
The translation for Linda cubed is finally out.

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  1. 5 months ago

    >For those curious, the largest story changes and censors do take place with the release of Again. Some story elements, character names, presentations and even animal designs are changed or removed entirely. Despite popular belief on the English side of the fandom, the differences between Again and Complete are minimal in comparison. For a more differing experience, we invite you to play the original Linda3 from 1995.

    • 5 months ago

      Dang, makes you wonder why they didn't just translate the PCE CD version.

      • 5 months ago

        There's only like one super autist who can hardcode in subs for animated visuals and he mostly only works on what he likes

        • 5 months ago

          Is that not a problem for PS1 also?

          • 5 months ago

            There's a wider variety of people capable of working on PS1 hardware and games than PCE CD anon.

            • 5 months ago

              I see. I also wondered the same thing when the translation of the SNES port of Tokimeki Memorial came out.

      • 5 months ago

        Did the troonslators censored the content themselves? If so, for what purpose? Seems like every translation group wants to larp as 90s Nintendo instead as, you know, just translating the game?

        Ahh, Linda3 and Again are different beasts, I understand now and I apologize for my previous comment.

    • 5 months ago

      Thanks for that save.

  2. 5 months ago

    Nice, thanks.

  3. 5 months ago

    Hory sheet

  4. 5 months ago

    Did the troonslators censored the content themselves? If so, for what purpose? Seems like every translation group wants to larp as 90s Nintendo instead as, you know, just translating the game?

    • 5 months ago

      Makes me wonder why they're so steadfast about that because they knowingly commit every other sin under the sun.

  5. 5 months ago

    Damn it's not even February yet these translators gotta calm down before my dick explodes

  6. 5 months ago

    Hot damn Linda Cube got a fantranslation. Is anybody actually playing it? Curious what your thoughts are so far. Scenario A isn't that long, it's worth playing through to get an idea of what the game is like

    • 5 months ago

      I played a bit of scenario A and I really liked the premise, a sci-fi take on the Noah's Ark story.
      You need to go around battling and catching animals with the help of hunting dogs to bring them in, since the end of the qorld is approaching fast;
      I find a bit fricked up that you're saving animals and the people say dogs were the man's best friend for millenia, but you can (and have to) catch and slaughter dozens of them to make equipment or even for food, but I guess people in-universe don't care since the world's fricked anyways.

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah the world's going to end soon anyway so I don't think they care. Definitely not a Peta-approved game since animal capture and slaughter are an integral part of the game. People still care about their dogs though, according to the doctor in Parasido the ruffians there will happily spend their savings on their hunting dogs before their own family

        • 5 months ago

          I'll make sure to save every animal I can in my playthrough, hopefully there's a good ending waiting for me and them.

      • 5 months ago

        It's a cartoon though, it's not real.

  7. 5 months ago

    >didn't do the manual
    Missing out. Linda Cube has one of the best manuals in the industry. That marker writing isn't from a player.

    • 5 months ago

      >That marker writing isn't from a player.
      It's from Linda?!

  8. 5 months ago

    I get why people would be upset to see the PS1 version translated over the original PCE version but personally I'm glad we got it. I'm going to assume nothing altered or changed from the PCE version is significantly important, the removal or redesign of a few animals is unfortunate but nothing major, and I imagine this version is far superior in terms of the actual gameplay and presentation. The main reason I have always wanted to play this game at all is the art direction being by Tatsuyuki Tanaka. I'm not sure exactly how popular he is in the west, he is best known here for being the animator behind the ending sequence of Akira, but his work is amazing and I feel like the PS1 version has a more realized artistic vision for what he intended compared to the PCE. The amount of artwork he did specifically for the PS1 release is insane,and really adds to the game.

    • 5 months ago

      Cannabis's art is incredible in the original and remakes, but I prefer blue-hair Linda and Doctor Hitler over red-hair Linda and Doctor Old Guy.

    • 5 months ago

      How long do I need to play to reach the part with the Santa Claus cultists? I've always been interested in that aspect of the story.

      • 5 months ago

        just start playing the game bro, the santa stuff is all over scenario A and you can beat it in an afternoon

    • 5 months ago

      Dang, makes you wonder why they didn't just translate the PCE CD version.

      >For those curious, the largest story changes and censors do take place with the release of Again. Some story elements, character names, presentations and even animal designs are changed or removed entirely. Despite popular belief on the English side of the fandom, the differences between Again and Complete are minimal in comparison. For a more differing experience, we invite you to play the original Linda3 from 1995.

      Did the troonslators censored the content themselves? If so, for what purpose? Seems like every translation group wants to larp as 90s Nintendo instead as, you know, just translating the game?

      they toned down some pixel breasts and gore in order for sony japan back in the 90s to allow publishing the game compared to the complete lack of standards the pc engine had
      you still butcher doggos for food and you can still frick the heroine even though she's underage so this isn't some woke thing

      • 5 months ago

        >complete lack of standards
        okay moralgay

      • 5 months ago

        >you still butcher doggos for food
        Good, they're disgusting creatures.

    • 5 months ago

      >is significantly important
      All censorship is significantly important.

