>Make innocuous joke. >Money stolen

>Make innocuous joke
>Money stolen

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

Yakub: World's Greatest Dad Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

  1. 6 months ago

    That's a good joke, I'm stealing that just like your money was stolen

    • 6 months ago

      Because Blizzard is currently a soulless woke company that bends over backwards to the woke hair-dyed mob with an encyclopedia book full of triggerings. And comedy is one of their triggers.

      And like said before, that is a really funny joke.

  2. 6 months ago

    that is really a very tame joke. what the frick lmao

    what do people even do in this game anymore

    • 6 months ago

      This is the same game which purged all the even slightly bawdy joke and flirt voice emotes a few years ago. And cucks like the OP just sat back and took it, and/or actively defended it online. So you get what you deserve really.

      Playing WoW in current year should be classed as a mental illness.

    • 6 months ago

      >very tame joke
      Jokes are banned in WoW

      • 6 months ago

        >I know it seems strange, but I'm practically a cow. So why am I wearing leather?

    • 6 months ago

      Blizzard are in some kind of weird purity spiral where anything that could be remotely offensive is insta banhammered. It makes all their games a joyless nightmare.

      • 6 months ago

        they've never recovered from the sexual harassment accusations and purge anything remote of sexual now lmao

    • 6 months ago

      They do a thankless loot treadmill over and over and over again and seethe at any other game that suggests that this doesn't have to be the way you play an MMO
      The only ones left playing are so helplessly trapped that if the game were to go offline they would probably commit mass suicide without much hesitation.

    • 6 months ago

      I like to use the free first 20 levels to get my WoW fix then move on. Normally its political shit in trade chat with trannies baiting the chuds to say something bannable/reportable since they have the "right" opinion and can freely talk about real degenerate shit in trade chat without worrying about a ban.

      Classic has better interactions since its people trying to relive their childhood but at the cost of dealing with the xD >.< :3 types of chatters.

      Besides that, everyone is anti-social and rarely communicates.

    • 6 months ago

      No it's not troony, you never make fun of a man's penis

    • 6 months ago

      >what do people even do in this game anymore
      pretend blizzard didn't give up. troony shit like parsing and tryhard pvp. buy gold with irl money because your too unwise and immature to leave behind or invest in a legacy for yourself and your children and your family. typical low iq normie hedonist consumer bullshit. people who play wow are maggots racing around inside a corpse.

    • 6 months ago

      basically the trust and safety team on overwatch is run by diversity hires, so they bought a shitty AI plug-in meant for children's MMOs like roblox to detect toxicity. Their old approach was to just not ban anyone unless they collected 100+ reports, but that wasn't good enough for ESG scores

      • 6 months ago

        >say yes
        >money stolen
        Captcha: Black person SEX

    • 6 months ago

      What's the age requirement to play wow? 12? I don't know if you can talk with a 12 year old about their dick size.

      • 6 months ago

        Of course if you want to talk to 12 year olds about taking the opposite sex's hormones and cutting their dick/breasts off that's perfectly acceptable and you're committing child abuse if you don't allow this conversation to happen.

        • 6 months ago

          You can as long you are a lefty public school teacher or just a homosexual/discord groomer. You fricking chud!

          Sorry, I'm not american. I don't wish to participate in discussions about your state religion.

      • 6 months ago

        You can as long you are a lefty public school teacher or just a homosexual/discord groomer. You fricking chud!

    • 6 months ago

      >very tame joke
      Jokes are banned in WoW

    • 6 months ago

      Nobody communicates in sanitized corporate troony garbage like this anymore because they don't wanna get banned.

  3. 6 months ago

    >say hello
    >condoms stolen

    • 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago


  4. 6 months ago


  5. 6 months ago

    Millennials were a mistake

    • 6 months ago

      Saving that to use on /x/

    • 6 months ago

      guys, are these memri memes affiliated with terrorists or more radical i lam (censored on purpose, yeah I know)?
      they're pretty funny, and I want to save them, but we have laws against i lam stuff
      it's fine as long as it's not terrorist shit

      • 6 months ago

        Memri is literally the Fox News on steroids Islam news channel and yeah, they support Jihadists if that's the issue with your laws.

        • 6 months ago

          oh, I see, thanks
          don't want that shit on my hard drive, then
          too bad, the shoe shit is funny as frick

          • 6 months ago

            shouldn't have asked and just saved, how can you be realistically expected to know everything about a random picture you saw on the internet?

            • 6 months ago

              Google exists you dumb frick moron ass b***h homosexual loser IQ of a goldfish having turd!

              • 6 months ago

                >googling the backstory of any picture you encounter

            • 6 months ago

              by asking first
              why would I need to ask shit about every single picture?
              only the potential j had ones

      • 6 months ago

        Memri is literally the Fox News on steroids Islam news channel and yeah, they support Jihadists if that's the issue with your laws.

        You know you can just google shit like that gigantic fricking watermark? Memri TV is a pro Israeli ~~*non-profit*~~ that translates arab shit. Literally founded and run by israelite glowies, they're about as far as you can get from pro-jihad by instead being pro-mossad globohomos. They're not even actually making the shows.
        That's why the shit always sounds so fricking wild; because the phrasing is embellished (Though supposedly still technically accurate). Also, a lot of them are just fake edits made by anons.
        But anyway, that moronic post asking is just sp,e joke that went over my head.

  6. 6 months ago

    It should be illegal for this company to treat you or anyone else like this.
    Shameful behavior.

    • 6 months ago

      I mean they agreed to the terms of service, if they thought the terms were shit they shouldn't have spent money in the first place

      • 6 months ago

        Does the terms of service ban jokes though? I don't think it does.

      • 6 months ago

        He shouldn't be treated like this to begin with, and if this is the result then the ToS is unreasonable to begin with.
        Again, this should not be legal.
        It's odd you make excuses for these corporations.

        • 6 months ago

          Maybe stop giving money to companies that hate you and work to replace your race? Is it too hard for little Chuddy to stop playing the big slop™?

        • 6 months ago

          >I agreed voluntarily to a contract I didn't read
          >I don't like this contract

          Why did you learn you didn't like the contract after you'd agreed to it? Read homie, read.

          • 6 months ago

            Reading comprehension, anon

          • 6 months ago

            You're the kind of drone that would blame someone for signing a contract where the contract has illegal shit within. You're a corporate buttslave, existing for the sole purpose of having a corporation's hand up your ass at any given moment.

            • 6 months ago

              OK but the contract in question doesn't have illegal shit in it, so...

