Is video games and porn the reason why many young men are still virgins and express little interest in dating?

Is video games and porn the reason why many young men are still virgins and express little interest in dating?

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  1. 11 months ago

    It's the fact that women can get free validation and attention on social media so men talking to them IRL is valueless. Video games and porn are the effects of women ignoring men.

    • 11 months ago

      it's both of these
      game publishers and pornographers have spent the last decade and a half competing among themselves to become the most effective at capturing male attention and time, while dating has become less and less inclusive, and women get rewarded with internet clout for posting their darkest and most demoralizing thoughts online, which further disengages men from dating.

  2. 11 months ago

    I'm not really sure, seems like people are constantly swatting each other down. people hate seeing another person make it so I think men just retreat into the safe space of video games.

  3. 11 months ago

    yeah, that's why.

    It's not because they have literal quotas where they refuse to hire a certain amount of men.
    It's not because men have been told that touching a woman on her elbow is rape.
    It's not because the entire world has done nothing but attempt to alienate and shut men out of society.

    Those things all happened but those aren't the reason, it's videogames and porn.

  4. 11 months ago

    I work 40 hours a week and get home at 9pm, what social life can I even develop?!?

  5. 11 months ago

    Is still being virgins the reason why many young men turn to video games and porn and give up dating?

    You were so close to asking the right question, OP. Why play a game you're certain to lose?

  6. 11 months ago

    Doubt it. Like most other forms of digital entertainment it's just cope for not being able to afford quality time with someone IRL or activity IRL in general.
    Reasonable. I was left pretty unscathed back when I was a major coomer, but for a lot of guys it turned them into porn addicted stacysexuals. It really depends.
    Porn and it's growing popularity is a symptom of inceldom and may even be a factor, but to see it as the main cause is beyond moronic. Still bad for you though.

    • 11 months ago

      I dunno about porn being bad tho, It's truly an underrated art form and the top stars are the best at what they do.

  7. 11 months ago

    Serious question:
    I like to jerk off to porn if I am lying in my bed all alone and get horny. Thats just my go to way to jerk off because its more convenient. I do that like once every few days, sometimes every day.
    Aside from that I almost never ever watch porn, and do not really think about sex during the day. Like maybe once a few months I get horny during the day and watch something on the big screen. But that is really rare.
    Is that what is considered porn addiction?
    I do not feel like this is particularly harmful

    • 11 months ago

      no it's not porn addiction, many dudes and chicks are like you, it's something they indulge in briefly and then move on with there lives

      another anon earlier said he was watching it 8 hours a day cause he was a NEET getting autism bux. he's wasting away. I think porn is awesome and most people are lying when they say they don't watch it or like it

  8. 11 months ago

    no its women. they are actually trash. especially the demonic hellspawn that makes up half of our race (aka white women)

    • 11 months ago

      God I fricking love white women

      • 11 months ago

        wtf was on the file that got deleted?

        • 11 months ago

          Some skinny hooters girl.

          • 11 months ago

            lol some triggered troony mod i assume is behind that

  9. 11 months ago

    They are simply more fun than the realities of dealing with women. Even if we were to put the games and porn down, what's waiting for us on the other side? Fat girls, prostitutes or single moms who are empowered by a feminist culture and will be argumentative toxic and combative on top of demanding.

    The guys here will think I'm coping but this selfish lifestyle of enjoying your hobbies while doing the bare minimum socially is simply superior to what options we would have with women.

  10. 11 months ago

    Sexless men existed before videogames and porn were a thing

  11. 11 months ago

    Doubt it. I never watched porn until I was 18 (not kidding) and my mum was against video games when I was young so I always played a moderate amount (though I do now a bit). I would blame the internet age though because I was glued to my computer a lot and stuff like that (easy internet dopamine loops) simply didnt exist in the past.

    Or who knows, maybe losers like us had always existed but there simply wasnt a mainstream way to shine a spotlight on it before the internet came.

  12. 11 months ago

    >video games and porn
    Vidya can be extremely satisfying, much more so than IRL socializing because it scratches the male urge to go out, hunt and gather resources. I am not a moron though, its merely playing placeholder substitute for IRL accomplishments. But what can you accomplish IRL now? You cant cut down trees and build a cabin on your own land without a fricking permit from some c**t. You cannot hunt shit because the government or some other fricker owns every parcel of land within a million mile radius. Im not exaggerating. People actually own land on the fricking moon. You cannot do shit now without some frickwit breathing down your back. So vidya is the best we got to scratch the primal itches. Porn is just an outlet to satisfy the reproduction one. Its nothing more than a tool. That is, unless youre a degenerate gooner, then you should be executed for your own good.