  9. 5 months ago

    If one of you guys plans on streaming it, I'd like to see it!

  10. 5 months ago

    why not saturn
    just curious

    • 5 months ago

      Probably because not a lot of people know how to hack saturn games compared to psx (same reason why they didn't do the pcd cd versiob).
      Also a lot of people are stuck in 2010 and still think saturn emu is bad. Doing the psx version will give the game more exposure.

  11. 5 months ago

    The game is on cdromance prepatched.

  12. 5 months ago


    The reason so many old games are being translated now is exactly due to machine translation, I think even with all their free time, none of these people truly want to put in the work of learning a language like this. At this point I just play games raw with my knowledge of Japanese.

  13. 5 months ago

    Can a based anon please clarify because the above posts confused me - is this release censored? Was it censored in the original version, or was it voluntarily censored by the translators?
    Please let me know as I don't wanna waste my time playing a game some pussy troon decided to 'fix' by toning it down. Thanks.

    • 5 months ago

      The original Linda3 on PCE is more uncensored, and Sony demanded to tone it down for this version. If any further localization inaccuracies are there, no one seems to know, yet.

    • 5 months ago

      I've got no idea, given the guy who worked on this was a troony, it's probably censored or half MTL gibberish.

      I've heard the PS1 version has some text censoring over the Saturn and PCE versions, but I've never seen a direct script comparison to know for sure. As far as I know, the only major differences are where some of the animals are.

      The PCE version has a few cutscenes that are a bit more graphic, and a few that are a bit less graphic. Ultimately I think the remaster is the better game, but it's worth going back and seeing the original sprite cutscenes too.

      • 5 months ago

        Oh I see, so this version has animated FMV cutscenes and the PCE version has sprite cutscenes, that changes things

    • 5 months ago

      The censoring was specifically in the PS release as

      The original Linda3 on PCE is more uncensored, and Sony demanded to tone it down for this version. If any further localization inaccuracies are there, no one seems to know, yet.

      said, and it's related to violence rather than say, cleavage. The Saturn port that came later (even called the 'Full Version' on its release) has it restored. So it's unfortunate that the most censored is the one that's translated, but it was that way in Japanese as well. Sony did similar things with Konami during the same period, censoring the goriest bits of PS1 Snatcher and limiting the amount of boob-bongos you could play in Policenauts.

      • 5 months ago

        I suppose that's what the "Sony check" (Japanese term) was about

  14. 5 months ago


    >youre so cool anon kun, with your super useful knowledge of japanese so you can play porn mahjong on the pc98.
    More like Famicom RPGs and reading magazines but you do you

  15. 5 months ago

    now they finally can do the director's other game oreshika!

  16. 5 months ago

    >meme artgame gets translated
    >load it up
    >it's digital ambien
    Cool that they did it, but many such cases.

  17. 5 months ago

    Worth it to wait for this translation to be ported to the Saturn version?

    • 5 months ago

      If you want to wait a decade, maybe.

    • 5 months ago

      The Saturn version only reverts a little scales back the censorship a little from what I understand. So no

  18. 5 months ago

    Gonna see if I can get a working .EBOOT of it. Managed to make one for Ore no Ryouri earlier today and now I'm all excited about making .EBOOTs again.

    • 5 months ago

      First attempt didn't work, but that might be because I tried to apply all of those PAL2NTSC patches that came bundled with PSX2PSP v1.4.2 for some reason. About to give the normal conversion a spin to see if it ends up working.

    • 5 months ago

      First attempt didn't work, but that might be because I tried to apply all of those PAL2NTSC patches that came bundled with PSX2PSP v1.4.2 for some reason. About to give the normal conversion a spin to see if it ends up working.

      Ah shit, looks like it won't work on a Vita running Adrenaline. POPSLoader might make it work on a PSP, but I can't be arsed to try that right now. Doesn't look like it works in Retroarch either, at least not at first glance.

      Damn, looks like people with Vitas got pwned on this one.

      • 5 months ago

        Set compression to 0, it just werks.. Don't forget to get the hot fix off github rather than the initial prepatched build off CDRomance

        • 5 months ago

          Did that really work for you? I’ve tried basically every iteration of the ROM + patch in Retroarch and none of them have worked. I assume if they won’t work in Retroarch then they’re definitely not gonna work in Adrenaline.

        • 5 months ago

          PLS RESPOND TO

          Did that really work for you? I’ve tried basically every iteration of the ROM + patch in Retroarch and none of them have worked. I assume if they won’t work in Retroarch then they’re definitely not gonna work in Adrenaline.


          Did you really manage to get it running as an .EBOOT? On a Vita?

          • 5 months ago

            I don't have a Vita anymore but it inexplicably worked perfectly fine for me on PSP via popsloader and the old-ass version of PSX2PSP on my laptop.
            You might find this interesting if you haven't already got it running on your own, it seems there's a very easy fix

            • 5 months ago

              Thanks for the response, anon, but seeing as how I am a tech-illiterate brainlet, is there any way you can explain to me how exactly to implement this fix? How do I append bytes at the end of the bin file?

