It's so over, I don't think it's ever been more over than it is now

I truly think Baldur's Gate 3 is one of the biggest disappointments I've ever been hyped for.
Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 are, along with Planescape Torment and Dragon Age Origins, absolutely some of the biggest influences on my life and tastes in all fields (God I wish I could frick a drow), but not only that, the central and most pivotal theme of Baldur's Gate 1/2, the inevitability of becoming a monster and fighting against that to be your own man in a life where you're destined to become a god of murder/be killed to lead to the birth of a god of murder is not only an extremely deep and compelling story, but incredibly relatable to many people (the becoming a monster part lmao)
Which leads to my 3 biggest dissapointments, especially being such an avid fan of the EA.
For the first, in the EA, 99% the original Tav, pre dark urge announcement, was a bhallspawn no matter what. And unlike the terribly written dark urge scene reminiscent of Trevor Phillips of all people (bar the resurrection post death, where SPOILER Withers tells you that you'll both read the names of your victims together, which was quite cool), the original Tav was all but normal, like Gorion's ward, bar a few scenes that were both incredibly eerie and deeply shocking/hooking, for instance a certain scene where with Daisy you suddenly think about, and I paraphrase here cause I can't quite recall, ripping her apart.

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  1. 10 months ago

    The split of Tav and Dark Urge into two custom characters had a terrible affect on the game, and especially on both of their characters. Tav has nothing about him, no coherent arc beyond schizophrenic roleplaying in which you can tell several writers wrote different dialogue scenes in the game (for all the permutations and stuff, obv 1 person couldn't do all of this) which led to dialogues that follow immediately feeling like your character speaks completely differently. Dark urge, on the other hand, has a character arc in a sense, but one based on a purely (forgive the french) literal reddit understanding of the dark depths the human mind can go to (le murder, blood, blood, blood).

    • 10 months ago

      The second is that of Daisy, the woman (or man) the main song of the game is about, the main song that hints towards one of the coolest endings I've ever seen in a video game (that was sadly cut due to her being replaced with the Emperor, an absolutely horrid character, that is you and Daisy staying down by the river while the world ends and your body undergoes Ceremorphosis). In the EA, Daisy was not the Emperor, but the tadpole itself, fearing for its life as something (the prism, and maybe the emperor idk) is stopping you from turning into a mind flayer, thus enabling the chance for her to die when you purge yourself of the tadpole. Thus she is a constant devil on your shoulder, hoping to seduce you purely to stay alive, a far more compelling and sympathetic voice in your head than the degenerate banker that is the Emperor lmao.The third, and I'll not mention all the cut, bugged content like the upper city or Minthara romance, was the rewrite of Wyll and, more importantly and less known, Gale.In EA, both of them, juxtaposed with Shadowheart, Astarion, and Lae'zel, were marketed as the "Good" companions and the "bad" companions respectively, but this was a massive bait and switch. Wyll was a wienery loser who sold his soul to a devil to become a hero, even hinting at the fact that he doesn't even care about saving people, just the fame from being a hero; the possibilities of which in almost every sense is far cooler than he had to do it to save the city. And Gale, rip the greatest chad ever known, was a literal madlad who romanced a God purely to usurp her power, not the "pls Mystra give me segs have weave!" that he is in release.These three things completely, for me at least and I do understand a lot of the things I said are subjective, killed the sovl of the game, severed any connection to the greater themes of Baldur's Gate, and overall led to a substandard product reminiscent of a modern dnd session.In short, frick you Swen

      yeah dont care this is not reddit

      • 10 months ago

        It's a video game board homosexual, get lost

        • 10 months ago

          Go make an essay somewhere else you homosexual, nobody but YOU cares if you liked or did not like something, worry about your shit excuse of a life effortposting anonymously about some videogame.

          • 10 months ago

            Ohhhh nooooo! Someone's doing something for leisure because he's passionate about something, and did it in 2 minutes, because if you're white you can think pretty fast, not that you'd know. You just hate your life because you've never done anything in it of any value. No great love, no books you've ever really enjoyed, family events fly by with you sitting in your room jacking off, your life is nothing but a blur and you can't stand people engaging healthily in something you can't not do. Kys homosexual seriously you're a loser

            Such passion. I enjoyed the read, OP.

            cheers man

            • 10 months ago

              >yeah our son loves making video game essays on this site called Ganker, one day he`s gonna have a family of his own surely

              • 10 months ago

                holy shit election tourist. But go on, say something you think is witty because you used to be a human before you faded in a pool of moronic and false egotism

              • 10 months ago

                Op is witty for actually making this thread, people like that are why i still bother coming to this board.

