Mario RPGs

We're reaching levels of back that shouldn't even be possible.

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  1. 1 week ago

    no 3d mainline mario since 2017 though

    • 1 week ago

      switch 2 launch title

    • 1 week ago

      I feel like gaming (for Nintendo at least) is healing

      They do one per generation these days,

      switch 2 launch title

      is likely right. Nintendo knows better than to oversaturate the mainline mario market. Wonder arguably is one though, even though it's not 3d
      I'm just surprised smash did next to nothing for it's 25th anniversary

  2. 1 week ago

    This is the first time that i am interested in a Mario and Luigi game, that animation was very good

  3. 1 week ago

    IS has fallen so far of late that I've actually started to appreciate the Alphadream games alot more

    watch this sell minus 50 copies and kill them for good

  4. 1 week ago

    Why are they doing this?

    • 1 week ago

      >why are they throwing out mostly cheap garbage while preparing a new console in the next couple of years?
      The answer is simple...

  5. 1 week ago

    Kino. Now for a sequel (decent shot)
    I'm a sucker for 60FPS and it hurt to try. Good it's on the Switch at least, but definitely my least favorite of the three.
    >New M&L
    Pure kino. As much as I love SMRPG that wasn't a brand new game, and this is.
    I'd say we're doing pretty good

    • 1 week ago

      >I'm a sucker for 60FPS
      I'm at palace of shadow and at no point (where the frames weren't actively dropping) did I notice it was only 30. FPSgays are a special breed

      • 1 week ago

        I use a 144hz monitor and playing TTYD at 30fps doesn't bother me at all; I literally never notice it.

  6. 1 week ago

    My confidence hasn't come back after the number of repeat failures and closures. Piss off.

  7. 1 week ago

    Still baffling that Nintendo wouldn't give Paper Mario the old RPG formula for years because it was "redudant" with the M&L series only for us to get all of this within the span of a year. I thought for sure the TTYD remake only happened because M&L was dead and buried. Hopefully Nintendo lets them coexist and not have Paper Mario regress back into "haha! we have a stapler as a boss!"

    • 1 week ago

      All the excuses for why Paper Mario turned to shit is cope. IS ruined it because they wanted to and for no other reason.

    • 1 week ago

      All the excuses for why Paper Mario turned to shit is cope. IS ruined it because they wanted to and for no other reason.

      Tanabe is a dumbass who misconstrued Miyamoto's words and sanitized the Mario franchise (probably out of spite). It wasn't a mandate like some people thought, just a lack of proper communication between company leads, and the consumers had to deal with it.

  8. 1 week ago

    >2 shitty remakes
    Frick off shill
    >1 new game
    Come in shill

    Frick demaster apologists holy shit. If the M&L BiS demake hadn't flopped, I'd guarantee you that we'd be getting a fricking PiT demake instead of a new title

    • 1 week ago

      Nah, we’d get a new remake if they never got the original staff to work on the new one

  9. 1 week ago

    Our heroes.. and Luigi

  10. 1 week ago

    What's your guys' rankings for the mario rpg's you've played?
    For me it's
    1. M&L Bowser's Inside Story
    2. M&L Superstar Saga
    3. PM Thousand Year Door
    4. M&L Partners in Time
    5. Mario RPG Legend of the Seven Stars
    6. M&L Dream Team
    Haven't played the other ones, could swap around the top 3 based on how I'm feeling at the time.

    • 1 week ago

      RPG Remake
      Paper Mario
      Superstar Saga
      RPG (1996)
      Bowser's Inside Story
      Dream Team
      Partners In Time
      I never played Paper Jam, the Mario&Luigi remakes, or anything Paper Mario post Super (Super sucks anyway)

      • 1 week ago

        What makes you put the RPG Remake 2 spots above the old game? I haven't played it yet

        • 1 week ago

          It's mostly a combination of
          >good QoL features
          >good remixed OST
          >post game fights are actually challenging (Mario RPG was always a babygame even before the changes to gameplay)
          >party members providing buffs and team attacks help keep gameplay interesting rather than running Mario/Peach/Geno (or Bowser) and benching Mallow after Yaridovich
          The only real losses are the new translation being de-woolseyfied and the casino not having any actual gambling aspects, and personally I think it'd be cool if you could swap Mario out to have more potential team attacks, but it is what it is. As for why it's above Paper Mario and Superstar Saga, I haven't played the former since 2009 and while Superstar Saga is great, it's not amazing compared to the top tiers. Mario and Luigi has more good games while the first two Paper Mario games have bigger highs (and bigger lows)

