Minecraft is dead

>Best versions are old ones
>launcher is now bloated adware garbage that takes too long to load
>bugrock being propped up to be the next official main version
>New updates do not address long time problems, nor do they introduce complex features, basically underwhelming official mods
>every new update adds more player restriction
At this point, all it would take is a fresh dev team that just makes what MC used to be with a new coat of paint to dethrone MC

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    >dead due to updates
    >golden age community is thriving
    you didn't even try to use your brain

    • 2 weeks ago

      that almost nobody is interested in
      >community thriving
      5 years ago, sure, today, bleeding comrades.
      But yeah man, sure, we are doing better than ever.

      • 2 weeks ago

        the updates 5 years ago were precisely why it was thriving, but I wasn't talking about them. I said
        >golden age community is thriving
        beta 1.7.3 and older hasn't been this popular since 2011

        • 2 weeks ago

          >golden age meaning beta
          Ah, sorry, I didn't know that. Yeah, but I don't see it as a good thing.
          If people enjoy your beta version more than your finished version you probably messed up along the way.
          Which is why I am saying, a fresh dev team remaking MC could overtake MC

          • 2 weeks ago

            you're right it says a lot, but that's wishful thinking. if you just consider the dire state of Bedrock with all it's unfixed bugs and glitched for years, and how they keep scamming kids out of their money, they won't do anything. They could easily hire 4J Studios to fix Bedrock, outsource it entirely, they wouldn't do that.

            • 2 weeks ago

              A fresh team outside of microsoft.
              IE, some 20 year olds who grew up on MC making their ultimate cave game and evolving the concept their own way.
              Honestly, Create should not have been a mod. Create are way too talented. They should have straight up made their own block game.

              • 2 weeks ago

                That reminds me, what happened with Hytale? Is it cancelled or something? Does it even have the chance to be good?

              • 2 weeks ago

                Hypixel is well beloved, and probably the most competent team to make an MC like, but it was announced way too early and people got angry, especially since it missed the start of the decline.
                A few days ago, I logged on to hypixel and was prompted to watch the trailer and sign up for the beta for rewards. I guess it might be coming soon if they are pushing it again, but it was the 8 year old trailer.

                Worth noting that this might be a disaster. Just because they can run an rpg/minigame server does not mean they have what it takes to design something good from scratch.

  2. 2 weeks ago

    1.6.4 and/or 1.7.10 were peak MC
    only ever updated my private server to 1.10.2 because of plugins and optifine/shaders
    1.12 was the last version i played, everything since has been bloated uninteresting shit
    literally fricking who asked for the end updates or bees or underwater shit or whatever
    kinda wanna go back to 1.6.4/1.7.10 with mods but sadly they're not really supported by shaders so i'm stuck with shitty 1.10/1.12

    • 2 weeks ago

      What do you feel like you would want to see in an MC update?

    • 2 weeks ago

      While it's currently being fricked over by Microsoft Minecraft has always had a problem with figuring out what kind of game it wants to be. Does it want to be an adventure game about exploration and survival? Does it want to be an autism simulator? Does it want to be some kind of weird kids edutainment thing? It's never been able to choose and its always suffered for it.

      >underwater shit or whatever
      People had been asking for ocean content for years

      • 2 weeks ago

        Yeah, I said it up the thread, they ran out of quirky swedish magic in that regard. This makes the fact they are trying to recreate the magic of early minecraft even stranger, because they are trying to recreate potential.

  3. 2 weeks ago

    This image makes me feel uncomfortable.

    • 2 weeks ago

      credit to fingees
      He makes fun cursed videos

      • 2 weeks ago

        He should ass Black folk to Minecraft next

        • 2 weeks ago

          >minecraft thughunter mod

        • 2 weeks ago

          Endermen are already a thing, buddy.

