>It was corporations like this that put the final nail in the coffin for humanity.

>It was corporations like this that put the final nail in the coffin for humanity.
>They exploited technology for their own gains, pocketing the cash and ignoring the damage they'd done.
What does Paladin Danse think Arcjet even did? They didn't cause any damage as far as we know. Also, humanity isn't dead. Like, I'm pretty sure I know the real explanation for this dialougue. The dudes who wrote the quests were told a basic outline(go with brotherhood danse to big rocket company but terminal says somebody hekkin' DIED after sneaking in during a test firing.) and had to flesh it out. When they did that and sent it back to corporate, corporate said "Nooooo, you have to make corporations look bad!! Rewrite it! What you mean not arcjet fault? Just because the moron ignored all the security and warnings and snuck into a dangerous mars rocket ship testing chamber and went directly under the thruster for no reason in the middle of preparations to show the press because he couldn't wait a few hours for them to finish test firing it doesn't mean he committed suicide. It's big corp fault! Blame capitalism NOW!!!! But don't change our script because that's a hassle." And so they just added on a few things that made no sense and called it a day, knowing corporate wouldn't care. Danse's random line calling arcjet evil, arcjet hiding the reporter's suicide for no reason and then the employee's acting all "hekkin sick to there stumachs!!!". They know their bosses think they can just make people sympathise with morons for no reason and hate whoever they want for no reason without actually doing it, so they didn't bother. But here's a question. Did the executives or whatever unironically fall for that stupid lying meme that says Fallout criticises capitalism, or did they know that was bullshit but think that the average fallout player didn't?

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  1. 7 months ago

    too long

  2. 7 months ago

    I didn't read any of your autistic nonsense, but you do realize that Paladin Danse is dead and was replaced by a Synth, right? If you played through his questline you should have known that, you even have the option to spare him or kill him after discovering the truth.

    • 7 months ago

      First of all what's your point second of all we don't know there was ever a human danse.

      • 7 months ago

        My point is you're autistic and didn't pay attention or follow the story. You strike me as someone who'd make a six hour Youtube video analyzing one character or one questline, and somehow squeeze six hours out of nothing.

        • 7 months ago

          What are you talking about you moron? Why do you think I didn't pay attention to a story? You make no damn sense.

          • 7 months ago

            He's a bethestard, ignore him. And yes Danse sperging about MUH CORPORATISHUNS outta nowhere is really out of place.

        • 7 months ago

          If m8 wants to be autistic let him. What did you shitty anime waifu or bait template thread die for this actual videogames thread or something?

    • 7 months ago

      I always killed him. Death to synths, mutants, and ghouls.

    • 7 months ago

      Been ages since i played Fallout 4 (Because Fallout 4) but my impression was that he was "always" a Synth that the Railroad gave a new original identity after freeing that then joined BoS due their ideals resonating with his new identity rather then a Institute one that pulled the "Kill and replace" schtick. Am i misremembering shit?

      • 7 months ago

        That was my take. Especially since the BoS discovered him at a location that we know that the Railroad were sending synths to get new identities.

  3. 7 months ago

    I guess he should have said "the final nail in the coffin for human civilization," but I got his point. As to Arcjet, I feel like he was more talking about the American corporate system in general. Vaultec was genuinely run by psychopaths, Nukacola engaged in violent industrial sabotage, and of course all the robot manufacturers were up to all manner of sleazy shit, leaving aside the literal war profiteering.
    Basically, Danse is saying that as impressive as Arcjet is, the entire system was heading towards catastrophe and people *like* the ones at Arcjet sped the world along that path..

    • 7 months ago

      But if arcjet is innocent then those other companies aren't "like" arcjet. Also come on, you know he didn't mean everyone but arcjet. He's clearly blaming them too. Also
      Wasn't in it for the money so his quote doesn't apply.

  4. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      You sound like the mf who greenlit The Lorax.

    • 7 months ago

      <3 government though

      • 7 months ago

        Duh, corporations are bad because any random person can become powerful and use their power to commit evil. If only the government has power we can make sure only good people have any power.

      • 7 months ago



        • 7 months ago

          Im struggling to even imagine what that is. Some kind of primitive prehistoric society?

