
57 posts · 3 years ago

You cannot debate this.

46 posts · 3 years ago

/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday

53 posts · 3 years ago

>medieval-style fantasy rpg

50 posts · 3 years ago

I love Nia!

50 posts · 3 years ago

Why are Nintendo fans like this

49 posts · 3 years ago

Can it be saved?

20 posts · 3 years ago

Absolutely fricking based

57 posts · 3 years ago

And so begins the downward slide.

47 posts · 3 years ago

It should have been him

53 posts · 3 years ago

Her thighs shouldn't be that big.

48 posts · 3 years ago

Why was it so terrible?

19 posts · 3 years ago

what a fricking piece of shit

47 posts · 3 years ago

ITT: we act like it's 1995

52 posts · 3 years ago

How's everyone enjoying the GOTY?

24 posts · 3 years ago

Subtle videogame clothing thread

50 posts · 3 years ago