
Did a S rank DMD run of DMC1. Had quite the time.
>I could point to later Devil May Cry bosses and say they’re good, but only as a highlight. A great game is more than the sum of it’s parts.
Was he right Ganker?

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  1. 2 years ago

    The only thing Matt is right about is quitting your job to play video games all day

  2. 2 years ago

    DMC1 bosses are trash.
    You just turn on DT and mash. Except for the griffon where you turn on DT and spam guns.

  3. 2 years ago

    >got filtered like a moron by the best dark souls and kept fellating demon's and 1 despite the later being objectively shit
    >Was he right Ganker?
    lmao even
    lel probably
    kek definitely

    • 2 years ago

      just let it go man

  4. 2 years ago

    Matt seems like the type of guy who thinks everything after the first game is subpar.

    • 2 years ago

      Only the ones that are less original
      Which is, last I checked, just about all of them

  5. 2 years ago

    Remember when Matt said Kamiya was a better designer than Itsuno then used DMC2 to support his argument?

    • 2 years ago

      I refuse to believe you. Matt isn't stupid.

      • 2 years ago

        • 2 years ago

          What the frick

        • 2 years ago

          he's twice as intelligent as any dark souls 3 fanatic but he's still a fricking homosexual for kamiya. hearing him fricking gush about wonder red when he's the most typical seinen hero to ever exist is pathetic.

          • 2 years ago

            I really like Wonder Red too

            • 2 years ago

              ok? he's still a literal archetype, nothing special about him contrary to what the smartest man in ireland (IQ 105) thinks

        • 2 years ago

          Is this what the average Itsuno fan looks like?
          >trans bi lesbian

        • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          Is this what the average Itsuno fan looks like?
          >trans bi lesbian

          >the people seething about matthew are literal trannies
          what a surprise

        • 2 years ago

          This respected videogame critic couldn't even look at the credits on his favorite director's game.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, still, he's not wrong. Kamiya is a better game designer.

      • 2 years ago

        In what ways?

      • 2 years ago

        >QTE spam
        >better game design
        I fricking hate Kamiya dickriders so much

        • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            Did I struck a nerve, homosexual?

            >He doesn’t want Ludo Harrier in his action games
            Woah there. Challenge can also come through varied game types. Maybe if Itsuno and the fanbase realized this we’d have an evolution of Mundus1 in later games instead of basic combat encounters known as DMC4/V bosses.

            Unique segments like the Mundus fight is one of the few things Kamiya did better but he had couple shit ones like the under water segment and the plane escape. Anything he's made since then has lazy as shit design.

            itsuno is a huge fan of kamiya's work and kamiya of itsuno's. this entire debate is gay fanboy bullshit.

            Kamiya has only made 2 great games(RE2 and DMC1) and I'm not even sure if one of those can be counted since Mikami had the entire game scrapped because he said it was boring.
            I like work from both Kamiya and Itsuno but Kamiya dickriders are obnoxious as shit even though he hasn't made anything of note in like 15 years. Pic very related

            • 2 years ago

              >Most of Itsuno’s games are unremarkable shovelware/bad games not named DMC3/SMT/SF
              Kek. What was this supposed to show?
              Kamiya takes a while to get games going(Interview with Inaba states this clearly) but when he delivers, he truly delivers.

              • 2 years ago

                idk why you're posting random yu gi oh cards but stop it, your shit takes are tainting based synchros

              • 2 years ago

                >but when he delivers, he truly delivers.
                So not since 2001? Lmao nice cope

                Look at all those sequels and shovelware.
                Seriously though, frick off. Itsuno has never created anything original. He did not create the basics of DMC, Kamiya did.

                What is wrong with making sequels if they're actually good? Originality doesn't = Good.
                Itsuno isn't perfect but neither is Kamiya and maybe it's time to admit he hasn't made anything worth giving a shit about in 20 years other than Scaleboun- oh wait

              • 2 years ago

                >Viewtiful Joe
                >Okami, an unusual title looked fondly upon by many gamers

              • 2 years ago

                It's decent but certainly not great
                , an unusual title looked fondly upon by many gamers
                Hard carried by it's art style and a worse Ocarina of Time

                As I said before it's a QTE spamfest and it plays like a dollar store DMC4 which wasn't great to begin with

                Shit game that bombed not once but twice and is only propped up by Kamiyagays and Mathew

              • 2 years ago

                >QTE spamfest
                You mean all the 6 QTEs (which are extremely predictable) in the first three chapters? Really? That's what you consider a "spamfest"?

