Is Wow Classic worth starting if i want to spend 3 hours per day? Havent touched wow in 10 years

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  1. 2 years ago

    if you dont plan to raid then who cares how much you play a day
    if you plan to raid youre shit out of luck no matter what unless you already have group of friends willing to carry your ass for it, pugging is impossible at its current stage and people are already overgeared and have no incentive whatsoever to help people start raiding

    • 2 years ago

      thank you for the response, i got the game today, it was a nice flashback to the good times, have a good day/evening

      • 2 years ago

        I strongly suggest you find someone to play with before heading out. It's going to be fun for a while, and everything will seem okay, but then you're going to get depressed from playing alone so much with no one to talk to. It makes the distances you have to run much greater and less interesting to have no one with whom to chat or compare notes or just travel with. I say this as someone who never raided, avoided most of the dungeons, and played mostly alone for 2000+ hours in vanilla and Burning Crusade.

        Guild Wars 2 is the only MMO to innovate since World of Warcraft. Feel free to let identity politics get in the way of a good time but that's fricking moronic imo

        You are forgetting WildStar and also some less obvious fare. ESO is very different from other MMOs though it borrowed a great deal from The Secret World. Fallen Earth was also a very original game even though it was mostly pretty bad. You aren't giving Aion enough credit, and there were some solid innovations in Rift, mainly the namesake events which are where ESO's dolmens came from, and an awesome overland PUG finder that would plop you in a big party and send you all over the world fighting monsters.

        It's a shame the questing in that game is so damned boring. The arena PvP is surprisingly good however, even though it is somewhat pay to win.

  2. 2 years ago

    WoW Classic was such a missed opportunity it pisses me off. The game has no future unlike Old School Runescape.

    Why play WoW Classic when games that are WoW clones and do it better exist? Guild Wars 2 comes to mind.

    • 2 years ago

      troon wars 2 is utter garbage. its completely hallow next to the color progression of your character.

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Guild Wars 2 is the only MMO to innovate since World of Warcraft. Feel free to let identity politics get in the way of a good time but that's fricking moronic imo

        • 2 years ago

          Innovate in what? The game is just a theme park for your character to wander and get stickers in. All character classes are the same, there is no trinity. Endgame is just fashion.

          • 2 years ago

            Innovate in horizontal progression, mounted gameplay, subclassing, world bosses, world bosses, server structuring. They've launched entire expansions with literally zero downtime.

            is gw2 and wow the only mmos youve ever played? no one who plays mmos at all could make such a braindead statement

            Don't play dumb. Guild Wars 2 does a lot right and it'd be equally as braindead to ignore that because muh ESS JAY DOUBLEYOU POLITICS

          • 2 years ago

            Led to mythics and the like
            >Advance/decent armor skin/dye system
            Many MMOs tried to replicate this (and fails). ESO and FF14 system is janky as hell. WoW is low effort (technically they were first, but you could tell they rushed it out to try to beat Gw2 once they got wind it was coming).
            >Open World System
            Dynamic Events, hearts, etc. Instead of typical questing NPCs. FF14 and WoW both went on to copy these event structures with the FATE and World Quest systems each being heavily inspired from these. Among most of the typical "themepark" MMOs, Gw2's open world is considered golden standard in terms of content (WB, JP, mini dungeons, events, hearts, etc).
            >Mount System
            No one has come close to the smoothness and quality of Gw2 mounts. WoW is just now, 5 years after Gw2 did it, trying to copy it in dragonflight. And its going to fail spectacularly. Now they also have boating under their belt which none of the other MMOs in the same subgenre have come close to attempting
            >Horizontal Endgame
            Many MMORPGs now in the themepark subgenre are less focused on gear progression. Now its all about horizontal endgame. Gw2 was the first to pioneer this
            PvP system where gear doesn't matter (spvp) or has little impact (wvw). Completely based on skill.
            >Action Combat
            Really pushed for action combat during a time when everyone wanted to be the next WoW (2012)
            >Feels like a MMO
            Players talk to one another. Tons of large group activities. Guild missions, WvW, 50 person world bosses, raids, etc. You routinely interact with large groups of people that socialize on a normal basis.
            >Megaserver design
            I think the first do this

            It's got its own issues and lack of roles isn't for everyone. I haven't played it in awhile cause I got bored (2k hours will do that). But if you asked me what MMO made the biggest impact on the genre that persist today in the 2010s? Gw2 hands down. You'd be doing the genre a disservice to say so otherwise.

