It's actually a crime against humanity that it didn't get a sequel.

It's actually a crime against humanity that it didn't get a sequel.
This is the Sleeping Dogs never got a sequel support group thread I guess.

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  1. 7 months ago

    Hong Kong is a cool setting for a game

  2. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      Yeah 11 years is too soon for a sequel

      • 7 months ago

        this game is from 2012 i think it's time for a sequel anon. this isn't assassin's creed or cod tier, it got abandoned because they thought they could compete with gta

        The studio closed down, idiots.

        • 7 months ago

          Yeah everyone knows that professor. That's the reason for a sequel not existing, it doesn't make it any less disappointing.

    • 7 months ago

      this game is from 2012 i think it's time for a sequel anon. this isn't assassin's creed or cod tier, it got abandoned because they thought they could compete with gta

  3. 7 months ago

    I don't know why 3D beat em ups aren't more popular in general, only one I can think of that's somewhat recent is SIFU

  4. 7 months ago

    Where would the sequel have taken place? We already had all of Hong Kong here.

    • 7 months ago

      Mainland China

      • 7 months ago

        Could be kino.

      • 7 months ago

        Could be kino.

        >run over pedestrian
        >only get a wanted level if you exit your car to help them

    • 7 months ago

      That's rarely been a problem for games. Saints Row, Zelda, Spider-Man, list could go on. It would feel new anyway today considering the previous game's age.

      • 7 months ago

        I was gonna say it would be cool to have a refined sequel, with like Absolver/Sifu combat. But then I started wondering if the open world even really added anything to this game. I played this recently and it was just a lot of driving back and forth to get to the actual fun part which was the missions

        • 7 months ago

          The city was interesting enough that it was nice to drive around in. But you're right that any gameplay revolving around driving is nothing special.

    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        Nah Chongqing is the new hotness

      • 7 months ago

        Could western developers understand China's map design?

    • 7 months ago

      One of those cities in northern China with millions of people living in them that are literally walled off from the mudhuts next door

    • 7 months ago

      It's actually a crime against humanity that it didn't get a sequel.
      This is the Sleeping Dogs never got a sequel support group thread I guess.

      Wdym? Sleeping Dogs is literally rebranded True Crime. It could have stayed in HK or moved to any other city/country.

      Japanese action cop would have been Kino as would be Brazil. The premise of a detective or cop being undercover and fighting gangs is flexible with endless possibilities

      • 7 months ago

        >punch some old guy

      • 7 months ago

        I'm kind of happy they dropped the True Crime name, SD has none of the depth of a TC game, it's just a shitty Assassin's creed clone

        • 7 months ago

          Wdym? Sleeping Dogs is literally rebranded True Crime. It could have stayed in HK or moved to any other city/country.

          Japanese action cop would have been Kino as would be Brazil. The premise of a detective or cop being undercover and fighting gangs is flexible with endless possibilities

          Sleeping Dogs was not originally a True Crime game. It began as an original IP called Black Lotus, then Activision asked them to slap the True Crime name on it because the IP was sitting around gathering dust and the game was close enough to fit the name.

        • 7 months ago

          I hate how TC is just forgotten. How does Saints Row have bigger die hard fanbase when all it did was just be a decent San Andreas clone in the first 2 games. But the most unique GTA clone which had Max Payne style shooting,unique martial arts, and is about the other side of the law doesn't get a peep or a tear from anyone is beyond me.

          • 7 months ago

            Streets of LA is incredibly janky. Only NYC was good.

            • 7 months ago

              They were janky games yes but there was so much fun to be had and in depth things to do it made up for it and in a way gave it a funny charm

              I remember
              >going to a fast food burger place in TC NYC.
              >Interrogating a burger flipper for no reason and slammed his face into the grill
              >it explodes and blows off our legs, and we both were on the floor screaming pain in unison with over the top blood pouring from our blown off legs before the game reloaded
              Just fun shit like that

          • 7 months ago

            Kinda, Saints Row 1 & 2 are mostly forgetten because the current fanbase can't stop choking on the lolsorandom humor of 3/4
            Kinda like how the Persona/SMT series started with Persona 3

            • 7 months ago

              saints row 2 suffers because it doesn't work on pc, and god killed the guy who was trying to fix it and then volition said they'd finish his work and they made saints row gay and they also are now dead

              • 7 months ago

                God didn't kill him, Volition did

  5. 7 months ago

    >Poor man’s Yakuza

    Just play that

    • 7 months ago

      I played Yakuza and I didn't like it. I liked GTA with fist fighting. Even if it's worse than fighting in more melee-focused games, it's still better than GTA's where you'd rather dip your dick in acid than get in a fist fight.

