No. It has a lot of filler and boring parts.

  28. 10 months ago

    What happened to Deku Scrubs?

  29. 10 months ago
  30. 10 months ago

    Its still the greatest of all time. I don't really care what you homosexuals say about it. That guy wasting his time posting webms makes me laugh though. I guess Tiktok got boring.

  31. 10 months ago

    Twilight Princess mogs it

  32. 10 months ago

    I'd like to see someone do better. No other game has so intricately mixed long length with fast pacing, mandatory content with side content, freedom with linearity, open levels with handcrafted setpieces, light-hearted fantasy with dark undertones. It's such a harmonious balance of so many things and the resulting package is not some imbalanced clusterfrick, but an amazingly well-crafted experience. Even if it's not technically "flawless" in the way Ms. Pac-Man or Tetris doesn't really have discernible flaws, what it does well it does exceedingly well. In design principles it holds up remarkably well, it's telling that the remake really only needed to tweak the controls and up the framerate a little.
    It's the game you WANT to play. The game that reminds you why you love video games. Secrets to discover, rewards to find, monsters to kill, music to hum along with. Genuinely, if you don't like Ocarina of time, then adventure vidya and vidya in general probably isn't for you

    • 10 months ago

      >No other game has so intricately mixed long length with fast pacing, mandatory content with side content, freedom with linearity, open levels with handcrafted setpieces
      By which, of course, you mean you have played exactly no other games

      • 10 months ago

        I actually own over 300 games, all physical

        • 10 months ago

          No you don't zoomer homosexual lol

          • 10 months ago

            I do too, lol
            This isn't even my full collection, there's too many to get them all in one shot

            • 10 months ago

              >someone saved and reposted my vidya collection
              I'm honored Anon, you forgot some.

              • 10 months ago

                Sorry wienersucker, you lose. Seethe and Sneed.

              • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          In that case you're just moronic

  33. 10 months ago

    tomb raider mogs Zelda in every single regard except maybe combat (they're both shit) and when I say MOG, I REALLY fricking mean it, Tomb Raider uses 3D and verticality so much better than Zelds it's not even funny. St.Francis Folly alone > Any OoT dungeon.

    • 10 months ago

      Tomb Raider controls like fricking shit, has a generic artstyle and the music in those games basically doesn't exist, its not even close, the PS1 is the best console of all time and its certainly not because of that slop.

    • 10 months ago

      Just because you jerked off to Lara's triangle breasts doesn't mean the game is good, anon
      Any PS1 game that has textured 3D enviroments is absolute shit because of the texture warping, unless it was something with a set camera to help mitigate it like Crash Bandicoot

  34. 10 months ago

    I played it for the first time last year and it was pretty fricking good. Majora's mask is my favorite though.

  35. 10 months ago

    no, and at the time this came out, most people were building a pc and playing far better games. It got the nintendork bonus for people that actually bought the 64 and sucked at goldeneye. Also ps1 came out then and even console gays could play diablo 1 on it.

  36. 10 months ago

    It was incredibly immersive and charming when it first came out. It's hard to explain the powerful aesthetic experience it was. I only played the child Link as a kid because I hated the darkness of the teen Link section, but just that first part of the game was so inspiring and captivating I could play it over and over. The texture of the fantasy was so deep, there's something mystical and psychedelic about it.

    • 10 months ago

      People who were blown away by the aesthetics and immersion of vanilla WoW should know OoT was the same but as a single player console game several years earlier. I don't know what the modern comparison is. I guess Skyrim or Minecraft but those games are too sparse and lack that mind-blowing density/detail that OoT has. But I guess for kids on their first Skyrim playthrough or Minecraft server that feeling of entering a vast virtual world is somewhat comparable. I think what OoT has that's somewhat unique is that it feels like a very classic fairy tale, like a masterpiece from the middle ages or an interactive story from golden age Disney.

  37. 10 months ago

    was Link an incel?