    If you took our vidya and porn away, we'd all get nose deep in books, electronics, model building, photography or whatever the frick else and then youd be pointing to all those and saying, is this why men are blah blah blah? Frick you


  13. 11 months ago

    There's a lot of bullshit being spouted ITT by jaded and bitter anons who got mislead by society
    The answer is that it is one of the most significant reasons, but not in a way you worded it
    Dating is obviously superior, everyone acknowledges this, and video games/porn can't hold a candle to it, however the ease of access, the ease of getting success, as well as the cost of failure, is so insanely skewed towards escapist entertainment that many many men (and women) think everything in life should be that easy, and if it isn't then it's not worth pursuing
    We as a species got collectively spoiled, and are feeling entitled to fulfill any desire we have, or else we protest by checking out of the deal we thought we signed by participation
    After all, better to pretend having a perfectly wonderful life than live making a compromise with reality, right? ...r-right?

    • 11 months ago

      >Dating is obviously superior, everyone acknowledges this
      Only if you are 6'4. If you are average height or shorter you won't get anything. Every ugly girl has 10+ guys on and off trying to get with her.

      • 11 months ago

        You are proving my point exactly
        You think dating should be as easy as you see it on screen, and are scared from competition
        Also generalizing is never accurate, there are women out there who will like your characteristics, if you choose not to be a blackpilled woman-hating doomer and you go out not being scared of rejection

        >Dating is obviously superior
        Literally have a nice day
        Dating is literally such a pathetic exercise, can you imagine it?
        I mean think about what dating really is for a moment:
        First you take pretty pictures of yourself in order to create an advertisement and write witty descriptions, this means you have literally reduced yourself to a product at this point. Additionally you try to appeal to the lowest common denominator because posting special interests or something from the bottom of your soul will decimate your chances. So you not only are a product, but you are now a consumer product which is exchangeable, literally just a piece of meat. Or a meat animal at best. You are not even a pet in the pet store because ironically pets are chosen based in their own intrinsic value and bought in order to be loved, you are not that.
        Now you go on a date, here you have to play a pre defined role which is the codified human dating routine. Look around you: everyone is doing the exact same thing. You are at a restaurant and everyone there is in the exact same scenario and acting out the exact same farce.
        You are literally a monkey put on display and now you are judged on how good you can dance.
        And the interaction is incredibly boring because there is nothing deep or interesting about women unless you allow your own hormones to gaslight yourself into thinking that (which is fatal as it will later bite you in the back).
        The best possible thing you can then get out of that is where the girl becomes your mate and you have to take care of her physical and emotional needs, and in return maybe she will not run away and will let you have sex with her.

        How is that at all superior to anything. It is a hellish torture.
        The only reason I am even considering doing this is because I am insanely touch starved.
        But at this point I am a starving man and before me on the floor lies a rotten sandwich.
        Sure man, I guess the sandwich is better then starving.

        Nah I am 6ft4

        'scuse me, you trip'd on me
        But for real, the first half you are only talking about online dating, I mean yeah that shit is indeed torture, but you can also date some girl your friend introduced you to, or who you keep seeing at the same place you go to every week
        The second half, well I'm sorry you're so desensitized by consooming hyper-stimulating entertainment you feel dating is lame and boring, I have fun on them and just try to enjoy the moment, so what if she won't wanna frick tonight yet? I ain't going there to get laid, I go to get to know a nice lady I may or may not end up marrying one day
        Also a bit funny you consider yourself so special as a human you can't follow animalistic rituals even just for a bit, we aren't that different from our four-legged frens lmao
        I used to be touch-starved too for a long while, to fix that I recommend going to a dance school, it helped me immensely
        See? Height isn't everything, in fact you cannot pinpoint one feature that dooms you to eternal loneliness, apart from having a defeatist loser mindset

        • 11 months ago

          >there are women out there who will like your characteristics
          Nope, if that were true I wouldn't be rotting as a 23 year old virgin. I go outside 5 days a week, women only want to look at good genetics. Money and status is cheating and women hate cheaters.

          • 11 months ago

            money and status is cheating past a certain point in a capitalist society, but that doesn't mean it's unattractive

        • 11 months ago

          Here is the thing: I know dating, been there done that.
          In fact my track record is very good. I go on dates and the girl usually wants to see me again.
          I can get laid easily.
          But the thing is, that whole farce is inherently undesirable.
          Why would I want to do this?
          >Meeting a nice lady
          This is what I meant by gaslighting yourself into thinking she is special.
          Yea you can do that.
          Have fun.

          The secret is: it is actually very easy to successfully Date girls and have lots of fun with them.
          There is just one thing that I would have to give up for it: My decency and morals.
          It is very easy to date as a psychopath. Just lie through your teeth and use women like consumer goods yourself.
          Just embrace the system and become a psychopath and do casual dating.
          I am 6ft4, do you know how easy it is?
          But frick me that is just so disgusting. Eventually there will be some girl who gets into the grinder who is not yet damaged and then all people who have already been turned into psychopaths by it will damage her.
          It is all so horrible.
          Everyone who does casual dating should be whipped unceasingly.