              • 6 months ago

                Calling you a midwit would be a compliment.

              • 6 months ago

                Nta but he literally said it SHOULD be illegal

              • 6 months ago

                Fascinating, but it's not
                Blizzard's servers, Blizzard's rules. What's unreasonable about that?

              • 6 months ago

                >what's unreasonable about that?
                This is a moronic statement. Anybody could find something unreasonable in any set of rules. He's coming at this from the angle that the rules should change.
                If you're only argument is "but what if I don't mind?" then you're not really engaging with anything anon is saying.

              • 6 months ago

                People like you are the reason communities in games no longer exist. If a mod can take any part of a contract and apply it to a small joke over his asshurt, there's no sense even talking to anyone. If I was a mod here I'd ban your ass for a week and if you did anything aside from sucking my proverbial dick and admit how I was in the right I'd ban you permanently. You're a mindslave; less than human. You exist for the betterment of corporations.

          • 6 months ago

            Terms of service is not a contract
            It's not a legal document of any kind

            • 6 months ago

              OK but you're not legally entitled to access Blizzard servers either

              • 6 months ago

                Glad we understand each other

              • 6 months ago

                >i care about the LAW chud! we are a nation of LAWS
                >ok i think the laws should change and effect this
                >n-no not like that!!

              • 6 months ago

                Then give me back my money.

                Again, we're not talking about unlawful restrictions or allowances. No laws are being broken here.
                It should be illegal to post CP, and Blizzard doesn't allow CP to be posted. No issue here.

                Well Blizzard seems finds it unreasonable that people should be allowed to offend each other, because they presumably have a different value system than you. And it's their servers, so they set the rules.

                No, I just think of a company owns a server, it should be allowed to set its own rules for its use
                There's always a lot of real shortsighted dipshits in these threads who say nonsense like 'it should be illegal for a company to set rules for the use of its own servers', very shortsighted non-thinkers

                All these games make their ToS available before purchase, WoW is no exception.

                Terms of service is not a contract
                It's not a legal document of any kind

                You know something? Fair enough, I won't play your kusoge defended by corporate bootlickers like (You) who only defend the law and rules when it comes to your own benefit instead of applying it equally to everyone in every single situation. Just don't come crying when your Blizzard account gets banned and you have to buy a WoW from some chink or all those Overwatch skins again (or yet again as you were scammed with OW2).

              • 6 months ago

                and blizzard uses internet networking infrastructure which was funded by tax-payers. They would not be able to run their game without it, therefore the government has the right to make any of their behaviors as a corporation legal or illegal, and the government is supposed to (lol) represent the people, therefore people have the right to say that these game studios should not have the right to arbitrarily steal your money.

                There will be a reckoning against these video game studios. It's just a manner of time. If they kept it at banning people for saying Black person and homosexual they could have gotten away with it, but now they are banning anyone for any reason.

      • 6 months ago

        >go to store
        >buy product
        >after the sale force the person to accept a terms of service that says "to be allowed to use the product you already bought you must agree that you are now our slave forever and so is your entire bloodline"
        >of course if you refuse you don't get your money back
        >money stolen
        alternatively, I never read the ToS and the game glitched and let me play without me clicking agree.
        alternatively, the ToS should just be illegal

        • 6 months ago

          In the future your (subscription based) car will be locked if it hears you joking.

        • 6 months ago

          They don't refund the cover charge when they kick you out of a club.

      • 6 months ago

        So not only I have to pay for the game, I have to deal with an unexpected ToS I'm forced to accept lest be denied of what I bought as a customer. Read all that bullshit and hire a lawyer in case I know something is unfair and anti-customer, as the devs are allergic to refunds. And if by any chance I really want to play that game, I must do it by walking in egg shells before being banned due to corruption on who decide the bans and rules being vague to the point I might as well guess how I don't get banned unfairly. Ban which won't return my payment and literally stole the money from my wallet. Oh you don't want me to play? Ban me but return my money afterwards. But no, I should just make another account and keep spending money ad-nauseum by falling in the scam called ToS, which is not made to protect their property if not to milk the customer.
        >just don't say Black person anon lol
        Only you stop being such a huge homosexual.

        • 6 months ago

          All these games make their ToS available before purchase, WoW is no exception.

        • 6 months ago

          Yeah, the people defending this are the biggest corporate wienersuckers you have ever seen. They are saying straight-faced that the average random person spending 50$ on a piece of entertainment should read a 50+ pages filled with legal jargon and if they're not happy they should sue the trillion dollar valued mega-corporation. It's obviously not serious. No one really believes this, either they say it to get a rise out of people or they say it because the corporation in question aligns with their political views.

          • 6 months ago

            >read a 50+ pages filled with legal jargon
            The social conduct

            • 6 months ago

              Anon, if that was a real legal agreement, it wouldn't be that short. Might as well just agree verbally or go to Club Penguin and yell Black person in chat (at least the mods don't have a stick shoved so deep in their asses over there).

            • 6 months ago

              >Just allow me to defend an ambiguous rule that can be applied to any situation dependant solely on how asshurt the recepient is
              Does corporate cum taste good?

            • 6 months ago

              completely irrelevant. They were banning people before this came out, I knew because I got banned before this was a thing. There is a clause in the ToS that says they can back you at any moment for any reason. Don't bring this stupid thing up again.

        • 6 months ago

          It is someone else's servers, simple as. It's no corporate wienersucking, it is just the plain old truth. It's clear in the ToS and the social whatever they have that foul language is not tolerated; you broke the rule and got punished for it.

          • 6 months ago


            Yeah, the people defending this are the biggest corporate wienersuckers you have ever seen. They are saying straight-faced that the average random person spending 50$ on a piece of entertainment should read a 50+ pages filled with legal jargon and if they're not happy they should sue the trillion dollar valued mega-corporation. It's obviously not serious. No one really believes this, either they say it to get a rise out of people or they say it because the corporation in question aligns with their political views.

            , and say again what you just said. This time, don't do it like a b***h with a wiener in his mouth for once, do it like a man.

          • 6 months ago

            >run a hotel
            >person books 2 weeks for one of my rooms
            >run into them 2 days after they've started their stay and don't like their face so I kick them out
            >what why I haven't done anything wrong
            >I don't like your face
            >how is that a reasonable reason to kick me out?
            >it may or may not be, but when you signed you agreed I could kick you out for no reason at all (this is actually in blizzard's ToS)
            >okay... I get my money back for the remaining days though right?
            >LOL. if you're not happy sue me (you will lose because you are one guy and I have infinite money).
            it's someone else's building, simple as. It's not corporate wienersucking.