              • 10 months ago

                kek I meant to reply to

              • 10 months ago
              • 10 months ago

                I am OP but cheers bruv. I also enjoy knowing I'm speaking to an actual human behind the screen like you and

                Such passion. I enjoyed the read, OP.

                through a couple words rather than the pathetic assortment of pre ready replys and thoughts that this gay embodies

                Go make an essay somewhere else you homosexual, nobody but YOU cares if you liked or did not like something, worry about your shit excuse of a life effortposting anonymously about some videogame.

              • 10 months ago

                Having a TLDR is the ultimate form of online respect to a fellow human being.

              • 10 months ago

                Gercuck spotted

      • 10 months ago

        true. sounds like you might be lost. go back.

    • 10 months ago

      The second is that of Daisy, the woman (or man) the main song of the game is about, the main song that hints towards one of the coolest endings I've ever seen in a video game (that was sadly cut due to her being replaced with the Emperor, an absolutely horrid character, that is you and Daisy staying down by the river while the world ends and your body undergoes Ceremorphosis). In the EA, Daisy was not the Emperor, but the tadpole itself, fearing for its life as something (the prism, and maybe the emperor idk) is stopping you from turning into a mind flayer, thus enabling the chance for her to die when you purge yourself of the tadpole. Thus she is a constant devil on your shoulder, hoping to seduce you purely to stay alive, a far more compelling and sympathetic voice in your head than the degenerate banker that is the Emperor lmao.The third, and I'll not mention all the cut, bugged content like the upper city or Minthara romance, was the rewrite of Wyll and, more importantly and less known, Gale.In EA, both of them, juxtaposed with Shadowheart, Astarion, and Lae'zel, were marketed as the "Good" companions and the "bad" companions respectively, but this was a massive bait and switch. Wyll was a wienery loser who sold his soul to a devil to become a hero, even hinting at the fact that he doesn't even care about saving people, just the fame from being a hero; the possibilities of which in almost every sense is far cooler than he had to do it to save the city. And Gale, rip the greatest chad ever known, was a literal madlad who romanced a God purely to usurp her power, not the "pls Mystra give me segs have weave!" that he is in release.These three things completely, for me at least and I do understand a lot of the things I said are subjective, killed the sovl of the game, severed any connection to the greater themes of Baldur's Gate, and overall led to a substandard product reminiscent of a modern dnd session.In short, frick you Swen

      Their first mistake was going for EA, their second to completely change aspects that were in EA up until the end and the third leaving so much shit related to the systems previously planned or intended to be in the game that their quests straight up don't work as intended. That's not mentioning all the loose ends, scenes popping up which ultimately lead to nothing at all, no consequences for powers maxing etc.

      No idea why they completely cut Daisy out instead of adding the Emperor on top of her, having a power struggle over you in your dreamland.

      • 10 months ago

        Daisy and the Emperor could have been a nice conflict, I agree. In and of itself though, the Emperor being the only thing that's stopping you from becoming a mindlflayer incredibly railroaded the game and made you work with that chat c**t. They should have given an option to harness Orpheus' powers yourself and kill him

    • 10 months ago

      The second is that of Daisy, the woman (or man) the main song of the game is about, the main song that hints towards one of the coolest endings I've ever seen in a video game (that was sadly cut due to her being replaced with the Emperor, an absolutely horrid character, that is you and Daisy staying down by the river while the world ends and your body undergoes Ceremorphosis). In the EA, Daisy was not the Emperor, but the tadpole itself, fearing for its life as something (the prism, and maybe the emperor idk) is stopping you from turning into a mind flayer, thus enabling the chance for her to die when you purge yourself of the tadpole. Thus she is a constant devil on your shoulder, hoping to seduce you purely to stay alive, a far more compelling and sympathetic voice in your head than the degenerate banker that is the Emperor lmao.The third, and I'll not mention all the cut, bugged content like the upper city or Minthara romance, was the rewrite of Wyll and, more importantly and less known, Gale.In EA, both of them, juxtaposed with Shadowheart, Astarion, and Lae'zel, were marketed as the "Good" companions and the "bad" companions respectively, but this was a massive bait and switch. Wyll was a wienery loser who sold his soul to a devil to become a hero, even hinting at the fact that he doesn't even care about saving people, just the fame from being a hero; the possibilities of which in almost every sense is far cooler than he had to do it to save the city. And Gale, rip the greatest chad ever known, was a literal madlad who romanced a God purely to usurp her power, not the "pls Mystra give me segs have weave!" that he is in release.These three things completely, for me at least and I do understand a lot of the things I said are subjective, killed the sovl of the game, severed any connection to the greater themes of Baldur's Gate, and overall led to a substandard product reminiscent of a modern dnd session.In short, frick you Swen

