Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Thinking about grabbing this game on steam due to the summer sale. What am I in for?

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 days ago

    a good game completely devoid of brown skins

    • 3 days ago

      Sounds like my kind of game. What's the gameplay like?

  2. 3 days ago

    it's basically skyrim in medieval czech republic (or england if playing in english) with a different combat system and more in depth dialogue. I'd recommend playing on hardcore.

    • 3 days ago

      also a few qol mods go a long way such as no bush collision or getting rid of the shit ass save sytem

    • 3 days ago

      What type of weapons are the best or most effective? Is there a high skill/low skill diagram of sorts?

      • 3 days ago

        in my experience maces/blunt seem best especially with some of the perks and baliffs mace in particular but idk what is best or not on paper. Combat is probably going to be a giant pain for you at first because it's a very different system than anything else(as in you should look up some footage or be prepared to refund window).

        • 3 days ago

          Are there pikes or halberds? Is archery in the game?

          • 3 days ago

            >Are there pikes or halberds?
            yes with the addendum that they are not normal weapons, i.e. they cannot go into your inventory so you must drop them doing certain things(there is a mod for this i have never used it though).
            Is archery in the game?

            • 3 days ago

              If I'm forced to drop a weapon, is there storage or a way to regain the item? Are weapons gained through crafting, fighting enemies, quest rewards, or discovery?

              • 3 days ago

                uh idk if you can actually put them in your storage, there is a shared safe house storage though
                >Are weapons gained through, fighting enemies, quest rewards, or discovery?

              • 3 days ago

                >shared safe house
                Neat. What's a valuable item I should be saving that often overlooked? Is there a herbalism skilltree or something that provides better healing? Are there companions that you have? Do you have the same horse more or less the whole run?

              • 3 days ago

                >What's a valuable item I should be saving that often overlooked?
                nothing that's not self explanatory like skill books and such
                >Is there a herbalism skilltree
                yeah, theres a mod to get rid of the animation too
                >something that provides better healing?
                theres alchemy too, marigold, lazarus, and chamomile pots will be your healing mostly
                >Are there companions that you have?
                a dog, good for 5+ combatant fights
                >Do you have the same horse more or less the whole run?
                you'll get a free one early on in the story(which you should push to asap) after that you can purchase a new and better one(traded in horses go away forever). Can mount on any other and you will still have your purchased horse available.

              • 3 days ago

                Doggo is kickass.
                Do we get more than one dog? Which skill tree is the most important? Which is the least?

  3. 3 days ago

    if you're not into the medieval setting, avoid at all costs.

    • 3 days ago

      The medieval period is timeless and eternal

  4. 3 days ago

    am I allowed to play this game if I'm a brown trans woman? not memeing. I liked mount and blade and the souls games

    • 3 days ago

      Don't worry, there's inclusion for you 🙂

    • 3 days ago

      it's much more like Morrowind with a tad janky combat system

  5. 3 days ago

    >achievement for beating the game with virginity intact
    Christ be praised

    • 3 days ago

      I failed this when I did the pastor's quest. I didn't know he'd take me on a brothel spree.

      • 3 days ago

        me too 🙁
        then I had no choice in telling that horny old woman lady stephanie to cool it

  6. 3 days ago

    Bathing, shoe repair, eating and most of all "realistic" aka unplayable combat. I had fun with it but do yourself a favor and use cheat engine or similar to get rid of all the combat as fast as possible.

    • 3 days ago

      What's so inhibitive about the combat?

      • 3 days ago

        It's just terrible.

  7. 3 days ago

    Classic eurojank where it tries to do a million things and nearly all of them are half baked and janky but it has a lot of ambition and soul so it's still good.

  8. 3 days ago

    mid game hyped because historical accuracy but there are gay characters

    • 3 days ago

      Soooo pretty accurate then? Or are they flying the LGTB flag?

  9. 3 days ago

    Whatever you do if you ask Theresa how she got out of Skaliz that's gonna be it.

    • 3 days ago

      Explain. Why would it be gg?