    • 7 months ago

      Yakuza is a shit game
      Way of the Samurai mogs it in every way

      • 7 months ago

        Based, WotS is amazing and is an actual game instead of being a glorified VN

  6. 7 months ago

    i was enjoying that game until the forced gilfriend simulator missions

  7. 7 months ago

    I have one main issue with this game, that the sprinting and parkour stuff is on the X button. Makes it hard to control the camera when your thumb has to be on the running button. But I guess that's what these games were still doing back then, at least GTA eventually added some alternate control schemes so that you can map sprinting on R1

    • 7 months ago

      GTA should just be jog and tap the button once to sprint, like Call of Duty and countless other games. Leave the joystick tilt for walking.
      I'll probably play GTA6 on kb/m but I really don't care if I have to to tap another button to walk.
      Rockstar has never gotten sprinting right. I still don't even know what nonsense the horse speed in RDR2 is on kb/m, I always just held shift but supposedly you get faster if you tap it or some shit. Whatever.

      • 7 months ago

        Recently they updated GTA V so that you can now hold to sprint, used to be that holding just made you jog and you had to keep tapping the button to sprint at max speed

        • 7 months ago

          That's good, last time I replayed it was 2020 I think, right after Cyberpunk disappointed me and I needed to get the bad taste out of my mouth. It's sad how many GTA clones bite the dust. I like GTA but god damn, True Crime, Saints Row, Sleeping Dogs, all dead.
          Where are all the good GTA-likes while GTA5 is taking 500 years to get a sequel?

          • 7 months ago

            >Where are all the good GTA-likes while GTA5 is taking 500 years to get a sequel?
            It really is bizzare how their competition just did nothing while R* was essentially just asleep for a decade. But I guess GTA online is hard to compete with.
            The saints row reboot killed its studio, so maybe the time of GTA-like sandbox games has passed. Only R* still makes them successful.

            • 7 months ago

              GTA Online is still really big, basically people who want to play an open world game like that just play GTA Online. It's got the progression i.e. grinding and all that other stuff that plants crave

              • 7 months ago

                I never liked GTA Online. Not on PS3 and then not on PC. I think I have like 5 hours into it across those two. I don't get it. I loved GTA5 single player, and I was so excited for GTAO releasing a month after, and it's like they went out of their way to make me dislike it. I also hated RDR2 Online, didn't help that it was buggy on PC release. I will probably still try GTA6 online though.
                Going off topic of Sleeping Dogs here but just wanted to rant. I'll take any good single player GTA like.

              • 7 months ago

                Too bad take two will force R* to maintain GTA 6 online well into the mid 2030s. Zero single player DLC content either.
                Imagine if they didn't have to make RDR online and we got an expansion that filled new austin with... anything. They probably could have remade RDR1 as a DLC, it would've sold so well too.

              • 7 months ago

                New Austin was so trash. I've never been more disappointed to revisit an area from a previous game.

              • 7 months ago

                I mean it's just empty, that's my issue. Altough there's way more money to be made there than in the rest of the game which is nice I guess. I'm actually curious why they spent what must've been a lot of dev time on a rather empty area. I genuinely think a remake of RDR1 as a dlc was in the works, I wouldn't put it past them. But after Take Two made them derail GTA V's dlcs for online, they should have known better.

              • 7 months ago

                I never liked GTA Online. Not on PS3 and then not on PC. I think I have like 5 hours into it across those two. I don't get it. I loved GTA5 single player, and I was so excited for GTAO releasing a month after, and it's like they went out of their way to make me dislike it. I also hated RDR2 Online, didn't help that it was buggy on PC release. I will probably still try GTA6 online though.
                Going off topic of Sleeping Dogs here but just wanted to rant. I'll take any good single player GTA like.

                Also worth noting that the only sequel SD ever received was some multiplayer game that died in a nanosecond. Online features affect open world sandboxes in the worst way of any genre.

              • 7 months ago

                Wait, what?

              • 7 months ago

                yeah. it flopped. HARD.

              • 7 months ago

                Look up Triad Wars. A lot of loud backlash over it, but it died so quick that its existence probably isn't common knowledge any more.

              • 7 months ago

                my pipe dream is that once GTA 6 is out and they kill the servers for GTA 5 Online that they allow you ( or a properly supported mod comes out for pc) that lets you play GTA Online’s “story” content entirely offline and bot team mates. i would rather be tortured than play with moronic chinese randos in heists ever EVER again. or in any game, ever. i fricking hate randos. actually, you know what? hamas and israel should just make their prisoners play with randos in GTA heists. they’d fricking kill themselves before the day is out.