              • 5 months ago

                cdromance com /psx2psp-eboots/linda-again-english-patched/

              • 5 months ago

                juqt scrap it ans use on of these
                they're made for ps3 but they still should help you out

              • 5 months ago

                So far the .EBOOT that they uploaded works fine. I’ve only just started the game though so unless someone in the comment section of CD Romance has already figured it out, there’s no telling where the game may reach another dead end.

  19. 5 months ago


    This, but being actually sincere about it and not a moronic seether.

    • 5 months ago


  20. 5 months ago

    >Not the PC Engine or at the very least Saturn version
    Why do they always translate the worst version of the game?

    • 5 months ago

      I assume psx is easier to hack/better documented/has more programs available.

  21. 5 months ago

    Got it fired up. What did I think about it /vr/? Also what difficulty should I choose. Going normal for now but willing to restart if that'll frick me up

    • 5 months ago

      Why would anyone ever move off the difficulty the game was designed for?

      • 5 months ago

        The game might have been designed poorly, idk

    • 5 months ago

      Do not play hard mode on your first go, it does not allow you to use your dogs as party members and in the later scenarios, disables your ability to equip outright.
      Scenario A and B give you an insanely generous window of time to figure things out, and time doesn't even move when you're in town! You don't have any risk of hitting dead ends or running out of time until you hit Scenario C. Consider your first two runs homework and don't stress until then.

  22. 5 months ago

    this game is not very good.

    • 5 months ago

      Great fricking review moron thanks for chiming in

    • 5 months ago

      the premise is interesting at least. its like every other 12 year old in rpg maker otherwise. deep literature for children.

      • 5 months ago

        You sound way more pretentious then any of those people posting shit like this.

        • 5 months ago

          NTA but how is anything he said pretentious?

          • 5 months ago

            He assumes that the game has no merit beside being material for pseuds despite not even playing it, which is pretentious.

    • 5 months ago

      What about it isn't good?

    • 5 months ago

      Well at least Linda is pure sex. More rule 34 when?

    • 5 months ago

      Imagine tranzlating some PS1 shovelware five English morons will play.

      Congrats on wasting a few years of your life.

  23. 5 months ago

    I read the release page, the PS1 version didn't have the doctor scene? Soulless, no point playing this garbage.

  24. 5 months ago

    >SaturBlack folk crying because people still prefer the PS1 version
    Many such cases

    • 5 months ago

      The Saturn version is a straight upgrade from the PS version, but it's not in English. They're crying because they can't play the PCE version, because it's also not in English.

      • 5 months ago

        >The Saturn version is a straight upgrade from the PS version
        The PS version has more content which is a constant argument Saturngays use to say their ports are better

        • 5 months ago

          Do you mean less content? Saturn version has more unlockables like Her Six Sighs. What does PS have that Saturn doesn't?

          • 5 months ago

            A third scenario

            • 5 months ago

              Are you saying you think the Saturn version doesn't have Scenario C?

  25. 5 months ago

    so if i know jap which version is best to play? saturn or pce?

    • 5 months ago

      You do realize no one in this thread can name specific differences between the three versions (largely because no one has played all of them). If you know jap then look up the info in jap.

    • 5 months ago

      Saturn. But check out the cutscenes from the PCE version after you beat the game, a couple of them are better and it's cool to see the differences.

      A third scenario

      You mean the 4th scenario, moron. And the Saturn version has it too, it's just not unlocked at the start because it's fricking moronic to even give players the option to do a speedrun mode where you're given 1 year instead of 8 when they haven't even played the game.

      • 5 months ago

        got it thx

      • 5 months ago

        If the Saturn version is so much better why they didn't translate it? God knows they do it for every other PS game

        • 5 months ago

          >If the Saturn version is so much better why they didn't translate it?
          Because Saturn tools aren't as developed, and most of the moronic hackers are more comfortable with PS1?

          The speedrun mode is not unlocked from the start in the PSX version. This is what I mean when I say no one knows what they're talking about in these version wars.

          My bad, I'm misremembering shit. Saturn dials back the censorship, changes some animal spawns, introduces an extra challenge mode, and has a gallery.

          Ultimately, it's just the superior version. You're not missing out on that much with the PS1 one though, just some dialogue censorship.

          • 5 months ago

            >Because Saturn tools aren't as developed
            Yet Saturngays are remaking the SOTN port to make it play better?

      • 5 months ago

        The speedrun mode is not unlocked from the start in the PSX version. This is what I mean when I say no one knows what they're talking about in these version wars.

    • 5 months ago

      Do you prefer red hair or blue hair? The art direction from Cannabis is wildly different and instead of anime cutscenes they're more like lightly animated comic book scenes on the PCE version. Unless you're a huge fan of PCE RPG aesthetics play the Saturn one

      • 5 months ago

        thx for the info i'll look into it

  26. 5 months ago

    All those psx versus sat arguments here.
    This homosexual had pic related to say about the matter.
    So, what it is?

    • 5 months ago

      There's no argument, there's one guy saying the Saturn version has "less content" because he can't read. The Saturn version would have been preferred but fantranslation teams generally suck at hacking the Saturn so people are happy to have the PS version

      >Because Saturn tools aren't as developed
      Yet Saturngays are remaking the SOTN port to make it play better?

