it's free right now, you get to keep it too which is cool. are the dlcs worth it?

it's free right now, you get to keep it too which is cool
are the dlcs worth it?

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

Thalidomide Vintage Ad Shirt $22.14

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago

    I saw a steam popup earlier mentioning free games but I thought it was some random tripe, so I am kinda glad I decided to drop by here.
    This is a nasty trick tbh, I was already looking to get it some day, and now that it's out for free, I'm now also looking at the DLCs.
    Personally I'll play it a bit first and then see if it's actually worth picking up some of them.

  2. 1 year ago

    It's okay without DLCs, but you'll constantly be reminded of it with units locked in tech tree. Also building fortifications is quite cool.
    I'd just recommend getting full package and creamapi all dlc.

    • 1 year ago

      >It's okay without DLCs, but you'll constantly be reminded of it with units locked in tech tree.
      I thought they fixed that after free weekend thing where people complained about that?

    • 1 year ago

      frick them for locking one of the best units behind paid unit pack, no reason not to pirate this dlc ridden game, even mp works on it

      • 1 year ago

        Which unit?

        • 1 year ago

          when i played space marines i think 2 most powerful infantry units are added in unit pack

        • 1 year ago

          all of them? isn't that the whole point? If the units were shitty, nobody would buy their DLCs.

  3. 1 year ago

    DLC’s are all good but what you really need is the voice mod.

    • 1 year ago

      I've had this on my wishlist for a while. Cool to get it for free.

      Are the voices well done? I thought it would use voices from other 40K games but it said they're all original to the mod.
      Also someone on /v/ recommended Gladius+ but it hasn't been updated in 2 years so I'm wondering if it will work if I get any newer DLC (Sororitas).

      • 1 year ago

        >Also someone on Ganker recommended Gladius+ but it hasn't been updated in 2 years so I'm wondering if it will work if I get any newer DLC (Sororitas).
        It should work, any new or updated units will just be default size. There's quite a few modifications of it around(mostly part of other faction or rebalance mods), you can look for more recent ones if old one doesn't work.
        Voice mod is pretty good, there's also a DoW unit soundmod, but that requires running a script with DoW installed to generate sound files.

        • 1 year ago

          >that requires running a script with DoW installed to generate sound files
          I never uninstall it, so that's cool. Thanks.

    • 1 year ago

      I finally installed this and it's incredible.

      it's free right now, you get to keep it too which is cool
      are the dlcs worth it?

      It's been free for years on gog-games with all the dlc 😉

  4. 1 year ago

    Worth a go if you're a fan of 40k or turn based strategery. Used to play with a few friends before they quit after getting wrecked by enslavers one too many times. Protip: they can only steal your unit if their moral is below 8. Have your men use a buddy system and shoot the bastard to avoid slavery.

  5. 1 year ago

    Looking at gameplay on youtube it looks like a hex based wargame put into a 4x, hopefully without riling up an argument Civ V if it was actually good. Seems to be based on Endless Legend but no tactical layer or stacks, all combat on the strategic layer. AI actually seems to build large armies and the simultaneous battles going on during AI turns look neat.
    Definitely grabbing the complete GOG version for free*~~*~~) thanks for the heads up.

    • 1 year ago

      It feels exactly what 40k 4x should be, endless war without many distractions. Cities are war factories that spew out streams of units grinding each other until one side manages to push up to enemy cities and wipe them. Being able to issue orders to units without delays and waiting for animations works very well for commanding large armies, plus the slider for animation speed goes up to near instant speed.

      • 1 year ago

        Hey your right.
        Adding a txt file and renaming it to
        unlocks the DLC. I was able to start a game as the Chaos Space Marines.
        That's kinda slack on their part.

        Is there really nothing Steam side that authenticates whether you have the dlc or not? I always thought manually enabling dlc you don't own would be easy to catch.

        • 1 year ago

          Steam is doesn't check shit until you try to download anything. Usually enabling dlc requires replacing steam dll too, idk why it works without it.

          • 1 year ago

            I would guess it doesn't have steam drm at all.

            • 1 year ago

              Right, I can launch exe, it's just missing workshop mods. For some reason it was launching steam for me before. Looks like devs actually made game compatible with steam and gog at the same time.

    • 1 year ago

      my only issue with it so far is that i have not met a single other AI player
      i keep fighting those neutral units at turn fricking 40
      where is everyone?

      • 1 year ago

        Neutrals are fricking brutal and can easily occupie ai attention for a good half of the game, especially on lower difficulties and if ai rolled one of the more complicated factions. Ai ig is hilariously inept for example.

        On that note the general balance seems to be whack, at least in base game, orks and ig need to try twice as hard as sm and especially necrons,

        • 1 year ago

          orks shine with farming influence and gearing heroes, but AI can't figure it out.

