Lost version of Um Jammer Lammy

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  1. 5 months ago

    bootleg made by some attentionprostitute lost media creepypasta zoomer homosexual
    next question

    • 5 months ago
      Jules l'œuf

      Dude calm down

      • 5 months ago

        no frick off
        zoomers like you trying to pass off these obvious fakes as legitimate prototypes make it harder for normal people to easily distinguish what's real and what's fabricated creepypasta bullshit
        do you think this is real too? https://youtu.be/rRftkLddtak

        • 5 months ago
          Jules l'œuf

          Dude chill, it doesn't have anything related to some fake piracy screen or a creepypasta-bait

        • 5 months ago

          There was no claim of it being a prototype. The image itself even says it's either fanmade or a bootleg.
          I can't explain why someone would put out a search for an unofficial israeliteel case.

          Dude calm down

          Dude chill, it doesn't have anything related to some fake piracy screen or a creepypasta-bait

          Telling someone to calm down is an awful way to get someone to calm down.

          • 5 months ago

            >There was no claim of it being a prototype.
            Oh, I guess OP's subject could actually be interpreted as such since he said "version". My mistake.

            • 5 months ago
              Jules l'œuf

              The point of this search is to find who made it, the community of the original game is trying their best to do so on discord and reddit

              It could be a prototype as much as it could be a fanmade case, but either way, the owner of the game wants to know where it's from (and yes I do not own it)

              Oh and sorry for saying calm down to a person who freaks out for no reason and calls me a homosexual

              • 5 months ago

                No it really couldn't be a prototype frick you and frick your shitty ad campaign for your crappy rom edit.

              • 5 months ago

                Hi Jules, I'm not that homosexual you're replying to. I'll level with you.
                First of all, never use your real name on here. It is shit easy to look up any other accounts you may have as a result. Generally speaking, a lot of users of this site tend to take pride in the anonymous nature of this site and any random guy who uses his real name on this site is usually met with suspicion or mockery. Nothing personal against you, it's just how the site has been for ages.
                Now, I don't really think it's out of the question that this could be some kind of custom cover art made by some random Japanese guy. Where did you get this? What's the story behind this? Is it currently within your possession? There's a lot of "weird and creepy gaming" tryhards these days so I want to be pretty clear with you in my questioning here - it'd certainly make less anons suspicious of this image.
                I think your bootleg is legitimately interesting - assuming you aren't trying to start an le epic reddit ARG. In that case I'm not interested and I'd rightfully tell you to frick off, but I'll humor you here partially because I love this kind of japanese fanart shit.

          • 5 months ago

            literally just google OP's name, "Jules l'œuf"
            you get
            >a pinterest account called "Jules- l'oeuf -comicDub-Gameplay-Creepypasta"
            >a reddit account called u/SnooGoats7539 with posts on r/Parappa, r/creepygaming, and r/LostMediasFR
            >a twitter account "Born January 8, 2005"
            OP is a fricking child trying to hype fake shit

            • 5 months ago
              Jules l'œuf

              I'm not trying to fake stuff here, i'm just trying to help by gathering people together

          • 5 months ago
        • 5 months ago

          of course that's real there's a video

          • 5 months ago

            Shut your temple with a shot gun please.

        • 5 months ago

          Of course it's real. Did your copy not do that?

  2. 5 months ago

    literally who gives a shit

  3. 5 months ago

    have a nice day immediately. if you want to do a single good thing in your life, film it for us.

  4. 5 months ago

    god i fricking hate kids

  5. 5 months ago

    Somebody had a disc-only copy and made creative inserts for it, the end

  6. 5 months ago

    Is there any reason why the flyer photos don't have the printer lines shown on your reddit a few months ago? Just curious.

  7. 5 months ago

    That PlayStation logo is sus, as I've never seen a JP game have it. The best guess is a custom cover and back by a fan, if not an outright hoax. The cover art is actually quite nice, so I'd love to see it released in higher detail.

  8. 5 months ago

    It's fake. Japanese PS1 games have "PlayStation" written on the spine label

    • 5 months ago

      Not to mention it also has the same UPC as the actual Japanese release

  9. 5 months ago

    ja wao
    >print fake cover art
    >put it in a case
    >leave it outside
    >zoomer historians puzzled until the next viral thing

  10. 5 months ago


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