        • 6 months ago

          The lesson here is to stop playing this garbage and yet somehow this still happens to you because you just keep fricking playing it.

          I haven’t played a game’s online multiplayer since Halo 3.

          • 6 months ago

            Anon, so you want me in goodwill and honesty to explain you what is a hypothetical case that other anon expects me to do like a good coonsumer? Over here? Really?

            • 6 months ago

              No, I want you to stop paying cash money to “buy” a license to play a game-as-service and then acting surprised when it ends exactly how it always ends, with the company dicking you out of what you “bought” because they already have your money and they don’t need you anymore. You are getting scammed because you are acting stupid. Is it “wrong”? Sure. It’s also wrong to rob people and gunpoint but I’m gonna call you a moron for walking around with gold israeliteelry on in the ghetto. Because you knew what was going to happen.

              • 6 months ago

                Anon, an hypothethical case is when you suggest everyone to imagine a case that's not necessarily true or real. In this case, I used it to explain a situation some other anon expected me to do even though I would never partake on it by the nails of Jesus Christ. I didn't waste my money on any ToS games knowing well what would happen and what I should have to do if shit hitted the fan.
                And the fact you are a a moronic Black person who didn't develop critical thinking like any 9 years old normal kid can be used to explain a real case, not a hypothetical one.

              • 6 months ago

                You aren’t using a hypothetical, you’re using argumentum ad absurdum. The OP (presumably) really happened. And it happened because you (or OP, if it isn’t you) made the mistake of believing for one second that a corporation would treat you equitably once they had fully finished extracting money from you.

                You need to learn not to make this assumption. You only win the game by not playing in the first place. You should have cancelled your WoW sub ages ago at this point, and honestly if you bought the game recently there’s no hope for you.

                This only happened to you because you stayed in New Orleans long after the national weather service told you to evacuate. You should have known what was coming. You shouldn’t be surprised.

              • 6 months ago

                Anon, as the old saying goes: What has to do your eyelashes with your ass? I explained you not only what is a hypothetical case, you want me to explain now what is a rethorical questioning just so you can make a moronic strawman out of anyone?
                Me, OP? Someone who spend money on ToS games? What sort of drugs are you doing to try gaslighting and falseflagging like a moron.

                >with the company dicking you out of what you “bought” because they already have your money and they don’t need you anymore.
                you are either extremely low iq or simply don't know what you're talking about if you really see it this way. If they permanently ban you, your subscription ends and you won't play the game again and won't pay them their 15$ dollars a month. It is against their own financial interests to ban you. What's better for them, you pay 40$ dollars for the game and 15$ for a month, then they ban you and laugh because they stole your money, or you keep paying 15$ a month for 10+ years? Even if your speech is so disruptive that it's actually provably making other people quit the game, they could still just chat-ban you and restrict your comms to guilds and people who friended you first.

                I'm going to mention it because I feel like your go to response is going to be "you're so addicted if they ban you you'll buy the game again which will just net them more money". I'm sure this is actually a thing they consider exploiting in meeting rooms to squeeze more money out of the people actually desperately addicted to the game, but they've just went with the way of spamming cosmetics instead (carrot or stick scenario). There are not a lot of people who are so addicted that they will totally start over if they get perma'd (the game is on its deathbed if you haven't noticed)
                >an hypothethical case is when you suggest everyone to imagine a case that's not necessarily true or real.
                there is a lot of that going on in this thread, seems like it's something a lot of people struggle with understanding. Unless it's all the same moron

                At this point it must be bait, then again I call Poe's law.

              • 6 months ago

                >you’re using argumentum ad absurdum.
                cringe highschool debate club moment

              • 6 months ago

                >corporation would treat you equitably once they had fully finished extracting money from you.
                there is no reason why they were finished extracting money from you, don't try to liken it to a corporate business decision because they are banning you off emotional impulses. The game is wanting you to pay 15$ a month every month until there aren't enough people paying that 15$ a month for it to be worth continuing operations. Banning you goes against that.

              • 6 months ago

                >with the company dicking you out of what you “bought” because they already have your money and they don’t need you anymore.
                you are either extremely low iq or simply don't know what you're talking about if you really see it this way. If they permanently ban you, your subscription ends and you won't play the game again and won't pay them their 15$ dollars a month. It is against their own financial interests to ban you. What's better for them, you pay 40$ dollars for the game and 15$ for a month, then they ban you and laugh because they stole your money, or you keep paying 15$ a month for 10+ years? Even if your speech is so disruptive that it's actually provably making other people quit the game, they could still just chat-ban you and restrict your comms to guilds and people who friended you first.

                I'm going to mention it because I feel like your go to response is going to be "you're so addicted if they ban you you'll buy the game again which will just net them more money". I'm sure this is actually a thing they consider exploiting in meeting rooms to squeeze more money out of the people actually desperately addicted to the game, but they've just went with the way of spamming cosmetics instead (carrot or stick scenario). There are not a lot of people who are so addicted that they will totally start over if they get perma'd (the game is on its deathbed if you haven't noticed)

                Anon, an hypothethical case is when you suggest everyone to imagine a case that's not necessarily true or real. In this case, I used it to explain a situation some other anon expected me to do even though I would never partake on it by the nails of Jesus Christ. I didn't waste my money on any ToS games knowing well what would happen and what I should have to do if shit hitted the fan.
                And the fact you are a a moronic Black person who didn't develop critical thinking like any 9 years old normal kid can be used to explain a real case, not a hypothetical one.

                >an hypothethical case is when you suggest everyone to imagine a case that's not necessarily true or real.
                there is a lot of that going on in this thread, seems like it's something a lot of people struggle with understanding. Unless it's all the same moron

              • 6 months ago

                >them, you pay 40$ dollars for the game and 15$ for a month, then they ban you and laugh because they stole your money, or you keep paying 15$ a month for 10+ years?

                not reading the entire post to see which side of the argument youre on to know if i should call you a Black person or not but the company is banking on its paypigs to buy a new copy of wow and start a new account. its the lowtax business model

                keep in mind that said business model is literally the reason that 4chin exists

              • 6 months ago

                >he company is banking on its paypigs to buy a new copy of wow and start a new account. its the lowtax business model
                you're a moron and have no idea what you're talking about. Maybe that would be true if there were no additional cosmetics but there are. Even the most diehard of whales will not re-buy hundreds of dollars of cosmetics if they randomly get banned repeatedly. They may keep playing the game at the minimum they can spend but they won't spend more of their cash willingly. You would be a shit business man.