      • 1 year ago

        If you find that the early game is boring and takes too long then I would recommend increasing the game speed. You can churn out your army faster to clear Gaia and get to the real enemies.

      • 1 year ago

        AI struggles with wildlife if you don't give it difficulty advantage. They also tend to send all their forces in one direction after making contact with enemy leaving their cities undefended from other sides.

      • 1 year ago

        Dead. Neutrals are the true enemy.

  6. 1 year ago

    Pirating the DLC is putting a few text files in your data folder, no reason to buy all that shit.
    it's pretty fun but games take a long time.

    • 1 year ago

      Hey your right.
      Adding a txt file and renaming it to
      unlocks the DLC. I was able to start a game as the Chaos Space Marines.
      That's kinda slack on their part.

      • 1 year ago

        Well, I found the trick. And I was kinda dumb not understanding what # meant.
        Okay, apparently I see there are 13 gameplay DLCs but my source says it should only go up to DLC 11 with the SoBs. And looking at the store, only the Firepower Pack is new which brings it up to 12. Perhaps the Lord of Skulls thing doesn't count? It's a neutral unit, though it at least sounds fun as a boss fight.

        That works for supplement1 to sipplement8, and lord of skulls needs LordOfSkulls.dlc with a LordOfSkulls text in it. Specialists, Mechanicus, Sororitas, Fire pack and Escalation pack needs something else, or at least they have better encryption.

        • 1 year ago

          You need to continue reading the thread.

    • 1 year ago

      Hey your right.
      Adding a txt file and renaming it to
      unlocks the DLC. I was able to start a game as the Chaos Space Marines.
      That's kinda slack on their part.

      Well, I found the trick. And I was kinda dumb not understanding what # meant.
      Okay, apparently I see there are 13 gameplay DLCs but my source says it should only go up to DLC 11 with the SoBs. And looking at the store, only the Firepower Pack is new which brings it up to 12. Perhaps the Lord of Skulls thing doesn't count? It's a neutral unit, though it at least sounds fun as a boss fight.

      • 1 year ago

        That trick only worked for like the first 5 or 6 DLC. I was able to get Chaos and Alderi but not SOB.
        Did you get it to work on all if them?

        • 1 year ago

          DLCs 1-7 are just text files, Lord of Skulls is the same only its LordOfSkulls.dlc instead of supplement#.dlc. The others are a different file type or encrypted or something.

          • 1 year ago

            >The others are a different file type or encrypted or something.
            Guess I'll buy Adeptus Mechanicus.

          • 1 year ago

            moron here, where do I stick the text files?

            • 1 year ago

              If you're new to the game I'd also recommend going into world/features, opening up rocks.xml, and deleting the buildingslots line. Its the lamest shit.

              • 1 year ago

                >opening up rocks.xml, and deleting the buildingslots line. Its the lamest shit.
                What does that do?

              • 1 year ago

                Rocks are a terrain feature that reduce building slots on a tile from 3 to 2. Unlike most terrain features you can't get rid of rocks, making them just a flat nerf to any city with them in building range.

              • 1 year ago

                Is there a different line of text I could change to make them clear-able instead?

              • 1 year ago

                rocks give 20% to ore production, hardly a nerf

              • 1 year ago

                No idea what that anon's problem is. Rocky hexes give 20% more ore yield at a cost of -1 building slot. You just can't clear them unlike forests.

              • 1 year ago

                How did the text files turn into dlc files?

              • 1 year ago

                How does a chickpea become a garbanzo bean?

              • 1 year ago

                For me the text file says a text file and doesn't do anything. What am I missing?

              • 1 year ago

                Did you change the extension? The actual extension? You want
                and not

              • 1 year ago

                That was it. Since win hides known file extensions per default. Disable it and there you go.
                Thx for helping a moron out!

              • 1 year ago

                Well I did it but I dod not unlock anything
                Are you supposed to type something in the files? Mine were 0kb size

              • 1 year ago

                Works on my machine but only for the DLC up to the Eldar one.

              • 1 year ago

                I put the filenames in them, so Supplement1.dlc says "Supplement1" inside, and so on.

              • 1 year ago

                How many did you unlock? I left mine empty. Maybe that's why it only unlocked 7 of them.

              • 1 year ago

                Here's the DLC files from the game, unlocks everything on steam version as far as I can tell.

                A few tips for new players:
                When you have unit selected, holding right click and hovering over enemies will show you the attack path. Hold Ctrl to simulate attacking from closest range, hold Alt to switch damage preview to enemy unit attacking you.
                Natural regen only happens if the unit didn't use any movement or action points this turn, you don't actually need to use the hold command, but it helps with management. Standing on any city tile gives 2x hp regen, on outposts 1.5x. It's the main way of healing units.
                When a unit dies it gives the same amount of XP to all of the killer's player units in 3 hex radius around it. So to maximize xp gaines you want to move as many units and especially heroes as you can in that area before finishing enemies off.
                Units in transports don't get any XP but will regen HP over time.

