It's lost, it's over

What could have been.......blizzbros.......

CRIME Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago

    >from Unreal to Blizz engine
    >devs hoping to switch again to UE
    Sounds like dev hell tbh

    • 5 months ago

      >6 years for a open-world survival craft slop
      >devs were hoping for a 2nd engine swap
      Sounds like MS made the right call in killing this thing.

      why do brianlet devs love using unreal?

      • 5 months ago

        Because it lets brainlets make games
        t. brainlet

      • 5 months ago

        Good tools that tend to work well together and some common problems are just a Google search to deal with

      • 5 months ago

        It has the most "support" so they can ask other people to do work for them as opposed to internal engines.

        • 5 months ago

          I'd argue unity has more "support"
          But im being pedantic

      • 5 months ago

        With other game engines you need to actually know how to code and do things. With engines like UE, you can literally get by with using plugins for almost everything. Look at Palworld, for example. The devs have said that they had no fricking clue how to do anything and that they just learned everything on the fly.

        • 5 months ago

          Didn't they have a senior UE dev teaching them everything? Switching from Unity to UE isn't that hard, I've done it myself.

          • 5 months ago

            Epic has a Japanese support studio plus finding a UE dev in Japan probably isn't hard
            Really switching engines isn't hard, just a different workflow and tools, a lot of the general stuff is just named differently

      • 5 months ago

        Because Unreal is a legitimately good engine.

      • 5 months ago

        "Why bother making and maintaining your own engine when you can outsource it" - some manager
        Also the fact that it's easier to get people into the project, since it's easily available for everyone instead of some proprietary, and even maybe barely documented, in-house engine.

      • 5 months ago

        Everyone knows it so you don't have to train new emplyees, good for companies that strugle to maintain workers

  2. 5 months ago

    >more survival crap

    Who fricking cares?

    • 5 months ago

      Ask Palworld.

      • 5 months ago

        Palword is Pokemon.

      • 5 months ago

        Palworld is a dogshit game that is only popular because third worlders now get to play Pokemon from wish.

        The only interesting about it will be seeing how close games can go when very clearly ripping off other games without consequence.

      • 5 months ago

        fotm garbage on par with goyslop

    • 5 months ago

      I frickin care. The game could've been great.

  3. 5 months ago

    >6 years to devlop a minecraft/Rust clone
    >wanted to swap back to UE
    no wonder MS canned the game. The entire team is fricking stupid
    Imagine not being able to make rust after 6 years even Ark took less time and is out right now.

  4. 5 months ago

    6 fricking years in development hell. Wonder how many times they changed teams.

    • 5 months ago

      Blizzard mentions in interviews they have "incubation chambers" where they work on new games all the time, we just dont see them. That pretty much sealed blizzard's fate for me. No way they could keep up with modern gaming if they want to make a perfect game. You need to have some impulse to actually finish shit. Otherwise you end up like valve or blizzard.

      • 5 months ago

        >make incubation chambers
        >all you can hatch is stillborn dogshit
        Sounds like Blizzard alright.

      • 5 months ago

        They wanted the data from Blizzard. Ip from activision and Money from king.

    • 5 months ago

      I'll never get how an AAA dev with 6 years of dev time can't make a survival game while small indie devs can. Rust, Raft, The Forest and most recently Palworld. The recipe isn't hard and has been done several times. What's even going with Rare's survival game, Everwild? That's like 5 years old too and still hasn't come out. Might be cancelled too.

  5. 5 months ago

    Did pal kill this game?

    • 5 months ago

      >Blizzard shitting the bed for years
      >trying all tricks in the book like following every fad, goy horny, trying to appeal to women, forced esports, cripples, non binary lgbt
      >Palworld selling millions with a cheap knockoff game putting in a bit more effort than the popular original
      the irony is that Blizzard became famous for copying game concept and remaking them with a higher level of polish

      • 5 months ago

        They lost all there people with vision and replaced them with DEI hires who care less about the game then the mesage

  6. 5 months ago

    >6 years for a open-world survival craft slop
    >devs were hoping for a 2nd engine swap
    Sounds like MS made the right call in killing this thing.