            • 2 years ago

              based explained it better than I could
              GW2 is the best playing MMO by far

            • 2 years ago

              dogshit tiny dungeons that actively forces you to grind the same tiny dungeons over and over again, claiming it led to anything is baffling since they had to kill off their actual full length dungeons for it
              >Advance/decent armor skin/dye system
              all of them offer the same thing
              >Open World System
              "dynamic" events are literally just a smoke screen for the same exact npc quest system in other mmos, there is nothing interesting or engaging about them since theyre designed identically. all it ultimately achieves is taking out the talking to the npc portion, thats supposed to be some sort of big innovation?
              >Horizontal Endgame
              gw1 already had this and it is still yet to be topped by gw2 or any other mmo, gw2 it did not pioneer jack shit especially since it still relies on timegated vertical progression that is comparable to the same routine as xiv raiding
              other mmos do this as well, wvw is at least a decent gimmick while structured pvp is one of the most boring gamemodes you can play
              >Feels like a MMO
              subjective, other mmos dont lack from socialization
              >Megaserver design
              yeah sure, one thing that is true yet was an overall detriment to the health of the community since caring about your own server no long mattered at all

              • 2 years ago

                >subjective, other mmos dont lack from socialization
                lol, lmao even
                >yeah sure, one thing that is true yet was an overall detriment to the health of the community since caring about your own server no long mattered at all
                No one gives a shit about that in other games either you fricking hypocrite. What do you think cross server LFG did to all those other games?
                >dogshit tiny dungeons that actively forces you to grind the same tiny dungeons over and over again, claiming it led to anything is baffling since they had to kill off their actual full length dungeons for it
                Pleb filtered

              • 2 years ago

                >yeah sure, one thing that is true yet was an overall detriment to the health of the community since caring about your own server no long mattered at all
                this. the loss of server communities was a tragic blow for MMOs.

            • 2 years ago

              Dungeon difficulty wasn't invented by GW2. Mythics were probably more inspired by Diablo 3 (though you could probably continue to argue this in circles).
              The open world aspects of other games you mentioned copy RIFT, not GW2. Which also came out about a year before GW2 did.
              >Horizontal endgame
              GW2 is a progression flatline from level 10, for better or worse. It's also not the first MMO to have horizontal progression by far.
              >Action Combat
              TERA came out the same year and was actually action combat, not the garbage GW2 has.
              >Feels like an MMO
              Zerging world bosses is about the only time you need other people while leveling and it's not coordination, it's happenstance.

              I'd probably give you the rest but it's whatever really. I'm not the person you're replying to, I think it did try a lot of new things, I also just don't think they ended up with a very good game out of it.

            • 2 years ago

              >gw2 invented a bunch of shit that had been in the industry for years
              you have to be 18 to post here

            • 2 years ago

              >first to do this
              I'm not a gay that hates GW2 just because brainsick child groomers flock to it since they flock to anything fictional, but come on, guy.

            • 2 years ago

              >Dynamic Events
              >Horizontal Endgame
              Fashion endgame
              >Action Combat
              This was the hot new thing in 2012. TERA.
              >Players talk to one another
              Feels like a ghost town to me.
              >50 person world bosses
              All zergs

            • 2 years ago

              >GW2 pioneered horizontal progression
              Frick sakes anon Everquest was doing this in 1999 GET EDUCATED

        • 2 years ago

          is gw2 and wow the only mmos youve ever played? no one who plays mmos at all could make such a braindead statement