              • 7 months ago

                I hate randos in every online game ever. Maybe I'd enjoy GTAO more if friends were actually interested in it. Just like me they all liked the SP and not the MP.

              • 7 months ago

                I always started private sessions to be able to go into a store without some moron shooting me.
                But stealing a fighter jet and raining hellfire down on the peons below was always great.
                Rember when that one GTAO update added a guided RPG? They didn't put a level cap on it because for some time none of the newly added weapons had them. Only vanilla ones. So some noob who would've otherwise had to grind tens and tens of levels for an RPG could get one at the start and grief you HARD. I think it was rectified eventually though.

              • 7 months ago

                My fondest memory was in GTAO on PS3 the month it came out. I went to the excavation site and slowly drove that giant dump truck to the middle of Los Santos. The entire lobby basically turned into "capture the dump truck" it was way more fun than any of the actual missions GTAO had.

              • 7 months ago

                if they wanted to make that an actual game mode, they would first have had to spend a year making a 5 minute cutscene with some hasbeen rapper celebrity. frick taketwo and rockstar

              • 7 months ago

                > i would rather be tortured than play with moronic chinese randos in heists ever EVER again.
                The heists in online fricking SUCKED.
                >meager payout for the effort needed, playing the same side missions again and again would be quicker and more luctrative
                >several stages of preperation with 0 rewards
                >need four competent players at once for every mission, if anyone dies more than once the whole team has to start over (a big ask in a game dominated by twelve year olds)
                I wish you could just carry on after a teammate died, the smaller team being your only handicap. But no, you gotta make sure your dumb as pig shit teammate with worse shooting abilities than the AI makes it to the end unscathed. Otherwise their ugly character wouldn't be able to show up in the scripted cutscene! The horror.

                all i want to do is play/replay through the “story” content of Online with 3 team mate bots (cos the heists are centered around 4 player co-op), play dress up with my whigger character, buy the CEO/Biker/Club businesses and cruise the map without some chinkcel force crashing the server with his paid mod menu.
                >just play Online now anon
                i cant. i’m a 27 year old Gankertard man. i dont have friends that still play GTA, neither does my little brother, and like i said: FRICK randos.
                i havent even attempted the diamond casino heist because what’s the point? some indian moron will keep dying at the fricking start of the mission causing everyone to restart. most moronic money grubbing israelite made online mode in history.

              • 7 months ago

                There's a bunch of stuff you can do alone now, the auto shop heists, the Cayo Perico heist and now there's also an acid lab where you just deliver some stuff on a bike in like five or ten minutes. The last one is basically the only thing I do for money, I can just go race for a bit and then at some point you sell the stuff for 500k

              • 7 months ago

                it’s not about the grind man, it’s the content im locked out of cos of moronic third world children and the dumbass “1 person dies restart the entire fricking level” in the earlier heists and even some fricking contact missions. i know there are mods that basically bring the heists to SP and the other CEO/Biker stuff, but its all so janky and one tiny update to the main game and the fricking scripthook is broken again. frick that. i just want a local instance of GTAO with bots. i want it i want it! i want it now!

              • 7 months ago

                The OG heists are pretty much dead at this point, the pay is bad and nobody wants to deal with other people, so people just do other things. The auto shop heists only have two setups that take like 20 minutes, and you can do them alone but pay as much as the old heists

              • 7 months ago

                > i would rather be tortured than play with moronic chinese randos in heists ever EVER again.
                The heists in online fricking SUCKED.
                >meager payout for the effort needed, playing the same side missions again and again would be quicker and more luctrative
                >several stages of preperation with 0 rewards
                >need four competent players at once for every mission, if anyone dies more than once the whole team has to start over (a big ask in a game dominated by twelve year olds)
                I wish you could just carry on after a teammate died, the smaller team being your only handicap. But no, you gotta make sure your dumb as pig shit teammate with worse shooting abilities than the AI makes it to the end unscathed. Otherwise their ugly character wouldn't be able to show up in the scripted cutscene! The horror.

              • 7 months ago

                >But no, you gotta make sure your dumb as pig shit teammate with worse shooting abilities than the AI makes it to the end unscathed. Otherwise their ugly character wouldn't be able to show up in the scripted cutscene
                on the fricking money anon. you’re giving me flash acks to 2016

            • 7 months ago

              I suppose there were some attempts early on, they just all sucked. The entire Watch Dogs series existed between GTA5 and GTA6 which is crazy. It might even be dead which would be funny, like it was birthed and then died between two GTA games, but never underestimate Ubisoft's willingness to push out more trash.

