Like a Yakuza 8: Infinite Dragon Wealth


It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 5 months ago


  2. 5 months ago

    Asking again since I just beat the game. Is it better to grind for the post game dungeon normally or start a NG+ on the highest difficulty?

    • 5 months ago

      NG+ on legend difficulty always bro

      • 5 months ago

        If it's anything like 7 it's most likely better to grind on Normal because Legend just tacks on 10k EXP and JP to every enemy and Kamurocho hobos gave you way more than that for less time. Legend is more for the TFMT, or in this case the Big Swell, but at the same time we don't know if changing difficulty voids any trophies so if you want easy grinding that's probably gone when you go to Legend and I doubt they rebalanced it any better than 7.

        Release order if you want to see everything get improved upon mechanically, in writing, and in structure. It's harder to get into but you see everything unfold as intended.
        Modern order of 0 -> K1 -> K2 -> Remastered Collection -> 6 -> Judgment -> 7 (Yakuza: Like a Dragon) -> Lost Judgment -> Gaiden -> 8 (LAD: Infinite Wealth) if you want to jump around with mechanics, writing, engines, development, and more but have a strong start to the series. It will give you a different outlook and expectation for the series you're not supposed to have like characters from 0 mattering or styles being normal for the series.

        Probably should have specified that I was talking about 7.
        >Legend is more for the TFMT
        I'm going for 100% so I will be doing that. So I guess I should just finish up everything but the level grind and TFMT achievements and then go NG+?

        • 5 months ago

          get yo ass to play 8 first then

          • 5 months ago

            I already bought 8 but I want to fully finish 7 first.

        • 5 months ago

          If you're gonna do 7 it's up to you. It's intended for you to do a Legend run as that was how the original trophies for it were structured but at the same time all you need is every job at 30 (You need this before you even got into NG+ anyway), the best weapon for every job at at least EX (Also something you need to do before going into NG+ anyway), and two jobs to 99 (Main one and one for stats).

          Grinding in Legend isn't really viable, the Kamurocho Underground is an absolute nightmare, hobos are impossible to kill without Jackpot Chip proccing a crit, and so that leaves you with getting to at least chapter 11 and grinding that center highway in Yokohama where Ichiban Confections is location. If you go along that highway you have encounters of up to six enemies you can one-shot, so you gain roughly 66k EXP and JP per fight, but that means it's about 240k per three minutes whereas hobos on Normal is like 240k x4 encounters in 4-6 minutes. It's meant more to get characters hovering around 50-60 in each job.

          • 5 months ago

            Oh, and to add, if you're going for a 100% run NG+ is the only way to get two copies of multiple job EXP items and Fumie's Black Market near Hamako's place gains new items, so technically if you don't have that unlocked you might not consider your playthrough 100%ed. If you do go to NG+ immediately grab Ichiban's job item from the safe before you go anywhere, otherwise you can only get it in the final chapter. In general just unlock all the safes in Kamurocho but the only other good thing is Hitman's job item and I think you could get two copies in Yokohama just fine.

            Well frick. Guess I'll just stick around in Premium mode for a while and see if it's fast enough then. Might get everything out of the way and start 8 actually. I can save 7 grinding for when I'm at work since I work from home. Thanks for the tips

        • 5 months ago

          Oh, and to add, if you're going for a 100% run NG+ is the only way to get two copies of multiple job EXP items and Fumie's Black Market near Hamako's place gains new items, so technically if you don't have that unlocked you might not consider your playthrough 100%ed. If you do go to NG+ immediately grab Ichiban's job item from the safe before you go anywhere, otherwise you can only get it in the final chapter. In general just unlock all the safes in Kamurocho but the only other good thing is Hitman's job item and I think you could get two copies in Yokohama just fine.

    • 5 months ago

      If it's anything like 7 it's most likely better to grind on Normal because Legend just tacks on 10k EXP and JP to every enemy and Kamurocho hobos gave you way more than that for less time. Legend is more for the TFMT, or in this case the Big Swell, but at the same time we don't know if changing difficulty voids any trophies so if you want easy grinding that's probably gone when you go to Legend and I doubt they rebalanced it any better than 7.

      whats the recommended order for this series

      Release order if you want to see everything get improved upon mechanically, in writing, and in structure. It's harder to get into but you see everything unfold as intended.
      Modern order of 0 -> K1 -> K2 -> Remastered Collection -> 6 -> Judgment -> 7 (Yakuza: Like a Dragon) -> Lost Judgment -> Gaiden -> 8 (LAD: Infinite Wealth) if you want to jump around with mechanics, writing, engines, development, and more but have a strong start to the series. It will give you a different outlook and expectation for the series you're not supposed to have like characters from 0 mattering or styles being normal for the series.

  3. 5 months ago

    plays when you fight in Kamurocho

  4. 5 months ago

    whats the recommended order for this series

  5. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago
  6. 5 months ago

    tomi got cucked

  7. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago
      • 5 months ago

        what a fricking chad

        • 5 months ago
  8. 5 months ago
  9. 5 months ago

    Kiryu stole his b***h, Kaito and Higashi, and now his other friends.

    • 5 months ago

      wait do they show up in infinite wealth actually?

  10. 5 months ago

    8 only having 3 arcade games is pretty shitty, even if they're all new.
    Gaiden had 5, and that was tossed together in less than a year.

    • 5 months ago

      I b***hed about it earlier but yeah. Its lame, they could at least ported over Gaiden's too since it was literally made alongside 8

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah, it's weird how much stuff was actually just made for Gaiden. Any time I saw something new, I assumed it was pulled from 8. Like Pool, for example.

  11. 5 months ago

    at least they admit america is pozzed

  12. 5 months ago

    When you swap over to Kiryu, do you keep your inventory and money or get a new one and build from there? Mostly asking since the game's only use of ATMs so far have been to protect money after dying, but I'm thinking you can transfer money between Ichiban and Kiryu at that time as well.

    • 5 months ago

      Everything is shared, items and money.

      • 5 months ago

        nah not money

        • 5 months ago

          Yes money is shared too, it just gets converted
          1 USD=100 yen

  13. 5 months ago

    chitose sexo

  14. 5 months ago

    When do i unlock the sujimon side mode?

    • 5 months ago

      Chapter 5 when asked to go to Anaconda Mall. It's an unavoidable part of the chapter.

      • 5 months ago

        That's 4, actually.
        5 is when you get jobs.

        • 5 months ago

          Ah right, my bad. I've been stuck in 6 for a while that 4 and 5 blurred together.

  15. 5 months ago

    So is Hawaii, Japan 2.0? Or is it part of the great US of A?

  16. 5 months ago

    so which Sujimon are the ones that you can't use in stuff? The tiger and the dudes like Majima and shit right?

    • 5 months ago

      Majima and the tiger are part of that DLC sujimon pack.
      It includes your party members, the Tojo guys, the tiger, and the bear.

      • 5 months ago

        fug, pointless DLC then.

        • 5 months ago

          You can still use them to fight the pests at least. They just won't show up on the farm island and you can't assign them to work.

  17. 5 months ago

    it's over chitosebros. we lost

    • 5 months ago

      If a woman ever says something of this effect to you, she is asking to be spanked.

  18. 5 months ago

    Why didn't RGG Studio give Tomizawa a separate English VA for when he's speaking English in the JP dub? Like with Roman.

  19. 5 months ago

    Hey, Ganker, listen.....
    b a r r a c u d a
    **EDM sounds**

    • 5 months ago

      For me, it's

  20. 5 months ago

    Why are people in yakuza scared of guns? Like just perfect dodge them and they only do 9 damage?

  21. 5 months ago

    Quickest way to raise popularity on the island?

    • 5 months ago

      Public masturbation

    • 5 months ago

      Farm/fish/catch bugs/pick up rocks and seashells for collection purposes (each tick increases their value and gives 80 Popularity towards your island), have guests interact with buildings that have the "Popularity UP" Modifier, and send our advertisements to get new guests.

  22. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      cheetos my beloved

  23. 5 months ago

    I'm liking the new jobs more than the ones in yakuza 7. I'm on chapter 6 and I just just unlocked Samurai for Ichiban, the rest of my team being Kiryu Action Star, Tomizawa Pyrodancer and Chitose Housekeeper. The job change screen having this fricker dancing off the side cracks me up.

    • 5 months ago

      I don't wanna take Kiryu out of DoD.
      It just feels wrong.

      • 5 months ago

        Outside of the novelty of Kiryu as a cowboy, I haven't been able to commit to going off of his main job for any long period of time. DoD is just too good, and too fun to use for me to want to downgrade him into just another party member.

        I feel the same for the sillier jobs, like I don't think I could ever run Aquanaut Kiryu but Samurai/Action Star Kiryu still feels close to his martial arts skills. I'm probably going to swap him back to Dragon of Dojima once I got the buffs/moves I want from these other classes though. I will say though losing tiger style for the free guardbreaks can feel a bit bad.

      • 5 months ago

        I think DoD is the strongest job that he can get and the others are helpful for stat boosts + skill inheritance. The free guard break on Beast is too good to ignore, not counting the flexibility of the other styles.

      • 5 months ago

        I feel the same for the sillier jobs, like I don't think I could ever run Aquanaut Kiryu but Samurai/Action Star Kiryu still feels close to his martial arts skills. I'm probably going to swap him back to Dragon of Dojima once I got the buffs/moves I want from these other classes though. I will say though losing tiger style for the free guardbreaks can feel a bit bad.

        I think DoD is the strongest job that he can get and the others are helpful for stat boosts + skill inheritance. The free guard break on Beast is too good to ignore, not counting the flexibility of the other styles.

        At the same time Kiryu has dabbled in a lot of other professions throughout the series. Changing his job is him trying new things like he always does, at least that's how I justify it when I grind them out for the permanent stat boosts.

    • 5 months ago

      Outside of the novelty of Kiryu as a cowboy, I haven't been able to commit to going off of his main job for any long period of time. DoD is just too good, and too fun to use for me to want to downgrade him into just another party member.

  24. 5 months ago

    VF3tb is not my favourite VF but I do enjoy it a fair bit, even with it's weird uneven arena.

  25. 5 months ago

    new workout jam just dropped


    • 5 months ago

      at least post the official one with the right title

  26. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      30 hours in and I've yet to be given a reason to switch off the thundercrack bat.

      • 5 months ago

        ye its just for end game content stuffs

    • 5 months ago

      30 hours in and I've yet to be given a reason to switch off the thundercrack bat.

      ye its just for end game content stuffs

      >These are the people shitting up the threads saying the combat is the same and theres bo variety
      >When theyre literally using the starting weapon and just upgrading it 1000 times instead of using new gear with better stats and effects
      Why are yakuza fans so fricking moronic?

      • 5 months ago

        I didnt say that

      • 5 months ago

        Starting weapons are objectively the best in 7, and based on that screenshot it looks like they're what become the best in 8 too. There is never and I mean never a reason to craft weapons in 7 because you can just upgrade your starter equip once or twice and already have a better weapon than like 70% of what you can craft. In 8 you just do minigames and you have extremely strong equips for little to no effort like the Thundercrack Bat or the Desperado revolver from shogi.

        • 5 months ago

          >if you play like an autist, you don't need to craft
          stunning insight

          • 5 months ago

            >Second generation American who has never been to Japan.
            >"Offisa help, I'm being lobbed."
            >Yeah, allest that scumbag."

            You are playing a JRPG. How are you not very quickly figuring out the ideal way to play? I wasn't using any guides for general progress and I almost immediately figured out that crafting stuff was pointless because minigame items were so good, and from what I remember I just randomly upgraded the starter weapon and it turns out it evolved so I tried that.

            • 5 months ago

              I can't believe Mine was actually fluent all along, and that's just what English sounds like in-universe.

              • 5 months ago

                canonically every Yakuza character understands english even if they don't speak it and vice verse. Kiryu and Mine somehow managed to have a conversation with and listen to what Richardson would say even though he's speaking English they entire time and they're speaking Japanese.

              • 5 months ago

                Kiryu learned English in 3. Those phrasebooks really paid off.

