It's almost the end of Steam Next Fest, so let's talk about what demos you played and whic...

It's almost the end of Steam Next Fest, so let's talk about what demos you played and which games ended up on your wishlist.

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 years ago

    So far I've tried Blood West, Dread Delusion, and Forgive Me Father and found the first awful, the second boring and the third forgettably average.

    • 3 years ago

      My favorite is Supplice which is this fast-paced fun shooter in the style of the first Doom. I also enjoyed Arthurian Legends, another retro fps, this one in the medieval times with more focus on melee combat.

      I tired Blood West. I was so disappointed that the first thing that the game tells you to do is to sneak pass enemies.

      • 3 years ago

        I wasn't too averse to the concept of a stealth horror western game, the bigger problem is that the only tool you have for stealth is crouching. No leaning to safely see where enemies are, no throwing shit to make distractions, no stealth takedowns, just crouch up behind guys and hope they don't turn around and that the stealth bonus is enough to oneshot. The level in the demo is trash for it too with the big open fields and I may not have survived long enough to say for sure but it doesn't seem like there's any way to reset enemy aggro if you get spotted, it seemed like once you're spotted that's it and they'll track you regardless of if you break line of sight.

        • 3 years ago

          I couldn't find a proper stealthy opening in just the second cave with two monsters. It seemed like at any time one of them is looking at the cliff where you are. I could be just bad at stealth or I was impatient because I wrongly thought that Blood West was another guns-blazing retro shooter.

      • 3 years ago

        >My favorite is Supplice which is this fast-paced fun shooter in the style of the first Doom.
        Not just in the style of.
        Its a doom mod.
        Press `, they didn't even disable console.


        >Lumencraft: Too slow
        >Okinawa rush: Too much of a clusterfrick
        >Astlibra: See above
        >Marmoreal: The appeal is the cutscenes, balance is ass and the gameplay is boring.
        >Anno: Clearly put all the effort into presentation above all else. Combat is overly basic and the game is insanely fricking slow. Text is slow, can't skip scenes.
        >Hunt the Night: Enemies ignore being hit, makes it ass
        >Transruby: Basic b***h platformer that forces you to engage in combat too simple to even call basic to progress; its like if metroid forced you to shoot 2 enemies every time you want to use the ice gun, then 15 more occasionally just because
        >Astral Ascent: Magic cycling system is stupid
        >Forgive me father: Boring
        >Young Souls: Ties stat growth to how well you do in a minigame. Can strip the kids to their panties though, neat.
        >Ultra Age: Lacking movesets, durability system is either pointless or fun killing and feels pointless, otherwise fairly alright.
        >Aeterna: Sucks
        >Warlock 2: Sword shouldn't take stamina, only spell doesn't feel like a spell, enemies are ugly. Shooting feels good, generous with ammo, map design is pretty decent. Overall, its alright.
        >Undungeon: Walking sim
        >Supplice: mediocre doom total conversion
        >Anuchard: Too basic
        >Transmute: Metroid if he bad
        >Liuyin: Translation sucks

        Fairly bad fest.
        May be better games but the search system (3 fricking tiers of genre then perspective then theme rather than just letting me click 'fps') makes it too much of a pain to find anything to care.

    • 3 years ago

      Fallen Aces is good. You should try it.

  2. 3 years ago

    >play Fractured Atmosphere hoping it would be "more fleshed out Star Shelter"
    >Whole time I was thinking I would rather just play Star Shelter
    I missed flinging myself in actual Zero G, felt like I was just using a watered down stiff noclip instead which is ironically more disorienting in VR than actual zero g

  3. 3 years ago

    Played these. Anything else worth trying?
    Just no rogues, survivals and procedurally generated stuff, because I don't like them. And no strategies/tactic games, because I'm too stupid.
    I also have The Good Life, but I'm saving it for later, been waiting for this since the Kickstarter.

    As for my list, ANNO, Aztech and Itorah have potential, Exo is strange but interesting and Tunic was a big disappointment.
    Undungeon seems like something you autists could like. I didn't.