        • 2 years ago

          >Feel free to let identity politics get in the way of a good time
          I used to be like you and I'm glad I no longer am.
          >Oh, a troony in Lion's Arch that you are forced to call brave? Whatever, it's in the middle of buttfrick nowhere and an optional dialog, who cares?
          >Oh, oceans of dykes and homosexuals? Whatever, it's just a coincidence, not like being straight would've saved them from being bland either way.
          >Oh, a non-binary elder dragon that has been referred to as a he numerous time in the core game, plus upwards of 1 more enby troon in Icebrood Saga? Whatever, the writing sucks anyway, I don't play this game for the story.
          >Oh, troony devs with a 5 o'clock shadow talking on stream, potentially about other troony characters? Well, uhhh, as long as they do their job at making the game?..
          >Oh, an interracial gay smut writer? Uhm, uh, well...
          >Oh, the nu-marionette has had her breasts and ass literally flattened by some seething envious roastoid? Okay, this is just getting moronic, I'm g-
          >Oh, I have been banned for saying that whoever is responsible for the nu-marionette can go duck herself
          I understand if you try to desperately shut off this noise so you can pretend like everything's fine to maintain your crumbling sanity, but don't try to tell others to just stop noticing things or else they're wrong and bad, because you're just gonna be rightfully assumed to be a troony shill.

          • 2 years ago

            Not him, but why are you glad that you are no longer able to enjoy something because of your own inability to not get offended by things that don't really affect you in a meaningful way?
            I mean does the gameplay get worse because there some text about a troony/queer/whatever on your screen?
            There are much bigger and worse issues with the game than these.
            The story/writing is shit, the new expac shows, the homosexualry enabling is just sprinkling on top of a pile of poop. See the genderfluid or whatever engineer thing NPC that butts in for a quest or two in New Kaineng, but so insignificant that I can't even remember it's name only that it's been in the promo trailer too.

            • 2 years ago

              I tell you how the game suffers narratively, aesthetically, and how it DIRECTLY affects my GAMEPLAY with it's troony shit in that one post. At this point your coping mechanism has entered the unhealthy delusion mode. Learn some reading comprehension, until then you are a troony shill.
              Not even gonna bother talking about the expac, I quit during the nu-marionette for reasons you SHOULD be aware of.

              • 2 years ago

                Your hatred will inevitably turn inward.

              • 2 years ago

                >Meaningless buzzwords
                Your concession has been aknowledged, HRT goblin.

              • 2 years ago

                have a nice day. Unironically. Please.

              • 2 years ago

                My hatred has turned N-word you fricking Black person

              • 2 years ago

                >At this point your coping mechanism has entered the unhealthy delusion mode.
                I am not coping with anything. I am not deranged and can bear the sight of things I dislike if they don't affect me directly. Yes, the marionette change was also moronic and uncalled for, but I fought it like ten times during the return event and that's it, I don't care about it, it's shit content and I am not autistic to throw a tantrum about some minor aesthetic retcon.
                I have uninstalled the game months ago mainly because the folk at anet are moronic that don't even know their own game(balance dev admittedly doesn't know classes and raids, and does stuff based on personal taste and the info in the wiki) and just cater to gem store skins addict moron whales.

              • 2 years ago

                I get it. You're a golem. You're one of those homosexuals I was told about and personally seen that were deliberately taught in their schools to be narrow-minded and incapable of comprehending the bigger picture. You by design tunnel-vision on one aspect and cannot comprehend it being but a piece of the puzzle. An easily duped simpleton. An NPC, dare I say. I have seen so many examples of this they all blend together at this point.
                Don't bother me anymore, slave. Go and consoom whatever content you're fed and stop worrying about the concerns of people that are more clever than you.

              • 2 years ago

                Okay, I guess I am a clueless NPC, but then you are a mentally ill idiot.
                What are you even getting at? Anet devs/management getting replaced by morons who happen to be SJW pozzed homosexuals as well or just chasing modern trends with troony and pol-correct shit? Yeah, that's a thing, and it's also a thing I don't care about if they would deliver me a game I can enjoy. Clearly they can't, so as I wrote earlier I uninstalled the game as well.

              • 2 years ago

                >I can't establish cause and effect
                >But you're the idiot though, because... YOU JUST ARE, OKAY?!
                Frick off, dumb c**t.

