>Kefka is the best villain because he actually succeeds!!!

>Kefka is the best villain because he actually succeeds!!!
I'm tired of this reddit response being parroted everywhere regarding FF6.

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  1. 10 months ago

    >instead of giving a counter argument he just lazily calls it reddit

    • 10 months ago

      If he truly won, then the game would've ended at the point where he became a god.

      • 10 months ago

        >the theme of the game went above my head

      • 10 months ago

        Anon, Kefka ultimately got what he wanted in the end

        • 10 months ago

          What he wanted was to crush the spirits of humans struggling to live so they would be just as damaged as he was. He explicitly failed at what he wanted to achieve

          • 10 months ago

            Everything after him taking the Warring Triad's power and wrecking the world was him just fricking around out of boredom. Getting god powers and wrecking the world was his end game and he didn't think further ahead. That's why instead of just nuking the party he actually fought them.

    • 10 months ago

      Not him but plenty of villains succeed in their goals, including in Final Fantasy games. Kefka is good because he has to rise up from relatively humble beginnings to do so - he's a weakling at the start of the game who runs away from his own "boss" fights. It's entertaining to watch his progression alongside your own.

      • 10 months ago

        My ff memory is fuzzy tbh. Did any other antagonist cause as much sheer destruction? Kefka may have failed in killing absolutely everything but he literally ripped continents to pieces. Much of it looks like turd colored wasteland. Even past the initial death toll it's hard o imagine how much death that scale of environmental frickery will cause for years to come

        • 10 months ago

          As far as I know, the emperor from FF2 and Exdeath from FF5 actually did quite a lot of damage.

          • 10 months ago

            >Exdeath from FF5
            Wait now that i think of it, what happens to the world of FFV after the game? Does the wind ever come back or is it just gone with the crystal? Because if the crystals breaking was permanent, that world's kinda fricked and exdeath pretty much succeeded, just more slowly than he wanted.

            • 10 months ago

              after you beat the final boss new crystals are made

            • 10 months ago

              After you defeat Exdeath, Bartz and the girls use their crystal shards and their spirit as Warriors of Light to restore the crystals. You learn the crystals and the void exist in a sort of loop, the void will eventually consume the crystals but from the void the crystals will always return.

            • 10 months ago

              >Does the wind ever come back
              The people and places that were sent to the void all came back and the world is still merged, since it's whhat it was like originally. Dead people obviously stay dead though.
              The cristals are back and the balance of elements too.

        • 10 months ago

          Plenty of other FF villains did as much or worse. A couple of them destroyed a planet with no survivors.

        • 10 months ago

          Didn’t ultimecia frick up time and cause monsters to come down from the moon a lot

        • 10 months ago

          Caius actually wins and ruins everything for everyone, for a very long time.

        • 10 months ago

          As far as I know, the emperor from FF2 and Exdeath from FF5 actually did quite a lot of damage.

          >the emperor from FF2
          him and his soldiers do kill most of the npcs in the game (Mysidia pretty much stays untouched though), but they don't really frick up the environment at all. the ending doesn't really make it seem like most of humanity is dead though, so I think the implication is there are tons of non-NPC civilians who survived.
          he also didn't really "win" like Kefka because he never fully conquered the world. he conquered hell but he didn't get to enjoy that long.
          >Exdeath from FF5
          he sucked most of the citizens of the planet into black holes, but they got better. he did kill Galuf and some other people before that, but not on a large scale.
          I think Yu Yevon could be argued to "win" harder than Kefka did (because he attained unrivaled power and wiped out his enemies), but he did it thousands of years before the game started and he apparently lost his body and consciousness in the process.

        • 10 months ago

          The villain in ffx "won" many generations before the game starts.

          • 10 months ago

            Sin is a great villain too, but I think beacuse of the fact that sin is in and of itself both the bigbad, and it's existence the plot twist of the game, it's disqualified as being a great villain because it's literally just le blob monster lavos knockoff until you reach the last ~20% of the game.
            FFX is my favorite game in the series in terms of gameplay but I'd say kefka's probably a better direct villain for the shock of him snatching the power of the warring triad.

        • 10 months ago

          Kuja (9) ended all existence and then brought it back.

        • 10 months ago

          Caius succeeds, ruins absolutely everything and literally no one managed to stop him

      • 10 months ago

        > It's entertaining to watch his progression alongside your own.
        Kefka somehow gets a massive powerboost after you kick his shit in the mountains and all of a sudden hes absorbing magic like crazy in thamasa

        • 10 months ago

          it's almost like they learned how to properly extract magic from espers after that

          • 10 months ago

            With what resources? Their entire facility was destroyed so they wouldnt have any actual way to do something like that. They just had to asspull a way in to justify the obvious betrayal the empire was planning

  2. 10 months ago

    People who argue about such things are generally idiots tbh.
    He has a good boss theme.

  3. 10 months ago

    He's the best because he's evil. He's not some gay "force of nature" or some space ghost with a bone to pick. He's just a fricking nutcase.

    • 10 months ago

      what's the point of being a nutcase if he's not even entertaining?

      • 10 months ago

        He is a literal jester. He is plenty entertaining.

        • 10 months ago

          I don’t remember him being entertaining.

          • 10 months ago

            That's because you're a boring homosexual who wouldn't know what entertainment was if it bit you on the ass.

    • 10 months ago

      No, he's just some moron angry about being a failed experiment.
      That's it.

    • 10 months ago

      hes a great character, but hes not complicated in the slightest. As other anon said 'hes just evil'.

      Sometimes characters being simplistic is good, sometimes it isnt. It also worked in the plot how gestahl was the main foe, but kefka was right there to surpass him when the chance arose. Kefka wouldnt have been the leader of a huge empire, because as was said, hes just nuts, and has no charisma or leadership qualities

    • 10 months ago

      Sounds like your standards are very low.

  4. 10 months ago

    FF6's reputation is entirely built upon people parroting groupthink that originated from sources like teenagers on GameFAQs forums back in the early 00s. The game is blatantly terrible to anyone who approaches it with an unbiased mindset, the only way it can laughably continue to be held up as some kind of "classic" is by people ignoring reality and just repeating the most clever-sounding (but actually completely moronic) hot takes and trite soundbites they've trained eachother to respond positively to.

    • 10 months ago

      >good game is actually...LE BAD

      You're far more stupid than you think everyone else is.

      • 10 months ago

        It's not a good game. The gameplay is among the worst in the JRPG genre, and the storytelling is a trainwreck in terms of both tone and pacing. There are no solid reasons to praise the game, people only do so as part of some form of groupthink.

        • 10 months ago

          >accuse others of group think
          >post Ganker hivemind slop critique
          if you can post any specific example in the game of any of your criticisms I will take you seriously

          • 10 months ago

            >any specific example in the game of any of your criticisms
            Every single time a battle occurs the awfulness of FF6's gameplay is on full display. Is that specific enough? If it needs to be explained to you why FF6's battling is fricking terrible, it means you just haven't played JRPGs outside of this one franchise and so cannot offer a worthwhile opinion on the matter.

            • 10 months ago

              you didnt say just gameplay
              you trashed the entire game and it's story, which is praised as one of the greatest in rpgs, by lazily mumbling "it's trash cause tone and pacing", both of which were fine

              • 10 months ago

                >which is praised as one of the greatest in rpgs
                By who? 95 IQ redditors who, like you, have no experience with the genre outside of Final homosexualry? Shut the frick up, you embarrassing idiot.

              • 10 months ago

                ok coward, say what games you're talking about that blow it out of the water if you are so sophisticated in taste

              • 10 months ago

                >say what games you're talking about that blow it out of the water
                Just within JRPGs? There are hundreds, because all a game has to do to have a better story than FF6 is to not feel like it was written by an autistic 8 year old.

              • 10 months ago

                post the best one

              • 10 months ago

                Breath of Fire 3

              • 10 months ago

                I liked it on release but the story doesnt stick out in my memory, just the art and the dragon forms

                Dragon Quest 7

                never played I will look into it

              • 10 months ago

                Dragon Quest 7

            • 10 months ago

              >it's bad because it just IS, if you can't see that it's bad then you just don't know what good things are
              Very reasoned, rational argument

        • 10 months ago

          Explain each of the points you laid out instead of just leaving them out bare and expecting them to not be brushed off. What do you not like about the storytelling, gameplay and tone?

