Make an outline of a new good Arkham video game.

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  1. 11 months ago


  2. 11 months ago

    Gotham city has been hit by an alien laser that has turned everyone into horny female criminals. Batman comes out of hiding from the outskirts of the city which have not been affected to rape EVERYONE

  3. 11 months ago

    After Origins before Asylum, get Jason O'mara to voice Batman. Basically it's Knight's open world in Gotham with Asylum's atmosphere. The police don't trust Batman and the criminals still aren't terrified of him. We get a few villains from the previous games that didn't get to shine or were only just mentioned. Clayface, Great White Shark, Black Mask (real), and Killer Moth. The plot can be about the steady rise in villains, which the police blame on Batman whereas Batman tries to find the real source. Rocksteady definitely wouldn't let Joker not be a villain so he's gonna be an assistant to the final boss, which is the game's main villain: Prometheus. Turns out he's been supplying everyone with their needs and altered versions of any equipment. Final boss is like Deathstroke in Origins, adapting to different techniques but with the added twist that the Joker is throwing bombs that affect both Batman and Prometheus. Game's ending is basically the answer to what the Joker did beforehand to Asylum.

    • 11 months ago

      >Jason O mara
      Worst Batman voice, stopped reading right there

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      At this point I think it would make sense to adapt a Long Halloween/Dark Victory esque story. Too much of the Arkham series has been "Batman doing shit in a single night" and I think it makes way more sense that it takes place over a period of time. And I def agree that there are a ton of untapped villains that Rocksteady never touched.

  4. 11 months ago

    Metropolis game
    >B-but superman overpowered
    Make it play like Saints Row VI and say that Clark is holding back for some reason
    Maybe reinstate the silver age rules that he can only jump very high instead of flying

    • 11 months ago

      Easier fix for that, level up system with missions and game progression and have there be a red sun dampening his powers. So the more you level up the more the dampeners break. That way you can also use the sky to showcase your progress in the game.

    • 11 months ago

      Nah, make it play like SR4 or Prototype but with the Superman Returns destruction meter so it's game over if the city takes too much damage.

      • 11 months ago

        Please have a nice day already Returns-homosexuals. You are not as clever and creative, pushing this shit as you think you are.
        Literally no one sane wants "escort mission: the game". God, I fricking hate you all.

    • 11 months ago

      It's not so much that Superman is overpowered, he struggles with stuff all the time. It's that his moveset would be boring as frick to actually play as in an urban setting.

      The Arkham games work because they're not really capeshit games, they're puzzle games with rythm game sections and the devs have full control of what you can and can't do. you come from THIS vent, need to go to THIS door, and each room has a set of rules that prevents you from cheesing it with your favorite gadget and encourage going after enemies in a given order making the thing interesting. No gargoyles, no vents, hostages, enemy patrols are unusual, stuff like that.
      That's why Knight mostly sucked, since most encounters were in the open world and you could just drop in from wherever, retreat to wherever if you got shot at, spam the Batmobile, and everything else all the time, and there were fewer special enemy types that'd frick you up if you didn't pay attention to them.

      You totally could make Superman games, Infamous of prototype on the 360 proved this is doable, but an Arkham-style game would be the dullest thing ever.

      • 11 months ago

        >e not really capeshit games, they're puzzle games
        oh boy just wait till you find out how DC comics used to be like in the Golden and silver age.

    • 11 months ago

      People want Arkham City before they even figure things out

      I've said it before, why not Superman: Warworld or Superman: Braniac - a closed environment to roam around so they can figure out the gameplay loop then maybe you do Superman: City of Tomorrow or Superman: New Krypton

      • 11 months ago

        Go on?

        • 11 months ago

          It wouldn't be reinventing the wheel but either one can feature Superman in a situation where he can be believably weakened or at least restrained

          Let's go with Braniac: Braniac has bottled Metropolis while Superman was elsewhere and in 15 hours will have completed the preparations needed to destroy Earth

          He's outfitted the brainship with a bunch of red sun generators and at the start of the game Superman has just enough solar energy left to crush one... following the radio instructions of Lex Luthor who is still in Metropolis.