          • 7 months ago

            Probably whatever the Native Americans used.
            Chief know all. Do what Chief says or fave punishment.
            But you could just like leave the tiny ass teepee camp and do whatever without consequences since the tribe isn't equipped with the resources to enforce anything that isn't exactly inside their immediate surroundings so that's where the anarchy part comes in.

            I'm guessing that's how all the tribes started. One guy said frick it I'm gonna start my own tribe, then sometime later a guy in that tribe said the same thing and it goes on and on till white man show up

            • 7 months ago

              >I'm guessing
              We can tell

  5. 7 months ago
  6. 7 months ago

    >What does Paladin Danse think Arcjet even did?

    Basically before the War, America wasn't OUR America, but a ultra, right wing, nation where companies basically got away with evil shit like illegal dumping, wage salvery, and making the lives of Chinese Americans living hell, if not blowing the whistle on 'em as spies and watching them get rounded up and sent to places like Big Mountain to be experimented on.

    Europe was already in a quagmire of bullshit, and the UN was dead, so there s zero oversight to any of this beyond what kept America floating near the end.

    As for what Arcjet did, I don't remember any documents or lore hints relating to the sort; but I usually write it off as simple BoS Dogma coming from Danse.

    • 7 months ago

      That's the exact opposite of right. Kys right now moron because not even any of the other stuff you said was particularily accurate. Play the video game instead of eating pooptube zlop.

    • 7 months ago

      >America wasn't OUR America, but a ultra, right wing, nation where companies basically got away with evil shit like illegal dumping, wage salvery, and making the lives of Chinese Americans living hell

    • 7 months ago

      >Basically before the War, America wasn't OUR America, but actually it was

    • 7 months ago

      >Basically before the War, America wasn't OUR America, but a ultra, right wing, nation where companies basically got away with evil shit
      Oh man, all that evil shit, the opening to Fallout 4 was so evil, all those suburban white picket fence homes with robot butlers and nuclear powered cars. Absolute living hell.
      Not like those chinese bugmen did anything wrong when they invaded america, then nuked it when they lost their invasion force.

  7. 7 months ago

    >Just because the moron ignored all the security and warnings and snuck into a dangerous mars rocket ship testing chamber
    Yeah but they covered it up and started threatening to kill people's families so they could make more money.

    • 7 months ago

      >covered it up
      For no reason. Also not a crime.
      >threatened to kill people's families
      Did they?
      >so they could make more money

      • 7 months ago

        >For no reason.
        To avoid a media meltdown over their company so they could continue to earn a lot of money instead of risking losing it because of the dead moron. Also I'm pretty sure that it is some kind of crime to hide someone's corpse.

        >Did they?
        >Project Manager's Terminal
        >XMB Booster Notes - 10-2077
        >I took the tape straight up to Thomas and threw it on his desk. He took one look at the tape and then told me what happened to that poor man being burned alive. Then he told me how he had Brent cover the accident up! I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I told him I was going to head straight to the police, but he threatened my life - and my family's life.

        • 7 months ago

          >a media meltdown over their company
          That's not a thing that could happen. Countless employees at tons of different companies died every day and in most other cases you can read about in fallout 4 it was actually the company's fault. But not this case so why would arcjet be in trouble when the other dudes get away with shit?
          >it's some kind of crime to hide someone's corpse
          Yeah but who cares anyway? Also there was no corpse. Maybe a little ash.

          • 7 months ago

            >That's not a thing that could happen. Countless employees at tons of different companies died every day
            It wasn't an employee it was a member of the press.

            • 7 months ago

              Oooooooooh yeah maybe that would make a difference idk.

              >Basically before the War, America wasn't OUR America, but a ultra, right wing, nation where companies basically got away with evil shit
              Oh man, all that evil shit, the opening to Fallout 4 was so evil, all those suburban white picket fence homes with robot butlers and nuclear powered cars. Absolute living hell.
              Not like those chinese bugmen did anything wrong when they invaded america, then nuked it when they lost their invasion force.

              For real man. You should honestly just ignore this homosexual though. You're gonna see a lot like him and none of them care about what's in the game.

  8. 7 months ago

    go outside
    I always knew you had to be either disabled or autistic to enjoy bethesda games and this is a great example

    • 7 months ago

      What are you talking about? Also Bethesda games were fun. Oblivion Fallout 3 Fallout 4 and 76 and arguably skyrim.