              • 6 months ago

                >You would be a shit business man.
                and youre an 70iq Black person. im literally saying i disagree with it and its a Black person moronic thing to do

              • 6 months ago

                no, you are having an emotional low-iq moment. You're talking about your feelings and if you personally disagree with it. I'm saying that they're not doing it because it's moronic but you were not able to understand that. It's not a calculated scheme. They are banning players because the developers who run the game now are the people who would report you for a mean word in the first place. That's all there is to it.

              • 6 months ago

                Idk how the frick how people keep playing Overwatch man, even after the scam they call for a sequel.
                >hey like this game? Have this sequel being literally the same shit with no changes
                >oh wait, you didn't expected your content from last game to be transfered? Too bad piggie, pay for those skins, emotes and battle passes again
                >also if you say anything more than a fly buzzing you'll get banned. See you next time in your new account to repeat this cicle again

              • 6 months ago

                I was more referring to why they don’t refund you the game post-ban than the motive for the ban in the first place, though I see how that wouldn’t be clear. My point is, making the assumption that a corporate bureaucracy will treat you equitably is moronic. Being outraged that the corporation didn’t play fair is like being offended that a grizzly bear went through your trash can. It’s not personal, just what they do. They never have to learn not to because they are bigger than you.

              • 6 months ago

                not that anon but acting surprised that someone is angry after something shitty happened doesnt exactly make you the big brain in the conversation

                youre just trying to shut people up actually, you dont distrust corps or anything like that. youre just trying to come up with an argument in the moment to stop people from bashing blizz

                >dont like a game? DONT BUY IT!! DUUUUUUUUUUH
                >dont like a law? change it
                >NOOOOO NOT LIKE THAT

      • 6 months ago

        I guarantee that no where in the terms of service does it say "if you imply that another player's penis size is below average, you will be permanently banned"

        • 6 months ago

          no instead it just says they can ban you for any reason arbitrarily at any time, which is the biggest problem and should be 100% illegal. There is no set of rules to follow according to the ToS. If they want to ban you they can and don't need to explain why. Of course every game does this, it's not exclusive to blizzard. It needs to be illegal.

      • 6 months ago

        I have no idea why Ameritards keep pretending the ToS mean shit, They have been thrown out multiple times in all kind of courts across the world and even big names like Steam and Apple and Microsoft get fricked over despite claiming shit in their ToS. They are just fricking moronic unlawful documents, you might as well print them out and wipe your arse with it.

        • 6 months ago

          these are literal paid shills that come here to bootlick their corporate masters don't confuse this with Ganker shitposting

  7. 6 months ago

    thats what you get for paying money to a gay company

  8. 6 months ago

    its a 7 day chat ban

  9. 6 months ago

    >playing blizzshit games

  10. 6 months ago

    you're living in a fascists society

  11. 6 months ago

    >talking to other people in a video game

  12. 6 months ago

    don't enjoy product charge back 'nuff said, don't matter if you spent $2 or $20000 no login is proof it don't work

  13. 6 months ago

    >say hi to the author of the post
    >freedom of speech revoked

    • 6 months ago

      Bro you posted cringe

    • 6 months ago

      Most forums will, at minimum, warn you for posting the inane bullshit you get away with routinely in this shithole, moron. Nothing wrong with this at all.

      • 6 months ago

        >say hi to the author of the post
        >freedom of speech revoked

        >why are forums dead
        >why do devs only interact with the most insane and delusional fans that lead them astray in regards to fan wants and desires
        >why wont people buy our games

        • 6 months ago

          that homie got banned

        • 6 months ago

          Dude, for most of internet history rules like "Stay on topic, no trolling or flaming, no inane posts, etc." have been standard. Shit, they're even rules here. They're just not enforced.

          • 6 months ago

            >say what we want to hear or we will ban you

            Fascinating, but it's not
            Blizzard's servers, Blizzard's rules. What's unreasonable about that?

            can blizz use its servers to post cp? whats preventing them? its obviously not the government because as all us BASED enlighted libertarians know, government influence is bad

            • 6 months ago

              Again, we're not talking about unlawful restrictions or allowances. No laws are being broken here.
              It should be illegal to post CP, and Blizzard doesn't allow CP to be posted. No issue here.

              >what's unreasonable about that?
              This is a moronic statement. Anybody could find something unreasonable in any set of rules. He's coming at this from the angle that the rules should change.
              If you're only argument is "but what if I don't mind?" then you're not really engaging with anything anon is saying.

              Well Blizzard seems finds it unreasonable that people should be allowed to offend each other, because they presumably have a different value system than you. And it's their servers, so they set the rules.

              People like you are the reason communities in games no longer exist. If a mod can take any part of a contract and apply it to a small joke over his asshurt, there's no sense even talking to anyone. If I was a mod here I'd ban your ass for a week and if you did anything aside from sucking my proverbial dick and admit how I was in the right I'd ban you permanently. You're a mindslave; less than human. You exist for the betterment of corporations.

              No, I just think of a company owns a server, it should be allowed to set its own rules for its use
              There's always a lot of real shortsighted dipshits in these threads who say nonsense like 'it should be illegal for a company to set rules for the use of its own servers', very shortsighted non-thinkers

              • 6 months ago

                >Well Blizzard seems finds it unreasonable that people should be allowed to offend each other
                The irony is you can behave as badly and offensively as you like in a M+ party and nothing happens. People even harass new players or try to sell them paid services in newcomer chat and nothing happens. They only care if you do it in a public channel. Their moderation is incredibly inconsistent, lazy and hypocritical.

              • 6 months ago

                >And it's their servers, so they set the rules.

                its not blizzards country and they dont set the laws. anons are saying it should be illegal. thats government. you agree with them since you also agree with the cp example.

              • 6 months ago

                What should be illegal exactly? Having rules for the use of the server you own? More of the shortsighted non-thinking.

              • 6 months ago

                >buy product
                >company takes product away from you because they think you did a heckin wrong think

                the problem seems obvious. companies are selling you products but arent letting you own it

              • 6 months ago

                You can't ever 'own' a live service game because it's reliant on continued access to shared servers run by the company, who may have incredibly poor moderation as Blizzard does and can revoke access at any time because you made an 'edgy' joke that wouldn't offend a grade schooler

              • 6 months ago

                the service is required for the game and the servers are still up and running. there is no argument for banning their wow account that isnt corp dick sucking. how vaxxed are you cuck?