              • 2 years ago

                no taste, underdeveloped ability to analyze and appreciate

              • 2 years ago

                >This is all verifiably false
                By who? Donguri?
                >There aren’t
                There are, trust me.
                >Nice pasta
                That isn’t pasta, I phrased my response poorly, sorry about that. Lemme reiterate: I liked DMC when it was willing to do whatever the hell it wished without a care for a fanbase, putting in encounters that in retrospect the series would’ve been better without. It was honestly more enjoyable to me when it did. Fights like Nightmare Leviathan Heart, Lady and Space Harrier Mundus are memorable, not perfect, but memorable.
                V is underdeveloped, so he doesn’t count in my book.

                Based Synchro Chads

            • 2 years ago

              Look at all those sequels and shovelware.
              Seriously though, frick off. Itsuno has never created anything original. He did not create the basics of DMC, Kamiya did.

              • 2 years ago

                originality is overrated and so is DMC1 lol

              • 2 years ago

                >originality is overrated
                As is sequels ala DMCV. Keeping series alive long after having anything meaningful to say or bring to the table.

                You only think DMC1 is original because you're too young to recognize all the stuff it copied.

                It is reminiscent of 80s anime in a sense(i.e Dante) the first sword you obtain is electrical ala Onimusha(2000) and you fight Mundus using Sparda(again, could be inspired by Ludo Harrier/Onimusha but many games/japanese anime have a similar concept, so I would disqualify it on that grounds)
                Doesn’t negate its innovative qualities and its originality which later games have entirely lost.

              • 2 years ago

                >Doesn’t negate its innovative qualities and its originality which later games have entirely lost.
                The later games are way more unique and innovative than DMC1. At its core it's a very basic 3D beat 'em up. The later games focus much more heavily on style, player freedom in combat and complex weapon mechanics which very few games do.

              • 2 years ago

                >Player freedom
                Which is well done, all things considered
                Which suffers when balancing is thrown out the window, which it has been for a while.
                Stuff like SinDT and Faust trivialize any and all challenge from 5. 5 has caught what I like to call ORAS syndrome, where a games undermines it’s gameplay by giving you the tools to break it. The irony of this is that a lot of those casual games would have systems like this that trivialize encounters like the invincibility star from the Mario series.

              • 2 years ago

                The balancing in DMC5 is perfectly fine. By the time Faust becomes accessible in any overpowered fashion the player will already be multiple playthroughs in. SDT rewards high interaction with the style ranking so I don't know why you think it somehow works against it. They're also far from the only powerful options you have, and they're only there for one character.

                Regardless, this is a non sequitur. The argument was about the games being innovative and unique, not their balance.

              • 2 years ago

                Doesn’t matter. It undermines why people DMC or action games as a whole if you can break bossfights by simply using faust and Charging up until Sephiroth tier meteors obliterate the boss. This was not a problem before but ofc now it is.
                >against SDT
                Because it feels like SSJ2 to SSJ. Like the devs were trying to emulate their favorite anime rather than come up with something that works for this series.
                >”It fixes a problem that can crop up in other action games where you find an optimal strategy or your skill increases to the point where you can obliterate normal enemies”

              • 2 years ago

                >This was not a problem before
                Holy water.

                >Like the devs were trying to emulate their favorite anime
                Like Kamiya?

                >come up with something that works for this series
                SDT was introduced in DMC2.

                And again, this is all non sequitur.

              • 2 years ago

                You can break the games in any number of ways throughout the entire series. Royal Guard has been in since 3 and it trivializes every game it's in if you get good enough at it and it's nowhere near the most broken thing you can do

              • 2 years ago

                >It undermines why people DMC
                No, it doesn’t. I play DMC to create my own fun combos and style on enemies. SDT and quad S give me more moves to style with and a chance to use a kick ass finisher when I’m playing well. Faust is fun and while I don’t like the meteor attack from a style perspective, cheesing a boss doesn’t appeal to me because it isn’t fun. I can cheese bosses in tons of games and I simply choose not to do it. Do you have no will power?

