Miyamoto hates rareware Donkey Kong and another 15 year old port is the proof of it

Miyamoto hates rareware Donkey Kong and another 15 year old port is the proof of it

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    >Donkey Kong and another 15 year old port is the proof of it

    • 2 weeks ago

      Proof that BK will always be better than SM64.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Nintendo wouldn't even give a shit about 3d games if it weren't for Rareware and Argonaut. Ironically it was the same game series that taught Nintendo how to make 3d games which they used to smear rare before they left.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Nintendo wouldn't even give a shit about 3d games if it weren't for Rareware and Argonaut.
          Bullshit. The market was moving towards 3-D in 95 and Nintendo had to either join or get left in the dust. They kinda did by not abandoning cartridges which denied them FMV and larger music files CD gave PSX, Saturn and Dreamcast.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Nintendo had made the right call sticking to cartridges. The market rewarded the wrong decision of moving to discs when actual game assets generally weren't big enough to justify moving to a slower format while the consoles didn't have enough ram and cpu speed to load shit in without constant loading screens.
            All that extra space was just wasted on niceities that didn't truly make games better, like FMVs and redbook audio.

            • 2 weeks ago

              PS1 games really have aged terribly as an experience while N64 ones have stood the test of time.

              • 2 weeks ago

                The frick are you smoking? Ooc and SM64 are janky pieces of shit by today’s standards.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Tomb Raider and Jumping Flash were janky pieces of shit in 1996

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Tomb Raider and Jumping Flash were janky pieces of shit in 1996
                Kek. The best looking thing on PS1 was Crash and that was only because of their tunnel level design.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >Nintendo whining
              You're just mad you got inferior versions of games PSX had.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >driving off every third party developer was the right call

          • 2 weeks ago

            >which denied them FMV
            Thank God for that

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Bullshit. The market was moving towards 3-D in 95 and Nintendo had to either join or get left in the dust.
            They never gave a shit until Sony stepped in the picture. Sega was just about buck broke from thinking Nintendo was "competing" against them using inferior, cheaper technology. It wasn't until Rare and other developers started utilizing the SNES better than Nintendo did they cave and try to make little carts more powerful than their system and only for a select few games.

            >They kinda did by not abandoning cartridges
            Because they couldn't afford to lol. They didn't want to pay for the licensing and the only reason GameCube got dicks was because they crawled back to phillips for a special no sony profit mini disk. I won't even mention the company they asked permission for to keep using carts on the N64.

            I love how buttmad snoys and segautists just run with any fricking narritive based on poorly translated sentences from 1992 they read on google. Nintendo developed Mario 64 paired with analog standard controllers and ushered in the 3D era of gaming. Starfox is dead as shit trash rail shooter and is never coming back. Croc wasn't even developed with analog inputs in mind until Nintendo showed them how to do it LMAO.

            >Nintendo developed Mario 64 paired with analog standard controllers and ushered in the 3D era of gaming.
            >Croc wasn't even developed with analog inputs in mind until Nintendo showed them how to do it LMAO.
            And right after they showed them how to use a brand new technology they conveniently developed Mario 64 along side Crock. Oh then there's the other game they ripped from Argonaut: Starfox 64, conveniently polished up after the first year where they had a grand total of two first party titles (one of them being a plane game developed by a 3d simulation company). Basically they bait developers into developing for their hardware then "quality control" in the background where they learn how to actually make the fricking game in question.
            I still find it finny how people think Miyamoto actually made a videogame when he didn't even know how to program when he started at Nintendo.

            >Starfox is dead as shit trash rail shooter and is never coming back.
            It was lighting in a bottle for N64 then Ciggy Shiggy killed it because he got envious of a Rare game. I'm not meming rofl, I couldn't make this shit up if I tried.

            • 2 weeks ago

              No thanks. I got my dose of arguing with autistic baldfats yesterday. Find someone else to entertain yourself with.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Nta but I accept your defeat, tendieweeb.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Take it. It means nothing to me. Cheers.

              • 2 weeks ago

                You were beaten soundly with the truth about Jap hubris. It's ok.

              • 2 weeks ago


              • 2 weeks ago

                >No thanks. I got my dose of arguing with autistic baldfats yesterday
                Did you think today would be different? One day after a fricking Nintendo Direct? How new are you?

