
109 posts · 7 months ago

Buy an IPS they said...

44 posts · 7 months ago

Rogue Trader will save CRPGs.

531 posts · 7 months ago

Kingdom Hearts

89 posts · 7 months ago

Dragon's Dogma II

444 posts · 7 months ago

Republic Commando but not likeable

82 posts · 7 months ago

Find a flaw

37 posts · 7 months ago

Japanese games be like...

37 posts · 7 months ago

Thoughts on the NSMB series?

43 posts · 7 months ago

Should Amy Rose look more like this?

34 posts · 7 months ago

what kinda guy did you play?

261 posts · 7 months ago

Mandela effect in Gaming

39 posts · 7 months ago

Was ending E really necessary?

123 posts · 7 months ago

This game's actually pretty awesome.

51 posts · 7 months ago

Posted without comment

168 posts · 7 months ago

When will she ever get a cross-over

48 posts · 7 months ago

Who's the strongest servant?

66 posts · 7 months ago

What makes japan so superior?

94 posts · 7 months ago

>this series scared zoomers stiff

30 posts · 7 months ago


99 posts · 7 months ago

I am a dirty granny boomer by now.

49 posts · 7 months ago

Master Duel

533 posts · 7 months ago