              • 1 year ago

                How do i deal with loyalty? I played eldar and my main city had like -20 and there were frick all i could do with loyalty buildings requiring both slot and a pop to not shit your entire city into oblivion even harder. Dedicated loyalty buff in research felt like bandaid and costs too much influence for what it does too.

              • 1 year ago

                Dont spam cities, 1-3 cities is more then enough, more will swamp you with loyalty penalties
                Also just build the loyalty boosting buildings. -20 loyalty is something like -40% production penalty iirc

              • 1 year ago

                >all the special outposts directly benefit from being annexed by cities
                >tiles bonuses beg you to have 4-5 cities pumping each resource and specialized into doing single type of unit production
                >build space is extremely fricking limited and essentially gated by population on top of it
                It feels like such a schizo design, everything in the game begs you to go wide yet loyalty exists to kneecap you entirely if you do so. I kinda wish there was a setting to normalize loyalty, like the difficulty setting but without them also giving you leveluped units from the get go.

              • 1 year ago

                Some heroes have perks giving loyalty which applies to every city and you can get multiples of heroes so it helps a ton. Not all factions have them though. Other common source of global loyalty is artifacts. Recaf tiles help but only for the city that owns them.
                You can remove the penalty or give loyalty bonus with mods, but it's a warranted softcap so game doesn't turn into sim city. You can still grow cities infinitely as long as you have space for loyalty buildings, it's just takes very long to pay off. It also makes it worth traveling/fighting for good city spots instead of settling all around your capital first.

              • 1 year ago

                Chaplain gives +12 loyalty at level 5.

              • 1 year ago

                Thank you. It worked now
                Also holy shit the game did not lie Sisters are easy as frick to use and they are fun

              • 1 year ago

                Is there any reason to garrison units inside cities/forts?
                I've only played Space Marines so far so other factions might have a use for this I don't get.

              • 1 year ago

                Unless it's something hidden in the manual, only use I've ever found is to heal up without getting shot at; I don't think any buildings get what you could call "the Chimera bonus", although I'm not claiming to know every faction inside out here.

              • 1 year ago

                A IH Chimera gets extra attacks from it's manned weapons if it has IG in it.

              • 1 year ago

                Can you use this on steam without getting banned?

          • 1 year ago

            If you're new to the game I'd also recommend going into world/features, opening up rocks.xml, and deleting the buildingslots line. Its the lamest shit.

            So then if I wanted to buy the DLC I'd only needs the ones released AFTER the Eldar (7th) DLC?

  7. 1 year ago

    creamapi is nice with this, thanks to the anon recommending that

  8. 1 year ago

    >they're just giving away a game I had on my wishlist for a while
    I love doing nothing and getting shit I want for it

    • 1 year ago

      im happy for you, make sure to get the voice mod

  9. 1 year ago

    >No voice acting in a Warhammer game
    Simply what the frick. It does not feel natural. This mod for fanmade VA is a godsend. Game is unplayable without it

  10. 1 year ago

    I feel like the one I had most fun with is the admech, basically they get bonuses for buidling one type of building in a district, and it takes forever but once you get a few cities down you start to steamroll. I'd say play a game as the imperial guard just to get a handle on the game itself first, though

  11. 1 year ago

    Oh and selecting offensive abilities like grenades will also show you damage preview for them when hovering over enemies, but you need to be in range.

  12. 1 year ago

    Any other essential mods becsides the voice pack?


    Here's the DLC files from the game, unlocks everything on steam version as far as I can tell.

    A few tips for new players:
    When you have unit selected, holding right click and hovering over enemies will show you the attack path. Hold Ctrl to simulate attacking from closest range, hold Alt to switch damage preview to enemy unit attacking you.
    Natural regen only happens if the unit didn't use any movement or action points this turn, you don't actually need to use the hold command, but it helps with management. Standing on any city tile gives 2x hp regen, on outposts 1.5x. It's the main way of healing units.
    When a unit dies it gives the same amount of XP to all of the killer's player units in 3 hex radius around it. So to maximize xp gaines you want to move as many units and especially heroes as you can in that area before finishing enemies off.
    Units in transports don't get any XP but will regen HP over time.

    Oh and selecting offensive abilities like grenades will also show you damage preview for them when hovering over enemies, but you need to be in range.


  13. 1 year ago

    >are the dlcs worth it?
    The DLCs are the game. That's the trick. The game is always cheap or free, but there's nothing there. You need the DLCs and with how expensive they are for single factions and unit packs, you may as well use that money to buy 2-3 different games.

