I've noticed that the 6th gen had a unique quirk where every hardware manufacturer used a single color motif for their hardware, including packag...

I've noticed that the 6th gen had a unique quirk where every hardware manufacturer used a single color motif for their hardware, including packaging, and to a lesser extent even marketing materials. White for Sega, Blue for Sony, Purple for Nintendo (including the GBA), and Green for Microsoft.

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  1. 5 months ago

    Anyway, I just wanted to talk about trends in console hardware.

  2. 5 months ago

    Every one of those had multiple special color editions, even Xbox.

    • 5 months ago

      Obviously those weren't the "regular" versions of the hardware.

    • 5 months ago

      Stupid pedantic moron comment

  3. 5 months ago

    >unique quirk
    Nintendo was grey
    Sega was black until the Dreamflop
    Nec was white

    • 5 months ago

      Absolutely not. 6th gen was the ONLY gen where EVERY hardware manufacturer used a consistent color motif through ALL materials related to their hardware for that gen, including packaging and marketing. This really wasn't done for any other generation for some reason.

    • 5 months ago

      Saturn also came in gray and white.

  4. 5 months ago

    ATA2600 : Black and wood
    ATA5200 : Black and silver and rainbow colors
    ATA7800 : Black, silver and rainbow colors
    Jaguar : Black and red

    FC : White and Red because Japan
    NES : 50 shades of greys
    SNES : 50.05 shades of greys+4colors in EU and JP or Dark and light blue buttons for USA
    N64 : Dark Grey mostly
    Gamecube : Rainbow Madness Tantrum
    Wii : Mostly white

    SG1000 : White, Blue and a touch of red (Japanese 80's baby)
    MS : Black and red
    MD : Mostly black
    Saturn : Black (White in JP)
    Dreamcast : White

    PCengine : White and red
    Core Grafx/Turbografx : Black
    Supergrafx : Black and blue
    PC-fx : White

    PSX : Grey mostly
    PS2 : Black mostly
    PS3 : Black mostly
    PS4 : Black
    PS5 : White and black

    XBOX : Black and green
    X360 : Mostly white and green
    XONE : Mostly black
    SeriesX : Black and white

    +Most consoles have a crystal/limited/silver/gold version and i didn't count the handhelds. Micro computers were crème or beige for some reasons or even coffee...Commodor style !

    Conclusion : The colors makes no fricking sense since they only follow the current trends and most of the time, they understand what people wants a lot too late. Cheesus Christ even Xbox dropped the green colored branding that suited them so much since 2003.

    • 5 months ago

      >XBOX : Black and green
      XBOX shell is dark green, have a look at one outside in the sun.

  5. 5 months ago

    2nd gen publishers had a weird obsession with rainbow motifs.

    There was of course Atari themselves.

    • 5 months ago

      But Coleco did the same thing with their logo for the Colecovision.

      • 5 months ago

        And then of course Activision used it for their box arts.

        • 5 months ago

          Imagic also did something similar with their logo and the packaging for their games.

          • 5 months ago

            And then of course Activision used it for their box arts.

            But Coleco did the same thing with their logo for the Colecovision.

            2nd gen publishers had a weird obsession with rainbow motifs.

            There was of course Atari themselves.

            Color tv itself was new you dumb ass

  6. 5 months ago

    North American Dreamcast switched to black in 2000 to look cool against the impending PS2. In Japan the Dreamcast had a consistent orange motif and in Europe a blue one

  7. 5 months ago

    I’ve noticed that the soda brands have a unique quirk, in that they all have brand colors. Wow incredible

    nobody show this man state flags

    • 5 months ago

      Minnesota is changing its flag to a blue Pac-Person sucking a giant wiener

    • 5 months ago

      Are you literally illiterate? The answer is yes.

  8. 5 months ago

    I think before 6th gen grey/beige was just the default color for serious electronics and they probably just wanted to play it safe and not scare away potential customers with something that looks like a kid's toy. Or something. 2000's kinda killed fun and colors in general and trends went towards the black&white hellscape that we've only recently started to recover from.

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