                >order food
                >while waiting for food you commit a wrong think
                >restaurant refuses to finish preparing your meal or refund money and calls the cops on you
                >cooking your food was a live service sir ;^)

              • 6 months ago

                You can play on different servers. They exist. You don't actually need Blizzard's servers specifically to play WoW.

              • 6 months ago

                Go on and tell us what the ToS says about using their software to access private servers you corporate slave.

              • 6 months ago

                Who cares about the ToS if Im already banned?

              • 6 months ago

                It is someone else's servers, simple as. It's no corporate wienersucking, it is just the plain old truth. It's clear in the ToS and the social whatever they have that foul language is not tolerated; you broke the rule and got punished for it.

                >you can eat at different restaurants sir, its somebodies elses stove, simple as. we still gave you the food wrappers, but another burger and put it in the wrapper if you want one so bad

                dont sell a product if youre not going to sell it to people. simple as

              • 6 months ago

                Sounds like all live 'service' games should be forcibly made open source.

              • 6 months ago
              • 6 months ago

                They haven't taken the copy of World of Warcraft from you though, they've just barred you from accessing their server with it

                Believe it or not, you can actually play on non-Blizzard servers with their own modifications and everything
                I saw this one even being advertised on Youtube

              • 6 months ago

                >They didn't take the car from you, they just took the engine!

              • 6 months ago

                Awful analogy, since the game's ENGINE is still installed on your hard drive

              • 6 months ago

                You don't own the software cuck, you lease it. Try again. Sounds like SOMEONE didn't read the ToS.

              • 6 months ago

                A lease that they can't take back? Its installed on your computer, you can play on other servers. Click click click, you're playing the game.

              • 6 months ago

                Doesn't matter, according to you the ToS is god qritten law. For someone who fellates it, you sure are willing to break it when it benefits you.

              • 6 months ago

                since youre defending the israelite ToS, im pretty sure that isnt allowed. i doubt they even consider you having a legitimate copy of the game since its not paired to a blizz account anymore

                ToS is for servers, which people have to maintain and operate to keep running. Something they CAN bar you from accessing, completely in their control

                The game is a product, its sitting on your hard drive. There's nothing they can do to take it away from you. you have it, you can connect to other servers with it, and play the game as you like.

              • 6 months ago

                >The game is a product, its sitting on your hard drive. There's nothing they can do to take it away from you. you have it, you can connect to other servers with it, and play the game as you like.
                rule lawyering worm. Your jump to private servers is the worst area you can take your so called argument, it's totally illegal (as in, actual law, not fake ToS law) and if blizzard dragged you to court over copyright infringement for hosting a private server you would lose instantly if your defense was "b-but they banned me from the real game though"

              • 6 months ago

                >play the game as you like.

                no you cant. as the other anon said, its copyright issue or something

                imagine just setting up your own server and charging people half what blizz does and not having any homosexual rules hassling people on it. do you also think that you can buy a dvd and then set up a cinema selling viewing tickets for it?

                you actually own basically nothing and i dont mean that as a globohomosexual joke. its literally true and has been for a long time.

              • 6 months ago

                lol you shouldn't be charging money for access to a private WoW server obviously
                Don't just add extra things to make thing illegal and then say 'look its actually illegal'

              • 6 months ago

                As fun as it is to dab on the moron defending social contracts, it's time for a periodic reminder:
                If you have bought a game, you are legally protected if you ever choose to play it on a private server. Only distribution is a criminal act, so only the entity hosting the server is violating anything. Know your rights.

              • 6 months ago

                its literally a multiplayer game. if you cant legally play with other people then you cant play it and blizz deleting your account is the same as taking the game

              • 6 months ago

                >If you have bought a game, you are legally protected if you ever choose to play it on a private server
                is this proven in court? proofs plz

              • 6 months ago

                You're not likely to ever see it brought to court because this sort of thing has been fought over many times before. We can look at an example that spells it out pretty well, though.
                The bulk of the document is explaining how Napster was in the wrong, for reasons including:
                >Napster was operating a P2P file-sharing service to make a profit
                >this wasn't a case of fair-use because they were directly copying the files from place to place instead of doing something "transformative"
                The important part for our purposes is right here at the end.
                >Regarding space-shifting, the court remarked that courts have only permitted space shifting by the original user. Napster impermissibly allowed space shifting between different, subsequent users.
                When Disney fought against the VHS industry (and lost), a major argument Sony used was that making a recording from your TV was a fair use as long as it was done so that you could "time-shift" it, or watch the program you paid for at a time other than the one it was broadcast. "Space-shifting", or moving a copy of the work you bought to a different format (in the Napster case, downloading an mp3 of a song you owned on CD) was similarly found to be fair use.
                Blizzard can ban you from their services, but they can't revoke the fact that you purchased a copy of the game. If you then space-shift that purchase by getting another copy of the client and connecting it to the private server, there's nothing they can do about it. That's why vidya companies always attack the hosts: distribution is legally considered damaging, but being distributed to (in and of itself) isn't unless they jump the massive hurdle of proving each individual never owned the media to begin with.

              • 6 months ago

                since youre defending the israelite ToS, im pretty sure that isnt allowed. i doubt they even consider you having a legitimate copy of the game since its not paired to a blizz account anymore

              • 6 months ago

                It's not a lease. It's a subscription.

              • 6 months ago

                More like the road. Just take different roads.

              • 6 months ago

                >Believe it or not, you can actually play on non-Blizzard servers with their own modifications and everything
                >I saw this one even being advertised on Youtube
                and this is illegal and completely besides the point.

              • 6 months ago

                I never said what they did should be illegal, I'm saying anyone who isn't an autistic moron can see why banning people over little jokes is a bad thing. Sure, Blizzard can do whatever the frick they want. But if you think for a second that people should just sit back and accept their money being stolen over the application of some ambiguous rules because a GM got his booty bothered, you're wrong. This reflects poorly on them, not the person making the joke no matter how much your masters pay you to say otherwise.

              • 6 months ago

                >Well Blizzard seems finds it unreasonable that people should be allowed to offend each other, because they presumably have a different value system than you. And it's their servers, so they set the rules.
                Again, so what? Anon has already acknowledged everything you have written here.
                He has a difference of opinion so great as to sidestep this entire argument and you aren't addressing that. He doesn't like the laws as they exist now. He doesn't respect Blizzards use of those laws as they use them now.
                You literally have nothing to say to him, you're just asserting that you like the rules as they are. Your formatting comes across like a rebuttal but it's not. You aren't arguing with anything he said whatsoever.