    • 3 years ago

      >Played these. Anything else worth trying?
      Moons of darsalon
      Arthurian legends

  4. 3 years ago

    Just got through my first batch. Ended up wishlisting picrel. Just downloaded a few more

    • 3 years ago

      would help if i uploaded the fricking picture

      • 3 years ago

        nyaruru sucks

        • 3 years ago

          I wanted to palm this off as some cheap Rabi-ribi rip off and it still is to be honest, but it gets a lot of what made rabi-ribi good too and the dev was pretty open about being >inspired by the game too.

  5. 3 years ago

    I played the Blade Of Darkness Demo and I gotta say I'm kind of looking forward to it now, won't pay more than 20 though its way to unpolished for anthing more than that

    • 3 years ago

      Blade of Darkness is from 2001 I hope you realize, it's not unpolished but old

  6. 3 years ago

    Inscryption, Fallen Aces, FIST, Bookwalker, Into the Pit, and Arthurian Legends were all my GOATs for this next fest

    Disappointed with most of the other offerings especially Mechajammer and Clid which were incredibly boring and jank

    • 3 years ago

      I got ad for Bookwalker on youtube of all things. I try it for like 10 minutes, but I put it for later. Don't know how I feel about crafting in a adventure game. How it is?

      • 3 years ago

        the crafting is definitely my least favorite part and should take place inside the book world instead of forcing the player to return to his apartment. other than that though the settings are pretty cool and the story looks interesting enough and the RPG stuff isn't too intrusive

    • 3 years ago

      >Arthurian Legends
      I tried this but it runs pretty shit.

      • 3 years ago

        Yeah wtf is up with that. With those graphics there is no excuse to get less than 60fps during dameplay but the game had performance issues out the ass. It's not the only "retro" game with this problem either.

    • 3 years ago

      FIST wasn't a part of next fest, it''s had a demo for a while. The game is also out already.

      • 3 years ago

        I saw it listed there for some reason but w/e, you get a free review today

  7. 3 years ago

    Marmoreal may be janky but it was a lot more fun than it should have been. Tried lil gator but didn't like it because of all the dialogue.

  8. 3 years ago

    War Mongrels is pretty good tbh

  9. 3 years ago

    It's never too late to play my game!
    Or rate the play area redesign based on fest feedback (in the webm). Trying to have less clutter for the player to manage, and make replying more tractable and convenient to click.

    • 3 years ago

      That looks much much better I had to pause a lot to declutter and organize going through the demo. Though with the new layout would you not run into issues with the self reply cards? (i.e if this has 2 replies do X). I found I'd set up my hand for the combo and just shove them in a corner overlapped to save space as didn't need to look at them again before timeout. How does new layout handle dumping full hand into play?

      • 3 years ago

        You can see how self-replies are handled, the dots go in an arc from one card to another and you can know cards below reply to the ones above. With multiple replies you'd get multiple arcs, if there's a million of them it becomes hard to track but I can later improve it with something like highlighting replies on hover.
        If there is too many cards and they start overlapping, you can hover to put one on top and make it readable (happens around 16-17 sec in the webm). If there were like 10+ of then I can already see it becoming a problem with the new approach. But I think the automatic decluttering is worth it, maybe I should develop this more to handle such situations. Maybe ability to hide posts?

        • 3 years ago

          Yea sorry was mostly thinking of self replies with respect to filling up the field quickly. The "if 2 replies do X" card basically always held in hand until could play it + the speed up timeout + one other filler card. So with that particular combo just shoved it in corner to free up space. The automatic decluttering is 1000% worth it because it reduces the amount of pausing needed; pausing I think is fine to read /strategize / plan / etc. but it felt a bit bad slowing down fights just to sort the field. Maybe if field gets too full have collapse some replies to text and no image (so use way less height)?

          I guess it depends a lot on the design of the cards you go for. I found a lot cards I don't care about seeing once their effect happens like the restore health dog or the speed up timeout ones. Where as for example the "I have an IQ of over 130" card need to see that one more prominently to combine with the add timeout duration stuff.