    • 5 months ago


  7. 5 months ago

    >minecraft/rust style….
    People are sick of that shit,

    • 5 months ago

      apparently not though

  8. 5 months ago

    How much did Microsoft overpay? Remember, this was probably front and center during the closed door meetings when they were deliberating a price for ActiBliz

    • 5 months ago

      I'm pretty sure they expected to lose money on actiblizz, they were buying them to get King afterall.
      Activision is pretty much just a one trick pony with excessive staff dedicated to shitting out codslop every year if possible, but it covers its costs with all the mtx, and Blizzard is wow whales funding every other blizzard project, I mean the game has like 6 layers of monetization at this point.

    • 5 months ago

      They wanted it mostly for King. Mobile will finance their gaming department for years to come, if they hadnt gotten Activision Im certain they would have exited the console market next gen

  9. 5 months ago

    >Fallout 76: Now With EXTRA Gays! cancelled
    oh no

  10. 5 months ago

    Imagine being a wagie who worked on some shit for 6 years only for it to be cancelled and never released. Over half a decade of your work just poof.

    • 5 months ago

      Brainstorming fantasy landscape concept art bullshots isn't work

    • 5 months ago

      who cares, they got paid

    • 5 months ago

      >be wagie
      >always wanted to work at blizzard
      >land the job
      >the pay is worse than for other jobs but youre working at blizzard, and videogame devving just pays less
      >its in LA, have to sleep in bunkbeds with strangers to make rent
      >work 6 years on this game that is going to disrupt the survival genre
      >after 6 years of suffering it gets killed
      >meanwhile some pokemon-survival slop is making millions

    • 5 months ago

      Get paid 100K to do nothing and frick around at the office. Doesn't sound bad.

  11. 5 months ago

    So nothing of value was lost. Survival games are ass

  12. 5 months ago

    >6 years and not even the engine was decided
    Wow, I kneel to those chads
    I jerk off, play vidya and watch anime when I work remotely, but in the end I complete my work for the day

  13. 5 months ago

    >six years in and they hadn't decided on an engine

    Scalebound tier

  14. 5 months ago

    >6 years and not even a leaked tech demo
    Blizzard has way too many of these limbo games they cant commit to.

  15. 5 months ago

    I'm gutted, I was really looking forward to [Unannounced Survival Game]. The non-announcement and lack of trailer had me hyped.

  16. 5 months ago

    >6 years of development
    >6 years worth of unused assets
    Overwatch 3 confirmed

  17. 5 months ago

    hilariously perfect timing

    • 5 months ago

      >Anti-woke, shitposting, Chad japs make muliti millions in less than a week
      >ESG mandated, onions-sucking homosexual libtard Yanks get kicked to the curb.
      Gaming is literally healing.

  18. 5 months ago

    >another palworld clone
    who cares

  19. 5 months ago

    Its amazing to me that big studios that could easily just put ten people in a room and tell them they have a year to make an indie quality title can spend the better part of a decade accomplishing absolutely nothing.

    Like im sure there is some weird culture of "well, this wont sell 1 billion copies, so lets go back to the drawing board" but especially if you are chasing fads, which im 100% sure this is a case of, you have a limited time to put the games out before fad is over or at least too oversaturated to get into. It eats me alive a company that operates like this can still be profitable.

    • 5 months ago

      Companies usually do this kind of things to let creatives that do well come up with ideas.
      Usually they come up with some vertical slice and a design doc.
      Blizzard seems to love just taking an idea and letting the leads just dump money into black holeswith no real end date.
      Some how even worse than Valve in the sense of making games.

      • 5 months ago

        Valve isn't massively bloated and most important private, so they can get away with it.

        • 5 months ago

          Also Valve employees can work on other shit like Steam, proton, linux or hardware so even if you don't want to work on games they can do something else useful

    • 5 months ago

      My working theory is that DOTA has utterly mindbroken Bobby when he realized he missed out on the esports gravy train and he has never recovered.
      They tried to turn basically every other ActiBlizz product into an esport, and if it didn't have an esport potential it simply didn't get made.

      • 5 months ago

        Companies usually do this kind of things to let creatives that do well come up with ideas.
        Usually they come up with some vertical slice and a design doc.
        Blizzard seems to love just taking an idea and letting the leads just dump money into black holeswith no real end date.
        Some how even worse than Valve in the sense of making games.

        It boggles my mind. Like if they just let their "creatives" pump out little games on a regular basis itd bring in some steady cash flow that isnt' reliant on 3 major games maintaining their whales, and give their people some real experience. It probably would also help to make their main games better because im sure plenty of ideas would translate over just fine. Like its silly. You dont need massive titles. You can release 10 little games that make a few million in profit each, its fine.

