ITT Games you need a guide

At least if you want the best ending

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  1. 5 months ago

    It's really dumb. I don't know how I knew in advance but fortunately I did and had a great time with the game. From what I remember it's not that hard to meet the conditions, so I feel like even someone who has no idea still has an ok chance of getting the ending. But if they don't it's a really underwhelming ending to the game and you'd have to play the whole game again. What a stupid design decision

    • 5 months ago

      There's 0.000001% chance of getting Ending A randomly. You need to wait until Chapter 4 to start doing the stuff required to lower the Seal Value, because if you do it beforehand, the value will rise again (by sending Einherjar up) and you just messed your chances up. You also need to:
      - Complete Tower of Lezard (if you leave and watch any other cutscene, Lezard disappears from the game forever)
      - Visit Brahms at least once
      - Recruit Lucian and Mystina, and send Lucian before Chapter 7

      There are too many variables to tick off at random, you'll never do it.

      • 5 months ago

        At least if you want the best ending

        Somebody should just make a fricking rom hack that simplifies it.

      • 5 months ago

        To be fair to it, there are a couple of factors that ALMOST make it fair:

        -The game flatout tells you there are 3 endings right when you start the game and tells you which ending you achieved when you beat it, so you can at least know you got A B or C.

        -Both endings B and C hint that the key to ending A is Lenneth regaining her memories/resisting Odin and Freya.

        -If you're paying attention to the seal rating, the game shows that in any of the scenes in which Lenneth is driven to question her existence, her seal rating drops dramatically. To be fair, though, the game does almost nothing to draw attention to the seal rating. It's displayed in the menu, but the game doesn't notify you when it drops and, from memory, it doesn't even tell you what it does in-game. I think it's mentioned in the manual, but not the game itself. If it is mentioned, it would only be by that one fairy at the beginning of the game in the first dungeon, which is pretty buried.

        Honestly, my biggest criticism of Valkyrie Profile(I think overall it's superb. Innovative, creative, great music, great story) is that the Einherjar transfers don't matter basically at all. Unless you deliberately send them absolutely nothing, you basically can't lose the game/get ending C. If you send them mediocre garbage, you'll make it to ending B. Doing a good job doesn't matter. The reports given from Freya are vague and pointless. They really should have put more work into the Asgard sections so your submissions actually had significant impacts or you could somehow control it as a minigame. I know that's asking a lot since the game was already ambitious, but what they put in is basically hiding the fact that your Einherjar building is pointless.

  2. 5 months ago

    "The greatest game I'll never finish"

    -Some anon in the last Valkyrie Profile thread

    • 5 months ago

      La Mulana 1 or 2 take the cake for that shit. You got to be really good to beat those.

      • 5 months ago

        I think the anon who said that meant to say it's one of those games where the idea of the game is great and the game itself is not bad but for some reason it's difficult to bring yourself to play it to the end

  3. 5 months ago

    I needed a guide to even know how to start the damn thing. I try to play it naturally and fail quickly because you need to grind, and you can't during the first days!

  4. 5 months ago

    >need the guide to get the best ending
    Yeah too bad the official guide was made by fricking Prima.

    • 5 months ago

      Is there something wrong with it?
      You can download it here.

    • 5 months ago

      >not using GameFAQs for RPG guides

      • 5 months ago

        GameFAQs is absolute SOVL. I'm glad it's still up with all of the guides I grew up using too, love it.

  5. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      >what do you mean, there was a bakery behind a staircase inside a dungeon?

  6. 5 months ago

    This game too. It's easy and you don't need the guide to finish but if you want to make sure you get everything in one run, then you need to know where to place stuff. Also if you ever want to craft anything you need a guide.

    • 5 months ago

      >what do you mean, I can temper my sword with a fricking Cabbage?!?!

    • 5 months ago

      I fricked up even with a guide, frick that little cactus shit making me miss a diary entry because he randomly fricked off

  7. 5 months ago

    Zelda 1 on NES

  8. 5 months ago

    Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen. Getting the true ending in that requires planning and events from the very beginning of the game, and not using the hero or tarot cards to keep your reputation high.

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