            • 5 months ago

              >the ideal way to play is to play exactly the way I did
              not that anon, I just don't see the appeal in breaking the game by getting these items early when the game itself is already pretty easy. Like yeah I could live on dondoko until I can walk into every endgame item shop in hawaii and buy enough gear to one shot the entire region, but why would I want to further trivialize the fights?

              • 5 months ago

                I'm not saying you need to, I'm saying it's extremely simple to figure out what works in a JRPG and what doesn't. Like 7 for example, you can very easily see you need to invest a hell of a lot of money just to craft basic weapons that are worse than walking over to Chinatown and buying them.
                In 8 for example you can very easily see minigame items that take almost no time to get are better than what you can buy in the store. Look at how walking over to m Vincent or whatever it was gets you a significantly better Hero weapon for like two wins of Poker than the sex shop.

              • 5 months ago

                You've missed my point. I know how easy it is to break these games, I am arguing that your statement that doing so is the ideal way to play is not something I agree with. Optimizing/minmaxing in already easy games is the thing that is autistic, not the ability to figure out incredibly simple things.

              • 5 months ago

                I guess "ideal" isn't the right word to pick but my general meaning is that you will very quickly figure out what works and what doesn't in the game and you have to go out of your way not to touch any of it. JRPGs are all about equipping your best gear and optimizing the hell out of your characters so you break the game completely, so intentionally avoiding everything to take part in mechanics that don't help you in any noticeable way over others just makes no sense.

                This is why I used 7's crafting as an example since it's completely and utterly pointless. Why spend millions to unlock higher tiers and get really annoying materials when Chinatown has significantly better weapons for like 200k-300k? Why craft any equipment at all when the Battle Arena gives you some of the best gear in the game which you can repeatedly obtain and the Kamurocho Underground is there if you want to downscale your stats in exchange for some passive effects? Its sole purpose is to upgrade weapons which requires no investment at all, and the Nouveau Riche Crowns are the only item worth a damn to craft and that's also only for endgame players farming the FMT.

            • 5 months ago

              >you have to grind minigames until you can buy the endgame weapons
              no way gay, i'll stick to crafting over ever playing a single game of chinkjong or shitgi

            • 5 months ago

              >"Offisa help, I'm being lobbed."
              At first, I felt a bit of cringe.
              Now I realise it's kino.

            • 5 months ago

              Believe me, a mangled accent is hardly the worst thing you here from third or even fourth generation locals here. Be grateful he wasn't speaking pidgin

        • 5 months ago

          >infinitely upgrading the starting weapon is the bes-ACK
          have a nice day nametroony

          • 5 months ago

            >Completely ignores the fact it upgrades into his best weapon as shown in


  27. 5 months ago

    how will Yamai work in later games assuming the next games don't take place in Hawaii. Will he just randomly move back to Japan to mess around with Ichiban? Why would he do that when America has all the fat milfs?

  28. 5 months ago

    dondoko is fun but man it seems like finishing it compared to ichiban confections is gonna take a LOT more time and effort. do resource building furniture stack? I might find a nice spot and just fill it with those tables if it means I can stop running around smacking trees and rocks

    • 5 months ago

      Yes they do. Don't worry too much about some of the other resources, since wood and stone are going to be your biggest bottlenecks of the resources. I put them behind the interactable buildings because guests don't leave the road and they won't be interacting with those piles anyways. Otherwise if you need more room, guests I've noticed never touch the Lighthouse area.

      • 5 months ago

        Perfect, when I go back I'll start hiding wood/rock tables behind all my facilities.

  29. 5 months ago

    chitose pits..

    • 5 months ago

      seriously they have to practically recreate Saeko in the next game if she wants to compete at all lmao

    • 5 months ago

      Who wins though?

  30. 5 months ago

    My GOTY so far.

    • 5 months ago

      >My GOTY so far.
      Not hard when it's the only good game of the year so far.

  31. 5 months ago

    my ichiban is thanos now

    • 5 months ago

      ichiban is nerfed as shit in this game
      can you remove him from the party in lategame?

      • 5 months ago

        Hero is a buffer/healer. You are playing it wrong.

  32. 5 months ago

    >I Love You - Judgment / JUDGE EYES plays when Akiyama meets Kiryu again
    What did they mean by this

  33. 5 months ago

    >jrpg newbie is blowing a gasket over people upgrading weapons
    No one tell him you can get an end game weapon 12 hours into the game by playing the sujimon mode

    • 5 months ago

      lol why u mad?

      • 5 months ago

        >U mad
        No but you are, newbie.

        • 5 months ago
        • 5 months ago

          >le jrpg oldgay

  34. 5 months ago

    for some reason I have a 4* Samurai sword in Ch6? anyone have any idea where I got that? everyone else is still using 2* weapons lol

    • 5 months ago

      The combat sword? I just swapped Ichi to Samurai and he auto equipped it, he has 50 more points in attack compared to Kiryu, my 2nd hardest hitter. No idea where I got it either.

      • 5 months ago

        >The combat sword?
        Yeah. I think I must've got it from a substory or something. It's grossly overpowered for the stage of the game I'm at.

        • 5 months ago

          Did you take all the pictures in one area for Alo-Happy by chance?

          • 5 months ago

            just the initial one but it was supposed to give me "Surf Flounder" or something not a sword

        • 5 months ago

          to be fair I'm also on chapter 6 and I have everyone else with 3 star weapons, so you may be under equipped on everyone else.

  35. 5 months ago

    What chapter does the game TRUELY open up. I'm like 10 hours in and getting sick of being railroaded to the main quest. When do ichi and kiryu split up?

  36. 5 months ago

    If Ryosuke Horii wasn't so busy actually working on the games, it'd be so great if he and Takaya Kurdoa collaborated to put out a full album together. I want more new songs with Kuroda, and 15 years of getting drip fed just increases the need.

  37. 5 months ago

    How do you upgrade sujimon past 10? All the silver and up ranks have level 16 sujimon and shit

    • 5 months ago

      Fight rookie trainers. Once you get to rank 10, you can fight the first of the Four.

  38. 5 months ago

    >playing the stuntman minigame
    >Scrape side of car
    >Ichiban hets magically teleported to the front of he hood and ran over

    • 5 months ago

      The truck one is even worse
      >Truck goes right
      >Actually it was just swaying a bit and it stays middle
      >Ichiban ran over
      That's when I found out that the vehicles come in a specific pattern.

  39. 5 months ago

    How come a 100 years old man has that MUCH health? His fight would be much harder if the trash mobs just respawn.

  40. 5 months ago

    How much popularity do you need for the s-rank in popularity on dodonko?
    i dont want to play animal crossing anymore ..

    • 5 months ago

      I don't remember the specific number, but just put out a bunch of Popularity UP DIYs near your guests and you'll be raking in likes. Also catch fish and bugs in the meantime, you'll earn a lot that way.

  41. 5 months ago

    >26 IPS
    >109 posts
    mental illness.

    • 5 months ago

      We already knew jrpggays were mentally ill. No one considers any of the turn based yakuzas real games

    • 5 months ago

      imagine crying about people discussing a videogame they're playing on the internet with each other.

      • 5 months ago

        go play with your wiener like normal people you autist

        • 5 months ago

          You should play with it for me while i stare at my wife chitose-chan

    • 5 months ago

      We already knew jrpggays were mentally ill. No one considers any of the turn based yakuzas real games

      go play with your wiener like normal people you autist

      all me

    • 5 months ago

      Yeah bro can't talk about vidya on the vidya game board

  42. 5 months ago

    Zhao's default job still sucks fat wieners
    Back to chef it is

    • 5 months ago

      Is his KO Essence skill still there? Might be helpful to transfer for skill inheritance.

      • 5 months ago

        It is but it's at level 30
        I don't have the patience to grind it up to there.

    • 5 months ago

      Is Chef still a mage job with only physical skills or did they fix that up?

      • 5 months ago

        The job menu says its it has equal physical and magic attack, though it only has 2 fire skills.

  43. 5 months ago


  44. 5 months ago

    >equip ichiban with the accessory that heals you when buffed
    >equip three different gear items that randomly buff you at the start of the turn
    Bro gets healed for half his health pretty much every turn, shit's fun

    • 5 months ago

      Wacky shit like that is honestly the biggest thing 7 was lacking.

      • 5 months ago

        that strategy allowed me to beat the mma fighter guy while 10+ levels underleveled, i like being rewarded for that ingenuity

        • 5 months ago

          Yeah. Not sure if anyone here would have even played it but I liked in Trails of Cold Steel that you could stack items that boost evasion so much that it could literally reach 100% making you completely immune to physical attacks and then you could put on shit that makes you counter attack on every dodge and then make every counter attack a critical hit. JRPGs are at their best when they let you break them.

  45. 5 months ago

    How's legend difficulty?

    • 5 months ago

      locked behind DLC

  46. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Transition already homosexual

      • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago


  47. 5 months ago

    Kson breasts

  48. 5 months ago

    >play sujimon
    >Really enjoy it
    >Do all the challenges
    >At level 15
    >Suddenly am forced into unwinnable regular fight with level 30+ enemies

    A fricking warning would have been nice

  49. 5 months ago

    I hate Hawaii. I'd rather onomichi or anything really instead of gay ass America.

  50. 5 months ago

    If Kiryu wasn’t in the game the story would be a million times better

    • 5 months ago

      still can't get over the fact that Kiryu's final boss literally compares himself to ichiban and talks about how similar and different the two are, yet Ichiban only talks to him like once in the story

      • 5 months ago

        It’s so fricking stupid
        There’s no reason for that big twist if you’re never going to have them interact
        It’s just masato but worse

        • 5 months ago

          You can tell they were scrambling for a reason to connect Kiryu to the antagonist and settled on the lamest one. It would've thematically worked much better if Ichiban had him for the final boss, but instead they just kind of half assed a reason for Kiryu to fight him, just to give you what was probably a much more emotionally powerful scene with Ichiban to Kiryu instead so they could have him get the emotional moment instead.

      • 5 months ago

        It literally makes no fricking sense really, it makes me think at some point development he was gonna be ichiban's final fight but than gave it to Kiryu instead

      • 5 months ago

        He keeps track on Ichiban, moron.

        • 5 months ago

          moronic ESL

          • 5 months ago

            dumbass Black person



            • 5 months ago

              take your meds schizo

        • 5 months ago

          dumbass Black person

        • 5 months ago


  51. 5 months ago

    I'm late to these threads, do we have any local Hawaiian anons posting here?

    • 5 months ago

      There's been a few of them who either lived in or visited it yeah

    • 5 months ago

      We had a couple guys joking that they focus on organized crime and random thugs instead of crackheads wandering the streets picking fights.
      There was one guy who talked about how a hostess club he went to was in the game or at least the location it is near is in it.
      There were a couple people joking that the prices are astronomically low in-game compared to reality with some of the basic meals being like $3-4 which is impossible. I think someone also said getting Indian at that low of a price isn't possible at all.

      • 5 months ago

        The prices are just Japanese prices divided by 100. In Japan everything is that cheap.
        Also don't come here. Japan is full.

        • 5 months ago

          I am visiting japan in 3 weeks and i plan on single handedly increasing their birth rate

      • 5 months ago

        here's the Beachside Bistro's IRL menu prices

        • 5 months ago

          Could be worse. Mainland USA is speedrunning inflation to catch up to those prices.

          • 5 months ago

            >Mainland USA
            Hawaii, alaska, and California are already there

            • 5 months ago

              Are you moronic?

            • 5 months ago

              haha yeah a Cainiac Combo from Raising Caine's (3 strips) is 17.29 in San Diego.
              Kill me.

        • 5 months ago

          >a simple Chicken tenders meal is fricking $16
          Jesus Christ looking at these prices is giving me a heart attack

          • 5 months ago

            That's about normal in places like that. When I went to New York a corned beef sandwich from a random grocery store cost me $16 I think it was? It wasn't even a big one, it was basically an airport-tier prepared sandwich.

            • 5 months ago

              I'm glad I just mostly make my own meals nowadays and hardly eat out anymore, I'm under a rock when it comes to this.

        • 5 months ago

          Those prices seem normal for Australia lmao. A standard pub meal is like $20 unless you're elderly.

          • 5 months ago

            Your money is also made out of the same factory as the play money in monopoly though

            • 5 months ago

              We also have tax on everything bought and sold. God I love this country.