          • 10 months ago

            Explaining in detail is pointless, as people who I would consider worth that level of effort don't need to have the awfulness of the game explained to them, they are intelligent and clear-minded enough to see it for themselves. Trying to educate idiots on Ganker about why, for example, the ludicrous imbalance of the character abilities is a bad thing and how it turns the battles into the most mindless the genre has to offer is a waste of time.

            • 10 months ago

              How would explaining your thoughts be any more pointless than this worthless block of text that I didn't read past the first sentence?

      • 10 months ago

        ff6 is vastly inferior to ff5

    • 10 months ago

      Jesus dick what a terrible fricking post. Utter disgrace. Thanks for the reminder of how glad I am that I'm not a moron like you.

    • 10 months ago

      It's mostly just "first is best" behavior from the late gen-x and very early millenial crowd. They played FF3 first, and that's the best one. They do the same thing with Link To the Past.

      • 10 months ago

        It's worse than that though. Very few of those 40 year olds who played FF6 when it was new are still around posting about games online. They have been replaced by a new generation of young millennials and zoomers who act out that nostalgia, despite never having had the happy childhood experience in the first place. A kind of cargo cult type behavior, in other words.

      • 10 months ago

        >first is best
        I played 1, 4(2), MQ and Destiny of an Emperor (which was basically RotTK Final Fantasy) and I think 6 was the best.

    • 10 months ago

      FF6/3 has been one of my favorite games as far back as watching my dad play it when I was really little. It's just nostalgia but I don't care man it tickles me the right way.

      • 10 months ago

        >It's just nostalgia
        Yeah I know. At least you're one of the few people who can admit it rather than embarrassing yourself by pretending that the game is actually good.

    • 10 months ago

      We're talking about FF6, not FF7

    • 10 months ago

      It's mostly just "first is best" behavior from the late gen-x and very early millenial crowd. They played FF3 first, and that's the best one. They do the same thing with Link To the Past.

      terrible homosexual takes. Context matters. The only good and important FF games are 1, 4, 6 and 7.

      1 laid the groundwork for the entire franchise. 4 and 6 crawled so modern games like 7 could run, 7 made it mainstream.

      6 is objectively the best FF.

      • 10 months ago

        Not so fast, Black person.

        • 10 months ago

          I'll accept its inclusion, but i personally 5 is too iterative between 4 and 6 to be important to the franchise as a whole. 4 laid down the groundwork, and 6 perfected what that era should be.

          • 10 months ago

            >but i personally 5 is too iterative between 4 and 6 to be important to the franchise as a whole.
            This is so fundamentally incorrect that I can't imagine you've even played it. 5 is basically classic NES FF where party customization is king and story takes a back seat. It could not possibly be less "iterative" among 4 and 6.

            • 10 months ago

              >5 is too iterative
              It's iterative of FF3 in gameplay and has basically no story similarities to FF4 or FF6

              Its very clearly in the same wheelhouse as 4 and 6 as far as presentation, story, etc. The problem, as you both pointed out, is it is just a rehash of 1 and 3 and doesn't do very much important for advancing the franchise.

              • 10 months ago

                No it isn't, you fricking moron. It's so notoriously blase about its own story that it's frequently cited as a parody of Saturday morning cartoons. The fact that it "rehashed" (read: perfected) the formula that 1 and 3 set out just proves how fundamentally different it is. You're a moron.

              • 10 months ago

                Jesus you sound mad. I accept your concession.

                If you think that TODAY, FF6 is the best FF to play, all that says is how fricking WORTHLESS the series is.

                It's a product of its time, none of them are mindblowing int he context of today and the newer ones are blatantly terrible. It was the peak of the series and you only truly got to experience it if you played it in the 90s.

          • 10 months ago

            >5 is too iterative
            It's iterative of FF3 in gameplay and has basically no story similarities to FF4 or FF6

      • 10 months ago

        4 is fricking trash.

        • 10 months ago

          5, 6, and 7 are just refinements of 4. It set the standard for the best era of the franchise.

          You can tell a lot of you are young millennials/ zoomies going back and playing the games in reverse order. Context is so important with this type of evaluation.

      • 10 months ago

        If you think that TODAY, FF6 is the best FF to play, all that says is how fricking WORTHLESS the series is.

      • 10 months ago

        Redditard, 6 had me yawning, did not finish it, 5 is the best

      • 10 months ago

        >The only good and important FF games are 1, 4, 6 and 7.

        But that's wrong, moron.

    • 10 months ago

      This is the quality of shitpost you fricking morons not only accept, but give (You)s to?

      Are you blind, stupid, naive or all three? How is this shit not obvious to you fricking bottom feeding contrarians?

      • 10 months ago

        >proceeds to give him a (you)

    • 10 months ago

      I fricking hate it because the plot is honest to God Marvel-tier. *Talking Octopus attacks the party "Uhhhh guys? I think we have a problem!"

      • 10 months ago

        I enjoy it because it makes earthbound fans seethe when you mention every other jrpg at the time was also doing quirky comedy

        Chrono trigger did it, SMRPG did it, I can't think of many RPG's that were played completely straight

    • 10 months ago

      It honestly baffles me how much people love FF6 and rate it over other games in the series. I tried playing it for the first time a few years ago and was incredibly disappointed. I wouldn’t even doubt it if your outlandish theory explains why people go apeshit defending it even though it’s such an aggressively mediocre game.

      • 10 months ago

        tell me u played the awful remaster without telling me u played the awful remaster

        • 10 months ago

          I played the FF Anthology version.

      • 10 months ago

        I do think I judge it more harsh because how people treat it, but the only games I appreciate/like less than 6 are 15 and maybe16. 2 gave us saga so I cannot hate it, keywords is a neat concept too.

    • 10 months ago

      yep went in hearing it was a fantastic game, dropped it at the train part got bored story did not hold my interest

    • 10 months ago

      This but also because it was baby's first RPG for a lot of people, particulary consolebabbies. A lot of people were impressed with the story and characters because they had never seen anything like it at that point, even though it was nothing special by the time the game came out.

      Ironically FFV was the better game simply because they gave up the pretenses of having an 'epic' and 'operatic' story (which they couldn't write anyway) and just made the fricking gane fun instead.

    • 10 months ago

      You made them weep

    • 10 months ago

      You're exaggerating but it's still there the game is grossly overrated.

    • 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      I always felt like FF6 and FF8 fans were just being contrarian since FF7 was so popular.

    • 10 months ago

      I actually comopletely agree with this. Even within its own series, it's mid-tier. It has the reputation it does because it was the first JRPG a lot of people played.

    • 10 months ago

      It's honest to god one of my least favorite FF games. That still makes it better than most of the competition, and especially most jrpgs released within the last decade. But still an okay game on its own series. I much prefer 4 5 7 9 and 10 over this one.

    • 10 months ago

      Shit, didn't see this post but agree 100%. It's the same mentality you see in homosexuals who claim a bands lesser known first album was superior after that band get huge.

    • 10 months ago

      Anon, find a new hobby.

    • 10 months ago

      or maybe the game is good

    • 10 months ago

      It’s true, by comparison, chrono trigger is the other square SNES rpg that is wanked, but it’s actually good

    • 10 months ago

      the game is good and I played it without knowing what anyone else thought of it, in fact I don't let the opinions of others influence how I feel about a game but I must be crazy for doing that

      • 10 months ago

        >the game is good
        explain why

        • 10 months ago

          not that guy but the way the game uses music to tell a story of the world and characters has rarely been done as effectively as this

          • 10 months ago

            is that the thought that sustains you through hour after hour of the most tedious battling the genre has to offer? "man, this musical storytelling is really impressive", that's what makes it all worthwhile for you?

            • 10 months ago

              unironically yes

    • 10 months ago

      You are describing 7 not 6

    • 10 months ago

      That part about GameFAQs is correct, and has plagued discussions about FF games pre-FFXI for decades. The same awful opinions has been repeated and echoed about the games, many of them making it obvious that people from that era never played them. Most obvious is when people talk about Squall and his personality, but Kefka is up there too.

      I haven't heard an interesting take about the games for years, but at least people are warming up to FFV rather than calling it "the black sheep of the series" and jacking off to Celes suicide scene for the 100000th time, which was the biggest nothingburger ever.