  14. 1 year ago

    Any homies playing this? I like this game but all my bros hate it because I keep stomping them with warbosses armed to the teeth with artifacts

    • 1 year ago

      I'm playing my second game after doing the tutorial.
      Space Marines again.

    • 1 year ago

      warbosses are pretty glass, just tell them to focus it down with pretty much whatever anti armor. You can't even get it above 8 armor. Now on the other hand if you get hit with fully armored avatar of khaine you might as well give up because nothing until early lategame is gonna take that shit down until it mows down your bases

  15. 1 year ago

    So how the heck do you beat this thing?

    • 1 year ago

      By disabling the DLC.

    • 1 year ago

      Overwhelming firepower and debuffs. Managed to kill it and got a 10% perma buff to damage for all my units.

  16. 1 year ago

    thnx for mentioning its free OP, i wanted to check it out for a while.

  17. 1 year ago

    I decided to add it to my library, I'll give it a shot. Looks like civ meets 40k. The DLCs look like they just add other factions to play as so I'll buy a couple if I like the game.

  18. 1 year ago

    Debuff it. Any anti armor is good for killing it, you just need something extremely tanky or disposable meatshield to draw it's attacks.

    • 1 year ago

      So how the heck do you beat this thing?

  19. 1 year ago

    New game from the studio, looks like even more of a clusterfrick where you can only tell units apart by icons. They didn't learn anything from gladius+

    • 1 year ago

      this, basically my biggest complaint for the game is how hard to read the screen sometimes
      the hexes, elevation difference etc
      but haven't checked settings yes, only played one "campaign"

    • 1 year ago

      They also made Pandora: First Contact and it was mediocre at best.
      They tried hard to copy SMAC but they clearly didn't understand what made SMAC great, even from a pure lore perspective.
      Gladius is also mediocre but at least it's somewhat enjoyable.
      I don't expect much from Zephon.

  20. 1 year ago

    Which DLC are worth it?

  21. 1 year ago

    Does duplicate hero items stack? It is really hard to tell with how damage is shown.

    On that note saroritas felt extremely shit to play. Celestine while being effectively immortal also does shit for damage comparatively to other faction heroes and i couldn't find a way to bring her damage up no matter the loadout, other heroes are even more shit somehow, especially dialogus. Late game scaling is absolutely whack and you basically required to go into lancers and paragon warsuits to stay competitive, as even sacreants with their passive are too squishy to survive.

    • 1 year ago

      Stat buffs from the same items don't stack.

      Dialogus is pure support with very good offensive buff that can be used on vehicles. They can also reset cooldowns of any act of faith skills(including their own) albeit it needs level 3 to give -9 turns, which allows for consecutive uses of faith skills.
      When I played SoB I mostly used melta infantry with a line of supports behind them to give extra armor and heals, then castigators and air.
      Celestine is pretty much needed mostly to scout and draw fire. And she can definitely wipe squishy squads like snipers with couple offense equips, the axe with blast attacks is usually the best for this.

  22. 1 year ago

    >Only got it for 70% off from the White dwarf promotion.
    At least i got other games for free.

    • 1 year ago

      >white dwarf
      i forgot that's a thing

  23. 1 year ago

    Bros how should I make a lobby I wanna play with pubbies, are simultaneous turns ok or shit?

    • 1 year ago

      >are simultaneous turns ok
      Its the only way if you dont want your match to take ages.
      On the other hand it kind of turns the game into RTS during bigger engagements

  24. 1 year ago

    >play Sisters
    >spawn next to Space Marines
    >spawn next to Necrons
    What can I do?

    Also DEldar, Votannand Genestealer Cults when?

    • 1 year ago

      >What can I do?
      Learn how to play the game, also why do you lose? Getting overwhelmed by enemy units or what?

      • 1 year ago

        I do not know how to deal with anything heavier than infantry mostly

        • 1 year ago

          You need specialized stuff to take down enemies with a lot of armor, so stuff like devastators, heavy weapons squads etc
          Try to make use of line of sight, natural cover or abuse transports to save your troops
          The levelups are no joke and saving your units really helps . Also always try to recruit a here, most of them have free buffs or debuffs for allies and enemies. Plus you can buy relicts for them that stack 8 free influence or research per turn

    • 1 year ago

      Necrons are always a tough fight, pretty much best AI faction.

      I do not know how to deal with anything heavier than infantry mostly

      Retributors(melta infantry) and healers. Hide behind heroes and vehicles.

    • 1 year ago

      you did set the human factions as allies, right?

  25. 1 year ago

    >it's free right now
    It's a trap. The base game is nothing more than a vehicle to sell DLC.

    • 1 year ago

      Read the thread, the DLCs are free too

  26. 1 year ago

    the game is great, and I hope they add dark eldar soon

    • 1 year ago

      Is the game still worked on?
      The devs are also working on their own game, do they even have the time for Gladius?