  4. 2 weeks ago

    >game/studio gets acquired by microsoft
    >quality plummets steadily over the course of a decade
    a tale as old as time

    • 2 weeks ago

      Frick bro, they killed tango

  5. 2 weeks ago

    >hey guys look I made this fun mod it's totally not me animating it and pretending its real ignore all the proof that it's fake
    >download link? NAAAHHHHH man you don't need one! Just keep watching my weirdly smooth totally not preprogrammed animations I pretend are mods!
    I hate this guy so much

    • 2 weeks ago

      My man, they are very clearly staged to be creepy and not as real mod showcases.
      This is like going to a magician and saying "it is all a trick tho, hack"

    • 2 weeks ago

      Damn dude whats next, gunna tell me wrestling is fake?mjm4s

      • 2 weeks ago

        yknow what isnt fake about wrestling? kevin nash getting violated sexually by nigerian gentlemen in 92

  6. 2 weeks ago

    As someone who still plays Minecraft on occasion it feels played out. Ultimately the game is old and basically everything has been done. They release updates but nothing is particularly revolutionary. I don't know what the game could give me that i haven't already gotten from it at this point.

    Saying that, if we're being sincere, most updates since The Aquatic Update have been good. There's some questionable choices and implementations but larger caves, the nether update, reefs and a bunch of small things like water elevators and changes to minecarts have been good. It's just not enough, new or exciting to keep me playing though

    • 2 weeks ago

      is that an issue though?
      for most people, revisiting the game for two weeks at a time is enough. players keep coming back for a little while and go. besides, they have generations of children playing for the first time all of the time. and for everyone who played the game for at least 10 years, it's completely fine to stop playing, you definitely got your money's worth.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >is that an issue though?
        Not really no. I think the current Mojang philosophy is fine. They release sporadically, enough to keep the game in the public consciousness. Kids and people who pick the game up once a year or so are surely entertained enough

    • 2 weeks ago

      I think the problem is that mojang is terrified of changing major systems at this point, even if it is something as complained about as crafting or inventory. They keep adding random bullshit to the game that only has one function like an amateur modding team. I also think the quirky sweedish magic is running out. At a certain point, you have to look at a game from the point of view of a game designer and figure out what works, what doesn't, and how to make it more rewarding with risk reward. Geb's philosophy is fricking stupid and out of touch with what people like about the game.
      They should have made an MC 2 back after 1.8, putting a final bow on one part of the game, and then taking brave new ideas going forward.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >I think the problem is that mojang is terrified of changing major systems at this point
        I think this is right and i've made this point in /mcg/ a couple of times. If you look at Notch's original vision the game was very strict and minimalist. Notch has joked that slabs were a mistake but in reality everything had its purpose and was very defined. Skeletons are ranged, Zombies are melee, Creepers sneak, they're all unique in the behaviours. I think Mojang is caught between two worlds, not adding anything to keep a minimalist vibe and adding new stuff and worrying about bloat. They end up trying to keep a foot in each camp with very non-committal things, passive mobs and archaeology which are both easy to avoid for example. Nothing really changes the formula they're just tweaking things around the edges.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Ever since late 1.19 and early 1.20, a couple of different block game projects popped up. Every once in a while I check up on them. I think this genre needs competition and iteration, and I think now that the community is less loyal to the brand, there is a chance to do so

    • 2 weeks ago

      I fricking hate how rare iron is now, other than that all the new animals and shit feel like useless additions.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Ore distribution is pretty stupid in 1.18 onwards. It is completely tonedeaf to the risk rewards systems of the game and how people play it.
        Find myself running out of redstone, iron, and lapis frequently
        I hate having to gather wood, iron, and coal for half an hour every fresh world I make

  7. 2 weeks ago

    why are there suddenly hundreds of horror themed mods that have some variation of creature with this exact same head?

    • 2 weeks ago

      You are thinking of the cavedweller.
      Minecraft already lends itself to horror, so, after the warden came out, a bunch of stuff naturally flowed from there.

      • 2 weeks ago

        oh that makes sense.

  8. 2 weeks ago

    I'm not defending Microsoft of nu-Minecraft, but those charges could be literally leveled at any gaming product now.

    - Best versions are old ones? I could 'Fall out' of my chair with the number of games this applies to.
    - Launcher is bloated adware garbage? Have you ever turned on an Xbox or a PS5? Steam? A switch?
    - New updates do not address long time problems? I cry in Counterstrike

    The real question is why is everything always trending to shit?

