107 posts · 2 years ago

Monster Hunter

531 posts · 2 years ago

XCOM Thread

21 posts · 2 years ago

The great debate

203 posts · 2 years ago

ITT: sequels that ruined the series

109 posts · 2 years ago

Play Blood Bowl

22 posts · 2 years ago

>256MB RAM. >256MB VRAM

75 posts · 2 years ago

>Still no replace for Titanfall

23 posts · 2 years ago

the world is healing

180 posts · 2 years ago

Why does Mads like Kojima so much?

110 posts · 2 years ago

Baldur's Gate

24 posts · 2 years ago


18 posts · 2 years ago

FF7 Remake is soulless

320 posts · 2 years ago