      Not the same as changing out a JRPG worth of dialogue

    • 5 months ago

      The PS1 port is fine, a few dialogue changes are a fair price to pay for an overall optimal experience, too bad Saturn fanboys can grasp that and want theirs translated instead.

      • 5 months ago

        Always a good laugh seeing morons instantly jump to defend an inferior version because it's all they can play. Let me guess, you were happy Sakura Wars had the Saturn version translated despite it being the worst one? Wasn't there a TokiMemo translation based around the fricking SNES version, too? It's got to be painful to always get the crappy versions of things.

        • 5 months ago

          You have a weird all or nothing mentality if you think there's a big problem with the Saturn version of Sakura Taisen. Grouping that in with the shitty SNES version of TokiMemo is dishonest, about as dishonest as saying the PSX version of Linda is some unplayable garbage compared to the Saturn version. Not him by the way. But out of curiosity what's the best version of Sakura Wars 1 to you because I feel you have no concrete answer and will shift between the Dreamcast and the PS2 version just to argue.

          • 5 months ago

            >I feel you have no concrete answer and will shift between the Dreamcast and the PS2 version just to argue.
            Honestly the PS2 version might be even worse with than the Saturn one with all the soulless changes. PC is the objective best, DC is probably the most deserving of a translation because it doesn't require you to jump through virtual machine hell and you can easily import your save into the later titles.

            I'm not saying PS1 Linda is unplayable, I'm just saying it's worse. Not much worse, not as bad as ST or TM, but calling it an "optimal experience" because it's the only one you can play is absurd.

        • 5 months ago

          Saturn Sakura Wars is the original iconic version you turbonig.

    • 5 months ago

      I capped the wrong post, this is where he goes a little more in depth.

      • 5 months ago

        Sound effects and animal placement are tweaked as well, and Saturn has two extra modes. Not sure what he's talking about with the graphics, possibly the animated cutscenes since PS is generally better when it comes to that.

  27. 5 months ago

    >it's a better version
    >no it's a worse version
    >it has more content
    >no the content is the same
    so is anyone going to provide proof to back their claims or it's just another game of 'source is trust me bro'?

    • 5 months ago

      If you can't read Japanese it's not like you have a choice, you're going to play the PS version

      • 5 months ago

        but i still dont see any factual evidence about the PS port being a bad choice or a good one

        • 5 months ago

          Why does it matter if that's all you're going to get to play? The PS version is fine, it and Saturn are extremely similar, the Saturn is just a little tweaked, has more bonus content, and is slightly less censored

          • 5 months ago

            >Saturn has more content

            I capped the wrong post, this is where he goes a little more in depth.

            All those psx versus sat arguments here.
            This homosexual had pic related to say about the matter.
            So, what it is?

            >both versions are the same
            so which is it?

            • 5 months ago

              Saturn has two unlockables, one being Her Six Sighs, which allows you to check out art and music. The other is a bonus speedrunning mode where you can try to race against the most autistic member of the Linda Cube dev team to catch animals more quickly.

              • 5 months ago

                so what are the proofs that the PS1 port doesn't have it if people are claiming they are the same?

              • 5 months ago

                The time trial mode is unlocked from the start on Saturn but it is present in both versions. Outside of the art gallery and further script/enemy design revisions (which are NOT censorship! it's more like further streamlining and tweaking, think La Mulana HD vs EX)
                The PS1 version features much higher quality FMV, but the Saturn has better sounding music. That's really the only major difference between the versions.

              • 5 months ago

                >The PS1 version features much higher quality FMV
                From what I can tell spot checking it not really. Saturn's FMVs are 320x192 at 30fps, PS1's are 320x176 at 15fps. PS1s are also more squished and blurry looking in general. Both have pretty bad artifacts, so that really boils down to whether you're more bothered by JPEG artifacts or Cinepak artifacts.

              • 5 months ago

                The fourth scenario being only on Sega Saturn is mentioned on the back of the Saturn version

              • 5 months ago

                the time attack mode? that's on both versions

              • 5 months ago

                No anon, follow the convo thread. It's a special mode where you get to race against the autistic dev team member. They call it "The Fourth Scenario" on the back of the box.

              • 5 months ago

                so a time attack mode.

              • 5 months ago

                No anon, follow the convo thread. It's a special mode where you get to race against the autistic dev team member. They call it "The Fourth Scenario" on the back of the box.

                >dude who can't read Japanese insists that SS has a "fourth mode"
                Buddy, the game has 4 scenarios on PS1 and Saturn. Scenario D is a time attack mode.

                Once you beat Scenario D on the Saturn, you get access to the time trial mode, which is where you can try and race the dev at 3 different difficulties in C and D. If you could read, you'd know this.

                I'm a moron that never learned Japanese (now i'm already 40 years old) and Linda3 always fascinated me since i got a pirate copy on my PSX in the 90s.
                Now that i finally understand what is being said i must say, i'm liking a lot of what i reading and seeing and hearing.
                This game atmosphere is amazing, quite the 90s anime OVA vibe, a bunch of jokes but also that undertone of an actual real world with real shit going in it.
                I booted the original PCE version and the prologue scene contrast is really neat, i also love the different designs for the characters, can't even choose between the original or the remake.