              • 2 years ago

                Yes anon you are fricking idiot. The reason is simple to see for anyone who reads the reply-chain. Obviously you can't see it because as said you are a deranged idiot who keeps sperging out over trannies and sjwshit in video games so hard that it even ruins his enjoyment of the gameplay. I mean it must be hard to live like that but I guess you have bigger issues in real life with that than in a video game.

              • 2 years ago

                You’re such a angry little goblin anon, who hurt you?

              • 2 years ago

                homosexual, disregarded from here.

          • 2 years ago

            Not him, but why are you glad that you are no longer able to enjoy something because of your own inability to not get offended by things that don't really affect you in a meaningful way?
            I mean does the gameplay get worse because there some text about a troony/queer/whatever on your screen?
            There are much bigger and worse issues with the game than these.
            The story/writing is shit, the new expac shows, the homosexualry enabling is just sprinkling on top of a pile of poop. See the genderfluid or whatever engineer thing NPC that butts in for a quest or two in New Kaineng, but so insignificant that I can't even remember it's name only that it's been in the promo trailer too.

            >Meaningless buzzwords
            Your concession has been aknowledged, HRT goblin.

            have a nice day. Unironically. Please.

            Okay, go wear your wig, take your hormones and off yourself. We all know that's where this is headed. I'd like to talk about classic wow with election tourist, troonys in denial shitting up the thread 🙂

            • 2 years ago

              Noone asked you what you'd like to do, vermin. You are shit and so are your games, homosexual.

    • 2 years ago


      at least wow classics death was short and painless

    • 2 years ago

      If Blizzard was smart they would have done Classic+ and just added fresh content to the game instead of migrating to TBC. It is what everyone wanted.

      • 2 years ago

        >Brought to you by the people who gave you retail

        You people that think classic+ could be a thing are actually fricking moronic.
        Also, all the content that would be in "classic+" literally exists in retail you dumb frick.

        Literally everything you could think of for "classic+" was literally done in the 20 years that you wern't playing the game, if you wern't such a brain dead fricking moron you would know this.

        >"omg imagine emerald dream omg"
        Yeah they did that in legion
        >"omg imagine grim batol omg"
        Yeah they did that in cata
        "Imagine a vashj zone, where we explore the maelstrom!!"
        Yep, they did that in cata.
        etc etc

        Every other bit of "content" you think should be made for "classic+", yep, it already exists in retail you fricking moron, the game didn't stop being made when you quit.

    • 2 years ago

      >WoW clones that do it better exist
      these do not exist

  3. 2 years ago

    you'd probably have a more authentic vanilla experience playing something like turtle-wow over classic at this point.

  4. 2 years ago

    Try turtle wow op

  5. 2 years ago

    I'm planning to play WOW Classic when Microsoft buys Activision Blizzard and makes it part of their Game Pass.

  6. 2 years ago

    Can you still play vanilla wow classic or is classic exclusively WotLk now?

    • 2 years ago

      You can pick whatever homie start playing

  7. 2 years ago

    Do people actually remember when WoW was cool and Blizzard wasn't a moronic company or are you all zoomers now?

    • 2 years ago

      Im a zoomer you have been replaced

      • 2 years ago

        It's good to the know that the era servers are still waiting for me.


        No, please just let it go. It will never feel like the first time ever again.

        It did feel that way during the classic launch though so frick you you're wrong.

  8. 2 years ago

    I'm just waiting for the Riot mmorpg to start because I want to play a mmorpg from the very beginning for once.
    Also looking forward to the start of Diablo 4.

  9. 2 years ago

    check out ESO or something, why pay a sub for this?

  10. 2 years ago

    No, please just let it go. It will never feel like the first time ever again.

  11. 2 years ago

    Classic was pretty great at first, imo. It was the most fun I had with WoW since Vanilla/TBC. Got burnt out around level 50 and ended up coming back when TBC came to classic and I found that experience to be disappointing. The world was dead very quickly and even on the most populated servers there seemed to be so few people actually leveling up characters. I had trouble even finding groups for Deadmines. Yeah, a lot of people were focused on endgame content, which I get, but even at the lowest points of TBC's actual release years ago, the world was still full of people.

    Maybe it's changed but that was my experience last time I picked up classic. There's still a lot of fun to be had, and WoW will always have a special place in my heart even if it really went downhill over the years.