        • 5 months ago

          Because it doesn't make investors happy
          They won't budge on something workable that makes some money but go all in on a chance to win all the money

        • 5 months ago

          blizzard is to big to fail status.
          When they were small and basically covering the costs of Vevendi with there games.
          Then wow happened and they hired all the MMO people. Then wow blew up and they hired anyone with a pulse.
          None of those people had any real design talent and it shows in there clear in ability to win people back outside of the drones

          • 5 months ago

            >Then wow blew up and they hired anyone with a pulse.
            they also gave all the old folks a ton of stock and bonuses. Once the WOW gravy train started to slow down they had to shed massive amounts of people.

            • 5 months ago

              i mean if you left you get basically money thrown at you to head a studio or run a team. Could easily make life time money leaving wow at its near peak
              Ghostcrawler is living proof that you could have bad ideas for years save the game in Panda for the sweaty fricks and get a better job at Riot then run your own Studio and make your own MMO.

        • 5 months ago

          it's something to do with brand strength, they don't want to spoil it with a bunch of tiny 7/10 games, it's the same reasoning that led to SC Ghost getting cancelled. video games are a hit-based industry where everyone's fishing for the next 500$ million release, and certain companies with a very good track record (like blizzard used to be) can count on there being a lot of hype and positive press for their next title just because of who's making it, and nothing is more valuable than mindshare. consider that nobody cares about whatever the next ubisoft or activision title is, but there's always attention if valve or rockstar announces something.
          blizzard of course has totally slid into ubisoft territory of who-gives-a-frick, but the heads are still clinging to the last bit of hope that they might be able to rebuild brand strength with just one proper hit game, like overwatch at release, and who knows, maybe they will, there's certainly a semi-inorganic air of "microsoft will fix this" around that might give them one more chance. but i predict that if their next big title fricking sucks dick then MS will give up and shift them into a production mill.

          • 5 months ago

            >it's something to do with brand strength
            Sure. But not releasing something big for 5+ years also sucks. Back in the day they took longer than everyone else, but taking longer meant releasing a game after 3 years instead of 2 years. That kind of "make the perfect game" mentality is poison in modern development.

          • 5 months ago

            Brand strength is a currency you can expand on things like delays.
            The problem is when you spend it all on having to save face for shit MXT
            The only people who still believe in blizzard at this point are the super fans.

          • 5 months ago

            brand strength has run out
            they have been abusing it for a decade at this point and of course kotick leaves exactly when that well is depleted and when they start shitting out phone games
            blizzard has nothing anymore

          • 5 months ago

            I mean, that makes sense if you are putting out new products on a semi regular basis, but nothing survive on brand strength without new stuff to show for it more than once a decade. Nintendo is the poster company for brand strength and they put out tons of small games every year and a couple big games to boot. Blizzard averages 1 game every 3-4 years or so? Maybe? And its not like they are valve where their main money maker is providing a service with making games as a side hustle. Like they are a game company. Take away their games and their revenue drops to whatever third parties pay them in merch royalties which is probably not negligible but also not a drop compared to the whale income from their service games.

      • 5 months ago

        DOTA did mindbreak blizzard but that was before bobby got hold of them. I think them going for esports is a combination of

        >SC1 is huge in korea, but when they try to get a cut the koreans asked their government to protect them and the courts cucked blizzard out of everything
        >they pass on DOTA because they have WOW
        >they try to make WOW an esport, its huge, but because its just that shit at PVP it fails
        >try to make SC2 happen, mutilate the game and kill BW in korea to make it happen, it doesnt happen
        >make HOTS to counter DOTA, it doesnt happen either
        >OWL is a joke.

        And at the same time the newer versions of games perform worse than the old ones. D4 has less concurrent players than D2.

        • 5 months ago

          >SC1 is huge in korea, but when they try to get a cut the koreans asked their government to protect them and the courts cucked blizzard out of everything
          I didn't know about this but some google results sounds really interesting to read.
          >Blizzard vows to take MBC to court
          >StarCraft broadcasting dispute headed to court
          >Blizzard Prepares to Sue Over Illegal StarCraft TV Broadcasts
          >StarCraft II to be censored for South Korean release
          So, thank you, anon.

          • 5 months ago

            >I didn't know about this but some google results sounds really interesting to read.
            I heard it in one of the artosis interviews IIRC.