        • 2 weeks ago

          I love how buttmad snoys and segautists just run with any fricking narritive based on poorly translated sentences from 1992 they read on google. Nintendo developed Mario 64 paired with analog standard controllers and ushered in the 3D era of gaming. Starfox is dead as shit trash rail shooter and is never coming back. Croc wasn't even developed with analog inputs in mind until Nintendo showed them how to do it LMAO.

        • 2 weeks ago

          This is a fake quote, and the fact people share it knowingly just to be mad as well as believing it just to be mad tells enough.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I share it because it's funny to imagine some schmuck couldn't outdo Rare's 3d effects using fx chipse and actual 3D. Also how he never denied it outright, or even has the courage to actually mention the comment.

            • 2 weeks ago

              That's nice sweetie

              >driving off every third party developer was the right call

              Yeah it's true. They weren't getting them anyway. sony had the in house disc advantage and Nintendo was never going to have that. Even sega with discs fricking ate shit and died. so they focused on their own competitive advantage instead and lived to see another day.

      • 2 weeks ago

        DKC is fantastic, but BK better than SM64? What the frick are you smoking? Game has almost no platforming outside Rusty Bucket Bay engine room (which is good, only shitters complain about this).

        • 2 weeks ago

          BK does not reset the level each time you grab a jiggy.

  2. 2 weeks ago

    >another 15 year old port
    Let's be real here though, Returns has NEVER gotten an acceptable version released outside of China's nvidia shield release whch was also a very barebones upscale of the Wii version. The original Wii version is plagued with shitty motion controls, the 3ds version has fun new content and button controls but the performance is just downgraded all around. So with the HD Switch remaster they finally are created the definitive version with all the added content, the button controls and a little extra visual polish ie actual fur on the Kongs. Also, no bullshit like "Funky mode" or giving DK a nosejob like the horrible Switch port of Troopical Freeze. What was Retro Studios smoking with that one?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Yeah, of course Ganker morons decided to suddenly take a stand against a fantastic game that never got a good official release like DKCR but will gladly slurp up a censored downgrade all around like Paper Mario TTYD on Switch.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Wtf is this exaggeration of the motion controls? They were barely present and certainly not for the platforming.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Wtf is this exaggeration of the motion controls? They were barely present and certainly not for the platforming.
        Rolling isn't just an attack method it is an inherent platforming skill. If the only motion controls were for ground pounding then yes it wouldn't nearly as big of an issue as it is.

  3. 2 weeks ago

    Rareware DKC trilogy were more well received and sold better than any of his games.

  4. 2 weeks ago

    >Nintendo releases a whale of a console
    >Finally, funding for good shit!
    >It’s all rehashes and ports.
    Damn it. The worst part is that the new consumer base doesn’t understand why those of us who have been around for decades are butt hurt. We’ve been phased out.

  5. 2 weeks ago

    Miyamoto never said he disliked the Rare DKC games.

  6. 2 weeks ago

    homie the Rare DKC games are already on NSO, Nintendo obviously has no interest in remaking any of their old SNES games and DKCR was previously trapped on Wii (and 3DS I guess) and they have a DK theme park based almost exclusively on it so obviously they were gonna port that instead.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    Imagine coming up with some games, each one being a gigantic hit that makes you a gigantic name in the marketplace. Nintendo is a thing now, it would be THE thing if not for that blasted hedgehog suddenly, but no matter, everyone knows Nintendo is the one. Fricking Mario. Fricking Zelda. Holy shit, we're the kings of the world, we're number one, how much higher can we even go?
    Oh, another Donkey Kong game? Yeah give it to that company who made Battletoads they're all right.
    Suddenly, by far and away, your champion, Mario, has been absolutely blown to smithereens by a handful of British guys. Graphically, very much so. Musically, even more so. But most terribly of all, in the place that matters most: gameplay.

  8. 2 weeks ago

    Nippontendo has openly despised the old DiC Cartoons, Argonaut & Rare for a long time because they're not from glorious Nippon, including purging any canon elements that originated in the west such as the 7 koopalings being Bowser's children

  9. 2 weeks ago

    I actually kinda agree that the first DKC was mediocre. The rest of rares games were great but they had a bit of growing pains with DKC 1

  10. 2 weeks ago

    >outsourced to the fricking PD/HotD remake devs

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