                I think I ultimately prefer the PCE designs, although it's not by much. The FMV cutscenes in the remaster are generally better because they have a lot more to work with, but the sprite stuff is pretty timeless if limited.

                The original endings to scenarios A and B were also a little less revealing. Given I started with the Saturn I don't know if it's better or worse to keep more info hidden from the player, but I feel like it would've made some of the late game stuff more interesting if I started with the PCE.

  28. 5 months ago

    Actually I think that bonus speedrunning mode might be unlocked at the start. If I get the time later I can try to capture some footage from each

  29. 5 months ago

    I'm a moron that never learned Japanese (now i'm already 40 years old) and Linda3 always fascinated me since i got a pirate copy on my PSX in the 90s.
    Now that i finally understand what is being said i must say, i'm liking a lot of what i reading and seeing and hearing.
    This game atmosphere is amazing, quite the 90s anime OVA vibe, a bunch of jokes but also that undertone of an actual real world with real shit going in it.
    I booted the original PCE version and the prologue scene contrast is really neat, i also love the different designs for the characters, can't even choose between the original or the remake.

    • 5 months ago

      The PSX prologue scene.
      Much more on the cute side.

      • 5 months ago

        Here the prologue on PCE, not a webm because is just a close up on Linda's face with her talking for some time, them pic related happens.
        Shit look at keen here, no shirt and scarred to all hell with a bunch of stitches.

  30. 5 months ago

    Isn't someone just gonna port the script to the Saturn version like they did with Policenauts and a bunch of others? If you're that concerned about the censorship, just wait it out a bit

  31. 5 months ago

    I'm going to try this tomorrow for the week-end. This better be good 🙂

  32. 5 months ago

    an example of a scene that was changed in the psx version
    pic related is from the pce version, but in the psx version it's just Ken and Linda in tiny sprite mode getting close to each other accompanied by a kissing sound

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        Kissing has much more intimate connotations in Japan
        I think people don’t realize how conservative Japan actually is in some ways

        • 5 months ago

          I don't know, anon. Their porn is so weird that it grosses me out so I assumed their whole society was weird. And it probably is.

    • 5 months ago

      They kiss for ages at the end of Scenario A in the PS1 version

      • 5 months ago

        *PCE version

  33. 5 months ago

    Surprised there was more than one other person in this thread that was in it for the Tatsuyuki Tanaka art and animation.
    Dude is a fricking god.

    • 5 months ago

      Do you know where else I could see his stuff?

      • 5 months ago

        e-hentai (artbooks, look for "cannabis works")
        sakugabooru (sick cuts)

        watch Akira, Genius Party Beyond, refer to sakugabooru for more stuff he has worked on.

        • 5 months ago

          The Linda3 artbook is on E-hentai too.

  34. 5 months ago


    Is it really that bad? I'm honestly almost two decades past my weeb phase so I don't know much about japanese society anymore (and I'm not curious about it).

  35. 5 months ago

    Is anyone here actually, you know, playing through it? I'm still pretty early on but it's been surprisingly tough, maybe it's just because I've had a hard time upgrading my equipment but the fact damage taken from the side or back of you does extra damage means you can just get dogpiled if you get a particularly bad spawn. They really seem strict on what level they want you to engage with each species, even just two or three of some animals just slaughter me in one turn. Anyone have advice for making quick cash? It seems like it would be easy to just capture a ton of animals, make them into equipment, and resell for a profit but often me and my dog end up killing a majority of the animals we fight so I only get like two or three per encounter. Anyone know of better ways to capture a ton of animals quickly or any specific animals that are good for grinding money?

    • 5 months ago

      I think I'm halfway/close to the end of ending A and it's quite tough balancing your power level, most of the time you're either too weak or too strong lol
      One thing I do when engaging weaker animals is removing the dogs from my team and unequipping my weapon, if bare handed's still too strong then I use a multi hitting attack which tends to do the job, since they're pretty weak (You get abilities by registering animals in the ark, of course);
      Also, try not running needlessy in the overworld or in caves since it saps your HP, very annoying but I get what they were going for; You know a place is safe to run around when Linda is shown following behind you.
      For money, I'm still struggling with it to be honest but the Battle Park Tier 1 challenge pays moderately well, sellijg meat from harder to beat animals is a good choice as well.

      • 5 months ago

        >Ending A
        Scenario A I meant to say.

      • 5 months ago

        Haven't really played around with abilities will have to experiment with them. Hard to tell the specifics but it seems like if you apply a specific amount of damage higher then their health when you kill them it will always trigger them to just be killed. I tried grinding weaponless with my dogs but the fact you can't control their targeting makes it feel too luck dependent if they will cooperate.

        Keep multiple sets of dogs and switch out stronger ones for weaker ones when you're fighting weaker enemies. (You can do this mid-fight with an ability Ken unlocks as he levels.) Are you upgrading your weapons and armor appropriately?

        They're one of the main reasons I was curious about money, I haven't had Linda joined and while strong Ken on his own just can't survive long. It's nice they give you a free one at the start at least, still using IWA who seems to just shit insane damage against enemies.

