lol so true

lol so true

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago

    The irony is that Gen 7 genuinely found a solution, it just wasn't the one people wanted. Using your bros would be neat but I'm not sure how easy it would be to program an "HM check" to see if a Pokemon in your party could hypothetically use a field move in your inventory passively instead of needing to use a move slot. But even then you'd have to dedicate team slots to exploration, just not move slots.

    • 9 months ago

      >But even then you'd have to dedicate team slots to exploration,
      Why not just have dedicated exploration slots for the HMs separate to team slots? So you gain access to Rock Smash, and can slot a Pokemon into the Rock Smash slot.

    • 9 months ago

      Shame SM were so fricking shit

    • 9 months ago

      >Using your bros would be neat but I'm not sure how easy it would be to program an "HM check" to see if a Pokemon in your party could hypothetically use a field move in your inventory passively instead of needing to use a move slot
      People have modded this into Gen 2. It's insanely simple and easy.

      • 9 months ago

        And then homosexuals cope and seethe when I claim GF are hacks and morons.

    • 9 months ago

      Just have them be traits in the stats screen tied to the species.

      Like a Scyther is inherently able to cut trees

      Pretty much all flying Pokemon can fly

      It'd be nice if they could just be tied to type but the field moves don't map nicely enough to types for it to make sense.

      • 9 months ago

        As if riding a Remoraid while it vertically climbs a waterfall or flying on a Starly makes sense.

        Waterfall sucks and is redundant due to being a weaker, Physical version of Surf.
        Surf alone doesn't get complained about, though. You probably have a Water type on your team anyway because they're so common, and Surf is one of the best Water moves period.

        >You probably have a Water type on your team anyway
        And that water type could be a Kabutops, a Carracosta, a Gyarados or an Azumarill.
        Surf is as useful as rock smash on them.

        • 9 months ago

          By in-game standards, Carracosta is a perfectly serviceable special attacker, on par with Blastoise. It's not going to be your first choice, but having Surf on it isn't a waste of a move slot.
          But those other three all have pitiful SpA, I'll give you that. So in addition to making HM's good moves, they should also have even wider distribution.

          • 9 months ago

            If you want to make full use of Carracosta's stats you teach it waterfall (which is also necessary for progression), aqua jet, a rock move and shell smash or some coverage. Surf is just a filler move that takes a precious move slot for a Pokemon that already suffers due to its small movepool

    • 9 months ago

      I think it'd be easier if a Pokemon's ability to perform Field Moves was just listed in their status like their Natures and Types. Some Pokemon can innately have more than one Field Move and it just depends on which one is front in your party that gets priority for a field move use.

    • 9 months ago

      >I'm not sure how easy it would be to program an "HM check"
      Why would this be difficult? When you select an HM the game already performs a check to see if a pokemon can learn the move, just having that check when you see a rock would quite literally work the same way.

  2. 9 months ago

    HMs are the most overblown non-issue in all of Pokemon. Taking up 1 or even 2 move slots for each of your Pokemon is hardly a big deal. Putting strength on your Blastoise did not cripple it into uselessness. A majority of the HMs were even perfectly fine attacks in their own right.

    Gen 4 did go overboard with HMs, but the solution wasn't the bastardization of the concept of a Pokemon team. It was reining in the number of HMs and making sure they were adequate moves in their own right.

    • 9 months ago

      Gen 4 has the same amount of HMs as Gen 3, the only difference is I think you need them to progress a lot more, in Gen 3 outside of using Rock Smash twice, Flash once, and Surf, you only start needing to fill your team with HMs after Mossdeep, right before Seafloor Cavern

    • 9 months ago

      >making sure they were adequate moves in their own right.
      this is the most important thing
      no one ever complained about Surf because Surf is a really fricking good move
      people complained about Cut because it was trash, Strength because it had a bad type, Rock Smash because it was trash, Flash because it was trash, Dive because it was trash...

      • 9 months ago

        >no one ever complained about Surf because Surf is a really fricking good move
        I did. Having to use either surf or waterfall would have been tolerable, but you actually need both to progress through the games.

        • 9 months ago

          Waterfall sucks and is redundant due to being a weaker, Physical version of Surf.
          Surf alone doesn't get complained about, though. You probably have a Water type on your team anyway because they're so common, and Surf is one of the best Water moves period.

    • 9 months ago

      Having to carry a Pokemon that can learn fly and one that can learn surf and waterfall in every single team is extremely restrictive.
      When I look at flying types the ones I would instinctively choose are the part-bug ones, but those don't learn fly. I either have to give up on my bug types or also include something redundant.

    • 9 months ago

      most HMs were not perfectly fine attacks in their own right

      Rock Smash used to be the weakest fighting-type move. Cut was Tackle tier. Defog and Flash were straight-up useless. Gen 3 has 3 water type HMs, that due to their distribution meant most of the time you either had to have a dedicated HM Slave to dump on all those HMs when you wanted to explore the ocean, or dump them all between 1-2 pokémon

      Of course this is pokémon, so it's a bit silly to complain because it's not like you need smogon-tier movesets to win the game, but HM moves should at least have better distribution, more type balance and all moves should be decent enough in their own right to justify the moveslot

      Or just do this

      Just have them be traits in the stats screen tied to the species.

      Like a Scyther is inherently able to cut trees

      Pretty much all flying Pokemon can fly

      It'd be nice if they could just be tied to type but the field moves don't map nicely enough to types for it to make sense.

      Modders were already able to do this, Gamefreak could do it as well

      • 9 months ago

        >Stops being an HM
        >Defog gets buffed

  3. 9 months ago

    Why did you censor Frick? Pussy ass b***h

    • 9 months ago

      Same reason why everyone who posting their porn on Twitter needs to censor all the problematic no-no words in order to not get a warning from the code of conduct guidelines bot, even if its a beastiality rape comic.

  4. 9 months ago

    >turn plot coupons into abilities your Pokemon can use in order the further the theme of the working with your bros on your adventure
    >just causes autists to screech about how it doesn't make sense
    Jesus Christ, why does this cause so much b***hing while everyone accepts that Mario can't walk around the pipes because it's a fricking video game?

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