      • 1 year ago

        It's had two updates and 1 DLC in the last 2 weeks.

      • 1 year ago

        Pretty sure it's one of the main cash cows.
        We just got a new general unit addon DLC,
        so now the Sisters have a new unit too.

        • 1 year ago

          Some Sister flavour text mentioned the Leagues of Votann
          Gladius is 100% getting more DLC factions

          • 1 year ago

            >Leagues of Votann
            Well, I guess they figured out the only way I'd ever play them

            Playing through each faction’s ‘story’
            I like it
            I’m gonna pump up the difficulty and try to do domination victories now
            Don’t think too deep into the game

            I did Tau. Coldflame

            I like the Ad Mech story. The ending is great.

            I beat the Eldar story a while ago, final battle was something else. how fricking unlucky is gladius? how the frick can it have an asleep necron tomb world AND an infinity circuit? the other factions screwing around is just the icing on top
            Did she did died? Shame, I liked her

            • 1 year ago

              >Did she did died? Shame, I liked her
              She rebels against the ethereal and (You) have to put her down because of brainwashing..

              • 1 year ago

                Speaking of Eldar story, did the Deceiver shard ever get mentioned in it? After replaying SM quest, I find it really weird how at the end they are fighting only Necrons while ending whole world in exterminatus, while Tau somehow managed to use the ancient device to only wipe other races and fight everyone else + rebellion. Sounds like the Ethereal commanding you in Tau story had fallen under Deciever's control, much like in AdMech story.

              • 1 year ago

                If I remember Eldar story right the Space Elves destroy the Deceiver shard and then the Farseer turns the planet into Eldar settlement before descending into the Infinity Circuit to learn 60 million year old secrets

            • 1 year ago

              >Eldar story
              I love the Autarch's reaction to Gladius
              "Oh, of course the Umbra I here why am I even surprised?"

  27. 1 year ago

    any anons wanna try multiplayer on the weekend?

    • 1 year ago

      Sure, does sunday sound right?

      • 1 year ago

        yes, I am CEST, and free whenever except around 6 PM

  28. 1 year ago

    >largest world size
    >6 factions (myself included in those 6)
    >find an enemy spawn base less than 4 turns away
    is there a mod to force everyone to spawn far away from eachother

  29. 1 year ago

    Gladius has unironically the best 4x AI in any game. Worth playing just for it's truly epic battles.

    • 1 year ago

      Not even close. Ai can only handle just werks factions. Let ai pilot something like ig, orks, sisters or even tau and it will shit the bed against neutrals. The best i've seen ai be is mechanicus surprisingly, mostly because mechanicus are broken as frick, but still.

      • 1 year ago

        If Gladius has good AI then why did during a spectator game AI controlled Sororitas spammed buffs whenever they went off cooldown without any rhyme or reason AFTER the units moved and attacked?

        It's not perfect, but it's still the best 4x ai you can get. It's got one unit hex grid based combat, with a huge numbers of units, different abilities and utilities, yet AI somehow manages to keep it interesting without resorting too much on plain cheating.

        I've had some truly memorable campaigns. In one I was outright outplayed by Astra Militarum that camped back and prevented all my incursions by just camping back and hitting me with long range artillery, only managed to win that one by completely revamping my army composition. In another, Orcs were throwing stacks upon stacks onto me, pushing me back, destroying couple of cities, then I somehow pulled it back by unlocking titan tier and going all in on them.

    • 1 year ago

      Gladius had dogshit AI at release, the community scripted good AI and offered it to the devs who officially implemented it in-game, only to break it for most factions later during a rebalance patch.

    • 1 year ago

      If Gladius has good AI then why did during a spectator game AI controlled Sororitas spammed buffs whenever they went off cooldown without any rhyme or reason AFTER the units moved and attacked?

      • 1 year ago

        I'm pretty sure the AI will always use free action buffs as soon as they're available. Ork AI uses the +1 movement thing on units it moves 1 tile that turn.

    • 1 year ago

      The AI just spams random units and moves them into a big ball with its teammates. The only reason it can put up a fight at all is because of massive loyalty buffs.
      though it's still a bit commendable because, besides the loyalty and XP bonuses from difficulty, the AI doesn't actually cheat on stuff like vision, money, or research.

      • 1 year ago

        >The AI just spams random units and moves them into a big ball with its teammates.
        It's random, but I find it really impressive that you fight different army compositions, even if you play against the same faction. I don't know how ai research and build priorities are determined, I think that he tries to adapt unit composition to player and other ai's, but results are that you can be forced to fight flier armies, or long ranged artillery based armies, that make you into adapting your own forces. What breaks it are maps with a lot of water, ai just can't figure that you need plenty of fliers for that, and it get's annihilated in choke points.

        • 1 year ago

          That's just the result of unit distribution across different production building that work simultaneously. Everyone ends up with a very diverse army if you don't lose all of your lower tech units when you unlock new ones.