    • 1 week ago

      BiS > 64 > TTYD > SS = PiT > DT >RPG
      Still waiting for a hack that revamps PiT's item system by simply adding FP. That game gets way too overhated

      Paper Jam does not exist

    • 1 week ago

      1. PM64
      2. TTYD
      3. Superstar Saga
      4. SMRPG
      5. Super Paper Mario
      6. Partners in Time
      7. Bowser inside story

      BiS really turned me off about M&L but Brothership is looking great. Today Nintendo is way better than it was under Iwata, so there's hope.

    • 1 week ago

      Blogpost incoming, from top to bottom
      1. TTYD
      The combat is super fun and snappy and you have so many different elements to experiment with. Skipped the remake because I found the backtracking issues in the original overblown anyways, outside of General White.
      2. PM64
      Unbelievably charming game thats just a bit too simple in combat compared to its sequel.
      3. M&L Superstar Saga
      I love the cartoony atmosphere of this game. They put an emphasis on whackiness and the brotherhood between the bros that I feel like the series never went for again which I miss. Which is why I'm all the more excited for the new game literally called Brothership.
      4. Bowser's Inside Story
      Really creative and innovative game that still knew how to keep the new stuff from becoming overbearing. Main issue IMO is that the overworld sections outside of battles feel kinda dull, for both the bros and Bowser.
      5. Super Paper Mario
      Gameplay wise I'd rank this much lower otherwise but this game has so many story and atmosphere related elements that I love. The idea for an RPG/plattformer hybrid is so cool but the game is too easy, even for Mario, and the level design is fairly lackluster.
      6.Super Mario RPG
      They hit it out of the park with their first attempt at a Mario RPG, this spot almost feels too low because I don't think there is anything wrong about this game. I just personally like the above a bit more.
      7. Partners in Time
      Jack of all trades, master of none. This lost a lot of th spark SSS had and its few new ideas are nowhere near as good as BIS. Very awkwarly sandwhiched between a better prequel and sequel.
      (Power gap)
      8. Paper Jam
      First game on the ranking that I'm not decidedly positive on. It failed hard as a crossover and has the laziest and worst padding out of any M&L. Its saving grace is text skipping and the best bosses in the series, the combat really shines here.

      Cont. in next post because I'm approaching the word limit.

      • 1 week ago

        9. Dream Team
        Luigified BIS clone where the gimmicks got out of hand after BIS kept them in check just enough. I can still see a lot of good here in practice but what ultimately neuters the game for me is the text. Not only are the tutorials as bad as they're infamously made out to be but this game is also weirdly exposition heavy for having such a nothing story.
        10. Origami King
        Wanted to give it a chance but didn't like it. The combat is devoid of interesting elements and it continues the shitty modern trend of demanding the player to play in a specific way. Overworld gameplay is just okay, they clearly want to go in an action adventure direction but don't actually update Mario's moves accordingly.
        11-12. Sticker Splash
        Sticker Star and Color Splash are the same shit to me. Where Color Splash added some merit through humor it subtracted in other areas like making combat somehow even worse. I can see why other would still place CS higher but the game to me has no business being this similar to its prequel when even TTYD wasn't this similar to PM64.

        Thanks for coming to my autistic Ted talk

    • 1 week ago

      SSS = DT = PM64 > BIS > TTYD > PJ > PIT = SMRPG > the other paper Mario games I never listed

    • 1 week ago

      Probably something like Bowser's Inside Story > TTYD remake = Superstar Saga > Paper Mario 64 > original TTYD > Super Paper Mario. I enjoy all of them to varying degrees, but BIS is my favorite. More than any of the changes to the actual game people post about, the handheld factor is the biggest differentiator between TTYD's remake and the original for me.

    • 1 week ago

      RPG > PM64 > Superstar Saga > TTYD > BiS

    • 1 week ago

      Superstar Saga

    • 1 week ago

      PM > SSS > SMRPG > TTYD > the rest

    • 1 week ago

      1. Superstar Saga
      2. Partners in Time
      3. TTYD
      4. RPG / Remake
      5. Paper Mario
      6. Bowser's Inside Story
      7. Dream Team

    • 1 week ago

      There's no role playing in these games. They're action adventure games with turn based combat.