        A couple things that might not be immediately obvious are that time stands still in towns, and only passes at ¼ speed while in dungeons. Also if you die, you drop a lot of shit and it's expensive to bring your dog back with a vet, so don't feel bad about loading your save instead. You can get full-party heals for cheap in many different areas even if there's not an explicitly marked inn, so save the meat for when you really need it in a pinch. The first two scenarios give you much more time than you need to do everything. Don't worry about collecting all the animals right away, just let your dogs get stronger and carry you through the early game. It might be worth keeping some weaker weapons around for your main guy so you don't mutilate EVERY weaker creature you come across, but tbf you're not gonna get rich selling squirrel shoes anyway. When you get to the junk town, there's a guy that'll "dismantle" animals for you and give you the contents of its stomach. You can give him loads of rats and such and occasionally he'll give you gold nuggets you can sell for like 6k each. You can also breed animals in the battle park area and pick them up each spring, to get huge amounts of animals in all in one go.

        I knew about towns pausing the cycle but had no idea that the dungeons worked like that, assumed it just counted as being on the overworld and advanced normally. Didn't know about the breeder either, there's been some species that seem worthwhile for equipment but too strong to safely grind against so that sounds great.

        Thanks for the help anons. I feel like I usually can't find the motivation to go through jrpgs anymore but I've been quite enjoying it so far, the more open world approach that the game has helps break up the typical loop of going from place to place to do whatever the current story trigger is.

        • 5 months ago

          Take a loan out from the bank in Ranger HQ to buy another dog

        • 5 months ago

          Linda is the only JRPG I've ever actually enjoyed playing from a gameplay perspective, because it's more of an interesting open world puzzle than a game about mindless grinding. You can just sit in the starting area and grind up to level 30, but it'll make most of the game more of a hassle, because it's much easier to instagib everything.

          >Just finished scenario A
          >Board the Ark and watch the sweet ending cutscene
          >Game freezes after fading to black
          I really hope this is just an emulation issue and not a translation issue.

          You should really be using whatever the patch says to use, translators test their shit on one system MAYBE, anything else and who knows what'll happen. You'd think most of the PS1 emulators are pretty accurate now, but who knows what shit bugs the shitty text replacement added, and which emulators are more forgiving.

          • 5 months ago

            >You should really be using whatever the patch says to use
            I tested on duckstation, mednafen and bizhawk, all freeze at the same spot (The final fade out after completing scenario A); Either my computer's borked or the patch is, I want to see if other anons have the same issue.

          • 5 months ago

            >You should really be using whatever the patch says to use
            I tested on duckstation, mednafen and bizhawk, all freeze at the same spot (The final fade out after completing scenario A); Either my computer's borked or the patch is, I want to see if other anons have the same issue.

            Usually the test that a lot of devs will use is if it works on the original hardware. If it works on the real thing but breaks on an emulator then it's most likely that the emulator isn't behaving correctly.

            • 5 months ago

              Ideally, but plenty of devs don't. Wasn't a patch for policenauts or something based purely on a glitch that was emulator specific and didn't work on consoles? If it doesn't crash on one specific build of one specific piece of bullshit, time for a release. Half the time I doubt they do much more testing than giving it out to a dozen trannies and saying "playtest this for me", at which point they play for 5 minutes and go "yeah works fine".

              • 5 months ago

                > Half the time I doubt they do much more testing than giving it out to a dozen trannies and saying "playtest this for me", at which point they play for 5 minutes and go "yeah works fine".
                As someone who's done translation patches I generally don't release mine as final until there's at least been 1 complete playthrough from start to finish on original hardware with no issues. I use emulators more for quick testing, but always do real hardware tests eventually to make sure it actually works, especially if it requires doing assembly tweaks that mess with tricky parts of the hardware.

                The more annoying curveball that's been being thrown at us now is all the different ODEs and other methods of playing backups on real hardware. A lot of those cut corners and introduce their own new slew of bugs that can't be reproduced when running off a disc. In the Saturn scene alone things like MODE and Chinese produced Pseudo Saturn Carts are constantly causing headaches for developers.

                >on the original hardware
                i wonder how the frick you'd even do it on pce cd if that got patch there. that console never released
                but you didnt try the best one, epsxe

                >i wonder how the frick you'd even do it on pce cd if that got patch there. that console never released
                That's a pretty impressive achievement for NEC then to sell millions of hardware units they never actually released.

              • 5 months ago

                >I generally don't release mine as final until there's at least been 1 complete playthrough from start to finish on original hardware with no issues
                THIS SHOULD BE THE BARE MINIMUM. I am playing on the recommended emulator and I have still encountered multiple FMV cutscenes that flat-out crash the game, broken UI/character portraits, countless typos and alignment issues, and even a brief voiced section without any subtitles (the presence of these sections are the ENTIRE reason that translating PCE version isn't even a consideration).
                When these same folks were finishing up work on their Moon Remix RPG patch, it was in a similar state to this but they didn't shout from the rooftops that it's ready for everyone to play as soon as the finish line began to enter sight. They had some enthusiasts TEST IT OUT FIRST. They have made great patches before, so it's extra frustrating here. This has been a highly anticipated fan tl for over a decade and I'm positive they could have got a dozen dedicated testers on-board to ensure that the game is fricking playable outside of the first 2 hours. All these issues with eboots and corrupted FMV on real hardware would cease to exist if this just had another month in the oven while people played the actual video game.