          That's good game design, but not really in AI department. Also it's how any RTS handles production but very rarely you see it in 4x. Kinda wish they made economy more RTS like too, where resource outposts can give a lot more resources but can be harassed, so you're actually incentivized to keep scouts or smaller army groups around the map, but that would very tough to make AI good at.

          • 1 year ago

            It's also caused by research tree. It's another smart design decision, that I miss in other 4x games. You can simply skip certain tech, and it's even encouraged, since later tech is always overall better. That way you can go for fliers for anti air role, or ground units specialized in it, for fast scouts early in the game, or you can completely skip them, and it goes the same way until the end of the tech tree as well. Many factions have option of researching titan, or some super strong upgrade for earlier tier. AI simply plays by the same rules, so it's that that randomizes it's army composition on various playthroughs.

  30. 1 year ago

    For anyone else who is autistic and hates unit sizes being like 10 troops, a new mod was recently released that increases scale of warfare massively. Hundreds of models per unit for chaff like Tyranids and Guardsmen (and all other factions too), changes production to let you pump them out, lots of balance changes around it and elite units.

    Havent tried it so it could be shit. Just installed and starting a new game now.

    • 1 year ago

      Try it without the mod first, you already get massive battles in normal game. Mod appears to fix unit balance, though. Gladius is very tech tier dependent for units. In late game, Space Marines, and Assault Space Marines, will be useless cannon fodder, like nearly all low tier units.

  31. 1 year ago

    dark eldar soon

  32. 1 year ago

    There are a lot of mods that change the scale of the game. Both visually by just changing the meshes but also by adding more members to units.
    Which one do you guys recommend?

  33. 1 year ago

    Only thing I hate is that balance is beyond fricked Orks are weak as frick all of their units have almost 0 armor seriously guardsmen have double the armor of boyz and do 8 damage if the enemy is 2 tiles or 16 if they are 1 tile away when shooting boyz do 15 without buffs in melee and can't shoot and barely any more HP than anyone boyz are hands down the worst unit in the entire game and orks are entirely reliant on heroes then you have necrons which are busted AF and most of the game is fighting off neutrals

    • 1 year ago

      Still new to the game.
      I always 1v1 Orks when trying a new faction.
      Granted so far I've only played Space Marine and Imperial Guard.

      • 1 year ago

        I don't know what you're smoking but 3 boyz squads at start is the biggest raw firepower out of every faction starting units without upgrades against any regular low armored ground neutrals. Are you sure you didn't miss something like accuracy from your calculations? I'm 100% sure boyz kill shit faster in practice than Guardsmen. Only something like grenades may be able to temporarily outperform them. Not only that but being melee means you don't have forest/ruins penalties unlike pretty much everyone else (except when using aforementioned high cooldown grenades.) On the downside, as you said, they have shit overwatch and are fragile. That said aside from Necrons they also heal by far the fastest due to +50% natural healing rate and fungus on top of that. It's not a problem to take an overwatch or two with a squad when your two other squads can then beat them down.

        If I had an option I'd start with 3 boyz squads instead of their normal starting composition on every faction except Necron, Chaos (for obvious reasons) and Tyranids (assuming you couldn't eat boyz.) It's the definite choice for fast and efficient early map control given you're not careless enough to go and lose a squad.

        Just make planes bro. They fly, take less damage from almost all units, have about 37 upgrades, cost no food, 2 tile range + overwatch, their movement boost stacks with ork movement boost. And despite flying right over wire weed they still benefit from fungus on the ground under them. Settle your first city with big research bonuses and just rush to dakkajets, don't even bother making other units besides one warboss to bully all the neutrals into oblivion and farm influence alongside your 3 starter boyz. You'll only have to fear a few things like Hive Crone spam or Necron hero bullshit.
        The choppers are pretty good too, scanning can be useful, but dakkajets are better overall once you tech to them and use the same resources.

        also, as the other anon said Warbosses are really good, and if you spam jets you'll be attacking so many units every turn you'll probably end up with an influence bank that looks like
        >2859 (-56)
        so you effectively have infinite money to spend on gearing more warbosses, if you really want to.
        me maek plane.