          • 5 months ago

            This is a typical price for a restaurant in the midwest. I just picked one at random, this one's called the "Prime Table Restaurant" in Indiana.

            >This is unfun combat because the game barely gives you ways to deal with this
            you get way more health pickups than usual & the reaper mooks are really not that aggressive or powerful. there's just a lot of em. I was actually shocked how quickly I got through it when I just credit-fed to see the game after some 1-coin training; despite the game not really being scaled for singleplayer, when it comes to credit use it's again about on par with singleplayer Final Fight (which IS scaled) when adjusted for its far bigger game length
            >why do bosses get sudden iframes and armor why why why bad design
            it's about encouraging you to strategically use footwork & other moves, to always be ready, but even if you just attack blindly you can still deter the invincibility state, stop it or even dodge with specific moves as part of the combo. with the early bosses I generally vary heavily between the default punch/kick combos & the move where you press both attack buttons at the same time (also really good for crowd control btw). this tends to throw him off guard & keep him from using the armored moves. of course this stops working as effectively in the second half of the game and you gotta use other strategies.

            HOWEVER... that's the thing. it's the reason I haven't answered yet: because I've only been playing for a week and have heavy issues with trying out new strategies when under pressure - meaning my own advice wouldn't be as good as simply telling you to watch some 1CCs on Youtube. they do a whole lot of shit I can't yet to work around the seemingly "unfair" boss issues. even just this popular 1CC you can learn a lot from, not just for bosses but in terms of general footwork & basic enemy strategies (though it helps to watch one for your preferred character)
            >it is bad as a singleplayer game
            it's extremely hard but I still maintain it's really not unfair or badly designed.

            >you get way more health pickups than usual
            If you can kill them because only certain mooks drop the health and super attack drops. Again, boss mooks have the max amount of health a mook can have meaning they take two full combos to kill a single one.
            >it's about encouraging you to strategically use footwork & other moves
            There is nothing strategic about baiting out the attack and then having the enemy immediately pull another one out despite you waiting out the attack. There's nothing strategic about the enemy just ignoring you one time but not the next despite doing the exact same attack. That's called "inconsistent combat". If one time it lets me do a full combo and the other I can see it attack multiple times and still follow up with another one my options become heavily limited to "Cheese" or "attrition".
            >I generally vary heavily between the default punch/kick combos & the move where you press both attack buttons at the same time
            I do full combos with a tier 2 charge to launch and then mash the charge attack for quick punches. I do the sweeps but it doesn't always register. Grabs seemed inconsistent in both actually happening and letting me throw the guy but I used those too.
            >you're meant to take note of the terrain & advanced crowd control
            Which I try to take advantage of. The entire point of my webm was me being tired of that game completely so I stopped even trying to fight strategically and to show the boss spamming and being inconsistent when he did his iframe scythe attack. That's the entire point of it. You can see me sometimes get the iframe at the start, in the middle of my combo, at the end, or he just doesn't at all.

            I can see you enjoy the game and make no mistake, I can absolutely see their effort and how it's proto-Yakuza, but it's an awful experience in singleplayer.

            • 5 months ago

              looks tasty.

            • 5 months ago

              >If you can kill them because only certain mooks drop the health and super attack drops. Again, boss mooks have the max amount of health a mook can have meaning they take two full combos to kill a single one.
              that's what advanced comboing is for. even just having the weakest charge move ready for the end of a regular combo helps a bunch.
              >the rest of the post
              I've already given you tips & linked you 1CCs you can study so I dunno what to say to what's basically a repeat of your past points that I've already addressed. the iframes & armored moves are there to make you experiment, to make the advanced mechanics & more varied moveset matter. not letting you rely on a simple matter of "bait them into doing their big attack then hammer away at them" is the point.

              again just watch a good player take on the bosses you're having trouble with; it's better than my newbie advice. simply watching someone who kicks ass or learning together with others was a big part of the arcade experience back in the day. it's not the same if you just go on Ganker, say "this action game for dedicated players is unfair" & have other people playing it as a minigame in a turn-based RPG agree with you. it's why Druaga was beloved in Japanese arcades but gets nothing but shit from western retro gamers now.

              another important piece of advice is noticing the terrain. super moves are more useful if you can herd enemies into relatively closed-off spaces so even if you can't use the advanced 1cc strategies, a good beginner tip is to keep an eye out for areas you can use for charge attacks, to separate multiple simultaneous bosses & to effectively use your supers. there's a reason the first boss encounter of Diesel Town feels so hard compared to the end boss of Spikers' Den, if you try to fight them the same way - you're meant to take note of the terrain & advanced crowd control. the Spikers' Den boss, in comparison, is very forgiving and easy to keep away from you while you deal with the mooks.

              >This is unfun combat because the game barely gives you ways to deal with this
              you get way more health pickups than usual & the reaper mooks are really not that aggressive or powerful. there's just a lot of em. I was actually shocked how quickly I got through it when I just credit-fed to see the game after some 1-coin training; despite the game not really being scaled for singleplayer, when it comes to credit use it's again about on par with singleplayer Final Fight (which IS scaled) when adjusted for its far bigger game length
              >why do bosses get sudden iframes and armor why why why bad design
              it's about encouraging you to strategically use footwork & other moves, to always be ready, but even if you just attack blindly you can still deter the invincibility state, stop it or even dodge with specific moves as part of the combo. with the early bosses I generally vary heavily between the default punch/kick combos & the move where you press both attack buttons at the same time (also really good for crowd control btw). this tends to throw him off guard & keep him from using the armored moves. of course this stops working as effectively in the second half of the game and you gotta use other strategies.

              HOWEVER... that's the thing. it's the reason I haven't answered yet: because I've only been playing for a week and have heavy issues with trying out new strategies when under pressure - meaning my own advice wouldn't be as good as simply telling you to watch some 1CCs on Youtube. they do a whole lot of shit I can't yet to work around the seemingly "unfair" boss issues. even just this popular 1CC you can learn a lot from, not just for bosses but in terms of general footwork & basic enemy strategies (though it helps to watch one for your preferred character)
              >it is bad as a singleplayer game
              it's extremely hard but I still maintain it's really not unfair or badly designed.

              They straight up threatened him through Hanawa not to reveal himself at the end of Gaiden no matter where he goes on vacation, even to Hawaii. On top of that they gave him the Taichi Suzuki alias to specifically use when he goes anywhere now.

              >like, you think the grim raper guy's mooks are infinite when they literally aren't - even Mikhail's aren't!
              Except they continually respawn. Even if there is a limit you are not going to reach that limit through casual play and will effectively have infinite enemies coming at you and around you with the max amount of health a mook can have. This is unfun combat because the game barely gives you ways to deal with this. Your ways to deal with this are to stay off in the distance and tier 3 charge attack the boss before running away, super attack, or grab and throw someone at the group.
              >"uhhh it's the bullshit iframe attack that killed me, unfair!" come on dude.
              No, I want you to explain to me exactly why the bosses have completely random iframe attacks and why three of them should be able to do them all at the same time. You didn't yesterday and you still aren't today. Why do they sometimes do it at the start of my combo? Why do they sometimes do it in the middle of my combo? Why do they sometimes do it at the end of my combo? Why do they sometimes not to do it at all and I can do a full combo including a charge attack? Why do they sometimes get super armor on a charge attack? Why is every single boss fight like this except on top of that I have to deal with 5+ mooks on top of upward of three bosses?
              >just that you're ready to dismiss an arcade game
              No, I am not. Like I have said for what, the fourth time now, it is bad as a singleplayer game and would be fine as a multiplayer game as they intend it.

              The only minigames that filter me are normal golf, pre-DE indoor golf, Puyo Puyo, and Virtua FIghter because I'm not big on fighting games.

              adding to these I should say I'm a pretty crap arcade player too. the only arcade shoot-em-ups I've 1CCed are Deathsmiles (often recommended as "babby's first Cave game") and the easier G-Darius routes. beyond that it's just toddler achievements like Dynamite Deka 2/Dynamite Cop (the easiest arcade beat-em-up I've ever played), Mikie loop 1 & Neo Mr. Do which is the casual Mr. Do. I've only "seriously" gotten into beat-em-ups the past month. so I'm more or less a casual too and have to wean myself off of easier PC & console game design. I'm just able to not have that initial hurdle of "this isn't 'player-friendly' design out of a GDC talk, thus unfair"

              • 5 months ago

                >I've only "seriously" gotten into beat-em-ups the past month
                I'll throw in a free recommendation Guardians/Denjin Makai 2 (the first game is decent too) One of my favorite arcade only beat em ups

              • 5 months ago

                yeah I'll give it a shot. I did hear about it a bunch but never actually got around to playing it.

              • 5 months ago

                >that's what advanced comboing is for.
                Advanced comboing still leaves them with like two to three hits of health because even when juggling them you can only get around three hits off if you're lucky, typically two. The guy in the video you linked is doing a full combo on mooks into a tier 3 charge attack and it's still not enough to kill boss mooks or even regular mooks sometimes while also constantly getting slapped out of it. On most mook encounters literally all he's doing is tier 3 charges which on that specific character has an aoe spin attack to clear the area around him and he's still at like 20% health constantly.

                He's also forcing the bosses or mooks into areas where they get stuck on the environment, and when he is fighting bosses it's backing away until they do their running attack to close the distance, him countering with a single punch, then going
                >Grab -> Punch x2 -> Spin -> Slam -> Uppercut x2
                >Grab -> Punch -> Throw
                With no real in between. Look at the boss he fights in the Sonic arena, the guy nearly kills him through stunlocks twice and he had to Super Attack iframe out of it twice because he had no other way out. Even in this webm he had to do it so he didn't get stunlocked to death.
                >the iframes & armored moves are there to make you experiment, to make the advanced mechanics & more varied moveset matter.
                But they don't make you experiment. They force you into a much more rigid structure to counter these specific issues. Look at every single boss fight the guy in your video goes. It's the exact same strategy on repeat because it's all he's got to fight them safely. He can't actively go after them, he's always passive or strafing to make someone whiff off camera.
                >not letting you rely on a simple matter of "bait them into doing their big attack then hammer away at them" is the point.
                But the issue is if you attack them you can't dodge them when they do iframe. It punishes you for both taking initiative and being patient.

              • 5 months ago

                I just linked one video. you can study more if you search spikeout 1cc or スパイクアウト or whatever.

                it's not your basic strategy of "lure out the move then hammer away" and yeah it did require experimentation in the long run. now it went from "the game is clearly unfair" to "sure you can beat the bosses & it's not really unfair but people developing optimal strategies after 25 years is bad cuz it's monkey cheesing"

              • 5 months ago

                >that's what advanced comboing is for.
                Advanced comboing still leaves them with like two to three hits of health because even when juggling them you can only get around three hits off if you're lucky, typically two. The guy in the video you linked is doing a full combo on mooks into a tier 3 charge attack and it's still not enough to kill boss mooks or even regular mooks sometimes while also constantly getting slapped out of it. On most mook encounters literally all he's doing is tier 3 charges which on that specific character has an aoe spin attack to clear the area around him and he's still at like 20% health constantly.

                He's also forcing the bosses or mooks into areas where they get stuck on the environment, and when he is fighting bosses it's backing away until they do their running attack to close the distance, him countering with a single punch, then going
                >Grab -> Punch x2 -> Spin -> Slam -> Uppercut x2
                >Grab -> Punch -> Throw
                With no real in between. Look at the boss he fights in the Sonic arena, the guy nearly kills him through stunlocks twice and he had to Super Attack iframe out of it twice because he had no other way out. Even in this webm he had to do it so he didn't get stunlocked to death.
                >the iframes & armored moves are there to make you experiment, to make the advanced mechanics & more varied moveset matter.
                But they don't make you experiment. They force you into a much more rigid structure to counter these specific issues. Look at every single boss fight the guy in your video goes. It's the exact same strategy on repeat because it's all he's got to fight them safely. He can't actively go after them, he's always passive or strafing to make someone whiff off camera.
                >not letting you rely on a simple matter of "bait them into doing their big attack then hammer away at them" is the point.
                But the issue is if you attack them you can't dodge them when they do iframe. It punishes you for both taking initiative and being patient.