          As you destroy more of the generators you get access to new areas and you start to retain more and more solar energy to get access to, in order: X-ray, heat, freeze, super speed slowdown time bursts. Let's say you start with strength, durability, wind breath, sprint, jump and hover and as you increase your solar bar those get upgraded alongside the unlocks mentioned earlier

          • 11 months ago

            Lex is your Oracle, and Braniac is your Joker, and along the way you discover he's hired some space mercs and a few Metropolis villains like Toyman or Metallo and of course Lobo who's like Killer Croc in Asylum but with an actual boss fight

            Halfway through the game Lex is seemingly discovered by Braniac and killed, Superman has to go the next chapter alone, and we get some time for Clark to go over personal relationships, maybe sprinkle in what Lois, Jimmy, or Pa and Ma might say about a situation

            John Henry finally gets connected and for the rest of the game he's the Oracle, and he gets a feed open to the Planet where we can hear some regulars, primarily Lois

            The boss is Braniac outside in space with the full powerset (sun's in the background to drive it home), Lex was in on it ofc but you don't get to fight Lex and in fact after you beat Braniac let's throw in a nice Superman 2 "we beat them" reference, the day is saved Metropolis is restored but we find out that Braniac made some upgrades

            • 11 months ago

              Fine, I'll do a little bit more

              City of Tomorrow is where we stretch our legs out, you have the powerset that was at the end of the previous game but the focus is now on Metropolis which has been transformed by Braniac and is also where his backup went, thanks to Lex. He's spreading to the core of the earth and in 48 hours will reach it, upon which he will have the thermal energy and access to change the planet into a new living brainship to pilot through the stars after decimating the population of course

              The gameplay focus here is introducing more aerial combat to the game after getting feedback from the Braniac boss battle from the first game and also giving the okay to damage the environment because it will simply regenerate, with super speed slowdown bursts hitting when a citizen is in danger during a battle

              We also start bringing in more enemies like Intergang, Silver Banshee, Livewire, Parasite and battle partners like Steel, Supergirl, and Krypto (who becomes a constant companion and will automatically save people for you if you don't want to bother)

              • 11 months ago

                More side missions is the name of the game as well, a classic Lois and Clark investigation into Mannheim and Lex's connection, Jimmy getting into hijinks, Nightwing and a new mysterious kid hero named Flamebird (I would reveal that it's Chris to set up conflict between him and Zod in the next game) investigate some strange tremors in the bottle city of Kandor, and the king of the side content Mxy who will give an excuse to go hog wild with gameplay set pieces and yes, will be our Riddler trophy equivalent

                The Kents are in town as well to let Clark know they're selling the farm which is where our emotional core is because Lois and Clark have just found out she's pregnant

                The finale of course is all the companions teaming up at the final hour to shut down the city of tomorrow for good but Pa doesn't make it after a nice fun sequence where he's gotta get everybody to Lex Tower driving the old Kent truck they were driving when they found Clark

                In the end they win but once again, Lex gets away clean and after Superman has had it with his bullshit he and Lois decide the city of tomorrow is no place to raise a son and they decide to live on the farm and commute

                That gives us an opening for a timeskip to Superman: New Krypton because the end of the Kandor side quest reveals Braniac's miniturization is starting to slowly wear off and Kandor will Break the constraints of the fortress within a decade

          • 11 months ago

            Lex is your Oracle, and Braniac is your Joker, and along the way you discover he's hired some space mercs and a few Metropolis villains like Toyman or Metallo and of course Lobo who's like Killer Croc in Asylum but with an actual boss fight

            Halfway through the game Lex is seemingly discovered by Braniac and killed, Superman has to go the next chapter alone, and we get some time for Clark to go over personal relationships, maybe sprinkle in what Lois, Jimmy, or Pa and Ma might say about a situation

            John Henry finally gets connected and for the rest of the game he's the Oracle, and he gets a feed open to the Planet where we can hear some regulars, primarily Lois

            The boss is Braniac outside in space with the full powerset (sun's in the background to drive it home), Lex was in on it ofc but you don't get to fight Lex and in fact after you beat Braniac let's throw in a nice Superman 2 "we beat them" reference, the day is saved Metropolis is restored but we find out that Braniac made some upgrades