      cool headcanon

    • 10 months ago

      The second is that of Daisy, the woman (or man) the main song of the game is about, the main song that hints towards one of the coolest endings I've ever seen in a video game (that was sadly cut due to her being replaced with the Emperor, an absolutely horrid character, that is you and Daisy staying down by the river while the world ends and your body undergoes Ceremorphosis). In the EA, Daisy was not the Emperor, but the tadpole itself, fearing for its life as something (the prism, and maybe the emperor idk) is stopping you from turning into a mind flayer, thus enabling the chance for her to die when you purge yourself of the tadpole. Thus she is a constant devil on your shoulder, hoping to seduce you purely to stay alive, a far more compelling and sympathetic voice in your head than the degenerate banker that is the Emperor lmao.The third, and I'll not mention all the cut, bugged content like the upper city or Minthara romance, was the rewrite of Wyll and, more importantly and less known, Gale.In EA, both of them, juxtaposed with Shadowheart, Astarion, and Lae'zel, were marketed as the "Good" companions and the "bad" companions respectively, but this was a massive bait and switch. Wyll was a wienery loser who sold his soul to a devil to become a hero, even hinting at the fact that he doesn't even care about saving people, just the fame from being a hero; the possibilities of which in almost every sense is far cooler than he had to do it to save the city. And Gale, rip the greatest chad ever known, was a literal madlad who romanced a God purely to usurp her power, not the "pls Mystra give me segs have weave!" that he is in release.These three things completely, for me at least and I do understand a lot of the things I said are subjective, killed the sovl of the game, severed any connection to the greater themes of Baldur's Gate, and overall led to a substandard product reminiscent of a modern dnd session.In short, frick you Swen

      All of this is nonsense split up into 3 posts to bump your shill thread, go back to shazam discord c**t

    • 10 months ago

      The second is that of Daisy, the woman (or man) the main song of the game is about, the main song that hints towards one of the coolest endings I've ever seen in a video game (that was sadly cut due to her being replaced with the Emperor, an absolutely horrid character, that is you and Daisy staying down by the river while the world ends and your body undergoes Ceremorphosis). In the EA, Daisy was not the Emperor, but the tadpole itself, fearing for its life as something (the prism, and maybe the emperor idk) is stopping you from turning into a mind flayer, thus enabling the chance for her to die when you purge yourself of the tadpole. Thus she is a constant devil on your shoulder, hoping to seduce you purely to stay alive, a far more compelling and sympathetic voice in your head than the degenerate banker that is the Emperor lmao.The third, and I'll not mention all the cut, bugged content like the upper city or Minthara romance, was the rewrite of Wyll and, more importantly and less known, Gale.In EA, both of them, juxtaposed with Shadowheart, Astarion, and Lae'zel, were marketed as the "Good" companions and the "bad" companions respectively, but this was a massive bait and switch. Wyll was a wienery loser who sold his soul to a devil to become a hero, even hinting at the fact that he doesn't even care about saving people, just the fame from being a hero; the possibilities of which in almost every sense is far cooler than he had to do it to save the city. And Gale, rip the greatest chad ever known, was a literal madlad who romanced a God purely to usurp her power, not the "pls Mystra give me segs have weave!" that he is in release.These three things completely, for me at least and I do understand a lot of the things I said are subjective, killed the sovl of the game, severed any connection to the greater themes of Baldur's Gate, and overall led to a substandard product reminiscent of a modern dnd session.In short, frick you Swen

      tl:dr; It's the usual Larian hackjob of game
      Why are you complaining about what people knew since decades? You should have known by now.

    • 10 months ago

      The second is that of Daisy, the woman (or man) the main song of the game is about, the main song that hints towards one of the coolest endings I've ever seen in a video game (that was sadly cut due to her being replaced with the Emperor, an absolutely horrid character, that is you and Daisy staying down by the river while the world ends and your body undergoes Ceremorphosis). In the EA, Daisy was not the Emperor, but the tadpole itself, fearing for its life as something (the prism, and maybe the emperor idk) is stopping you from turning into a mind flayer, thus enabling the chance for her to die when you purge yourself of the tadpole. Thus she is a constant devil on your shoulder, hoping to seduce you purely to stay alive, a far more compelling and sympathetic voice in your head than the degenerate banker that is the Emperor lmao.The third, and I'll not mention all the cut, bugged content like the upper city or Minthara romance, was the rewrite of Wyll and, more importantly and less known, Gale.In EA, both of them, juxtaposed with Shadowheart, Astarion, and Lae'zel, were marketed as the "Good" companions and the "bad" companions respectively, but this was a massive bait and switch. Wyll was a wienery loser who sold his soul to a devil to become a hero, even hinting at the fact that he doesn't even care about saving people, just the fame from being a hero; the possibilities of which in almost every sense is far cooler than he had to do it to save the city. And Gale, rip the greatest chad ever known, was a literal madlad who romanced a God purely to usurp her power, not the "pls Mystra give me segs have weave!" that he is in release.These three things completely, for me at least and I do understand a lot of the things I said are subjective, killed the sovl of the game, severed any connection to the greater themes of Baldur's Gate, and overall led to a substandard product reminiscent of a modern dnd session.In short, frick you Swen

      I hope you get cancer and die. Disgusting reddit creature.

