Let's destroy a console that only sold a handful of units because why not?

Let's destroy a console that only sold a handful of units because why not?

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POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago

    neptune didnt sell anything

    • 5 months ago

      People are destroying 32X's to make it.

      • 5 months ago

        The 32X isn't exactly rare. It sold 800,000 units.

        • 5 months ago

          That's how many were produced. From what we've seen in leaked financials less than half of that was actually sold, the rest were repurposed into Picture Magic units.

          You don't destroy it because you make the Genesis gain 32X functionality in turn. So you're just moving the 32X functionality from the add-on chassis into Genesis' main chassis. This is different from gutting a functional Gameboy to make a hard drive or clock with it because then the Gameboy functionality is lost for good.

          >It's not destroying it! It's rebuilding it!
          Yes but the person removing the parts and rebuilding it are doing it at far poorer quality than the professional manufacturing that was done with the original Genesis board and 32X boards that need to be sacrificed to make this thing. The thing will probably last maybe a year before it starts having issues.

          A better solution here would be to make clone hardware. The custom stuff could be FPGAs, the off the shelf parts could either be sourced from new old stock, or again done with an FPGA. Would it be more expensive? Sure. But you wouldn't be robbing Peter to pay Paul anymore and you'd probably have something that lasts longer.

          • 5 months ago

            hardware emulation is still emulation

            • 5 months ago

              You realize there's varying degrees of FPGAs right? I didn't say use a cheap one like a MiSTER and try to emulate the whole system on it. I said use multiple FPGAs to reproduce specific chips in the hardware. That you can do to hardware level accuracy if you get a good enough FPGA and program it to properly mimic the chip. That's what you actually see happening in newly developed hardware and embedded systems.

              Go look at some older PC expansion cards, sound cards, etc. A lot of the time on the earlier revisions you'll see a big fat FPGA on them that's to do all the custom chipset functionality because the final chipset hasn't been maufactured yet. People have become pretty stupid when it comes to FPGAs over the years and trying to put them in a black and white buckets of real or emulation. The reality is it entirely depends on what FPGAs you use and how you use them.

              • 5 months ago

                >I didn't say use a cheap one like a MiSTER and try to emulate the whole system on it. I said use multiple FPGAs to reproduce specific chips in the hardware.
                How is using multiple FPGAs different that using one in any way. It is basically the same thing as using two small pieces of paper instead of one big one.

              • 5 months ago

                >How is using multiple FPGAs different that using one in any way.
                Because it's easier to get it closer to hardware level accuracy when you're not trying to have one underpowered chip do everything vs having a handful of chips doing specific parts of the hardware. You'd be using the FPGA to mimic custom chips or harder to find chips like the Genesis VDP, the YM2612, the 32X ASICs, etc. Off the shelf stuff like the 68000, the Z80, the SH2s, RAM, Video Encoders, etc you might be able to still get new old stock of.

      • 5 months ago

        And it still plays 32X games

      • 5 months ago

        It's the 32X. You really just can't expect people to care about that thing.

      • 5 months ago

        Did not know that

      • 5 months ago

        and? that thing barely works to begin with

      • 5 months ago

        That's not what "destroy" means. If you use one working piece of hardware to make another working piece of hardware, that's called "rebuilding".

        • 5 months ago

          You have to remove the important pieces from a 32X and out them in this thing. You literally have to destroy a 32X to make it.

          Reminds me of when people were getting mad about Etsy users using original Game Boy shells to make hard drives. Imo it's kind of a non issue, not many people doing this mod to my knowledge, if it's only one or two there's no real harm. Even if every 32X got repurposed into a Neptune it would just make them slightly less ugly/annoying to deal with. Only caveat is no CD support, but those are dying out on their own anyway

          I hate the game boy modding scene

          • 5 months ago

            You don't destroy it because you make the Genesis gain 32X functionality in turn. So you're just moving the 32X functionality from the add-on chassis into Genesis' main chassis. This is different from gutting a functional Gameboy to make a hard drive or clock with it because then the Gameboy functionality is lost for good.

      • 5 months ago

        32X isn't a console
        32X sold more than a handful of units
        Your cope makes no sense

        • 5 months ago

          32X really didn't sell that many units though. About 800k were made, of that maybe 400k were actually sold. The rest were turned into Picture Magic units:


          Secondly this mod also requires destroying a Genesis to make it. All just to satisfy some stupid obsession with a prototype that most likely never made it past the shell design anyways. If this is just to satisfy some obsession with having a working Neptune, there's better ways to do that which don't require destroying existing hardware to do it.