        If any of you even slightly doubt what im saying youve only played vs AI every other faction outpaces boyz even the unit that seems to the "weakest" aka guardsmen literally have double their armor and can easily make a row of 2 squads and win because theyre shitting out double your damage because you cant into ranged and they shoot twice as much within 1 tile so your melee is practically matched unless you have a high waaagh! level their only downside is bigger squad which means 2 things they have more damage drop off when injured and their grenades are better since theres more of them not to mention they get medpacks so they can just rotate squads and heal them to full. As for necrons they basically get your healing for free and anywhere and frick you even harder and SM are basically nigh invincible to boyz with 4x armor

        Orks suck dick if not played correctly the orks get so much influence its not really worth building anything other than heroes and rushing killa kans early game

        • 1 year ago

          I don't know why you're so fixated on 2 v 4 armor since the difference at such low values is quite negligible, it's nothing like the difference between 8 and 10.
          As for the damage, aside from grenades you're just plain delusional on 1 range. Go attack a Kroot Hounds on plain terrain from 1 range with each squad and see the real difference.
          As for SMs yeah sure, they are durable sure but deal shit damage (so much they had to buff it a few patches ago), also a pain to heal up. Boyz finish a neutral group faster and and heal up by the time 2 SM squads are done with it. Worse yet they'll probably let them retreat wasting even more time.

          • 1 year ago

            Boyz are just dogshit they really dont have a major advantage they have like 2 more health which is nothing and its offset by the fact everyone has more armor and they heal faster which you wont use because your boyz units are going to get nuked down by squads before they get a chance to escape.

            Spam heroes spam flying units spam killa kans thats all there is to playing orks their infantry kind of suck dick

            • 1 year ago

              You get 3 of them and they have raw damage and they heal fast. Combine those three and you get fast map control as long as you have brains not to suicide your squads like a moron. They're good but they're not moron proof like necrons.

        • 1 year ago

          If you want to use Orks, just use transports, silly. Close combat units needs transports for maximum effectiveness. All of them are high hp, high armor, you start with tanks, heroes, anything to draw fire, then you sneak in few transports fully packed with h2h units, and it's massacre. Main force will still need to be walkers, but you can do a lot of damage for cheap with this tactic.

          • 1 year ago

            battlewagons are pretty great since they're reasonably tough and are assault transports

    • 1 year ago

      I don't know what you're smoking but 3 boyz squads at start is the biggest raw firepower out of every faction starting units without upgrades against any regular low armored ground neutrals. Are you sure you didn't miss something like accuracy from your calculations? I'm 100% sure boyz kill shit faster in practice than Guardsmen. Only something like grenades may be able to temporarily outperform them. Not only that but being melee means you don't have forest/ruins penalties unlike pretty much everyone else (except when using aforementioned high cooldown grenades.) On the downside, as you said, they have shit overwatch and are fragile. That said aside from Necrons they also heal by far the fastest due to +50% natural healing rate and fungus on top of that. It's not a problem to take an overwatch or two with a squad when your two other squads can then beat them down.

      If I had an option I'd start with 3 boyz squads instead of their normal starting composition on every faction except Necron, Chaos (for obvious reasons) and Tyranids (assuming you couldn't eat boyz.) It's the definite choice for fast and efficient early map control given you're not careless enough to go and lose a squad.

      • 1 year ago

        I found Orks to be very reliant on heroes. Warboss is fantastic tank, he can take brunt of damage during push thorughs, and Painboy is arguably as vital for them, he augments Orc's armor deficit with his abilities, and acts as main healer of the faction. I'll always go way over supply penalty on both. I'll also often go defensive for the early game, just lvl up my heroes, working on economy and base expansions. Infantry can be healed quickly, and mek guns are sufficient as artillery support early on. Midgame is where their roster opens up. Battlewagon can wreck chaos like all transporters by unloading slow units on demand, and Meganobz are already proper tank unit. Their air power is also very limited until you get Dakkajets and Bombers. With them, they can be very good air power, though they need research. Orcs main weakness is range, and they don't play well as pure rush faction. Like you said, their healing rate is a major plus. It effects their strategy a lot. Few spores in the back lines, efficient retreat of wounded units, and they can get back into action faster than any other faction.

        • 1 year ago

          I was talking about early game before you can get any additional units out.
          However I agree on pretty much everything except Warboss being a good tank. He's good to take whatever random damage with (battling neutrals is included in here) and deals fantastic damage. But with max armor of 8 with all permanent armor upgrades and items it puts Warboss below most other frontline heroes most of which who can reach overcapped around 11-14 armor. When it comes to actual damage reduction, stacking armor as much as possible is extremely important for scaling effective HP. 10 effective armor against an attack takes half as much damage as 8 effective armor against the same attack. 10 armor vs 6 armor is triple the damage. For most heroes the danger comes from multiple high armor pen attackers (doubly so if they're also vehicles) and that threshold to obliterate Warboss is much lower than others.
          AI may not be wise but a player will usually calculate whether they have enough to focus fire a geared hero down on their turn if it's too exposed and that's a huge resource loss. It's usually worth it unless the hero only has those armor items and doesn't have too much impact on the battle at hand.
          Gotta keep in mind my experience comes mostly from 1v1 in tiny maps where the focus on battling against neutrals is pretty much over by turn 40-60 depending on how aggressive build orders either one is going for and how the map happens to be (settings on standard, land mass med or high, wire weed very low because nobody likes that shit)

    • 1 year ago

      Just make planes bro. They fly, take less damage from almost all units, have about 37 upgrades, cost no food, 2 tile range + overwatch, their movement boost stacks with ork movement boost. And despite flying right over wire weed they still benefit from fungus on the ground under them. Settle your first city with big research bonuses and just rush to dakkajets, don't even bother making other units besides one warboss to bully all the neutrals into oblivion and farm influence alongside your 3 starter boyz. You'll only have to fear a few things like Hive Crone spam or Necron hero bullshit.
      The choppers are pretty good too, scanning can be useful, but dakkajets are better overall once you tech to them and use the same resources.