    • 2 weeks ago

      I have been trying to figure this out for years. I have no fricking idea.
      Western fine art and animation had the same death cycles decades ago, and it never got back up. This ugly cycle with gaming is helping shed some lighting on what is happening here.

      Probably businessman structure and art should not mix. What sounds good to a committee is completely out of touch with what creates good art and a healthy artistic medium

  9. 2 weeks ago

    being propped up to be the next official main version
    i wish they would just fricking DO IT and stopped making nonpatches so the neophiles in the modding community can finally stop version chasing and focus on one singular version of the game

    • 2 weeks ago

      What do you mean? You will still need to chase version, just on a buggier, worse version of the game

      • 2 weeks ago

        what do YOU mean? bedrock isn't moddable, how the frick else would they sell the garbage skins in the shop?

        • 2 weeks ago

          No, it is moddable, you just have to sell your mods through the shop.

  10. 2 weeks ago

    use PolyMC, ignore bedrock, just don't update to the latest version if it matters that much

    1.16.5 is supported enough that you can use shaders or distant horizonss, has plenty of QoL and performance mods, and it doesn't have all the garbage they introduced from 1.17 and after

    • 2 weeks ago

      Sure, but I also kind of want to see the genre evolve.
      For example, MC always remains a debug game, you keep the f3 around and you check the wiki every so often. I would have wanted to see updates that tried to make the game more independent in that regard.
      If you had no wiki or debug, MC would be really annoying, and you would probably never find the nether or the end.

      • 2 weeks ago

        M$ will probably sue anyone who tries

        • 2 weeks ago

          Except, there have been a decent amount of games building on the idea, and the idea itself built on other games. There was even a square enix MC style game, and BOTW takes elements from MC as well. I just think something more close to the game itself, but completely changing the risk reward systems would do well.

  11. 2 weeks ago

    Beta gays are one of 2 types. 10% are just nostalgic for when they were younger and it wasn’t written in stone that they were losers yet. The other 90% are a bunch of chronically online homosexuals that listen to moronic opinions on YT/4lulz and then adopt those opinions to try to appear superior because they listened to some YouTube video essay by a pretentious gay about older Minecraft that they weren’t even around for originally. have a nice day if you do this btw

  12. 2 weeks ago

    i like 1.7.10 cus it has ars magicka 2

  13. 2 weeks ago

    did any of yall Black folk ever play minecraft in vr? how was it?

  14. 2 weeks ago

    >Best versions are old ones
    Are you not able to play older versions? I pirated Minecraft years ago and am pretty sure I can play all the previous versions as well as the new ones.
    Haven't played in a while, but aren't there also like a bajilion modpacks to choose from now?

  15. 2 weeks ago

    The first poor choice made was making the Nether a seperate dimension rather than functioning as an underground. The game's strengths are almost exclusively mining and building. The next mistake was beds, basically everything added in Beta 1.8, then the consistently worsening trivialization of transportation. Railways are good because they require building, whereas sprinting, horses, elytras, boats etc. don't. While we've had good additions (my personal favourites being 1.13, 1.16 and 1.18) from time to time, the game has strayed too far from its strengths.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Beds really did hurt the game. Instead of having to navigate through the night's dangers, you simply put down the bed and sleep off the night before the sun's even gone down.

      • 2 weeks ago

        the least they could have done is to make sheep only drop wool with shears. for years, that would've forced players to be a bit more strategic on their first night.

    • 2 weeks ago

      All of these are fair, but having fast transport or dimension is also fair.
      Again, this is why iterations are needed. Every single street fighter game plays completely differently, It takes ideas from the previous ones and expands on them in different directions that all could have their own appeal.
      There should have been minecraft 2 years ago, but they will never do it because it will divide their community

      • 2 weeks ago

        it's funny how years ago, they actually did exactly that and made a Minecraft 2. It's called Bedrock, it imitates Minecraft 1, is bug ridden, much more profitable, has less features, runs worse on some platforms and just literally divides the community.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I would not call bedrock MC2. It was just an attempt to get MC on mobile. Making a sequel involves actually looking at the ups and down of the game and making creative decisions on how to make it better or different

          • 2 weeks ago

            yeah I'd agree but since that's what they did, a shitty mobile port, there's no hope they would ever do a proper sequel

            • 2 weeks ago

              Yeah, neither mojang nor microsoft seem ready for that undertaking

  16. 2 weeks ago

    banjo won

  17. 2 weeks ago

    All Vintage Story needs to dethrone Minecraft is to get itself on Steam.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I thought it was an MC mod
      That is some terrible PR on their end.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I don't like the artstyle, or how it plays.