      That said, I like all of the first 10 games:)

      • 10 months ago

        there are no new "takes" because the games arent that deep bro

      • 10 months ago

        >part about GameFAQs is correct
        You have literally never been to GameFAQs. That place is ground zero for FF7 wank. https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/features/10year

    • 10 months ago

      Basado, FF15 is the only good game in the series

    • 10 months ago

      if any game in the final fantasy series was "groupthinked" into being liked than it's ff7. most of the people who wank the game haven't even played it or have only played the "remake"

    • 10 months ago

      >They hated him because he said the Truth
      This anon is 100% right and the origins of this shit started on GameFAQs.

      That part about GameFAQs is correct, and has plagued discussions about FF games pre-FFXI for decades. The same awful opinions has been repeated and echoed about the games, many of them making it obvious that people from that era never played them. Most obvious is when people talk about Squall and his personality, but Kefka is up there too.

      I haven't heard an interesting take about the games for years, but at least people are warming up to FFV rather than calling it "the black sheep of the series" and jacking off to Celes suicide scene for the 100000th time, which was the biggest nothingburger ever.

      That said, I like all of the first 10 games:)

      >The same awful opinions has been repeated and echoed about the games, many of them making it obvious that people from that era never played them.
      One of my all time favorites was this toolbag on an old forum I used to frequent back when it started becoming cool to hate FFVII in the late 00s to make FFVI the "king" of FF games. He and someone else were crying about how overrated FFVII was for the 29495965th time and claimed that "it's a crying shame that everyone passes the best two, FFVI and FFIX". Years later, the same person mentioned he played FFVI for the first time and dropped it after the first fricking boss, saying that it was too boring for him.

    • 10 months ago

      I disagree. I got FF-III when it came out in the US and I played through the game 3 times because I loved it so much. It was a different time though. Gaming has come a long way. It's not totally fair to compare it against every game that's come out in the last 30 years. Compared against other JRPG's of it's era it was easily up there with Chrono Trigger and Lufia II.

      • 10 months ago

        >muh nostalgia
        shut the frick up
        >it was easily up there with Chrono Trigger and Lufia II
        no it wasn't, and they aren't even the best JRPGs up to that point

    • 10 months ago

      You sure told off that strawman you invented.

  5. 10 months ago

    He's the best because he's actually a character with a personality who actually does things unlike every FF villain after him

    • 10 months ago

      i played the game 20 years ago all he did was go like "hahaha im evil"

  6. 10 months ago

    Kefka is better than chaos, better than the emperor, better than xande and the cloud of darkness, better than golbez and zeromus, somewhat better than exdeath, somewhat better than sephiroth, and definitely better than orphan from 13.
    Zenos and Meteion are better than kefka though.

    • 10 months ago

      yes kefka is a good villain because his motivations to genocide reflect the same as real people in the 20th century; the insanity caused by their response to nihilism
      the heroes also respond and survive because they are able to create meaning for themselves while he is unable to

    • 10 months ago

      FF14s Ascians if we're being technical destroyed multiple worlds in their process and brought multiple calamities to the one said worlds sprung from by doing so. Then theres also Meteion causing god knows how many civilizations to die out. In killcount those might win.

  7. 10 months ago


    sephiroth is less coherent than kefka. but he is cooler. doesn't make him a better villain

  8. 10 months ago


    sephiroth has a cool arc (mindbroken by a shattered identity and seduced by a cosmic horror) but he comes off as more of a looming monster than a villain with human motivations

  9. 10 months ago

    I mean using that criteria then Ardyn is the best villain, he does the whole "world of ruin" thing just like Kefka AND he even kills the protagonist alongside himself, fulfilling his goal of ending his whole cursed bloodline.

    • 10 months ago

      Retcon'ed and became a good guy in the real ending. 15 didn't win any TGA awards

      • 10 months ago

        >[JRPG] didn't win any TGA awards
        No shit, it's an open secret that Geoff and his cronies despise the genre.

        • 10 months ago

          7R won best music and rpg of the year tho. 15 didn't even got nominated for its music and got mogged by persona 5

      • 10 months ago

        >Character has a reason he wants to kill everyone beyond "I'm evil just because"
        >He's actually a good guy

    • 10 months ago

      Ardyn lost all credibility to be a good bad guy the moment the DLC pulled a "I was trying to stop a bigger evil" card out of it's ass and said bigger evil was an already established good guy, thus ruining the ending

      >[JRPG] didn't win any TGA awards
      No shit, it's an open secret that Geoff and his cronies despise the genre.

      7 Remake won best Soundtrack and best RPG and got nominated for GotY
      15 was only nominated for RPG of the year and lost to Persona 5

  10. 10 months ago


    sephiroth is a soldier, the result of an experiment to create a super soldier. he believes he is an alien. hes slso dead. he is a hallucination for the entire game because cloud has jenova cells. sephiroth destroyed clouds village but lost to cloud when cloud was a jobber.
    sephiroth does not act on any plan or motivation beyond jenova's.
    He only gains a personality in every product that milks ff7s success.
    Kefka is just insane, probably as a failed experiment with magicite, but he is just insane. gaining infinite power because of extreme nihilism, he wishes to destroy the world like the first 5 FF villains.

    • 10 months ago

      Your headcanon was never what happened in FF7 no matter how autistic you are about it. All the characters can see Sephiroth, moron. And Jenova is a parasite with no mind, Sephiroth was the brain in their symbiosis.

      • 10 months ago

        what are you talking about he only shows up when there are jenova things nearby. and cloud is a jenova thing. thats why sephiroth keeps coming back in every piece of media with cloud in it.
        I played 7 for the first time this year. thats my interpretation of events without the however many whatevers of headcanon.

        • 10 months ago

          my understanding is sephiroth can manifest in any of the jenova clones by traveling through the life stream

          • 10 months ago

            Where do people get these moronic ideas that are not in any way supported by the game?

            Oh right, the thread is presumably full of dumb zoomers who played the remake before the original game and got confused by all the ambiguity about Sephiroth in the remake.

            • 10 months ago

              bro? the clones were all over the og

              • 10 months ago

                Sephiroth never inhabited the "clones" in the original. Nor did he appear as a hallucination. He only ever appeared as the shapeshifted main Jenova body. Which he doesn't at all in the remake, by the way.

        • 10 months ago

          No moron, you are the one applying irrelevant shit from a bunch of spinoff games to FF7. The kingdom hearts cloud and sephiroth bullshit has no relevance to the original game, and Cloud's Jenova cells have nothing to do with Sephiroth appearing, they only compel him to chase Sephiroth. Sephiroth appears throughout the game because Jenova's body from Shinra HQ is shapeshifted into him and being remotely puppeteered by him.

          • 10 months ago

            I'n not using the kingdom hearts thing as evidence. you are reiterating my point that sephiroth is stuck dead and fused to jenova. you just assume he is the one controlling meteor and the plot instead of jenova because you want to. he only gained a personality during advent children. and at that point he just exists to taunt cloud. which is why when he shows up in kingdom hearts that's his dynamic with cloud. he even has the same dynamic in fricking smash bros.
            Advent Children Sephiroth does not act like end of FF7 Sephiroth. Sephiroth is not consistent enough of a character to tell what his plans are after Meteor fails. meteor is easily attributed to jenova because of the way every other Final Fantasy plays out except 6. jenova is the cloud of darkness or zeromus or chaos of 7, and is the final boss.

            • 10 months ago

              No, I assume nothing, I state what the game explains, and also what the developers clarified in the official Ultimania guidebook to people like you who were too stupid to understand the plot.

              Also, Kingdom Hearts came out before Advent Children. Not that you would remember since you probably weren't even born at the time.

  11. 10 months ago


    FF7R did a good job with its hybrid realtime with pause system, id expect more of it in the future

  12. 10 months ago

    It is a very tired thing to hear Kefka won because it's usually meant to score points for him all the while missing the point of the game. Kefka did not succeed. His plan was to get people to see the world as he saw it and give up. He left them alive and was constantly aggravated they wouldn't give up and agree with him that life was pointless. Hope was brought up as early as Bannons hideout as the main theme. He could have killed everyone immediately if that was his goal. It wasn't and he failed.

  13. 10 months ago

    He did, though.

  14. 10 months ago


    It's not possible for 2 people to be correct about completely different takes on a story which has a canonical explanation. Your posts are obnoxious.