  9. 7 months ago

    1) He was generalizing and talking about corporate America.
    2) Arcjet made rocket engines, and I would assume you can figure out what those were used for; but since you made this stupid ass thread with a paragraph of autistic rambling, you don't.
    have a nice day, moron.

    • 7 months ago

      >what they were used for
      The mars shot project. They were made to try to get to mars which is moronic but it didn't do any damage. What do you think they were used for.

      • 7 months ago

        I assume he thinks the rocket engines developed there were influential in the creation of intercontinental ballistic nuclear missiles.

        • 7 months ago

          Man's not that stupid, is he?

          • 7 months ago

            I mean it would make sense, space shit for the most part is just an excuse to create rockets to carry better missiles.

            • 7 months ago

              Post any evidence.

              • 7 months ago

                Do you think that both the US and Soviet Union just decided to develop rocket tech and go to space for the hell of it? Do you think that the space race was all about dick waving?

              • 7 months ago

                That wasn't arcjet bro.

    • 7 months ago

      >he was taliing about CAPTTLALIMS
      No he wasn't. Quit falling for memes dumb moron.

  10. 7 months ago

    >They exploited technology for their own gains, pocketing the cash and ignoring the damage they'd done.
    So basically the brotherhood of steel? Instead of "cash" they just pocketed the advantages and the tech itself.
    This series should never went beyond fallout 2.

    • 7 months ago

      You're insane and have never played a fallout game before in your life. Suicide is free.

      Been ages since i played Fallout 4 (Because Fallout 4) but my impression was that he was "always" a Synth that the Railroad gave a new original identity after freeing that then joined BoS due their ideals resonating with his new identity rather then a Institute one that pulled the "Kill and replace" schtick. Am i misremembering shit?

      >(because I hate good video games that are fun and quality)
      Leave this thread now.

      • 7 months ago

        I mean, i only came back because you responded so you could just not getting triggered by someone saying it is what it is and i'd be out of your hair. You being so defensive of 4 makes me feel old though, feels like it was just yesterday it released and just about every anon shat on it with or without cause.

    • 7 months ago

      >fallout 1

    • 7 months ago

      >fallout 1

      >Okay boys, you know what to do.
      >Look through every quest and line of dialogue, scour every line of code and analyse every piece of artwork, to search for ANY spot you can add in a Monty Python reference. Also if you notice anything you can add a beatles reference or doctor whom or lost world or teminator or ricknmorty reference you know what to do.
      >Just make sure that monty python takes precedence, if there's a spot that could have either or, always choose monty python.
      >What's that you say bo? You found a spot you can put one but many players won't see it cause they'll go a better way?
      >Well then go ahead and remove any other option but to see it!
      >Remember people, we're here to let people know that we like monty python and jiff goldbloom! They will then defend us with their lives.
      >What's that you say john? "Role playing"? What is that and why are you wasting my time with this?
      >Hmm, no I don't know what rpg stands for. All I know is the R is for reference. Now stop wasting time and get back to plagairisng all the crappy boomer things boomers pretend to like! I mean we only have a few years, who knows if we'll be able to fit enough in!

  11. 7 months ago

    You know in real life it's true though, right?
    You know that aerospace companies, specifically US aerospace companies, have their own black-ops teams which shoot down and retreive the vehicles of off-world people, right?
    They vivisect them and experiment on them you know that right?
    They have world-changing tech that could end every single global ill overnight if properly utilised but they won't release it because the people who contribute the most to the aerospace companies and who own them have investments in planet-destroying carbon-based non-renewable energies; you know all that right?
    You must know all this it's a matter of public record

    • 7 months ago

      >u know irl
      Is not relevant to this discussion.
      >you know all this shit about aliens and fossil fuels right
      Sure????? Except to be honest not really.

      • 7 months ago

        OK so you're not paying attention to the biggest story in the world because you're an intellectual bigot, got it

        • 7 months ago

          Dude I just don't know what you're talking about right now. Whatever it is I haven't heard of.

  12. 7 months ago

    >You know, I think that bringing joy to children in a safe but fun manner is an admirable use of technology.
    >We should assist this civilian in aquiring those toy parts from the old Atomatoys factory.

  13. 7 months ago
  14. 7 months ago

    he glitched

  15. 7 months ago

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