    • 11 months ago

      >Dating is obviously superior
      Literally have a nice day
      Dating is literally such a pathetic exercise, can you imagine it?
      I mean think about what dating really is for a moment:
      First you take pretty pictures of yourself in order to create an advertisement and write witty descriptions, this means you have literally reduced yourself to a product at this point. Additionally you try to appeal to the lowest common denominator because posting special interests or something from the bottom of your soul will decimate your chances. So you not only are a product, but you are now a consumer product which is exchangeable, literally just a piece of meat. Or a meat animal at best. You are not even a pet in the pet store because ironically pets are chosen based in their own intrinsic value and bought in order to be loved, you are not that.
      Now you go on a date, here you have to play a pre defined role which is the codified human dating routine. Look around you: everyone is doing the exact same thing. You are at a restaurant and everyone there is in the exact same scenario and acting out the exact same farce.
      You are literally a monkey put on display and now you are judged on how good you can dance.
      And the interaction is incredibly boring because there is nothing deep or interesting about women unless you allow your own hormones to gaslight yourself into thinking that (which is fatal as it will later bite you in the back).
      The best possible thing you can then get out of that is where the girl becomes your mate and you have to take care of her physical and emotional needs, and in return maybe she will not run away and will let you have sex with her.

      How is that at all superior to anything. It is a hellish torture.
      The only reason I am even considering doing this is because I am insanely touch starved.
      But at this point I am a starving man and before me on the floor lies a rotten sandwich.
      Sure man, I guess the sandwich is better then starving.

      >Dating is obviously superior, everyone acknowledges this
      Only if you are 6'4. If you are average height or shorter you won't get anything. Every ugly girl has 10+ guys on and off trying to get with her.

      Nah I am 6ft4

  14. 11 months ago

    No, but the internet is.

  15. 11 months ago

    vidya games so good

  16. 11 months ago

    That plus constant stress and the internet

  17. 11 months ago

    Must be video games and porn and definitely not women not giving them the time of day or considering them human haha.

  18. 11 months ago

    Young men are like that more often than not now because life is hellbent on destroying them as much as it possibly can. With vidya or other garbage all you need is an account with something, you dont even need money if you want to play shit like TF2 or some of the other f2p games out there, but even if you did working part time could get you plenty of cash to splurge on vidya, nevermind getting a tugboat to be NEET. A lot of other interests and hobbies are like this as well. Just gotta pay the upfront fee and costs. But dating? Jesus fricking Christ did everything go downhill fast, assuming you do get a girl odds are they will be so neurotic and fricked up from SSRIs that it would be a constant egg shell walking test that would not matter anyways since all it takes is the slightest thing you may not even see or know about to get shafted to the curb. All this on top of the shittiness that involves being a wageslave as you see anything even close to a decent life go more and more out of reach while being gaslit that it is not happening and in fact things are even better than before. Even going out just to fricking talk to somebody is becoming a thing of the past since every god damnned little thing now revolves around those fricking apps and boomers are hellbent on destroying anything that is not just hyper consumer goyslop pits.
    t. work full time and talk to women before someone calls me le inkwell

  19. 11 months ago

    >Put in the effort to try and date
    >Arrange a date only for her to cancel hours before we arranged because "something came up"
    >She only gives single word answers, never asks you anything
    >Go on a date, it's just me asking questions and telling stories while she somewhat listens and just buries herself in her phone
    There's no point, honestly just go see an escort to get your fix when you're down bad

  20. 11 months ago

    women are rotten social media slaves, video games and porn are an escape to get away from these rotten disgusting women

  21. 11 months ago

    no its because if guys look in a girls general direction they get accused of assault/raping them

  22. 11 months ago

    Todays women are extremely low quality and bent on being a prostitute online. Even when in the gaming space they are trying to get attention and money.

  23. 11 months ago

    The supposed benefits of gf are not worth the effort you have to put in to get there

  24. 11 months ago

    i'm 31 and a virgin. i'm not obese or unhealthy just ugly and average height. i have literally never been treated like a human being by a woman around my age not related to me. i am fully convinced the entirety of young women are so repulsed by me they completely shut me out of their field of vision and would be actually insulted if i attempted to approach them, like a slave trying to converse with someone else's master, they would have other men kill or beat me if they could. thats why i cope with escapism and porn.

  25. 11 months ago

    yes totally its video games and porn and not because ive been conditioned to be a betamale because im physically built like one.

  26. 11 months ago

    Since birth, everything around me has indicated that it's a waste of time, energy, money, and freedom. Every man I've ever known has been treated horribly by women, and everything I've seen online is the same. Women have tried to do horrible things to me even though I've avoided women for my whole life. Women are scum and I want nothing to do with them. I really wish they didn't have every authority on their side, as well as billions of simps who would die for them in exchange for nothing

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