              • 6 months ago

                >Again, we're not talking about unlawful restrictions or allowances. No laws are being broken here.
                You are braindead. From the start that other anon is arguing that what they're doing should be illegal. Your "argument" against that is "well it's not illegal tho?". In other words, how would you feel if you didn't eat this morning?

                By the way, you're not clever. Everyone knows that you would be eternally seething if they banned speech that you supported. Everyone can see through the facade this late into the game. People only interact with you for entertainment.

              • 6 months ago

                I wasn't following the conversation, and didn't read your post, but have a nice day
                you seem like a corporate bootlicker, a balding soiboy

              • 6 months ago

                their value system is nothing more than siding with the mob that reported someone practically every single time.

                all this stuff about getting banned in games for words stems from americans having literally 0 rights, massive corporations are legally allowed to silence you and your so-called free speech because as long as it isn't the government doing it then it's fine. I hope I don't need to mention that leftists only support it because it's convenient for them to right now because leftists are the corporations. Of course, they would be crying 24/7 if a game was banning people speaking about being gay or trans. Let me ask you what the point of having rights is if the government doesn't force private entities to respect them? Firstly, if you made it so you have the right to ban people but you had to refund their purchase you would only see bans for the most extreme cases. You may say that people would start acting up to get refunds once they're tired of the game. Great, leads perfectly into my second point: other players in the game should always have a way to block your communications, but you should never get banned for legal speech, as a matter of fact this is how the internet used to work around 10 years ago. If you actually do anything illegal like actionable death threats and such, that can be and is forwarded to the FBI.

                pretty much. these systems heavily favor one side that's full of rabble rouser types abusing the shit out of reporting everything from trump tweets to trade chat so nothing changes. they think they are winning ideologically so what does actual justice for the little guy matter.

            • 6 months ago
          • 6 months ago

            What's trolling and staying on topic is anyone's guess based on the period mood swing having b***h mod that happens to be on duty in most places.

            • 6 months ago

              that guy is actually arguing for arbitrary janny tyranny. don't worry about him. he should go back to neogaf

      • 6 months ago

        >uh buddy, this post does not meet forum relevancy requirements, you're being put on probation. Think before you post next time champ
        religion flies into buildings, scines gets da moon

    • 6 months ago

      This was a justified ban. You're a moronic homosexual. Stay on topic next time and make a post that isn't an inane comment.

      • 6 months ago

        >make a post that isn't an inane comment.
        true that rule is not selectively enforced at all, there are no inane comments on the steam forums

      • 6 months ago

        you have never seen steam discussions if you think that comment is inane

      • 6 months ago

        Most forums will, at minimum, warn you for posting the inane bullshit you get away with routinely in this shithole, moron. Nothing wrong with this at all.

        Bro you posted cringe

        Hi Emil

    • 6 months ago

      >your all's

      Strange wording, howthougheverbeit

    • 6 months ago

      This is like Judge Dredd levels of arbitrary rule enforcement

  14. 6 months ago

    >Heh. You've foolishly removed my limiter.
    *unbuckles belt*

  15. 6 months ago

    This is why chat is dead in most online games now. No fun allowed.

  16. 6 months ago

    Yeah, that's some serious butthurt from the user/mod team if you're getting a permaban for that.

  17. 6 months ago

    communicating outside of your friend group in WoW is literally asking for a ban or a global mute
    I got 24h global mute for "flamming" because I decided to explain, without insulting the other person in any way shape or form, what the guy did it wrong before kicking him last year when I still played this game

  18. 6 months ago

    don't bodyshame

  19. 6 months ago

    >Modern WoW

    • 6 months ago

      holy shit, kill all redditors that think this is acceptable writing in any video game or tv show

  20. 6 months ago

    I'm genuinely sorry, anon.

    • 6 months ago

      why are you sorry? he doubled down on being moronic when the air was filled with poison and said it was fine
      ignorance is nothing to be sorry about

      • 6 months ago

        WoW transformed into a weathered husk, and he genuinely wanted to make a small remark because maybe it would be funny. Pajeet GMs did not agree.

  21. 6 months ago

    Showing any kind of humor will result in a deduction to your esg score, careful now

  22. 6 months ago

    all this stuff about getting banned in games for words stems from americans having literally 0 rights, massive corporations are legally allowed to silence you and your so-called free speech because as long as it isn't the government doing it then it's fine. I hope I don't need to mention that leftists only support it because it's convenient for them to right now because leftists are the corporations. Of course, they would be crying 24/7 if a game was banning people speaking about being gay or trans. Let me ask you what the point of having rights is if the government doesn't force private entities to respect them? Firstly, if you made it so you have the right to ban people but you had to refund their purchase you would only see bans for the most extreme cases. You may say that people would start acting up to get refunds once they're tired of the game. Great, leads perfectly into my second point: other players in the game should always have a way to block your communications, but you should never get banned for legal speech, as a matter of fact this is how the internet used to work around 10 years ago. If you actually do anything illegal like actionable death threats and such, that can be and is forwarded to the FBI.

  23. 6 months ago

    >game is rated M
    >all the players are babies

  24. 6 months ago

    Bro you can't make fun of Asian men, it's racist.

    • 6 months ago

      Except Asians are white and it's not possible to be racist against white people.

  25. 6 months ago

    >buy access to a service
    >don't follow the service's guidelines, no matter how moronic they are
    >waaah, money stolen
    If every entrepreneur complained about taxes and bureaucracy, there wouldn't be no startups or businesses

    • 6 months ago

      Point to the part that says "Players will not make jokes" cuckold.

      • 6 months ago

        Op's example obviously set off the 'don't offend people' shit, don't be disingenuous

  26. 6 months ago

    its a sexual joke anon
    those aren't tolerated by blizzard anymore
    their studio had some issues with this kind of thing, therefore its only right that they punish everyone else, especially their customers, for it

  27. 6 months ago

    How long was the ban? I remember I called someone a Black person back in vanilla WoW and only got a 1 day ban.

