I've been playing DMC5 almost daily for 2.5 years


I've been playing DMC5 almost daily for 2.5 years and I've yet found anything to replace it with.

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  1. 3 years ago

    That's usually what happens.
    DMC gives you batshit insane tools to deal with while also being not that challenging to play. It's a good game to grind hours into because it's a solid single player experience. And the stuff you can do combo wise is rather unique.

  2. 3 years ago

    Yeah its frickin fantastic.

  3. 3 years ago

    I mean, there's really nothing that can replace it. Ninja Gaiden and Sekiro are completely different. Platinum games are filled with annoying stuff. God of War and DmC don't even come close in gameplay. DMC4 is filled with annoying stuff and is otherwise just a worse DMC5. The closest thing is DMC3 but there's tons more stuff to do in DMC5.

    • 3 years ago

      I'm gonna be honest with you, I've gained a new found dislike toward DMC5 Vergil compared to 3s. Vergil 3 on DMD feels more like an actual fight than 5s Vergil on DMD, there's something oddly formulaic about him, like he attacks in to strongly of a pattern and his attacks are really easy to choreograph. I'm convinced this is to do with how slow DMC5 is comparison to the rest of the games, all though Vergil in 5 is definitely less aggressive compared to Vergil 3. He just doesn't do it for me anymore. Other than that, 5s solid, Goliath is the best boss fight followed by Trish Angelo.

      • 3 years ago

        >Goliath best boss fight
        I dunno about that one. Cavaliere Angelo is definitely the best but Goliath's scripted scenes feel very overplayed.

        I'd rather have DMC4 Berial. At least he swipes at the player and react when he is being hit/guarding.

      • 3 years ago

        3's Vergil is even more predictable than 5's to me. Maybe how long he goes into some of his attacks is the problem.

      • 3 years ago

        The perfect Vergil fight lies somewhere between 3 and 5. 5 is too passive, but I feel 3 on DMD is just ridiculous.

    • 3 years ago

      DMC5 may have more characters and Dante's complete moveset, but 3 has a lot more of potential for experimentation with the load outs, in the case you're not modding it, they're pretty equal

      • 3 years ago

        >but 3 has a lot more of potential for experimentation with the load outs, in the case you're not modding it, they're pretty equal
        Not really.
        3 may has more for weapons and guns (5 for each) but 5 has more moves period. Especially with Balrog, DSD, King Cerberus, as well as Sword Formation, SinDT.
        3 has untapped potential considering not many people messed around with full style switching shenanigans but 3 is a lot more limiting than 5.

      • 3 years ago

        >3 has a lot more of potential for experimentation with the load outs
        How? 5 has just one less weapon and all of the weapons are way more complex and distinct than their 3 counterparts. That isn't even mentioning Nero, V, and a Vergil that's way, way more complex than the one on 3SE. Plus way better enemies to play against.

        • 3 years ago

          >Plus way better enemies to play against.
          not him but at least 3 keeps me on my toes. 5 enemies kinda just sit there and take the beating.

        • 3 years ago

          Being limited to which weapons to equip encourages replayability

          • 3 years ago

            >Being limited to which weapons to equip encourages replayability

            • 3 years ago

              t. played 3 once

              • 3 years ago

                Frick you, I started with 3 and it got me into the series.

          • 3 years ago

            I don't agree, you can make this argument for certain kinds of games, but DMC is not a roleplaying game.

          • 3 years ago

            Just... don't equip the weapons you don't want to use?

            • 3 years ago

              No, I like to use them all, planning your load out based on the bosses' weaknesses is the second most fun thing of the game after the combat itself

              • 3 years ago

                >planning your load out based on the bosses' weaknesses is the second most fun thing of the game after the combat itself

  4. 3 years ago

    I've been replaying a lot of Bayonetta 1 and all though its very fun and has aged incredibly well for a decade old game I've been spoiled by DMC5's QoL improvements. I wish there wasn't so much set pieces and cut scene interruptions, that you had something equivalent to BP where you just want to fight, that there was a proper training mode with enemies, that you didn't have to go into the menu if you want to change weapons, that you could rebind controls.

    The gameplay is incredibly fun, but the trappings around it just bring it down.

  5. 3 years ago

    The closest game I felt could replicate the sort of dynamic freeform gameplay I crave was actually MGSV. Death Stranding was also good.