  2. 10 months ago

    The second is that of Daisy, the woman (or man) the main song of the game is about, the main song that hints towards one of the coolest endings I've ever seen in a video game (that was sadly cut due to her being replaced with the Emperor, an absolutely horrid character, that is you and Daisy staying down by the river while the world ends and your body undergoes Ceremorphosis). In the EA, Daisy was not the Emperor, but the tadpole itself, fearing for its life as something (the prism, and maybe the emperor idk) is stopping you from turning into a mind flayer, thus enabling the chance for her to die when you purge yourself of the tadpole. Thus she is a constant devil on your shoulder, hoping to seduce you purely to stay alive, a far more compelling and sympathetic voice in your head than the degenerate banker that is the Emperor lmao.The third, and I'll not mention all the cut, bugged content like the upper city or Minthara romance, was the rewrite of Wyll and, more importantly and less known, Gale.In EA, both of them, juxtaposed with Shadowheart, Astarion, and Lae'zel, were marketed as the "Good" companions and the "bad" companions respectively, but this was a massive bait and switch. Wyll was a wienery loser who sold his soul to a devil to become a hero, even hinting at the fact that he doesn't even care about saving people, just the fame from being a hero; the possibilities of which in almost every sense is far cooler than he had to do it to save the city. And Gale, rip the greatest chad ever known, was a literal madlad who romanced a God purely to usurp her power, not the "pls Mystra give me segs have weave!" that he is in release.These three things completely, for me at least and I do understand a lot of the things I said are subjective, killed the sovl of the game, severed any connection to the greater themes of Baldur's Gate, and overall led to a substandard product reminiscent of a modern dnd session.In short, frick you Swen

    • 10 months ago

      In short, frick you Swen

    • 10 months ago

      Why is the Daisy ending so good sounding to you? it sounds pretty cucked if you ask me, getting played by a tadpole delusion.

      You telling me you would pick this ending over the gigachad who saves the day without tadpoles and kowtowing to the Emperor?

      • 10 months ago

        I picked the "in Bhaal's name" ending for my first play through. I don't think it's a good ending, I think it's a thematically sound ending that reeks of kino, no doubt in concept led to with increasingly seductive/entrancing manipulations, og bhallspawn mechanics resisting the urge to murder her, companions with their own agency resisting their own tadpoles and trying to talk you out of it etc
        It's the "It's so over" ending

        • 10 months ago

          It does sound unique i'll give it that, but I can see why they dropped it when it came to cutting things, and oh boy did they cut a lot to make this release window.

          I'm annoyed I didnt go for Dark Urge for my first playthrough, I didn't touch EA but I did play BG1/2 including ToB, and knowing that you can have a Bhaalspawn origin like the OGs over literally who Tav sounds way more interesting, frick Larian or whoever it was for telling us to avoid it.

          Problem is that the BG lore is kind of a mess since they apparently retconned ToB and its epilogues. The way they re-introduce Viconia and Sarevok in BG3 leaves a bad taste in my mouth even if ToB was kinda shit overall, you can tell Jaheira was the writers favourite and everyone else got shafted. Also seems a bit lazy, how is the Bhaalspawn crisis still not over with.

          • 10 months ago

            They never even give info on how you're alive as a Dark Urge, because Abdel and Verkag fighting is canon, reviving Bhaal as a demi deity. But you're not a grandchild of Bhaal, like Orin, your very clearly made out to be his son. Very odd.
            Also yeah I agree, Viconia my wife was absolutely wrecked by the c**ts, never liked Jaheira either, but irregardless they should've never brought them back. The whole game should've been about the dead three starting a fake religion, each conspiring against the other. You and the other companions shouldn't have been infected either, and with pre-split tav you being a bhallspawn could have easily been explained as Bhaal was trying to gain an earthly body or some shit idk

            • 10 months ago

              Doesn't make sense, as a child as vessel would weaken his quasi deity status. Nightsong is de facto a quasi deity as direct god child.

    • 10 months ago

      Who has the post from a few days ago about the absolutely kino plot idea of making Daisy unaware that she's a tadpole? That alone would have saved the character because Larian wouldn't have had to change anything AND it would have made her pleading with Tav sincere as opposed to manipulative

      • 10 months ago

        Release the daisy cut

    • 10 months ago

      That's a bummer, what you wrote sounds far better and far more appealing than what we got.