                The PSX version is toned down mostly on the sexual content, which was pretty mild to begin with, the game is more of a violent thriller.

                What got it the 18+ recommendation to begin with was actually Neku messing with the corpse in A, the ratings board were funny about that kind of thing..

                If you want to see a really obvious comparison of the censorship, watch the ending for scenario A. Nowhere near enough kissing.

                I don't consider most of the changes to be censorship but I must say that the remake's Scenario C ending is the biggest downgrade and it damn near ruins the whole experience. I don't know why they would mess with such a perfect sequence like that.

              • 5 months ago

                >I must say that the remake's Scenario C ending is the biggest downgrade and it damn near ruins the whole experience.
                Funny, I think it's an improvement.

              • 5 months ago

                It's a version 0.9 release and Esperknight has updated the github at least 4 times after release, so they probably know this. Unless you're lurking behind them over multiple projects for free beef, send him the problem so he can fix it.

              • 5 months ago

                >it's a version 0.9 release
                not an excuse. these so-called "fans" who release these kinds of projects obviously don't give enough of a shit to do work worthy of being proud of the first time.
                This right here, though, is the red flag. This person just picks up whatever and might do it halfway through to completion, leave it behind a while, and eventually decide "frick it" and patch it up so it's "good enough" for release. I know the type. These kinds of frickwits have been a constant plague and cancer upon the romhacking/translation community for decades. And MTL shit/Chat GPT will only make more and more shitfricks like this come out of the woodwork to get a piece of the clout pie.

              • 5 months ago

                Inserting English text and subtitles is a much more niche skillset than translation and editing. These spergs are a valuable resource for getting projects off the ground- especially when they are willing to hack games they haven't played for free- but it's important for other people to come along and polish their turds before these incomplete projects get widely distributed

              • 5 months ago

                They're always anime avi gays.

              • 5 months ago

                yeah and version 0.x shouldnt be public release. 1.x should be public release

            • 5 months ago

              >on the original hardware
              i wonder how the frick you'd even do it on pce cd if that got patch there. that console never released

              >You should really be using whatever the patch says to use
              I tested on duckstation, mednafen and bizhawk, all freeze at the same spot (The final fade out after completing scenario A); Either my computer's borked or the patch is, I want to see if other anons have the same issue.

              but you didnt try the best one, epsxe

    • 5 months ago

      Keep multiple sets of dogs and switch out stronger ones for weaker ones when you're fighting weaker enemies. (You can do this mid-fight with an ability Ken unlocks as he levels.) Are you upgrading your weapons and armor appropriately?

    • 5 months ago

      A couple things that might not be immediately obvious are that time stands still in towns, and only passes at ¼ speed while in dungeons. Also if you die, you drop a lot of shit and it's expensive to bring your dog back with a vet, so don't feel bad about loading your save instead. You can get full-party heals for cheap in many different areas even if there's not an explicitly marked inn, so save the meat for when you really need it in a pinch. The first two scenarios give you much more time than you need to do everything. Don't worry about collecting all the animals right away, just let your dogs get stronger and carry you through the early game. It might be worth keeping some weaker weapons around for your main guy so you don't mutilate EVERY weaker creature you come across, but tbf you're not gonna get rich selling squirrel shoes anyway. When you get to the junk town, there's a guy that'll "dismantle" animals for you and give you the contents of its stomach. You can give him loads of rats and such and occasionally he'll give you gold nuggets you can sell for like 6k each. You can also breed animals in the battle park area and pick them up each spring, to get huge amounts of animals in all in one go.

  36. 5 months ago

    Is this based on an Anime.

    • 5 months ago

      Yeah, it's a show called "what if my wife was Conan?".

  37. 5 months ago

    so is this just another cringe jrpg or what?

    • 5 months ago

      Try it and tell the class anon

    • 5 months ago

      >do I fit in yet

  38. 5 months ago

    I Google Translated "love" which seemed more accurate than these fan translations.
    Machine translations are love, machine translations are life.

  39. 5 months ago

    >Just finished scenario A
    >Board the Ark and watch the sweet ending cutscene
    >Game freezes after fading to black
    I really hope this is just an emulation issue and not a translation issue.

    • 5 months ago

      Re-patch your game, chances are your rip is fricked

      • 5 months ago

        Seems like freezing is indeed a patch issue, according to the entries in the github's issues page; I'll wait for an updated version so I can properly finish Scenario A and continue the game.

    • 5 months ago

      Got exactly the same issue. bravo translators, simply bravo.

      • 5 months ago

        Real sasuga translator-san moment
        At least he's active and working on fixing it.

    • 5 months ago

      Got exactly the same issue. bravo translators, simply bravo.

      Real sasuga translator-san moment
      At least he's active and working on fixing it.

      Dev just posted a fixed version (v0.95.5), cdromance should upload it soon.

      • 5 months ago

        Hopefully with an updated .EBOOT as well. Us Vitabros don’t want to get left in the dust.