                >On most mook encounters literally all he's doing is tier 3 charges which on that specific character has an aoe spin attack to clear the area around him
                yesterday you said the game was badly designed cuz Linda is the only viable character to use and the guys are useless. which one is it?

                "you can ONLY use this strategy for EVERY boss" again watch other videos

              • 5 months ago

                >that's what advanced comboing is for.
                Advanced comboing still leaves them with like two to three hits of health because even when juggling them you can only get around three hits off if you're lucky, typically two. The guy in the video you linked is doing a full combo on mooks into a tier 3 charge attack and it's still not enough to kill boss mooks or even regular mooks sometimes while also constantly getting slapped out of it. On most mook encounters literally all he's doing is tier 3 charges which on that specific character has an aoe spin attack to clear the area around him and he's still at like 20% health constantly.

                He's also forcing the bosses or mooks into areas where they get stuck on the environment, and when he is fighting bosses it's backing away until they do their running attack to close the distance, him countering with a single punch, then going
                >Grab -> Punch x2 -> Spin -> Slam -> Uppercut x2
                >Grab -> Punch -> Throw
                With no real in between. Look at the boss he fights in the Sonic arena, the guy nearly kills him through stunlocks twice and he had to Super Attack iframe out of it twice because he had no other way out. Even in this webm he had to do it so he didn't get stunlocked to death.
                >the iframes & armored moves are there to make you experiment, to make the advanced mechanics & more varied moveset matter.
                But they don't make you experiment. They force you into a much more rigid structure to counter these specific issues. Look at every single boss fight the guy in your video goes. It's the exact same strategy on repeat because it's all he's got to fight them safely. He can't actively go after them, he's always passive or strafing to make someone whiff off camera.
                >not letting you rely on a simple matter of "bait them into doing their big attack then hammer away at them" is the point.
                But the issue is if you attack them you can't dodge them when they do iframe. It punishes you for both taking initiative and being patient.

                "items are useless" hmm

              • 5 months ago

                >On most mook encounters literally all he's doing is tier 3 charges which on that specific character has an aoe spin attack to clear the area around him
                yesterday you said the game was badly designed cuz Linda is the only viable character to use and the guys are useless. which one is it?

                "you can ONLY use this strategy for EVERY boss" again watch other videos

                >it's not really unfair
                No, it is unfair. The methods they use to avoid the issues are what would quality as cheesing. Again, everything he does to fight the bosses is the exact same strategy. He doesn't do full combos or even combos at all, he doesn't do uppercuts to juggle only to hit the guy on the ground, he doesn't bother stunning, it's just the same thing because it's the safest way to deal with a boss. For basic mooks they all run around like headless chickens doing charge attacks and rarely doing maybe two hits of the basic combo before transitioning into a charge attack before backing off. Sometimes they grab slam for the iframes if surrounded and sometimes they do a full combo charge attack if they have room. Some 1cc guys are better about this than others

                The guy in this video and webm does the same thing. He forces the boss into doing the running kick designed as a counter to stop you from running from an encounter, then punches into grab slams or does a kick that does chip damage. He also grabs them at the end of some basic attacks and repeats the same slam attack over and over.
                At the very least the guy in this video is much more varied in mook fights but most encounters he's abusing the enemies doing a running kick so he gets an opening and he's also abusing the environment to have guys get stuck on them.
                >which one is it?
                I still stand by Linda feeling like the only one that was viable when I was playing it. Better players can clearly utilize them better than me.

                Look man, we're just gonna go in circles with this all day and I'm sure people are already tired of us bickering for a third of the thread. I will once again say that this very clearly had a lot of effort and work into it, and I can see why people like it, but I refuse to acknowledge that it's a good singleplayer game in any way and will acknowledge it's good in multiplayer. You liking it won't change this for me.

              • 5 months ago

                well once again, you're overfocused on that one guy in the hedge maze

                "items are useless" hmm

                again that's just called finding an optimal strategy after two decades and a half. it's goofy to nitpick a game with constant mechanical engagement so hard over that when you're playing the series that was just Nagoshi almost completely dropping gameplay mastery from the equation.
                >He doesn't do full combos or even combos at all, he doesn't do uppercuts to juggle only to hit the guy on the ground, he doesn't bother stunning,
                this just sounds like a "modernized" beat-em-up designer's approach where if you don't feel like you're Daigo or a DMC3 combo video guy playing a game it's worthless

              • 5 months ago

                >it's not really unfair
                No, it is unfair. The methods they use to avoid the issues are what would quality as cheesing. Again, everything he does to fight the bosses is the exact same strategy. He doesn't do full combos or even combos at all, he doesn't do uppercuts to juggle only to hit the guy on the ground, he doesn't bother stunning, it's just the same thing because it's the safest way to deal with a boss. For basic mooks they all run around like headless chickens doing charge attacks and rarely doing maybe two hits of the basic combo before transitioning into a charge attack before backing off. Sometimes they grab slam for the iframes if surrounded and sometimes they do a full combo charge attack if they have room. Some 1cc guys are better about this than others

                The guy in this video and webm does the same thing. He forces the boss into doing the running kick designed as a counter to stop you from running from an encounter, then punches into grab slams or does a kick that does chip damage. He also grabs them at the end of some basic attacks and repeats the same slam attack over and over.
                At the very least the guy in this video is much more varied in mook fights but most encounters he's abusing the enemies doing a running kick so he gets an opening and he's also abusing the environment to have guys get stuck on them.
                >which one is it?
                I still stand by Linda feeling like the only one that was viable when I was playing it. Better players can clearly utilize them better than me.

                Look man, we're just gonna go in circles with this all day and I'm sure people are already tired of us bickering for a third of the thread. I will once again say that this very clearly had a lot of effort and work into it, and I can see why people like it, but I refuse to acknowledge that it's a good singleplayer game in any way and will acknowledge it's good in multiplayer. You liking it won't change this for me.

                also if those "cheesing" strategies as you call them are such bad design then you'd probably hate Final Fight. or not cuz you got introduced to that as a "classic" and Spikeout was something you felt forced to play in Yakuza for fake prizes.

  52. 5 months ago

    If ichy balls calmtuna wasnt in the game the story would be a million times better

  53. 5 months ago

    >chitose actually redeemed herself
    I'm still seething about Nanba. I will never forgive that c**t.

  54. 5 months ago

    When do i fight the tiger and the shark?
    When to nanba and adachi join my party?

    • 5 months ago

      Only available in new game+, now pay up goy

  55. 5 months ago

    so it's fine to use the DLC Sujimon if you're not planning on using Sujimancer is what I gather?

  56. 5 months ago

    guys tell me honestly. Is infinite wealth actually good, like the older Yakuza games? I hear a bunch of shit about the localization on twitter and it makes it seem like infinite wealth is bad...I don't want that to be true. I also heard Nagoshi left sega, what does that mean for Infinite wealth? What about Gaiden, was that good?

    • 5 months ago

      Gaiden was good as frick and as for IW it's fun so far, but I'm not sure I like it better than 7 or either of the Judgements yet.

    • 5 months ago

      Form your own opinion, moron.

    • 5 months ago

      No it's trash. Dont listen to the jrpg cultists

    • 5 months ago

      >Is infinite wealth actually good, like the older Yakuza games?
      yeah, the combat is a lot more engaging and the content amount in this game is pretty staggeing. Almost feels like Yakuza 5 in that regard except the minigames are mostly fun instead of being gigajank like in Y5.

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Well, at least they weren't lying about Gaiden's story trial having content not in 8. Kiryu just nonchalantly appears if you only have 8 as the context.

      Gaiden was great, 8 is basically 7 with improvements to early game and takes even longer than 7 and LJ to get anywhere. It's easily the longest "intro" to any Yakuza game so far.

      • 5 months ago

        Actually, to expand on this further, a lot of the scenes in 8 that were in the story trial are shortened. The entire car discussion is quite different in 8 and lacking context for what Kiryu did while just setting up the Daidoji and giving us the Hanawa scene whereas we got the church scene and the phone call from Hanawa in Gaiden instead. Ichiban also doesn't tell Kiryu about Chitose at all. You also have Kiryu nonchalantly joining the party instead of getting exhausted at his car and Ichiban needs to get him a drink leading to the story trial having a fight paired with Kiryu while in 8 you just head straight to Revolve Bar.

        • 5 months ago

          >instead of getting exhausted at his car and Ichiban needs to get him a drink leading to the story trial having a fight paired with Kiryu
          I knew something was missing

          • 5 months ago

            Rip the fakas battle, you will be missed.

    • 5 months ago

      Gaiden was awesome. I don't want to give any opinion on 8 yet since I'm far from finished, but I'm very absorbed by it right now.

    • 5 months ago

      >I hear a bunch of shit about the localization on twitter
      gobalization, big difference, anon. It came out that these games receive consulting for wider appeal, which everyone already knew but likes to fricking pretend otherwise. You're like years late on the Nagoshi thing as well.

    • 5 months ago

      It's no better or worse than the other games. This is coming from someone who speaks both English and Japanese fluently.
      It's just the hip and trendy thing to hate on localizers right now.

  57. 5 months ago

    why is Majima poor in Yakuza 8? What happened to the security company they were supposed to be founding?

    • 5 months ago

      got Vtubered

  58. 5 months ago

    without spoiling much does Seong-Hui go to Hawai later ?
    just got to chapter 8 and unlocked her

  59. 5 months ago

    it really feels like they gave Kiryu cancer just so he doesn't solo the entire story lol

    • 5 months ago

      He impregnated all those women
      Kiryu is truly hard boiled

  60. 5 months ago

    Kiryu franchise
    He will never be retired

    • 5 months ago

      >Yakuza 20
      >Old man Kiryu in rocket powered wheelchair

      • 5 months ago

        He's already halfway there

  61. 5 months ago

    >fart wub music garbage
    >kino Sawashiro remix
    >back to brapaholic compositions

  62. 5 months ago

    >k-kiryu only has cancer because t-t-they had to nerf him
    >T-theres no way he w-would be this weak
    >F-forget the part where in literally every game hes in he forgets basic shit about fighting!

    • 5 months ago

      He still solos shit when he forgets half his moves thoughEVER

    • 5 months ago

      >in literally every game hes in

      Granted you're not wrong

  63. 5 months ago

    It doesn’t even feel like a good JRPG now, just a worse version of the brawler system
    Shit still devolves into spam later on

  64. 5 months ago
  65. 5 months ago

    They really should make actual game with Judgement and Like A Dragon characters.

  66. 5 months ago

    So whats the best way to grind money? Is there a business mini game like ichiban confections?

    • 5 months ago

      People have been saying later tier Sujimon League battles if you want something quickly but for not an enormous payout, otherwise get to a fully finished Animal Crossing island and you'll earn a bunch.

    • 5 months ago

      Just cheat engine it or you'll be spending 2000 hours on the island.

  67. 5 months ago

    would've been cool if we saw ichiban shitting himself as the plane was taking off as I'm pretty sure he's never been on one before

  68. 5 months ago

    I really like the game but both final bosses really lack the hype. Shishido is still the peak final boss.

    • 5 months ago

      I'm hard pressed to decide if Shishido or Bully Hunter is the best Dragon Engine final boss.

      • 5 months ago

        Shishido, he's less pathetic than bully hunter

  69. 5 months ago
  70. 5 months ago

    >woke shit
    >Ichiban got flanderized
    >Saeko became a massive c**t for no reason
    >Chintose and Eric suck
    >Kiryu became a pussy
    >Cannot stop retconning character deaths like ruffman
    If you like this game you don't actually like this series, you're no better then one of those gays laughing at "haha le sad dame da ne man". have a nice day.

    • 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      The thing is the story in yakuza games are completely about taste

      I have seen a lot of people who love yakuza 6 story, while another bunch of people hate yakuza 6 story

      A lot of people love kiwami 2, others hate kiwami 2, some yakuza fans still hate yakuza 7 for been turn base and the story been about “power of friendship”

      If you find the story bad, then okay… the world won’t stop spinning because you didn’t like something

      • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      >They're getting really desperate to push "muh Yakuza is wokeshit now" narrative just because people on Yakuza threads are too busy playing the games
      I guess they can't really do anything since the game is full of Bikini girls

  71. 5 months ago

    >want to use at least one of the DLC 'mon
    >pick Saejima because I like Saejima
    >one shots everyone if same level
    >one shot a level 22 silver trainer's mons at level 13
    uhhhhh maybe not?