      • 3 days ago

        A Woman's Lot

        • 3 days ago

          you get locked into the play as a woman dlc until it's over and its easily the most unfun part of the game
          >Do we get more than one dog?
          >Which skill tree is the most important?
          what pertains to your playstyle, obviously something like stealth may not matter to one person but be highly important to another.
          Which is the least?
          what does not pertain to your playstyle, weapons you're not using, pickpocketing, hunting

          That sucks. Being stuck is rarely fun.
          If I'm playing hardcore and the doggo dies, can it be rezzed somehow? Can it turn against you?

          • 3 days ago

            the dog "dies" by getting hit too much and running off, doesnt take that long for him to come back. horse doesnt die either

            • 3 days ago

              Is he a dependable DPS ir should I prep for a waiting game? Can it pull threat from mobs or is it static and rotational?

              • 3 days ago

                He's more of a distraction really. Which is a blessing when fighting multiple enemies. He will make hit and run attacks and also can latch onto their arm, but if he does that you have to take the initiative to stab the guy he's got because he'll beat the dog with his other arm and send him running otherwise.

                You will also need to watch out where you swing and avoid hitting him while targeting someone else. He can sometimes be as much of a hindrance as a help in such instances.

          • 3 days ago

            Just don't pick the dialogue option. It even had the little DLC symbol next to it. People who got stuck in it are literally fricking moronic.

            Personally, I enjoyed the DLC, but it is highly flawed. The comfy village life quests are fun enough, but it suffers a lot from no fast travel/horse and it's pretty fricked up in that you can get kill counts in the double digits as a random villager girl while as Henry you would have maybe killed a few people by the time you can activate the DLC, which is a flashback for the girl.

            As to the dog, I think he's immortal even on hardcore. If he takes damage his loyalty will go down and he'll run away for a while. Then you'll have to give him treats and call him a good boy to make him more loyal. He will never attack you no matter how "disloyal" he is.

      • 3 days ago

        you get locked into the play as a woman dlc until it's over and its easily the most unfun part of the game

        Doggo is kickass.
        Do we get more than one dog? Which skill tree is the most important? Which is the least?

        >Do we get more than one dog?
        >Which skill tree is the most important?
        what pertains to your playstyle, obviously something like stealth may not matter to one person but be highly important to another.
        Which is the least?
        what does not pertain to your playstyle, weapons you're not using, pickpocketing, hunting

  10. 3 days ago

    A miserable experience until you've spent 40 hours mastering the combat system and making sure you didn't skip the 100% essential tutorials that unlocks critical mechanic that you literally cannot utilize (but which the enemies can use on you) until you do so. Oh and you fricking better like warhammers and maces because swords are appropriately absolute and total dogshit against any amount of metal armour.

    But all the other non-combat stuff is pretty fun and immersive.

    • 3 days ago

      >you literally cannot utilize (but which the enemies can use on you) until you do so
      Are the movements on the tutorial time-locked or something?
      Can you get stuff like, an orange-class sword, and it be superior to a blunt?

      • 3 days ago

        >Are the movements on the tutorial time-locked or something?
        You have to complete combat tutorials buried in the main quest to be able do a "masterstroke" aka "master strike" which is an automatic free attack after you 'perfect block' an enemy attack, which opens them up to one further attack. Often against high level opponents later in the game this is literally the only way you can get hits on them as they have near perfect defences otherwise and will never be hit by a regular attack. You literally cannot perform this action unless you've finished the tutorial, the mechanic is locked out for you until you do so. You can't accidentally stumble on it, there is no other way to unlock it, no level requirement, nothing. You have to finish the tutorial to be able to use it.

        >Can you get stuff like, an orange-class sword, and it be superior to a blunt?
        there's not gear tiers like traidtioanl RPG's or ARPGs with colour coded tiers where "Sword" is flat out inferior to "Sword +1" or "Blue Sword" or whatever. Some swords are better than others based on their design and use, but generally speaking all weapons in a class are more or less equal outside of of some outliers here and there, and things like a 'heavy warhammer' doing less stab damage than a 'pointed warhammer'. You'll never find a sword that delivers more blunt damage than a mace.

  11. 3 days ago

    the most frustrated and unintuitive combat system you will ever experience

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