    • 10 months ago

      No he was a volcel in OoT and MM, then apparently scored with Malon sometime between MM-TP.

      • 10 months ago

        >scored with Malon
        fan theory. no proof

        • 10 months ago

          Either way, he scored with someone or else TP Link wouldn't exist.

          • 10 months ago

            the direct descendent thing is also a fan theory

        • 10 months ago

          TP Link isn’t royalty, a fish, or an eternal shota. He must’ve either fricked Malon or some random prostitute.

  38. 10 months ago

    OOT was unanimously considered to be the best game of all time to the point that everyone got sick of it being the #1 pick in top 10/100 lists.

    • 10 months ago

      It was never unanimous, it was always debated because as a game it's really dull.

      • 10 months ago

        >it was never unanimous because I don't like it!
        whatever you say homosexual, it's consistently rated as the best game of all time by a wide margin

        • 10 months ago

          >by a wide margin
          nah, it was always butting heads with half-life, thief, bladman gate 2, mgs, starcraft, re2, panzer saga, pretending otherwise is pure conformist revisionism. You're a deluded fanboy if you disagree.

          • 10 months ago

            >it was always butting heads with
            no it wasn't lmao, keep coping homosexual

            • 10 months ago

              >admits to being a deluded fanboy
              we can safely say now oot was never good.

  39. 10 months ago


  40. 10 months ago


    I'm not a tendie and I haven't even owned a nintendo console since the wii.

    >admits to being a deluded fanboy
    we can safely say now oot was never good.

    You can say whatever you want but it doesn't change the fact that OOT has been rated the best game of all time on virtually every list through the 2000s and even into the 2010s.

    • 10 months ago

      What more needs to be said? It's mid.

    • 10 months ago

      >this list told me it's good so it's good
      You're vaxxed aren't you?

      • 10 months ago

        >one game more than any other in existence consistently comes out on top, rated as the best game of all time
        >"NOOOO!! ITS NOT TRUE!"

        I'm not even saying it is actually the best game of all time. I'm only saying that it is a matter of fact that it is the most common game to be rated as the best of all time, and by no small margin.

        • 10 months ago

          Answer the question.

          • 10 months ago

            no, and accusing someone of being a gay liberal who believes everything they're told is a weak argument

      • 10 months ago

        From 1998-2023, these are the only games that ever got voted into the #1 spot over Ocarina of Time
        >Computer Game Magazine '00 - GoldenEye 007 (OOT was 2nd)
        >ELPSA '03 - Sonic the Hedgehog (OOT was 2nd)
        >GameFaqs '04 - Final Fantasy VII (OOT was 2nd)
        >GameFaqs '05 - Final Fantasy VII (OOT was 2nd)
        >IGN 2005 - Resident Evil 4 (OOT was 2nd)
        >Ganker 2008 - Pokemon GSC (OOT was 2nd)
        >Game.Co UK '08 - Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (OOT was 2nd)
        >Maniac 2013 - Shenmue (SM64 was 2nd)
        >Game Informer 2018 - The Witcher 3 (OOT was 3rd)
        >IMDB 2019 - The Last of Us (RDR2 was 2nd)
        >troonyEra '21 - Bloodborne (FFVII was 2nd)
        >Twitter '21 - Nu-God of War (BOTW was 2nd)
        >TV Asashi '22 - Zelda BOTW (DQ5 was 2nd)
        >Empire '23 - The Last of Us (BOTW was 2nd)
        >/vr/ '23 - Deus Ex (OOT was 2nd)
        >Plebbit '23 - TES V Skyrim (RDR2 was 2nd)
        There were 39 different polls conducted during that 25 year time period.

        • 10 months ago

          logically with that many displacements, how low is OoT now? #20?