  18. 2 weeks ago

    I'm enjoying my aether 2 mod.

    • 2 weeks ago

      aether 2?

  19. 2 weeks ago

    >New update dropped
    >Literally fricking nothing
    >Next update won't even attempt to add the biomes expansions from 2018
    >We'll get another mob vote with one good mob and two shitty ones
    >The shitty ones will win
    >Still no palm trees

    • 2 weeks ago

      >one good mob and two shitty ones
      Most of them have been shitty, and none of them have been well thought out or meaningful to the game as a whole

      • 2 weeks ago

        That's the problem - they can add those mobs like it's nothing but choose to be convoluted about adding stuff to the game.

        • 2 weeks ago

          it's engagement farming, the game's on life support between whatever minimally viable update they decide to push out next

          • 2 weeks ago

            I'm aware of that, and thankfully the masses are catching on to what they're doing too.

        • 2 weeks ago

          The foot on both sides example that this poster said

          >I think the problem is that mojang is terrified of changing major systems at this point
          I think this is right and i've made this point in /mcg/ a couple of times. If you look at Notch's original vision the game was very strict and minimalist. Notch has joked that slabs were a mistake but in reality everything had its purpose and was very defined. Skeletons are ranged, Zombies are melee, Creepers sneak, they're all unique in the behaviours. I think Mojang is caught between two worlds, not adding anything to keep a minimalist vibe and adding new stuff and worrying about bloat. They end up trying to keep a foot in each camp with very non-committal things, passive mobs and archaeology which are both easy to avoid for example. Nothing really changes the formula they're just tweaking things around the edges.

          is spot on, because at the same time they want to add meaningless mobs and updates and big changes.
          One way that they do it is pushing it into late game.
          The new hammer thing is gonna be a huge change... to post game players

      • 2 weeks ago

        >New update dropped
        >Literally fricking nothing
        >Next update won't even attempt to add the biomes expansions from 2018
        >We'll get another mob vote with one good mob and two shitty ones
        >The shitty ones will win
        >Still no palm trees

        >minecraft first night is absolutely iconic
        >add cheap beds that instantly skip it
        >add sprinting that disarms every enemy
        >add a mob that forces you to skip it
        This is how they killed minecraft

  20. 2 weeks ago

    >New updates do not address long time problems, nor do they introduce complex features, basically underwhelming official mods
    We just got the autocrafter

  21. 2 weeks ago

    1.7.4 is where it's at

    • 2 weeks ago

      What was so special with 1.7.4?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Doesn't exist, 1.7.3 was the last update before they threw out the old terrain generation and introduced the adventure update and hunger.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Doesn't exist

  22. 2 weeks ago

    >hire the mo creatures guy
    >add horses, foxes and pandas
    >thats it

    • 2 weeks ago

      They hired the aether guy and significantly limited his original idea. The final warden is way lamer than the trailer and concept art.

  23. 2 weeks ago

    >mojang updates are worthless
    >70% of good mods or good versions of mods are on 1.12 or 1.7.10
    >played what feels like every good modpack
    tell me if im overthinking it but isn't it strange how there's no "survival" modpacks anymore? like its all hardcore tech autism where you build a cobble shitbox and watch machines do work for you. I remember when I was younger, stuff like crash landing or blood and bones was more popular. now I go on the curseforge modpack page and my eyes glaze over. I think the last time I genuinely had fun playing minecraft was when I hosted for friends and we made a little village.

    • 2 weeks ago

      The recent one I can think of is create.
      But yeah, not much survival expansion

  24. 2 weeks ago

    it hurts me physically when i go to the store and see on the cereal boxes and whatnot "GET FREE MINECOINS" the kids are being scammed.

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