I've been post-poning buying this game for years now due to the absurd amounts of DLCs promised. Is it finished now?

I've been post-poning buying this game for years now due to the absurd amounts of DLCs promised. Is it finished now? Do all the dlc's tie together or is it like in Bethesda games where you abandon the main quest to do shit completely unrelated?

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    Do you really want the extra homosexuals that bad, Anon? Yes, the DLC is just gay content and irrelevant (gay) side-stories.

    • 2 weeks ago

      The last sarkorians is the only truly good one, ignore mad waifutards like
      There's the lord of nothing that adds 15 new archetypes and a new dungeon, BUT, you have to play the side story if you want to unlock the new dungeon
      And in 6 days the final DLC will come out, it's inspired by the citadel DLC from ME3

    • 2 weeks ago


      • 2 weeks ago

        He's a waifugay mad because the DLC added a male character as a companion and not a female one

  2. 2 weeks ago

    postponing is one word
    you aren't post-poning that doesn't fricking exist

  3. 2 weeks ago

    This is a repost.

    >Worth it
    Sarkorian DLC. Ulbrig is a companion with his own quest and brings a new class with him (plus his unique archetype. Simple, fitting and has funny interjections, honestly.
    >Good value
    Midnight Isles (standalone). If you enjoy trying archetypes and team compositions, you will enjoy playing runs here. Some of the conditions/traps are also interesting to deal with for a roguelike adventure. The main campaign implementation kinda sucks and fricks over progression to your favor a bit too much.

    Lord of nothing is a decent mid level campaign. Nothing amazing (not as good as Varnhold DLC), but good. The boss you get in the main campaign is fun.
    Through the ashes. Mot just low level, but survival adventure where fighting is very disantvantageous. I enjoy the concept and tryong to keep everyoen alive is a decent challenge, but clunky isometric ,movement Owlcat style make it hard.. Adds nothing to the main campain as well and aside for two instances, not really needed to play it's sequel in Lord of Nothing
    >Essentially Trash
    Inevitable Excess. 'Post' endgame campaign , max rank and level. You get like 90% of your encounters being the same two groups of enemies with immunities Galu Style amd Owlcat puzzle design that is IMO worse than the Enigma (some of the tileset and number crunching there was enjoyed by a few). You do not get to enjoy the story that has barely time to do something interesting with it's concept. At least the two final boss fights are kinda cool and it has another Darkness superboss. But not worth it, IMO. Barely worth a pirate.

    The last DLC, Dance of Masks come out next week. It will have extra events for characters (including romance events) and its own dungeon/quest including Razmir, plus new archetypes. Will see how good actually ends up being. I'd suggest waiting an extra month so they fix most of the things the DLC will definitely break

    • 2 weeks ago

      Thank you, I'm no hurry since I'm playing Rogue Trader right now. I'm presuming I will either finish the game this month or hit a point where the late game buygs annoy me so much I will just stop playing it, by which point the Steam Summer sale will start and I get to buy it with a nice discount.

      He's a waifugay mad because the DLC added a male character as a companion and not a female one

      My party is always 2 guys, 3 girls. I like balance.

  4. 2 weeks ago

    Angel and Lich are the best mythic classes it's not even close, Demon, Devil, Gold Dragon are massive letdowns, Aeon is meh, Azata and Trickster are fine, Swarm is a gimmick, Legend is useless if you aren't martial,

    • 2 weeks ago

      >lichgay calling demon a letdown
      Main evil path, second one with the most content

      • 2 weeks ago

        You left out it being complete and utter shit gameplay wise.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Come on. Two of the most moronic builds in the historygame (dc wizard and infinite tripping damage) are demon based

          • 2 weeks ago

            It's a fricking demon, it should be a martial rip and tear mythic not gay magic shit like 6 out of 10 mythics. Lich and even Azata are better at that for the vast majority of the game. Try and look at shit from an angle other than gay min max, try and empathise with the average player.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >Try and look at shit from an angle other than gay min max, try and empathise with the average player
              You're the one who called it shit gameplay-wise. don't backpedal now moron
              And yes, demon is still strong as a martial anyway

              • 2 weeks ago

                Demon has some very strong martial builds.
                Casters being stronger or Trickster being better overall doesn't make it weak.
                Don't be a backpedaling moron who cries like a little b***h

                It's shit. Of the 6 "base" mythics it's the worst one for the average player. Also, I said it's a letdown, I'm not backpedalling, you morons are straw manning.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Being unable to build a good demon martial does not make it weak.
                Whinging morons like you with unsubstantiated preconceived notions are not the average player.
                Go piss yourself in the corner

              • 2 weeks ago

                >calling it a letdown
                Seems like that anon hit quite a nerf. Getting this upset just because someone didn't like your favorite class isn't healthy, mate.

              • 2 weeks ago

                The original statement here was

                You left out it being complete and utter shit gameplay wise.

                >complete and utter shit gameplay wise.
                So yes, I will call somebody making that statement a pathetic b***h. Pretend that you meant something different all you want, you were exposed as a crybaby casual.

              • 2 weeks ago

                That wasn't the original statement, the original statement was calling it a letdown, the it being shit gameplay wise was in comparison to Lich, a much more thematic mythic class that's easier to have a good build with due to spellbook merging and its spells/abilities just being good and straightforward. Again, you're a just frickwit trying to run away with your own strawman.

              • 2 weeks ago

                That's the earliest post denigrating demon in the thread, you colossal frickwit.
                You cannot just reject reality and substitute with your own.
                We are not blind.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Follow the comment thread you fricking moron.