  15. 10 months ago

    Kefka's main saving grace is that he freaks the frick out whenever confronted with the fact he doesn't really have any reason to believe anything that he does or to hold the nihilistic viewpoints he does, case in point: people finding reasons to live even after he's deliberately making their lives a living Hell in the world of ruin

    He loses every ideological and physical battle he has and, really, being able to slap around the Warring Triad is pretty much just writer's fiat; he's a logistical and philosophical dead end with nothing to believe in and no real reason for doing anything he's doing, and he's semi-aware of it but too crazy to care

    • 10 months ago

      Note: I am not actually saying Kefka is well-written or even particularly thought-provoking at all, actually I would say the exact opposite and I think he's one of the weakest villains in all of Final Fantasy, even weaker than Chaos who's only vaguely alluded to just barely before his final boss fight in FF1 and has even less information tying him to Garland before that point

      But I do think it's somewhat the point that Kefka is a weak villain and that even a shrieking toddler in an adult's body with aspirations of godhood who immediately grows bored of his new divinity once he's gotten it can be villain fodder

      • 10 months ago

        Well it helps that he's got Dancing Mad. Kefka is a really simple villain, but he sure left an impression.

        • 10 months ago

          That basically explains it. He's horribly written, but leaves an impression because he gets astonishingly cool 'setpieces' made for him like that.

    • 10 months ago

      Note: I am not actually saying Kefka is well-written or even particularly thought-provoking at all, actually I would say the exact opposite and I think he's one of the weakest villains in all of Final Fantasy, even weaker than Chaos who's only vaguely alluded to just barely before his final boss fight in FF1 and has even less information tying him to Garland before that point

      But I do think it's somewhat the point that Kefka is a weak villain and that even a shrieking toddler in an adult's body with aspirations of godhood who immediately grows bored of his new divinity once he's gotten it can be villain fodder

      That's... what makes him good.
      Kefka's motivations are entirely philosophical. He's not looking for a vendetta, he's not looking for riches or power for its own sake. His past, while tragic, isn't really relevant since the game barely dwells on it. He's both the embodiment of nihilism as well as the self-debunking nature of nihilism. He's a complex ideological paradox and that's a very hard thing to pull off in story-telling, especially so in videogames. Kefka reminds me a lot of Dostoyevksy's characters in that he represents an idea more than a "normal" person.

      • 10 months ago

        My post was that Kefka is a philosophical dead-end, he doesn't actually have a goal in mind seeing as once he achieves godhood (and one of the very, very few characters in Final Fantasy as a franchise to be identified as a true god instead of a force-of-nature like crystals) he is instantly bored of it and bored of terrorizing the world's inhabitants

        While it's probably the point that he's such a dead end, it doesn't make for a particularly compelling villain motivation and it doesn't excuse to me that Kefka mainly moves around the plot by sheer force of convenience, up to and including poisoning Doma instead of razing the city because he's not magically powerful enough to accomplish the latter

        I don't find his lack of motivation very interesting

        • 10 months ago

          I think it is, since it touches on getting everything you want and still not finding satisfaction. He enslaves the world and absolutely trashes it, but he's already bored of it. He's a petulant lunatic manchild, and he only becomes engaged again as his demon generals begin to plummet and the party rises up to try and overthrow him.

          I'm not saying he's thought provoking or deep. Most FF final bosses aren't and largely get setup to be big targets for the player to punch out, but it's nice seeing someone attain godhood and then be like, "...so, now what?"

  16. 10 months ago

    Uh yeah? A bad actually achieving his goals is a bad thing? moron

  17. 10 months ago


    because he's just some random moron who gains control and unleashes chaos because hes insane. he's the school shooter of rpg villains

    • 10 months ago

      That's why he's great, he's just some lunatic butthole who Mr Magoo'd his way into becoming God and he has no real plan or ideological goal beyond making people suffer because he's an insane sociopathic sadist

    • 10 months ago

      his motivations and downfall are explained in the game
      he's not a bad villain because your dumb ass didn't grasp the theme that theyre beating you over the head with the entire time

  18. 10 months ago

    He's the best because he's fun. Most FF villains are boring anime pretty boys with cliche motives and boring personalities. Kefka isn't very original, he's just the fricking Joker with magic, but he's a billion times more fun than basically any other villain in the series. And him basically winning half way through is a very cool moment.

    • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago


  19. 10 months ago


    it's not bad, it just doesn't make him this alleged magnum opus of villainy.

    his motivations and downfall are explained in the game
    he's not a bad villain because your dumb ass didn't grasp the theme that theyre beating you over the head with the entire time

    i played it over 10 years ago so go ahead and refresh me on what i missed

    • 10 months ago

      Kefka becomes insane because of nihilism, becomes a sadist and thinks the heroes are delusional for trying to save the world because it is worthless, so he wants to break them
      in the end they beat him because each found individual reasons to live (meaning) in their lives and their will to live overpowered his will to prove them wrong

      • 10 months ago

        so he was really doing them all a big favor in the end

        • 10 months ago

          depends on your view of life

  20. 10 months ago

    DQ7 bros I dont feel so good

    • 10 months ago

      >that thumbnail
      That is literally the last human being on Earth I'd expect to play DQ7.

  21. 10 months ago

    Kefka kind of reminds me of myself - intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.

  22. 10 months ago

    I dont get the stranger of paradise game. How are Garland and the Emperor from FF2 existing in the same universe?

    • 10 months ago

      >I dont get the stranger of paradise game. How are Garland and the Emperor from FF2 existing in the same universe?
      The game is full of multiverse bullshit and has connections with dissidia.

      • 10 months ago

        And not that i dislike how it does it. What i hate is Dissidia being acknowledged.

  23. 10 months ago


    He's a homosexual and if he didn't; wear a trenchcoat no one would fricking care.

  24. 10 months ago

    His boss fight was great but his actual character was just

    • 10 months ago

      the fact that people unironically compare him to the joker should tell you everything lol

      • 10 months ago

        Black person, anons couldn't keep themselves from """ironically"""" Jokerposting for years after that homosexual movie.

      • 10 months ago

        Low IQ morons call every villain the Joker.

  25. 10 months ago

    The 2d FF games are all boring

  26. 10 months ago

    They really should have made Geshtal more of an imposing figure in WoB so Kefka betraying him would have been a bigger twist.

    • 10 months ago

      yeah he could have been better, came off as a lame old gay

  27. 10 months ago

    In terms of having a menacing presence throughout the story I think it's hard to beat Sephiroth. He's also balanced better with Shinra as secondary antagonists throughout the plot rather than the whole Empire being the primary antagonists of FF6 until Kefka takes over and they're eliminated from the story entirely. FF6 feels like a rough draft that was refined in FF7 in a lot of ways really.

    • 10 months ago

      Kefka is more sadistic in a "I want to fricking get that guy" sense, and sephiroth is more menacing like a horror movie killer
      both are good

    • 10 months ago

      Sephiroth is probably the best Final Fantasy villain for the simple reason that he actually shows up for a lot of the game.
      also helps that he personally antagonizes the main characters in a lot of the scenes where he shows up.

      • 10 months ago

        This is a good point. The gratuitous destruction he leaves in his wake was extremely well-delivered throughout the course of the first part of FFVII and you get enough exposure to him to eventually really hate the guy (especially after he murders Aeris).

        Unless Kefka’s villainy really takes off 2/3rds of the way into FFVI, nothing I’ve seen of him so far has been impressive enough to make me think much of him as a villain. The delivery of his criminal behavior just seems annoying rather than evil on a personal level the same way it does in FFVII.

    • 10 months ago

      Sephiroth is a jobber, he never beat Cloud in a fair fight

      Not even once

      • 10 months ago

        That's what makes him all the more brilliant, he is pure presence where Cloud is terrified of him and is manipulated by him but in reality he's Seph's natural predator and the latter is doing it out of spite.

  28. 10 months ago

    Kefka wishes

    • 10 months ago

      >a Black person parasite with nothing but carnal instincts driving him
      chrono trigger may be overrated to a degree but lavos is definitely an actual great villain

      • 10 months ago

        >he didn't play til the true ending

        • 10 months ago

          >retcon because chrono cross existed when they remade trigger for ds

      • 10 months ago

        >carnal instincts
        I must've missed the part where Lavos was literally fricking the planet.

        • 10 months ago

          >he hasn't fought the true final boss which is lavos's massive dick

          • 10 months ago

            >He didn’t reach the Lavos Sperm gank phase by beating Lavos Dick with just Chrono and Marle

  29. 10 months ago

    7 was my first FF game and I find all the games before 7 boring. I kinda find all the ones after 7 boring too. I sorta liked 8 but hated 9 and dropped 10 after a few hours as the characters were too cringey and anime, I dont play mmos so didnt play 11 or 14, 12 was extremely boring with terrible characters, 13 was dreadful weeb anime crap, 15 was kinda ok as the main guys were likeable and 16 was boring. Basically I really only like 7 (and 7 remake and crisis core).