            • 7 months ago

              their competition was nuSaints Row, and … yeah. i actually really wanted to like SR 2020 but jesus christ it’s hollow and i actually could barely stomach the characters. i tried man, i fricking tried. glad i pirated it.

              • 7 months ago

                Dude... you didn't take the rent money fron the fricking capitalists? You're not getting a mugmosa.

              • 7 months ago

                it wasn’t even the “hurr hurr rent = bad thats why we a street gang now” the story just… goes no where? it’s like you do that smash n grab heist in the start and now you’re THE SAINTS ROW GANG and then it just ends with “we nee mo money fo the final office building, grind ALL of the boring ass minigames plz” i dropped it there. it’s an unfinished Xbox 360 game mechanic wise too, wtf is that drift mechanic?

  8. 7 months ago

    give it the gunplay of Stranglehold and more relaistic version of yakuza fighting then i play it

    enough of this gta shit where its just shit gameplay + driving man

  9. 7 months ago

    in fairness it’s a spiritual sucessor to True Crime LA. check the true crime games out. just emulate it on PSCCX2 or whatever the fricking acronym is, and if im not wrong the ROMs are on even.
    here’s hoping we might see a wave of (good?) GTA clones now with GTA 6 on the way.

    • 7 months ago

      I played both True Crime games on PS2 though, doesn't help that that series is also dead. It's also a gray area if it's really a spiritual successor. It started off as a non-True Crime game and ended as a non-True Crime game. Activision was just fricking around in the middle of development because it's an open world game where you play as a cop, similar to what Nintendo pulled with Dinosaur Planet, though it actually did end up releasing as another franchise.

  10. 7 months ago

    How have you morons not noticed that no one can make media based in China? The CCP wants nothing but CCP wankery, so if your dev team wants 1 billion customers (they do, money is literally everything especially with smaller projects that need funding), they will have to walk on eggshells or completely abandon the Chinese market. No publisher is willing to completely abandon the Chinese market, thus if you're making a game with a publisher they will refuse anything that is set in China post like 2015 which is when Xi really started going full dictator mode, simply because it's virtually impossible to make a China based setting without pissing off the CCP in some way, so it's not even worth making one at all.

    • 7 months ago

      I guess I'll have to settle for L4D2 campaigns.

  11. 7 months ago
  12. 7 months ago

    I really enjoyed the story of sleeping dogs. At the start, I fricking hated Winston and all the mafia gays at the start. But I unironically started liking and even thought of Winston as a gigachad. I liked his fiance and even his mom. The Wedding was such a difficult level for me.

    The only part of the game I wish was different was Jackie near the end. Gameplay was good, story was fun, npc chatter was great. It is a shame that it never got a sequel and never will.

  13. 7 months ago

    You guys didnt show interest in the online sequel thats why.

  14. 7 months ago

    Sorry anon, sometimes it's best to let sleeping dogs lie...

  15. 7 months ago

    >Damn Wei, I can't believe the most powerful crime boss in the city just tried to kill me... Oh well, I'm going to go walk around the city by myself with no protection. I'll see you tomorrow at the super important meeting which said crime lord specifically wants to stop me from going to.

    • 7 months ago

      yeah Jackie was fricking moronic from the get go

      I like that Wei is basically a tptal psycho posing as a good cop in the game lmao

  16. 7 months ago

    Ilyana > Not Ping > Sandra >>> Amanda > Tiffany

  17. 7 months ago

    There's no reason Anon, it's finished. The story ended and it was great.

  18. 7 months ago

    >gets tortured and has toes and shit broken
    >as soon as he's free he's beating the shit out of people like he's not fricked up

    • 7 months ago

      You're forgetting the point blank shotgun blast to the shoulder some few sections later and surviving a gas station explosion, yet still comes out on top. Asian Terminator type shit.

  19. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      its unironically good

  20. 7 months ago


  21. 7 months ago

    What happened to the studio that made Sleeping Dogs?

    • 7 months ago

      Went under cause Squeenix is so stupid they thought somehow sleeping dogs 2 should be a APB knock off MMO

  22. 7 months ago

    Should be a sequel in shanghai ~1920s where you play as William Fairbairn creating a police swat unit and defeating the gangs

  23. 7 months ago

    The open world was pointless because the driving was dogshit. Should have been just a linear game

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