          • 10 months ago

            If OoT is #1 in 60% of polls, it's still #1 overall, logically speaking

            • 10 months ago

              frick no, there's 40% of polls placing it lower over time, as they should, because there's bigger better games now.

              if this bending over backwards was done for games before OoT then it would mind break everyone.

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                It's because ((Journalists)) are contrarian homosexuals who are obsessed with replacing all of the old things with the garbage we have today. Just like Sight and Sounds having a israelite feminist movie voted number one. Zoomers grew up playing nothing but dogshit that spoonfed them and held their hand. Too them anything made before 2007 is unplayable.

              • 10 months ago

                Really that's an admission of failure from zeldalots. Though it goes without saying the more games you play invariably the lower nintendo games end up.

              • 10 months ago

                old games ARE becoming unplayable. all you are doing is propping your nostalgia up on a pedestal and calling new games shit.

              • 10 months ago

                Not really, they're more accessible than ever.

              • 10 months ago

                Clearly wrong since games are so shit now that nobody can stand to play them for more than a couple hours without getting bored.

              • 10 months ago

                >Clearly wrong since games are so shit now
                I dont even have to read further, you just confirmed what I just said within a few words. Good going, Bro.

              • 10 months ago

                I'm not convinced you can read in the first place.
                This decade's games suck. The appeal OoT has just keeps going up as the floor below becomes a deeper and deeper abyss of endless shovelware, slop, generic, bad, gay, and other assorted flavors of shit.

                Is Oocarina of Time the best game ever made? Probably.

              • 10 months ago

                >old games ARE becoming unplayable.
                This is why source ports are so important. Classic Doom is perfectly playable on modern computers. You play exactly the same game, with the same physics, same gameplay, 100% compatible with the old game, but with decent resolution, decent frame rate, slightly better mouse support than the original, etc. Not to mention that the guys removed the limits of the engine and now you can play custom levels that would have been impossible in the original game because it has a lot more monsters and details...
                Now a game like Populous 2, for example, is only playable through emulation and the game runs like shit. Populous 2 is one of the games that I like but that I agree is almost impossible to play in the modern day.

              • 10 months ago

                The idea that old games age poorly is a meme. It's not my fault your zoomer goyslop shooter has ruined your ability to appreciate things that don't drip feed you dopamine every 3 seconds.

          • 10 months ago

            It was ranked
            >IMDB - 7th Place
            >troonyEra - Tied 3rd
            >Twitter - Quarter Final exit
            >TV Asashi - 17th
            >Empire - 15th
            >Reddit - Top 5
            In every list but reddit and troonyera ironically, Breath of the Wild replaced it's spot

            • 10 months ago

              well good, it's nice to see that there's people who can look past nostalgia and buzzwords, and acknowledge superior games exist now.

              • 10 months ago

                Nice bait.

              • 10 months ago

                nice cope

  41. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Why are they like this bros?

      • 10 months ago

        Snoys like many fanboys have a cult-like mentality surrounding their purported exclusive and will shill it to high heaven (for free of course). They will pre-emptively shitpost or write off any game or hardware that isn't from their company icon and happily ignore any and all criticism about the games of their chosing, even when this becomes completely hypocritical and their own criticism for some reason doesn't apply to their company.

        I'm not sure what causes this behavior; Fear of an viable alternative to their beloved company product? Jealousy that they can't afford another console to play the new hot thing? Or perhaps a growing feat that snoy has long since abandonded them as their core fanbase but a lifetime of servitude leaves them unable to move on and instead guzzle recycled PS1 isos they've already played a billion times?

        They are essentially the Applegays of vidya

        tldr: *snoy dick sucking sounds*

  42. 10 months ago


    why are they like this bros?

    • 10 months ago

      Tendies like many fanboys have a cult-like mentality surrounding their purported exclusive and will shill it to high heaven (for free of course). They will pre-emptively shitpost or write off any game or hardware that isn't from their company icon and happily ignore any and all criticism about the games of their chosing, even when this becomes completely hypocritical and their own criticism for some reason doesn't apply to their company.