    • 10 months ago

      10's story was insane u missed out

    • 10 months ago

      >7 was my first FF game and I find all the games before 7 boring.

      I honestly don't blame you. It has by far the best main story sequence of the series, and it makes perfect sense that it's held in high regard because of that. You're right that 15 is the least bad other one though.

      10's story was insane u missed out

      >10's story was insane u missed out
      No. 10 is ultimately the best game in the series for other reasons, but it's story is obnoxious and mostly involves waiting around for the characters who clearly know more than you do to reveal the things they've clearly foreshadowed they're going to reveal.

  30. 10 months ago

    He's the best because he is the exact specimen that occurs when the slave collar fricks up on a magically enhanced human. He's basically what terra would be if she wasn't a literal 14 year old fanfic "half demon half human half angel" horseshit.

    He's completely fricking batshit insane, but is still cognizant of everything he wants to do, and makes it happen. It starts with little things like the poisonings, the assault on narshe, but when he sees an opportunity he reached out and yoinked it. He saw the warring gods and realized he could completely remove any pretense of specialized, held power. He basically threw the entire world into chaos for his goals because he wanted it, and said "Frick all yall, I'm getting mine"
    And then he DID IT. He DID succeed. He DID become a god. He DID achieve ultimate power. It just wasn't enough.

  31. 10 months ago

    The best villain is the one that has arguably better motives than the protagonist

    • 10 months ago

      i love 8 but people who think squall died or rinoa is ultimecia need to talk to a wall

    • 10 months ago

      >debunked theory

    • 10 months ago

      /fitlit/ himself?

      • 10 months ago

        >Gets Occuria mojo and transforms
        >Loses pants
        What did Venat mean by this?

  32. 10 months ago

    It is fricking mesmerizing to watch final fantasy debates after you realize just how much it was shaped by what people played as kids and what was and wasn't localized

    People write off half the retro series because they literally just did not play them as kids so it's all 1,4,6,7
    Sometimes even Mystic Quest gets mentioned and that's a footnote of a game if I've ever seen one

    • 10 months ago

      Mystic quest is just a genuine 6/10 game. It's average, and then it gets a nudge to the side of "slightly above" by it's neat mechanics and puzzle-y elements.
      And yeah a lot of the input most people have is based on what they played as kids, nostalgia is a frick of a factor. I'll stand by 6 being my favorite, and I think it's the best because of a whole host of factors, but I'm able to enjoy 3 a lot. I first played it as an NES translation, then the DS port (Frick wifi message spamming to get the shard for OK though), and it's definitely a very close second, but I still prefer 6.

      I'll play SMRPG over both though. I will pick that game 100% of the time, every time.

      • 10 months ago

        Mystic Quest's biggest problem is being ugly as shit

        • 10 months ago

          No arguments here. Originally it was supposed to be an NES game, but when they got the dev kit for the SNES, they transferred a lot of progress over and reorganized the project. Similarly to FF4.

  33. 10 months ago

    >S tier
    Sephiroth, Emet-Selch, Zenos, Chaos (Jack Garland ver.)
    >A tier
    Exdeath, Ultimecia, Jecht
    >B tier
    Zeromus, other FFXI/FFXIV final bosses
    >C tier
    Emperor, Kefka
    >Just a metaphor for death/despair/entropy tier
    Cloud of Darkness, Necron, Endsinger
    >literally who tier
    FF12 emperor guy, Orphan

    • 10 months ago

      >Jack Garland immediatly put at the top
      Opinion discarded.

    • 10 months ago

      Necron isnt a villain

      • 10 months ago

        >Necron instead of Kuja
        >But Jecht instead of Yu Yevon

        It's a little bizarre

    • 10 months ago

      >Putting Zenos anywhere above B tier at best
      homie please, he was the most generic "villain" we've seen in a long time and felt like a shitty self-insert for someone and was a deus ex machina plot for Endwalker at best. That shitty scene post-meteion/pre-1v1 "That, I can't deny" was awful and made no sense.
      Not technically a villain, just kinda shoehorned in for Dissidia's sake because noone knows who the frick yu-yevon is and Sin is too big/animal-like while Jecht is an easy human model and had some beef with his kid who happened to be the protagonist.

      Decent otherwise. I didn't know what to think about Jack Chaos at first but the more I thought on it and seeing the storyline as a whole, I actually grew to like him. Better representation than MobiusFF's version of Garland & Chaos for sure.

      • 10 months ago

        Does SoP Garland even count as a villain proper?

        • 10 months ago

          "technically" he's the "real" Chaos/Garland in FF1 so in a roundabout way, yes.

          • 10 months ago

            I thought the game recontextualizes his whole thing as a larping act

            • 10 months ago

              No, the final cutscene shows him as Chaos as the actual Dissidia/FFXIV Warrior of Light in Blue Armor and Horned Helmet walks in with 3 allies, suggesting that the REAL Warriors of Light from FF1 have finally arrived to take him out and begin the final loop.

              • 10 months ago

                shows him in Garland's armor* rather

              • 10 months ago

                Which is why they never say his last name until the end of the game: Jack Garland. He is THE Garland that becomes Chaos.

              • 10 months ago

                die xiv Black person

      • 10 months ago

        >Sin is too big/animal-like
        if only there was some kind of human "core" of Sin they could have used. Possibly one with a connection to the protagonist.

  34. 10 months ago

    Best final boss music coming through

    • 10 months ago

      Nuh uh

    • 10 months ago

      B A Z E D

    • 10 months ago

      better than one winged angel

  35. 10 months ago

    >greatest boss track in series isn't even a final boss


  36. 10 months ago

    >Dancing Mad & the ending's theme are 38 minutes of pure kino
    Nothing personnel, other Final Fantasy enjoyer kiddos.

  37. 10 months ago

    Ironically FFVI did a lot of thing so right, people still rank it higher than pretty much anything after FFX.

    I would consider FFVI the peak of the classic 2D style.
    FF7 to me is the innovator of the 3D classic era.
    FFX seems the peak of the 3D era, I think.

    FFXII seems basically the last game the original leftovers of the 90's team made.

    Anything after 12 should have been a diferent IP I guess.

    • 10 months ago

      I preferred FFIV over FFVI. I don’t know why the hell FFVI was so boring to me.

    • 10 months ago

      Ironic since FFXIII was pretty much made by the X team. And it was pretty much structured just like X.

      >straight line till you hit a big field at the end then it opens up
      but muh townarinos!!

  38. 10 months ago

    The only thing about ff6 that matters is the fat that getting Gau's rages is a pain in the fricking ass. Frick that shit.

  39. 10 months ago

    I never understood "he actually succeeds" because at the end of the game the world heals itself when he dies. Sure magic is gone but magic is why this all happened in the first place, nobody's going to miss it.

    • 10 months ago

      I dont recall the world healing, just that magic fades away. Place is still in ruin, but they can rebuild.

      • 10 months ago

        The landscape changes colors back to how it originally was which is the closest thing to "healing" you can honestly convey in this game. To be fair nobody really comments on it happening, so who knows if it means anything at all.

        • 10 months ago

          When Kefka was in charge plants couldn't grow, in the ending cinematic you can see new plants growing back

  40. 10 months ago

    Kefka’s the best villain because he’s based and clownpilled

  41. 10 months ago

    >Creates a timeloop to live forever
    >This timeloop effectively involves dying to the Warriors of Light over and over.
    >he considers this a win because ???

    • 10 months ago

      How did the writer from 36 years ago come up with the concept of timeloop?

      • 10 months ago

        Probably to tie it into the name of the game.

      • 10 months ago

        I know this may shock you anon, but the concept of time loops didn't just spontaneously spring into existence 35 years ago.

      • 10 months ago

        The Girl Who Leapt Through Time came out in Japan in the 60’s, and had a hit live action movie in 1983. That’s a likely inspiration.

    • 10 months ago

      play jack's game

    • 10 months ago

      Please no, I can't stand these "Actually this iconic villain was a good guy all along fighting the secret true villains by pretending to be bad so the heroes would be ready" retcons, they're the actual worst.

      >Kefka: I was only trying to destroy everything so that we can break free from the matrix that the true villains caged us in and regain our freedom!