  72. 5 months ago

    you can tell the devs were too cowardly to portray cancer treatment accurately because Kiryu should've been bald at the end of the game.

    • 5 months ago

      You know not all cancer treatment causes hair loss right?

    • 5 months ago
      • 5 months ago

        I hope for Yakuza 9, they do a similar teaser to the 8 one but Kiryu is just bald this time, it'd be really funny.

  73. 5 months ago


  74. 5 months ago

    Please tell me why the frick is Kiryu whining like a b***h in here and crying while delivery this shitty speech to someone he has ZERO connection to whatsoever?


    • 5 months ago

      because this interaction was written for Ichiban, but they decided it was Ichibad to sideline Kiryu so they gave this scene to him instead. Ichiban apologizing in Arakawa's place would've made way more sense than Kiryu doing it.

  75. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Why are they still making him act like a lunatic when he no longer has any reasons to do so since the Yakuza are dead now and the only people he hangs around with are Saejima and Daigo who know what he's like?

    • 5 months ago

      How is he in 8? Does he appear for a minute just like most of the other fan favorites and past protags or is there at least a nice boss fight included?

      • 5 months ago

        there's a boss fight with Saejima, Majima and Daigo with a unique gimmick that is only used for that fight that should've been the gimmick for the final boss but they are stupid

        • 5 months ago

          Does it go real time? I've been expecting something like this to happen in 7 during the Kiryu fight.

          • 5 months ago

            >first spoiler
            Yes, you go back to the brawler gameplay to finish them off one by one, it also has their respective songs playing in the background

            • 5 months ago

              When you defeat one of them, it forces a real time fight for a single health bar while it plays their respective theme(For Face for Daigo, Receive and Bite You for Majima, and Massive Fire for Saejima)

              Frick me, that's exactly the fan service I love (and the one almost nobody usually delivers). Nice.

          • 5 months ago

            When you defeat one of them, it forces a real time fight for a single health bar while it plays their respective theme(For Face for Daigo, Receive and Bite You for Majima, and Massive Fire for Saejima)

  76. 5 months ago

    I cheesed chiptoles bond lvl to 60 by just giving her all the flowers from far west of map flower seller. Each 3 flowers does alvl. After 60 it doesnt do as much.

    • 5 months ago

      nice I'll remember that

      • 5 months ago

        It works on all of them, taxi to flower seller, buy flowers, taxi to resovle, give gifts. Rinse and repeat.

  77. 5 months ago

    Why the frick are they aging Kiryu up specifically now but no the rest of the cast?
    Majiam still looks the same. Saejima still looks the same. Daigo still looks the same. Haruka still looks the same aside from the haircut change. Fricking Yuki from the Cabaret club missions still looks the damn same even though she's supposed to be older than Kiryu.

    • 5 months ago

      because glorified cameos don't age.

  78. 5 months ago

    Does Linebacker have weapons?

    • 5 months ago

      Yeah, they're peppered in a couple different places. There's a sports store right by the Hello Work you go to in the story that'll have linebacker and tennis weapons.

  79. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago
  80. 5 months ago

    >finally got to roam around Ijincho a bit
    >immediately head to Ichiban Confections
    >Old lady Tome remembers Ichi
    >Even the chicken
    >Eri is going around the world spreading the gospel of Ichiban Senbei
    Good for her, sure, but where did all my money go, dammit? Don't tell me I dogeza'd all those shareholders and broke their minds for nothing.

  81. 5 months ago

    The top dog fight out side diamond head is easily the most bullshit boss fight in the entire game. I am leve 23, 5 levels higher than them and yet they still spam stun locks and easily kill everyone off

  82. 5 months ago

    It’s still mindboggling to me that Yakuza franchise peak popularity came after they ditched the action packed gameplay and turned into a turn-based RPG, a genre many people considered a niche market and are “dying”.

    In a world where many games are looking at the other way around (looking at you, Final Fantasy and Trails ), this counter-intuitive success of RGG needs to be studied.

    • 5 months ago

      the game's succeed in spite of being turn based RPGs, not because of them.

      • 5 months ago

        Interesting cope

    • 5 months ago

      Because for how niche JRPGs are, beatemups are more so.

    • 5 months ago

      ChatGPT post. frick off.

    • 5 months ago

      It’s peak popularity came from 0

  83. 5 months ago


    >every recent archived mention of Spikeout on Ganker or /vr/ is positive & considers it one of the best 3D beat-em-ups of all time, except for a response to one dumb bait post where it's used to shit on God Hand
    >it's put into modern turn-based Yakuza
    >immediately it's one of the worst games of all time according to people like that "Moose" tripgay whose entire post history's only mentions of the term "1CC" are within the context of getting fake prizes or trophies/achievements in Yakuza & Shenmue & sees arcade design as antiquated

    frick I even made thread like two days ago when it was too early for most modern Yakuza fans to have played it and the response was still positive from general arcade fans. admittedly the game's learning curve is gonna feel too hard in singleplayer & it was primarily made for multiplayer, but even in its current hugely compromised state (Sega are morons) there are way harder arcade games out there. I could get around 10 minutes of gameplay with one coin in my first sitting after not that many credits which is about on par with how I initially progressed in singleplayer Final Fight (Sodom is a dick if you don't know picking up his swords makes him more aggressive).

    • 5 months ago

      Sorry Spikeout dude, it is what it is.

      I do kinda appreciate the effort in porting to modern harder even if they messed up it the mp aspect. If Sega wasn't moronic they could make a standalone version port for modern hardware but alas

    • 5 months ago

      >Kiryu uses his full name in karaoke.
      >Not Taichi Suzuki.
      >Despite using Joyru in Gaiden and getting Taichi Suzuki specifically for Hawaii.
      Are the Daidoji just blind that he's doing this? This system is used across both Japan and the US, how does anyone think he's dead when he just hit a 100 score on every song in Hawaii?

      >only mentions of the term "1CC" are within the context of getting fake prizes or trophies/achievements in Yakuza & Shenmue
      I don't do 1CC runs at all and I play arcade games casually. I never implied I did, you are the one who keeps bringing it up as if I care at all.
      >sees arcade design as antiquated
      No, I don't and I never said that. Stop putting words in my mouth. House of the Dead and Time Crisis are some of the best games out there. TMNT Arcade and The Simpsons Arcade are classics. Jurassic Park is a classic. Super Hang On is a classic. Outrun is a classic. I also explicitly said as a singleplayer game Spikeout is garbage, as a multiplayer game like it's intended it would still have some annoyances but a lot of that would be alleviated.

      • 5 months ago

        The Daidoji think giving him glasses and a name close to his original was enough in Gaiden, and styling his hair different was enough in Infinite Wealth. They've consistently shown they fricking suck as secret agents.

      • 5 months ago

        I'm in chapter 5 and so far there's been no mention of Kiryu using an alias.
        This dude stonewalled Majima and Daigo and never once broke character, but I guess he just knew Ichiban was too moronic to get it, so he's just like "hey it's me, Kiryu."

        • 5 months ago

          Even in chapter 3 he's just fine with Ichiban blurting out "Kiryu-san" to Wesker. I'm starting to think Gaiden was them sort of overplaying their hand in terms of what the Daidoji can actually do or care to do.

          • 5 months ago

            Which is funny considering both games were definitely developed simultaneously.

        • 5 months ago

          He remembers Taichi Suzuki when he comes back to Japan. Not that anybody really cares about his alias

      • 5 months ago

        my point is a lot of the shit you pointed out as "proof it's badly designed" was straight up wrong & shows you don't really get into the mindset of learning an arcade game & learning to think around things that might seem "unfair". like, you think the grim raper guy's mooks are infinite when they literally aren't - even Mikhail's aren't! you probably don't even know about the air throw which is pretty great for damaging bosses with their mooks.

        like, I'm sorry, this webm you posted is just terrible gameplay. "uhhh it's the bullshit iframe attack that killed me, unfair!" come on dude. not even saying you're "inherently" bad at games, just that you're ready to dismiss an arcade game unless it's already considered a timeless "classic" in the gaming conscious.

        Simpsons Arcade in America is INSANELY unfair compared to the Japanese version. it was "rebalanced" to make it a legitimate "quarter muncher". that's why I say there's immensely more "bullshit" arcade games than Spikeout EVEN IF Spikeout is made unfairer to learn thanks to the lack of multiplayer in this game.

        Turtles in Time is made for America, there isn't even a Japanese version to compare like with Simpsons, and is just pure bullshit with the grabs/throws being randomized. the SNES one is the good one.

        Sorry Spikeout dude, it is what it is.

        I do kinda appreciate the effort in porting to modern harder even if they messed up it the mp aspect. If Sega wasn't moronic they could make a standalone version port for modern hardware but alas

        it's not a flawless game, it's 3d & from like 1998 (Final is 1999 but it's the same game fundamentally) so yeah the camera & sidestepping/lock-on aren't perfect but the overwhelming majority of the time getting hit is gonna be your fault. you need to actually know the moves & how to make split-second strategic decisions in a pinch; that still matters above all else.

        the bigger problem, again, is you can't play with friends online to get some of the weight of the difficulty off & learn the basic moves, when to use them, how to work around boss i-frames etc which means you're just gonna die constantly. but you're not losing money so it's whatever.

        • 5 months ago

          oops forgot the webm

    • 5 months ago

      what's up tapirman

    • 5 months ago

      Based Spikeout defender.
      I wish Sega was better at making their old arcade games accessible. Or at least make OutRun 3.

    • 5 months ago

      tbf Moose is a known moron that gets filtered by half the minigames in every Yakuza game

  84. 5 months ago

    So where do you get the job exp accessories? I've been picking some up randomly but I wanna know if there's any guaranteed drops or pickup locations.

    • 5 months ago

      Hours later but I just found a Desperado one here. See if it's the same on your end. I don't think the Hawaii suitcases are randomly spawning like the Kamurocho ones.

  85. 5 months ago

    Reposting here since the other thread died
    Does Chitose's bathing suit have jiggle physics or did they animate her breasts in the revelation cutscenes?
    this is a very important question

  86. 5 months ago

    Yong bros...

  87. 5 months ago

    What the frick was their marketing strategy?
    Just throw money at everything and see what sticks?

    • 5 months ago

      It worked considering the game is selling higher than ever

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah, the 10 people who drink this beer in hawaii totally went and bought the game after seeing this.

    • 5 months ago

      Is that a real world product in my Yakuza game? What the frick?

  88. 5 months ago

    Am I crazy or does LJ kinda fall apart at the end?
    Yagami and Kuwana were talking in circles for like two chapters and the court hearing seems very Ace Attorney like.

  89. 5 months ago

    It's Hawaii. I doubt the Daidoji cares what Kiryu does overseas.

    • 5 months ago

      They straight up threatened him through Hanawa not to reveal himself at the end of Gaiden no matter where he goes on vacation, even to Hawaii. On top of that they gave him the Taichi Suzuki alias to specifically use when he goes anywhere now.

      my point is a lot of the shit you pointed out as "proof it's badly designed" was straight up wrong & shows you don't really get into the mindset of learning an arcade game & learning to think around things that might seem "unfair". like, you think the grim raper guy's mooks are infinite when they literally aren't - even Mikhail's aren't! you probably don't even know about the air throw which is pretty great for damaging bosses with their mooks.

      like, I'm sorry, this webm you posted is just terrible gameplay. "uhhh it's the bullshit iframe attack that killed me, unfair!" come on dude. not even saying you're "inherently" bad at games, just that you're ready to dismiss an arcade game unless it's already considered a timeless "classic" in the gaming conscious.

      Simpsons Arcade in America is INSANELY unfair compared to the Japanese version. it was "rebalanced" to make it a legitimate "quarter muncher". that's why I say there's immensely more "bullshit" arcade games than Spikeout EVEN IF Spikeout is made unfairer to learn thanks to the lack of multiplayer in this game.