      I'm not sure what causes this behavior; Fear of an viable alternative to their beloved company product? Jealousy that they can't afford another console to play the new hot thing? Or perhaps a growing feat that Nintendo has long since abandonded them as their core fanbase but a lifetime of servitude leaves them unable to move on and instead guzzle recycled N64 ROMS they've already played a billion times?

      They are essentially the Applegays of vidya

      tldr: bing bing wahoo

      • 10 months ago

        Nintendo is good for two things

        1) making the best video games in the world, consistently.

        2) making tr00ns on Ganker seethe like frick.

      • 10 months ago
      • 10 months ago

        Snoys like many fanboys have a cult-like mentality surrounding their purported exclusive and will shill it to high heaven (for free of course). They will pre-emptively shitpost or write off any game or hardware that isn't from their company icon and happily ignore any and all criticism about the games of their chosing, even when this becomes completely hypocritical and their own criticism for some reason doesn't apply to their company.

        I'm not sure what causes this behavior; Fear of an viable alternative to their beloved company product? Jealousy that they can't afford another console to play the new hot thing? Or perhaps a growing feat that snoy has long since abandonded them as their core fanbase but a lifetime of servitude leaves them unable to move on and instead guzzle recycled PS1 isos they've already played a billion times?

        They are essentially the Applegays of vidya

        tldr: *snoy dick sucking sounds*

        I unironically have a friend that hates OoT, has never played it, and is mad that it overshadowed ff7. He believes like everywhere he turns people cant shut up about OoT. I ONE time attempted to articulate its importance (he was 11 when it came out and i was entering HS) and the zeitgeist at the time because he was too young to have any understanding. He lost his god damn mind. He went full speed just reeeiing incomprehensible ad hominem. I then asked if he truly felt OoT people were being unreasonable given his reaction to the one time I broached the subject. He just went silent and has accused me of being an irrational Zelda defender literally 50% of the time we talk about games now. I'm entering middle aged and he's a stones throw. He's a doctor and generally one of the most composed people I know. It's insane. Some kind of fricked up ps1 poorgay trauma I can't wrap my mind around.

        • 10 months ago

          sometimes you should just let your Friends shit on a game you dont like, you don't have to defend it everytime. That is what makes you a cultist, trying to be Right when it's about Feels.

          • 10 months ago

            I literally explained one time because he sounded like he genuinely didn't understand. He's raged about the game for decades. There is no way I'm ethically in the wrong here.

            • 10 months ago

              just let him say it sucks compared to FF7. it's not hard to grasp.

              • 10 months ago

                I do! I just explained once the merits of both and he lost his fricking mind and hasn't recovered.

        • 10 months ago

          ocarina really isn't important the more you look into it.

          • 10 months ago

            I mean neither is ff7 or any other fricking game for that matter. That wasn't the point.

            • 10 months ago

              FF7 does seem to have had some impact beyond the vague "uh uh it um uhh inspired...le everything" oot fanboys like to throw out there.

              • 10 months ago

                Anon, no it doesn't. People are jerking off to both. They both got remasters. And soon they will both have movies. There's no difference. One just has higher review aggregate and the other has a remake. That's the difference.

        • 10 months ago

          >He lost his god damn mind. He went full speed just reeeiing incomprehensible ad hominem
          That's how most of the schizos are on this board, they never grew up. Its why we have constant threads seething over OOT like this thread and even the N64.
          >He's a doctor
          I was going to ask if He's that Indian doctor that got fired for console warring during an operation.

          • 10 months ago

            Lol nah hes not indian and keeps his shit together at work and has actually evolved quite a bit as a person since he started working. He's actually a very reasonable person and pretty intelligent. It's just something about that game mind broke him. He refused to touch all Zeldas even if they cater to his specific ideas about how a game should be.

  43. 10 months ago

    Majora's Mask needs a guide book so it's superior in puzzles and dungeon design.