              • 2 weeks ago

                The chain where you have backpedaled and deflected 3 times? I have you, stupid pissant

              • 2 weeks ago

                I'm the other guy you're arguing with but in what way is demon not straightforward? What was so complex?

              • 2 weeks ago

                Rage, aspects, picking it when you're a bloodrager and they don't stack because bloodrager into demon sounds cool.

                The chain where you have backpedaled and deflected 3 times? I have you, stupid pissant

                >Demon is a letdown.
                >Lol mad lich is shit.
                >Demon is shit.
                >Demon is a letdown and not good for the average player

                You've got nothing other than a very clean window you moron.

              • 2 weeks ago

                No, the worst one for the average player is Aeon

            • 2 weeks ago

              Demon has some very strong martial builds.
              Casters being stronger or Trickster being better overall doesn't make it weak.
              Don't be a backpedaling moron who cries like a little b***h

            • 2 weeks ago

              They're both very good at casting. It really just depends on what you want out of a caster, high DCs or tons of good spells. The lich greater dispel magic is busted as hell though.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Nice mask off moment. What difficulty do you think the average player plays on?

                No, the worst one for the average player is Aeon

                Yeah, I'll concede that point actually.

              • 2 weeks ago

                No one cares, you moved the goalpost. The average player not knowing what to do won't suddenly make demon bad

              • 2 weeks ago

                >No one cares, you moved the goalpost.
                I've stood by my point Demon is a letdown, your strawman and ad hominem doesn't change that. Kindly frick off.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Demon is a letdown only if you are useless at reading what abilities do and if you have a preconceived notion about what demons are in a setting without actually caring to read what happens in the setting.
                If this applies o average players, aka morons like you, then frick them, honestly.
                Basic reading comprehension and investment should be rewarded.

              • 2 weeks ago

                kek homosexual

                >What difficulty do you think the average player plays on?
                I dunno, core and core adjacent? Not really sure what that has to do with anything though, I don't see what aha moment you've apparently found.

                You're deluded.

              • 2 weeks ago

                You have yet to make any point on how difficulty is in anyway related here, I'll even give you that core and core adjacent was wrong, why's that matter? Simpering homosexual, make a point.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >What difficulty do you think the average player plays on?
                I dunno, core and core adjacent? Not really sure what that has to do with anything though, I don't see what aha moment you've apparently found.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Also, most Demons have innate spellcasting so why shouldn't the demon mythic path be good at it?

  5. 2 weeks ago

    It will be once the final DLC is out, maybe wait a few weeks until the patch out the bugs
    Also frick demons

  6. 2 weeks ago

    >Demon gameplay is weak!
    >Okay no it's not, but it should be about martials!
    >Okay maybe it's good as a martial, but the average new player isn't going to figure it out
    Stop doubling down jesus

  7. 2 weeks ago

    Can someone explain how Kineticists work for me in Kingmaker?
    It's basically a warlock from 3.5 but you only get one elemental focus or can I get another as I level up?
    Are the wild talents useful at all or is it just all about the ranged dps with the blast?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Rage, aspects, picking it when you're a bloodrager and they don't stack because bloodrager into demon sounds cool.
      >Demon is a letdown.
      >Lol mad lich is shit.
      >Demon is shit.
      >Demon is a letdown and not good for the average player

      You've got nothing other than a very clean window you moron.

      >Rage, aspects, picking it when you're a bloodrager and they don't stack because bloodrager into demon sounds cool.
      It's literally click a button, activate ability. In what world is that complicated?
      That's even easier since they're passive with an active that happens with rage. Again, how is that complicated?
      As a brand new player I can understand this one, you see 2 abilities called rage and asdume they work together somehow. I'll counter your point though, if that's the basis here why would we assume they know what spellbook merging is? Or how to build a PC at all? In the hands of an absolute shitter playing on normal they're practically equal, since he'll roll over ever obstacle anyway.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Why did you quote me here

        Can someone explain how Kineticists work for me in Kingmaker?
        It's basically a warlock from 3.5 but you only get one elemental focus or can I get another as I level up?
        Are the wild talents useful at all or is it just all about the ranged dps with the blast?

        • 2 weeks ago

          Sorry, I got interrupted halfway through my post and forgot my place, I was gonna say I've never played with it but everyone says it's broken. You can't even frick around with the actual tabletop version to figure it out since tgey homebrewed the shit out of it.

  8. 2 weeks ago

    what's the angel's unique quest anyway?

    • 2 weeks ago

      You essentially get the hand early and go to puluras with him for some goofing. The coolest parts are rescuing targonas brother who was presumed dead, gathering 5 goobers who effectively stop nocticula from interfering in the baphomet fight and permakilling deskari without the secret end

      • 2 weeks ago

        >tfw I missed recruiting the wandering paladin guy on my first angel run

        • 2 weeks ago

          >He missed the best one of them all

        • 2 weeks ago

          >He missed the best one of them all

          • 2 weeks ago

            Wish he was a companion honestly

            • 2 weeks ago

              The game was in dire need of a companion that wasn't goody two shoes and could shut up the evil companions when they start talking shit, Berenguer is a perfect fit

  9. 2 weeks ago

    literally just don't buy any dlc, I got it on sale in a bundle with kingmaker for less than 20 dollars like 2 years ago maybe

    because I'm based

    anyone know how this ability works with eldritch archer, if it counts when you're using spell combat then it would be pretty good, otherwise I might just take the more boring mythics like ranging shot

    • 2 weeks ago

      a quick google search tells me it doesn't

      • 2 weeks ago


  10. 2 weeks ago

    Bro just pirate all of it

  11. 2 weeks ago

    >the side of good isnt weak, its you
    How did Sosiel not off himself on the spot, there is no coming back from that

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