            >blizzard hears SC is massive
            >demands money
            >they refuse, the argument is that "SC is a ball and they invented football, you cant claim rights on football if you invent a ball"
            >blizzard gets mad
            >koreans ask their government to protect them
            >KESPRA is created
            >blizzard is eternally butthurt over this and makes SC2 online only to have full control over it (among protecting against piracy).
            He also mentioned that people thought you couldnt play SC2 in PCbangs because of the account system. You could, but people thought you couldnt. Which hurt SC2. And they thought you couldnt have any tournaments, but you could if you paid blizzard. Thats one of the reasons SC2 had a slow start in korea.

            Basically blizzard is a parasite that drained too much blood from its host

        • 5 months ago

          Bobby has been with Activision since 90s, ActiBlizz merger was in 2008. First TI was in 2011 and that was when it broke the 1mil barrier. Bobby absolutely was there to witness it and get mind broken, even if Blizz told guinsoo and co. to frick off before 2008.

          • 5 months ago

            >ActiBlizz merger was in 2008.
            One interview with an ex blizzard employee mentions that at the start blizzard could keep activision away from their meetings because they made too much money. Its only once blizzard started to suck (too few releases that didnt do as well) that activision could, and did, move in. Dunno if his memory stretches back to 2011
            >even if Blizz told guinsoo and co. to frick off before 2008.
            IIRC icefrog went to blizzard twice to ask to sponsor him to make DOTA. After that he went to valve.

    • 5 months ago

      >put ten people in a room and tell them

      • 5 months ago

        Maybe their issue is they aren't teaching people that aren't white males how to fill out a resume.

    • 5 months ago

      it's corporate bloat where 95% of the work day is making sure your project/department/job is safe and 5% actually working on something

    • 5 months ago

      Blizz's strategy use to be to make games they liked to play but with features they wanted to see. Seemed to work out up until around 2011ish...

    • 5 months ago

      The trend chasing thing that AAA companies do now is fricking embarrassing.
      You have maybe 3 years max to capitalize on a trend before it's old hat. The problem is a AAA quality game takes a minimum of 5 years to make now, and realistically more like 7. So why not downsize, make something more humble so you can get it out faster, and build on it later? That's something a lot of indie devs do now with early access.
      But, no, they'll spin their wheels cooking something for half a decade and when it finally comes out it's way too late to the party.

      We're seeing that now with Bungie's new Tarkov clone, a game nobody asked for and nobody really wants, that is coming out way too late to the party.

  20. 5 months ago

    >darkie in the image
    nothing of value was lost

  21. 5 months ago

    >art is a black dude and a white girl
    Go bankrupt and die you shitty propagandists masquerading as a videogame company.

  22. 5 months ago

    sounds like trash
    which means it would have sold like crazy

  23. 5 months ago

    >more survival crafting slop canceled
    thank fricking frick

  24. 5 months ago

    >another dropped game
    typical blizzard, they either produce slop or drop it all together

  25. 5 months ago

    >more crafting simulator disguised as "survival"

  26. 5 months ago

    Did those two Black folks steal that bike? Not very progressive, blizzard.

  27. 5 months ago

    >6 years
    >devs still want to change engines
    yeah that shit should've been cancelled well before now.

  28. 5 months ago

    >a game got cancelled
    damn, it could've been g-

  29. 5 months ago

    Imagine working 6 years for Blizzard on a Palworld clone and then it's just Thanos snapped out of existence. I'd need a one hell of a Marvel movie marathon to take me out of the sads.

  30. 5 months ago

    6 years of development, probably had less content than palworld. They they don't want another redfall

  31. 5 months ago

    >6 years of development
    >had already swapped engine mid development
    >wanted to swap engine again
    >black male white female
    >concept art seems to imply "transported to another world" plot
    Can't blame microsoft for cancelling it

  32. 5 months ago

    >damn, I wish we could switch engines AGAIN
    Are these people on fricking meth?

  33. 5 months ago

    Oh no, we couldn't "play" pozzed troony game with insane monetization no.987461354534354354, what will we ever do now?

  34. 5 months ago

    >thousands of SJW's working for 6 years on a survival slop of the week costing hundreds of millions of dollars
    >4 nips overworking every night in a garage ripping off Pokémon for two years because quote "it's fun"

    No wonder Phil axe'd it. NA video game industry is a joke. Even the EU is shitting on them right now.