      Turtles in Time is made for America, there isn't even a Japanese version to compare like with Simpsons, and is just pure bullshit with the grabs/throws being randomized. the SNES one is the good one.
      it's not a flawless game, it's 3d & from like 1998 (Final is 1999 but it's the same game fundamentally) so yeah the camera & sidestepping/lock-on aren't perfect but the overwhelming majority of the time getting hit is gonna be your fault. you need to actually know the moves & how to make split-second strategic decisions in a pinch; that still matters above all else.

      the bigger problem, again, is you can't play with friends online to get some of the weight of the difficulty off & learn the basic moves, when to use them, how to work around boss i-frames etc which means you're just gonna die constantly. but you're not losing money so it's whatever.

      >like, you think the grim raper guy's mooks are infinite when they literally aren't - even Mikhail's aren't!
      Except they continually respawn. Even if there is a limit you are not going to reach that limit through casual play and will effectively have infinite enemies coming at you and around you with the max amount of health a mook can have. This is unfun combat because the game barely gives you ways to deal with this. Your ways to deal with this are to stay off in the distance and tier 3 charge attack the boss before running away, super attack, or grab and throw someone at the group.
      >"uhhh it's the bullshit iframe attack that killed me, unfair!" come on dude.
      No, I want you to explain to me exactly why the bosses have completely random iframe attacks and why three of them should be able to do them all at the same time. You didn't yesterday and you still aren't today. Why do they sometimes do it at the start of my combo? Why do they sometimes do it in the middle of my combo? Why do they sometimes do it at the end of my combo? Why do they sometimes not to do it at all and I can do a full combo including a charge attack? Why do they sometimes get super armor on a charge attack? Why is every single boss fight like this except on top of that I have to deal with 5+ mooks on top of upward of three bosses?
      >just that you're ready to dismiss an arcade game
      No, I am not. Like I have said for what, the fourth time now, it is bad as a singleplayer game and would be fine as a multiplayer game as they intend it.

      tbf Moose is a known moron that gets filtered by half the minigames in every Yakuza game

      The only minigames that filter me are normal golf, pre-DE indoor golf, Puyo Puyo, and Virtua FIghter because I'm not big on fighting games.

      • 5 months ago

        Puyo puyo isnt a fighting game dumb ass

        • 5 months ago

          I didn't say it was though it could be considered a battle of wits. I said "and Virtua Fighter because I'm not big on fighting games". Fighting Vipers too now that I remembered the name. At least VF is much easier to deal with for the requirements since there's usually some easy way to deal with the fights, Fighting Vipers is just "git gud" and hope for the best.

      • 5 months ago

        >This is unfun combat because the game barely gives you ways to deal with this
        you get way more health pickups than usual & the reaper mooks are really not that aggressive or powerful. there's just a lot of em. I was actually shocked how quickly I got through it when I just credit-fed to see the game after some 1-coin training; despite the game not really being scaled for singleplayer, when it comes to credit use it's again about on par with singleplayer Final Fight (which IS scaled) when adjusted for its far bigger game length
        >why do bosses get sudden iframes and armor why why why bad design
        it's about encouraging you to strategically use footwork & other moves, to always be ready, but even if you just attack blindly you can still deter the invincibility state, stop it or even dodge with specific moves as part of the combo. with the early bosses I generally vary heavily between the default punch/kick combos & the move where you press both attack buttons at the same time (also really good for crowd control btw). this tends to throw him off guard & keep him from using the armored moves. of course this stops working as effectively in the second half of the game and you gotta use other strategies.

        HOWEVER... that's the thing. it's the reason I haven't answered yet: because I've only been playing for a week and have heavy issues with trying out new strategies when under pressure - meaning my own advice wouldn't be as good as simply telling you to watch some 1CCs on Youtube. they do a whole lot of shit I can't yet to work around the seemingly "unfair" boss issues. even just this popular 1CC you can learn a lot from, not just for bosses but in terms of general footwork & basic enemy strategies (though it helps to watch one for your preferred character)
        >it is bad as a singleplayer game
        it's extremely hard but I still maintain it's really not unfair or badly designed.

      • 5 months ago

        >This is unfun combat because the game barely gives you ways to deal with this
        you get way more health pickups than usual & the reaper mooks are really not that aggressive or powerful. there's just a lot of em. I was actually shocked how quickly I got through it when I just credit-fed to see the game after some 1-coin training; despite the game not really being scaled for singleplayer, when it comes to credit use it's again about on par with singleplayer Final Fight (which IS scaled) when adjusted for its far bigger game length
        >why do bosses get sudden iframes and armor why why why bad design
        it's about encouraging you to strategically use footwork & other moves, to always be ready, but even if you just attack blindly you can still deter the invincibility state, stop it or even dodge with specific moves as part of the combo. with the early bosses I generally vary heavily between the default punch/kick combos & the move where you press both attack buttons at the same time (also really good for crowd control btw). this tends to throw him off guard & keep him from using the armored moves. of course this stops working as effectively in the second half of the game and you gotta use other strategies.

        HOWEVER... that's the thing. it's the reason I haven't answered yet: because I've only been playing for a week and have heavy issues with trying out new strategies when under pressure - meaning my own advice wouldn't be as good as simply telling you to watch some 1CCs on Youtube. they do a whole lot of shit I can't yet to work around the seemingly "unfair" boss issues. even just this popular 1CC you can learn a lot from, not just for bosses but in terms of general footwork & basic enemy strategies (though it helps to watch one for your preferred character)
        >it is bad as a singleplayer game
        it's extremely hard but I still maintain it's really not unfair or badly designed.

        another important piece of advice is noticing the terrain. super moves are more useful if you can herd enemies into relatively closed-off spaces so even if you can't use the advanced 1cc strategies, a good beginner tip is to keep an eye out for areas you can use for charge attacks, to separate multiple simultaneous bosses & to effectively use your supers. there's a reason the first boss encounter of Diesel Town feels so hard compared to the end boss of Spikers' Den, if you try to fight them the same way - you're meant to take note of the terrain & advanced crowd control. the Spikers' Den boss, in comparison, is very forgiving and easy to keep away from you while you deal with the mooks.

  90. 5 months ago

    'ate Yumi
    'ate Chitose
    Love Saeko
    Love Saori
    Love Kaoru
    Simple as

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Friendship ended with Saeko
      Now Cheetos is my best friend

    • 5 months ago


  91. 5 months ago

    >want to watch reactions to story events from other people
    >they're all playing in EN dub
    well, i guess i just won't watch any Infinite Wealth content on youtube lol

    • 5 months ago

      >reaction shit

      have a nice day

    • 5 months ago

      fricking moron

    • 5 months ago

      The curse of any game with dual audio. Every single person without exception plays in English. The only time I saw someone playing in JP it was a no commentary channel.

  92. 5 months ago

    Ichiban throwing a rare sujimon gift at them like theyre a b***h and then the sujimon still joining is hilarious

  93. 5 months ago

    >finish the entire sujimon storyline, have several level 50s
    >never got a chance to evolve them
    What gives?

    • 5 months ago

      That's done through awakenings, not levels.

  94. 5 months ago

    • 5 months ago

      Garbage opinion

  95. 5 months ago

    Are the dlc jobs any good?
    Can someone give me a summary of how they play

  96. 5 months ago

    he says after getting his ass beat half a dozen times already

  97. 5 months ago

    What a prostitute.

    • 5 months ago

      legitimately considering getting the costume DLC just so this chick can have her gazongas out the whole game

      • 5 months ago

        MVP gives you the golden swimsuits so I don't think you even need the costume pack.

        • 5 months ago

          have you heard if the achievements for beating NG+ are retroactive? (ie. can I beat it on legend and get the achievement for beating it on hard at the same time?)

          • 5 months ago

            >Do difficulty trophies stack?: No, beating the game on Legend doesn’t unlock the trophy for beating it on Hard. But a workaround is to make a save before the endboss, finish on Legend, reload save, finish the endboss again on Hard.

        • 5 months ago

          It also gives you a cheat Sujimon of each type so the Sujimon & Resort bundle is purely for the resort part of it.

  98. 5 months ago

    >spend a few hours in dondoko island
    >suddenly 40000 dollars
    Imagine being poor lmao

  99. 5 months ago

    Why is Yamai Ichiban's Majima? if he follows him to Japan to fill that role, he won't get to stay with all the fat milfs in America, Japan doesn't have as big of a quantity of that

  100. 5 months ago

    I think I played too much over the weekend. I got to chapter 5 and am just wandering around collecting chitoses bingo and collecting suji mon
    How do you level up your mon past level 10? I can't do any of the raids

    • 5 months ago

      go beat a couple of rookie trainers until you get a quest notification to challenge the first discreet four, after you beat him you get you lvl cap increased to 20
      it also unlocks the sujimancer job but its kinda ass until you get max level sujimons, lvl 20 ones still did jack shit damage and you cant even equip weapons on that job

  101. 5 months ago

    they should hook up

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      kiryu no, you don't know where that's been!

    • 5 months ago

      this is fake. she couldn't do that face in real life due to the fact she's a shit actor.

    • 5 months ago

      so that's how he got cancer

    • 5 months ago

      >A renactment of Kson with her cat

  102. 5 months ago

    Did they really have to turn everyone from the old guard into miserable pieces of shit instead of just leaving them be at pace?

  103. 5 months ago

    Beat the Sujimon champ but got cucked by the normal fight after due to them being 10 levels higher. Does one maxed out Sujimon of each element cover you for Sujimancer?

  104. 5 months ago

    >kiryu preaching like a moron about the importance of "doing one's job instead of running away" when he literally ran away from every single problem he had to deal with in the old games
    do the fricking writers even bother following their own previous plots anymore?

    • 5 months ago

      The writers don't care anymore

      • 5 months ago

        so why should the customers care then to continue buying their games?

    • 5 months ago

      No? Yumi is still being harped on when Gaiden was literally about putting her behind Kiryu and moving on only for 8 to again make her his oneitis. How they pretend Kaoru is just some random NPC and not someone deeply in love with Kiryu who Kiryu also loves is beyond me, as if nothing in 2 happened.

      • 5 months ago

        >Yumi is still being harped on when Gaiden was literally about putting her behind Kiryu and moving on only for 8 to again make her his oneitis
        She's mentioned once in passing
        I don't know why you have such a hate boner for this series now but at least be honest with your critiques.

        • 5 months ago

          >this scene about kiryu letting go of this death woman he still can't help himself but obsess over for decades
          >oops, sorry not really. i know we just showed this symbolic scene where he's supposed to part away with his thoughts of her and everything, but we just HAVE to have him mention her again ahaha
          keep defending shit writing you moronic homosexual and then come back here to complain why they don't bother putting more effort in games.

          • 5 months ago

            >moron thinks you can't ever mention said person ever again, not even to yourself
            this is why you're a lonely incel, anon. Nothing is regretful in comparing a child to her mother.

            • 5 months ago

              there is no weight and meaning to that scene if you're going to have the character go back to talking or thinking about something you made it clear they're supposed to be over. go die of cancer.

              • 5 months ago

                >so mad about his stupidity he replied with death threads.
                whatever, kid.

  105. 5 months ago

    Saeko bros...

    • 5 months ago

      more like chew-toes-ayy

  106. 5 months ago
  107. 5 months ago

    Will modders be able to give Samurai the Bodyguard animations so Korean Vergil can actually be good as Vergil?

  108. 5 months ago

    >these are the people playing the series now

    • 5 months ago

      Gaiden & IW definitely aren't the best entry points but I do think it's kinda ironic that 0gays have been telling people off for recommending it as a starting point for new people

  109. 5 months ago

    God I love making the girls dress like Seonhee, Chitose looks great in that outfit.

  110. 5 months ago

    It feels like Kiryu just turned into Kuze with his way of thinking about keeping pushing.
    Just like Kuze, as long as he is alive he will keep coming for more.

    • 5 months ago

      true. i think kuze had a much bigger impact on kiryu than we think. i do wish he got some kind of a memorial thing like the other characters did

    • 5 months ago

      true. i think kuze had a much bigger impact on kiryu than we think. i do wish he got some kind of a memorial thing like the other characters did

      What the frick is with 0gays being unable to think of anything or anyone but Kuze? What the frick is wrong with you? Do you want to suck his wiener or something? Why else would you keep bringing him up seemingly out of nowhere for unrelated stuff?