  6. 3 years ago

    Dante's SDT is much cooler than Vergil's.
    >can summon a black hole
    >do a super nova
    >can shower enemies in an endless barrage of fire storms
    >throws big blue balls of death in your face
    >uses both wings and sword when he spin attacks
    >teleports faster than Vergil in SDT
    >huge ass sword attacks with summoned swords along side
    >can fly at will
    >sounds like a grunting monster
    >devil sword dante is bigger, looks cooler and is thematic to his SDT while Yamato looks wimpy in comparison
    >dante's form looks much more bigger and menacing even though Vergil is the older and taller brother
    They did Vergil's SDT dirty. Nothing carried over from when Vergil was part Urizen. His SDT is just an improved version of base Vergil with extended combos.

    • 3 years ago

      I feel if Vergil had gotten a proper SDT he would have either not gotten Doppelganger or he would have needed two fights like Dante in 5SE.

    • 3 years ago

      I never understood what was the point of making Urizen a thing if he was just going to be forgotten in the end.

      • 3 years ago

        >I never understood what was the point of making Urizen a thing if he was just going to be forgotten in the end.

        DMC5's story is meant to be a monkey paw on Vergil's desires.

        Urizen is him finally getting what he wanted, he become a true demon, he discarded his humanity and weakness. Only to realize that humanity and weakness is a part of who he is. That is what he realizes when he becomes V, he thought V was just the parts of himself that held him back, but without them he's just an empty shell.

        • 3 years ago

          Based 5story enjoyer

    • 3 years ago

      To be fair, Dante's SDT is meant to be stronger than Vergil's, he literally merges with DSD and it becomes a part of him. Vergil's SDT comes from the demon fruit and he's technically still just uses Yamato. While Dante has both the power of Sparda and the Rebellion.

    • 3 years ago

      I wish instead of just bringing out Yamato when in Sin DT he could have just brought out a giant energy blade instead.
      Because it states he fuses with Yamato during Sin DT in Nico's reports but the game doesn't back it up.
      Also yeah. Vergil needed a normal DT and Sin DT.

      I feel if Vergil had gotten a proper SDT he would have either not gotten Doppelganger or he would have needed two fights like Dante in 5SE.

      I think one could just map doppelganger solely to the d pad with how it works. And given him a normal DT which functioned similar to his Sin DT as of now and a Sin DT that was similar to Dante's.

    • 3 years ago

      Have you tried Assault Spy? Obviously not in DMC's league in terms of budget, but it's one of those rare games that actually takes direct inspiration from DMC's creativity.

      I love the fact that SDT doesn't speak. Considering this is Dante we're talking about, it really sells the idea that he's dead serious.

      • 3 years ago

        Not him but I played that game.

        Its alright but movement feels very weird. The weight of the characters feel super nonexistent and the enemies are kinda shit, even for an indie game.

    • 3 years ago

      I love Vergil’s SDT. The jet engine motif fits perfectly.

    • 3 years ago

      >teleports faster than Vergil in SDT
      someone doesn't know about down trick having absolutely no cooldown or recovery

  7. 3 years ago

    I've been playing MGS5 a couple of times and I've yet found anything to replace it with.
    Survive almost had me but it's unplayable in solo

    • 3 years ago

      Same, there was some parts of Survive I liked but it just didn't scratch the same itch.

    • 3 years ago

      same I think I will play V til the day I die

      • 3 years ago

        >Konami could have just made more content in the style of MGSV and I would have bought it.
        >Instead try to make some kind of fricking zombie survival game that removes a lot of the fun parts of MGSV.

        I didn't even hate Survive, but what the frick were they thinking?

  8. 3 years ago

    >tfw normally don't give a shit about GAAS and live-service games
    >DMC is one of the few franchises that I play regularly
    >DMC5 basically gets no post-release support outside of DMC5SE.

    The one time I want it, it doesn't happen. I had more fun with Vergil DLC than anything else in 2020 or 2021.

    • 3 years ago

      Meanwhile Nioh 2 gets three expansions, taking approx 9 hours to complete.

      Of course, the DMC phone game is GAAS. Even has summer costumes, playable Lady (+Nero coming) and multiplayer. Monkey's paw lol.

      • 3 years ago

        RIP. My consolation is that Itsuno + co's post-DMC5 efforts went to Dragon's Dogma 2, and I'll take acceptably enjoyable versions of both rather than one of them perfect but the other nonexistent.

  9. 3 years ago

    I genuinely wish I had your tunnel vision autism. There are way too many games to enjoy. I got the Platinum on 5SE and moved on.

    • 3 years ago

      >I genuinely wish I had your tunnel vision autism

      Meh, its fun when you find something you really like, but even when you're a sperg stuff eventually gets boring and you start looking for something new. It's amazing when you find it, but the actual finding part is always annoying.