  3. 10 months ago

    thats great you posted that anon but i really don't give a shit about any of this until the game is properly stiched back together in a year or so of additional dev work.

    its larian, they'll drop a definitive edition and stuff that's broken will be fixed/restored/smoothed out.

    • 10 months ago

      Nah I get not wanting to read it bruv, but don't provide an answer to points you don't understand like a fricking cretin. They ain't gonna fix my points because it's far too gone for that. The game has forever stained Baldur's gate, beyond any of the shit that Wizards of the Levantine Coast has pulled

      • 10 months ago

        I read what you wrote. You just think what you wrote was intellectually valuable.

        You are not a game developer, you are an observer who witnessed an open game development cycle where people smarter and more experienced in the game and its story made decisions necessary for the game to release. You feel you have the right to criticize the game because you were allowed to see the development cycle but the harsh and honest truth is that if your opinion was valuable you would be working there.

        Obviously decisions were made that toned the scale of the game back and you lament the loss of those options, but they have still released the most ambitiously large and in my experience best CRPG i have ever played in 30 years.Your perspective is warped.

        • 10 months ago

          Everything you said is the braindead opinion of a lower class human. Because I don't live in Belgium I can't critique a story, critique an assassination of a beloved franchise and critique generally moronic decisions built off the backbone of Reddit? Seriously were you bullied in HS or something? What causes someone to think like you?

          • 10 months ago

            op buck broken

            • 10 months ago

              Ok little guy go play your cuck sim that you've actually, unconcievebly stated to be the best CRPG you've ever played
              >What is Planescape Torment
              >What is Baldur's Gate 2
              >What is Dragon Age Origins
              >What is Arcanum
              >What is Oblivion
              >What is Morrowind
              >What is Dark Sun
              >What is Daggerfall
              All of them, every one, of infinite more value than the shit, schizophrenic leftovers of a promising story

              • 10 months ago

                All mediocre next to modern crpgs like Pathfinder, Pillars, BG3, Original Sin, Disco Elysium.

              • 10 months ago

                Lol, lmao even.
                Obsidian has yet to make a good game, Pillars the absolute climax of the undoing of Sawyer and his reveal as an absolute dogshit writer of little remark.
                You already know why it's bad cretin.
                >Original Sin
                I'll give some credit, British innit humour has some form of appeal to me because I'm an aussie, but beyond that there is literally nothing good about the game
                >Disco Elysium
                The biggest psyop to ever attack the modern bias. How anyone could say it even touches the bowels of PST escapes me.

              • 10 months ago

                Don't let the New Vegas dickriders hear you bad mouth Daddy Sawyer. His JSawyer mod fricking sucks too, so much so that someone made a better version of it

              • 10 months ago

                Care to explain how Disco Elysium is a psyop?

              • 10 months ago

                Because there's nothing good about it, half of the c**ts who say it's as good as Planescape have never played Disco nor Planescape, those that have played Disco but not Planescape are to be ignored because they'll just say Disco is better, and those that have played both know that in almost every single metric, Planescape completely outclasses its inferior mimic.
                And even on its own Disco Elysium is a dogshit story of nihilism and communism, the two gayest things humanity has ever done

                What about bg1

                I meant BG1 as well, with the NPC mod of course, and it goes without saying the Imoen romance mod for bg2 but I usually play BG1, SOD, and 2 combined as one whole game. Bearin mind I don't like SOD at all, but it is worth it for the one scene when you cross the bridge Bhall died at, always thought it was kino

                I can relate - I have angry doomer episodes every now and then, but they never last more than a day or two. I've got good and based irl friends who never cause me any grief or drama, I've got plenty of games to last me till my final breath, I've got sex robots on the horizon to get the poison out, I've got good food to enjoy and I've got sports. Sure, new things are mostly fricking bleak and disgusting, but there are rare exceptions. It's not much, bit it makes life worth living.

                I'm above all glad that you've a life of such goodness to outweigh the bad of the world, sincerely. I wish you the best bruv

              • 10 months ago

                >good as Planescape

              • 10 months ago

                Absolutely brother, Discogays shudder when What can change the nature of a man? gets asked

              • 10 months ago

                >he bought

              • 10 months ago

                Bg1 is pretty shitty. Empty maps, story is paced terribly, no good armor or abilities of note, sidequests have lame rewards and are just boring in general. Idk man

              • 10 months ago

                welcome to AD&D

              • 10 months ago

                If you play with NPC project, romance and encounters mod (if your into that shit, some of the writing is actually pretty good,) and unfinished buisness, it's pretty fricking goated
                I recommend best girl Branwen, Best Girl Imoen, Best Girl Shar-Teel, Best girl Jaheira and Best Girl Viconia for the party, or if you're a madlad,
                >Male Charname
                >Dwarf c**t with Xan
                It's kino