  35. 5 months ago

    So let me get this straight.
    They started off with Unreal but discovered they couldn't get it to support 100 players. When this happened during development is unknown but they end up switching to their Blizzard engine.
    And during this time, they still have issues, to the point this shit has been in development for 6 years. And from what it sounds like, they stopped making progress entirely and just waited for MS to buy them, hoping they'd force them BACK into using Unreal Engine which didn't suit their needs in the first place.

    What the frick? Blizzard has nobody left who is actually competent do they?

    • 5 months ago

      At this point MS is better off hiring third party devs to make use of Blizzard IP's. I have zero faith that Blizzard can make a new and good Warcraft and SC game. They've already failed with SC2, Overwatch 2 and D4. Can't even get a new IP in development for 6 years out.

      • 5 months ago

        Total War: Warcraft would be really cool.

      • 5 months ago

        >failed with SC2
        nova missions and coop were good
        their moba game was fine
        their Z teams delivered decent products quite consistently

        • 5 months ago

          >split up the game in 3 parts, make it online only, force esports
          >by the time the third part released they had to give out the first part for free, only a fraction of the people that bought WOL bought LOTV, the arcade didtn produce a single custom game the reached the level of DOTA, and esports collapsed to 1/3 of its original pricepool the moment blizzard pulled funding. And koreans eventually moved back to broodwar.

          And remember, for blizzard its not a success if it makes decent money, it is a success if its a smash hit on the level of WOW. Hearthstone is what they want now. Constant monetization, a small team required to maintain it, the works.

          heroes of the storm is also a failure. It was by far their largest team, the content was made by people of blizzard, no offshoring for animation and modeling. Loads of expensive senior employees they kept on hand. If you have 600 people work on a game, you dont want to end up third behind DOTA and LOL. I still liked it and its a shame it failed. It just took too long to come together

          • 5 months ago

            None of your green text addresses anything to do with the game itself, more what someone at corporate would use as an excuse to never make a starcraft game again.

            • 5 months ago

              >balance all over the place
              >heart of the swarm had the broodlord cancer
              >arcade was obviously set up to force popular games to gain more popularity at the cost of making it hard to discover new UMS
              >splitting the game up in 3 pieces meant that a lot of people got tired of having to wait for "the finished game"
              >online lobby was focussed on competitive 1v1 ladder rather than social gaming
              >even then they tried to hide info like elo with the division system
              >rape the lore and story of SC1
              >no LAN or spawn installs. online only
              >battlenet 2.0
              If we're talking about brand strength, SC2 and how blizzard handled it really soured me on them. Sure, they got 3x a full price game out of me, but I will never buy their shit again.

          • 5 months ago

            I agree with everything you said about sc2, I'm just singling out coop commander and the nova missions for the quality of the gameplay
            custom games never had a chance to begin with : I was a fan of heaven's last defense in sc1 and that could not be remade because of some demented "no contentious topics" and "everything you made is ours because we don't want another dota" policies
            having played hots a lot I'm surprised you claim it was a large team : for most of its early life it felt it was developed with scraps

            • 5 months ago

              >having played hots a lot I'm surprised you claim it was a large team : for most of its early life it felt it was developed with scraps
              I cant find the source because the 2018 articles on the cutback are all washed away by the 2022 cutback. But the article stated the team was by far the biggest on the campus. Early on it was a small team, but once blizzard was excited they added a lot of people to the team. You can see it clearly. The models are far better quality than the reforged models (because its made by talented westerns instead of some Malaysian sweatshop), the animations have loads of details (heroes already wind up an attack when they're on their mount, spells their animations naturally indicate the exact edges of attacks, even if there are outlines for all spells. talents like valeeras slice and dice and KTZ's ice spike have unique animations.). They had a new hero come out every 3 weeks, with 5 abilities, tons of animations, an animated main screen, talents that had tons of animation work. etc.

              • 5 months ago

                I guess, must have been when they updated the shop and went for that hots 2.0
                early on it felt like an alpha for a long time : uninspired talent trees, icons ripped off from wow, characters having abilities which made zero sense ( like tassadar ) and so on

              • 5 months ago

                Initially HOTS was a demo SC2 devs made to show off the power of the SC2 editor. Internally blizzard liked the work and told them to make it its own game. Thats when they shifted from off the shelf icons and abilities to programming their own original stuff.

