Level scaling needs to go away

Anyone else hate level scaling? Any game with it is just instantly ruined for me.

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  1. 4 years ago

    level scaling allows devs to be smart about how to make encounters challenging because players can't just grind to where they're all easy

    • 4 years ago

      >allows devs to be smart
      Devs have never been held back by anything other than their own incompetence

  2. 4 years ago

    I always thought it was stupid as frick, too. It's an excuse to avoid going through the work of actually balancing your game. It also makes absolutely no sense in the context of the game's world.

    • 4 years ago

      >make it so that players have to rely on their knowledge of the game instead of having to mindlessly grind enemies (if you're the kind of person who wants to unlock everything by the end of the first disc then that's on you being a weirdo)
      >lol it's just them being lazy
      i can't believe it's true, FF8 really is simply too big-brained for your average gamer

      • 4 years ago

        Not him, but it's not so much that there's anything wrong with removing grinding as an option, the problem is that FF8 would have been much better doing this in literally any other way than what it did. The problem is that the way the game does stats, it becomes actively detrimental to actually play the game like an RPG (explore, fight battles, get stronger).
        Since all stats hard cap at 255, and getting there in the ones that count tends to be quite easy through junctioning once you have a few levels on your characters, there ends up being a point at which, say, your main attacker has 255 strength, and every level you gain from that point forward is just giving every enemy higher stats in comparison to yours. This wouldn't even be a problem if the game didn't give you the option to completely bypass fighting as a means of character progression and just get all your spells from triple triad or carding monsters, but it does. The problem here is that these methods of character progression are completely detached from story progression. Basically, the way the game is designed, the player has to stop playing the story every once in a while and focus on JUST building their characters, only stopping when they get bored, arbitrarily decide that they're probably strong enough to keep going while maintaining a healthy challenge (complete guesswork unless they've already beaten the game or are following a guide), or end up with a perfect party.

        ALL of this could have been avoided if the levelling system had just been removed entirely. Now just fighting random encounters during story progression rewards the player with the trash loot items the enemies already drop, all of which can be converted into different spells to be junctioned onto different stats, effectively giving the player choices after every single encounter on how to build their party, without the unintended side effect of every victory making every fight going forward harder.

      • 4 years ago

        Not everyone is some autistic LLGer or an asshat who grinds to lvl 99 in the first area of the game. Level scaling is an extremely lazy copout that is only done by developers who don't want to have to think about actual game design and the tools the player has access to. It's beyond moronic.

    • 4 years ago

      >It also makes absolutely no sense in the context of the game's world.
      >Only PCs can get stronger
      By that moronic logic, Seifer's fight at the end of the third disc should have been against his level 4 self you get to see when he first joins in the first disc.

      Funny thing: FFT has level scaling and gets zero flack for it.

      >FF fans have double standards
      No way, who could have seen this coming

      • 4 years ago

        guess all those random dogs and rats in the overworld are just working out off-screen then

        • 4 years ago

          nah, in FFT they start throwing stronger enemies at you. Around lvl70 you will regularly be seeing behemoths and red chocobos and the skull mage fricks that cast the soul spells.

  3. 4 years ago

    Funny thing: FFT has level scaling and gets zero flack for it.

  4. 4 years ago

    I think level scaling would work best if its done with minimum and maximum levels in an area, so there's still some places that are really tough when you're just starting out but you still feel a sense of progression in your power as you pass the upper level thresholds. I think I've played at least one game that did that but I just can't remember what game it was.

  5. 4 years ago

    I guess it depends on how it's handled. For example in WoW the enemies scale not only to your character level but to your equipment level. Which is lame. There is no sense of progression when the enemies are always meant to be of a similar level of challenge. Like what's the point of even having gear or levels at that point?

  6. 4 years ago

    It is dumb as frick when it's one-to-one scaling. Shows devs either can't balance shit or else they're deathly afraid of someone grinding ahead to overcome difficulty. Some games are at least clever about the way they address the issue. Legend of Dragoon for example tries to solve it by making random battles drop pitiful amounts of experience and bosses drop tons of experience so it's difficult for players to be anything but the recommended level for a given point in the game.

  7. 4 years ago

    Do you enjoy random encounters with low level mobs that offer no exp or worth while rewards?
    If not, this is what level scaling solves.

    • 4 years ago

      The better solution, if your game's battles are that exhausting, is an item or skill that banishes low-level encounters.

      • 4 years ago

        how about if you don't want to play, you just don't.

    • 4 years ago

      can't they just make random encounters level relevant?

  8. 4 years ago

    I never had any problems with it 8n Final Fantasy 8.

  9. 4 years ago

    I didn't know 8 had a level scaling system but in Skyrim level scaling bothers me so much I cant even play it.

    • 4 years ago

      Level scaling in FF8 is orders of magnitude worse than in Skyrim. In FF8 the game simply doesn't want you to do combat.

  10. 4 years ago

    Nah, I'm not autistic, so I just did a few battles to check out which monsters are around, grabbed a bunch of spells, mugged a bit and went on my merry way. Any issue you have with FF8's level scaling is entirely your own fault.

  11. 4 years ago

    level scaling is just an excuse for most devs to not design and model a larger amount of enemies.

    Just make a handful, have them scale and boom set for the entire game.

  12. 4 years ago

    yeah frick this game and the stupid triple triad card game it forced you to play

    • 4 years ago

      >it forced you to play
      you can get OP without ever playing the card game. there are plenty of other ways to get high tier magic early and easily like from item refining

  13. 4 years ago

    >Anyone else hate level scaling?
    No. Level scaling was one of the few things FF8 did right and should have been the norm for EVERY jrpg.

  14. 4 years ago

    Never found a problem with level scaling. It always makes encounters difficult and de-incentivizes grinding. Fire Emblem Fates is a good example, paralogues increase in difficulty the more chapters you complete (because they are non-linear), so the player is always up for a challenge..

  15. 4 years ago

    Level scaling done badly:

    >Bandit Overlord
    >Bandit Deathknight

    Level scaling done properly:

    >1 bandit
    >2 bandits
    >3 bandits

    >dumb bandit
    >smart bandit
    >genius bandit

  16. 4 years ago

    >level 1 enemy
    >because I'm in low HP I can spam limit
    >enemy dead
    >level 99 enemy
    >because I'm in low HP I can spam limit
    >enemy dead

    There's like one instance in the whole game where the level is a minor annoyance, and that's getting steel pipes.

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