  44. 10 months ago

    Man why does this little gem always makes the autistic schizos on Ganker seethe?

    • 10 months ago

      Ganker is 100% fomo in memes and games. And in this case 99.9% of the board missed out on both.

  45. 10 months ago

    I think it'd cute that late millenials and zoomers that have played like 20 games, dickride 1 or 2 franchises, and think they have an educated opinion of a game they weren't even old enough to comprehend. Reminds me of when my little cousin tried to discus the discography of some band when he was like 9.

    • 10 months ago

      This. It annoys me when some zoomer born in like 1996 hates on Ocarina of Time even though they've never even played it.

    • 10 months ago

      It's funny because the homosexual dick riding the saturn in the N64 threads pretty much admitted to never playing on a Saturn back when it first came out and his first experience with one was after 2010.

  46. 10 months ago

    >You WILL upvote this game
    >You WILL get the vax
    >You WILL wear the dress

  47. 10 months ago

    >poster count didnt go up
    Yee, he mad y'all.

  48. 10 months ago

    Anyone who actually thinks this is the best game of all time needs a slap

  49. 10 months ago


    kek wtf

    Tendies like many fanboys have a cult-like mentality surrounding their purported exclusive and will shill it to high heaven (for free of course). They will pre-emptively shitpost or write off any game or hardware that isn't from their company icon and happily ignore any and all criticism about the games of their chosing, even when this becomes completely hypocritical and their own criticism for some reason doesn't apply to their company.

    I'm not sure what causes this behavior; Fear of an viable alternative to their beloved company product? Jealousy that they can't afford another console to play the new hot thing? Or perhaps a growing feat that Nintendo has long since abandonded them as their core fanbase but a lifetime of servitude leaves them unable to move on and instead guzzle recycled N64 ROMS they've already played a billion times?

    They are essentially the Applegays of vidya

    tldr: bing bing wahoo

    my sides KEK

  50. 10 months ago

    >the schizo is replying to himself again
    Is he going to get banned and get all his posts purged like the last two times?

  51. 10 months ago

    Who gives a shit? All that matters is that it was great back when it released and it's still great now. Go play it if you haven't already.

    • 10 months ago

      if you spent years as adult link, then got reverted to child link, would it be ok if you took up nabooru on her offer and just plowed her hard as a kid?

  52. 10 months ago


  53. 10 months ago


    >Doom is a game thats far more deserving of the title anyway.
    I'd personally give the title to the original half life myself

    • 10 months ago

      well, that too. Also tetris

      you could still play every influential game
      Are you saying that's not true?
      Plausibly you could own like 10 consoles and go to arcades and hit every landmark in gaming history right up to the first playstation/xbox

      That was a Copy and Paste Typo, I didn't intend to type it

      • 10 months ago

        Honestly I'd give it to space invaders before tetris.
        I don't know how much dna they share though given that tetris came out of the USSR.
        >That was a Copy and Paste Typo, I didn't intend to type it
        lol fe

  54. 10 months ago

    It's babby's first rpg. Good for its time, not so much anymore. Zoomies and reddit love it for some reason

    • 10 months ago

      Zoomers hate everything before the Wii Generation, like 90% of websites will have nothing but 2010s movie games and open world slop.

  55. 10 months ago


    Doom came out and recieved less praise than Star Fox did that same year. And it was a SNK fighting game that the american gaming press awarded the Game of the year.

  56. 10 months ago


    you could still play every influential game
    Are you saying that's not true?
    Plausibly you could own like 10 consoles and go to arcades and hit every landmark in gaming history right up to the first playstation/xbox

  57. 10 months ago

    >Is this really the best game of all time?
    For some people it is. There are even some anons who agree with that, saying how the game has perfect pacing, is perfectly balanced between freedom and linearity, etc. I honestly don't think any of that's really true and while I liked the game at launch I never put Ocarina in a category of its own where it's superior to anything else, to me it's a product of its time and is as good as many others 1998 games.
    It is worth remembering that Ocarina is more or less contemporary with several other remarkable games, Quake, Half Life, Gran Turismo, Diablo, Fallout 2, Starcraft, etc.