  111. 5 months ago

    Soppy and Emotional Kiryu-Haruka Reunion SEX!!!

    • 5 months ago

      Finally, a good post.

  112. 5 months ago

    they have to be taking the piss at this point with shit like this
    it looks like what you'd see at end end when credits roll

  113. 5 months ago

    So how is Infinite Wealth? Worth buying new?

    • 5 months ago

      not worth buying at all

      • 5 months ago

        >I liked 7
        Then you probably have enough brain damage to enjoy wasting money on 8

    • 5 months ago

      Do you want to play 7 2?

    • 5 months ago

      not worth buying at all

      obvious samegay

      • 5 months ago

        You are mentally broken.

        Do you want to play 7 2?

        I liked 7 so yeah, but don't know if it's worth 70 bucks. I only played 7 because it was on PS+

        not worth buying at all

        Why not?

        • 5 months ago


          imagine paying for online
          no wonder you can't afford a new game

        • 5 months ago

          >I liked 7
          Then you probably have enough brain damage to enjoy wasting money on 8

        • 5 months ago

          and you're moronic

        • 5 months ago

          Even from the first three chapters it already feels as long as 5 and I can tell it's gonna be even longer going forward. It's just 7 2.0, if you like 7 it's that but with combat improvements centered around early and midgame. Endgame apparently has all the same issues of 7.

          >Yumi is still being harped on when Gaiden was literally about putting her behind Kiryu and moving on only for 8 to again make her his oneitis
          She's mentioned once in passing
          I don't know why you have such a hate boner for this series now but at least be honest with your critiques.

          >She's mentioned once in passing
          Well I am only going off of a screenshot someone posted where he's still thinking about her again when Gaiden's whole point was putting her past him but if it's just that then fine.
          >I don't know why you have such a hate boner for this series now
          I don't, this is the second time someone has said this and I don't really get it. Because I complain about Ishin Kiwami that means I hate the entire series? I just don't like the choices they make sometimes, I don't hate the series at all.

          • 5 months ago

            >Endgame apparently has all the same issues of 7.
            Endgame in 7 had really boring gameplay because the combat never really changed. I thought they improved the battle system a lot. Endgame was just spammy with inflated enemy HP

            • 5 months ago

              Apparently 8 is the same deal as 7 where you're just back to spamming Essences again but stat debuffs work this time so you're occasionally using those now. Bosses are still HP sponges but that could also be from the people getting to endgame simply rushing everything. Again, this is just what people have been saying in the threads.

              Time to be absolutely miserable.

              Check if moves with accuracy like basic attacks or non-magic physical attacks can hit at all. They couldn't in 7 because everything had absurd evasion. Hopefully they fixed that in 8.

              • 5 months ago

                Early game enemy stats don't go crazy, surprisingly. I needed Sea God's Talisman to survive the tutorial fights, though. You just need to make sure you get Freelancer to a decent level before starting.

                How was your first playthrough? Was it better than 7

                It's hard to compare overall since it's been so long since I've played 7, but it felt overall worse as far as the main story goes. The side content is what's most important to me in these games, but Gaiden tricked me into wanting to rush 8's story. At the very least, the level/power curve feels a bit smoother, and the final boss doesn't pull an instant kill out of his ass 10 minutes into the fight.

              • 5 months ago

                Sounds like it's the same deal as 7 then where you probably want every job at 30 before you go to it. At the very least Freelancer, Hero, Homeless, Detective, and DoD at 30 would be ideal. That EXP rate looks fantastic compared to 7 though, what were you getting in the final chapter for comparison? 30k?

              • 5 months ago

                Dunno how much it was in street fights, but the final dungeon was 50-70k per fight. Just checked and a level 50 group in PA gave 11k, and a 54 group gave 15k, so I'd guess around 8k for the final chapter map enemies.

              • 5 months ago

                Thanks for checking. So then the ideal way to grind is normal battles from NG+ by the sound of it. In 7 it was just a flat 10k added on top of normal EXP and JP, is it a flat 100k here per enemy or are you noticing differences?

    • 5 months ago

      You are mentally broken.

      I liked 7 so yeah, but don't know if it's worth 70 bucks. I only played 7 because it was on PS+

      Why not?

      why can't zoomers make their own decisions

      • 5 months ago

        They just want to follow trends and do whatever the cool thing is at the moment

      • 5 months ago

        They just want to follow trends and do whatever the cool thing is at the moment

        and you're moronic

        >I liked 7
        Then you probably have enough brain damage to enjoy wasting money on 8


        imagine paying for online
        no wonder you can't afford a new game

        Holy SHIT the amount of bitter losers on this board has increased

        • 5 months ago

          enjoy your pigfeed you brainless moron

  114. 5 months ago

    Why does Bryce speak Engrish?

  115. 5 months ago

    >bring kiryu back in order to give him a "proper" send-off after the ending of y6 wasn't that well received
    >somehow managed to not actually solve anything, and in fact, creating even more problems that frick up continuity and previous plot threads while making an even shittier ending than in y6
    Literal monkey's paw at play here when bunch of you morons wished to have a "proper" or "better" end to Kiryu's story.

    • 5 months ago

      Next time for sure bro
      I’ve got three more wishes on this monkeys paw

  116. 5 months ago

    Ebina is such a fricking wasted potential. It should be Ichiban fight, not Kiryu.

    • 5 months ago

      >It should be Ichiban fight
      It was supposed to be, but they changed it last minute to be Kiryu cause they don't have confidence in Ichiban being able to carry the scene or franchise in general. And they need to give Kiryu a reason to be back in Kamurocho, wearing his old suit, fight at the top of the Millennium Tower like all other games.

  117. 5 months ago

    these new job acquisition videos were put in for a single purpose...

  118. 5 months ago

    Time to be absolutely miserable.

    • 5 months ago

      >ng+ on a 70 hour game 2 days after release
      You deserve it lol

    • 5 months ago

      How was your first playthrough? Was it better than 7

    • 5 months ago

      Do you just skip side content and minigames to get to ng that quickly? Just started chapter 9 at 55 hours in and did most stuff except sujimon stuff after the second elite

  119. 5 months ago

    >entire game's plot revolves around a fricking Vtubber doxxing the Yakuza to stop them from going legit and destroying all their future endeavors via online cancellation
    I give up. This series is fricking dead.
    I don't know how they were able to write any of this shit and never stopped to think maybe they should just aim for something else. It all just reads like a straight up first draft they concocted on spot and then never bother polishing in any way whatsoever.

  120. 5 months ago

    >complete animal crossing storyline
    >still not maxed and cant invite s-ranks yet

  121. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      My favourite battle opener.
      Makes me WANT to fight them.

    • 5 months ago

      This is on par with "Hey, you!" and "Hey man, give me money please?". I love these buttholes.

  122. 5 months ago

    >Long Battle sequence
    >Enemies walking up crack their necks, stretch their fingers, and do that kicking thing

  123. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Why the hell did he even decide to change his name and become an arms dealer when he still held the power to unite all Chinks in Japan under him?

  124. 5 months ago

    kiryu is lurking and he's disappointment

    • 5 months ago

      go die of it homosexual

      • 5 months ago

        are you okay

      • 5 months ago

        what a sperg

  125. 5 months ago

    How long is Gaiden? I want to beat it before Persona 3

    • 5 months ago

      Probably like 15 to 20 hours. Depends on how much side content you want to do. 39 hours to 100% for me.

      • 5 months ago

        Oh cool. Thanks, Anon.

    • 5 months ago

      Main story is like 8-10 hours if you rush it. 100% is like 25-40 hours, some people did it in like 20 hours.

      also if those "cheesing" strategies as you call them are such bad design then you'd probably hate Final Fight. or not cuz you got introduced to that as a "classic" and Spikeout was something you felt forced to play in Yakuza for fake prizes.

      No, I like Final Fight, River City Ransom, Scott Pilgrim, etc. You think I went into this game expecting to dislike it? I had absolutely no idea what it even was and was surprised it was a 3D beat 'em up. I went into it with an open mind like literally every other game this series has shown me and played through it fully because I didn't even know what the requirements were. I just didn't like it because the combat was not enjoyable how it was actually used and the game significantly overstayed its welcome with the absurd length of some areas to the point that 3C into 4 was literally like 30 minutes of what felt like Purgatory. I loved how it visually looked and how smoothly combat was presented when I wasn't locked into a direction, but I hated fighting anything.

      • 5 months ago

        yeah I dunno what to say about that cuz compared to Final Fight, Spikeout absolutely lets (& encourages) you to do more stuff in regards to moves, combos & general varied approaches to combat. an optimized Final Fight run today is gonna feel even more "wooden, non-experimental" today in terms of "player agency" or w/e cuz the game is even older, immensely more popular (which means optimization) & has less move variety to begin with

        I still like Final Fight more than Spikeout though cuz it's essentially the NES Super Mario Bros or Doom of beat-em-ups. I don't think "how much stuff you can do" or "how you can juggle guys" is the core of the genre. it's more about crowd control, individual enemy designs with predictable behaviors & how well they're synergized with one another, how useful every move is, character vs enemy balance, good pacing where new mechanical ideas or interesting mix-&-matches are constantly introduced etc and Final Fight absolutely nails all that

        • 5 months ago

          Main story is like 8-10 hours if you rush it. 100% is like 25-40 hours, some people did it in like 20 hours.

          No, I like Final Fight, River City Ransom, Scott Pilgrim, etc. You think I went into this game expecting to dislike it? I had absolutely no idea what it even was and was surprised it was a 3D beat 'em up. I went into it with an open mind like literally every other game this series has shown me and played through it fully because I didn't even know what the requirements were. I just didn't like it because the combat was not enjoyable how it was actually used and the game significantly overstayed its welcome with the absurd length of some areas to the point that 3C into 4 was literally like 30 minutes of what felt like Purgatory. I loved how it visually looked and how smoothly combat was presented when I wasn't locked into a direction, but I hated fighting anything.

          essentially I think a lot of this comes from how people are introduced to a game. I doubt you played the actually-fair Japanese version of Simpsons Arcade yet you don't consider it's a bad game cuz it's kinda well known as a "fun classic experience" - yet the US version is immensely more bullshit than Spikeout and specifically designed to milk you

          • 5 months ago

            >Japanese Simpsons

            • 5 months ago

              it's funny how japanese people got really mad when the simpsons movie dub changed the voice cast. the average "seiyuu-gay" on Ganker is normal compared to the average normie animation viewer in japan when it comes to voice actors

              I don't remember exactly but I assume there was massive backlash to FOTNS Lost Paradise's new voices esp since that fanbase is full of purists. i.e. "wtf why is Kenshiro Kiryu, why is Jagi Majima, that's not right"

              • 5 months ago

                I found that part of lost paradise pretty distracting too
                If it ever comes to other platforms I will actually consider playing dub since there's no sub differences between voices as far as I know

          • 5 months ago

            yeah I dunno what to say about that cuz compared to Final Fight, Spikeout absolutely lets (& encourages) you to do more stuff in regards to moves, combos & general varied approaches to combat. an optimized Final Fight run today is gonna feel even more "wooden, non-experimental" today in terms of "player agency" or w/e cuz the game is even older, immensely more popular (which means optimization) & has less move variety to begin with

            I still like Final Fight more than Spikeout though cuz it's essentially the NES Super Mario Bros or Doom of beat-em-ups. I don't think "how much stuff you can do" or "how you can juggle guys" is the core of the genre. it's more about crowd control, individual enemy designs with predictable behaviors & how well they're synergized with one another, how useful every move is, character vs enemy balance, good pacing where new mechanical ideas or interesting mix-&-matches are constantly introduced etc and Final Fight absolutely nails all that

            Main story is like 8-10 hours if you rush it. 100% is like 25-40 hours, some people did it in like 20 hours.