  42. 10 months ago

    I played FF1-6 and Kefka is the one thing that's wrong with FF6. All FF games I played have moments where the story breaks down and it all just becomes "child playing with toys by smashing them together" tier storytelling. IIRC FF5 is the worst offender, followed by 3 and to much lesser extent 4. Kefka is this story collapse personified.
    >Second time we see him he poisons a castle's water supply, causing everyone to drop dead instantly (??) except the playable character (???) because FF cartoonish bullshit
    >The asspull after asspull on crescent island where Kefka pulls off a KO on multiple espers because reasons, then MORE espers inexplicably leave their world to be KO'd as well and leave the front door open because we can't write and need villains to be dangerous again
    >The ass-pull on the floating continent where Kefka gets free plot armor then fumbles his way to becoming the endgame villain
    >The finale where of course the Japs needed to throw together some half-assed last-minute philosophical musings to make the game look deep
    If you removed Kefka from FF6 and replaced him with anything else, it would improve the game immensely.

    • 10 months ago

      >If you removed Kefka from FF6 and replaced him with anything else, it would improve the game immensely.
      There's a lot more you'd have to do to make FF6's story functional, let alone good, but replacing Kefka with anything else would be a good start.
      Among many other things, you'd also have to-
      >Elaborate on what the frick Espers and their world actually are - establish clear rules so Espers don't randomly switch between being uber-powerful demigods one minute and helpless little babies the next.
      >Make Emperor Gestahl an actual character with actual motivations.
      >Either commit more seriously to the "there's been no magic for 1,000 years, but now it's coming back" plot element or say "frick it" and cut it out completely - no having your cake and eating it too.
      >Rewrite various character backstories to keep the stuff about them that works while making the dumb/contrived shit less dumb/contrived as much as possible.
      >Come up with a better reason for why no one has discovered Thamasa or the magic there other than "lol lmao".

      • 10 months ago

        on what the frick Espers and their world actually are - establish clear rules so Espers don't randomly switch between being uber-powerful demigods one minute and helpless little babies the next.
        Espers are magical beings and their world is just a separate place/plane. They were powerful, but built up by stories to be more powerful than they actually were in the post-magic world, and the Empire (thanks to having Terra and other captured espers) had the tech to control & develop magitek to subdue/weaken/drain them
        >>Make Emperor Gestahl an actual character with actual motivations.
        homie's shown to be a power-hungry Emperor who wants to expand his Empire and envelop other city-states, what more motivation does he need?
        commit more seriously to the "there's been no magic for 1,000 years, but now it's coming back" plot element or say "frick it" and cut it out completely - no having your cake and eating it too.
        How much more seriously does it have to commit? It was gone because Espers were sealed off, and as above, the greedy Empire's research found them, extracted the power and put it into Humans like Kefka & Celes (possibly others but they never get mentioned besides Experiment boss fights, or the leftovers at Kefka's Tower later)
        various character backstories to keep the stuff about them that works while making the dumb/contrived shit less dumb/contrived as much as possible.
        >>Come up with a better reason for why no one has discovered Thamasa or the magic there other than "lol lmao".
        There are a whopping 2 Airships in the world, neither of which cared to go find it. Normal ships had no reason to go there, at least in our timeline. Though when you arrive, they act like a normal bunch of people other than the stupid kids in the back, and for most normies who would just be exploring/passing by, they'd probably never catch anything out of the ordinary happening. Alternatively, "It's magic, I ain't gotta explain shit LOL"

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah, I always kind of disliked Kefka but as a kid was never able to articulate why, and my friend loved him. I mean an (evil) clown is fundamentally cool and terrifying, I've no problem with that aspect of him.

      But it's the unreal amounts of plot armor and plot contrivance he gets. There's no reason given why anyone even tolerates his presence, someone that evil and deranged should just be put down by the other characters.

      • 10 months ago

        >But it's the unreal amounts of plot armor and plot contrivance he gets. There's no reason given why anyone even tolerates his presence, someone that evil and deranged should just be put down by the other characters.

        Well that's not true. The whole reason Kefka gets away with the atrocities is because the Emperor doesn't really mind it because practically everything Kefka does until the 1st half of the game furthers the Emperor's goals.

        It's just that the Emperor believed he actually had control over Kefka as seen in the floating continent. But really it's like if someone "owned" a wild Tiger, Bear or Wolf only for the animal to kill it's "owner".

        • 10 months ago

          That's the point of the character though he's dressed like a goof. By design he isn't supposed to be seen as a threat. He can explain exactly what he's doing but because he's a clown it isn't taken seriously. He's beneath contempt and the fatal character flaw of Gestahl was not taking him seriously until it was too late. Just treating him like a rabid attack dog that was hilarious until it bit him

          The concept of Kefka's character is easy to understand. The execution is just dogshit.
          Gestahl thinking he could control Kefka just makes him look like a moron. But then again he's not even really a character - he just does whatever is needed to move the stupid plot forward.
          Gestahl's ultimate objective is stupid to begin with, but even if we just go with it, Kefka's actions do more to hinder it than help it. Killing people because "lol lmao" doesn't actually help anyone achieve anything.
          Because the writing is so shit and there's no thought put into anything in FF6's world, Kefka just comes off as an idiot manchild who gets away with mass slaughter because everyone around him is equally stupid or stupider.

          • 10 months ago

            >Why don't characters in the story act with omnipotence and with a rational consideration for what I know as the audience?
            Over the years I've honestly learned to hate people who approach media like this.

            Why did they tolerate Mussolini? Why did they allow Idi Amin to take control? Who thought Turkmenbashi was a good idea? How come Putin let his army attack Ukraine if they were going to frick it up so bad?

            Autocracy is moronic in a lot of ways, especially when it's focused on the idea that the autocrat is great and going to make the future of the nation alone. Gestalh knew some of the strongest magic the Empire could teach, he probably didn't fear Kefka at all, and his big mistake was not realizing the Goddesses were also conflict-hungry bastards who would help Kefka.

      • 10 months ago

        That's the point of the character though he's dressed like a goof. By design he isn't supposed to be seen as a threat. He can explain exactly what he's doing but because he's a clown it isn't taken seriously. He's beneath contempt and the fatal character flaw of Gestahl was not taking him seriously until it was too late. Just treating him like a rabid attack dog that was hilarious until it bit him

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah, I enjoy parts of Kefka well enough myself but I came to this thread specifically to bring up the esper mass murder scene and the floating continent one. Those two are so essential to his character but both came off as unearned and out of nowhere. The latter especially felt strange because they had one really brief offhand mention of the statues and then a couple of hours later it suddenly turns out they're the most important thing in the whole world.

    • 10 months ago

      >drop dead instantly except the playable character
      This is called the anthropic principle. He didn't survive because he's the playable character, being the sole survivor is precisely what makes him the playable character. If he dropped dead and someone else survived that person would be the party member.
      >KO on multiple espers because reasons
      He turned them to Magicite, which is what he had been working on in the Research Facility where they had a bunch of captive Espers. He had previously been draining their magic using an inferior process for harnessing magic power, but after Ramuh explains to the party the true power of an Esper is in Magicite, they go to the research facility to find Ramuh's friends. When Ifrit and Shiva (whom Kefka pushed into the trash), and later Terra's dad and the others turn to Magicite, Kefka shows up and sees the true method. That's why he says "hahaha thanks Celes" to sow discord amongst the party about her being a possible traitor, because he really did learn something from this.
      >free plot armor then fumbles his way to becoming the endgame villain
      What plot armor did Kefka have on the Floating Continent? The power of the Warring Triad is already established in the cave with the miniature gold statues, where you fight Ultros the third time. The inscription talks about how unsealing them will cause the world to be ruined. The Triad has already been established as the ultimate destructive power Kefka is trying to obtain by going to this continent in the first place. How the frick did he "fumble his way to endgame villain" when that was his plan from the beginning? The Magitek Research Facility, following Terra to the door to the Esper world, betraying the emperor. What part of this is "fumbling" or "asspull"? He seems to be doing everything meticulously, in contrast to his insane jester-like appearance and mannerisms.

