should we be worried?

18 posts · 3 years ago

>46 days left for SMTV

27 posts · 3 years ago

How true is this?

65 posts · 3 years ago

What went wrong?

21 posts · 3 years ago

Post vidya game dragons

23 posts · 3 years ago

>long haired twink in a speedo

26 posts · 3 years ago

Wtf is this shit.

28 posts · 3 years ago

What did Xbox mean by this?

18 posts · 3 years ago

>TF2 in 2021

18 posts · 3 years ago

Stop being mean to dev

26 posts · 3 years ago

DMC V is so good holy shit

22 posts · 3 years ago

How will the remake butcher her?

17 posts · 3 years ago

>buy 3080ti

28 posts · 3 years ago