          • 5 months ago

            None of that supports those bullshit claims. But I'm not surprised that a tard who can't procure a few chips without destroying a Genesis can't understand that.

            Speaking of "destroying" consoles, how moronic is the idea of getting multiple consoles, taking their motherboards out and putting them in a server chasis?

            Extremely. See other tards who've done it to learn more.

            • 5 months ago

              I have yet to see any, unfortunately. Mind showing examples or links?

          • 5 months ago

            >The rest were turned into Picture Magic units
            cannot possibly be more mogged
            32X might be the most singularly mogged thing in existence
            imagine being designed and manufactured to play the newest hottest vidya, and then over half of you get recycled into some sort of bootleg scanner

          • 5 months ago

            >The rest were turned into Picture Magic units

            They definitely did not turn all of them into Picture Magics. Otherwise that thing would be damn easy to find.

            • 5 months ago

              There's at least one on ebay right now. You could probably find them more easily on Japanese auction sites though.

              • 5 months ago

                no, I've been checking multiple auction sites for years, you can find the Prifun more easily and they only made a few thousand of those.

      • 5 months ago

        Is anything performed in this mod irreversible?
        My understanding is that you can rebuild the two separate consoles at any point if you really want to. This is about as destructive as a shell swap.

        • 5 months ago

          You're desoldering the chips, cart port, etc. from an original Genesis 2 Motherboard and a 32X board to solder them to a new PCB. While yes you technically could reverse it, doing that over and over again increases the risk of damaging something.

          • 5 months ago

            >You're desoldering the chips, cart port, etc.
            The only thing you're desoldering is the cartridge port and (optionally) a single resistor.
            No other components get removed or relocated, so I'm not sure what you think you're talking about.
            And as far as "risk of damage", reflowing the 30 year old solder joints on the cartridge slot is probably better for longevity than using it normally and being too afraid to take it apart. Ironically enough.

            • 5 months ago

              >No other components get removed or relocated, so I'm not sure what you think you're talking about.
              Maybe you should take some time to look at the picture posted in the original post. That's not the typical Neptune mod. It's one this person is developing that uses a newly designed PCB that merges the 32X and Genesis into one board. Since there's obviously no source for the custom chips in the Genesis and 32X, those need to be removed from existing hardware to be installed on this new board:


      • 5 months ago

        So? The damn thing has no gaems, most people just have it as a tumor ontop of their Genesis since it at least plays Genesis games.

      • 5 months ago

        Good riddance

      • 5 months ago
      • 5 months ago

        Nobody gives a frick

      • 5 months ago

        sign me up dude

  2. 5 months ago

    I have two problems with this mod:
    >there's no way to play master system games
    I know the real Neptune probably wouldn't have been compatible with sms, but I feel like support is something you would reasonably expect from such a mod. Even if it means adding an optional discrete switch, it would be worth it.
    >the texture is incorrect
    The matte finish looks completely different from what the prototype and the Genesis and Saturn use

  3. 5 months ago

    YouTube views are a hell of a drug

  4. 5 months ago

    Reminds me of when people were getting mad about Etsy users using original Game Boy shells to make hard drives. Imo it's kind of a non issue, not many people doing this mod to my knowledge, if it's only one or two there's no real harm. Even if every 32X got repurposed into a Neptune it would just make them slightly less ugly/annoying to deal with. Only caveat is no CD support, but those are dying out on their own anyway

  5. 5 months ago

    It's mass produced plastic and silicon, it's not some priceless one-of-a-kind artwork. Who fricking cares?

    • 5 months ago

      Because fewer were made than you think. And doing this will probably cut the lifespan of the hardware down significantly because you wont be doing as good of a job removing the parts and installing them on the new board as an actual production line.

  6. 5 months ago

    Speaking of "destroying" consoles, how moronic is the idea of getting multiple consoles, taking their motherboards out and putting them in a server chasis?

    • 5 months ago

      More moronic than building a Neptune for sure.

  7. 5 months ago

    Does it really matter? Who gives a frick about the 32X on its own? I'd rather have a Neptune honestly, this isn't like a soi-fueled rpi mod or anything

    • 5 months ago

      >Does it really matter?
      It does when you're destroying hardware that didn't really sell that well to begin with, just to satisfy this silly fantasy. This is right up there with morons who were destroying SNES Jrs and Sega CDX's in the early 2000s to try and copy Ben Heck and make their own handhelds. How many of those do you wanna bet are still working?