  10. 3 years ago

    >tfw schizo is finally out of these threads

    • 3 years ago

      Don't jinx it.

  11. 3 years ago

    Same here. One of the reasons I got a PS5 was for DMC5SE. It’s the absolute peak of the genre.

  12. 3 years ago

    dmc3 is better
    what were they thinking with v

  13. 3 years ago

    Well for someone with so much experience in the game what would you add or change to improve on it?

    Well more weapons and characters would have been nice at least Trish and Lady would have been neat to play as.

    • 3 years ago

      Not OP but I would have liked to have the option to play any mission with any character.

    • 3 years ago


      >Bring back classic weapons and guns such as Nevan, AgniRudra, Artemis, Spiral
      >Have more costumes and recolors
      >Fully fleshed out Trish and Lady
      >Divergence mode for all characters
      >Co-op system where you can actually match up with people
      >Bloody Palace editor to make your own enemy waves
      >Boss rush mode

      I think I'm missing some stuff, but that's all I got

    • 3 years ago

      >Well for someone with so much experience in the game what would you add or change to improve on it?

      It's one of my favorite games of all time, but I could easily sit and pick apart stuff I wish was better all day; I guess that speaks to how much I like it.

      Playing as any character in any mission is a no-brainer. Should have been a New Game+ unlock.
      They could have easily had one extra difficulty, somewhere between Devil Hunter and SoS; and make SoS and DMD even harder.
      The Qlipoth should have pushed the tree illusion angle further, Mission 17 could have had a countryside level before the Urizen boss fight.
      The levels having different paths you can choose from was an amazing idea, and something they should have pushed even further.
      The english translation of the script is bad. Not good when you're dealing with nuanced subjects like existentialism. If the writing was better I believe DMC5 story would be considered as good as DMC3's.
      They should have done a better job of explaining how V plays and why he's fun, instead of just making him easier. He also needed at least one extra mechanic.
      The battle mix of songs like Devil Trigger and Bury the Light are disappointing. They work great as regular songs but don't mesh well as dynamic tracks.
      The game still uses animations from DMC3 if not even older, for frick sake's retire that shit.

      • 3 years ago

        >The game still uses animations from DMC3 if not even older, for frick sake's retire that shit.
        Which aninations?
        They probably used old animations as references for the new ones. Even so its not a bad thing when we have a lot of weapons with new moves.

        • 3 years ago

          >Which aninations?

          Dante's sword animations are the obvious ones, moves like aerial rave are quite literally the same skeleton as dmc3 and dmc4 frame for frame. I love that Street Fighter has the philosophy that for every new mainline entry they completely redo the animations, even if its the exact same move, it gives it a fresh feeling.

          • 3 years ago

            >Dante's sword animations are the obvious ones, moves like aerial rave are quite literally the same skeleton as dmc3 and dmc4 frame for frame.
            Isnt that fine? The animation alone stands out and good. It has great weight to it and everything. That's probably why it was never changed.

            • 3 years ago

              >Isnt that fine? The animation alone stands out and good. It has great weight to it and everything. That's probably why it was never changed.

              It just gets boring to watch, after 15 years you can immediately tell. Even if it's the exact same move just a fresh new animation would be great. Like how Balrog had a lot of old gauntlet concepts but most of the animations were brand new.

    • 3 years ago

      A better lock on system. More ways to block, parry and animation cancel. Multiple combos that chain into other combos ( A combo + B combo creates AB combo, AB +CD combo = ABCD combo and so on). The ability to execute some ground combos in mid air. Ways to interact with the environment like wall running in DMC2. Finisher moves when you execute long chain combos. I'd like to see in-game items that are useful mid gameplay like back in DMC1 so it feels more rewarding when you go around explore together with hidden game trivia. More mini bosses like Proto Angelos. For co-op make the campaign be centered around co-op, combos and finisher moves that require two players or more and a horde mode where you defend against an endless onslaught of enemies. Less levels with the boring and stupid tree, I miss DMC1's castle and DMC3's tower. For Nero I'd want switchable arms with a bigger capacity and more use with blue rose. Also everything from this: https://www.nexusmods.com/devilmaycry5/mods/353?tab=description

      • 3 years ago

        >More ways to block, parry and animation cancel.
        That's not really needed if we have SDT. Plus there arent a lot of animations where you need to really use guard cancelling outside of fancy and specific stuff. It's really only useful for million stabs and anything on cavaliere.
        Guarding just needs to work like it used to in DMC3/4

      • 3 years ago

        >Multiple combos that chain into other combos ( A combo + B combo creates AB combo, AB +CD combo = ABCD combo and so on)

        This was one of the few things I really liked about DmC and it's a shame it really only came back in the form of Cavaliere in DMC5. Having strings that aren't just locked but can chain into different moves feels like something DMC should expand upon. Since the games are already so much about personal combo freedom.