              • 10 months ago

                I'm going to play bg2 but if I replay 1 I'll try it with the mods to make the game good beyond nostalgia. PST mogs bg1 fricking hard

              • 10 months ago

                >PST mogs bg1 fricking hard
                For real, not just in story, but even the sprites and environments have a general fricking kino look about them, reminds me of fallout, which makes sense when you remember they're made by the same c**ts

              • 10 months ago

                Fallout 1 and 2 mog bg1 very hard also. Fallout 1 and 2 are the only crpgs I can be assed to replay

              • 10 months ago

                I've never been a fan of post-apocalyptic settings, bar Caesar's Legion, but I'd probably agree with you
                BG1 was in its own way a revival of the CRPG Genre that was practically dead, it wasn't until BG2 that all the staples like romance, guilds and shit got implemented

              • 10 months ago

                >I'm above all glad that you've a life of such goodness to outweigh the bad of the world, sincerely. I wish you the best bruv

                Thank you, likewise mate.

              • 10 months ago

                Based, the Imoen romance mod is so much better than it had any right to be.

              • 10 months ago

                What about bg1

              • 10 months ago

                >>What is Dragon Age Origins
                It's shit. Especially dwarven parts

              • 10 months ago

                Anon, these are actual good written games. Especially Planescape Torment I still can't understand how the writing for Planescape and Arcanum is the absolute peak of what the industry would achieve and this was in the 1990s.
                People are lauding the choices of BG3 yet Arcanum, the options in that game, between the myriad races you could play as, how the world reacts to you depending on who and what you are, and the choices you can take for me far outweight BG3, the quality of written treats the player as an adult as well not as a snarky teen, the amount of Marvel tier written quips I've seen in BG3 is shocking.

              • 10 months ago


          • 10 months ago

            Have you never encountered ''Oh you think it's shit? Well, make your own game then'' morons? They're just NPCs, there's no explanation for the shit they say outside of their programming.

        • 10 months ago

          >you cant criticise a book if you didnt help write it
          What level of cucked formalist nonsense is this?

        • 10 months ago

          >you can only criticize cooking when you're a gourmet chef yourself
          Yeah yeah, food analogy.
          You are and absolute fricking moron and corpo wiener sucker.

          • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Sad, but true. Black folk needed to make money so I respect the hustle, but I ain't paying until actual full release.

    • 10 months ago

      They have made three games by now with two rereleases and they never considered INCREASING FRICKING ANIMATION SPEED
      I HATE IT

  4. 10 months ago

    enver gortash is a gay btw

    • 10 months ago

      Frick, that's hot.

    • 10 months ago

      I just took that like the guy loves violence. I might be moronic.

  5. 10 months ago

    Such passion. I enjoyed the read, OP.

  6. 10 months ago

    Cool blog, didn't read.

  7. 10 months ago


  8. 10 months ago

    Larian has no idea how to make RPG's.
    They would make PERFECT Telltale games, but they should be banned by law to ever make another RPG.

    I mean, how utterly fricking moronic must a company be, to turn a non0turn-based franchise into pic related.

    its like they sabotaged the Baldurs Gate franchise on purpose my making it for braindead people with 7 IQ points.

    • 10 months ago

      >PERFECT Telltale games
      Their writing is atrocious

    • 10 months ago

      RTWPgays have got to be the lowest iq motherfrickers in the entire gaming space. All of the rtwp rpgs have dogshit braindead combat for toddlers, and BG1/2 is the worst offender. It's borderline hack n slash diablo clone where you get through 99% of the fights with autoattacks and occasionally using fireballs, breach, cloudkill and wands for tougher battles. Imagine complaining about an objective improvement over simplistic baby games from two decades ago because combat style isn't of a specific type that you're obsessed with.

      • 10 months ago

        Factual information

      • 10 months ago

        >All of the rtwp rpgs have dogshit braindead combat for toddlers
        Absolutely correct, I enjoy Baldur's Gate 3's combat myself and I say this as someone who's anti turned-based combat in general, but it's a boon in RPGs.

        • 10 months ago

          I find it odd because I used to hate TB with a passion and love RTWP, but as I've gotten older RTWP has lost it's luster as I realized it's just artificial difficulty and forced pausing every second, extending the time it takes to complete the game like 5x more than TB does

          • 10 months ago

            >extending the time it takes to complete the game like 5x more than TB does
            you have braindamage. even on the hardest diffuclties, RWTP will be MUCH MUCH faster than turn based. As in several MINUTES faster every fight

          • 10 months ago

            Even on tactician, BG3 becomes incredibly easy by act 2 and fights are just a boring slog with 0 challenge or thought. At least if it was RTWP I could just blitz through fights

            • 10 months ago

              OK post your Raphael without using barrels or op skeleton summoning

              • 10 months ago

                raph has low wis, just hold him

            • 10 months ago

              Good, combat is boring and enemy script tilt if you do anything besides attacking, like casting dark.