            More side missions is the name of the game as well, a classic Lois and Clark investigation into Mannheim and Lex's connection, Jimmy getting into hijinks, Nightwing and a new mysterious kid hero named Flamebird (I would reveal that it's Chris to set up conflict between him and Zod in the next game) investigate some strange tremors in the bottle city of Kandor, and the king of the side content Mxy who will give an excuse to go hog wild with gameplay set pieces and yes, will be our Riddler trophy equivalent

            The Kents are in town as well to let Clark know they're selling the farm which is where our emotional core is because Lois and Clark have just found out she's pregnant

            The finale of course is all the companions teaming up at the final hour to shut down the city of tomorrow for good but Pa doesn't make it after a nice fun sequence where he's gotta get everybody to Lex Tower driving the old Kent truck they were driving when they found Clark

            In the end they win but once again, Lex gets away clean and after Superman has had it with his bullshit he and Lois decide the city of tomorrow is no place to raise a son and they decide to live on the farm and commute

            That gives us an opening for a timeskip to Superman: New Krypton because the end of the Kandor side quest reveals Braniac's miniturization is starting to slowly wear off and Kandor will Break the constraints of the fortress within a decade

            >reddit spacing
            >kills the thread

            • 11 months ago

              The thread was already dead by the time I came back the first time bud, if you're looking for bait to keep it bumped I'm afraid I'm not your Huckleberry

    • 11 months ago

      >silver age

  5. 11 months ago

    i love the Arkham games but don't need a 5th one

    • 11 months ago

      just make a beyond or nightwing game


  6. 11 months ago

    just make a beyond or nightwing game

    • 11 months ago

      Make a battle for the cowl game where you’re Dick and you slowly build the Batman costume as you progress. Final boss is Jason Todd.

    • 11 months ago

      Make a battle for the cowl game where you’re Dick and you slowly build the Batman costume as you progress. Final boss is Jason Todd.

      Was it Jason Todd's mostly rehabilitated in Arkham Knights game by the end?And I remember from tvtropes out of Batman's former sidekicks Nightwing definitely have the most of his own enemies

  7. 11 months ago

    Here's a better idea: focus on making a new DC game series. I hope Wonder Woman is good

    • 11 months ago

      werent they gonna do a superman game

  8. 11 months ago

    As long as they don't use the upgrade system of Origins.

  9. 11 months ago

    Arkham Nation. Bane takes over Santa Prisca and Batman has to liberate it, Just Cause style.

  10. 11 months ago

    How do I get this device activated again?

    • 11 months ago

      scan it in the car

  11. 11 months ago

    well you're gonna want to mash A frantically in between long bouts of farming identical goons, stealth missions and tank missions to update your skill tree with infinitesimal improvements that make no difference whichever branches you choose

    what I'm saying here is it needs a timed fetch quest and an escort quest to break up all that A mashing

  12. 11 months ago

    I've had enough of Arkham. By the end of City I was ready to put them down forever just because I'd had my fill of it and Knight was a miserable slog. Just give me a linear adventure with good, tightly designed levels.

  13. 11 months ago

    I wouldn't mind Arkham Beyond but honestly I'm burnt out on Arkham games

  14. 11 months ago

    Still mad that WB Montreal cancelled a damn good looking Arkham game where you played as Damien and instead decided to make the shit that was Gotham Knights.

  15. 11 months ago

    >Arkham Beyond
    >Decades later: Gotham better than it was, still shit.
    >Arkham rebranding under Astrid Arkham offering more services, apps, minute clinics, etc.
    >Dick, Babs, Tim serve in various roles: Dick operates a Spyral branch out of Gotham, Babs oversees something crunchy about tech for "the people," Tim's on GCPD.
    >Arkham breaks down: people begin seeing nightmares, city panics, gangs take over, etc. GCPD get locked down. Dick goes missing investigating something. The Arkham app takes over the city.
    >Batman runs and plays like Year 100: he can take 1-3 guys but groups overpower him. Relies more on a Fear system with gassing enemies using a modified Fear Toxin.
    >Side Missions: Finding prototype parts for an unfinished batsuit, Tease it's the Beyond suit, reveal it's Zur-En-Arrh; driving missions; Riddler Trophies that get wrapped up quickly because it's a Nygma fan not nearly as smart.
    >Tease but never confirm if you're really playing as an immortal Bruce, Damian or someone else.

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