  58. 10 months ago


    were you born a zigger or did you have to work at it?

  59. 10 months ago

    What is the point of these threads when the real answers just get ignored?

    • 10 months ago

      Zoomers are seething and can't stand the fact that they grew up in the generation where everything is shit and all of the good things came out before they were born.

      • 10 months ago

        Everyone born 2000 onwards is cancer.

      • 10 months ago

        Here's what the average "Best game" list will look like now
        >No content Open World game from the 2010s
        >No content Cinematic on-rails movie from the 2010s
        >No content Open World game from the 2010s
        >The original 1984 version of Tetris
        >Token Mario game, usually Bros 3 or World
        >No content open world game from the 2010s
        >Dark Souls and or Bloodborne in the top 10
        >No content Open World game from the 2010s
        >Persona 5 (Visual Novel) as the token RPG

        • 10 months ago

          You forgot
          >OOT still in second place because boomers still won't shut the frick up about it 2 decades later and throw a piss fit if no one mentions it

          • 10 months ago

            You mean like the israelites who review bombed Metacritic and removed 1000s of reviews and showered TLOU2 with perfect scores insisting it's one of the best games ever, because everyone hated it and overnight instantly psyopped angry consumers that it was secretly good after the leaks because of the alt right boogeyman?

            • 10 months ago

              >WAAAAAAAAH it's ok if we cry over nothing because SOME OTHER PEOPLE ARE WORSE WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH
              God I hate boomers

            • 10 months ago

              get off this website. it's rotting your brain which is still developing

              • 10 months ago

                To believe TLouT is good what you have in your head is not a functioning brain

          • 10 months ago

            Boomers aren't the ones making these threads, dipshit. If you make a stupid thread going "hurr durr y dis game lieked so much?1?1?1" of course you're going to get people to respond and correct you when you start spewing bullshit.

            • 10 months ago

              it's both funny and fascinating i can break you with a single picture.

              • 10 months ago

                You mean this one?

                Who is the bigger Zelda schizo

                ACgay or the Ganoncuck poster?

                acgay IS the ganon cuck poster. Notice how every time cuck porn is posted, he's in the tread "wanting" to talk about gameplay.

            • 10 months ago

              I didn't make the thread, dipshit

  60. 10 months ago

    >Is this really the best game of all time?
    Depends on how old you were when it came out. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.

    • 10 months ago

      Nostalgia is a imaginary boogeyman that isn't real. People getting more and more moronic over time is real though, since all zoomers are illiterate

      • 10 months ago

        Zoomers are seething and can't stand the fact that they grew up in the generation where everything is shit and all of the good things came out before they were born.

        It's because israelites hate the older generation and psyopped zoomers into believing everything is better now. That's how they continue consuming new products mindlessly.

        Zoomers hate everything before the Wii Generation, like 90% of websites will have nothing but 2010s movie games and open world slop.

        Ganker is an imageboard website that is mostly used by young males. Official demographics state that the most popular age group are those between 18 and 25.

        • 10 months ago

          >the most popular age group is zoomer age
          This actually makes sense now. I've overstayed my welcome. Bye

          • 10 months ago

            Technically 24-25 are zillennials, and they're the last of the OoT fans, as seen here

            • 10 months ago

              ya we heard you the first time plop

      • 10 months ago

        >Nostalgia is a imaginary boogeyman that isn't real
        >People getting more and more moronic over time is real though

        • 10 months ago

          >posts proof this has happened before
          >this somehow refutes that it is happening now

          • 10 months ago

            It hasn't been happening before unless we've been on an endless treadmill of degeneracy slowly falling further and further into the abyss
            More likely it's just that homosexual boomer nostalgiagays have existed since the dawn of time.