      • 1 week ago

        Frick you. I AM Mario.

        • 1 week ago

          Woah, you're the real mario? I'm a big fan, man.

    • 1 week ago

      Bowser's Inside Story
      Dream Team
      Superstar Saga
      Paper Mario
      Mario RPG
      Partners in Time
      Paper Jam

    • 1 week ago

      TTYD, 64, SPM, SSS, SMRPG, and lastly that notorious piece of shit which shall not be named.

    • 1 week ago

      Paper mario 64 > Bowsers inside story > Superstar saga > Ttyd > dream team > mario rpg >>> the rest. The worst for me would probably be super paper mario (the most boring platformer to ever be created and filled with shitty and sarcastic humor) or sticker star. Horrible games

    • 1 week ago

      1. The Thousand-Year Door
      2. Paper Mario
      3-7. Mario & Luigi titles from newest to oldest (the battles got progressively better IMO)
      8-9. SM RPG and Origami King
      10. Super Paper Mario
      11. Sticker Star

      Haven't played Colour Splash

  11. 1 week ago

    two of these are remakes

  12. 1 week ago

    It may have been easier and had some dumb name changes (I die inside every time I see zoomers call Yaridovich "Speardovich"), but I liked the Super Mario RPG remake a lot. The TTYD remake, however, was even worse than the Mario and Luigi remakes, the butchered script, troony Vivian, and sluggish gameplay are genuinely disgusting. Here's hoping the new Mario and Luigi game will be good.

  13. 1 week ago

    >It's called brothership because they have an actual ship

    Kek, I missed that part

  14. 1 week ago

    Add Mario + Rabbids to the pic, is the 4th Mario rpg series

  15. 1 week ago

    >Another kino Mario RPG adventure is announced
    >No FE or Xeno weeb slop mentioned at all in the past three directs
    Yeah, I'm thinking Nintendo is back

    • 1 week ago

      All these mario games are intensely japanese though. like through and through. They just go for a comical cartoony feeling instead of a slightly more serious adventure.

      • 1 week ago

        Yeah but they aren't embarrassing to play in front of other people because of 'Japanese Humor' or juvenile anime fanservice

        • 1 week ago

          never played one but I just downloaded superstar saga to see what is so good about these games

          it sounds like you are just a normalgay

  16. 1 week ago

    >new mario and luigi game in 3D instead of sprite art
    All i see is nintendo cranking out undercooked "rpgs" like they were square or enix back in the day.

  17. 1 week ago

    Brothership looks really good

  18. 1 week ago

    two demakes, one new game. wow so back

  19. 1 week ago

    Now that Alphadream aren't dead I should replay Superstar Saga again but I'm sure it's aged like fricking milk.

    • 1 week ago

      I'd say it's aged pretty well besides the pixel art, which doesn't have anything major wrong with it, it's just overbright on modern screens because when alphadream was making the game they were accounting for the gba's lack of backlight.

    • 1 week ago

      Some of the characters look weird and more in an unintentionally off-model way than anything else, but aside from that the game aged well, it's very fast-paced, has a fast travel system, plenty of save points etc.

  20. 1 week ago

    All modern nintendo games just feel like weak imitations of their older games. The switch era has been awful, i can count in one hand the amount of games that had any real effort and creativity put into them.

  21. 1 week ago

    I’m guessing the gimmick is them having both the old and new style of bros attacks

  22. 1 week ago

    Yes, I'm counting the Rabbids games. If SPM~TOK count, they do as well.

  23. 1 week ago

    >We're reaching levels of ass that shouldn't even be possible.
    the only good Mario RPG was co-developed by Squaresoft

  24. 1 week ago

    Just say it's the only one you played. SMRPG fans are secondaries, Square homosexuals by default.

  25. 1 week ago


  26. 1 week ago

    Stupid question. Did Nintendo confirm Brothership is a rpg?

    • 1 week ago

      yes, why wouldn't it be

      • 1 week ago

        Nintendo likes to dumb down their games

        thanks anon

    • 1 week ago
  27. 1 week ago

    Enjoy the drought, too many released too close to each other for them to reliably put ouy any for the near future.

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