                Also beating a level doesn’t grant an instant S rank. In fact, spamming the highest damage moves over and over can often frick up your score because the enemies die to fast to build style. I would love to see you DMD mission 10 run where you S rank spamming Faust and SDT.

              • 2 years ago

                You can break the games in any number of ways throughout the entire series. Royal Guard has been in since 3 and it trivializes every game it's in if you get good enough at it and it's nowhere near the most broken thing you can do

                Seems like we’re arguing fruitlessly. My point hasn’t been getting across. Executional depth is nice and all, but ultimately wears itself out. In a decade, everyone will be able to do all the same tech flawlessly. This isn’t an concession to casualization, but an assurance that a game’s “depth” comes from the right place.
                I like JC’ing my attacks, but it’s not why I liked DMC to begin with. There are many series I could go to for a JC-like experience. What I can’t get elsewhere is the memorable experiences the first and third games gave me by putting stuff in that in retrospect really shouldn’t have been in. The series has ironed out some flaws as it continued, but it’s also lead to homogenization. Before, there was no expectation or formula of what DMC should have, what it bosses should be, what weapons it should include, etc.
                Nowadays, a little variety and everyone kneejerkedly shouts: GIMMICK!

              • 2 years ago

                >Executional depth is nice and all, but ultimately wears itself out. In a decade, everyone will be able to do all the same tech flawlessly.
                This is all verifiably false.

                >There are many series I could go to for a JC-like experience.
                There aren't. There's a handful of similar Platinum titles, and even those are only so similar.

                >What I can’t get elsewhere is the memorable experiences the first and third games gave me by putting stuff in that in retrospect really shouldn’t have been in. The series has ironed out some flaws as it continued, but it’s also lead to homogenization. Before, there was no expectation or formula of what DMC should have, what it bosses should be, what weapons it should include, etc.
                Cool pasta.

                >Nowadays, a little variety and everyone kneejerkedly shouts: GIMMICK!
                DMC5 had an experimental character for 1/4 of its campaign. And that's just one of many things, in one game. What the fan reaction is is irrelevant to the what the game is like.

                You've yet to prove in any capacity that DMC3 onwards is less unique than DMC1. I'm beginning to think you have no interest in doing so.

              • 2 years ago

                >This is all verifiably false
                By who? Donguri?
                >There aren’t
                There are, trust me.
                >Nice pasta
                That isn’t pasta, I phrased my response poorly, sorry about that. Lemme reiterate: I liked DMC when it was willing to do whatever the hell it wished without a care for a fanbase, putting in encounters that in retrospect the series would’ve been better without. It was honestly more enjoyable to me when it did. Fights like Nightmare Leviathan Heart, Lady and Space Harrier Mundus are memorable, not perfect, but memorable.
                V is underdeveloped, so he doesn’t count in my book.

              • 2 years ago

                >By who? Donguri?
                Him, and tons of other players.

                >There are, trust me.
                Trust you? Why?

                >I liked DMC when it was willing to do whatever the hell it wished without a care for a fanbase
                Except it's still just that. DMC5 wouldn't have existed if it weren't for his director wanting to do it. The director also happens to be a fan of the original game himself, much like the creator was a fan of so many other things that influenced the game, and was originally working a property not his own.

                You think DMC5 tried to please people, when the reality is that it is the way it after the developers went through multiple iterations and concluded that this one would be the best for what they were trying to do. It being enjoyed by the fans does not undermine that, as it clearly was not afraid of doing new things they wouldn't like.

                A game doesn't not need to be unagreeably different to be unique. If you think it does, you are just a contrarian.

                >V is underdeveloped, so he doesn’t count in my book.
                Oh, of course he doesn't. Silly me. Of course the character they spent 1/4 for, based the whole plot around, etc. is way much less developed that one Space Harrier section.

                Of course.

              • 2 years ago

                >Him and a lot of other players
                Doesn’t Ganker hate ecelebs with a burning passion? Why does Ganker use them in favor of any substantive argument?
                >It being enjoyed by the fans does not undermine that, as it clearly was not afraid of doing new things they wouldn't like.
                A game doesn't not need to be unagreeably different to be unique. If you think it does, you are just a contrarian.
                I didn’t bother reading the rest. You calling me a Ganker buzzword immediately invalidates anything else you just posted.
                DMC5 is a mostly safe game under the guise of a return to form.
                No amount of reddit spacing will change this.