    • 5 months ago

      Only if you're a fricktard who thinks the 32X is a console and that they only made a handful of them and that you have to destroy one to make the thing. That's so many levels of stupid you might think that not even one such fool exists in the entire world. Yet we have one right here ITT.

      I have yet to see any, unfortunately. Mind showing examples or links?

      Good to hear you haven't wasted enough time thinking about it to even do some basic homework. Also good to hear that it's apparently not something other people are still talking about thinking about trying to do.
      About 10 years ago some homosexual made one that was a shining example of a low skill aspie clusterfrick. I remember the name, because it was incredibly creative and unique, Unity. He did manage to cram something like a dozen systems into a cardboard box the size of a mini fridge. But there were countless compatibility problems with games and accessories. This despite him supposedly spending thousands of hours building the cringe. If you want to see plenty of reasons why it's a moronic idea look up that shit.

      • 5 months ago

        >Dubbed Project Unity

        Didn't take long to find it, and holy shit this is excruciating levels of moronation. My idea was more simplified but still stupid. I'd want to show a schematic, but this just put me off doing anything like this entirely.

        • 5 months ago

          >this just put me off doing anything like this entirely.
          Well at lest some good came of that monstrosity. I understand the appeal of the concept, but when you get into the details it just doesn't make sense.

          >Only if you're a fricktard who thinks the 32X is a console and that they only made a handful of them.
          They only made about 800k, and of those only about 400k were actually sold. That's not really common and abundant.
          >and that you have to destroy one to make the thing.
          For the mod OP posted, you do need to destroy one to make it.

          >bootleg scanner
          It was more of a drawing tablet to let you edit pictures taken on one of Sega's digital cameras at the time.

          >about 400k is a handful of units
          That you keep coping on this point shows the depth of your neurosis.
          >For the mod OP posted, you do need to destroy one to make it.
          No, I don't. Sure, (You) couldn't even open a 32X without destroying it, and losing an eye to boot. But a sane person with basic soldering skills will have no problem. Not destroying it is, in fact, key to doing a successful mod. When you destry something it doesn't work anymore. This mod give you a fully functional 32X on your board.
          Also, broken things exist. No one needs to crack open a factory sealed genesis and 32x and destroy them to do that mod.
          I understand you're not very bright, and that has made you poor, and that has made you angry that other people do things with old toys that you can't. But that's all on you. And it's super cringe that you imagine crying about it on the internet makes you look like anything other than the moronic assmad poorgay you are.

          • 5 months ago

            >super cringe
            That would be you. You didn't pay attention to the mod OP actually posted and thought people were talking about the one that's completely reversible (which most people don't have an issue with). Instead of admitting that mistake you're now trying to position yourself as some elitist homosexual to try and save face. It's extremely cringy and pathetic.

        • 5 months ago

          What a monstrosity, and that controller too. It's an even more grotesque version of the retron 5 and its godawful base controller.
          I hate Mister gays but they do have the upper hand here over abominations like these.

          • 5 months ago

            One of the things I like most about playing on original hardware is that all the original accessories just werk. I don't need to build/buy dozens of different adapters and write/wait for patches to make them work. I want more controllers, not fewer.

            >super cringe
            That would be you. You didn't pay attention to the mod OP actually posted and thought people were talking about the one that's completely reversible (which most people don't have an issue with). Instead of admitting that mistake you're now trying to position yourself as some elitist homosexual to try and save face. It's extremely cringy and pathetic.

            >no u
            I accept your concession.
            So how exactly is that mod not completely reversible? "Because I'm projecting my inadequacies" is not an acceptable answer.
            Why are you obsessed with being able to return parts pulled from broken hardware to that broken hardware to restore its broken state? Have you talked to a therapist about this?

            this depressing person says "cringe" way too often to act so superior
            it's like watching an eight-year-old dressed as a drill sergeant giving an adult a very serious-sounding dressing-down

            I can hear the sound of your veins popping from here.

          • 5 months ago

            That controller is the worst thing I’ve ever seen.

        • 5 months ago

          I thought about doing this when I was 8 or so lmao

      • 5 months ago

        >Only if you're a fricktard who thinks the 32X is a console and that they only made a handful of them.
        They only made about 800k, and of those only about 400k were actually sold. That's not really common and abundant.
        >and that you have to destroy one to make the thing.
        For the mod OP posted, you do need to destroy one to make it.

