Here's your Princess Peach bro.

68 posts · 3 years ago

How hyped are you for SMTV?

62 posts · 3 years ago

don't you want a rematch?

19 posts · 3 years ago

what is / vr / 's opinion on this?

20 posts · 3 years ago

The best.

81 posts · 3 years ago

Can video games be scary?

63 posts · 3 years ago

What was her problem?

53 posts · 3 years ago

>62 refs

27 posts · 3 years ago

Do you miss Project Gotham Racing?

54 posts · 3 years ago

Ganker will defend this

22 posts · 3 years ago

Lmao what the frick nigga

26 posts · 3 years ago

You playing D2 perma zoomed in?

57 posts · 3 years ago

>2 decades old.

22 posts · 3 years ago

Post level design porn.

81 posts · 3 years ago

>devs browse Ganker

23 posts · 3 years ago

Are videogames art?

68 posts · 3 years ago

You *can* do this, right Ganker?

21 posts · 3 years ago