            • 10 months ago

              this Black personbrained moron thinks we're a continuation of rome

              • 10 months ago

                This dumb homosexual thinks that we aren't
                Which might actually be true now that I think about it why don't you go ahead and post your hand champ

              • 10 months ago

                concession accepted.

              • 10 months ago

                I never tried to argue that Somalia was a continuation of rome

              • 10 months ago

                concession accepted.

    • 10 months ago

      Is this where you try to convince us you were 60? Because there are 50 year olds that think it is the GOAT. Not saying I agree with them but claiming nostalgia for OOT is moronic considering the sweeping range of ages that thought it was a 10/10.

  61. 10 months ago


    >the game is an 8/10. calling it the best game of all time only lowers the bar. the real reason its so highly regarded is because it was nintendo's equivalent of an 'Oscar-Bait' game, made in opposition to the Playstation that came out around the same time. Journalists who had their biases with nintendo circle-jerked this game to prove that their favourite brand was for mature audiences as well.
    I hate tendies and even I know you're moronic.

  62. 10 months ago

    Nostalgia isn't real.

    >You like Mozart? Nostalgiagay. Do you honestly think music hasn't improved since your childhood?

    >You like cars from the 1950s? Nostalgiagay. Do you honestly think cars haven't improved since your childhood?

    >You like gothic architecture? Nostalgiagay. Do you honestly think architecture haven't improved since your childhood?

    >You like The Dollars Trilogy? Nostalgiagay. Do you honestly think film hasn't improved since your childhood?

    >You like Ocarina of Time? Nostalgiagay. Do you honestly think games haven't improved since your childhood?

    How old am I?

  63. 10 months ago

    Nah. Don't believe me? Go try it. We've come very far since then.

  64. 10 months ago

    >BOTWgays still seething that it didn't make it into the top ten

  65. 10 months ago

    Who is the bigger Zelda schizo

    ACgay or the Ganoncuck poster?

    • 10 months ago

      Plop is without a doubt the most pathetic of all.

    • 10 months ago

      Arthur or the erictroony spammer

  66. 10 months ago

    troony game for troony console. Now excuse me im playing this pc

    • 10 months ago

      >It's not about what's on the outside, it's what's on the inside that counts!
      PC is the platonic ideal of a troony

      • 10 months ago

        >they emulate games, just like they like to emulate being a woman.
        It's rather poetic.

  67. 10 months ago

    2nd best
    Xenoblade 1 surpassed it but nothing since

  68. 10 months ago

    Even at a young age I realized that forcing a bunch of boys and men to larp as a character wearing a dress and pantyhose was wrong. Zelda dudes are just a little off kind of like homeschool kids.

    It's all so tiresome.

    • 10 months ago

      >It's all so tiresome.
      MINDBROKEN by the greatest video game ever published.

      • 10 months ago

        Ironic post is ironic. Cool triforce bumpersticker btw

  69. 10 months ago

    not one good attractive girl in this game

    • 10 months ago

      >not Attractive
      b***h I will cut you.

      • 10 months ago

        >man hands

        • 10 months ago

          Man hands that could choke a monkey maybe.

  70. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      This isn't a Steam Deck general anon, you don't have to bump it as there is still active discussion going on.

  71. 10 months ago

    >MINDBROKEN by the greatest video game ever published.
    >Nostalgia isn't real.

  72. 10 months ago

    Ocarina of Time is a Souls-like but without all the Souls-like garbage like moronic slow ass combat and worthless stats. It’s just about the adventure.

    • 10 months ago

      >OoT is a souls like without any of the gameplay or progression

    • 10 months ago

      >moronic slow ass combat

      It's not even a good game.

  73. 10 months ago


  74. 10 months ago


  75. 10 months ago

    it's my turn to make the OOT thread next

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