girls with bombs

26 posts · 3 years ago

ITT: Vaporhardware

25 posts · 3 years ago

Zoomers fear this.

26 posts · 3 years ago

This is what gaming has become.

24 posts · 3 years ago

>Getting the Jester award on Steam

23 posts · 3 years ago

>Getting the Jester award on Steam

28 posts · 3 years ago


25 posts · 3 years ago

*fixes your vidya*

26 posts · 3 years ago

why haven't you bought it yet?

15 posts · 3 years ago

>mop is 9 years old today

22 posts · 3 years ago

Male Gankeridya characters

22 posts · 3 years ago

>start single-player game

25 posts · 3 years ago

It's not as good as AOE2

21 posts · 3 years ago

Do we still like Ryza?

18 posts · 3 years ago

It wasn't that FRICKING BAD

25 posts · 3 years ago