      • 10 months ago

        >combat is fricking terrible and mind numbingly boring on enemies turns
        >Everyone even complete shitters are one turning fights because anything else is incredibly fricking boring.

    • 10 months ago

      I don't even know what your problem is homosexual

      the game is good

  9. 10 months ago

    larian frontloads the content yet again

    • 10 months ago

      not just frontloads, the city of baldurs gate looks like its 10% finished, its fricking hilarious.
      what the frick was larian doing the last 6 years lmao.

      • 10 months ago

        reworking act 1 over and over again

        • 10 months ago

          >reworking act 1 over and over again
          which is like literally 1 big map with 2 caves.
          if i cut the combat segments out, im pretty sure the game would be like 10 hours long.

      • 10 months ago

        >what the frick was larian doing the last 6 years lmao.

        • 10 months ago

          oh jesus fricking christ what is this.

          • 10 months ago


            • 10 months ago

              >inb4 trannies start screeching about ''you just hate minorities''

              Yes I do, trannie, but that's beside the point.

              • 10 months ago
              • 10 months ago

                Yes, I know about the israelites, why do you ask?

              • 10 months ago

                Just helping others by sharing

            • 10 months ago

              im not seeing any brown folxs from bg3 in this image

          • 10 months ago

            An evil necromancer circus freak.

  10. 10 months ago

    I just want to fricking play a video game and not have my entire party acting like a bunch of sex craved teenagers at summer camp. Is that too much to ask? People are alarmingly okay with there just being straight up bestiality in the game. No, I don't care that it was a druid in animal form (hurr durr I lost control). If anything, that makes it worse. Congrats, Larian, you've made every feral druid player from WoW's wet dreams come true.

    • 10 months ago

      according to steam, people started buying BG3 right after the bestiality newsflash.
      its just too cringe to be true.

    • 10 months ago

      according to steam, people started buying BG3 right after the bestiality newsflash.
      its just too cringe to be true.

      You guys ever get the feeling that we came in at the end? That the good times are over?

      • 10 months ago

        the west has fallen bros...................................................
        ovr gloriovs covntry................................................................................

      • 10 months ago

        for the last few years i only watch and play things made up until 2005 - its shocking what the difference is.
        >no blacks, no gays, no trannies, no migrants, its just.... a good fricking movie, or a good fricking game

        im replaying Neverwinter Nights 2 right now.

        • 10 months ago

          Such a sick game, I love it. Everyone talked shit about the original campaign, but I reckon it was pretty great, all things considered. I wish Neverwinter 1 had the cutscenes like 2 because by god I hate 1's dialogue. Also thinking of playing the conan modules for nwn2, heard they're pretty good and Conan the Barbarian is a 10/10 movie

      • 10 months ago

        I wouldn't go that far. Yeah, garbage is the norm these days but there's good shit out there if you know where to look. cRPGs are in a fricking state, though. It's a shame that indies, the ones that were supposed to save vidya, are just going to shit in their own way through degen and pandering. You want some good shit anons? Go play Like a Dragon Ishin. RGG is weird as frick but they make shit consistently and don't seem to be hurting after Nagoshi left Sega

        • 10 months ago

          Can you personally make a mod for me that gives him longer hair, no beard and makes him 20 years of age? Because then I'd play samurai kino

        • 10 months ago

          CRPGs are in a golden age and never have been better.

          • 10 months ago

            Name a golden CRPG released post Dragon Age Origins

      • 10 months ago

        I look at it this way - had I been born earlier I wouldn't even have a way to cope with the sad reality of profound human moronation unfolding before my eyes and either become a degen myself or go for the rope route.

        • 10 months ago

          And you've a way to cope now? Because, and it's not just vidya and not just crpgs, but the absolute degradation of every single thing I've ever loved and held dear, at the hands of a certain people, is prone to send me schizophrenic every once in a while
          Although spaghetti, objectively the greatest food ever made, is still goated. In fact, I'm going to cook some tomorrow night

          • 10 months ago

            I can relate - I have angry doomer episodes every now and then, but they never last more than a day or two. I've got good and based irl friends who never cause me any grief or drama, I've got plenty of games to last me till my final breath, I've got sex robots on the horizon to get the poison out, I've got good food to enjoy and I've got sports. Sure, new things are mostly fricking bleak and disgusting, but there are rare exceptions. It's not much, bit it makes life worth living.