        >The rest were turned into Picture Magic units
        cannot possibly be more mogged
        32X might be the most singularly mogged thing in existence
        imagine being designed and manufactured to play the newest hottest vidya, and then over half of you get recycled into some sort of bootleg scanner

        >bootleg scanner
        It was more of a drawing tablet to let you edit pictures taken on one of Sega's digital cameras at the time.

      • 5 months ago

        >this just put me off doing anything like this entirely.
        Well at lest some good came of that monstrosity. I understand the appeal of the concept, but when you get into the details it just doesn't make sense.
        >about 400k is a handful of units
        That you keep coping on this point shows the depth of your neurosis.
        >For the mod OP posted, you do need to destroy one to make it.
        No, I don't. Sure, (You) couldn't even open a 32X without destroying it, and losing an eye to boot. But a sane person with basic soldering skills will have no problem. Not destroying it is, in fact, key to doing a successful mod. When you destry something it doesn't work anymore. This mod give you a fully functional 32X on your board.
        Also, broken things exist. No one needs to crack open a factory sealed genesis and 32x and destroy them to do that mod.
        I understand you're not very bright, and that has made you poor, and that has made you angry that other people do things with old toys that you can't. But that's all on you. And it's super cringe that you imagine crying about it on the internet makes you look like anything other than the moronic assmad poorgay you are.

        this depressing person says "cringe" way too often to act so superior
        it's like watching an eight-year-old dressed as a drill sergeant giving an adult a very serious-sounding dressing-down

  8. 5 months ago

    I go back and forth on if it's Sega or Pokemon and right now I'm leaning Sega

  9. 5 months ago

    what the actual frick is a neptune?
    am i hallucinating?

  10. 5 months ago

    I am not sure was Neptune real, I believe it was only mockup. We saw many vaporware prototypes even Playstation snes but not Neptune

  11. 5 months ago

    >let's destroy
    CAREFULLY, with gloves on, lay the top aside to makw a Foto.
    >bragging about how a outlaw he is

  12. 5 months ago

    As stupid as the 32X was, the fact that they released it as an "add-on" abomination and not as an actual system is a testament to Sega being ran by dipshits

    • 5 months ago

      ok moron fanficcer

    • 5 months ago

      The Neptune as a console may have actually sold better and gotten more support than a second add-on. If nothing else it looks way better

    • 5 months ago

      The Neptune as a console may have actually sold better and gotten more support than a second add-on. If nothing else it looks way better

      Yep this would have saved Sega so we don't need to have another one of those threads

    • 5 months ago

      Sega should have been fully focused on their next-gen console and not some stopgap developed in parallel

    • 5 months ago

      >"Yes, let's release a 32bit cartridge based system around the same time we're coming out with a 32bit CD based system, that won't cause any weird ass confusion!"

      • 5 months ago

        It's not really more confusing than the GBA SP releasing a year before the DS or the iPhone 5c releasing the same time as the 5s. Neptune was just an upgrade to the Genesis, Saturn was the next main console.

        • 5 months ago

          GBA Micro releasing one year after DS was even weirder

          • 5 months ago

            There's also the SNES Jr. which released after the N64... In 1997

            Products like the SP and the GB Pocket and the SNES Mini and the Genesis 3 and the PSone and the AV Famicom are sent to market because people keep wanting to buy the existing console and existing software. It’s a way to rake in cash on cheap old hardware with high margins and sell more software.

        • 5 months ago

          GBA SP is literally just a GBA with a light
          Phone shit is a whole other beast
          We're talking 2 ultimately different home consoles on the market near each other

          • 5 months ago

            There's also the SNES Jr. which released after the N64... In 1997

        • 5 months ago

          A refinement of an existing console is not the same as an upgrade with a bunch of new hardware and new software for sale.
          The 32X cost $160 at a time when the Genesis was selling for $99.
          They had no support for it and it competed for internal resources and buyer attention with the Saturn.
          The 32X came out A DAY BEFORE the Saturn in the US. Utterly moronic. Sega was so dysfunctional.

  13. 5 months ago

    If it’s actively being used to play 32x games then it is fulfilling its purpose in whatever shape it’s turned into. You putting it on a shelf or it rotting in a cardboard box in an attic is worse than it being used.

  14. 5 months ago

    tbqh I kinda want to do this. I have my original HD graphics model 1 genny, and I also have a decent model 2 + CD + 32X setup. Even though the 32X "matches" the model 2, it's still just ugly as sin. Stupid mushroom thing stuck on top. It'd be nice to do a neptune mod as a hobby project if for no other reason than to make something a little more visually pleasing.

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