  28. 6 months ago

    Last time I had this discussion here over this kind of topic, I had anons accidentally (I presume) going full communist in their desire for unbridled free speech and wanting things that would basically undermine the notion of private property entirely

    'I should be able to say anything anywhere any time' was the standard they wanted, they didn't think a man should be able to lock the door to his own business because that would stop them from entering the bathroom at 3AM to recite slurs

    • 6 months ago

      >things that didn't happen

    • 6 months ago

      communism and free speech are on totally opposite sides of the spectrum so it's not possible to go "full communist" in the defense of free speech. The game already gives you tools to curate your experience and block people if they offend you. There is no reason to ban people for speech, it's only to placate weak people (who are in the developer team now).
      Your comparison to locking a door to a restaurant makes 0 sense. The servers are running 24/7, unless there's maintenance. It's not an availability concern. These are completely different things. It's like you're arguing that it's communism to have laws that refrain boats from sailing on the highway. Completely nonsensical comparison. In the real world, if I'm talking about offensive things in your restaurant and people are getting bothered, I can either be quiet, your other customers leave or I leave. In a video game I can keep talking, the angry customers can mute me and I don't have to leave. Everyone should be happy in this situation. It is not possible to do that in the real world. Plus anyway, in the real world you're not going to get arrested for your speech, you're going to get arrested for "causing a scene". This would be equivalent to griefing in game like DDOSing the servers or in-game play that ruins the gameplay experience for everyone else, again totally different subjects.

  29. 6 months ago

    Blizz wagies are dicklets who can't take a joke

    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      Ghostcrawler was never a CM, nice try though, also learn to spellcheck your fake messages

  30. 6 months ago

    Take them to small claims court and file a complaint for the value of the account. Once enough of you idiots start doing that, they'll stop banning accounts.

    • 6 months ago

      They'll lose a few of those, then the TOS will be ~~*updated*~~ with a disclaimer saying that by agreeing you waive your right to take them to small claims court. Hell, it might already say that. If this country wasn't run by sadistic psychopaths who hate us TOS' would be limited to 500 words.

    • 6 months ago

      they will fight tooth and nail against it because if they lose then it will set precedent that everyone who gets banned gets their money back. You won't win without a class action.

  31. 6 months ago

    Did you do it to a Body Type A or a Body Type B?

  32. 6 months ago

    >why can't I act like a foul-mouthed buffoon and be a dick to other people in my video game????
    You guys are either entitled as sin or have absolutely no self-awareness at all. I think it's both and it's the result of spending too much time here.

    • 6 months ago

      >proceeds to post a frog

  33. 6 months ago

    Just don't be a moron? Not saying these shitty teenage jokes cost you nothing. I've never seen people baiting with Blizzard bans pictures for actual gameplay stuff, like saying Augs being fricking dogshit or gatekeeping with io and ilvl

  34. 6 months ago

    but hey, why be mad about that? they're not only a private company; they can do whatever they want after all, it's not just the future you chose either, it's the future you've championed 🙂

  35. 6 months ago

    What insufferable homosexuals. It was even a good joke.

  36. 6 months ago

    Did you tell that to a Chinese man? Their small peepee size is SERIOUS BIZNESS YA'LL!

  37. 6 months ago

    >chud gets banned for wrongthink
    >Ganker dogpiles on them telling them to suck it up, not be stupid, and that they're wrong

    >trannies get banned from tabletop simulator for pro-troony speech
    >trannies actually Do Something, brigading gets the ban reversed and the devs even donate to a pro-trans charity

    What's with the crabs in a bucket mentality around here?

    • 6 months ago

      >What's with the crabs in a bucket mentality around here?

      its trannies false flagging. see

      not that anon but acting surprised that someone is angry after something shitty happened doesnt exactly make you the big brain in the conversation

      youre just trying to shut people up actually, you dont distrust corps or anything like that. youre just trying to come up with an argument in the moment to stop people from bashing blizz

      >dont like a game? DONT BUY IT!! DUUUUUUUUUUH
      >dont like a law? change it

      >youre just trying to shut people up actually, you dont distrust corps or anything like that. youre just trying to come up with an argument in the moment to stop people from bashing blizz

      >trust me im a dyed in the wool based gamer like you but isnt it time we accepted forced trannies in our games????

    • 6 months ago

      A lot of those trannies raid Ganker all the time. there's probably a few trannies in this thread with us right now even too many /lgbt/ homosexuals come to spam their shit here even though they should stick to their own board for homosexualry.

      • 6 months ago

        Worst/best part depending in your sense of humor: They do it for free at anytime and think people fall for their bullshit.

    • 6 months ago

      >chud gets banned for wrongthink
      He was banned for being a moron without self-control.

    • 6 months ago

      Chuds are the current counterculture, trannies are one of globohomo's sacred cows and most useful foot soldiers so they get endless institutional support

    • 6 months ago

      Dishonest moron

  38. 6 months ago

    got banned in guild wars 15 years ago for calling someone a communist. its funny cause calling people Black folk and homosexuals didnt do it but that was the one that got me.

    • 6 months ago

      Chinese ownership for you lot and you are saying CCP isn't the problem for video games future.

      • 6 months ago

        They were almost based and almost saved us from the gacha menace.

        • 6 months ago

          Not after ruining a half-decade worth of video game development with full support for gachagrab trash.

          • 6 months ago

            That half decade was necessary to starve out other cringe genres that were directly competing with gacha

            • 6 months ago

              Instead of that we got Fromslop, Transfield & FFXVI hopefully you are HAPPY with that development.

              • 6 months ago

                "Fromslop" is a Gankeridiot contrarian term. Those games would be good to you if you were less jaded and willing to actually play them.

              • 6 months ago

                I'd rather stick to playing bullethell games than barrel roll simulators.

              • 6 months ago

                I won't fellate From nor go full contrarian like people who don't play games or have some sort of fanboy wars. Although the games are far from perfection, just as they have their flaws they have their merits, even when we got tired of the same mechanics being repetated in more than enough games and the proliferation of the "souls-like" subgenre it spawned.
                So yeah, just let it slip away and ignore it. Everyone like what they HONESTLY like even if they have shit taste, just follow trends, the community is shit and you don't have nor need to engage with it, etc.

  39. 6 months ago

    Kek that was good and you shouldn't be banned for that. However I laugh at people who get banned for slurs, how hard is it to mute your mic when you want to drop it?

    • 6 months ago

      how hard is it for you to move on when you hear a mean word?

      • 6 months ago

        It's very hard apparently. Case point: chuds.

        • 6 months ago

          >say chud in Ganker
          >get called moronic and a Black person
          >say Black person anywhere else
          >ganked, tar and feathered, banned, depersoned, dox'd, snitched to their employer, life ruined, ...
          i'm not seeing it

      • 6 months ago

        Oh I don't care about slurs. I use them all the time. It's funny to me that people get banned for using them and then get angry at their ban or think it's unfair. It's like shitting in a supermarket and then being upset that the police arrest and trespass you.

        • 6 months ago

          >Oh I don't care about slurs. I use them all the time.
          hello fellow kids

        • 6 months ago

          >yo! white people are bland and dry and don't have big dicks, stupid pale monkeys
          >those chuds are just dirty pajeets and hispanics from /misc/
          All safe here, you won't get banned
          >black peopl-
          >communists are-
          >I don't agree with trans issues because-
          Oops, tough luck. Banned forever, thank for your money.
          That's what grinds people's gears.