      • 1 year ago

        Only thing I hate is that balance is beyond fricked Orks are weak as frick all of their units have almost 0 armor seriously guardsmen have double the armor of boyz and do 8 damage if the enemy is 2 tiles or 16 if they are 1 tile away when shooting boyz do 15 without buffs in melee and can't shoot and barely any more HP than anyone boyz are hands down the worst unit in the entire game and orks are entirely reliant on heroes then you have necrons which are busted AF and most of the game is fighting off neutrals

        also, as the other anon said Warbosses are really good, and if you spam jets you'll be attacking so many units every turn you'll probably end up with an influence bank that looks like
        >2859 (-56)
        so you effectively have infinite money to spend on gearing more warbosses, if you really want to.
        me maek plane.

  34. 1 year ago

    Since this is a hex based WH40K thread, any tips for Rites of War?

  35. 1 year ago

    >it's free right now, you get to keep it too which is cool
    How do you people keep up with free to keep games on Steam?

    • 1 year ago

      just reading the interwebz
      or opening steam at the right time to get it pop the promotion in my face

      • 1 year ago

        Oh hey, that website looks neat. Thanks anons

    • 1 year ago

    • 1 year ago

      Dedicated Telegram channels.

    • 1 year ago

      >How do you people keep up with free to keep games on Steam?

  36. 1 year ago

    Playing through each faction’s ‘story’
    I like it
    I’m gonna pump up the difficulty and try to do domination victories now
    Don’t think too deep into the game

    • 1 year ago

      I did Tau. Coldflame

    • 1 year ago

      I like the Ad Mech story. The ending is great.

  37. 1 year ago

    dark eldar by the end of the year

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah, I hope they do genestealer cult too

      • 1 year ago

        Genestealer cults would be cash

  38. 1 year ago

    Does anyone happen to have audio files extracted from DOW for the sound mod?
    Setting this up is more of a hassle than I expected, and even though Soulstorm has sisters, their voice lines are not matched to units.

  39. 1 year ago

    Should I just ignore the loyalty bonus from T'au Utopias? Building only 1 of each structure is annoying when I need frickloads of power for my battlesuits. I need to build multiple power generating buildings. Or should I just put down more cities

    • 1 year ago

      Utopia gives you free loyalty with each building type, there's no reason to stop with 1 of what you need. 3-4 cities is still the sweet spot though if you can keep Fireblades alive they give a ton of loyalty to justify settling more.

    • 1 year ago

      Tau can buy resources you lack pretty well with influence but one thing you should ignore loyalty bonus for is unit production. Having it all spread across all cities is painful and not worth it. This is assuming you're playing relatively small map with 3 cities. In bigger maps at some later point utopia bonus simply isn't worth it anymore.

    • 1 year ago

      Building a bunch of perfect utopias is max comfy

  40. 1 year ago

    I hate how Eldar fundamentally don't make sense in this game. Why would they build anything on the planet them their portals lead straight to a planet sized ship which produces anything they need?

    • 1 year ago

      Fightin Eldar doesnt make sense at all

  41. 1 year ago

    I only miss the Bolter b***hes DLC,
    are they worth the 12 bucks or can I just wait for the $7.50sale ?
    Also how is the verdict on the brand new Firepower DLC?

    • 1 year ago

      Read the thread friend. You don't need to wait 😉

  42. 1 year ago

    this guy nailed it

  43. 1 year ago

    Predict which will happen first: Dark Eldar, Votann or Genestealer Cults

    • 1 year ago

      Dark Eldar
      Would be my guess

      • 1 year ago

        Predict which will happen first: Dark Eldar, Votann or Genestealer Cults

        Is there even any games featuring Votann?

        • 1 year ago

          I think Battlefleet Gothic 2 has them when you play as T'au

    • 1 year ago

      Maybe Harlequins too? They are suspiciously absent

      • 1 year ago

        Haven't they already said they're not doing sub-factions?

    • 1 year ago

      What is point of a genestealer cult on a world that already has tyranids?

      • 1 year ago

        genestealers signal the main fleet with their psychic powers and work as a beacon that gets the main force there way faster (at which point all hope is gone)

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