      • 10 months ago

        >What plot armor did Kefka have on the Floating Continent?
        He had it ever since his encounter in Narshe. The idiot party doesn't think to kill him there and then, they don't think to kill him when he poisons Doma, they don't kill him when he's in a jail cell in Vector (these idiots should've seen Gestahl's betrayal a mile away) and then to top it off, when he does appear, he's now stronger than everything in the universe before he's even at the floating continent. There's no explanation or reasoning for it whatsoever,Him killing the 3 super guardian magitek armors was moronic because it was shown that they can't take damage from anything, and now the game is like "tee hee Kefka uses magic to kill them without breaking a sweat". It's a cheap copout. But honestly the biggest problem is when Celes stabs him infront of the warring triad. You don't come back from a stabbing, especially from a sword. He should've died there, but the game is like "haha no he lives because magic".

        It's at that point that you realize that the story will asspull any excuse to keep him alive because they want him to be the final boss, even if he acts like an idiot.

        • 10 months ago

          Doma is before Narshe, maybe you should actually play the game again.

        • 10 months ago

          He fled, they had no chance to kill him. The villain actually being present in the story, encountering the party is a good thing I think. Operating from the shadows/last minute final boss reveal is usually shit. But showing up in person early/often requires that there be a way to make sure the story continues to have a villain. But that doesn't mean it's always plot armor. In this case they couldn't corner Kefka or block his escape route while protecting the Esper.
          Gestahl kept him alive because he's just as much a piece of shit who uses any means necessary to achieve his goals. He stole a newborn baby out of its dying mothers arms because she might have magic powers, so while he acts like he repudiates Kefka for his actions in Doma he's obviously just glad his goal was achieved. It's not plot armor because it's in character for the emperor. He's not a nice guy who got swindled, he a bad guy who approved of Kefka's methods.
          They do see it coming, but they have no authority to waltz into Vector and execute one of its prisoners. They mention after the dinner that the emperor seems untrustworthy but they had no chance to kill Kefka at any point. Not to mention the fact that since they saw the betrayal coming, they assumed Gestahl was the main threat, not Kefka.
          >killing the 3 super guardian magitek armors
          Honestly I don't remember what this is. I might give it to you but I'd have to look it up or something. I thought the next time you see him is when he kills Leo and turns the Espers to Magicite (the latter I already mentioned he learned at the Magitek Research Facility).

          • 10 months ago

            >Honestly I don't remember what this is. I might give it to you but I'd have to look it up or something. I thought the next time you see him is when he kills Leo and turns the Espers to Magicite (the latter I already mentioned he learned at the Magitek Research Facility).

            I think he's referring to the 3-Magitek Armour guys get wiped out by Kefka when he neutralises the Espers abilities before he transforms them to Magicite. Technically if you fight them as Leo they're the Guardians, but it's likely only that to prevent the player from escaping Thamasa.

        • 10 months ago

          He fled, they had no chance to kill him. The villain actually being present in the story, encountering the party is a good thing I think. Operating from the shadows/last minute final boss reveal is usually shit. But showing up in person early/often requires that there be a way to make sure the story continues to have a villain. But that doesn't mean it's always plot armor. In this case they couldn't corner Kefka or block his escape route while protecting the Esper.
          Gestahl kept him alive because he's just as much a piece of shit who uses any means necessary to achieve his goals. He stole a newborn baby out of its dying mothers arms because she might have magic powers, so while he acts like he repudiates Kefka for his actions in Doma he's obviously just glad his goal was achieved. It's not plot armor because it's in character for the emperor. He's not a nice guy who got swindled, he a bad guy who approved of Kefka's methods.
          They do see it coming, but they have no authority to waltz into Vector and execute one of its prisoners. They mention after the dinner that the emperor seems untrustworthy but they had no chance to kill Kefka at any point. Not to mention the fact that since they saw the betrayal coming, they assumed Gestahl was the main threat, not Kefka.
          >killing the 3 super guardian magitek armors
          Honestly I don't remember what this is. I might give it to you but I'd have to look it up or something. I thought the next time you see him is when he kills Leo and turns the Espers to Magicite (the latter I already mentioned he learned at the Magitek Research Facility).

          >the biggest problem is when Celes stabs him infront of the warring triad
          I could concede here if not for the fact that he gave Celes the sword in the first place. Kefka's plot armor in surviving this is balanced by the plot moronation of handing your enemy a sword and turning your back while asking them to kill their friends. If we want to remove plot-induced silliness then even before Kefka gets stabbed, Celes would never have been given the opportunity to stab him in the first place. I'm not saying two wrongs make a right, but if we want to untangle the >plot moments you still end up with Kefka surviving.
          Alternately it could be argued that because Kefka gave her the sword he expected this. Especially since he tried to frick with her before by implying she was a traitor working for him right in front of her friends. In that case he would expect that turning his back on her gives her an opening and would be prepared to avoid getting hit in a vital organ or something like that. What I'm saying is if we want to fix the plot silliness, this scene still always plays out with Kefka surviving.

  43. 10 months ago

    I just think he's entertaining. Funny how a timid girl's main foil is a psycho clown.

  44. 10 months ago

    It's kind of a weird praise because almost every FF villains succeeds in the same space as Kefka, and almost every FF game has a "World of Ruin" segment, Merged World in V, Meteor in the sky in VII, etc.

    • 10 months ago

      Nah , 7 and to a lesser extent 5 is linear in how you can approach it , with the world of ruin you can literally go to the end game the moment you get the falcon , it's non linearity is unmatched across the final fantasy games

      • 10 months ago

        >it's non linearity is unmatched across the final fantasy games
        Because it was shit.

      • 10 months ago

        It's exactly the same thing as Merged World opening up a dozen dungeons you can ignore and go straight to Dimensional Rift. 7 is linear in that you have to do the Big Materia quest and Midgar before you can go to Northern Cave but the world final crisis theme is the same.

  45. 10 months ago

    I was very disappointed in it and FF is my favorite franchise, played almost every mainline and was saving it towards the end.

    I hate you homosexuals. Stop hyping shit up. You know something is wrong when Ganker consensus about among the best of all time is shared by reddit and internet at large.

    Trigger is overrated as hell too but at least it's still a pretty good game.

    • 10 months ago

      >You know something is wrong when Ganker consensus about among the best of all time is shared by reddit and internet at large.
      the grammar of this is all fricked up but I think you're trying to say if everyone agrees something is good, then you know it isn't good. if that is the case you're truly a confused moron. hopefully I just read it wrong.

  46. 10 months ago

    FF6 is not very good. Why is it praised so much?

    • 10 months ago

      It is a rock solid game with great and varied locations, a charismatic cast of characters and decent RPG mechanics. It deserves its praise.

      • 10 months ago

        We don't seem to have the same definition of rock solid.

      • 10 months ago

        >charismatic cast
        Ah yes like Gau, Gogo, Yeti, Mog, Strago. If it was just Terra, Locke, Celes, Cyan the twins and maybe Setzer, though Edgar could have the airship attached to him. Instead they spread everyone too thin that nobody feels developed. Doesn't help that the World of Ruin is aimless and lacking any pacing where most of them get their agency taken away.

  47. 10 months ago

    its a shame pretty much everyone hates ff now
    i liked the xiii trilogy, flawed as they were, and even though ffxv was bad, there were some decent elements to it
    and during the times of those games, really enjoyable spinoffs were still coming out like dissidia and world of final fantasy
    the ffvii remake is kinda cheeky and shouldn't have been called a remake but rather a reimagining, but it was fun
    don't own a PS5 so i don't know anything about the new game
    i want the devil may cry capcom guys to remake dirge of cerberus lol

  48. 10 months ago

    He's the best because when he laughs it is with such villainous mirth that it breaks the format of the text box and becomes audible.

  49. 10 months ago

    He doesn’t even succeed. That’s the funny part.

    The party literally goes to him and says “lol, we can rebuild gay” and then slaughters him. The entire point of Kefka is that his nihilist philosophy is self-defeating.

  50. 10 months ago

    >Emperor Gestahl has fallen

  51. 10 months ago

    I like early on in that section when you're playing Sabin and Kefka keeps running away from you each time you get to him, and he's pretty weak when you actually fight him. It made it feel like he was actually really weak and cowardly which is unusual for a main antagonist and it would make him becoming all powerful halfway through feel more meaningful. They kind of ruin it by having you fight him again a bit later on and him being way stronger for some reason, but I still liked that earlier part.

  52. 10 months ago

    Why are people so obsessed with FF games being “dark” and having “bad ends”?

    Dark =/= mature, and FF games were always the vidya equivalent of Disney movies where the point is that they have a happy, or at the very least a bittersweet ending no matter how dark the story gets.