          • 6 months ago

            Yeah and it's funny to me that people end up getting so mad about something you can literally choose to ignore or not engage in. Its like when people went insane about the Dead Space bathrooms and were shitposting nonstop and I was just shooting Necros and having fun

            • 6 months ago

              I hope you played the OG version instead of the demake anon. You are on thin thread now.

              • 6 months ago

                I played all of them, even garbage ass DS3. Did have to drag my 360 out of storage though because these homosexuals don't want to put DS2's amazing DLC on PC.

              • 6 months ago

                Good... you are safe for now. Also my condolences on DS3, hope you had a friend to go through it.

          • 6 months ago

            Then these fricking homosexuals wonder why nobody talks to strangers in online games anymore and just stays within their own little cliques. You're one dilating troony or perpetually offended mystery meat mutt away from getting b&, it's just not worth communicating with anyone you don't know anymore. Giving normies, women and darkies 24/7 internet access was a mistake.

        • 6 months ago

          >i don't care about slurs
          >I use them ALL THE TIME
          Let me guess, when you played with your friends outdoors you always brought your mom with you. There's no other way you have this way of thinking when you gloat about others suffering with no empathy thinking it will never ever happen to you someday.
          If only they returned the money spent, after all, if I don't get entitled to the servers you offer then you aren't entitled anymore to the money I gave you.
          >but I mute the mic ALWAYS because I'm a good boy
          Sure anon, we believe you.

          • 6 months ago

            You're thinking way too hard about this. It's funny to be a shithead and instantly report someone you know will get in trouble for saying a no no word you don't care about. It is so fricking funny that you homosexual Black folk get banned in video games that you paid money for to be a mentally ill wiener smoking moron.

            • 6 months ago

              Anon, see

              literally everyone says this, you care but you don't want to admit that you're actually getting offended because you don't want to be a pussy b***h, the end result is the same


            • 6 months ago

              You care enough to report others in the first place, so much for "not caring" what others do. Makes sense, uh-huh, sure.

    • 6 months ago

      Blizzard doesn't have a real moderation team, so people just gangpile reports that add up fast and auto-suspend/ban without any kind of recourse or human interaction necessary.

      It's significantly more moronic than you even previously thought.

      • 6 months ago

        An easy fix to crybullies abusing reporting policies would be after you report somebody, reports targeting that same player from anyone in your guild or on your friends list are ignored.

  40. 6 months ago

    >Make innocuous joke
    According to whomst?

  41. 6 months ago

    Blizzard employees and raping women, name a more iconic duo.

  42. 6 months ago

    >have giant mega corp with its own legal firm
    >sell toys that contain asbestos and lead to children
    >leave note on toy box that says that they cant play with your toys if they dont fill out a release waiver
    It's that easy.

    • 6 months ago

      does the corporation espouse my political views? then I support it.

      t. leftist

      • 6 months ago
      • 6 months ago

        This except I'm right wing. Don't support these companies until they remove the woke and replace them with traditional values.

  43. 6 months ago

    I was expecting slurs and got a decent joke. Sorry for your loss, OP. I hope you're free now.

  44. 6 months ago

    >sexually harrass people about the size of their genitals
    >waaahhhhtt?! thats bad??!?
    when youre at work go make a joke about a woman's small breasts, see how fast you get fired bud

    • 6 months ago

      >turn a video game into office politics simulator
      >gee why are our sales dropping??

    • 6 months ago

      >video games are work now
      I'd expect a microplastic-infested zoomer who only knows SaaS video games from pozzed corporations to have that moronic belief

    • 6 months ago

      >video games need work politics now
      letting zoomers access the internet without parental supervision was a mistake

      • 6 months ago

        I only read until internet, the rest is redundant.

  45. 6 months ago

    Blizzard is Black personlicious. Don't give them your money.

  46. 6 months ago

    I report people for stupid shit like this all the time not because I care but because it's funny when they get banned.

    • 6 months ago

      literally everyone says this, you care but you don't want to admit that you're actually getting offended because you don't want to be a pussy b***h, the end result is the same

      • 6 months ago

        >t. got banned for something stupid

        • 6 months ago

          nope not even, I don't play shit games that try to police player behavior

          • 6 months ago
      • 6 months ago

        I'm not getting offended I'm laughing that they're such toddlers that they can't express their anger without screaming Black person. You know what sort of people can't control their feelings and are quick to react with anger? The blacks

        • 6 months ago

          You know what sort of people are predisposed to sociopathy and will abuse a system to hurt someone for their own perverse enjoyment?

          • 6 months ago

            >abuse a system
            You mean the system designed to remove people who can't behave? Lmao. You're the kind of homosexual who thinks shoplifting is okay too huh you broke SNAP card having welfare queen Latifah.

            • 6 months ago

              >OY VEY I was actually doing the community a service this whole time!

              • 6 months ago

                Oh no, I did it because I liked it. I was good at it, Skylar. And it makes me laugh

  47. 6 months ago

    I was suspended in Classic because i named my pet misogyny which is hilarious. It's wild the world people are creating. Everyone seems so miserable all the time but instead of reject their shitty worldview it's all worthwhile if they can punish people they hate. It's a tyranny of the most broken and fricked up people on the planet.

  48. 6 months ago

    >just stop playing the ga-

    • 6 months ago

      how do they even do that? Do they literally force people to buy from those stores or be arrested

      • 6 months ago

        They picked the lazy option: you aren't allowed to talk about boycotting it.

  49. 6 months ago

    ANAL [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]

  50. 6 months ago

    >Make malicious report
    >Entertainment received

  51. 6 months ago

    >playing Overwatch with friends
    >play D.VA
    >all her voice lines if you were to say them in chat would get you banned
    She literally calls people out for skill issue or being cringe ingame.

    • 6 months ago

      You have to buy another account, sprry piggie. Better luck next time.

  52. 6 months ago

    deserved for being an MMO gay, you guys are barely human

  53. 6 months ago

    Why are we pretending a small dick joke is a huge offence again?

    • 6 months ago

      Chinese learning about the internet taking EXTRA LARGE PERSONAL ISSUE about it, unlike their dick size which is the EXACT OPPOSITE.

  54. 6 months ago

    Private company, chud.

  55. 6 months ago

    >play game game
    >receive gay prize
    What a shame you'll have to find some other game to be a homosexual in.

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