      • 3 years ago

        Could you elaborate on what you mean by better lock on?

    • 3 years ago

      How do you even improve on Trish? Lady is pretty obvious, since guns are relatively untapped, but Trish has never really had a niche that wasn't already filled by Dante. At best she'd be a repository for Devil Arms Dante isn't using, and when it comes to her guns her main ones are just E&I which Lady also has variant of. Like sure, I can see giving her Alastor, Nevan and/or Cavaliere, plus the gauntlet moveset, but that's all old stuff.

    • 3 years ago

      Super DTs for enemies, one per group during gameplay, examples:
      >Proto Angelo can turn into Nelo Angelo
      say that Urizen created them, enough reason to slap Vergil's face in them, there was a sketch that was exactly this in the artbook
      >Hell Caina into Hell Vanguard
      >Fury can now stun you with lightning

    • 3 years ago

      V needs the D-pad to control the positioning of his summons, also Geryon to swap Nightmare with, maybe some Angelos for melee/blocking
      They could've even made it NG+ not to mess with the story if they wanted

      • 3 years ago

        Will continue:
        >basic cane combos, not strong, more like a "get off me" and so V doesn't stand around taunting only
        >other summon cane formations aside from Royal Fork
        >kill animations for all bosses, same for Nero's busters

  14. 3 years ago
    • 3 years ago

      Sometimes i wish to make a team to make games.

      • 3 years ago

        Take comfort in the fact that the fun stuff you see in behind the scenes is like 10% of the process and the rest is a soulcrushing meat-grinder.

        • 3 years ago

          Neat, feels good to know draw at least.

  15. 3 years ago

    liar or autist op, most likely both and a homosexual too

  16. 3 years ago

    special edition right? I hope so for your sake. It's a far better game than vanilla

    • 3 years ago

      Are Turbo and LDK that much of a difference?

      • 3 years ago

        idgaf about LDK but turbo mode is a fricking must. The game is too slow without it

  17. 3 years ago

    Playing through DMD for the first time.
    How do I properly deal with Riots for each character?

    • 3 years ago

      Nero jc air juggle/gerbera breakage
      Dante air cavaliere, balrog fist/electric jc attacks to stun

  18. 3 years ago

    FRICK Racism

  19. 3 years ago

    You might have autism

  20. 3 years ago

    After almost 3 years of playing, can we all admit his playstyle wasn't that bad?

    • 3 years ago

      No, get modded out gay.

    • 3 years ago

      royal fork is his jump cancelling

    • 3 years ago

      Not even close to this

      • 3 years ago

        Apples to oranges.

        • 3 years ago

          Nah they're both summoners the comparison is completely fair

  21. 3 years ago

    You know what I want? A weapons that's designed with air combat in mind. Now hear me out. If you look at the movesets of the weapons in 5, you get the following Swordmaster included:
    >DSD has 4 combos, 3 on the ground, 1 in the air
    >King Cerberus has 4 combos, all on the ground
    >Cavaliere has has 4 combos, 2 in the air and 2 on the ground
    Now looking at this, the obvious is to have a weapon with 3 air combos and 1 ground combo, or with just 4 air combos. Maybe if they ever bring Nevan back, they can put its scythe form for its air attacks and take some cues from Osiris from the reboot.

  22. 3 years ago

    >too old to pick up new games and get comfy with
    >played the prologue of DMC5 and never touched it again after seeing the upgrades and combos you can buy in the book

    I'm sure its great but it feels like work and I'd rather play what I'm familiar with

    • 3 years ago

      You can choose to buy them at your own pace
      One of my favorite parts of DMC is that you rarely have to deal with stat leveling, loadouts, damage upgrades... no spreadsheet build frickery.
      Instead, you play, and the better you are at using the tools you're given, the faster you can unlock new ones. The less you're capable of, the less you're able to buy new moves because the game wants you to get comfortable with what you already have before overwhelming you. It's self-regulating. I choose not to buy new moves until I feel like I "need" them. I wait until buying them is natural and intuitive.

    • 3 years ago

      My advice is just to play it anyway, most of the moves in DMC5 are completely optional and not needed to enjoy the game. I didn't start loving DMC5 until my third playthrough or so. Too many people get caught up on "playing the correct way", when the whole point is that you're supposed to play the way you like.

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