              • 2 years ago

                Concession accepted

              • 2 years ago

                Have a good night anon.
                Hope you do well on the next video game you play.(no irony, genuinely have a good night)

              • 2 years ago

                >Doesn’t Ganker hate ecelebs with a burning passion?
                Since when is donguri an eceleb? He just posts combo videos. Has anyone even heard his voice?

                >I didn’t bother reading the rest.
                There was just one more line, so I assume you concede the rest.

                >DMC5 is a mostly safe game
                Except for the level design, bringing back Nero, Nero's arms, V, Dr. Faust... Yeah, it's a "mostly safe" game outside of the 2/3 of the game where you don't play Dante and then some.

                Or, you call it safe because it didn't really need to step on anyone's toes to be good.

              • 2 years ago

                >Fights like Nightmare Leviathan Heart, Lady and Space Harrier Mundus are memorable, not perfect, but memorable.
                Christ it's like talking to Matthewmatosis himself. Are you going to start defending Dragon God and Bed of Chaos because they're "memorable" too?
                I agree there's room for innovation in the series but innovation comes at a price. That price being polish, which we can clearly see in 5. V was an attempt at something new and unique, and he was bad. He feels underdeveloped because they didn't really know what they were doing. If anything, 5 pushed the envelope too far, since V is a whole fourth of the gameplay rather than a one-off section.

              • 2 years ago

                >polish vs innovation
                An interesting dilemma.
                >Christ it's like talking to Matthewmatosis himself. Are you going to start defending Dragon God and Bed of Chaos because they're "memorable" too?
                Hell no. They’re terrible fights. That’s not my point however. I liked DMC for different reasons than majority of the fanbase, does this suddenly invalidate my reasons or my previous statements? I value innovation in DMC because for me it’s combat(for me) has been outdone by later titles in the genre and to pretend otherwise, I’d be feigning ignorance.

              • 2 years ago

                You're still looking at 5 through the lens of a standard action game. The fun from 5 isn't its difficulty, it's the freedom to use your tools to "break" the game however you want. It operates on the intrinsic value of doing cool looking things, rather than the extrinsic value of getting high scores, rankings, and completing missions.

              • 2 years ago

                You only think DMC1 is original because you're too young to recognize all the stuff it copied.

        • 2 years ago

          >He doesn’t want Ludo Harrier in his action games
          Woah there. Challenge can also come through varied game types. Maybe if Itsuno and the fanbase realized this we’d have an evolution of Mundus1 in later games instead of basic combat encounters known as DMC4/V bosses.

        • 2 years ago

          itsuno is a huge fan of kamiya's work and kamiya of itsuno's. this entire debate is gay fanboy bullshit.

        • 2 years ago

          at least kamiya doesn't believe that sandbag enemies make for good action

          • 2 years ago


  6. 2 years ago

    post yfw he fails at his shit game and he'll never be able to talk about any other game again

  7. 2 years ago

    Why does Matt hate DMC 5?

    • 2 years ago

      he didn't like the way the series took Dante's personality, besides 1 and 3.

  8. 2 years ago

    I hate pretentious homosexuals like him so much it’s unreal

  9. 2 years ago

    You know it's okay to like both Itsuno and Kamiya's games, right? I don't even understand this argument.

  10. 2 years ago

    This guy only likes the most fricking dull entries of the series, got filtered by any game with modern non gimmicky controls
    How old is this tool?

  11. 2 years ago

    I love DMC1 but I've always felt that Onimusha did the Resident Evil flavored stylish action better

    • 2 years ago

      Onimusha is interesting but doesn’t hold up well. Neither does it have the innovative qualities that made DMC1 a genre defining classic.

  12. 2 years ago

    why do jannies leave matthew threads up?
    every other "reviewer" gets 404'd immediately

  13. 2 years ago

    Yeah I mean, Griffin and Nightmare kind of suck ass. Nelo Angelo is good. But I wouldn't want a whole game about fighting those bosses. DMC1 is the best game in the series thoughever.

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