  12. 2 years ago

    shit game shit community too slow, play something that respects your time even a little bit more than this garbage

  13. 2 years ago

    I never understand why people who want complete horizontal progression in the name of balance don't go play something else. It's time to gatekeep and make RPGs actual RPGs again. Your character should get stronger and gear will replace weaker gear and if you don't like it there's the door to BRs and Mobas where you can practice a 12 button rotation and prove your sick fighting game skillz. So much of why MMOs are shit is endless appeasement to people that fundamentally disagree with the genre they signed up for. That's GW2s 'progression' system and all of FF14 that crap is rotten from the ground up.

    • 2 years ago

      Imagine thinking yourself to be some kind of purist connosieur because "Tee hee me like when mumber go up!"

  14. 2 years ago

    Wow ascension is better. If you have already played vanilla wow at least. I just don't have time for it.

  15. 2 years ago

    So I'm planning to play classic wow in about 1 year when Microsoft own it. Gonna bring my gf along, it's gonna be fun. I'm hoping that the servers will get a boost at that time but I'll be playing even if nobody else is.

    • 2 years ago

      why dont you play it now blizztroony shill?

      • 2 years ago

        Because I'm not a shill and Blizzard is terrible. You should like them since you love terrible things and hate regular things.

      • 2 years ago

        Keys you fricking moron. Ignoring the support for Microsoft is a form of shilling for ActiBlizzRape Corp.

  16. 2 years ago

    Classic and TBC is fun. Alot of people are leveling because of the XP buff. I'd say give it a try.

    • 2 years ago

      I played Classic, but didnt bother trying TBC because of the pay2win boost and mounts

      Will WotLK classic have a paid levelup?
      Heirloom items?
      Dungeon Finder?
      Flying Mounts in Azeroth?
      >Ive never played WotLK before

      • 2 years ago

        >Flying Mounts in Azeroth?
        that came with Cataclysm
        it will probably have dungeon finder

      • 2 years ago

        The boost really was a pay to lose more than win. It gave you dogshit gear and then sent you packing into the dark portal at level 58 when really you should wait till 60 for better skills and gear. WOTLK will most likely have a 70 boost.

  17. 2 years ago

    TLDR SoM will always be a good run for your time/money even if you play solo it is what WoW always aspired to be but failed because of corporative greed

  18. 2 years ago

    homosexual game for homosexual people

  19. 2 years ago

    the most fun i had in classic was doing the hardcore solo self found thing. really gave the game a freshness it hasn't had in forever. the problem is that community is full of homosexuals and some trannies ofc.

  20. 2 years ago

    The game itself is still a lot of fun but there are a few key issues.
    1) Blizzard does not care about Chinese bot farms using the paid level boost service to speedrun every server's economy into the ground. You will make zero money with any gathering professions and Blizz wants buying gold with cash to become standard.
    2) Blizzard cares more about satisfying politically minded shareholders than their customers, so expect every problem or broken thing you encounter to remain there forever or get worse while superficial things are constantly updated.
    3) Most of the community is hot dogshit because almost nobody is here for the experience WoW was originally made for and just wants to metagame speedrun all content, get their big numbers then frick off.
    4) They're almost out of time for the 'good era' of WoW which means there are big decisions to be made about the future of Classic. Blizz is bad at big decisions, everyone has a different vision for where they want the game to go, and a lot of people expect it to not go their way and therefor see a plug pull as inevitable. This keeps a lot of people from committing to the game in the way you'd want for a healthy MMO community.

    If you can look past all this then go for it.

    • 2 years ago

      Inflated economy does the exact opposite with gathering and gold making you fricking moron, you can make an insane amount of gold mining and herbing if you are new to the game, the opposite is true on a fresh server where no one has gold to spend.

      Make portals or do some shitty basic enchant like minor speed and people with give you 10g just because.

      • 2 years ago

        What the frick are you talking about, dumbass? Do you think before you post? What part of 'Chinese bots holding a monopoly on every gathered material in the game' screams opportunity to you? Nevermind, do not reply, you're gonna pretend you meant something else when you realize you're wrong, backpedal and say something even fricking dumber.

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