Just finished ng1-2 and starving for more actionkino, is dmc3 good?

Just finished ng1-2 and starving for more actionkino, is dmc3 good? I didn't liked dmc5 because enemies are braindead fodder

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  1. 2 months ago

    DMC3 is one of the best videogames ever made.
    >I didn't liked dmc5 because enemies are braindead fodder
    DMC3 on DMD is the highest difficulty seen in the series

  2. 2 months ago

    1 and 3 are the best games in the series.
    5 was fricking pathetic.

  3. 2 months ago

    3 is much, much harder than 5
    if you're worried about passive enemies, start on a higher difficulty:
    >On the title screen hold R1 + R2 + L1 + L2 + UP + LEFT on the D-Pad and DOWN + RIGHT on the left joystick. A sound cue will play and you should have all modes and costumes unlocked.

  4. 2 months ago

    DMC3 is the best videogame ever made by a human

    • 2 months ago

      Oh and don't use a styleswitching mod. It will make the game significantly easier

      • 2 months ago

        Actual moron

        • 2 months ago

          the switch version has style switching, but for any other version you need a mod

        • 2 months ago

          the switch version is half-assed and, y'know, only on switch
          ddmk is much better but is a PC mod

        • 2 months ago

          You got owned

      • 2 months ago

        I tried to use the styler, but not onyl did it fricked my controls, but the game now has a tendency to "ignore" my inputs, or straight up pull new inputs of out is ass

  5. 2 months ago

    dmc3 is kino, play it with the yellow orb mode if you're real hardcore

  6. 2 months ago

    >playng dmcv on normal

    • 2 months ago

      Even on hard game is dogshit, enemy dont fight back

  7. 2 months ago

    >chief complaint of dante's style switching in dmc4 is that he got simplified and streamlined a bit to better balance and fit it all on one character, even if he can still be absurd in the right circumstances
    >dmc5 just doubles down on that while adding second devil trigger form
    it feels weird that by sheer nature of limiting the player to a single style at a time you actually have more complexity because the styles had more depth and nuance, plus the need to rely on them extensively.

    • 2 months ago

      >it feels weird that by sheer nature of limiting the player to a single style at a time you actually have more complexity
      It doesn't. You can swap around as you like, most casuals are going to have a hard time on normal regardless. People who actually like variety and want to master things are going to beat the game several times and do their best to improve always.

      Games don't need to be a cointoss if you can ever win even for the most skilled player to be good and I'm sick of gays constantly whining everything's too easy just to stroke their own ego like anyone gives a shit.

    • 2 months ago

      Yes, I always preferred the DMC3 system that made you commit to a style. It made the game feel more like an arcade game, where you had to learn the best loadout for each level.

    • 2 months ago

      >dmc5 just doubles down on that while adding second devil trigger form
      That's just wrong though. 5 Dante has more moves than 3 Dante's total moveset. The styles are much more complex in 5, specially Swordmaster, and getting DSD adds another layer to them due to Swords Formation.

      Seriously, SM in 5 gives most of your Devil Arms a second moveset and turning SF on changes the properties of practically all your melee attacks. It's ridiculous.

  8. 2 months ago

    Is it weird that I found dmc 3 on normal difficulty to be way harder than both ninja gaiden 1 and 2? I die all the time in dmc 3 but haven't died once in the entirety of ninja gaiden 2 although it was sigma 2

    • 2 months ago

      >sigma 2
      that's part of your problem, really. the OG releases of the NG Xbox games were absolutely fricking bonkers hard, plus Black tinkered and bolstered it. but those games are about precision and knowing how to handle threats effectively, DMC3 is a lot more technical and more like fighting action game rules by comparison, plus it wasn't afraid to bust your balls even with just navigating the Temen-ni-gru challenges.

    • 2 months ago

      was it the original dmc 3? original dmc 3's normal mode was actually hard mode.

      • 2 months ago

        Ive only ever played the special edition, even with vergil I remember getting my shit pushed in with cerberus and then later on with agni and rudra, died more times than i care to admit

    • 2 months ago

      ng2 on normal is a lot easier than 1, sigma is even easier in some parts, it only gets bullshit in higher difficulties, so i believe you. but there's no way you can say this is harder than ng1, most people don't get past the first boss of ng1

      • 2 months ago

        >most people don't get past the first boss of ng1
        strangely i was able to barely clear dmc3 (se) normal, but got filtered by the ninja village stage with the goddamn horse riders on NG Black. think when I tried again earlier this year i got past that stage but a game pass sub was about to expire so i didn't get further

    • 2 months ago

      Sigma 2 is pretty easy compared to 1 and DMC3
      I'd also argue that it might take longer to get useful skills in DMC3 compared to your initial skillset in NG, making it seem harder on a first playthrough

    • 2 months ago

      sigma 2 gives you way too many potions and shit

    • 2 months ago

      Sigma normal difficulty is actually easy mode and hard is normal in black
      In sigma if you play on normal you won't see some enemies

      • 2 months ago


  9. 2 months ago

    >VatBlack person/PaceBlack person STILL up to his mentally ill homosexualry

    My God

  10. 2 months ago

    If you didn't like DMC5 you won't like DMC3 because it's too hard.

    • 2 months ago

      But dmc 5 wasn't hard, even on higher difficulty enemies don't fight back

  11. 2 months ago

    Play Bayonetta

    • 2 months ago

      >the bike chapter
      >the missile chapter
      no thanks

  12. 2 months ago

    2 > 1 > 4 > DmC > 5 > 3

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