            No, I like Final Fight, River City Ransom, Scott Pilgrim, etc. You think I went into this game expecting to dislike it? I had absolutely no idea what it even was and was surprised it was a 3D beat 'em up. I went into it with an open mind like literally every other game this series has shown me and played through it fully because I didn't even know what the requirements were. I just didn't like it because the combat was not enjoyable how it was actually used and the game significantly overstayed its welcome with the absurd length of some areas to the point that 3C into 4 was literally like 30 minutes of what felt like Purgatory. I loved how it visually looked and how smoothly combat was presented when I wasn't locked into a direction, but I hated fighting anything.

            ok one last comment (no I'm not trying to force you to like the game - I just wanna offer an alternative since you've shit on it so hard the past days): bosses in classic Final Fight-style beat-em-ups are certainly weaker-designed compared to regular combat cuz the games are so hugely built around crowd control, which means 1-on-1 fights go against the core engagement. some handle it them better than others but in the end that's why bosses have a ton of mooks; when you beat them or lure the boss away from them it feels like you're playing a more "wooden" experience. there's more likely to be a clear-cut best way to approach 1-on-1 encounters.

            just pick any regular non-boss fight and there's gonna be way more move variety in 1CCs

  126. 5 months ago


  127. 5 months ago


    really cool that disingenuous homosexuals are gonna focus entirely on "dunking on the cringe culture war youtuber" cuz he's an easy target instead of addressing the actual content of the article and the insane censorship it covers like "we can't do anything that might religiously offend americans in yakuza" or "we can't have male cheer squad outfights cuz they might remind americans of nazis"

  128. 5 months ago

    >go to millennium towers at level 44
    >Gets absolutely obliterated by Ebina 2nd phase
    Frick, I don't want to restart the whole thing again just to grind level.

  129. 5 months ago

    GraphicsCHADS, is 4k DLSS Quality or 1440p DLAA better?

    • 5 months ago

      nvidia frame generation currently shit at gaiden and causes lots of problem

  130. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      >Ichiban has contagious schizophrenia.

  131. 5 months ago

    What did the devs mean by this?

    • 5 months ago

      Have sex and procreate

    • 5 months ago

      how do I get an asian wife with a southern accent?

    • 5 months ago

      What does she look like irl? Same breasts?

      • 5 months ago

        Nowhere near that slim, she's a fat chubby.

  132. 5 months ago

    oh shi-

    • 5 months ago

      >that feel when all I have is Friday Night and Koi no Disco Queen

      • 5 months ago

        >Comp Smith
        >Both P4G songs.
        >Baka Darou
        >Honolulu City Lights
        >0 Disco Songs
        >Receive You North Star.
        >Throw in the podcast every chapter.
        I wish there were more P4 songs, that entire OST is amazing.

  133. 5 months ago

    Nearly lvl5 island holy shit ive got adult stores everywhere lol

  134. 5 months ago

    why is this man speaking english like a moron

    • 5 months ago

      He's literally 100 years old

      • 5 months ago

        does he eat foreskins of all those orphans

    • 5 months ago

      for some reason they insisted on his jp celebrity va doing the english lines too

      • 5 months ago

        well why the frick didn't Kuroda speak English too

      • 5 months ago

        I'm still very confused why they used the JP actors who clearly do not know English to do the English dialogue when they literally have an English dub on hand. Just use the JP voice for the Japanese dialogue, and use the EN dub voice for any English dialogue. Surely they got people close enough for someone like Eric for example, right?

        • 5 months ago

          engrish is the more sovlfull choice

  135. 5 months ago

    >they bought the NG+ edition
    >they bought the game at all

  136. 5 months ago

    I'm peesing myserf over here

  137. 5 months ago

    Spikeout is fricking gay. I can't believe people paid money for this shit lmao.

    • 5 months ago

      not the game's fault you're turning it on and your first thought is what spike's bbc would taste like

      • 5 months ago
  138. 5 months ago

    Why are there so many Americans that speak like they grew up in a bad part of Saitama in this game?

  139. 5 months ago

    Mods to remove kson?

    • 5 months ago

      K-san is a good girl

      • 5 months ago

        reddit dragon prostitute

  140. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      do americans really?

  141. 5 months ago

    I keep dying and losing my money

  142. 5 months ago

    >Kiryu and friends are known for going around town and eating entire restaurants out of their inventory singlehandedly.
    >Tatsuya is known for having Boneitis so he visits Doc Emoto regularly to fix everything.
    >Yagami is known for being hip with the youth of Japan.
    >Ichiban is known for seeing things that aren't there, talking to animals, going to people's garbage, digging through it, and visiting various establishments scooping what's in their toilets out for himself.
    Are we really sure Ichiban is okay? Like, actually okay?

    • 5 months ago

      >Are we really sure Ichiban is okay? Like, actually okay?
      Was it ever explained what happened to him in prison? While I'm sure it's not as bad as a gulag or a thirdworld cell, there's been talk about japanese guards treating their charges like subhumans. He was in there for like what? ten years? Lot of time for a lot of unresolved baggage.
      the real answer probably is that the writers haven't thought too this deeply on this

      how do i get committee agents

      Gacha rolls and winning gym battles.

      • 5 months ago

        which gacha do i have to roll for

        • 5 months ago

          I've gotten all of mine from common rolls

        • 5 months ago

          You'll get loads eventually, beating Gym leaders gives a ton too. May as well do the first Gym leader since you're 10.

  143. 5 months ago

    Can you eventually get a harem party going or are Saeko and Songhee stuck in Yokohama forever?

    • 5 months ago

      You can swap freely (aside from Ichiban) in PA. The three who never go to Hawaii in the story even have outfits for it.

      Thanks for checking. So then the ideal way to grind is normal battles from NG+ by the sound of it. In 7 it was just a flat 10k added on top of normal EXP and JP, is it a flat 100k here per enemy or are you noticing differences?

      Sasaki tutorial battle on NG Normal gives 55/50, on Legend he gives 397,320/357,588.
      Second tutorial fight is 18/18 and 238,392/214,554, 900JPY on Normal and 14,700 on Legend.
      Level 2 burnout bully x2 gives 10/10, 510JPY. Level 75 x2 was the earlier picture.

      • 5 months ago

        What is PA? Are you saying that getting everybody together is post game only?

        • 5 months ago

          Premium Adventure, the free roam postgame.

          • 5 months ago

            Cringe. I hate that shit in JRPGs.

            Especially since I probably will want to do New Game + before premium adventure..

      • 5 months ago

        So by the sounds of it NG+ is by far the best way to grind then?

  144. 5 months ago

    how do i evolve dlc sujimon

    • 5 months ago

      you need committee members

      • 5 months ago

        Committee Agents to awaken. You can't evolve a platinum, that's the max.

        how do i get committee agents

    • 5 months ago

      Committee Agents to awaken. You can't evolve a platinum, that's the max.

  145. 5 months ago

    >want to play this game a bit before I go to bed for work
    >get locked into an hour long sequence of cutscenes and fights

    I can't play games like this anymore

    • 5 months ago

      >get locked into an hour long sequence of cutscenes and fights
      Only issue with the game, I thought to just finish up a chapter before I went to bed last night and it just kept going and going. I had to just quit.

  146. 5 months ago

    Finally lvl5 island. Cashed out and got like 600,000.

    • 5 months ago

      How long did it take? I'm not looking forward to doing it after the first introduction to it.

      • 5 months ago

        Like 5hours ish maybe. But I was moronic at the start.

      • 5 months ago

        Its lame because you can only convert a certain amount of dcoins to dollar so you cant just get lvl5 sell everything and cash out as I have an island full of adult stores bars clubs hotels 4 million + dcoins , if I could sell all that Id be set.

        • 5 months ago

          You can't sell the buildings?

          • 5 months ago

            Yeah but you can only cashout from the island to the mainland a certain amount of money each time you visit and its not much even at lvl 5

  147. 5 months ago

    Are they gonna reuse Honolulu in a future game

    • 5 months ago

      Well, it is their biggest map apparently and they have tons of new assets for it and only it while also having mechanics specifically for it like swimming. I wouldn't doubt they'd make a new game with a brand new character that gets to know someone like Eric or something. But on the other hand none of the 5 maps have been reused whatsoever, and when they reused stuff from Kenzan in Ishin it was heavily changed.

      You can swap freely (aside from Ichiban) in PA. The three who never go to Hawaii in the story even have outfits for it.
      Sasaki tutorial battle on NG Normal gives 55/50, on Legend he gives 397,320/357,588.
      Second tutorial fight is 18/18 and 238,392/214,554, 900JPY on Normal and 14,700 on Legend.
      Level 2 burnout bully x2 gives 10/10, 510JPY. Level 75 x2 was the earlier picture.

      Yeah, that's absurdly good. Once again, thanks for checking.

  148. 5 months ago

    Are there any more dungeons like Hawaiian Haunt? I've been playing the shit out of that to where I'm level 44 in chapter 6

  149. 5 months ago

    >Check Chitose on the wiki
    >Click "Aliases"

    Well that is my fricking fault.

  150. 5 months ago

    Bryce unironically sounds like a person with down syndrome in the JP VA.

  151. 5 months ago

    Is it true America sends its homeless people to Hawaii?

  152. 5 months ago

    >random enemy: is that your mom OR A TRASHCAN?

  153. 5 months ago

    What jobs are even good? I still just have everyone on their default

    • 5 months ago

      Every job is good this time. The diver job has some crazy AoE right off the bat.

  154. 5 months ago

    How do you know which Sujimon evolve?

    • 5 months ago

      Generic ones can evolve, if they have unique appearance/look like a boss fight then most likely they won't be able to evolve.

  155. 5 months ago

    >ng+ not included with the standard game
    yeah go frick yourself

  156. 5 months ago

    I'm up to chapter 6 and on my way to unlock the last available job. Just wanted to know are there any other jobs you unlock further in the game or is this it ?

  157. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      >15 HOURS
      Im 20 hours in and still on chapter 4

  158. 5 months ago

    Any tips for Bass Fishing? It's clunky to say the very least.

    • 5 months ago

      Use the Normal lure that can go to all three parts of the lake. That seemed to work for me. I honestly couldn't figure out what the hell it meant by "turn down the rod" because both up and down didn't seem to placate it. Aim opposite of where the fish is heading but it's kinda hard to tell at all. I sort of just wiggled left and right and that worked out most of the time. It also seemed like holding L2/R2 was better than tapping it when the tension got too high which seemed counterintuitive? I honestly have zero clue how I caught the super bass because at multiple points the tension was maxed out and the line didn't break, but stuff at 1000g broke the line even though the bar was half way up the gauge.

    • 5 months ago

      It's similar to the fishing in 3-5 but you can control the rod up/down as well
      I was able to get away with treating it like that and constantly reeling in apart from the bonus stage which you don't get a personality reward for completing anyway
      that bonus stage I can't do at all

  159. 5 months ago

    Jesus Christ, they made Ichiban completely busted. You can skill inherit every Hero skill lmao.

    • 5 months ago

      I saw some anon complaining that they nerfed him compared to 7.

  160. 5 months ago


  161. 5 months ago
  162. 5 months ago

    >low lever blue crown enemies still won't accept my Super suji gift and mashing
    So this shit feels really random whether they take it or not.

    • 5 months ago

      there are higher tier gifts later on

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah but if the enemy is like level 15ish why does it take a higher quality gift to even work?

        • 5 months ago

          who the hell knows
          like you said, roll of a dice

    • 5 months ago

      I still find ichiban tossing it at them like they're garbage to be hilarious

      • 5 months ago

        I accidentally overshot the meter my first time and laughed so hard at that animation, it now flashes in my mind every time I catch one

        • 5 months ago

          someone should edit a (You) on the box when he throws it

  163. 5 months ago

    I just got to Hawaii and this whole "surrogate brother that Ichi always wanted" shit is max comfy and I assume its going to be ruined shortly.

  164. 5 months ago

    Is Hawaii's rent situation really that fricked? European so I have no idea, house prices in my country are absurd.

  165. 5 months ago

    woah, its just like DSP

  166. 5 months ago
  167. 5 months ago

    Can you bring the Yokohama people to Hawaii in PA or not?

  168. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      >HEY, YOU!
      >What do you want?
      >C'mon tough guy...
      >COME at ME!
      >I'LL SUE you!
      >I'LL BURY you!
      >You're FRICKED now!

  169. 5 months ago

    waiting for someone to subtitle the JP radio show episodes, I just finished listening to the English ones.

  170. 5 months ago

    how do I get the dungeon crawling music from Persona for the labyrinth?

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