  11. 10 months ago

    I think people would be a lot more okay with act 3 if it wasn't so blatantly unoptimized.
    My framerate chugs whereas I've mostly been fine outside of a select few areas like Moonrise tower. Even if I turn the settings down to minimum, reduce crowd effects, reduce visual effects, etc. it still fricking chugs along at 10 FPS if I'm anywhere near town.

  12. 10 months ago

    Girl here, I can fix him

  13. 10 months ago

    Give me a tldr

    • 10 months ago

      You ever heard of Sovl? It was completely, and if you do deign to read the long ass post I wrote, absolutely gutted by the proto neo dutch at the helm of the worst "10/10" rpg ever made. Quite literally there is only two scenes in the game I considered sovlful
      >The Nightsong
      >The resurrection of Dark Urge by Jergal after defying Bhall. Generally a kino scene although it could do better on the companion front, not a single one cares that you die

      • 10 months ago

        >The Nightsong
        I mean shadowheart just killed her. Is there more to it?

        • 10 months ago

          If she lives you get a really cool scene, with an absolute god tier soundtrack

    • 10 months ago

      I'm trans

    • 10 months ago

      its complaints that the story isn't his headcanon, unironically thats what this poster is saying

      • 10 months ago

        His headcanon sound more interesting than what we got

        • 10 months ago

          cope for a shit thread by a shit c**t

      • 10 months ago

        I'm gonna will you out of existence if you keep chatting shit homosexual.

        • 10 months ago

          here's your last bump moron, you suck

          • 10 months ago

            suck what?
            Nah I'm generally curious suck what?
            Really, what did you mean when you said "You Suck"
            What could you have possibly meant by that?
            Come on, you can tell me.
            Don't be shy, what'd you mean?
            Suck what?

  14. 10 months ago

    >Buy shit game
    >Op is surprised that it's shit
    These boards are getting filled with more morons every year

  15. 10 months ago

    The truly sad thing is that very few people will ever admit that they were wrong about BG3, even when they themselves encounter the countless of bugs and the shitty rushed writing in act 2 and 3. It's so much easier to fool a man than to make him admit that he was wrong.

  16. 10 months ago

    Why'd they insert this random Final gaytasy villain?

  17. 10 months ago

    Jason Isaacs didn't feel like he was trying too well with this character unfortunately, Ketheric by JK Simmons sounded way cooler and way more villainy

  18. 10 months ago

    Act 1&2 were fine but in act 3 the wokeness SPIKES
    like, is there a reason for there being not just one but TWO gay characters in the factory building for robots? Are gnomes just born wrong? there's some other things but that was the most evident, i saw the cutscene and the b***h says "muh wife" oh so she's a dike, ok. down the basement "ooh woe is me, i miss me husband and taking his old wiener up me arse" oh he's also gay, ok.
    That and all the blacks, and the refugees and the commie undertones with "sharing is good, property shouldn't exist" you can clearly see they were struggling in development with the scale of the game, and they brough outside help. Sadly those they got poisoned the game with wokeness.

    • 10 months ago

      I killed everyone in the factory so had no idea there were homos there. Makes sense that the big city has the most gays, just like irl

  19. 10 months ago

    >The whole game should've been about the dead three starting a fake religion, each conspiring against the other.

    Sounds pretty kino, but nah instead they put in this Withers/Jergal dude that added literally nothing of value to the game, and he also gets an after credit lmao

    • 10 months ago

      The only value he adds is the Dark Urge Resurrection scene. I have no idea what happens if you don't wake him from the crypt tho, does your character just die?

  20. 10 months ago

    I'm happy for you
    or sorry that happened

  21. 10 months ago

    I don't think I've ever played a game that's gone so quickly from captivating in acts 1/2 to a boring buggy mess in act 3.

  22. 10 months ago

    why is gortash the only homie in the game that looks like he was ripped straight out of final fantasy with that hair, jacket, and steel watch

  23. 10 months ago

    >can't convince the water priestess to let the nig dwarf go
    shame really
    yea he got that priestess killed but he DID stay behind and let me rescue all the prisoners from Iron Throne, so he kinda made up for it

  24. 10 months ago

    I didn't read all but you're based cause you love PS : T

  25. 10 months ago

    gortash reminds me of someone. some celebrity. Can't put my finger on it

  26. 10 months ago

    I've been thinking about Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 a lot recently of course with the final release of BG3 and contemplating why 1 and 2 captivated me so much, yet I can't get interested in 3 at all. I realise I'm older so that perhaps is a factor, although I didn't play 1 and 2 when I was a child I played them in my early 20s so childlike Nostalgia isn't a factor.
    You have written some ideas and thoughts that I myself share but have been unable to verbalise so far.

  27. 10 months ago

    The game never should have been shipped in this state.
    Some quests in Act III are completely unplayable.

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