              • 5 months ago

                oh yeah I remember now
                I'm still confused why they announced they were cutting support years ago : that must have made a lot of people migrate somewhere else for no reason, I know I did

              • 5 months ago

                in 2018 activision stepped in. Blizzard could maintain independence (have their own management layer) for a long time because WOW made them so much money activision was fine leaving them along. When Blizzard didnt make enough money to keep the suits out, it was over. mark morheim stepped back and the new guy didnt even get the CEO title, just director (indicating he already had less power).

                Activision wanted an overwatch level game every few years, not after 10 years of failing to make titan. So then they could move their suits in and make it money first, games second. They cut back the amount of customer support (which was one of blizzards strong points), and they cut down expenses everywhere. HOTS's team was full of SC2 veterans (both because they knew how the engine works and because they were experienced designers). If you have a resume with many years of blizzard, you can work anywhere. So to keep them around, they had to pay them a lot. Activision decided it was more prudent to just relocate them to other projects, or just let them go. Blizzard themselves didnt expect it either. The esports teams they were paying got the message the same time everyone else did, and it was like 2 weeks before the new season started. Hell, they just made HOTS 2.0 and made their first HOTS original character. Activision really thought the best move was to just entirely nuke the project from orbit, even if that hurt customer confidence.

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah Blizzard is dead and Microsoft is its final resting place.

  36. 5 months ago

    >6 years
    >multiple engine switches
    >devs wanted to SWITCH BACK to UE
    lol that game would have been shit

  37. 5 months ago

    Oh no! Not this one! Not yet another Blizzard game made by furries, scalies and LGBTQPPAL++, made to appeal to furries, scalies and LGBTQPPAL++!! How could this happen? This was supposed to be OUR game gamers!

  38. 5 months ago

    >open world survival craft blizzslop
    an unholy matrimony.... Microsoft did us a favor

  39. 5 months ago

    UE than MS than UE.
    It would be broke as frick.

  40. 5 months ago

    >concept shot
    >a solitary bike
    Jesus frick, no chill, they went all in on it.

  41. 5 months ago

    >bland hipster character design
    I'm good

  42. 5 months ago

    >take a decade of time to produce a Minecraft/Rust rip
    Is there any group of people that have wasted more time and effort than Blizzard? No wonder MS cut these morons

  43. 5 months ago

    Typical Blizzard. Looks like it's more Overwatch 3.2, Diablo Lite, and WoW: Sloplands on the horizon.

  44. 5 months ago

    Im curious, did microsoft fire half the studio yet?

  45. 5 months ago

    What is HAPPENING to video games???
    First we had PaIworld AIslop shills literally STEALING from Nintendo and win bigly and now Blizzard, creator of all my.favorire shiledhood memories is quitting their newest and lastest IP????

    I am THIS close to quitting to game, what is HAPPENING to this industry man?

  46. 5 months ago

    Microsoft are notorious for being hands off if the devs wanted to go back to unreal I find it difficult to believe microsoft would have stopped them

    do they mean it was one stubborn guy high up refusing to listen to his team

    • 5 months ago

      MS is hands off AFTER They do assessment of business redundancy and spend.
      I am sure they looked at blizzard and interviewed people who hoped that MS would save them from the Activision bogey man.
      INstead they got there own jobs axed because they spent 6 years and the game had to not even be close to release from them to delete it.

    • 5 months ago

      MS is hands off AFTER They do assessment of business redundancy and spend.
      I am sure they looked at blizzard and interviewed people who hoped that MS would save them from the Activision bogey man.
      INstead they got there own jobs axed because they spent 6 years and the game had to not even be close to release from them to delete it.

      Yep. MS seems to be hands off if the devs are capable, and very hands on if they are a bunch of shitters. From what I heard with the remake of AoE definitive edition, MS just wanted a good game and the devs were free to do as they pleased. With AoE 4 the fricklechuks kept fricking up so badly that MS had to send over their own teams to help them finish in time.

  47. 5 months ago

    >another cancelled Blizz game
    >Blizz a decade late to the meta again
    it's all so tiresome

    • 5 months ago

      Blizzard needs to invent the meta like they used to in the 00s if they want to be relevant again. too bad they are filled with diversity hires.

  48. 5 months ago

    seems like they cancelled it because "Rust-like survival games" are already playe-out by this point. Palworld is an exception.

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