  10. 3 years ago

    Played a lot of really shitty coloney surviver builder games that where all ass. I mean I know it's a demo but you could just tell these games where gonna go nowhere. Did play a REALLY good tycoon game called Car Manufacturer and an interesting RTS called retro commander. Also played the Starship Troopers rts and it was promising.

  11. 3 years ago


  12. 3 years ago

    Such a pity the Pain Party dev didn't participate in it, it could bring him so much visibility

  13. 3 years ago

    I'm not sure how to feel about Good Life.

    I love the concept of exploring small town full of mysteries, I love the idea of being able to explore said town as a cat, but execution is somewhat dissapointing. You kinda expect dozens of small paths and loopholes that you can use as a cat, jumping and climbing everywhere and anywhere but all you can do as a cat is climb on top of a buildings and climbing is done in 1 jump in sctrictly designated spots, there's also invisible walls sometimes. Nothing interesting to explore and find as well, just run around around and collect stuff.
    All in all the game is not bad but they could have done so much more with this concept. Sad.

  14. 3 years ago

    I liked anuchard, definitely seems like it will be fun (and the bellweilder is a cute girl). I also like title_pending and do not buy this game but that's probably because I liked the Stanley Parable so much.

  15. 3 years ago

    anyone play some jank kino games?
    stuff that's clearly got ambition that outweighs its budget but overall feels good to play

  16. 3 years ago

    Games I liked (warning I like card games quite a bit):

    Spooky card game with what looks like escape room elements. Style is great though the card mechanics in demo were pretty simple.

    Puzzle game where arrange characters and locales in particular order to solve prompts. Demo only started to get bit complicated near the end but see potential

    >Kings gauntlet
    Local 1v1 game where setup chess pieces that automatically attack stuff in range. FUn for a bit though when I played seem to come down to finale a lot where it gives you mostly queens to place.

    Roguelike deckbuilder focused on poker; you draft and upgrade abilities you get for 3 of a kind full house etc. Built around saving cards in hand between turns to set up combos.

    Sudoku under pressure solve puzzles while avoiding traps / obstacles

    Pretty tunbased roguelike abilities were ismple from what saw but positioning around enemies was fun

    Deckbuilder with a lot of terrain movement reminds me of board game mage knight; have to not only plan around fights but how to get between them quickly with movement cards

    >Ultra age
    budget character action with samurai warriors style combo inputs. Fun though for full game might be too simplistic.

    RTwP card game. Very memey though the actual mechanics are pretty interesting / unique

    >Gremlins Inc
    PvP card game with a fair amount of dicking other players and messing up their engines.

    Another deckbuilder roguelike but take place in a gladiator arena so lots of position + picking up weapons off the floor to do big hits.

    >Vesper: Ether saga
    Not actually a card game this time despite tags; strategy rpg with each side on a 4x4 grid. Not sure on story but like combat so far

    • 3 years ago

      Who's Lila, Teabat and SKULL CHAINZ are my top 3.
      Honorable mentions are: Strange Horticulture, Bookwalker, SANNABI and Lumencraft

      I played Gremnlins but I don't really think I "got" it? I didn't get to frick with my opponent as much as I'd like and the AI didn't really do anything to me either. Kinda felt like playing by myself.
      Not sure if it's just the demo AI and me playing wrong or what.

  17. 3 years ago

    What were the highlights of this edition? Last time Carrier Command 2 dabbed on everything else, what do we have this time?

  18. 3 years ago

    Anyone played Strange Horticulture? It's like Paper, Please, but you mostly identify plants with the help of botanic book. The gameplay isn't the deepest, but I enjoy the game mostly because of nice cozy atmosphere with some mystery going on in the background.
    I also tried Fire Commander, but it disappointed me. The game has a problem with a pathfinding and the presented missions were too straightforward and boring. I will follow the game tho and hope that the devs will fix the issues, since there isn't many games about firefighters.
    Starship Troopers - Terran Command was also pretty decent.

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