    FFVI isn’t even that dark relative to the other FF games. In fact, 80-90% of the game is very tongue-in-cheek and goofy.

  53. 10 months ago

    I thought 6 was boring and never understood the constant jerking off it gets. It's not a bad game and I like things in it, but the plot is garbage. A brown ugly world, empire bad, stupid joker rip off villain.

  54. 10 months ago

    For me, the part I hate about Kefka and Exdeath and Golbez is how they keep getting convenient asspulls to save them when they should've died at multiple points in the story.

    >Galuf defeats Exdeath at the crystal tree

    >Cecil and pals reduce Golbez to an amputated arm

    >Kefka gets beaten multiple times by both Leo and Terra

    No, butthole. I beat you in battle, therefore you lay down and die. You do not to come back. You have finished your role in the story. Anything else is a moronic copout, be it illusions or "i was just holding back". It's all the same lazy writing. Not that later FF games were immune to this.

    >beat Seymour to death
    >um sweatie he's undead you can't beat him

    >beat him again
    >um sweatie hes still alive

    >beat him AGAIN
    >sorry, still no

    >only when they're in sin do they think to send this stupid butthole

    I don't want to sympathize with moron JRPG characters who can't put together even a miniscule amount of common sense.

    • 10 months ago

      Yuna tried to send Seymour but she couldn't cause it's a whole ceremony

  55. 10 months ago

    FF6 worship comes from early days of the internet when FF7 got huge, the proto-hipsters latched onto FF6 in a desperate attempt to try and feel superior to mainstream.

  56. 10 months ago

    Game is actually dogshit constantly splitting party and punishing over leveling I took the bait for sure. Made it to Blackjack Exploration and forced into another long sequence with that homosexual Locke unable to be switched out

  57. 10 months ago

    Explain to me why he is shit then? Very rarely the villain actually manages to achieve his goals

  58. 10 months ago

    That doesn't make the villain good, but a villain succeeding was a good, surprising plot twist. Didn't happen often.

  59. 10 months ago

    i wonder what sorts of degenerate things he did with terra

  60. 10 months ago

    Imagine a FF Origin game based on Kefka's descent to madness.

    • 10 months ago

      Please no, I can't stand these "Actually this iconic villain was a good guy all along fighting the secret true villains by pretending to be bad so the heroes would be ready" retcons, they're the actual worst.

      • 10 months ago

        >Please no, I can't stand these "Actually this iconic villain was a good guy all along fighting the secret true villains by pretending to be bad so the heroes would be ready" retcons, they're the actual worst.

        and guess what happened with FF15 in the Ardyn DLC?
        EXACTLY THAT minus the "so the heroes would be ready" part, you never fight Bahamut after the evil reveal

      • 10 months ago

        >Kefka: I was only trying to destroy everything so that we can break free from the matrix that the true villains caged us in and regain our freedom!

    • 10 months ago

      Could be good. Please just don't let Nojima write it.

  61. 10 months ago

    Ardyn is forsure evil, his story is so good too

    he was chosen to be king 1000 years before Noctis but he became so powerful and egotistical that he became immortal and he got tired of his responsibility as king so he wanted to die but he couldnt and he found out the only way he can die is to kill the entire planet to cut off his Kings bond

    Noctis is basically the opposite Noctis wants to save the world and keep the world safe and Noctis realizes if he sacrifices himself he can kill Ardyn and stop the world from dying

    Beautiful story to be honest

    try zombie panic, co-op horror, free on steam if u download today

    • 10 months ago

      >his story is so good too

      not when his DLC pulled retcons to make him a "did nothing wrong" character and ruined the ending of the game

  62. 10 months ago

    The best games are 7, 8, 10, 11, 13

  63. 10 months ago

    I certainly wouldn’t say Kefka is the best FF villain, but he was when VI came out. VI was an amazing game when it released that blew pretty much every other RPG of the time out of the water. The Emperor, Golbez, and Exdeath are generic bwahaha Saturday morning cartoon villains for their entire games (95% of it for Golbez). Kefka show up more regularly and does more throughout his game, has the arc of rising from lackey to godhood, and has an actual philosophy (Xande had a proto-Kuja philosophy, but he barely exists in III).

    He was one of the best videogame villains when his game released, but games advanced and almost every FF villain after is superior. I say this as someone that was a rabid FF VI fan when it was current.

    • 10 months ago

      Kefka is Exdeath 2.0 and the only reason people didn't know about it is that FFV wasn't realesed in the west until years later.

  64. 10 months ago

    I just started playing FFVI for the first time, and I can't believe how good it is. I've never seen a game that uses the battle screen to make cutscenes before, and the part where it let me choose what order to play each person's trip to Narshe was really cool.
    I'm at the part where I have to defend the mountain from Kefka's troops, but it's a big difficulty spike compared to the rest of the game which has been super easy so far.

    • 10 months ago

      As usual, the reasons given for why FF6 is supposedly good are the most ridiculously insignificant shit imaginable that sound like they were taken straight out of some pseudointellectual Youtube video, with absolutely no insight into the core gameplay demonstrated.

    • 10 months ago

      Me too, played it recently and loved it. The enemies at that part are kind of tough, try to balance the parties. Tina in one, Celes in another so two parties have Cure. Higher HP/stronger characters in the third party so they need to heal less often because they'll be relying on potions. Pay attention to which attacks work on which enemies (IIRC the dog-type enemies take less damage from fire or ice but I forget which one), as well as how many hits it takes to defeat each type of enemy, then single- or multi-cast with magic characters accordingly, in conjunction with multi-target attacks from Edgar, Sabin, and Cyan, and regular attacks with Locke focusing on taking down one target at a time. For Cyan pay attention to ally ATB bars when using the sword techs because you might be wasting ally turns waiting for his bar to fill up. Input their commands first instead of making them wait, especially if you use #4 to attack all targets because that'll just give the enemies free attacks if you don't input ally commands first. Gau is kind of a wild-card especially if you haven't experimented with his Rages yet, I put him in a three-man party instead of one of the two two-man parties. If you have the accessory that gives auto-haste, that's pretty good on Edgar or Sabin since they attack multiple targets with no MP cost and no waiting for an additional bar like Cyan.

      • 10 months ago

        Pretty sure Cyan's timer doesn't interfere with the other party member's ATB, he'll just go after them.

        • 10 months ago

          in the SNES and GBA version you had to actively wait with Cyan's menu open to choose a higher level bushido, rather than the new versions that let you choose one and have him charge in the background

  65. 10 months ago

    Magic and espers ruined this game for me, everyone feels the same at mid-late game

  66. 10 months ago

    i generally dont care for ff6 but dancing mad is undeniably one of the best parts of any video game ever
    never understood the hype around one winged angel at all tbdesu

  67. 10 months ago

    it's... true though? and it's a cool element of the character, he not only wins but literally succeeds in destroying / taking over the world. It's still a unique story element even 30 years later. What's your beef with it?

  68. 10 months ago

    I just like Ultimecia because the time compression is interesting to think about and world melting effects in the final dungeon are cool as hell.

  69. 10 months ago

    there is something great about villains who are just bad all the way through. volgin from MGS3 was another one, the guy was just an irredeemable shithead in every possible way. as a character you can argue about if it's lazy writing or not, but as a driving force to play the game and beat them, it's pretty good

  70. 10 months ago

    By that metric the best villains are Kuja, Caius, and Ilberd though

  71. 10 months ago

    In the hypothetical time line in which Garland creates the time loop, how did he manage to become god?

  72. 10 months ago

    Kefka doesn't even really succeed, to be quite tbh with you. He destroys the world, but then gets pissed at everyone still going on with their lives despite that fact and plans to destroy everything HARDER. And then he dies before he can do that and the world gets better.

    • 10 months ago

      Funny how FFVI fans keep forgetting about this little aspect

    • 10 months ago

      Funny how FFVI fans keep forgetting about this little aspect

      >kefka destroying the world was a W for the heroes

      • 10 months ago

        neither of them said that

    • 10 months ago

      >everyone still going on with their lives
      Everyone was living in fear and the heroes had given up hope. If Celes didn't survive her suicide attempt and see a bird wearing a bandana they wouldn't have defeated Kefka. Even Terra initially refuses to help because the best she thinks she can do is play mommy to some orphans. Still, I don't really get the whole "villain is good because villain won" line of reasoning. It's more like villain is good because he was on the verge of winning but then got satisfyingly BTFOed because of his own hubris.

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