        • 5 months ago

          >updated eboots
          you serious? i knew vitagays were dumb, but i thought not this moronic to not make their own eboot
          i wonder if you'd have a heart attack if you tried injecting pc engine cdroms into psp native emulator if you have trouble with fricking ps1, which is child's play

          • 5 months ago

            This game in particular requires a lot more than just using PSX2PSP, friend. Unless you’re implying that even us morons should be able to understand whatever the frick

            I don't have a Vita anymore but it inexplicably worked perfectly fine for me on PSP via popsloader and the old-ass version of PSX2PSP on my laptop.
            You might find this interesting if you haven't already got it running on your own, it seems there's a very easy fix

            means, in which case I’d suggest that you lower your expectations for morons in general.

      • 5 months ago

        >Just finished scenario A
        >Board the Ark and watch the sweet ending cutscene
        >Game freezes after fading to black
        I really hope this is just an emulation issue and not a translation issue.

        Got exactly the same issue. bravo translators, simply bravo.

        Real sasuga translator-san moment
        At least he's active and working on fixing it.

        thanks for beta testing

      • 5 months ago

        Thanks anon. I can confirm that it works, I was able to get past the freeze.

      • 5 months ago

        is this game worth the hassle? it's weird, and it's censored?

        • 5 months ago

          Even if it's an amateurish translation of a lesser port of an already flawed remake, the game is so good that it really doesn't hurt the experience all that much.

          • 5 months ago

            On the contrary, there is nothing worse than playing an amateurish translation of a game that actually deserved better. Imagine a great game being let down by the literal easiest part of the process. That's the power of stupid patreon begging troonslators.

        • 5 months ago

          I can't speak on the translation at all because I don't play garbage, but the base game is great and the remake improves on many areas.

          On the contrary, there is nothing worse than playing an amateurish translation of a game that actually deserved better. Imagine a great game being let down by the literal easiest part of the process. That's the power of stupid patreon begging troonslators.

          If this kind of thing actually bothered you, you'd already know Japanese. The mythical "good translator" doesn't exist, no matter how much you insist it's the easiest part of the process, so enjoy reading poorly edited MTL slop for the rest of your days.

          • 5 months ago

            How old are you, late 20s or early 30s? Find something else to do beside try to be elitist over learning a language to read chinese cartoons on a slavic throat singing forum.

            • 5 months ago

              NTA, but it's baffling to be so caught on translation when a lot of Japanese has no direct translation. It requires a good localizer to make sense of stuff, and then like I said people get all puffed up about it not being literal enough. It's probably best to either learn the language, or take what you can get.

  40. 5 months ago

    >Special Thanks: Aria, Hilltop, Yuvi

    • 5 months ago


  41. 5 months ago

    Does anything transfer between scenarios? The fact you can buy furniture for the arc seems like a fun side objective but would buying anything in scenario A even matter? It seems unviable with how ridiculously expensive stuff is so I'm assuming that stuff carries across scenarios and you're expected to only get that stuff later on in the other scenarios but just wanted to confirm.

  42. 5 months ago

    What kind of madman makes a discussion board without spoiler tags? I forget every time.

  43. 5 months ago

    People claim the PSX version toned down violence yet every scene I compare is just as if not even more violent than its PCE equivalent (such as Linda's parents getting massacred at the start of Scenario B ).

    • 5 months ago

      The PSX version is toned down mostly on the sexual content, which was pretty mild to begin with, the game is more of a violent thriller.

      What got it the 18+ recommendation to begin with was actually Neku messing with the corpse in A, the ratings board were funny about that kind of thing..

      If you want to see a really obvious comparison of the censorship, watch the ending for scenario A. Nowhere near enough kissing.

      • 5 months ago

        I mean right before that you see naked An and then there's the swimsuit calendar which didn't even exist in the PCE version as far as I know, at least it's not in Ben's room. The sexuality being toned in one area or another never seemed like a censorship thing and more like they just wanted to change it to me.

        • 5 months ago

          >then there's the swimsuit calendar which didn't even exist in the PCE version as far as I know
          I can't remember if it was there in the PCE version, but it's really a replacement for the better PCE mission briefing scene with the superior full sprites of swimsuit Linda.

          I felt like ultimately the violence was better in the remake, and the sexuality was better on the PCE.

  44. 5 months ago

    And now I realise I'm a moron who just didn't put enough spaces in, I went and answered my own question when it comes to furniture.

    It does carry over. While on one hand that's super neat and probably the whole point of the system, I feel like it might slightly spoil some stuff so I'm glad I didn't buy any of it.

  45. 5 months ago
  46. 5 months ago

    MTL is the future, only because you morons keep making crap-tier localizations and botched translations.
    Once AI can read you a story in the beat of your own preference, there's no need for shitty localizations anymore.

    • 5 months ago

      That's sus, anon-kun.

    • 5 months ago

      It will never work out a local dialect.

  47. 5 months ago

    I just got to the part where it's revealed the game is a simulation on board s space craft. Kinda ruined the immersion for me ngl.

  48. 5 months ago

    Imagine not traveling to every town and inhabited cave after every seasonal change to talk to every npc possible in case their dialogue changes

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